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    Important mental health questions answered by an expert UAE psychiatrist

    While mental health continues to be a growing topic of conversation, there are still many questions surrounding mental health issues.
    As yesterday marked World Mental Health Day, Emirates Woman consulted specialist psychiatrist Dr Laila Mahmoud from Medcare Hospitals & Medical Centres to answer some extremely important question surrounding mental health in the UAE and beyond.

    From helping your own mental health, to helping those close to you – here’s some key questions you need to answers to.
    World Mental Health Day is, of course, an important day to mark mental health awareness, but how can we ensure this continues all year round?
    Mental health is as important as physical health. We need both a healthy body and mind to achieve a peaceful, stable life.

    Around one billion people around the world suffer from mental illness, with one person every second committing suicide. Yet, relatively few people around the world have access to quality mental health services.
    According to studies conducted by The National Institute of Mental Health statistics, a third of people suffering from mental illness never consulted a psychiatrist, and never were on psychiatric treatment, whether medication or psychotherapy or both.
    Stigma, discrimination, punitive legislation and human rights abuses are boundaries in some countries that stop them from delivering proper mental health services. It is more important today, than ever, to draw peoples’ attention toward the need for better and more easily accessible treatment facilities. The pandemic has caused a hike in the numbers of patients seeking psychiatric help, and awareness drives like Mental Health Day will help fight the stigma around seeking help.
    Where can I get help for my mental health in the UAE?
    The UAE is constantly working towards making health services easily accessible to its residents, and this is also true with mental health facilities. There are a lot of experts in the UAE that deliver high-quality professional treatment in line with the latest guidelines advised by the World Health Organisation, whether it is through the government hospitals or within the private sector.
    What signs should you look for when you should go and see someone about your mental health?
    Look for changes in:
    Mood: Are you anxious, sad, irritable?
    Thinking: Are your thoughts not clear? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Could you be overthinking? Are you having obsessive thoughts or actions? Do these ideas interfere with my daily activities? Are my thoughts making it difficult for me to deal with others? Is there a lack of thoughts or sense of dissociation?
    Appetite: Have I been eating more or less than usual?
    Sleep: Am I sleeping for longer or fewer hours? Is this change having a negative impact on my daily life?
    Activities: Do I feel a loss of interest in life and any pleasurable activities? Do I have death wishes or fear death and illness?
    Can you talk us through mental health issues?
    Anxiety, in simple words, is the failure of a person to cope with stress, leading to tunnel vision, feeling overwhelmed and overly anxious. These are often combined with somatic complaints like headaches, dizziness, tremors, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, feeling tightness in the chest, and sense of impending death. Someone suffering from anxiety may not experience all of these symptoms, but is likely to feel a combination of a few of them.
    What is the best way to check on someone else’s mental health?
    The first step we take as psychiatrists is to talk to the patient. This is followed by a mental state examination for assessment, evaluation and diagnosis. Some laboratory tests may be needed to exclude organic causes before establishing a proper diagnosis.
    Given the pandemic, it’s more important than ever to check on people. Would you agree?
    Yes, social support is a main factor in the treatment plan of any mental disorder. It speeds up the rate of improvement, increases the adherence to treatment, and helps the patient to return back to normal life. Research has found that the presence of good social support delays the onset of illness, postpones the progression and fastens the response to treatment, and helps in maintaining and adherence of the treatment for long periods, therefore preventing relapse.
    What causes depression?
    Depression is bio-socio-environmental, which simply means there are multiple factors:
    Biological: caused by neurotransmitter imbalance
    Social: caused by loneliness, divorce, being widowed, lack of support from family or friends
    Environmental: caused by high emotional expression families, high critical and stressful environment, unhealthy lifestyle, or stress of immigration and loneliness
    What causes anxiety?
    Anxiety is a neurotransmitter imbalance of serotonin that leads to increase in stress-induced hormones (cortisol and adrenaline). This leads to failure of the capacity of the person to deal with stress and tension. The patient usually experiences an anxious mood, overthinking, feeling overwhelmed, and somatic complaints like poor appetite and sleep disturbances.
    How can I speak to and help someone with a mental health problem like depression or anxiety?
    First: Let them acknowledge their feeling, and allow them the time and space to express it.
    Second: Understand that it is an illness that results from a chemical imbalance. It is the same as iron deficiency anaemia, so it is not because they have a weak personality or poor faith in the good. They will recover soon as the chemical imbalance is corrected.
    Third: Everything is based on your perception. Look at the illness intellectually, not emotionally, so as not to be drained in an emotional trap of failure and disappointment. Help people understand that it just an illness to be treated. Take the medicine as prescribed and give it time. Psychotherapy can help as well.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature Image: Pexels More

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    9 questions you should ask yourself to check on your own mental health

    This World Mental Health Day we are encouraging people to check in on themselves as well as others.
    In the fast-paced world of technology and a hectic year of uncertainty with the COVID-19 pandemic, the conversation surrounding mental health has never been more prevalent than ever.

    While, of course, we want to ensure others are okay, you also need to check in on yourself from time-to-time to ensure your own mental health is okay.
    Emirates Woman chatted to specialist psychiatrist Dr Laila Mahmoud from Medcare Hospitals & Medical Centres here in the UAE about some key questions you should ask yourself in order to check on your mental health.
    How am I feeling today?

    What is my mood like every morning? Am I energetic, lazy, motivated or uninspired?
    How am I performing with my daily life activities?
    How is my appetite? Has it increased or decreased?
    How are my sleeping habits? Am I feeling rested? Do I wake up tired?
    What are my areas of interest?
    What are the things that keep me happy?
    How do I perceive life?
    What are the thoughts floating around in my mind?
    By asking these simple questions, it could help identify some mental health issues you may going through and pinpoint whether you should seek further help or not.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature Image: Pexels More

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    2 incredible women are teaming up together – Meghan Markle and Malala Yousafzai

    Two incredible and inspirational women are coming together to celebrate an important cause.
    Meghan Markle and Malala Yousafzai are teaming up together to celebrate the International Day of the Girl on Sunday, October 11. It outlines the importance of women’s rights to education.

    According to Harper’s Bazaar US, the Duchess of Sussex will join Malala, along with Prince Harry, for a live video chat which will be streamed on YouTube. The publication reports they will discuss “why it’s essential that we champion every girl’s right to learn”.
    Malala has continually advocated for girls’ rights to education. She rose to global prominence in 2012 after being shot in the head by Taliban gunmen as she boarded her school bus in north-west Pakistan.

    The teen first became a target for the regime after defying a ban issued in 2009 forbidding girls to go to school and penning an anonymous blog for the BBC highlighting life under Taliban rule with a personal emphasis on women’s right to education.
    She went on to become the youngest person ever to Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, being just 17-years-old. The human rights activist went to go on to begin her studies at Oxford University in 2017, where she recently graduated from.
    Meghan herself has also been a keen advocate for women’s rights undertaking many projects when she was based in the UK to help females and continues to do so now she’s based in Los Angeles.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature Image: Sussex Royal Instagram/Malala Instagram More

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    The UAE becomes the first country to reach this milestone in COVID-19 testing

    Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the United Arab Emirates has been a leader in COVID-19 testing.

    Now, the nation has reached a major milestone – it has become the first country in the world where the amount of tests conducted has exceeded the population. It should be noted this applies to countries with populations of over one million.
    As of this week, the UAE has carried over 10.32 million tests since COVID-19 was officially confirmed as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation in March. It’s currently estimated the UAE populations is at around 9.6 million.
    In a press briefing earlier this week, official spokesperson for the UAE government, Dr Omar Al Hammadi, explained that in the seven day period from September 30 to October 6 there had been 720,802 tests conducted.
    According to Dr Al Hammadi, this is an 8 per cent increase week on week.
    As the country continues its mass testing strategy, cases have been rising in recent weeks and the government has reaffirmed the need for social distancing.
    To date, the UAE has had 101,840 confirmed cases of COVID-19. At present, 9,694 of those are active cases and there have been 436 deaths.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature Image: Visit Dubai Instagram More

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    A step-by-step guide for checking your breasts properly for signs of cancer

    IN PARTNERSHIP: As October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’re encouraging you to face your fears head-on and not to let fear neglect your health. Emirates Woman spoke to Dr Rita Daaboul, a Consultant General Surgeon at Medcare Women and Children Hospital (MWCH), about how important it is to get your breasts checked and how early detection is key for curing breast cancer.
    While breast cancer generally occurs in older-aged women, in about half the number of breast cancer cases occur in those under 50 years of age, and as such, tends to be more aggressive. This is why it is even more important to spread the message of breast awareness and early detection, as well as remind all women to check their breasts.

    It may seem daunting to get your breasts checked, but with new technology, mammograms are now less uncomfortable. It’s a seamless process and with the all-female staff at MWCH’s breast care clinic, which includes the radiologists, they ensure everyone who is there feels comfortable during their check-ups. It vital really to check your breasts regularly, 15 minutes of your time could be responsible for adding another 15 years to your life.

    Dr Daaboul’s key advice for breast cancer awareness
    Talk us through how to exactly check your breasts properly

    Step 1
    Undress from the waist up and stand in front of the mirror. Look in the mirror with your arms by your side. Notice the shape. Look for dimpling (a ‘dent’ in the smooth contour of the breasts) and nipple changes (such as a rash or ‘pulled in’ appearance). Look for differences between the two breasts.
    Step 2
    Look at your breasts in the mirror with your hands on your hips and your chest muscles tightened. Again, look for changes in the breast shape, the nipple appearance or differences between the breasts.
    Step 3
    Look at your breasts with your arms raised high above your head. The breasts should move up slightly and equally when the arms are raised. Areas of dimpling may be more obvious in this position.
    Step 4
    Next, feel your breasts for lumps. This can be done while standing or lying, but is better when lying down. Use your flattened fingers to feel each part of the breast. This can be done in circles, in strips up and down the breast, or by examining each quadrant (quarter) of the breast in turn. The most important thing is to make sure that you feel the whole breast, as well as underneath the nipple.
    The common breast cancer symptoms?
    The symptoms of breast cancer depend on where the tumour is in the breast, the size of the tumour and how quickly it is growing.
    Breast changes that may indicate breast cancer include:
    a new lump or lumpiness, especially if it’s only in one breast
    a change in the size or shape of the breast
    a change to the nipple, such as crusting, ulcer, redness or inversion
    a nipple discharge that occurs without squeezing
    a change in the skin of the breast such as redness or dimpling.
    Are there different types of breast cancer?
    Yes, there are different types of breast cancer, with some types being far more aggressive than others. The most important part of breast cancer, however, is the stage at which it presents. The earlier it is detected, the more likely it can easily be treated and cured. Breast cancer awareness, and breast cancer screening, can save lives. It is vital to detect it before it has had a chance to enlarge locally, or spread beyond the breast.

    What are the misconceptions surrounding breast cancer?
    The most common misconception is that somehow, performing a needle biopsy on a breast cancer to diagnose it, can actually spread the cancer more readily, or even make it more aggressive. Although this may be true for other specific types of cancer in some other organs, we can safely perform a needle biopsy on breast cancer, without this having any effect whatsoever on its behaviour.
    What are the most common ages that are affected by the disease?
    Breast cancer, in general, occurs more often in older-aged women. As women get older, each decade over 40 increases the risk of breast cancer significantly. However, breast cancers may occur in those under 50 years of age, and as such, tends to be more aggressive. This is why it is even more important to spread the message of breast awareness and early detection, as well as remind all women to check their breasts.
    What is the treatment for breast cancer? 
    The treatment of breast cancer involves more than one speciality in medicine, and is termed “multidisciplinary”. It is most commonly a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and/or hormonal/biological therapies. Of course, this does depend on the stage of the cancer.
    What are the side effects of breast cancer treatment?
    The side effects can range from none, to a whole list of rare and unusual side effects. The surgery will usually leave some scars, but with the earlier stages, this can be extremely minor. Radiotherapy can leave sunburn type changes to the breast skin, at the end of the treatment, but this will settle within a few short weeks. Chemotherapy can have various side effects, but the one most women get concerned about, is the temporary hair loss. However, it is only temporary, and the hair will start to grow back 2-3 weeks after the last chemotherapy session is given. Other common side effects are nausea, although this is controlled by other medications, and of course, noticeable fatigue towards the end of the treatment (only in the last courses).
    Any other essential information to add…
    Face your fears head-on. Don’t let your fear make you neglect your check-ups. Early detection saves lives.
    A consultation and ultrasound or mammogram at MWCH is priced at Dhs399. Located on Sheikh Zayed Road, the clinic is open from 9am to 9pm. For more information visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram/Supplied More

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    Watch: Khalid and Salama donate Dhs10,000 to UAE resident battling breast cancer

    The month of October marks International Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which aims to raise awareness about the disease.
    It also highlights the absolute need for women to check their breasts regularly and the importance of early detection in order to beat the disease.

    One high-profile couple from the UAE, Salama Mohamed and Khalid Al Ameri, recently shared a video of their emotional meeting with a UAE resident who has been fighting breast cancer for the second time.
    In the footage posted to Khalid’s Instagram page, the couple is seen meeting with Filipina mother-of-four Maria Vizcaya, who sells ‘Knock Out Cancer’ T-shirts in order to pay for her treatment and raise awareness about the disease.

    The 42-year-old moved to the UAE 13 years ago in order to provide for her family, but due to the pandemic she was laid off from her job and now she’s battling her second bout of breast cancer.
    She was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018, and after two rounds of chemotherapy, she had beaten the disease. However, in May of this year she was diagnosed for a second time.
    Maria shared her story for the inspiration behind her T-shirts, insisting that “no one fights alone” and shared her confidence that she will beat breast cancer for the second time.
    After hearing Maria’s story, Khalid and Salama gave Mary the ultimate surprise and gift – Dhs10,000 to invest in her T-shirts – a gesture which brought her to tears.
    “Maria’s courage and willingness to keep fighting forever is an inspiration to us all, this is her story and message to the world,” Khalid said.

    Salama also shared some footage of the meeting to her Instagram page.
    “I have no words to describe how humbled and honoured I felt meeting this wonderful SUPERHERO @maryvizcaya77,” Salama wrote. “You are a true inspiration to so many people around you including myself.”
    Salama, who has nearly 700,000 followers on the social media platform, thanked Mary for opening her home to herself and Khalid and encouraged the mother-of-four to “keep shining” through her breast cancer battle.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Salama Mohamed Instagram and Khalid Al Ameri Instagram More

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    The Creative – Khulood Thani, cover star of October’s ‘The Bravery Issue’

    October’s – ‘The Bravery Issue’ – Download Now
    Words & Creative Direction: Amy SessionsPhotography: Greg AdamskiHair & Makeup: Melanie MeyerProduction: Kelli MaddockFashion Assistant: Camille Macawili
    Combining her entrepreneurial spirit and extensive experience in culture and design, Khulood Thani is focused on bringing innovative global fashion to an international platform.
    What do your first 30 minutes of the day look like, your morning routine?

    Meditations are my kind of special morning rituals, it’s something I am loyal to practicing and I cannot remove this from my morning schedule. For me, meditation sets a wonderful mood for the day because it helps to clear the mind and maximize your focus on priorities.

    Tell us about your role as a curator?

    As a curator – and as an Emirati – I feel so much responsibility for building content that represents the United Arab Emirates in the best possible way. We all know the UAE has a very rich history and there is still a huge opportunity to develop further in this sector, especially on the front of dress history or contemporary fashion. I definitely enjoy working with other cultural institutions in commissioning designers from different disciplines to create new display objects that represent local stories across cultural platforms, some of these examples are “Defashstruction” and “Fashcultivate”– co-curated with Fatma Al Mahmoud in 1971 Design Space.
    I have also worked with museums, archive libraries and I consult some collectors in building and growing their own personal collection portfolios. As a designer, the Irthi Contemporary Crafts Council commissioned me to create embroidered pieces that incorporate the Talli, an Emirati handicraft. The beauty of this project is that it includes the work of the artisans and documents folkloric stories from the UAE.
    When you’ve moved in your career or taken on new challenges, did you go with your gut?
    I always trust my gut feeling, I have a special connection with the universe around me, and I like to follow the messages it reveals to me.

    Which Instagram accounts do you follow for inspiration?
    Three of my favourites are @dazedfashion @irisartadvisory @peachwithlove
    What effect has social media played on the fashion industry’s growth?
    Social media has contributed a lot in changing the way we live. We now often meet people via Instagram before even meeting them in person, so it’s become another way of networking.
    What advice would you give to your younger self starting out?
    Always look at your inner strength and build on that, because that is what makes a person unique in all forms of work or life.
    This is ‘The Bravery Issue’ –  what to you is bravery?
    Taking brave steps in life always rewards you with more knowledge, learning and experience. Getting rewarding opportunities is always challenging and inspiring at the same time.

    When have you been brave in business and in life?
    Moments where we can act bravely always appear in our lives. Bravery is being thoughtful and considerate of yourself, the community or the environment around you. One of the brave moments in the design industry for myself along with other designers such as Nadine Kanso and Khalid Shafar was coming up with a collective design initiative, Design Ras Al Khor, to support local and regional designers in more than 11 design disciplines through providing them with a platform and sharing their work.
    What’s next for you?
    This year, I’m focused on researching “A Manifesto for Collecting”, an agenda, which looks at a historical garment in the UAE and seeing how much of this has survived over time. I believe that objects tell us stories that oral history may have missed during documenting. Objects are so personal and they tell a story about a person or people through the function of how it was used.
    October’s – ‘The Bravery Issue’ – Download Now
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Kim Kardashian discusses Kanye West’s ‘scary and unknown’ COVID-19 battle

    Kim Kardashian West has opened up her husband Kanye West’s battle with coronavirus.
    “Kanye had [COVID-19] way at the beginning, when nobody really knew what was going on,” the beauty mogul told Grazia. “It was so scary and unknown.”

    The reality star also revealed it was incredibly difficult as it was just her left to care for her four children – North, seven, Saint, five, Chicago, two, and one-year-old Psalm.
    “It was a challenge because it was so unknown,” she admitted.

    That’s not the only thing that’s rocked Kim this year.
    Back in July, Kanye was showcasing some public erratic behaviour with Kim even having to make a statement about his bipolar disorder.
    “As many of you know, Kanye has bipolar disorder,” she said in her statement she made back in July. “Anyone who has this or has a loved one in their life who does, knows how incredibly complicated and painful it is to understand.”
    She continued to say, “I understand Kanye is subject to criticism because he is a public figure and his actions at times can cause strong opinions and emotions.”
    The 39-year-old went onto highlight how the loss of his mother has affected him, as well as struggling with mental health issues has put “pressure” on him.

    “He is a brilliant but complicated person who on top of the pressures of being an artist and a Black man, who experienced the painful loss of his mother, and has to deal with the pressure and isolation that is heightened by his bipolar disorder,” she said. “Those who are close with Kanye know his heart and understand his words some times [sic] do not align with his intentions.”
    There were also reports that she was ready to end her marriage to Kanye, but it seems things are back on track for the couple who have been married for five years.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Kim Kardashian Instagram More