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    5 Habits of the Happiest Women I Know

    When it comes to seeking happiness, we fall into the trap that buying the next big item, taking a vacation, or getting a promotion will be what finally gives us the satisfaction we are looking for in life. Although today’s advertising makes a strong case for material items, happiness is not a tangible thing but a choice that we make every single day. And the happiest women I know are always choosing people, things, and situations that keep them feeling their best. If you’ve been searching for happiness in life, relationships, money–you name it–try adapting some of the habits ahead and watch how quickly your life brightens up. 

    1. They say “no” to things they don’t want to do without guilt
    We’ve all been there: Your friends are making plans to do something that sounds more like a chore than a good time, but the guilt of saying “no” feels worse than actually participating. If you find yourself doing things you don’t want to do simply because you don’t feel comfortable saying “no” or you experience major FOMO when your friends do something without you, it’s time to adopt a new way of thinking. The happiest women prioritize themselves by skipping any event, outing, or situation they don’t want to be a part of, and they do so without feeling bad. They don’t worry about whether or not others are hanging out and having fun without them because they don’t attribute their worth to their social presence. If you’re constantly doing things you don’t want to do, start practicing the art of “Thanks, but I’ll catch up with you later!” and see how much happier you become.

    2. They take care of themselves and prioritize their health
    While not everyone is a gym rat, runner, or health food connoisseur, staying active and living a healthy lifestyle are factors in our overall happiness. The happiest women I know stay well-rested, well-nourished, healthy, and hydrated because those things play a major role in mood. Getting movement in, eating healthy and nutritious food, keeping up with your mental health, and drinking plenty of water are all things that contribute to our overall wellbeing and happiness but are often pushed aside when we spend too much time being sedentary, drink too much alcohol, eat junk food, and put off doctors’ appointments. By prioritizing health and wellbeing, you can feel good inside and out.

    3. They don’t take things personally
    The happiest women I know rarely take anything too personally. If you often find yourself worried about whether someone is mad at you or overthinking something you did or said, it’s time to take a page out of the happiness playbook and start taking things way less personally. When someone gives them an attitude, the happiest women I know chalk it up to the person having a bad day, not because of something they did or said to upset them. If their friends don’t answer their calls, they assume it’s because their friend is busy, not because they’re mad at them. By adopting this “innocent until proven guilty” mindset, the happiest women I know are saving themselves a lot of unnecessary heartaches and hurt feelings. If you tend to take things personally, try reminding yourself that other people’s behavior is usually attributed to themselves, not to you. You’ll be happier in no time.

    4. They address their problems head on
    Uncomfortable conversations, tough days, and difficult situations may seem easier to avoid than deal with, but the happiest women I know don’t shy away from facing their problems. Whether sharing feelings with their partner or crossing off a major item from their to-do list, truly happy women conquer the things that would otherwise weigh on their minds. Running from problems doesn’t solve anything; happiness is the result of a truly calm mind. By addressing your problems head-on, you’ll spend less time dwelling on them and more time enjoying life. 

    5. They don’t compete with anyone but themselves
    Most importantly, the happiest women don’t compare themselves to others and aren’t in competition with anyone but themselves. With constant social media use, unrealistic beauty standards, and the constant pressure to do more, it’s no wonder we fall prey to the comparison game. However, the happiest women I know only strive to be better than they were yesterday. Instead of competing with the women around them, they use their successes as inspiration and celebrate them without jealousy. If feeling less-than is something you struggle with, try reframing your mindset and see how much more happiness you find in your life. 

    5 Daily Non-Negotiables of Women Who Are Always Confident More

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    6 Easy Habits I Do Every Day That Have Made a Huge Difference in My Stress Levels

    In 2022, you don’t need to be a fortune 500 CEO or Olympic athlete to feel overwhelmed by stress; 55 percent of Americans say they experience stress daily. This means stress has become so ingrained into our lives that it is now the norm and a feeling most of us believe is normal instead of something that needs to be identified and fixed. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean it has to (or should) be accepted. Stress can take a serious toll on the body, and if we’re not careful and don’t take steps to monitor our stress levels, it can lead to some pretty scary health risks. 
    I’ve had my ups and downs dealing with stress, and when I was 26, I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, a condition known to be influenced by stress levels. Until this point, I had unknowingly let stress control my life, and now it was controlling my body. I wasn’t willing to continue living with that, so I decided changes had to be made. Today, I can gladly say that stress no longer controls my life, thanks to a few simple daily habits I’ve incorporated. Spoiler alert: They’ve helped heal my body and lower my stress levels. 

    1. Move your body
    There are a lot of reasons to move your body on a daily basis aside from just the physical benefits, and reducing stress is one of them. When we move our bodies, we release endorphins, help to regulate our emotions, provide oxygen to the brain, and show our bodies we value them. Moving your body doesn’t have to mean working out every day. It can mean going for a walk, doing some light stretching, or engaging in an activity you love, like paddle-boarding or dancing. Once you shift your mindset from “I have to work out today” to “I get to move my body today,” this habit can become something you look forward to instead of something you dread. 

    2. Regulate your emotions 
    If you’re anything like me, you didn’t grow up learning how to talk about your emotions and feelings. It wasn’t until I was in my mid-twenties that I actually leaned into the power of expressing my emotions in a safe environment. We deal with a lot as human beings, like the ups and downs that come with relationships, work, and personal development. That’s a lot to keep inside, which is why it’s important to express what we are feeling, whether it be through therapy, journaling, or talking to friends or family. Regulating emotions allows you to let go of people and situations that no longer serve you and the stress that comes with them. 

    3. Meditate
    Meditation has had the biggest impact on my stress levels (and I was a skeptic at first). After researching and learning more about the different types of meditation, I found a daily routine that works for me: I switch between breathwork, guided meditations, sound baths, and silent meditations. Everyone is different, so finding a meditation method that works for you can take some time, but the most important takeaways I have learned are that there is no wrong way to meditate, and sticking with it is key. Whether you meditate for five minutes or 20, your body will thank you.

    4. Limit caffeine intake
    I have always been sensitive to caffeine. I’m that person who gets jittery and can’t fall asleep at night when I have a cup of coffee. Yet, I still give in to my craving from time to time. Caffeine affects everyone differently, and if you’re like me, you’ve had to change your relationship with it. These days I switch between coffee, green tea, and matcha, which provides a better balance for me. I sometimes add coconut water to my coffee to help with its dehydrating effect, but I never drink coffee on an empty stomach or after 3 p.m. Now, coffee in the right amount and scenarios don’t make me jittery or fluctuate my stress levels. It just brings me joy (as all coffee should). 

    5. Get enough sleep 
    You’ve probably heard celebrities like J.Lo and Jennifer Aniston say the secret to their healthy skin is lots of water and a good night’s sleep, and who are we to argue with them? According to the Sleep Foundation, adults aged 18-64 should get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep affects every part of our bodies, from our brain and cognitive skills to our energy levels throughout the day. Personally, I am much more irritable on the days that I get under seven hours of sleep. If we are constantly not getting enough sleep, it puts a strain on our bodies, leading to higher stress levels.

    6. Talk to your doctor about a B-12 supplement
    Yes, stress and fatigue can also have to do with nutrient deficiencies. Supplements can be a great aid when you’re not getting enough natural vitamins from your diet. With that said, I always recommend talking to your doctor before taking any new supplements. As someone who sticks to a mostly vegetarian diet, which doesn’t often contain foods with a lot of B-12, it made sense that I was deficient in it and why I felt a significant reduction in my stress levels once I started taking it. Studies have shown that there is a link between vitamin B-12 deficiency and energy levels, so it’s no surprise that I had more energy after taking the supplement. The best part? My stress has become much more manageable. 

    I Grilled a Life Coach and Her Tips Will Transform Your Anxiety More

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    3 Manifestation Techniques Our Wellness Editor Swears Transformed Her Life

    Welcome to The Everygirl Podcast. Whether you’re looking for insider secrets from successful women that have your dream job, are interested in expert advice to transform your health and feel your best, or just want to be entertained and laugh along with us on your commute, we’ve got you covered.

    If you’ve been on the internet anytime in the past year, you’ve probably seen the word “manifestation” float across your feed a few times, and if you’re confused, you’re not alone. From TikToks with bizarre visualization techniques (no, I’m not going to picture my crush sleeping and whisper that they should marry me in their imaginary ear) to Instagram posts confusingly explaining the law of attraction, it’s hard to know what manifestation really means, and even harder to know what it can do for you.
    The Everygirl Wellness Editor, Josie Santi, has been studying and practicing manifestation techniques for nearly two years, and shares everything she’s learned on this week’s episode of The Everygirl Podcast. Recommended by wellness experts, thought leaders, and life coaches, manifestation can be boiled down to defining your dream life and then taking action in order to achieve that dream life. As Josie says, it’s about thinking of your current desires as insight into what’s meant for your future. In Episode 5 of The Everygirl Podcast, Josie shares a comprehensive explanation of what manifestation is (and what it is not), as well as tips to start practicing it and work toward your dream life today. Read on for three of Josie’s favorite journaling prompts for manifestation she shares, and tune in to the episode to hear more.

    1. “Future You” Journaling
    This method just may be the simplest form of manifestation journaling to incorporate into your everyday life. “Future You” journaling involves picturing how your life would go if you were to approach every situation as your highest self. Josie recommends treating “Future You” journaling like a diary entry for the best version of yourself, as if you were currently living that life in the present, even if your life RN looks totally different. Time to drown out the voices of anyone who has ever called you spacey, because this prompt really is daydreaming in diary entry format.
    As you journal, ask yourself how your highest self would show up in their day-to-day life. On the podcast, Josie explains that this practice is not only limited to one single day or week in your life: you can Future You journal before everything from a big presentation at work to sitting down to do your taxes to identify how your highest self would show up in specific situations (and then to actually show up that way!). On the other end of the spectrum, you can Future You journal about aspirational, exciting events that you are manifesting into your life; no scenario is too big or too small for this exercise.

    2. Gratitude Journaling
    One of the key points in the episode is that gratitude for your current situation is essential to manifesting a life that might be even more fulfilling in the future. Since the law of attraction is all about being grateful for things you want to manifest as if you already have them, practicing gratitude for the life you’re currently living can ensure that you are bringing in as much of that positive energy as possible.
    According to Josie, gratitude is one of the aspects of manifestation that can be the easiest to skip, but is arguably the most important. This is what separates manifestation from simply wanting or wishing: gratitude fuels the abundance mindset that is essential for manifestation. Josie suggests journaling about things you want more of in your life that you are already grateful to have in the first place. For example, if you’re manifesting a deeper connection with someone in your life, take time to journal about how thankful you are for your current relationship with that person, or if you’re manifesting greater wealth, feel gratitude for the ability to pay your rent or get coffee a couple times a week, etc.

    3. Highest Self Journaling
    Similar to Future You journaling, Highest Self journaling involves tapping into the everyday habits of your highest self, the version of you that you hope to manifest–instead of visualizing the situation as your highest self (like Future You journaling), you are identifying who your highest self is, which is why this exercise is especially helpful for beginners. Who does your highest self surround herself with? What does her career look like? What does she wear? What’s her morning routine like? These are the questions that will help you paint a mental picture of the person you know you are capable of becoming.
    Josie explains that highest self journaling can help you tap into a specific, easy-to-visualize version of yourself that you can carry throughout your life, showing up as that girl with each decision you make. It’s sort of like constantly asking WWBD (What Would Beyoncé Do) except instead of Beyoncé, it’s your own best possible version of yourself. As Josie says, this is one of the best ways to identify habits that will help you step into your highest self and dream life that you can implement as soon as you put down the pen. More

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    5 Daily Non-Negotiables of Women Who Are Always Confident

    I came into this world with certain attributes that took no effort: my almond-shaped eyes, my obsession for anything peanut butter and chocolate, and my more-than-I-care-to-admit muscular calves (thanks, Dad). Confidence, on the other hand, is a trait I can say, without a doubt, I was not blessed with from day one. In fact, self-esteem is an unfamiliar feeling I struggle with. But confidence is a learned skill that takes practice, much like riding a bike or mastering a new language—something I gleaned from Jessica Chang-Irish, founder of Jessica Chang Consulting and a coach who trains women to speak and carry themselves more confidently.
    So how does Chang-Irish define confidence? “Confidence isn’t about being self-assured all the time,” she stated. “Rather, it’s a practice of self-awareness, acknowledging your value and gifts as well as your insecurities, and having the courage to break through those insecurities and do the hard things anyway—whether it be getting a new job, putting yourself back out in the dating scene, or recovering from an injury. Being a confident person also means being vulnerable. Confident people aren’t afraid to be vulnerable because they know they’re still valuable while being human and imperfect.” 
    It turns out, even confidence pros who exude major boss vibes have to work on their self-confidence every. single. day. Ahead, Chang-Irish’s daily must-haves to finding your inner power and confidence. Hint: They’re not your average tips. 

    Meet the expert
    Jessica Chang-Irish
    Speaking with Confidence Coach
    Jessica Chang-Irish is an Emmy-award winning news reporter turned public speaking coach who empowers women looking to build their influence through in-person or on-camera speaking. By combining her experience on camera and in marketing, she helps women who feel nervous about public speaking by equipping them with proven strategies and frameworks to boost their speaking skills and confidence.

    1. Remember your “why”
    Knowing your “why” (AKA your purpose) is the first step in tapping into your confidence. Why do you get out of bed every morning? Why do you do what you do? “Your why is your Northstar to turn to when you feel unsure or you’re being tested,” Chang-Irish explained. Author and speaker Simon Sinek agrees that when you start with your why (versus how and what you do), you have the ability to inspire those around you and yourself.
    Think of your why as your mission statement. It doesn’t just have to apply to your career— it could be for your personal life too. Then, write it out. You can start with: “In everything I do, I believe …” Chang-Irish shared hers: “In everything I do and everyone I work with, I believe each and every person is capable of finding their voice and shining in the spotlight, and that I can empower and equip them to become a more confident version of themselves.” Once you’ve jotted down your why, post it up somewhere you frequent every day as a friendly reminder (think: your desk, fridge, bathroom mirror). 

    2. Surround yourself with a tribe of like-minded women
    Let’s face it: We’re our own worst critics. I don’t think twice about complimenting a stranger for her on-point ‘fit, but when it comes to myself, I nit-pick and dwell on my imperfections. Enter: friends or mentors who can empathize with you but don’t let you wallow in the “what ifs” and all-or-nothing thinking. Oh, and they give you a good kick in the butt to keep at it. Chang-Irish pointed out that your tribe could comprise of your friends, sisters, cousins, co-workers, or even communities on social media who share your interests. Be intentional about building your circle—each person may bring something different to the table, but they all should help you stay aligned with your purpose and your most authentic self. 

    3. Pay attention to your inner voice
    PSA: What you tell yourself matters. Whether you realize it or not, your self-talk can make the difference between gaining confidence and standing in your own way. The seemingly harmless narrative—”I’m not good/smart/pretty enough” or “I can’t”—you’ve been telling yourself creates your reality. On the flip side, fostering an optimistic monologue in your mind boosts your self-confidence and bids negative emotions adieu. In fact, people who can master positive thoughts and beliefs are more confident, motivated, and productive.
    “It’s up to you to develop your own inner voice of encouragement,” said Chang-Irish. “Or maybe you’ll find that voice in someone from your tribe. When you hear that voice of doubt in your head or feel the fear rising up, rewrite those limiting thinking patterns and remind yourself that you can do hard things. When you practice shifting your inner voice of doubt to a voice of encouragement, your confidence will flourish.”

    4. Prepare for the important interactions you’ll have 
    Think back to your college days or an interview you recently had. How confident were you walking into a final or your dream company and having put in the effort to study and do your research? My guess is way more confident than had you not prepared. In the same vein, laying the groundwork for the important conversations you’ll have in your day ahead will set you up for success and give you the opportunity to flex your confidence muscles.
    “Whether it’s a date, meeting, job interview, or networking event, think about what you’ll say in the five to 10 seconds you have to introduce yourself, how you’ll keep the conversation going, and what’s in it for the person or people you’re talking to,” Chang-Irish recommended. “While that first impression catches their attention, how are you going to keep their attention? One of the best ways to do that is to ask them questions. Do your homework about the person or people you’ll meet and come up with questions about their interests that genuinely interest you.”

    5. Listen to podcasts that fill your soul and lift you up
    Much like your tribe reminds you of your purpose and worth, the right podcast can be just the friend or voice you need for your daily dose of confidence. And, sure enough, there is no shortage of motivational podcasts that are just a tap away. Chang-Irish’s go-to’s are  “Oprah’s Super Soul,” “The Marie Forleo Podcast,” and “How to Fail With Elizabeth Day,” where you can expect open dialogue and sage advice from industry experts and celebs. And did you listen to The Everygirl Podcast yet? The episode with confidence coach, Regina Bonds, has such great insight into truly loving yourself and showing up as your most confident self. 
    Adding a few inspirational programs to your queue will not only give you a shot of self-belief but also a reprieve from the usual suspects—the “nevers,” “what ifs,” and “can’ts” (ruminating, who?). So go ahead and take that podcast out for a spin (read: walk) and get ready for an extra pep in your “hot girl” step. 

    This Easy Daily Habit Changed My Confidence More

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    I Grilled a Life Coach and Her Tips Will Transform Your Anxiety

    Racing thoughts, pounding heartbeat, heaviness in my chest, the all-consuming, sometimes debilitating sense of fear—just some of the unnerving ways anxiety shows up like an unannounced, unwelcome guest. If you’re one of the 40 million adults in the U.S. who experience anxiety like me, said symptoms are hard to shake off. While it may be comforting to know we’re in good company, having a handful of coping mechanisms at the ready to work through bouts of anxiety can make all the difference. Because–let’s be real– sometimes no amount of logic will cut it. I turned to Alana Warlop, a psychotherapist and life coach, to get the lowdown on her anxiety tips for reclaiming your calmness when it strikes. We got this. 

    Meet the expert
    Alana Warlop
    Life Coach
    Alana Warlop is a spiritual psychotherapist and transformational coach who has guided countless women into next levels of leadership and impact. From traditional transpersonal therapy to utilizing breathwork and meditation, she has spent much of her life learning what it means to heal and experience a life beyond limits.

    What is anxiety exactly?
    Sure, I could try to pinpoint the all-too-familiar ways that anxiety manifests itself for me, but it looks different for everyone. For some, it’s constant, and for others, it’s triggered by a stressful situation (looking at you, health scare) or creeps up out of nowhere when everything was coming up roses. Putting into words what anxiety really is can help us identify and take control of it, no matter the person. “[Anxiety is] a crafty way of distracting your attention and holding the energy of your awareness hostage in a never-ending search for a ‘solution’ that alleviates the discomfort that you are experiencing,” explained Warlop. “We perseverate in hopes that we can find a logical reason why we feel hurt, depressed, judged, shamed, guilty, blamed, or self-critical. And, if we know why, then we think the reasoning will justify our feelings and they will settle.” Warlop warned that that approach rarely works, and if it does, it’s only for the short-term.
    But why doesn’t reasoning work, you ask? “Anxiety is a product of stuck, stale, or stagnant emotional energy and incomplete trauma patterns pent up in the nervous system,” Warlop elaborated. “Emotions and traumas that are unresolved stay stuck in our bodies and build in their power to hijack the limbic and nervous systems, which control our behavior above and beyond any logic you could ever muster.” Long story short, at the root of it, anxiety is the mind’s natural defense against having to feel or experience something painful. While you should always talk to your doctor or therapist if experiencing anxiety, Warlop lets us in on some hacks you can try to not only manage anxiety but to heal from it so it doesn’t get in the way of living your best lives. 

    Tips to help during moments of anxiety:
    Bring awareness to your breath
    There is no shortage of “take a deep breath” memes floating on the world wide web, but it’s for good reason. The practice has become the go-to method in times of stress, and Warlop emphasized that it’s one of the best things you can do when experiencing anxiety. “Feel the breath move in and out of the body so that the attention from the mind goes into the body,” she instructed. “Let the body know that it is safe to experience all that is there and then ask, ‘What am I afraid to feel?’” 
    Warlop also suggested moving your attention to the heart: “Imagine breathing a beautiful, warm, golden energy into the heart space with every breath. Let this light grow in size and calming power inside you. This will also move you forward into soothing yourself, instead of wasting energy searching for a solution to an unanswerable (and, most of the time, made up) problem or insecurity.”

    Feel your feelings
    Having feelings is as natural and involuntary as breathing, but Warlop clarified that feeling is simply a physical sensation and anything beyond that are stories and perceptions that we attach to the feeling. “We are conditioned to think about our feelings instead of actually feeling them, so many people I work with have no idea that they don’t actually know how to feel feelings without telling stories and attaching meaning to them,” she stated. On the other hand, shifting your focus from what’s going on outside of you to your internal experience of your senses, energy, and emotions (AKA “felt sense”) will bring your awareness to the present moment. The result? There is nothing that you cannot truly feel, and allowing yourself to really feel everything that comes along with anxiety will help kick it to the curb.

    Don’t judge your thoughts
    I’m no stranger to thoughts taking over my mind and spiraling further into an anxious episode. You know, like “What if things don’t work out,” “Nobody likes me,” or “I’m not good enough.” Warlop advised giving myself space to be curious about those beliefs and distracting myself from them, rather than reacting to them: “Carry around an essential oil you love to smell when you can start to feel yourself going in the direction of repetitive and worrisome thoughts. Brush your fingertips along the skin of your arm or face, and focus on the pleasant sensation. Put on calming music and focus on the sound frequencies.” In other words, tap into all of your senses—sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing—to instantly bring you back to the present moment.  

    Take care of your basic needs every day
    PSA: Anxiety is the body’s way of letting you know that it is in distress and needs more care. Call it self-care or creating a solid, foolproof routine, but prioritizing basic health and wellness habits is Warlop’s non-negotiable. If you’re not catching enough Zzzs, I’ve got (bad) news for you: Lack of sleep makes the list of top culprits of anxiety. Warlop suggested forgoing your daily nightcap or the next episode in your Netflix cue and letting your body reset. “7-9 hours of sleep, good nutrition, nature time, and working out are essential in shifting the inner landscape,” she stressed. “And for added bonus points, try meditation. Consistent meditation is a game-changer in resetting your nervous and limbic systems.”

    These tips are not meant to serve as treatment for anxiety disorder. If you are struggling with anxiety, please reach out to your doctor, a therapist, or another trusted professional for support.Crisis Textline: text CONNECT to 741741

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    The Journal Prompt You Should Try Tonight, Based on Your Enneagram Type

    The Enneagram test can be an enlightening tool for self-discovery. Knowing your type gives you insight into what motivates, challenges, and fulfills you, as well as how you experience life’s ups and downs. If you want to delve a little deeper, pairing journal prompts with your Enneagram type is one of the best ways to process and reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and experiences from the day. By exploring your unique personality traits through journaling, you can gain a better understanding of yourself and the world around you. Kick off your inner dialogue with one of these journal prompts recommended for each Enneagram type.

    Describe in detail an emotion you felt today.
    Type Ones strive for perfection in everything they do and often boast a strong sense of self-discipline. Although this type experiences the same range of messy human emotions as everyone else, they may not freely express their anger, sadness, nervousness, or even joy for fear of judgment. Tap into those feelings with a journal prompt that invites you to describe an emotion with as much detail as possible. What provoked this emotion? What did it physically feel like? How did you react in your words or actions?

    How did I take care of myself today?
    Empathetic, selfless Twos are all about taking care of others, but they have a tendency to brush off their own needs. Making time for self-care isn’t always high on their to-do lists, so this journal prompt encourages Twos to reflect on moments throughout the day when they prioritized their own well-being. It could be as simple as describing a nutritious meal or the feeling after a long, steamy shower. Make a list of the ways you put yourself first today, as a reminder that your nurturing nature should extend inward as well.

    What value did I contribute to the world today?
    The Achiever’s basic desire is to feel valuable and worthwhile, and they often seek this feeling through personal accomplishments. The challenge for this type is to separate their self-worth from the attention of others and other exterior signs of success. Instead of focusing on specific achievements or tasks on your to-do list, consider the value you brought to other people or your environment today. Perhaps you made someone’s day with a small act of kindness, or maybe you simply tended to your houseplants and contributed to the growth of new life. Practice finding the value in your daily doings, no matter how insignificant they may seem.

    Describe your day using as many sensory details as possible.
    Type Fours can be highly emotive and introspective, which means they tend to spend a lot of time in their heads. Rather than ruminating on your feelings, challenge yourself to focus instead on the concrete details of your day. Think through something you did that day in terms of what it looked, smelled, sounded, and physically felt like. Aim to describe things exactly as they are, without exaggerating or minimizing. The goal is to practice being fully present in whatever state you’re in.

    How did I step back and unplug today?
    With their intense focus and unquenchable curiosity, it’s easy for Type Fives to get preoccupied and distracted from daily life. If you’ve ever gotten lost in a book or fixated on learning a new skill, you know what I’m talking about. For this journal prompt, think about what you did today to unwind and give yourself a mental break. This could entail cooking a favorite meal, chatting with a friend, or simply going for a walk. Jot down both the feelings and physical sensations that came along with this activity.

    What is the best thing that happened to me today?
    A Type Six is prone to worst-case scenario thinking. Craving safety and security, they have a habit of running through all the “what ifs” in a situation, fixating on problems that haven’t appeared yet. If you feel that anxiety creeping in, flip your fear-based thinking and focus instead on the best thing that happened that day. Did something turn out better than you expected? Did you solve a problem that was stressing you out or find a moment of unexpected joy? Describe the good in each day as a reminder that your anxious thoughts aren’t always your reality.

    When did I feel most present and grounded today?
    Busy-body Enthusiasts thrive on adventure and excitement, but while they’re flying from one activity to the next, they may forget to pause and enjoy the moment. This journal prompt invites you to slow down and think about how you managed your attention that day. Tune into the times when you felt wholly present and grounded in the current moment. What were you doing? Who were you with? How can you bring that same mentality to your interactions tomorrow?

    How did I practice openness today?
    Self-reliant Type Eights prefer to take charge of themselves rather than yield to others. Always wanting to be in control of the situation, they often struggle with vulnerability. Instead of shying away from it, hone in on that feeling and consider how you opened yourself up to others today. Did you accept help when you needed it, share something that made you feel vulnerable, or simply choose to listen before speaking? Did it make you feel stronger or less so?

    How did I show up for myself today?
    The Peacemaker’s agreeable nature means they’re more likely to go along with others than stir the pot by standing up for themselves. They tend to tune out their own needs and wants as a way to keep the peace, which can end up creating more problems in the long run. For this journal prompt, turn your focus inward and consider how you participated in the world around you. Did you assert your own opinion, advocate for your needs, and lean in instead of zoning out? If you struggled with this today, how can you do better tomorrow?

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    People Swear This Viral Manifestation Method Changed Their Life

    And for another #TikTokMadeMeDoIt, manifestation edition. TikTokers have spoken: The 369 manifestation method (the latest iteration of the turn-your-dreams-into-reality practice), is taking social media by storm. It’s no secret we’re manifestation buffs here at The Everygirl and we love to try a new technique—journaling, gratitude, positive affirmations–you name it. So, naturally, I had to see if the 369 method checks out (I couldn’t just take TikTokers’ word for it). 
    With over 218 million views, videos with the hashtag #369method tout manifesting everything from a text from a love interest to more cash in the bank (sold), and the technique couldn’t be simpler. So if you’re ready to welcome your hopes, dreams, and goals before the end of the year (you won’t know unless you try!), keep reading. It’s time to clear some space.  
    What is the 369 manifestation method?
    First things first: Establish exactly what you want to manifest—be it a promotion, moving to a new city, your first home, a partner to share your life with, etc. Then, grab your pen and paper and journal about the experience as if you’re already living it three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times before you call it a night. Think: “I’m living in [enter desired location]” or “I’m seeing someone who values me and I enjoy my time with.” And as you’re writing your intention, try to tap into the vision and feeling of already having what you want. Like building any new habit, consistency is key, making it easier to keep your eye on the prize. 
    So why 3-6-9? Well, it’s not just a random sequence of numbers. Dubbed the “369 Theory” by inventor Nikola Tesla (yes, where Mr. Musk got the name from), he believed them to be the trifecta of energy, frequency, and vibration and the key to the universe. In the same way that the Enneagram or zodiac signs clue us into our personalities and why we behave the way we do, numerology can give us insight into future events. “The number three is a very auspicious number and represents our connection to all that is,” explained Alyse Bacine, a spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. “Six represents our true power as creator beings, and nine represents a completion or rebirth.”

    i manifested so many big things with this method!! #369method #manifestation #fyp #333 #spiritualtiktok #foryou
    ♬ Darling – Trees and Lucy

    How do I practice it?
    Now let me state the obvious: As nice as it would be if our desires appeared by just writing them out and sitting pretty (or with a snap of a finger, for that matter), you’ve got to put your back into it. Your actions (or lack thereof) can make or break realizing your best reality. So make the most of the 369 practice and map out actionable steps you can take to help nudge your goals in the right direction. Can you start stashing 5% more of your paycheck each month or put yourself out there by joining a local sports league or volunteer organization (perhaps an IRL meet-cute getting tangled up by pups is in your near future)?
    Once you’ve gotten into the groove, keep an open mind and look out for opportunities that may present themselves. They could come in the form of an invitation to a networking event or a work trip to a city you’ve never been. And remember one of the golden rules of manifestation: The energy you put out is what you get back. So show up as the person who already has what you’re manifesting. “When we feel like the version of ourselves that already has the desire, we attract it with ease,” Bacine said. “Essentially, we become an energetic magnet to our manifestations.”
    If you’ve been at it for weeks or months and have yet to see any hint of your intention come to fruition, check in with yourself, chill out, and be patient (I know, easier said than done). As to how long the 369 method takes to realize your desired outcome? There is no conclusive answer, but it just might be worth the wait.

    Is it worth the hype?
    Sure, the 369 manifestation method is TikTok-approved, but what does an expert have to say about it? “Each [manifestation] method will produce different results per person,” expressed Bacine. “It’s very important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to manifestation. A practice like this, done with intention and dedication to change, will absolutely yield results. Manifestation requires you to trust yourself on a deep level and move through self-doubt. If you can lean into that, then yes, I would say this practice could work well for you.” But she reminded us that having a powerful, effective manifestation practice also requires deeper personal growth work and energy healing.

    What happened when I tried it
    Because it was my first go-around using the 369 method, I decided to start small. I chose, “I find something to be grateful for every day” and put pen to paper three times a day for a week. Sure enough, it worked—I was able to grasp multiple things to find gratitude in on a daily basis. Whether it was the physical act of making note of my affirmation repeatedly or the fact that the process shifted my mindset to hone in on what I already have and seeing the good, even in the bad, I can’t say for sure. But what I do know is that it also helped flip the switch in my brain when negative thoughts reared their ugly heads or I came head-to-head with a tough-to-handle situation.   
    While the routine felt somewhat like a chore and mundane by the fourth day (almost like the punishment you’d get in elementary school for forgetting your homework), having to carry it out three different times of the day served as a reset each time. The practice put me in the right headspace to reflect on my day thus far and determine whether I needed to pivot so that I wasn’t bogged down by stress or fear. When I sensed the limiting beliefs or overwhelming feelings coming, I’d switch gears and head out for a walk, ask Alexa to play my favorite songs, or interrupt my wiener dog from his sunbathing for a trick-for-a-treat break. I saw the positives that I would have otherwise not thought twice about or deemed insignificant, like a butterfly fluttering by or my SO taking out the trash. The main takeaway? The 369 method is easy and simple enough to stick to, and it gives way to focusing on what you want to bring into your life, having the right energy to attract it, and taking aligned action to attain it. 

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    What Is Human Design, and Is It the Key to Unlocking Your Life Purpose?

    I’ve never met a personality test, astrology reading, or Buzzfeed quiz that I didn’t like. Call it ego, curiosity, or narcissism, but if a system claims to understand my personality traits and deepest desires, I’m all in. While I’ve dabbled in zodiac signs and am a fan of the Enneagram, learning about Human Design left me in awe. No matter how much I identify with the Type 2 Enneagram and how many times friends tell me “that’s so Libra of you,” finding my Human Design type didn’t just tell me the information I already knew but gave me insight into how I’m meant to live. Let’s let the experts explain.
    According to Dana Stiles and Shayna Cornelius, Human Design experts and cofounders of Dayluna, Human Design is Astrology meets Myers-Briggs–but it’s a little more complicated than that. Created by Alan Krakower (who used the pseudonym Ra Uru Hu), Human Design is a very specific and detailed system to learn more about your emotions, energy centers, and life purpose. Dana and Shayna provide an insightful and helpful overview below that gives you the basics without being overwhelming (I learned a lot!).
    However, Human Design is incredibly detailed and can give you insight into everything from how your body digests food to what emotion you’ll feel when you’re out of alignment. If you’re interested in learning more, I recommend a book like Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be or a podcast (Dana and Shayna have a great one called DayLuna Human Design Podcast) to dive deeper. But for an overview that will help you get started on your Human Design journey, read on for insight from Dana and Shayna on what Human Design is, finding your Type, and how to use the information to live out the life of your dreams.

    Meet the expert
    Shayna Cornelius and Dana Stiles
    Human Design experts and cofounders of DayLuna
    Shayna Cornelius and Dana Stiles are on a mission to help others achieve personal freedom and radical authenticity. They specialize in the realm of self-purpose and conscious entrepreneurship and cover topics such as spirituality and the new paradigm on their successful podcast, the DayLuna Human Design Podcast.

    In this article

    What is Human Design?
    Human Design is also called the Science Of Differentiation, the New Astrology, or the Science of The Aura. It’s a system that combines modern science with ancient modalities including Western Astrology, The I Ching, The Chakra System, and Kabbalah The Tree of Life. Based on your birth information, Human Design tells you how your energy is unique, how your aura works, how you are designed to make decisions/follow your form of intuition, what your unique set of gifts are, what your life purpose is, and much more! Once you know your Human Design type (more on that below), your Human Design Chart shows the blueprint for your unique energetic makeup and gives you the owner’s manual on how to operate your energy correctly.
    The purpose of Human Design is to support you in experiencing personal alignment.When we are in alignment, we feel less resistance in our life and more harmony, abundance, and ease. Instead of swimming upstream, we learn how to get in alignment with the flow of energy that can support us in living our purpose, with less effort and struggle.

    What sets Human Design apart from personality tests?
    Like Human Design, personality tests like Enneagram and Myers-Briggs are tools that can offer insight into how you may be different from others. While we can find great meaning and support in systems like Enneagram and Myers-Briggs, they are self-assessments, whereas Human Design is not. In personality type systems, you are answering questions about yourself to see what type you fall into, whereas Human Design is based on a calculation from your birth date, time, and place. It is similar to Western Astrology since it is based on the information of your birth, but Human Design also uses specific energy systems (chakras) in addition to astrology at your time of birth.
    Human Design is the inherent qualities that you were born with and will have your entire life. This difference between self-assessment systems and Human Design is important because, from a very young age, we learn and adapt to take on qualities that will make us be loved and accepted. It can be easy to define who we are based on who we think we should be instead of who we really are, without even having the conscious awareness that we’re doing it. Your Human Design shows you with great specificity what your soul inherently is, not who you have been conditioned to be.

    What’s my Type?
    You can generate your chart online for free using your birth date, time, and place.Look for the written category “Type” to see which Type you are. Every person falls into one of five different energy types: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. These energy types describe how your energetic body (aura) is designed to function and the key role you are meant to play.
    Manifestors are here to impact and inspire others to make a change or start something new.
    Generators are here to use their ample creative energy to create, work on, or build what they love.
    Manifesting Generators are here to inspire others as they use their ample creative energy to create, work on, or build what they love in a diverse and varied fashion.
    Projectors are here to guide the energy use of others toward more efficiency and authenticity.
    Reflectors are here to empathetically feel the people around them to gauge the overall well-being of their environment.

    I know my Type…now what?
    Once you’ve discovered your Type, you will see that you have a corresponding “strategy,” or method to start putting your purpose into practice. By experimenting with applying this strategy to your daily life, you naturally start to use your aura correctly. Practicing this one aspect of Human Design is by far the most powerful place to start.
    Manifestors: Your strategy is to inform. This means communicating how you are really feeling and what you’re thinking of doing next with the world around you.
    Generators: Your strategy is to respond. This means focusing on being more present and tuning in your body’s positive energetic response to guide how you should use your energy in each moment.
    Manifesting Generators: Your strategy is to respond and then inform. This means focusing on being more present and tuning in your body’s energetic response to guide you about how you should use your energy in each moment and also keeping people in the loop as you go.
    Projectors: Your strategy is to wait for the invitation. This means not sharing your gifts, advice, or insight with others until they seem to be genuinely inviting you to do so.
    Reflectors: Your strategy is to wait for a 28 Day Lunar Cycle. This means giving yourself an entire 28 days to feel things out and find clarity before making any big shifts.

    How can I use my Human Design to live out my life purpose?
    Human Design supports you in building the confidence to navigate anynew circumstance as the most authentic and aligned version of yourself. Fully understanding who you are and how your energy operates will lead to you naturally livingout your life purpose. We often think of our purpose as one thing we came here to do, but really, our purpose is the energy we came here to be in all of the things that we do. When you dive in deeper, Human Design will show you many different facets of your purpose (beyond just your Type), but the amazing thing about Human Design is that even without knowing the deeper layers of your design, you can begin to naturally align with your purpose by starting with the given strategy and putting into practice the other insights Human Design can offer. 

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    …and achieving your best life More