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    How to Improve Your Relationship When You’ve Been Stuck Together for Months

    We’ve been staying at home for months now. Your boss is still accidentally hitting mute on Zoom, you failed at baking sourdough more times than you’ve succeeded, and your significant other forgot to unload the dishwasher again. For couples that live together or have chosen to quarantine together, the global pandemic doesn’t just mean severe anxiety and limited toilet paper. It also means facing a future of indefinite togetherness, lack of alone time, and maybe some fights that you never expected to have (like whose turn it is to disinfect the groceries).Quarantining couples are fighting more than ever, missing their alone time, or feeling anxious about fast-tracking their relationship. No one signs up for 24/7 togetherness when signing a lease or marriage certificate, and it’s normal to struggle with your relationship as you’re struggling with scary headlines and changing routines. However, it’s possible to not just survive staying at home together, but to enjoy it. Here’s how you can still improve your relationship, even if you’ve been stuck together for months.

    Reassess what’s working and what isn’t.
    Being stuck at home together is no longer uncharted territory that we’re all just trying to figure out. At this point, you’ve had enough experience to identify what’s working well (like dividing up chores or having weekly mental health check-ins), and what isn’t (like getting stir crazy or having the same fight about the dishes three times a week). Start with what has been going well in your relationships. Do you love playing Scrabble on Friday nights or feel supported when you’re stressed? Talk about what’s going well for both of you and the relationship. Then identify the areas that still need work and problem-solve together how to improve what hasn’t been working. 

    Source: @kayla_seah

    Switch up your routine
    If your evening routine is consistently eating takeout on the couch while watching Stranger Things, there’s nothing wrong with that (in fact, that sounds like my ideal night). However, try surprising your partner one night with dinner served at the dining room table (with candles, of course). Not only will switching it up help you get out of any ruts that come with the same routine every day for months, but doing something different might ignite a little extra spark. Planning a themed date night on the weekend, going on a hike together instead of working out in the living room, or even eating breakfast on the patio (instead of hunched over laptops) can make a huge difference. 

    Practice empathy for your partner
    If you are constantly bickering or get to the point where you can’t stand each other, this might be an enlightening time for some couples to reassess if this relationship is the right choice. However, if you are in it for the long haul and the extra bickering is only on account of stress and change in routine (not incompatibility), don’t worry. The fix could be as simple as practicing empathy.
    This is probably a weirder time than you anticipated when you were reciting vows or moving in together. Therefore, what you expect from your partner needs to change too. Be empathetic to the extra pressure they’re under (is their company suffering or were they furloughed?), and any anxiety they might be feeling from headlines or changes in routine. The greatest way you can grow stronger as a couple during a time like this is to better understand, relate to, and feel for each other.

    Source: @missalexlarosa

    Keep up your personal hobbies, and encourage your partner to keep up theirs
    While I’m embarrassed to declare Real Housewives of Beverly Hills as a “personal hobby,” it has always been my go-to when I need to turn my brain off on a lunch break or relax on a Sunday afternoon. My boyfriend knows when it’s RHOBH time to put in headphones if he’s working or do his own thing if he doesn’t feel like watching. This might be a sad example, but just because you’re spending 24/7 together doesn’t mean you should stop all the things you typically love doing. 
    Your significant other should encourage your hobbies, even if they don’t share your exact interests (and might be like mine where you notice his eyes are glued to the TV when Kyle and Lisa are fighting, even though he pretends he “doesn’t like reality TV”). Whether it’s the shows you watch, the books you read, or how you like to work out, keep up the things you love, and allow your partner the space and time to keep up theirs. Yes, relationships are about shared interests and compromises, but they’re also about giving each other the support to be who you really are. 

    Remember to celebrate milestones
    After four or five months of barely leaving the house, you might have experienced one (or both) of your birthdays in quarantine, and maybe even an anniversary has come and gone. Perhaps one of you graduated or got a promotion at work. Since it might feel easier to ignore anything that’s supposed to be “celebratory” (because it serves as a reminder of what you’re missing out on like birthday parties, anniversary trips, etc.), you might have glossed over or put little effort into celebrating. However, even if you’re grieving for what you thought 2020 would be like, it’s still important to make the most of it. Dress up for dinner at home, order takeout from your favorite fancy restaurant, and decorate the living room. Don’t just think of how to survive 2020; make your relationship better by making new memories. 

    Source: @raffinee

    Think of your relationship as a business
    So this might be the most unromantic relationship advice you’ve ever received, but hear me out. We often think love is supposed to be magically perfect, and two separate people are supposed to seamlessly combine their lives together (preferably with a romantic montage or public declaration of love, but that’s just me). And while many aspects of being in love with the right person should feel seamless and perfect, being stuck at home together for months doesn’t have to be one of them. 
    To navigate the changes and work through this new life together, both of you need to be open to accepting new responsibilities and helping each other in ways you didn’t have to before. Think of your partnership as you would think of a business: schedule regular meetings into the “team” calendar, divide up responsibilities based on what’s most effective, and consistently reflect on how you can be a better “coworker.” Remember that the goal is success (in this case, happiness in the relationship), not for you to be right or “win” an argument. Just limit your business-mindset to outside the bedroom, or else, you know, it could get weird. 

    Find a new activity to do together
    In a society where couples are starting podcasts and travel blogs together, you should have more than enough inspo and motivation to find a new activity you’ve never done together. It can be as simple as going on evening walks or doing a puzzle, or can be as time-consuming as learning a new language or starting a side business if you have the extra time to spend. The point is to find something you both are excited about, so you can spend quality time in a different and more meaningful way than you have in the past few months. Turn off Netflix, stop scrolling through Instagram, and try something new together.

    Source: @missenocha

    Make pleasure a priority 
    No, it’s not what you think. Hopefully, you already work on fulfilling intimacy with your partner (and if you’re not, click here or here), and it’s OK if the abundance of anxiety and loungewear has created a lull in your sex life (it’s normal!). What I mean instead is to make your pleasure (outside of the bedroom) a top priority. Start by basing decisions off of what would bring you more pleasure (like a warm bath versus a cold shower, or a slow yoga flow versus a sweaty dance workout). Also, take time to pamper yourself (turn on a playlist and dry brush), and don’t forget to check yourself out in the mirror (because you know you look good!).
    Why is this good for your relationship, you might ask? Living for the sake of pleasure (instead of just checking items off of a to-do list) will make you happier and feel more fulfilled. It might reduce stress or help you stop depending on your partner for happiness. Therefore, fights could be easier to solve or prevent, and you might enjoy your time together more. Oh, and if you want to talk about sex life specifically, it will help that too. Just as a bonus, no one can resist a confident, happy woman (just see for yourself).

    What habits or tricks have been helping improve your relationship while being stuck at home together? More

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    This Week Only: Equilibria Is Offering a Free Gift With Purchase

    After months of staying at home (how is it not 2021 yet?), we’ve tried just about every act of self-care. We’ve gone through countless sheet masks, tried lots of guided meditations, and lit every candle in our homes (even the fancy ones once reserved for company). While those methods are great, and we need all the help we can get with stress-relief, they don’t always do it for us when it comes to de-stressing and caring for ourselves. Enter: Equilibria. The CBD and wellness company, Equilibria, has been an Everygirl-favorite for a while now (not to mention it’s female-founded!). Associate Editor, Maddie, takes the soft gels for stress-relief;  Ally, Director of Partnerships, loves the relief cream for sore muscles; and Social Media Editor, Abigail, swears she sleeps better after taking a bath with the bath bombs. Call them presents we regularly give ourselves, and now’s the time to give yourself the gift of stress-relief and self-care too (because you deserve it!).
    Starting Monday, Equilibria is offering 20% off the first order, and a free mini 150mg/15ml Daily Drops with any purchase while supplies last (which is truly a blessing at a time like this). The daily drops provide fast-acting results so you can take it before bed (to increase relaxation) or during the day to promote focus and decrease any tension. Trust us–it works. 

    Brilliance Box

    The Brilliance Box includes Daily Drops for fast-acting, targeted relief, Daily Softgels for a sustained-release, and topical Relief Cream for local discomfort.

    As per FDA guidelines, Equilibria CBD is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or ailment. As always, consult with your physician before starting any new program that may interact with your current health plan.

    This post was in partnership with Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    10 Science-Backed Ways to Boost Your Mood

    To say 2020 has been a hard year is the understatement of the decade, and we’re only about halfway through. Countless people around the world are facing fear, uncertainty, disappointment, and loneliness on a daily basis, and it’s important to know that if you’re having these feelings, you are not alone. On lower days, which can occur with or without a global pandemic, there are steps you can take to lift your spirits beyond just another glass of wine.We’ve rounded up 10 science-backed ways to help improve your mood when you’re feeling down. Some of these tips and tricks can lead to an instant boost, but others will help with lessening feelings of stress and anxiety longer term. So let’s get happy!

    1. Head outdoors
    I think we can all agree that staying cooped up indoors all day can lead to feeling anxious and unhappy. It comes as no surprise that a study by the University of Vermont found that those who lived in urban areas used happier words and were less negative on Twitter after a visit to a park than they were pre-visit. If you’re feeling down, try to get some fresh air and sunshine, even if that just means sitting on your patio for a little while.

    Source: Miss Enocha | @missenocha

    2. Walk the right way
    Since you’re planning on going outside anyways, try going for a nice stroll. A walk in the park can provide a mental boost, but when you’re on your walk, make sure you walk in a positive manner. Researchers found that walking as if you’re unhappy (slumped with little arm movement) can lead to experiencing a worse mood than if you walked in a happier style (upright and bouncing). Fake it and you will make it!

    3. Surround yourself with positive friends
    It would be unfair to expect your friends to look on the bright side all the time, but when you’re feeling down, spending time with a friend who tends to be more positive can be helpful. The University of Warwick found that you can pick up on the moods of your friends, and they can be somewhat contagious. Give your friend who tends to look on the bright side a call next time you need to gain some new perspective.

    Source: The Rustic Foodie

    4. Eat healthy
    While sticking to a healthy diet has more benefits than we can outline here, one we’ll focus on is the impact healthy food can have on your mood. After analyzing data from nearly 46,000 people, Dr Joseph Firth found that a healthy diet can lead to an improved mood and reduced depression symptoms. So for dinner tonight, try reaching for anything full of vitamins and antioxidants!

    5. Be a well wisher
    Take a note from that glass-half-full friend we were talking about earlier and be a positive influence in someone else’s life. Researchers at Iowa State University found that instead of trying to make ourselves feel better, we should focus on trying to make others feel better. They found that offering kindness to others can help reduce anxiety, improve happiness, and lead to stronger feelings of social connection. Send congratulatory cards when something good happens to a loved one, compliment a stranger’s shoes, or give a colleague a stellar recommendation on LinkedIn. These acts take just minutes, or even seconds to complete, and may lead to everyone feeling a bit happier.

    6. Move your body
    We can thank Elle Woods for this insightful gem, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.” Exercise is good for both your physical and mental health and can decrease feelings of tension, improve sleep, increase self-esteem, give a sense of control, and elevate your mood. That’s a lot of benefits for a quick run or gym session a few days a week!

    7. Sleep On It
    So this one is a bit of a Catch-22. Stress and anxiety can lead to insomnia, which in turn can cause feelings of depression and irritability. But getting a good night’s sleep can help alleviate those feelings. As tempting as it may be to zone out in front of Netflix for a few hours after a rough day, try to hit the hay early. That way, if you have trouble sleeping, you can hopefully squeeze in a few extra hours.

    Source: Gian Cescon

    8. Discover your passion
    Remember hobbies? It feels like they’re becoming less and less common, but that shouldn’t be the case. Hobbies can be fun, mentally stimulating, and lead to feeling accomplished, confident, and happier. So give one a try! Don’t know where to start? Here are 21 hobbies you can try at home today.

    9. Find peace of mind
    You’ve heard it before, but let’s talk about it once again: meditating has ample health benefits worth considering. Meditating, like all of these suggestions, can’t eradicate the roots of stress, but it can help manage the effects stress and anxiety have on your body. Finding a meditation practice that helps you focus your attention inward can lead to a state of deep relaxation, increased focus, and fewer nervous thoughts. It can take time to find the right fit, so don’t feel discouraged if it takes a few tries to get the hang of meditating. At the very least, setting aside 10 minutes a day to meditate will force you to focus on your breathing, which is also beneficial!

    10. Stimulate the senses
    Aromatherapy is famous for its mood-impacting abilities, so why not load up your diffuser with a relaxing scent? Or you can keep a handy rollerball blend of oils in your purse or at your desk for when you need a quick boost. Similar to scent, sound can also be impactful. Researchers at the University of Missouri found that upbeat music can positively affect our wellbeing, so crank up your favorite happy tunes and let the music do its thing! More

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    14 Things to Do If You Get Dumped That Don’t Include Texting Your Ex

    I don’t know who needs to hear this but: don’t. text. your. ex.We’ve all been there: post-breakup, wondering where things went wrong, wanting to dig up the dirt with hopes of uncovering that one piece of artifact that might give you an ounce of closure. Rejection in any form hurts, but feeling rejected by someone you love dearly hits differently.
    Navigating the post-relationship dating scene after experiencing a breakup is hard enough as it is, but, I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that adding a global pandemic to the situation makes things exponentially more complicated. So it’s no surprise if you’ve been considering reaching out to revisit the idea of familiar past relationships.
    Heidi McBain, a Texas-based counselor for women, moms, and moms-to-be, has had her fair share of experience helping women who have struggled through breakups and divorces. “[Texting your previous partner] may be a default response,” she said. “When you were together, they were your go-to person when times were hard. When you’re going through a period of transition, it can be easy to fall back into old patterns, especially if you don’t yet have a good social support system in place that doesn’t include your ex.”
    Speaking from personal experience, I’ve found that nothing good has ever come out of texting my ex after we uncoupled. Time after time, I looked for closure and comfort from him and was often left feeling unsettled, as he didn’t have the answers I was seeking. After too many times of extending the olive branch and being left with feelings of defeat, I learned that, in my case, I couldn’t look for happiness in the place that I lost it. I started to heal once I stopped looking back.
    Texting your ex can be tempting, but I promise you, you’ll feel better if you don’t. Instead, McBain suggested identifying your support system and practicing self-care. What exactly does that look like? We’ve got you covered:

    1. Call or FaceTime a friend 
    McBain advised redirecting your impulse to reach out to that certain someone, and instead, reaching out to a friend or family member you love. Whether you want to vent or be distracted, talking to someone you love can help you to feel connected if you’re feeling isolated.

    2. Watch a comedy
    Sometimes, when life is hard, you might find yourself in need of a good laugh. I’m not sure if watching a comedy series counts as self-care, but binge-watching The Office post-breakup was my personal saving grace. If you’re looking for a new comedy to watch, check out these 11 comedies that are sure to help you look on the brighter side of things. 

    3. Clean out your closet
    Yes, that includes that hoodie of theirs that you (previously) love(d) to snuggle up with. It’s dead to us now and simply must go. Cleaning out your closet can be a great metaphor for a fresh start and will give you an opportunity to donate old clothes to someone who needs them more than you. Also, an obvious bonus, you’ll have more space for all of the Anthropologie goodies you have in your online shopping cart.

    4. Volunteer at an animal shelter
    Get in on a little bit of puppy/kitty lovin’ by volunteering at your local animal shelter. If you’re a person who can be cured by animal snuggles, reaching out to see how you can help and getting some playtime with some furry friends (without the commitment) can be a great and wholesome distraction. Pups would never leave you on read, sis. If you reach out to your local shelter, please be mindful of their quarantine precautions and protect yourself, fellow volunteers, and staff. Never go to a public place if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or know someone close to you who has it. If they’re closed to the public at this time, fostering or adopting a furry friend could be a lovely alternative to look in to. 

    5. Print out pictures of your friends and family, and switch out old pictures of your ex-S.O.
    Switch out old photos in your current frames to better reflect your current social circle. Being surrounded by pictures of wonderful memories and others that you love can be a great way to remind yourself of how loved you are and of all the goodness you have experienced.

    Source: Daria Shevtsova | Pexels

    OK, let me make this clear. Do not, I repeat, do not cut your bangs in a frenzy post-breakup. While I don’t condone cutting your own hair, I am a firm believer that a professionally-crafted, fresh cut or color can be a great way to revive your style, and can give you that pep in your step you’ve been missing. While it’s important to pick a stylist based on Yelp reviews and before and after results on their personal page, it’s now equally as important to ask the salon what precautions they will be following to prioritize infection control so that you can leave with fresh hair and fresh hair only.

    7. Make a list of the things you’re grateful for
    Good things are all around us, but when you’re feeling low or are fixated on finding closure after a breakup, it can be easy to lose sight of the positives. If you’re reaching for the phone to text your ex, divert your attention to your Notes app, a journal, or a nearby sticky note. I challenge you to reflect on five things you’re grateful for. According to Harvard Health Publishing, practicing gratitude can make you a happier person. So let’s get to writing, ladies.

    Getting up and moving is always a good idea (bonus: McBain approved this activity too). If you’re feeling down, going on a small walk or going all out at an online scheduled workout class can be a great way to get your endorphins pumping, which can have a positive effect on your mood. And that’s a self-care activity we can get behind.

    Source: Taryn Elliott | Pexels

    Journaling is another McBain-endorsed activity to channel your emotions into if you’re struggling with a breakup. Allowing yourself the space to reflect on your feelings and put them on paper can help you sort through a mess of thoughts. Get yourself a pen and a notebook, and you’re set.

    If you’re looking for another therapeutic, hands-on activity to help fill a void after a breakup, try a hand at baking. Pick out a recipe you’ve been dying to try, put on some feel-good music, and get to cooking. Relieving stress and having a yummy treat as the end reward? Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

    11. Research therapists in your area and consider making an appointment
    As great as it is to have support from friends and family during a rough time, it can be helpful to consider speaking to a therapist if you’re having trouble cutting ties with your ex, McBain noted. Transitioning out of a relationship and assuming a single identity is no easy feat. You may find yourself ruminating on the past and therapists can be a wonderful resource to helping you develop cognitive tools to help you to reframe your thoughts and move forward. Right now, many therapists are offering online therapy sessions which are a great option to seek professional care amidst the pandemic. 

    Source: Ketut Subiyanto | Pexels

    12. Download a dating app to see what’s out there
    If you’re a dating app skeptic like I was, hear me out: downloading a dating app can be a new way for you see what’s out there and to remind you that you’ve still got it. The idea of swiping seems superficial (and let’s be candid, it kind of is), but the connections that people make on the app can be very real. Downloading a dating app can be a low commitment way to dip your toes in the water if you’re looking to get back out there. If you’re not ready yet, that’s fine too! Save this one for when you are.

    When I was experiencing my first breakup, I was pretty self-centered. Not in a bad way … during the heartbreak, I needed to focus my energy on myself to keep it together and to figure out exactly what I needed to heal. After a while of being in my own head, one of the things that I found brought me joy was reaching out to others and helping them where I could. PSA: I don’t mean taking on a laundry list of someone else’s problems, because that won’t be helpful to you. Rather, partake in a simple, random act of kindness to spread some positivity. A good place to start? Send a love letter to a friend.

    Source: Daria Shevtsova | Pexels

    14. Rearrange your furniture
    You mean all those years of shamelessly watching hours of HGTV might actually pay off? Rearranging your furniture can be an easy way to switch up your design aesthetic and can be a great project to tackle while you’re looking to move forward and create a new reality for yourself. 

    If you need to cry, do it. If you want to scream, open your window and let it out. Experiencing a breakup is a loss, and grieving loss looks different in each of us. Be gentle with yourself. Be patient. We know you’re worth it. We’re here for you, girlfriend.  More

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    These Free, 10-Minute Workouts Are Perfect for Days When You’re Short on Time

    “Petting as many dogs as humanely possible” is one of my most significant life goals.I’ve never met a dog that I didn’t like. I am the CEO of stopping on the Chicago Lakefront mid-run to pet all of the good doggos that proudly and happily trot past me. While I’m not in a place to own a dog of my own, this small fact does not stop me from getting my canine fix any time the opportunity presents itself.
    It has become very important for me to streamline my life to allow for as much time to provide belly rubs and compliments to dogs as possible. It is crucial to me that no matter what I accomplish in life, I never lose sight of prioritizing activities that I love most. Maybe for you, that joy comes from cooking, hanging out with family/friends, reading, watching Netflix, pouring a large glass of wine, or journaling. Regardless of what gets your heart pumping, I think we can all agree that making more time for the things we love is a good thing.
    So on days where I’m slammed with work, drowning in laundry, or itching to prioritize the petting of the dogs, I simply don’t have time to head to my gym and spend an hour on the treadmill (note: I have never actually spent one whole hour on a treadmill). I have always been a firm believer that quality is better than quantity (in this case, quantity being the amount of time spent working out) and have found that doing an effective, 10-minute workout is better than doing nothing at all. On the days where you don’t have time or are just looking for a quick way to move, these 13 free 10-minute workouts will have your back:

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    What are your favorite ways to workout at home? Let us know in the comments below! More

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    I’m Not a Morning Person—This Is the Evening Routine That Helps Me Keep It Together

    If you were to ask any of my friends about me, I’d like to think that they’d have a lot of nice things to say. They might describe me as friendly, laid-back, and down for a good time. They may mention that I am in a committed relationship with McDonald’s chicken nuggets. They might label me as a “good listener” or a “good friend.” They might give accolades to my ability to send highly relatable memes to their DMs at any point in the day. One thing they most definitely wouldn’t say about me? That I am a morning person.I have a reputation amongst my friends and family to prioritize sleeping in over most things in life. I have an affinity for hitting my snooze button anywhere from four to nine times a morning (I wish that was an exaggeration). If you speak to me before my morning coffee, there’s a 99 percent chance that what you said did not register. No matter how many tips and tricks that I’ve tried in my efforts to become a morning person, I just can’t hang before 10am. At this point, I’ve come to accept who I am: a night owl who would rather get shit done in the evening than during the morning. 
    PSA: You don’t have to be a morning person to live a healthy, productive life. I’ve felt guilty for “failing” at morning routines for far too long, but after curating an evening routine that fits my peak energy time and makes me feel like a superhero, I’d like to argue that night owls are just as badass as the humans who work out, clean, meal prep, meditate, and do a 57-step skincare routine before they log on for work. The early bird gets the worm, but the worm that sleeps in doesn’t get eaten, am I right?
    Here are the eight habits that have made my evenings productive and have helped me to embrace the fact that I am, in fact, a night owl:

    1. Work out right after work
    I truly cannot count the number of times that I’ve set my alarm two hours early to workout and decided, in the early hours of the morning, that REM sleep is cooler than squats. I’ve found that, as with most things, my workouts are most productive after a workday when I’ve used the day to hydrate and I’ve consumed at least two meals. While the idea of a late-night workout excites me, I try to exercise before dinner so that it’s easier for me to wind down afterward. Right now, I’ll do an at-home workout or go for a one to three-mile run, and I’ll opt to work out outside so that I can get some fresh air.

    2. Listen to a podcast while cooking dinner
    I used to hate cooking until stay-at-home orders hit. When I realized that I simply could not afford using Grubhub or Doordash every night, I bought Tieghan Gerard’s Half Baked Harvest Super Simple Cookbook to turn my life around. For dinner, I grab my fav glass of vino, pick a recipe to whip up, and listen to my favorite podcast. Typically I’ll opt for a recipe that I can cook for one and save for dinner for the next few days. Dinner: done. Meal prep: done. Getting the pop culture tea: done.

    3. Tidy up my living space
    The dinnertime productivity hack that absolutely changed my life is making an effort to clean up my kitchen messes as I’m cooking. It sounds so simple, but as we all have experienced at one point or another, there’s nothing worse than staring at dirty cookware and dishes after eating and slipping into a food coma. Tidying up as I go makes doing the remaining dishes after dinner so much more tolerable. After rinsing my remaining dishes and popping them into the dishwasher, I do a quick tidy-up of the rest of my living space (I save deep cleaning for the weekend when I have more time to do that sort of thing).

    4. Take a relaxing bath
    Why has it taken me so long to get on board with taking baths? My bath time is my me time, and those 30 minutes help me to wind down after power cleaning. Am I sweating from bending over to pick up all of my clutter from my last outfit crisis? Probably. Should I get that checked out by a doctor or, at the very least, up my cardio game? Also, probably. While I’m soaking, I like to call a friend, read an excerpt from my latest and greatest book obsession, or catch up on my IG feed. I light my favorite candle, dim the lights, and play some Mumford & Sons radio to set the mood.

    5. Plan out tomorrow’s outfit
    Somewhere along the way on my journey from third grade to adulthood, I lost sight of the easiest and most rewarding task of all—laying out tomorrow’s outfit. If and when I snooze my alarm and subsequently oversleep, I need all of the extra time that I can get.Enduring an 8am clothes crisis and settling on an outfit that I feel *blah* in is not the move. In my pursuit to work from home and not lose my mind, I’ve found it helpful to make sure that I’m changing out of my morning pajamas into something cute and casual to signal to my brain that it’s time to get to work.

    6. Prep my morning coffee
    Of all the responsibilities that are knocking on my door at the time of my alarm interrupting my dreams of being married to Zac Efron, my highest priority of all is coffee. I like to streamline my coffee routine ahead of time so that everything is neatly out and ready for me to get espresso in my body as soon as humanely possible. At night, I’ll pop my Nespresso capsule into my Nespresso machine, make sure that the water is filled to the brim, and line up my mixings (oat milk, vanilla, and cinnamon) for easy morning access. 

    6. Make a to-do list for tomorrow
    I am forever an offender of adding things to my to-do list that I’ve already completed so that I can give myself credit for completing tasks. After I’m squeaky clean and pick out my outfit for the morning, I make myself a herbal tea, I snuggle into bed, and reach for my journal that sits on my nightstand. My journal is my life and is a compilation of random article pitches that I think of at 4am, blurbs talking smack about someone who hurt my feelings, and to-do lists that somehow never fully get checked off. Regardless, making my to-do list helps me to focus in the simultaneous whirlwind and brain fog of the morning. I prioritize mindless tasks to be completed first to boost my confidence and schedule more tasking responsibilities for the afternoon when my productivity levels are highest.

    8. Do something that brings me joy
    I’ve been trying really hard to limit screen time before bed, so I’ve been opting for other blue-light-free activities that bring me joy to end the evening. On a normal day, I’ll turn off the lights with the exception of the faint glow of my bedside lamp, and I’ll either revisit my Kindle, journal about my day, or doodle until my eyelids become heavy. When I feel myself daydreaming then dazing, I know it’s time to call it a night. I set my typical morning alarms (yes, plural) and tuck myself in, knowing that I am leaving a productive day behind.

    Would you consider yourself a morning person or a night owl? When do you find that you’re your best, most productive self? More

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    How 12 Experts Are Staying Their Healthiest While Staying at Home

    I don’t know about you, but since the stay-at-home order started months ago, I’ve been moving my body less and eating more frozen pizza than I have in years. Even though 2020 has looked a lot different than we all thought it would when making health goals back in January, the well-being of our bodies shouldn’t just be a priority when we can go to juice cafes and workout studios. In fact, prioritizing health might even be more important during a scary and uncertain time. For some much-needed inspo, I asked my favorite nutritionists, trainers, and wellness entrepreneurs how they’re taking care of their bodies while staying at home. 
    1. Les Alfred, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and Host of the Balanced Black Girl Podcast
    Source: @balancedles

    “While spending so much more time at home, mental health check-ins and daily exercise are non-negotiables. For my daily mental health check-in, I’ll spend some time journaling and reflecting on how I’m feeling. My emotions have ranged from optimistic and hopeful to lonely and unsure of what the future holds. Creating space to feel while honoring all of my feelings has been incredibly helpful. I also move my body every day. Some of my favorite ways to move at home include Sun Salutations each morning, short dumbbell or bodyweight workouts during my lunch break to keep my energy up for the afternoon, and early evening walks to relieve stress before winding down for the night.” 
    Listen to the Balanced Black Girl Podcast and follow her on Instagram here. 

    2. Melissa Wood-Tepperberg, Founder of The MWH Method
    Source: @melissawoodhealth

    “Prioritizing my practice of meditation and mindful movement is what keeps me sane through anything that comes my way. Even taking just two minutes to yourself makes such a massive impact toward shifting your mood. I do this through my method of movement to sculpt beautiful, long lean lines throughout the entire body through precise, low-impact movements.”
    Try a seven-day free trial of the MWH Method and follow her on Instagram here. 

    3. Berrion Berry, Period Educator and Founder of The Flo Academy
    Source: @berrionlberry

    “My hottest tip for staying healthy while safe at home is to focus on the breath. I do a three-minute breathwork exercise every morning, then again just after lunch, and again right as I end my day. I’ve found that it allows me to remain aligned and grounded. Breathwork is extremely helpful for managing both stress and anxiety. Oh, and the song I like to breathe to is called Deeper by Sion. The power of breath is so underrated, but I love it! And it helps with period pain too (can’t forget to mention that!).”
    Join The Flo Academy and follow her on Instagram here. 

    4. May Zhu, MBA, RD, LDN, and Founder of Nutrition Happens
    Source: @nutritionhappens

    “Maximize the benefits from the leafy greens you’re eating by rotating different varieties from week to week. This will add more nutrition diversity in terms of vitamins and minerals. For example, if you chose spinach this week, maybe go for arugula or chard the next. I love doing this because it also helps me get out of a kitchen rut when I feel uninspired. If there’s a leafy green you haven’t tried, now is a great time to try it in a new recipe. Also, I love walks on days when I’m feeling something more low impact. I’ll take a walk either before or after dinner to get fresh air. Several studies support that even 10 minutes of brisk walking can improve our moods.
    I’ve been working from home for a few years now, and I’m always working on work time boundaries. One thing that has helped me set up the post-work environment to transition out of the workday is to light a candle after I finish work to set the tone for the night. Lately, I love candles from The Koop New York and Dear Sunday Co, which are both Black-owned businesses that I adore!”
    Check out Nutrition Happens and follow her on Instagram here. 

    5. Valerie Agyeman, RD, Women’s Health Dietitian, and Founder of Flourish Heights
    Source: Flourish Heights

    “I’ve been stretching more! A few weeks ago, I realized I was sitting all day on a sofa or an office chair, which hasn’t been the best for my posture. So lately, I’ve been trying different stretches throughout the day, both indoors and outdoors. It helps keep my mind and body calm and at ease.”
    Check out Flourish Heights and follow her on Instagram here. 

    Source: @danielleduboise

    “I’m focused on enjoying the little things that make me happy, whether it’s spending time with my husband and daughter or taking some time to move my body every day (I’m currently obsessed with Fit Pregnancy Club online classes). I’ve also been trying to keep my routine as normal as possible by eating plenty of leafy greens and adding Sakara Beauty Water Drops to my water first thing every morning.”
    Shop Sakara, listen to The Sakara Life Podcast, and follow her on Instagram here. 

    Source: @whitneytingle

    “I’m using this extra time to focus on nourishing my body with Sakara meals 3-5 days a week and regularly eating my go-to snack, Sakara Detox Super Bars. I try to dedicate at least 20 minutes a day for some sort of movement, whether it’s taking a walk or doing an online class. I’ve been really into Melissa Wood Health and Caravan Wellness, and I just added The Bloom Method, which is for pregnant mamas. I also try to spend some time each day filling my brain with information that helps inspire me to be more creative. I’ve been loving podcasts like The Doctor’s Farmacy, On Being, Esther Perel, and the Goop Podcast.”
    Shop Sakara, listen to The Sakara Life Podcast, and follow her on Instagram here. 

    8. Ingrid S. Clay, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Plant-Based Chef
    Source: @ingridsclay

    “I’ve been working out every day! I do 30 minutes of cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. I also always tell clients to not buy junk food (so it’s not in the house) and to only eat when hungry.”
    Book a meal plan or class pack and follow her on Instagram here. 

    9. Serena Poon, CN, CHC, CHN, Nutritionist, Reiki Master, and Founder of Culinary Alchemy
    Source: Serena Loves

    “Stay super hydrated! Drink at least 75 percent of your weight in ounces of water. Hydration is key for your entire organ system to function optimally. Also, eat the rainbow; make sure your meals and snacks throughout the day include a variety of fresh, whole produce that spans the colors of the rainbow. By doing this, you are taking in a multitude of vitamins and minerals in the most bioavailable form. Always opt for nutrient-dense meals, smoothies, juices, or broth, packed with tons of vitamins, minerals, fiber and nutrients over anything that is processed.
    Finally, connect with nature. Talk a walk, sit in the sun, open up the windows, or play in the water if you are near the ocean or a lake. Take off your shoes and stand in the grass. Do a little gardening or water your plants. Do something every day that reminds you that there is something much greater than us, the earth is healing, and whatever is happening right now will heal and pass.”
    Book a nutrition program or reiki session, download a free E-book, and follow her on Instagram here. 

    10. Mona Dan, LAc., MTOM, Herbalist, Acupuncturist and Founder of Vie Healing

    “I sit outside under direct sunlight for at least 20-30 minutes. It gives me a chance to reset and relax but also sweat a little while soaking in some vitamin D. After that, I take a hot shower and gently scrub with bath salts. I also make sure to include fresh fruits and veggies in my meals to take in lots of vitamins and minerals to keep my immunity up.”
    Shop Vie Healing and follow her on Instagram here. 

    Source: @laurengores

    “I’ve been moving my body every day, which has proven to be the most incredible medicine for me, internally and externally. Some days I have time for an hour-long workout, and other days, it’s a 15-minute yoga flow with my toddler crawling on top of me. But it’s the movement that matters, and I think it’s been key to my health and well-being during this time. Also, I’ve been doing a lot of face masking with our Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask to make me look a lot less sleepy than I feel.”
    Shop Summer Fridays and follow her on Instagram here. 

    12. Sahara Rose, Ayurveda Consultant, Best-Selling Author, and Host of The Higher Self Podcast
    Source: @iamsahararose

    “Every day, I ask myself what I can do for my body, mind, and spirit. For my body, I love to do a barre workout followed by some yoga (especially hip openers since we are sitting so much more). For my mind, I love to read spiritual books and do some writing for my next book, Discover Your Dharma. For my spirit, I am obsessed with doing what I call “Goddess Breathwork,” which consists of deep inhales and exhales while doing cat-cows with your spine. It completely relaxes the body, so it’s easy to drop into a meditation! I feel so energized, refreshed, and in alignment with these practices. Often, I’ll break out into a spontaneous dance party because I feel so good!”
    Read Eat Feel Fresh, take the quiz to find your dosha, and follow her on Instagram here.

    What at-home health tips make you feel your best? More