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    This Genius Method Is Helping Me Accomplish My Goals in Just 12 Weeks

    Every year, in the week leading up to New Year’s Eve, I reflect on the year I’ve had, round up vision board supplies to dream about the year ahead, and fill out reflection and goal-planning workbooks. Like most of us, I brainstorm goals for my career, relationships, social life, health, and more, and I think, “Certainly, I can accomplish all of these things by next year!” But despite my best goal-setting efforts and the deep excitement I feel for what’s to come, I can’t help but feel generally overwhelmed.
    To be honest, I typically end up setting vague commitments, letting the year play out, and adjusting my path along the way, and that doesn’t always yield great results. Knowing this about myself, I wanted to try something new this year, and as always, the internet had an answer for me. Inspired by a popular time management book making waves across social media, I picked up a copy of The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington to see what the hype was about and attempt to plan my success.
    After reading Moran and Lennington’s framework and advice, I’m here to share what I learned from The 12 Week Year, how I’m leveraging it all to set meaningful, measurable goals, and whether or not it’s yielded results for me so far.

    Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington

    Leading experts on execution and implementation, Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington share a how-to guide for those who are seeking to improve their execution effectiveness from one year to just 12 weeks. This book will help you redefine your year to create clarity and urgency on what matters now and ultimately speed your journey to success.

    What is a 12 week year?
    According to Moran and Lennington, “A year is no longer 12 months, it is now only 12 weeks.” This allows us to redefine the traditional framework of a full year; however, it’s important to note that this isn’t the same as dividing a calendar year into four (like you would when you plan quarterly). You can start your 12 week year at any time and count 12 weeks from your starting point to determine when your year ends. Basically, you don’t have to start on January 1 if you want to start crushing your goals using this framework—you can start counting your 12 weeks whenever you want! And after the 12 weeks is over, you can start again right away or whenever you’re ready. There are no hard and fast rules!
    How do you structure your days?
    When you have 365 days to achieve your goals, you don’t have to be as strict with your time as you do when you only have 84. Each moment in each day is important in a 12 week year, so structuring your day and outlining your tactics (or your to-do list) is crucial for making progress toward your goals. Your daily actions are what drive you toward actual change, so plan your days with actionable, specific, and time-bound tasks. For example, if you are planning to prioritize your health as a goal, some of your daily to-dos might include incorporating 30 minutes of movement each day on your lunch break (whether it’s a short walk, a workout, or light stretching) and eating at home five out of seven nights of the week. The tactics you set out to do should be clear enough that you can tell right away if you’re achieving them. Otherwise, it will be hard to tell at the end of your day, week, and full 12 weeks if you accomplished what you intended.
    How can you be the most intentional with your limited time?
    Achieving your goals requires more than planning and luck. You’ll also need to ensure you’re using your time intentionally. Moran and Lennington discuss intentionality and how, in order to accomplish your goals, you have to be intentional about how and where you invest your time. Time-blocking is a great way to ensure all of your time is well-spent. In the book, the authors discuss three helpful types of time blocks that hold a specific purpose, whether it’s to power through hard work or simply take a much-needed rest—because both are important for achieving your goals.

    Strategic blocks: This is a three-hour block of uninterrupted time that you can schedule each week for deep, distraction-free concentration.
    Buffer blocks: This is a block for unplanned and low-value activities that can feel rather time-consuming, and the allotted time varies for each person.
    Breakout blocks: This is another three-hour (or more) block of time that is spent away from your work. Think of this as free time to be totally disconnected.

    How do hold yourself accountable throughout a 12 week year?
    Determining your weeks and structuring your days will help you pull together a strong plan, but it’s essential to implement accountability and progress checks to guide you. Moran and Lennington recommend spending 15-20 minutes at the beginning of each week and the first five minutes of each day reviewing your progress. This can help you determine the areas you’re doing a good job in, whether or not you’ve been allocating your time effectively, and where you might be falling behind and need to restructure your tasks and plans. Checking in with your progress frequently keeps your goals top of mind, too.
    Moran and Lennington also suggest implementing a scorekeeping method to measure your weekly efforts. This doesn’t have to be complicated or overly strict, but it should give you a good idea as to whether you met your goals for the week or not. To do this, review the tactics you intended to complete throughout the week and cross off what you actually did finish. Then, count the number of tactics you completed and divide it by the total number you intended to do. This will give you your score for the week. Moran and Lennigton found that if you achieve a minimum of 85 percent each week, you’re likely to hit your goals at the end of the 12 week year!
    Regular accountability checks and scorekeeping can let you know if you are truly making progress toward your goals because let’s face it: If we don’t measure ourselves, it’s easy to tell ourselves we’re making progress, only to come up short. These check-in points also allow you to assess whether you set the right tactics for yourself, which means that if there’s a tactic you aren’t hitting week after week, you should reassess it and adjust if needed.
    How do you achieve your goals in less time?
    The concept of the 12 week year is also built on three principles that, when executed well, drive personal and professional success. To achieve your goals, Moran and Lennington believe accountability, commitment, and harnessing greatness in each moment is crucial. While we already reviewed the importance of accountability and understand the importance of being committed to your work and your goals, harnessing greatness in the moment is a principle I had never considered before.
    A lot of us think that greatness comes after we achieve our big dreams—like we’ll be happy when we achieve something—but the real power lies in believing in our greatness throughout the entire process. When we do this, we are more likely to do the things we need to feel great and enjoy the process along the way.
    With the help of these three principles, we know our goals, we know what we need to do to achieve them, and we aren’t afraid to set boundaries around our lives and schedules to help us do so. All of these things bring us closer to success.
    Source: @vlada-karpovich | Pexels
    How I’m using 12 week years to crush my goals this year
    I’m creating short-term visions
    In the same way that people make a vision for the entire year, I made a vision board for my 12 week sprint. For the first time, I felt less pressure to do ~all the things~ and instead focused on a short-term vision. Moran and Lennington note that it’s essential to get specific about what you can do in the short term to take meaningful steps toward your bigger dreams. To do this, you should ask yourself a series of questions to identify what you want to achieve. Below are a few questions that are recommended in the book, as well as a few of my own, that I sprinkled in to ask myself to define my short-term vision and determine my goals.

    What is most important to me in all aspects of my life?
    How much time freedom do I want?
    What income do I need (versus want)?
    What do I find fulfilling?
    What dreams do I have, and what risks or barriers are in my way?
    Where do I feel most purpose-led?

    I found that it was refreshing and exciting to let my mind wander in these directions. This process really helped me capture what I wanted to achieve without the pressure to be perfect or the rush to do everything all at once.
    I’m determining measurable goals
    According to the book, many 12 week plans should only include two or three goals. Since time is limited, they should be specific and measurable, as we discussed earlier. Ahead are the goals I defined for myself, as well as how I am planning to achieve them, in case you need some examples or inspiration for your own planning!
    Grow my professional network
    As much as I know that building a strong professional network and making connections is important (especially in an ever-changing job market), I don’t always prioritize time to grow mine. So, I’ve set this as a goal as part of my first 12 week plan to connect with and learn from like-minded professionals and expand my reach as a freelance writer.
    To achieve this goal, I plan to post on LinkedIn at least three times per week, attend one networking event by the end of my 12 week year, and spend at least one hour per week engaging with other freelancers. As you can tell, these are all specific and measurable, so they are easy to score myself on.
    Adopt a consistent morning routine
    I know from experience that my mental health is better, that I’m more productive during the day, and that I perform better when my morning routine is consistent. For my first 12 week year, I knew that because of these things, I should give my existing morning routine an overhaul as it affects all aspects of my life and, subsequently, my goals.
    To achieve this, my goal is to wake up at 6:30 am every weekday (no snooze button allowed), brush my teeth as soon as I get up, and get changed out of my pajamas before I leave my bedroom. These things will help me feel less groggy and more confident and prepared to take on the day. In addition to this, drinking at least one glass of water before I reach for a cup of coffee and setting a strict “no social media until after 10:00 a.m.” rule is present on my daily to-do list. With these things in place, I anticipate seeing my productivity and mental health improve significantly.
    I’m documenting my progress and planning ahead
    I used my first attempt at a 12 week year as an excuse to buy another planner I didn’t need (because duh) so I could track my progress along the way. On Sunday evenings, before bed, I document my progress by scoring my week. This usually looks like a written “Heck yes, I did it!” or “I missed this goal this week” for each of the tactics I outlined at the beginning of the week (or a simple checkmark and an X, depending on my mood).
    Once I review my score from the previous week, I use that to guide the following. For example, if I didn’t post as many times on LinkedIn as I planned to the week prior, I make sure to prioritize that or do an extra post. I also use this time to put blocks on my calendar for different activities, ensuring I leave little wiggle room for determining how best to spend my time in the moment since breakout blocks (reminder: these are the time blocks spent away from work) are equally as productive, according to Moran and Lennington.
    Final Thoughts
    I’m only a few weeks in, but so far, I’m enjoying this framework and already seeing benefits. I don’t mean to brag, but since I started my first 12 week year, my scorecard has averaged a solid 90 percent! As a recovering perfectionist, I have to be honest and admit that because I always want a perfect score, I find it challenging to be honest with myself about my progress. However, I have recognized throughout this process so far that if I score perfectly, my goals might be too easy. Taking the time to pause and adjust for the greater good of my goals is all a part of growing and learning.
    The 12 week year has taught me to find the excitement in goal-setting and fresh starts instead of feeling overwhelmed by them. I can’t wait to capture more of that “new year, better me” energy beyond the month of January and achieve more goals regularly, knowing that I have the framework and support to do it, thanks to Moran and Lennington.

    Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington

    Leading experts on execution and implementation, Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington share a how-to guide for those who are seeking to improve their execution effectiveness from one year to just 12 weeks. This book will help you redefine your year to create clarity and urgency on what matters now and ultimately speed your journey to success. More

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    10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Career Move

    In my 10 years of professional experience, at least five moments come to mind when I think of making big career moves. If I factor in minor, less large-scale changes, that number continues to grow. In those 10 years, I’ve worked at five different companies in six different roles across varying industries and skill sets, all while changing careers from an aspiring certified public accountant to a communications professional, freelance writer, and podcast host. All that to say, I have a lot of experience making career moves.
    Throughout those years, I’ve honed in on a list of go-to questions I ask myself when considering a career move, whether because I’m feeling stuck workwise or because I’ve found myself at a career crossroads. Making changes in your life can be both exhilarating and terrifying, and career moves are no exception. The key is to assess where you’ve been, where you currently are, and where you want to go so you can be strategic about your next move. Ellen Taaffe, leadership coach, Kellogg Professor, former Fortune 500 executive, and TEDx speaker, agrees. She shares, “When thinking about a career move, consider what matters most in your career and life currently and in the next few years. Start with where you are and where you want to go.”
    If you’re facing uncertainty in your career and trying to determine what’s next, ask yourself these 10 questions.
    1. How am I feeling?
    Before making any decisions, take a moment to check in with yourself. Taking a pulse check of where you currently are will help you determine your next best move. Sometimes, it’s necessary to slow down so we can move forward. Consider things like your satisfaction with your current role. Ask yourself questions like: Are you burned out by your workload or unsatisfied with your job? Are you being challenged by your work? Feeling underutilized or overutilized? Are you overwhelmed, happy, or content with your current situation? Pausing to get a clear picture of where you stand will help you decide where to go.
    2. What am I really good at?
    While we’re reflecting, take a moment to identify your strengths. These are the tasks and responsibilities you excel at in your current role and any previous positions. We’re not considering whether you like the task just yet (we’ll do that soon). Write down everything people turn to you to do because you’re the best of the best, whether it’s in your job description or not.
    3. What work brings me joy?
    Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you like it. I’m exceptional at doing the dishes, but does that bring me joy? Not exactly. Take inventory of the work and responsibilities that fulfill you and give you purpose in the workplace. What are you passionate about and absolutely love to do? Get clear on these items so you know which direction you should take in your career. And note, it’s okay if the things that once gave you joy don’t anymore. Our interests are sure to change throughout our careers.

    Sometimes, it’s necessary to slow down so we can move forward.

    4. Where do my strengths and fulfillment align?
    You know what you’re good at and what brings you joy. Now, figure out where the tasks cross paths. Do your strengths and passions align with your current role and responsibilities? If not, are there opportunities for improvement? Understanding where your strengths and purpose intersect helps you appreciate your sweet spot and know what superpower you bring to the table. This is key to determining your next career move and where you can add value at work.
    5. What are my non-negotiables?
    Gone are the days when work was just a paycheck. There are a lot of aspects that make up an ideal working situation. Determine your non-negotiables and how many your current company and role check. Then, do your research to see if some other roles or companies could meet your needs.
    Some non-negotiables to consider include:

    Work Location: Do you want to work in-person, hybrid, or remotely?
    Benefits and Perks: What benefits are an absolute must? (i.e., medical, dental, vision, 401(k), paid time off, gym reimbursement, mental health days, tuition assistance, parental leave, etc.)
    Work Environment: What’s your preferred industry (i.e., tech, financial services, retail), company size (i.e., small, medium, large), physical location (i.e., close to your current address, in a different state), company culture, etc.?
    Team Environment: Do you want to manage others or work as an individual contributor? Do you prefer a large team, a small team, collaborative work, or asynchronous work? Do you want coworkers you can relate to? Do you have preferred team dynamics?
    Finances: What’s your preferred salary, bonus potential, stock options, etc.? What financial situations (i.e., student loans, debt, saving for a down payment on a house) do you need to consider?
    Growth Opportunities: Are you looking for the potential to advance at a company, professional development opportunities, ability to grow a team, etc.?
    Responsibilities: What are the tasks that absolutely need to be included in your role or that you absolutely don’t want to do?
    Title: Is there a specific title you’ve set your sights on?
    Work-Life Balance: How do you want work to integrate into your life?
    Risk Tolerance: Are you a risky or risk-averse person? What risk level are you comfortable with? Taaffe recommends asking yourself, “In six to twelve months, would you regret staying or leaving more?” This helps identify the risk to our careers and mindset of staying in a questionable situation or leaving as we leap into the unknown.

    6. What are my values?
    We often hear about company mission statements and values, but what about your personal values? What do you value in your life and career? Maybe you’re passionate about helping others or the environment. Or perhaps you want to drive diversity and be a female leader in a male-dominated industry. There is no right or wrong answer. Values are personal to everyone. If it helps, take a moment to draft a personal mission statement that can serve as your guidepost when determining your next move.
    7. What are my career aspirations?
    Up to this point, we’ve gotten a good picture of where you’ve been and where you currently are. Now, it’s time to focus on where you want to go. Are you an individual contributor wanting to move into a management role? Do you want to change industries? Have you been thinking about starting your own business? Maybe you want to go back to school. Dream big here. There are no limits to what you want to achieve in your career. Aim high. You may not get there in your next role, but it’ll help you be strategic to figure out the next best career move for you.

    8. What do I need to support my career advancement?
    Once you know where you want your career to go, it’s time to assess what you need to get there. Do you need more exposure or opportunities in your current role to land a promotion? Would you benefit from having a mentor? What about joining a professional organization or volunteering? Or maybe you need to identify learning opportunities to upskill and further your career. “As technology continues to evolve, it’s essential that everyone develops skills to adapt,” shares Amanda Brophy, Director of Grow with Google. “Today, 92% of jobs require digital skills, and this percentage is only expected to grow. Proactively upskilling helps employees keep their skills current and makes them more marketable internally and externally.”
    Keep in mind you don’t need to solve the entirety of your career equation right now. You just need to identify what the next one or two steps might look like. So, while a big promotion might be your goal, your next move might look like asking to get on a new project to demonstrate your leadership skills. Or, if you’re looking to break into a new industry or sharpen your skills, obtaining a certificate or taking classes can be the differentiator between you and another candidate.
    9. What’s next?
    Up until this point, you’ve done a lot of reflection. You’ve taken inventory of where you are and where you want to go, and now it’s time to decide what’s next. “The decision to change companies or roles is an individual one,” Taafee shares. “I suggest you reflect on your progression, learning, and motivation to determine if it’s time to move on.” After assessing your current situation, desires, and other data points, it’s time to determine if your current situation and company align with where you want to go. You’ll likely be met with one of these four main paths:

    Growing in your current role at your current company,
    Finding a new role at your current company,
    Looking for a similar role at a new company, or
    Moving into a new role at a new company.

    That’s not to say there aren’t other options available to you but to help you simplify it, those four paths are a good place to start. Also, whatever path you choose, know that other opportunities are available to meet your needs. You can start a side hustle, take up a new hobby, go back to school to obtain a degree or learn new skills via a certificate program, among other things.
    10. What’s my gut telling me?
    We can aspire to make logical decisions based on data and pros and cons lists, and I wholeheartedly agree that data serves as a guiding light. But something else can also steer us on the right path: our guts. What direction is your gut telling you to take in your career? It may be completely different from what the data tells you and contradict everything you thought you wanted. But I’m here to tell you that’s okay.
    I believe we have gut reactions to choices because we’ve acquired a million data points from other situations in our lives. So, while a gut reaction might feel nonsensical, it’s our body’s way of steering us in the right direction for us. At the end of the day, you need to lay your head on your pillow at night and be happy with the choices you make. So, assess the data, listen to your gut, and be prepared for amazing things. More

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    4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Turning Your Hobby Into a Side Hustle

    When was the last time you did something for fun? And by doing something for fun, I don’t mean going out for dinner and drinks or binge-watching your favorite show. I mean doing something that has no end goal besides being a source of joy or peace in your life. Maybe you love baking but haven’t found time recently to whip up your favorite treat. Maybe you’ve been meaning to finish knitting that scarf you started months ago for weeks now. Or maybe you have a blog but haven’t written anything for ages. For many of us, myself included, it’s been a horrifyingly long time since a beloved hobby was just a hobby. In high school, my dance classes and lacrosse practices became fodder for my college applications; in college, my passion for reading and writing funneled neatly into my major and my career. Suddenly, as an adult, I have come to a startling realization: By monetizing all of my hobbies and giving each of my pursuits a distinct end goal, I accidentally forgot how to have fun for fun.
    No matter what stage of life or career you are in, chances are that at some point, you’ve taken the “work hard, play hard” mindset and blended the working and playing part together. Whether you’ve chosen to pursue a career path that strikes all of your main personal interests (go you!) or you’ve opted to turn something you love to do for fun into a side hustle, it can be easy to assume that the best way to make the most of an activity that brings you joy is to turn it into something that also makes you money. However, there’s something to be said for doing things purely for the delight of doing them, without monetizing the activity. How do you really know when your hobby should stay a hobby? Here are four expert-backed questions to ask yourself before you start turning something you love into a job or side hustle.
    1. How much passion and interest do you have in this hobby?
    Turning a hobby into a side hustle requires time and energy, meaning that chances are, you’re going to have to love it a lot in order to still find joy in the process once you’ve monetized the activity. According to Registered Clinical Counselor Niloufar Esmaeilpour, reflecting on whether you want to do something for the sake of making money as opposed to the enjoyment of the process will better position you to make a thoughtful decision on monetizing that hobby. “If you genuinely love what you’re doing, monetizing that hobby might enhance your enjoyment,” Esmaeilpour said. “However, if the pursuit becomes solely about making money, you may risk losing the intrinsic motivation that makes the hobby enjoyable in the first place.”
    If you’re starting to get an inkling that you might want to turn an activity that you do for fun into a job or a side hustle, weigh your level of passion and interest with the hobby itself. Is this something that you will still be able to love when it becomes a source of income? Can your passion for this activity withstand the pressure of deadlines and goals? If the answer is yes, you might just have a candidate for a hobby that you can turn into a little extra cash.
    2. Will you be able to maintain a healthy life balance if you’re turning your hobby into a side hustle?
    One of the great things about a hobby is that if you miss a day or drop the ball, it’s no big deal—you can easily pick back up where you left off without facing any penalties. On the flip side, when you’re doing something that you love as a moneymaking enterprise, there are expectations that you have to meet to be successful. Esmaeilpour recommends considering whether monetizing a hobby will significantly disrupt your work-life balance, especially if you’re planning to turn it into a side hustle. “Maintaining a balance between your hobby and other responsibilities is crucial. Consider whether the demands of monetizing the hobby will disrupt your work-life balance or lead to burnout,” Esmaeilpour says.
    Sometimes, hobbies themselves are stress relievers, which is why it can be valuable to keep money out of the picture. For example, if you’re a talented painter or love to bake and know that other people are impressed by the things you make, consider whether you’ll be able to still make time for adequate stress-relieving activities if you start making money from your creations. After all, your health and overall well-being should come first, so making sure that you can keep those things up is essential.
    3. What is your skill level with this hobby, really?
    This can be one of the toughest questions to ask yourself when it comes to turning something you love into a job or side hustle, mostly because it means being brutally honest with yourself about your talent and whether or not you want to put the pressure of moneymaking on that talent. Regardless of what your hobby is—whether it manifests in a physical product, or is a skill in itself like teaching a type of class—consider whether your skill level with this hobby has actual market value before launching it into a business or side hustle.
    If this hobby is something that you really want to turn into a moneymaker, that might mean investing time and money in training and development of the skill. “Monetizing a hobby may require a higher level of expertise and professionalism,” Esmaeilpour says. “Consider whether you are ready to invest in further education or training to improve your skills.” While we are all certainly capable of doing something that we love in order to make money, it’s crucial to examine the background work that goes into turning something into a marketable skill, and whether we want to do that background work in the first place.
    4. What is your end goal of monetizing this hobby?
    While there’s nothing wrong with monetizing something that you love to do for fun, ultimately, you have to know where you want the activity itself to go in your life once you’re doing it for more than fun. Do you want to turn this into a full-on career, or are you only looking to have a side hustle? Are you trying to cover the expenses of the hobby itself simply by turning it into something that makes money? According to Esmaeilpour, getting honest with yourself about your goals and expectations will ensure that you still experience the joy of the hobby, even if you do end up making some extra cash off of it.
    Making money from something that you love to do can be incredibly rewarding—but maintaining things that you love to do outside of the pressures of financial gain is crucial for our overall happiness. After all, a true “work hard, play hard” mentality will involve a division between the two, so that you can have both sources of work and play at the same time. As for me, I’m beyond excited to pick up a book for fun for the first time in many, many years—and not tell anyone what I think about the book when I’m done reading. More

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    Feeling Meh? You Might Be Suffering From Autumn Burnout—Here’s What to Do About It

    I love a good pumpkin spice latte just as much as the next person, but I will still gladly choose summer over fall any day of the week. Despite the fact that autumn is the most popular season, the cooler weather and shorter days just don’t do it for me (even though I’ll never turn down an opportunity to watch my favorite comfort show). Truth be told, I often find myself unmotivated to work hard and reach my goals during this time of year. So if you’re like me and also find the transition from summer to fall a nightmare for your work life, there’s a strong chance you’re no stranger to “autumn burnout.”

    In this article

    What is “autumn burnout,” and what causes it?
    The term “autumn burnout” refers to feeling completely mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted during the transition from summer to fall. While this can stem from things such as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), it’s often a direct result of the increased pressures and demands that go against our biological body clock.
    Where summer is all about relaxation and long days outside filled with vitamin D, fall is all about cooler weather, shorter days, and more time spent indoors. Not only can this lack of physical activity and sunlight seriously affect our energy levels, but it can also leave us feeling unmotivated to work hard and reach our goals. Plus, transition anxiety is very real, and a change in season and climate can be triggering for those who have a hard time dealing with change.

    Signs you’re suffering from autumn burnout
    While everyone is different, there are some telltale signs that mean you’re suffering from autumn burnout. So, use these universal red flags to spot when you’re approaching or suffering from burnout this fall:
    1. You feel unmotivated and exhausted
    If you’re dreading what’s on your calendar, are struggling to complete tasks, and feel overwhelmed by literally everything, you’re likely suffering from autumn burnout. This is especially true if these feelings are ongoing. Unlike normal fatigue, exhaustion burnout can’t be cured by a good night’s sleep, and taking a work break won’t restore your motivation or ambition.

    2. You’re experiencing sleep issues
    It’s no secret that getting the right amount of beauty rest each night is imperative for your health, but you’re more likely to experience sleep issues when you’re burnt out. This is because stress releases adrenaline and cortisol, and these two hormones trigger the body’s fight-or-flight response and in turn make you more alert. If you’re feeling particularly stressed during the day and are having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, it’s likely a result of burnout.

    3. You’re apathetic about your job
    They say if you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life, but I beg to differ. While I love my job and wouldn’t change it for a thing, there are still days when work feels like work. So if you’re passionate about your career but find yourself growing indifferent towards or frustrated with it, you’re likely burnt out. Likewise, experiencing decreased productivity and overall work performance are also major signs of autumn burnout.

    4. You’re cynical and irritable
    Cynicism and irritability are two major red flags that you’re approaching burnout or are already there. After all, burnout makes you more susceptible to lower mood levels because it depletes your mental, emotional, and physical resources. If you’re more pessimistic than usual, there’s a strong chance you’re experiencing autumn burnout.

    How to treat autumn burnout
    1. Prioritize a healthy work-life balance
    Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is truly key to treating burnout as the seasons change. This means setting boundaries between your work and personal life—not answering emails after a certain time, clocking in and out at a reasonable hour, making your weekends all about you and forgetting about work, and so on. Additionally, give yourself time to recharge every single day. Let yourself indulge in a morning workout or a nice breakfast and unwind with some reading or journaling in the evening after work. Setting aside time for yourself will allow you to decompress, de-stress, and release whatever’s bothering you.

    2. Focus on your health
    Health is wealth, and you naturally feel more motivated and perform better at work when you feel good inside and out. So, treat burnout by prioritizing getting enough sleep every night, exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, and eating well. You’ll feel strong and well-equipped to handle whatever comes your way and able to thwart burnout easily because you’ll feel good. Plus, taking care of yourself will make you feel proud and accomplished.

    3. Plan ahead
    Planning ahead is one of the easiest ways to ease anxiety and stay grounded and calm during times of stress and pressure. Set aside time before the start of each week (on Friday or Sunday) and plan out your schedule; your schedule should include work priorities and tasks, chores, and other necessary appointments or errands you have to get done. By taking the time to do this, you’ll remove one extra step for yourself in the morning—you won’t have to wake up and plan out your day. In turn, this will make your days seamless, and your productivity will soar.

    4. Stay connected
    Isolation is one of the worst things for your mental health, and becoming disconnected is easier than ever thanks to remote jobs and busy schedules. For this reason, make an active effort to stay connected to the important people in your life on a regular basis. Regardless of whether you text or meet in person, talking to others will remind you that you’re not alone and will help you get out or stay out of a funk.

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    How To Romanticize Your Career This Fall

    When it comes to social media trends, I don’t think there’s one I’ve fallen for more than the trend of romanticizing different areas of your life (get it?!). Lame jokes aside, romanticizing is the idea that you can add pleasure and enjoyment to things beyond just dating or your relationships. It’s about living a quiet life and intentionally making an environment you love to spend time in, whether that’s by cooking meals you enjoy, refreshing your space to be more you, or taking yourself on dates on a regular basis. It’s the antithesis to the hustle culture we all grew up in, and I was so excited to give it a try when I stumbled across it.
    After spending some time romanticizing my day-to-day life for a while, it got me thinking about whether the trend could also be applied to my career, and if so, how? Working a 9-5 or being self-employed isn’t an area that we often think about as being soft and enjoyable, but maybe there’s a way to bring in some of the best parts of romanticizing. I’ve spent the last month trying to romanticize my career and have thoroughly enjoyed the process, and now I’m sharing what I’ve learned along the way so you can too.

    Change your mindset
    If you’re working a job that doesn’t make you leap out of bed every morning, you’re not alone. Having to work for a living isn’t something that most of us want to do, but that doesn’t mean you should view it as a chore and slog through the day—waiting until 5pm or Friday to roll around is no way to live. When I decided to pull in elements of romanticizing to my career, the first place I started was looking at what I liked about my job. I love writing and I love the flow I get into while strategizing and editing other people’s work, so I chose to focus on that part of my role and remind myself how lucky I am to get paid to do that. It might sound fluffy, but I found myself having less Sunday scaries leading up to the work week and more enjoyment in the moment when I made a real effort to focus on the positives of my career throughout the day.

    Create a space that makes you happy
    This tip was the biggest game changer when it came to adding more joy and intentionality to my work. I don’t know about everyone else, but sometimes I get so set on the functionality of my office that I don’t take the time to optimize it for what I actually like. With the goal of creating a space that made me feel like the main character in a cozy fall rom-com, I revamped my home office and brought in some fall candles, hung some aesthetic prints from Etsy, lit my diffuser, and swapped out my clunky black office chair for a cute beige fuzzy one (that still supported my back, because that’s key!). Trust me when I tell you that it made a world of difference when I sat down to do my work in a space that was so pretty and calming.
    If you’re in a physical office or have less ability to modify your space, focus on the small things to make your day more enjoyable: always have a soft sweater or blanket nearby if it gets cold, keep photos you love on your desk, and have a stash of your favorite pens or office supplies ready to go (I swear by my pink Post-Its and Zebra BP pens!). I also recommend that everyone updates their laptop background photo to something seasonal and inspiring (*cough* The Everygirl monthly backgrounds *cough*). It might seem trivial, but the little things can really impact your overall mood each day!

    Be intentional about your breaks
    If taking a work break often looks like scarfing down a granola bar while scrolling TikTok for 10 minutes only to jump immediately back to your computer or hop on the next call, listen up! I was in the same camp—it’s basically the opposite of slow and intentional, and nobody would be calling it romantic. I decided that my breaks needed to change in the name of romanticizing my career, so I started planning out what they would look like at the beginning of the day. I sometimes take a phone-free walk outside, spend some extra time brewing a special coffee and drinking it on my balcony, or using the time to play with my dogs or call my mom. By actually taking a break and giving my brain time to not be online or productive, I noticed that I felt refreshed and ready to pick back up when I sat down at my desk to start working again. That calmness trickled through the rest of my day, giving me perspective and helping me feel less overwhelmed.

    Engage all of your senses
    When I started researching the steps to romanticizing my life (according to the TikTok girlies), I quickly discovered that engaging all of the senses is key. To bring this into my daily 9-5 and my evening freelance work, I decided to have a quick morning checklist I would run through to ensure I was covering all my bases before starting work. For smell, I would turn on my favorite diffuser scents or light a candle. For touch, I’d wear clothing that I loved and was comfortable instead of stuffy corporate wear or yesterday’s sweats. For sound, I’d play some soft folk or instrumental playlists (the Little Women soundtrack is amazing and motivational!), and taste was always fruit-infused water, coffee, or tea. As for sight, I hung new art and made an updated vision board with some aspirational career goals instead of the bland calendar I used to have above my desk. These are small things, but they really made my day feel so much more enjoyable and reminded me that my 9-5 could be a lot more pleasurable if I put a little effort in.

    Set boundaries that work for you
    While it’s not something exclusive to the idea of quiet living or romanticizing your life, setting healthy boundaries is a key part of making your work days more enjoyable and relaxing. If you’re spending all of your time accommodating other people’s needs or doing things you don’t want to do, you’re going to feel resentful and burnt out pretty quickly. When it comes to your career, take some time to really consider if you can take another task with your current workload or if you want to volunteer for that extracurricular before signing up, and chat with coworkers about what your ideal work day looks like so they can be aware. For me, I recently chatted with my manager and was able to delegate some projects that were less interesting to me so I could focus more on the work I really enjoyed. This, in turn, allowed me to finish work by 5pm more often and gave me back my evenings so I could focus on new hobbies, self-care, and socializing, which made me a lot happier and more relaxed overall.

    Take your time
    I knew that slowing down and being intentional was at the heart of the romanticizing movement and something I really wanted to try to pull into my fall work days, especially when receiving constant emails and never-ending Slack messages. When I took a closer look at my habits, I was shocked at how often I was immediately dropping everything to respond to an email or hop on a call without taking a moment to collect myself first, and how that made me feel like I never had enough time in the day (plus my stress levels would jump with each *ping*). When I implemented a rule of waiting a little bit before responding to messages or calls, my anxiety levels went way down. It also reduced the amount of back-and-forth needed when I stopped to really examine the ask or question before responding. That’s not to say you should ignore everything or completely disregard all deadlines (definitely don’t do that), but it’s worth remembering that not everything is an emergency. Adding more calm and pleasure into your day can really be as simple as pausing and taking a moment to yourself before jumping into action—your peace at work is worth slowing down for!

    50 Affirmations for When Work or Money Stress You TF Out More

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    In a Career Rut? These Journal Prompts Will Bring You Clarity

    Falling into a career rut is a rite of passage in your 20s and 30s (just like overcoming a quarter-life crisis at 25 and moving on from that relationship you swore you’d never get over). You’re not alone if you’re feeling bored, confused, frustrated, burnt out, or a mix of all of the above. I’ve been there a few times since graduating college—trust me. Whenever I’m getting whiplash from checking the clock during my work day, I know it’s time to do a little soul-searching. My favorite way to get out of the monotonous day-to-day besides chugging coffee and hoping for the best? Surprisingly, journal prompts.
    Getting my thoughts onto paper helped me work through other big life decisions like packing up my bags and moving to the city, and turning inward has proven equally successful whenever I’ve found myself feeling bogged down at work. I’m not about gatekeeping, so here are some of the journal prompts I’ve leaned on to get clarity on my next career move (and pull me out of my deepest, darkest ruts):

    1. If I could achieve financial freedom, how would I spend my time?
    Potential career pivoters and questioners, this prompt is for you. If we lived in a dream world where money mysteriously popped into your bank account every day without you lifting a finger, how would you fill up your day? Would you spend it redecorating your home? Tending to your backyard garden? Maybe working on that art piece you haven’t had the chance to finish?
    Look at each hobby and activity individually and then as a whole. Are there any common themes? Are you in current alignment with your true passions or are you too far removed from what brings you joy? Can you combine any of these interests into a role? Get creative with your answers until you can map out a career path (or two). Revisit these desired career paths and map out the skills, knowledge, and tools you’d need to help you get there.

    2. Are there untapped opportunities that could reinspire me at work?
    I’ll let you in on a little hack: Finding opportunities where you’re currently at is the quickest way to moving through a career rut. Before you job hop hoping it’ll provide you the relief you’re desperately searching for, you want to make sure you’re 100% confident in your decision to move on. There’s nothing worse than experiencing buyer’s remorse in a career setting. Unfortunately, returning to your previous employer isn’t as easy as showing up at Nordstrom with your receipt in hand. This journal prompt will subtly uncover whether or not you’ve outgrown your current role, company, or maybe even the industry as a whole. 
    Ask yourself: Have you ever wondered what your boss’ boss does on the day-to-day? Is there a project that would let you flex your creativity? Or better yet, is there a project you can lead yourself? Open your eyes to projects and shadowing opportunities you’d like to try in your current role and jot them down to bring them to your next 1:1 with your manager. You never know what possibilities there are until you ask!

    If linking to stock image site: Source: Vlada Karpovich | Pexels

    3. What three ways can I incorporate more self-care into my routine?
    Sometimes it’s not just the 9-to-5  job itself, but also the lifestyle you’ve set in place during your 5-to-9 life. Write down a few approachable swaps you could build into your morning and night routines then transfer them over to your planner so you’re motivated to cross them off your to-do list each day. The catch here is to make sure each self-care activity is something you truly enjoy or you won’t prioritize it. All’s to say that if you’re not a die-hard runner or a morning person, don’t add a 4 am sprint to your calendar even if that’s what your favorite influencer on TikTok swears improves her day. 
    I recommend incorporating one mental, one physical, and one emotional self-care item into your routine. For example: meditating for mental release, a daily yoga practice for physical well-being, and journaling for emotional regulation. If you’re at a loss for what to write, look back on your response to the first prompt: If you could achieve financial freedom, how would you spend your time? You may find a few ideas hidden within your answer. 

    4. Who do I look up to as a career role model and why?
    If you could pick three to five people in your previous company, your current company, or within your industry to sit down to dinner with for an hour, who would you choose? Create a bulleted list of your VIP dinner party guests and what you would pick their brains about over vodka pasta and Aperol spritzes. Get descriptive with which questions you’d ask, which strengths each one brings to the table, and what you’d like to learn from each of them.
    If they’re someone you know or could know in real life, set up a coffee chat or after-work happy hour to get to know them better, and who knows, you may have found your next mentor. If they’re more of a public figure or celebrity, research their career timelines on your own or learn from them through a class, article, video, or podcast. Either way, you can take a peek at their career paths and gain inspiration for one, the direction you could take yours, and two, what career would suit you better if you’re looking for a pivot. 

    5. What do I really want? 
    Not your parents’ expectations of you or what you want to brag about to your friends during girl’s night but what do you really want? Are you ready to negotiate for that shiny new title and pay bump? Do you feel like your career choice has already run its course? Dive a little deeper into the goals you want to prioritize on your career bucket list and what lifestyle you want. Because at the end of the day, you’re the one clocking in and out of your job and living the life you’ve set out for yourself so you want to make sure it’s something that is filling your cup—not draining it.

    9 Affirmations To Tell Yourself if You Are Stuck in a Rut More

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    20 Life Rules Every Successful Woman Follows

    When you feel like being an adult is an active struggle, it’s easy to become envious of women who seem to have it all figured out. You know who I’m talking about—the women who naturally attract money, promotions, love, glowing skin, and shiny hair into their life. To us mere mortals, it seems as though these women glide effortlessly through life, but the truth is, they simply follow the same 20 life rules. Keep on reading to learn all about the life rules successful women follow, and watch everything around you fall into place.

    1. Love the skin you’re in
    Successful women are not immune from insecurities—they are human, after all. Nevertheless, they still make an active effort to love the skin they’re in. They’ll speak kindly to themselves and engage in self-care rituals and activities that nourish their soul regularly. Likewise, they’ll also admire their body—they’ll run their hands over it in the shower, look in the mirror, or hug themselves, and this helps them connect with themselves and increase their self-love.

    2. Always rise to the opportunity and accept new challenges
    Successful women have no trouble rising to the occasion. They’ll never say “no” to any new opportunity or challenge that comes their way because they know that life is a never-ending learning journey. While mindset helps them grow in every aspect of their life, it’s especially beneficial for their career—it makes them reliable and hardworking, and that only contributes to their success.

    3. Ask for help when you need it
    Although we’re taught that doing everything on our own is a sign of success, successful women know better. They know that doing it all often leads to exhaustion and burnout, which is why they ask for help when they need it. They’re not ashamed of this either. In fact, they know that setting aside your pride and seeking help from others is a sign of strength—not weakness.

    4. Take control of your finances
    Successful women work hard for their money, and they’ll be damned if they don’t have a handle on their finances. They make it a point to go out of their way and stay in the know when it comes to their finances. They’ll track their income and expenses, review and adjust their budget as needed, and conduct research and ask a financial expert questions when they don’t know something. Regardless of what they do, they don’t leave their financial situation up to fate.

    5. Take care of yourself
    Women who are thriving in life seem to have a natural glow to them, and it’s because they prioritize taking care of themselves. They know that health is wealth, so while they enjoy looking good, they enjoy feeling good even more. So, they’ll attend routine health checkups and dental cleanings, exercise regularly, hydrate and eat a well-rounded diet, and get plenty of rest. Likewise, they also won’t deprive themselves; they know life’s about balance, and will indulge from time to time in moderation.

    6. Invest in and bet on yourself
    Successful women have no trouble focusing their attention and putting their money towards whatever’s going to help them reach their goals. This might mean pursuing a postsecondary degree if it’ll benefit their career or taking a certification class in order to make a career change. Or, they might buy a new outfit for a once-in-a-lifetime interview to help boost their confidence. Whatever the case may be, these women have no trouble betting on themselves, and that inner confidence radiates outwards.

    7. Put yourself out there
    Putting yourself out there can be scary, but successful women do so in spite of that fear. This goes for both work and relationships. They know that stepping outside of their comfort zones is a surefire way to get noticed. So while it may be intimidating, they believe in themselves enough to take that leap of faith. More often than not, this move pays off tenfold in the end when they land their dream job or manifest their ideal partner.

    8. Don’t spend your life worried about others
    Letting go of caring what others think is sometimes easier said than done, but it’s a rule successful women swear by. They know that when it comes down to it, you can’t please everyone. Which is why they’ll surround themselves with an uplifting, positive social circle. And being surrounded by people who only want the best for you ultimately makes this rule an easy one to follow.

    9. Build an emergency fund and save for retirement
    For successful women, knowing that they can fall back on themselves financially if push comes to shove is non-negotiable. So, they prioritize building an emergency fund and saving for retirement. Not only does this help them become financially independent, but it also sets them up for success and the ability to fully enjoy the fruits of their labor and embrace their golden years when it comes time.

    10. Never compete for your partner’s love or attention
    It’s not uncommon to come across someone who makes you feel as though you have to compete for their love and attention. However, successful women won’t tolerate feeling this way from a romantic partner. If their partner ever makes them feel like this, they’ll talk to and see if they can get through to them, or they may cut their losses and part ways. Of course, every relationship is different, but ultimately, successful women don’t have time to play games and vie for their partner’s love.

    11. You are the author of your life
    It’s easy to let other people or the things that have happened to you define who you are, but successful women refuse to fall victim to that mindset. Instead, they take charge of their story because they know they are the sole author of their life. And while there will always be things that are out of their control, this ultimately makes them a force to be reckoned with.

    12. Talk to the people you care about regularly
    Everyone is busy, and it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But time can slip away all too quickly and life can change in an instant. So, successful women make it a point to talk to and connect with the people they care about regularly. It doesn’t matter if it’s over text, a call, FaceTime, or in person—all that matters is that they’re connecting. Plus, it helps remind everyone that they’re not alone, which is something we all need.

    13. Have a morning and nighttime routine
    It’s not uncommon to feel like your career, relationships, and overall responsibilities demand more of your time as you get older. But successful women make sure these demands don’t take away precious time for themselves. Instead, they combat this by having a morning and nighttime routine. Besides all the benefits that can come from having these routines, this allows them to steal and carve out extra time for themselves no matter what. And this helps them stay grounded and make strategic moves in life.

    14. Don’t apologize for your success
    Unlike many of their traditional male counterparts, women often feel the need to apologize for their success. While successful women certainly won’t brag about their accomplishments, they won’t go out of their way to hide them either. They know how hard they work for what they have and they refuse to apologize for it. And they know that their accolades simply reflect the time, effort, and dedication they’ve put in—and that’s something to be proud of.

    15. Know what you bring to the table
    The saying “know your worth, then add tax” applies here. Successful women know exactly what they bring to the table and have no trouble asking for what they deserve. They refuse to settle for being underpaid and underappreciated in every aspect of their life. So, they’ll ask for a raise if the odds are in their favor or take their talents elsewhere and surround themselves with people who love them exactly as they are.

    16. Balance is essential
    Successful women don’t buy into the mindset that life is all work and no play. Instead, they know that balance is essential. This is why they have a life outside of work—whether it’s a hobby, side hustle, or simply going out with friends. Likewise, they also carve out time for themselves and treat themselves and splurge every once in a while. In short, they let themselves enjoy life and luxuriate in it.

    17. Support other women
    Society often pits women against each other, but successful women are actively working to change that. Rather than compete against each other, successful women lift up and encourage each other wholeheartedly. They know that a win for one woman is a win for all women everywhere.

    18. Compromises shouldn’t come at the cost of happiness
    It’s no secret that relationships consist of compromise, but flourishing women don’t let those compromises come at the cost of their happiness. So while they have no problem being flexible, they won’t agree to anything that jeopardizes their overall well-being (think: giving up their career, etc.). After all, the right partner will make sure their happiness is a priority and won’t ever put it on the back burner.

    19. Look at the glass half-full
    Despite the fact that successful women aren’t immune from hardships, they still choose to look at the glass half-full. This doesn’t mean that they fall into toxic positivity—they’ll still cry, scream, and get their emotions out when they need to. Rather, it means that they remain optimistic in spite of life’s trials and tribulations. And this positive outlook is ultimately what helps them attract abundant success into their life.

    20. Set goals and go after them fearlessly
    By now, you probably know that goal-setting is vital, and successful women swear by this as well. Not only do they set goals, but they also formulate plans to reach those goals and go after them fearlessly. Ultimately, they never lose sight of their dreams. And they know that no dream is too big or unattainable—they believe in themselves and their abilities and will wake up every day and take tangible steps in the real world that help them bring their wildest dreams to fruition.

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    5 Tips for Effective Communication

    Talking is easy. But communicating? That’s another story. Effective communication is a fundamental skill everyone needs to learn to succeed in life, and it’s a crucial component of managing personal and professional relationships. But with the rise of social media, effective communication has taken a backseat to emojis and posts with witty captions. Whether you’re looking to improve your communication skills at work or in your personal life, you’ve come to the right place. I’m offering practical tips to help you develop effective communication skills so you can share your thoughts and opinions with clarity and purpose.

    5 Tips for Effective Communication
    We are constantly communicating. Whether through talking in person in a meeting, emailing with team members, texting with a friend, or through our body language, verbal communication and nonverbal communication are always happening. So how can we ensure we’re conveying the right message with the appropriate tone of voice to build trust and make others feel heard and understood? Good communication skills, that’s how. 
    More specifically, effective communication skills partnered with the right amount of emotional intelligence and active listening. I know because I spend my days communicating. Not just because I have to but because it’s literally my job as a communications professional. Throughout the years, I’ve learned what good communication looks (and feels) like and how to avoid poor communication. We’re going to dig into why effective communication is so essential to a fulfilling and successful career and how you can explore the best types of communication that suit your personality and your work style.

    What is Effective Communication?
    Communication, at its core, is the exchange of information among people. But when you’re in an important presentation or a one-on-one with your manager, you don’t just want to share information. You want to do it in a successful way that produces your desired result. You want to ensure the information you’re sharing is received and understood. In essence, you want to communicate effectively. This involves listening attentively, knowing the best words to get the information across, and being clear and concise in conveying your message. Effective communication, like most skills, takes time and practice to develop. But it’s a crucial skill to learn.

    Why is Effective Communication Important?
    Effective communication in the workplace is vital to a successful career, just as good communication in your personal life is critical to strong relationships. Here are a few reasons why effective communication is a skill you need in your toolbox.
    Effective communication:

    Reduces miscommunication
    Enhances clarity and conciseness of messaging
    Fosters trust, respect, and empathy amongst colleagues and personal relationships
    Strengthens collaboration among team members
    Boosts happiness at work and home
    Reduces conflicts as a result of misunderstandings
    Creates efficiencies and saves time
    Develops a mutual understanding between people
    Increases individual and team productivity 
    Aids in effective problem solving
    Facilitates healthy conflict resolution
    Promotes innovation and creativity 

    How to Communicate Effectively
    We’ve all been in a situation where you’re trying to get your message across, and the other person just isn’t getting it. It’s frustrating for everyone involved. When it comes to figuring out how to avoid miscommunication, you can take a proactive approach. Imagine that every conversation or meeting you have results in a positive outcome with mutual understanding. That’s what we’re trying to achieve with effective communication. Here are five tips to help you develop and hone your effective communication muscle.

    Practice Active Listening
    Effective communication involves a mutual understanding, and while we all listen, are we doing so actively? Active listening is more than just hearing what another person is saying. It’s going above and beyond to ensure you understand the meaning and the intent of their words. It requires you to actively participate in a conversation, which means devoting your whole attention to someone and avoiding interruptions and distractions. Being fully present and engaged in an exchange allows you to understand the original message better and gather additional information relevant to the situation by asking questions you may not have originally considered.

    Facilitate Two-Way Communication
    There is nothing worse than communicating at someone when your goal is communicating with someone. Effective communication ensures the other party understands what you’re saying, and that includes gathering information and feedback from others. Two-way communication seeks to avoid a one-way dialogue. If you relay information to a person without understanding if your message was received or clear, it could lead to misunderstandings, miscommunication, and a lack of trust.
    So how exactly do you do this? First, seek to understand your audience and what’s important to them. Then, determine your message and the best channel to communicate to your audience (i.e., in-person, email, phone, etc.). Third, encourage feedback and gather data to better inform your work and future dialogues. And finally, analyze the feedback and take action. Continue to repeat the steps to hone your messaging as needed. Two-way communication fosters an environment of openness and transparency, leading to meaningful and productive conversations.

    Be Clear and Concise
    To achieve effective communication, the person you’re communicating with must understand what you’re saying. The best way you can do this is through clear and concise language both in-person and digitally. Be as descriptive and specific as possible. Avoid using vague language that could result in confusion. The goal is to get to the point in written and spoken communication as efficiently as possible. It’s also critical to select the correct communication channel. If there are a lot of important details to share that need to be referenced, writing an email may be best. If you have to share direct feedback, an in-person meeting or a phone call might be the direction you take. Be mindful of the words you use, what they mean, and how best to share them with others.

    Pay Attention to Body Language
    While there are many different types of communication, body language is key to remember when striving for effective communication. Making eye contact, maintaining good posture, being mindful of facial expressions, thinking about the tone and pitch of your voice, and keeping open body language helps to show whoever you’re talking to that you’re interested and engaged in the conversation. By being mindful of how we physically convey ourselves to others, we can make them feel more comfortable and understood. When others feel more comfortable, they’re more likely to be engaged in what you’re saying, and you’ll be able to get your message across more productively.

    Show Acknowledgement and Appreciation
    Showing interest in a conversation or exchange of information is respectful and leads to a more productive discussion with mutual understanding. When receiving or relaying information, show acknowledgment and appreciation to the other person. Relay back what you heard and validate if it’s accurate. Thank them for sharing the information with you and keeping you informed. Effective communication promotes empathy, allowing people to foster a more meaningful connection where different perspectives are considered. Think about how you’d want someone to act and respond if you were communicating with them and model that behavior back when the roles are reversed.

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