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    8 Ways To Build Stronger Thighs

    The power of being able to build strong thighs lies in the ability to move better. Think about how much you walk around, trek up and down stairs, and go from sitting to standing all day. Every single one of those movements will become easier the more you work out your legs, particularly your thighs, or what would include your quads (the muscles on the front of the upper leg), abductors (outer thighs), adductors (inner thighs) and even your hamstrings (back of the upper leg).

    “If you want to live for a long time, you have to be strength training. There is no substitute for strength,” says Danielle Barry, a certified personal trainer. Plus, the more you move and the smarter you train, the better your movement patterns, making everything from running, walking and jumping smoother too.

    To get you to peak performance in and out of the gym, check out the best types of exercises that build strong thighs.

    1. Combine strength and cardio

    “People get fearful of putting on too much muscle and having big legs, so they turn to cardio for the solution to that issue,” says Barry. “But I like to make it known that if you’re looking to change the composition of your legs—more muscle and less fat—you have to do a combo of both strength and endurance training.”

    In other words, while you can run around town as much as you want, or hit the elliptical too, you still have to pick up some weights if you want to build strong thighs.

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    2. Squat, squat and squat again

    Focusing on functional movement patterns — think: squat, lunge, push, pull — is the smartest way to train your legs. And squats are a top-notch way to specifically target your thighs, working 360-degrees of your upper leg. Even better, squats mimic that stand-up and sit-down pattern you move through during the day. Plus, you can easily scale them to your fitness level, says Barry.

    Begin with bodyweight squats: Start standing with feet hip-width apart. Send the hips down and back and bend the knees, keeping weight in your heels. When you’ve mastered that, move up to a goblet squat, holding a kettlebell or dumbbell at your chest.

    Next up, graduate to squatting with a barbell or dumbbells held in a racked position (weights at the shoulders). The key is to keep your torso vertical and spine neutral—the more upright you are, the more quad-dominant the exercise.

    3. Learn to love lunges

    Lunges copy the movement pattern you take when you go for a walk, shifting weight from one foot to the other. And they seriously tone your thighs, while strengthening most leg muscles. Start this exercise out bodyweight style, just like a squat, until you’ve built up the confidence and form to take it up a notch.

    Begin standing with feet together and then step one foot back about 60cm (depending on how tall you are) and lower down so both knees bend 90 degrees. Then press back up to the top. Aim for 10 reps on each leg for three rounds, Barry suggests.

    To up the ante on your lunge, add weights, holding a dumbbell or kettlebell at your chest, or one on each side, with arms straight down by your sides. You can also place the back foot on a box or bench behind you to turn your lunge into a Bulgarian split squat, which ups the stability challenge. (See above for example.)

    4. Do more single-side moves

    Speaking of lunges — along with moves like pistol squats, staggered deadlifts, or split squats — these types of single-side exercises help you pay better attention to the differences in strength between your left and right sides.

    “I tell people: Our limbs are sisters; they are not twins,” says Barry. “You have a dominant and non-dominant side, so when you’re running or biking or lifting or doing Pilates, you’re going to find one side works harder than the other… Your goal should be to try your best to get your non-dominant side as strong as your dominant side, or as close as possible.”

    Next time you do any single-side exercise, focus on how each side feels and spend a little more time on that weaker side to help fix the imbalance. This will make you less injury-prone and can increase overall health and body composition, Barry says.

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    5 Step on a machine

    Almost any cardio machine — the treadmill, elliptical, stair climber and rower — will help you build stronger thighs. Your legs do a lot of the work after all. (Yes, even on the rower — push off that board!)

    Barry recommends opting for intervals on any of this equipment, working at an all-out effort for 30 seconds, then resting for another 30. Try to hit 10 rounds.

    “If you’re constantly working then resting, your body will burn fat to keep up with the work put into each interval,” she says. To really make your legs feel like Jell-O, she suggests opting for the bike or Stairmaster.

    6. HIIT it big

    Of course, you don’t have to do interval training only on a machine. You can take your HIIT workout anywhere. If you’re running outside, simply add sprints into your typical jogging pace. “Running is a fantastic way to develop those thigh muscles,” Barry says.

    Or if you’re in your living room, add plyometrics to your routine. Squat jumps and jumping lunges, along with burpees or skaters require powerful legs to propel you to the top.

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    7. Grab a booty band

    Follow almost any trainer on IG and you’ll probably see a band wrapped around her thighs at some point, especially if she’s a runner. And that’s because that band strengthens the abductors of the hip, or your glutes and tensor fasciae latae (TFL) — a muscle of the thigh that helps to move the leg away from your midline (aka abduction).

    With the band placed around your thighs, you can easily turn moves like squats and leg lifts into a serious leg-burning sequence.

    Barry’s favourite move to do with the band to target the thighs and glutes is a lateral step: Holding a shallow squat position and keeping your legs hip-width apart and feet parallel, take 10 to 15 steps to one side and then back in the other direction. Embrace the burn on your backside.

    8. Squeeze something soft

    Don’t forget about those inner thighs! Your adductor muscles pull your legs in toward each other and to strengthen all of them, you should grab a squishy ball or a foam yoga block, Barry says.

    Take the block between your legs and squeeze, holding for a second, then release. Do 10 to 15 reps.

    You can do this standing, while holding a wall sit, as you maintain a plank position, or in a glute bridge exercise (seen above). The harder you squeeze, the more you burn out those inner thighs.

    This article was originally published on by Mallory Creveling More

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    Get Strong, Shapely Legs With This Do-Anywhere Leg Workout

    These moves, forming part of a killer leg workout, works *hard* to build lean muscle and firm those legs fast.
    The explosive moves (plyometrics) in this leg workout increase strength and help your body absorb impact to prevent injuries, says Juan Carlos Santana, director of the Institute of Human Performance in Florida.
    Warm up for 10 minutes and do two sets of eight reps twice a week. Or, slot them into your regular workout and witness the burn in your glutes, core and quads.
    Vertical Jumps
    Level: ModerateStand with your legs shoulder-width apart and your arms slightly in front of you. Squat down about 45 degrees and jump up as high as you can. Land on the balls of your feet, but make sure your whole foot touches the ground before repeating immediately.
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    Long Jumps
    Level: AdvancedStand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Get into a quarter squat and immediately jump forward as far and as high as you can. Bring your arms in front for balance as you jump. For a more challenging move, jump forward over obstacles like cones or sticks.
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    Lateral Obstacle Jumps
    Level: OlympianStand next to a step or cone with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands in front of you for balance. Get into a quarter squat and jump as high as you can laterally over the obstacle, landing on both feet. As soon as you touch the floor, jump back the other way.
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    Try These Exercises To Build A Stronger, Bigger Butt

    From your Kim Kardashians to your Meg The Stallions, everyone wants a firmer and bigger butt. And while you’ll definitely tone up on the trails or hitting the treadmill, you’ll need to add some muscle (and weights) to really build a toned toosh. Here, build a strong backside with this bigger butt workout – you’ll be dying to show yours off.
    Build A Bigger Butt Workout
    Time: 30 minutes
    Equipment: Mat
    Good for: Butt
    Instructions: Choose two bilateral (both legs) exercises and two unilateral (single leg) exercises and pair them together for one workout. Complete four sets of five reps with heavier weights for the bilateral exercises, and complete four sets of 10 reps with lighter weights for the unilateral exercises. Once you’ve completed all sets of one move, continue to the next.

    Dumbbell Deadlift

    How to: Holding two dumbbells in your hands, stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Position the weights in front of your thighs, palms facing your body. Keeping your knees slightly bent, press your hips back as you hinge at the waist and lower the dumbbells toward the floor. Squeeze your glutes to return to standing. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of five reps.

    Goblet Squat

    How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a weight in front of your chest, elbows pointing toward the floor. Sit back and bend your knees to lower into a squat. Push yourself back to start. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of five reps.
    Bulgarian Split Squat

    How to: Stand about two feet in front of a step; extend your right leg back and place the top of your foot on the step. (Optional: Hold a dumbbell in each hand.) That’s your starting position. Bend your knees to lower your body as far as you can (or until your knee gently taps the ground), keeping your shoulders back, chest up, and hips facing forward. Pause, then press through your left heel to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of 10 reps on each side.

    Stability Ball Hamstring Rollout

    How to: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on top of a stability ball. Brace your core, then press into your heels and squeeze your glutes to raise your hips toward the ceiling. Lift your left leg straight up into the air. Hold the position as you straighten your right leg. Then, engage your hamstrings, bend your right knee, and bring your foot toward your butt. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of 10 reps on each side.

    Weighted Lateral Lunge

    How to: Holding a pair of kettlebells cleaned at your chest, stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Take a large step to the left, sit your hips back, and lower down until your left knee is nearly parallel with the floor. Your right leg should be straight. Return to start. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of 10 reps on each side.
    Weighted Fire Hydrant

    How to: Get on all fours on top of your mat. Tuck a two to six kilo dumbbell in the crease of your right knee. Keeping that leg bent at 90 degrees, lift it out to the side, stopping at hip height. Return to start. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of 10 reps on each side.

    Weighted Donkey Kick

    How to: Get on all fours on top of your mat. Tuck a two to six kilo dumbbell in the crease of your right leg. Keep that leg bent at 90 degrees as you lift it behind you until your knee is in line with your hip, foot flexed. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of 10 reps on each side.
    Walking Lateral Lunge

    How to: Stand up straight, with your feet together. Hold a kettlebell in your right hand, and raise your left hand so it’s parallel to the ground, and in a fist. Lift your left foot and take a big step to the left. Sit your hips back, and lower down until your dumbbell nearly touches the ground. Switch hands, and repeat on the other side. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of 10 reps on each side.
    Front Racked Reverse Deficit Lunge

    How to: Stand up straight on small riser, step, or box with a set of kettlebells cleaned in front of your chest. Lift your right knee up to hip height in front of your body, then bring it behind you until the ball of your foot reaches the ground. Slowly lower down until both knees form 90 degree angles. Return to your knee-lifted position. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of 10 reps on each side.
    Weighted Hip Thrust

    How to: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor 12 to 16 inches from your butt. Hold a dumbbell in both hands and rest it on top of your pelvis. Brace your core, then press into your heels and squeeze your glutes to raise your hips toward the ceiling. Hold the position for two seconds before lowering to start. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of five reps.
    1.5 Stance Deadlift

    How to: Hold a kettlebell in front of your thighs with both palms facing toward your body. Stagger your legs, stepping your right foot back and your left foot forward. Your right heel should be off the ground. Push your hips back as you hinge forward, lowering the kettlebell while keeping it close to your legs. Once your hips reach 90 degrees, return to start. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of 10 reps on each side.

    Cossak Squat With Overhead Press

    How to: Begin by standing up straight, with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and a kettlebell in each hand. Rack the kettlebells in front of your chest, and then raise your right arm straight into the air. Lift your left foot and take a large step to the left, then sit your hips back and lower down until your thighs are nearly parallel to the ground. Straighten your left leg and rise back up. That’s one rep. Complete four sets of 10 reps on each side. More