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    The Exact Science Behind Dancing Workouts – And How To Do Them

    TikTok has taught us many things: how salads can become more popular than celebrities, the historical accuracy of Bridgerton costumes and that nothing catches on faster than a dance. There’s something about watching people move joyfully to some juicy tune that just makes you want to get off your butt and do the same dancing workouts. What’s uncanny is how long you’re bouncing around before you realise your quads hurt. “You don’t even notice that you are doing jumping jacks and jump squats and whatever it might be because you’re so focused on the enjoyment of the song,” says Kirsten Johnson, former dancer and founder of the Find Balance Kindly workout app, a series of dance-inspired functional workouts. 

    And right there lies the beauty of dancing workouts: you’ll be working hard without even knowing it, all while having the time of your life. 

    If joy – and sticking to a workout, any workout – is what you’re after, dancing could be the key. But there’s a caveat: just swaying along for hours like a dandelion in the wind isn’t going to cut it. Not least because swaying around indicates that you’re not having much fun at all. We’ve dug around to find what you should be doing instead. 

    Dance ‘till you drop 

    As a teenager, professional dancer Kelly Ernstzen danced constantly. In the hallways between classes, in the bathroom, while chatting to friends. It’s no wonder, then, that she was incredibly fit and slim. “You enjoy it so much that you don’t think about how tired you’re getting,” she says. Now that she’s in her thirties and dancing professionally, she’s realised just how fit her dancing has kept her fit for so long. Science backs it up: a Los Angeles study found that just 20 minutes of hard dancing is also the equivalent of running for 20 minutes but is a more balanced workout, engaging the core, upper and lower body all at once. 

    “A Los Angeles study found that just 20 minutes of hard dancing is also the equivalent of running for 20 minutes but is a more balanced workout, engaging the core, upper and lower body all at once.”  

    But in order or gain the benefits, you’d need to be going hard. That means dancing to a faster song and using more vigorous movements than say, simply bobbing your head. While you can take your pick of the kinds of dances you’d like to try (there are many), know that each kind affects your body in different ways. 

    Ballerinas have long, slim lines because they’re lifting their legs and arms constantly, working against gravity. As a student, Kelly needed to study various forms of dancing – and felt the different muscle groups from class to class. “African dancing is much more grounded, so I felt like my legs – or the bottom half of my body – were developing much faster,” she says. “My upper body and my core were developing much more when I was doing contemporary [dance]. And with hip-hop, it’s more cardio-based, fast, keeping with the rhythm and the tempo.” 

    Boost your brain  

    A study in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise found that when dance class participants were at just 60% of their maximum heart rate, cognitive function improved. That’s because dance class is a little more than jumping up and down to Drake on a Friday night – there’s choreography to learn. And since dancing incorporates your entire body, you need to pay attention to cross-body movements, coordinating the left side of your body to move in sync with your right (like rubbing your tummy and patting your head at the same time). Research has found that dance promotes brain plasticity – that is, it’s as much a workout for your brain as it is for your body. The results are exciting: because of the cross-body movement, the connection between the hemispheres of your brain is strengthened. Think: improved balance, memory and attention.

    “Research has found that dance promotes brain plasticity – that is, it’s as much a workout for your brain as it is for your body.”

    There’s more. Grooving can even ward off dementia by as much as 76% – greater than the effects of doing crossword puzzles four days a week, according to a study of seniors by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. 

    Shake it off   

    “We are too busy being active and enjoying ourselves to feel the aches and pains,” is the title of one Cape Town-based study on the effects of dancing. Investigating the effects of dancing on women between the ages of 60 to 80, researchers found that participants did not subscribe to the typical belief that mental capacity and physical endurance start to decline when a woman hits 60. They just didn’t see it that way. Makes sense, since dance is its own kind of therapy, capable of alleviating depression, increasing mindfulness and boosting self-esteem. 

    For Johnson, the biggest shift she’s seen is in her clients’ mindset. “My biggest objective with any client is that they change the way they see exercise,” she says. “On bad days in the past, clients would always say, ‘I’m having a bad day, I don’t feel well and therefore, I’m going to cancel my session,’ whereas now I notice they say, ‘I’ve had a really bad day, I really need to work out today.’” 

    “My biggest objective with any client is that they change the way they see exercise”
    Kirsten Johnson, dancer and instructor

    For Ernstzen, what’s great is seeing how her students start feeling more confident. “I think besides all the physical aspects of it, once you start dancing, you kind of get to learn about your body a bit more,” she says. “I think you just get a little bit more in tune with your body. And you start appreciating what your body can do more.” 

    So where to begin? Pick the right kind of music and start jamming. It can not only chisel your bod and mind, but make you feel so good, too. And when you’ve got only one body to work with, shouldn’t you appreciate it as joyfully as you can? 

    Dancing workout apps


    Steezy has a plethora of dance classes of different styles to choose from, including ballet, contemporary, hip hop and salsa.


    Try out something new with FitOn, which has not only regular workouts but dance routines, too.


    Why not try one of the many viral TikTok dances? Play the clip back at half-speed so you can learn slowly. More

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    HIIT Things Up With This Simple But Powerful Couple’s Workout

    This full-body high-intensity interval couple’s workout is perfect for pairs looking to torch kilos. Do this workout three days a week for the best results. All you’ll need is a skipping rope and an exercise mat.

    Complete as many reps as you can in 60 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Based on your level of fitness either complete one round (beginner), two to three rounds (intermediate) or four rounds (advanced).

    The HIIT Couple’s Workout

    1/ Skipping And Inchworm

    Your partner starts in a standing position, feet hip distance apart. They then place their hands on the floor and walk them forward until they’re in high plank.

    Your partner then walks their hands back to their feet and stands upright. Skip for 60 seconds while they complete the exercise.

    Make it harder:  Your partner adds a push-up before walking their hands back to their feet and standing upright. Even harder: your partner taps their hands to the opposite toes before walking back and standing upright.

    READ MORE: Feel Strong And Powerful With This Explosive 15-Minute Workout

    2/ Knee-Raises

    Sit facing your partner. Holding each other’s hands, lean back and straighten your legs. Bring your knees towards your chest while shifting your butt to the other side of your partner. Straighten your legs and repeat the process, shifting your legs back to the starting side.

    3/ Skipping And Inchworm

    Repeat exercise one of the couple’s workout, but this time you perform the inchworm while your partner skips. 

    4/ Reverse Lunge And Squat

    Stand facing your partner while holding each other’s right hands. Lunge backwards with your left leg. As you return to standing, drop your partner’s right hand, grab each other’s left hands and lunge backwards with your right leg. As you return to standing, grab both hands and then squat. Return

    to standing.

    Make it harder:  Swap the regular squat for a jump squat. Let go of your partner’s hands as you jump.

    READ MORE: Get Strong, Shapely Legs With This Do-Anywhere Leg Workout

    5/ Plank And Jump Over

    Start in plank, keeping your body straight and your core braced. Your partner places their hands on your upper back near your shoulders and jumps side to side over you.

    Make it harder: After jumping over, your partner does a half-burpee (no push-up) before jumping back. Even harder: try a chest-to-floor burpee.

    6/ Partner Leg Raises

    Lie down facing opposite directions with your heads next to each other. Interlock your arms, holding each other under the biceps. Keeping your core muscles tight and back on the ground, raise your legs until your toes touch at the top. Lower back down with control. Repeat. 

    READ MORE: Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout

    7/ Plank And High Knees 

    As your partner maintains a high plank, perform high knees, moving side to side between their legs moving. Swap positions halfway. 

    8/ Partner Roll-Ups

    Sit facing your partner. Roll backwards onto your upper-back with your knees tucked in. Roll forward, returning to a seated position and clap hands. Repeat. 

    Make it harder: As you roll forward, stand up and clap your hands. Sit down and begin again. Try to keep the movement fluid and continuous.

    Download your free 28-day Essential Guide To Self-Care by entering your details below. *Terms and Conditions Apply. More

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    5 Benefits Of HIIT That Will Have You Literally Jumping For Joy During Your Next Workout

    Regular aerobic exercise has been shown to boost heart health, keep blood sugar levels in check, and maintain the health of our minds for the long haul. But just as there are a multitude of ways to work out and keep your body (and mind) healthy and strong, there are a trove of different approaches you can take to doing cardio. Enter: HIIT, or high-intensity interval training.
    READ MORE: Try This 25-Minute Total-Body HIIT Workout And Torch Calories Fast
    HIIT’s definition is a heckuva lot more simple than you might think, says Annie Mulgrew, founding instructor for CITYROW and Certified Personal Trainer. “High-intensity interval training is a form of interval training that alternates between short bursts of intense energy or activity followed by minimal rest, ideally until that person is unable to continue,” she explains.
    What Makes A HIIT Workout
    And, as Mulgrew notes, HIIT can be just about anything – from swimming to running to mountain climbers in your apartment to even weight training. The key, she says, is ensuring that the “short burst of energy” is at least 80 percent of your maximum effort (so, 8 on a scale of 10).
    “For HIIT to be effective, your ‘on’ intervals need to be all-out,” she says. Mulgrew also notes that your rest period shouldn’t exceed your active period (try, 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off). That rest period can contain no movement or moderate-effort movement – that part really isn’t important, she says. Those maximum-effort bursts are where the gains are made, Mulgrew reiterates.
    In Mulgrew’s CITYROW classes, for example, that on/off scheme translates to both metres rowed on the rowing machine, as well as resistance training off the rower. “You may find short rowing distance repeats or hip thrusters programmed as 40 seconds on and 20 seconds off,” she says.
    READ MORE: 5 Workouts To Help You Tone, Trim, and Build Muscle This Summer
    If you’re using weights for your HIIT workout, choose a weight that allows you to complete 10 to 20 reps repeatedly in your “on” periods, Mulgrew recommends. Beginners should aim for no more than 20 minutes of HIIT total. And if you’re a total HIIT nut, keep it no longer than 50 to 60 minutes (so the actual HIIT portion of the workout is around 30 minutes and the warm-up/cool-down roughly 20 minutes). “Going any longer than that would most likely mean you’re not able to maintain the intensity you need in order to achieve the benefits of a HIIT workout,” she says.
    Speaking of benefits, here are five major health perks associated with HIIT, plus, how to maximize your next interval workout.
    1. You’ll burn a boatload of calories – even after you’ve finished working out.
    Although aerobic exercise is a great tool in maintaining your heart health, as far as weight loss tactics go, that steady-state run isn’t the best calorie-burner. And while weight training is typically the most reliable weight loss tactic when it comes to fitness type (remember though, weight loss is achieved through a calorie deficit, which is most easily achieved through diet), if there is one form of cardio that blasts calories, it’s HIIT.
    One 2015 study (of healthy men) that compared calorie burn after 30 minutes of HIIT to other forms of steady-state exercise noted that HIIT burned 25 to 30 percent more calories. Other studies (also on men) have noted that HIIT propels your production of human growth hormone, or HGH, upwards of 450 percent in the 24 hours following a session, increasing overall calorie burn.
    2. They may help you lose fat quicker (especially around the midsection).
    Yep – a study in Journal of Diabetes Research confirmed this. The researchers divided obese, sedentary women into groups: those who partook in a HIIT program and those who did a moderate-intensity (but continuous energy expenditure) routine. The former group achieved similar body composition and aerobic capacity results in half the time.
    READ MORE: This 4-Week Bodyweight Challenge Is The Ultimate New Year Workout Plan
    3. It doesn’t require doing crazy workout moves.
    One major (assumed) drawback to HIIT, of course, is the notion you need to be flying, flailing, bounding, and sprinting (with a series of complicated tools, no less) in order to achieve a solid workout. But as Mulgrew points out, the hallmark of HIIT lies in exertion, not the modality, so pretty much any form of exercise fits—and that includes the simplest form of cardio there is: walking.
    In one Japanese study, for five months, 700 middle- and older-aged adults engaged in walking intervals (shorter bursts of speed interspersed with periods of rest). At the conclusion of the study, the individuals had noticeably improved endurance and strength.
    4. HIIT keeps your brain in shape.
    Studies have shown that regular HIIT exercise can boost your memory and make you sharper in everyday decision-making. One (potential) reason why, according to Mulgrew: “During a HIIT workout, you have to stay focused,” she explains.
    5. It’s the perfect exercise for that perpetually strapped-for-time person.
    And, what’s more, you don’t have to sweat for very long in order to see results. A 2006 study compared two groups of college men for two weeks: those who did stationary bicycling at a moderate pace for roughly an hour-and-a-half to two hours for three times a week, and those who did six 30-second all-out sprints with four minutes of recovery.
    Surprise, surprise: The HIIT-ers were just as fit (in terms of exercise performance and muscle growth) as those moderate-intensity exercisers by the end of the trial—with far less time invested.
    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health US

    READ MORE ON: Fitness Fitness Advice HIIT HIIT Workouts Total Body Workouts More