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    What To Do If A Leaky Bladder Is Ruining Your Workouts

    Getting in your stride during a workout is a great “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar!” feeling. But a leaky bladder, known as urinary incontinence, can ruin your flow by sending you to the bathroom every two minutes. If this sounds like you, read on about incontinence and how to tighten the lid on a leaky bladder.What is a leaky bladder during workouts?You’ll likely experience this if you jump, lift heavy or even sneeze – and you accidentally pee yourself. This leaky bladder during workouts, formally known as urinary incontinence (UI), is “the involuntary leakage of urine”, says Dr Julius Jacobs, a Pretoria-based urologist. “Urinary incontinence occurs when the muscles and nerves that control the bladder fail to work properly, leading to accidental urine leakage.”It exists on a spectrum, which includes just a few drops or the complete inability to control your bladder.  There are also different types of UI:Stress incontinence: A leaky bladder when pressure is put on it (i.e., you bracing your core during a heavy lift or coughing). “It is often linked to weakened pelvic floor muscles [like] after childbirth or surgery.”Urge incontinence: Also known as an overactive bladder, this type involves a sudden, intense urge to urinate, followed by involuntary leakage. It is caused by overactivity of the bladder muscles and may occur frequently, even during the night.Overflow incontinence: This happens when the bladder does not empty completely, leading to dribbling or constant leakage. It can result from nerve damage, blockages, or weak bladder muscles (your pelvic floor muscles are separate from these).Functional incontinence: A physical or mental impairment, such as arthritis or dementia, which prevents someone from reaching the bathroom in time.Mixed incontinence: This is a combination of two or more types, often stress and urge incontinence.READ MORE: Pelvic Floor Exercises: What Are They & How, When And Why Do You Need ThemWhy is a leaky bladder even happening?A number of factors influence the presence of urinary incontinence:Certain consumables: excessive caffeine, alcohol or even some meds can irritate the bladder, says Dr Jacobs. They may also increase urine production, meaning multiple bathroom trips.Medical conditions: Like functional incontinence, some conditions might impact UI. This includes diabetes, obesity, UTIs or neurological disorders, says Dr Jacobs.Ageing: With age, bladder capacity decreases, along with muscle tone, which increases the risk for a leaky bladder.  Pregnancy and childbirth: “The added weight during pregnancy and potential pelvic trauma from childbirth can weaken bladder control,” explains Dr Jacobs.READ MORE: 8 Pelvic Floor Exercises That Are Better Than KegelsTreatment options for urinary incontinenceIn some cases, you can improve UI yourself by following these tips:Reduce the alcohol or caffeine intake and time the consumption. (Try to drink less before a workout or when you’re sick; when you know your bladder is iffy.)

    Consider your weight. Research shows a correlation between having unhealthy excess fat and having UI. Per a paper in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, obesity is shown to be a strong risk factor for urinary incontinence. It’s thought that excess body weight increases the pressure on the abdomen and bladder, which in turn damages the nerves and muscles that create a healthy pelvis-bladder function. Studies have also shown that weight loss could reduce UI.  

    Do pelvic floor exercises. You knew this would feature in a story about a leaky bladder! It’s not only great for sex and overall health but is a very important factor in reducing UI. These include Kegel exercises and using weights, like Yoni eggs.

    Try bladder training. If you schedule your bathroom breaks and add in delay techniques, this could retrain your bladder, says Dr Jacobs.

    Wear pads. They’ll keep things dry.

    Get medical intervention. In cases where the above doesn’t work, it’s best to see a doctor for assistance.READ MORE: This 5-Move Pelvic Circuit Will Totally Change How Your Orgasm FeelsIs it time for a doctor?If things don’t improve, it’s worth checking in with a professional, like a urologist. This would include diagnostic tests, like urine analysis, imaging (ultrasounds or other imaging to assess bladder and urethra function) and specialised tests, like urodynamic testing to measure bladder pressure and function.What would medical treatments involve?Treatment would depend on the type and severity of incontinence, says Dr Jacobs. This might include medication to relax bladder muscles or address underlying conditions, medical devices or Botox (to calm overactive bladder muscles). It might also include surgery, in severe cases. More

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    6 mental health clinics to book for a therapy session in Dubai


    by Sarah Joseph
    16 mins ago

    With the high-pressure society we live in, mental health is quite often an overlooked subject. To delve into the matter, it’s important to provide an opportunity for people around the world to make mental health care a reality for all.
    As the UAE continues to break the stigma surrounding this, mental health clinics have gained popularity to address factors surrounding depression, fatigue, anxiety, panic attacks and more.
    With the previous outbreak of COVID-19, several clinics have adapted to Zoom healthcare services, adding a new meaning to virtual sessions, along with in-person sessions as per usual.
    If you, or anyone you’re aware of, might require these services, Emirates Woman has curated a guide to all the mental health clinics here in Dubai.
    The LightHouse Arabia

    With a team of over 30 psychologists to address different areas in one’s life, The LightHouse Arabia provides high-quality services to help with a wide range of mental health and well-being challenges. From adoption support to psychotherapy, the in-depth sessions make it one of the leading mental health clinics in the UAE. With various events hosted every month, the interactive sessions make it helpful for people to address their problems in a community-driven environment. Located in Villa 1, Al Wasl Road, Al Safa 2, it’s open daily from 8am to 8pm with Fridays being closed.
    For more information visit
    Priory Wellbeing Centre

    Each treatment programme is tailored to the specific needs of each individual ensuring the best possible outcome is achieved. Knowing that everyone has a different pace, the sessions are tailored to each person’s potential in their own time. With a team of professionals, the therapies provide an experience to suit each patient. From cognitive behaviour therapy to individual therapy, the clinic helps everyone to work through their problems. Also, to discover more about themselves. Located in Dubai Healthcare City, Block F, it’s open on Sunday and Monday from 8am to 7pm, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8am to 6pm and Thursday and Saturday from 9am to 5pm, with Fridays being closed.
    For more information visit
    Thrive Wellbeing Centre

    In a judgment-free environment, this clinic helps clients accomplish their goals while supporting them in a warm, empathic and seamless manner. Combining the latest research, the professionals know that mental health is just as important as physical health. From parenting support to individual therapy, the expert psychologists support people through a range of challenges including depression, anxiety, grief, relationship issues and trauma. The clinic also conducts a host of workshops for people together in a group. Located in Office 706-710, HDS Tower, Cluster F, it’s open from  Saturday-Thursday: 9am–8pm and Friday: 9am–5pm.
    For more information visit
    Wise Mind Centre

    This clinic is committed to building a sense of community and belonging ensuring that anyone who visits is never treated as an outsider. Creating a confidential space to explore and harbour lasting change, Wise Mind Center ensures its clientele is kept small for quality over quantity. With individual access to each therapist, the services are provided in Arabic, English and Dutch. Located in Lake Central Tower, 1209, Business Bay, it’s open daily from 10am to 8pm, except Friday’s are closed.
    For more information visit
    American Wellness Centre

    As the ever-increasing societal pace wears people down, the clinic was born to make the brunt of modern life a lot easier. This multi-specialty clinic ensures every session is carefully tailored as per the customer’s surrounding concerns. From mindfulness training to parenting skills training, both children and adults are looked after in a safe environment with highly qualified experts. Located in Al Faris Building 39, Dubai Healthcare City, it’s open from 8am to 10pm.
    For more information visit
    Camali Clinic

    With a step-by-step guided programme created to address any challenges, the clinic creates a personalised schedule to overcome each obstacle. By identifying the root cause of each patient’s personal challenges, clinically proven counselling sessions provide a holistic approach to addressing its client’s mental health. Various emotional and behavioural issues are addressed with love and support. With two locations, it’s situated in Block A, Ibn Sina building no. 27 in Dubai Healthcare City and Cluster M, HDS Center, in JLT.
    For more information visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & feature image: Unsplash @priscilla-du-preez More

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    How To Decentre Alcohol From Your Social Life

    Whether you’re one of the many who identifies as sober curious, soberish or California sober – it’s hard to deny: More and more people are looking for ways to decrease the role that alcohol plays in their lives. Between hangovers, hangxiety and um, the fact that alcohol is a known carcinogen, there’s plenty of reasons to limit just how much you’re consuming. But it’s easier said than done when alcohol is the focal point that many people’s social lives are centred around. That’s why we consulted the experts to show you how to cut back on drinking alcohol without your social life taking a knock.“It’s hard to go anywhere without someone offering you a drink,” says licensed clinical professional counsellor Leah Young, a Clinical Manager at Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Centre. Even if you’re not someone who struggles with alcohol addiction, it can be hard to decrease your alcohol intake. This is because alcohol shows up *a lot* in our day-to-day. It’s at sports games, company events and for some people, a regular night out with friends. “Alcohol has really permeated both happy moments and celebrations and sad ones when people are grieving and everything in between, including even when people are bored,” says Hilary Sheinbaum, author of The Dry Challenge: How to Lose the Booze for Dry January, Sober October, and Any Other Alcohol-Free Month. “It’s become almost the main character in social situations.” (Think: post-work happy hour, first-date drinks, best friends’ birthday parties, cry sessions after a breakup.) Chances are, you’re never too far from the next opportunity to drink, which only makes it harder to cut back.READ MORE: 13 Simple Mocktail Recipes To Keep On Hand All Year LongWhat to expect when you cut back on drinkingThe truth is that alcohol – through marketing, media and thousands of years of traditions – has wormed its way into a prominent role in our lives, both consciously and subconsciously. Sometimes, it provides a reason to get together with friends and other times it helps make a social situation feel a little bit smoother. Trying to decentre it then comes with some logistical and personal challenges. Like, can you still go to the bar with your friends? And, how do you handle how other people might react to you not drinking?Because drinking is so normalised, deciding not to might come with questions. You can expect that some people will be curious, says Young. But, it might also come with seemingly some discomfort or disappointment from friends. Those moments can be thought of as a “them thing, and less of a you thing,” says licensed clinical social worker Shani Gardner, a therapist at Soulful Grace Therapy. Switching up your behaviour might make people question their own and result in them projecting onto you. Approach that with kindness and compassion – but don’t take it personally, she says.READ MORE: Seriously Now, Is Alcohol Really THAT Bad For Your Sleep?“It’s become almost the main character in social situations.”At the same time *you* might be the one projecting. “We fill in the gaps in our head with what we think other people are thinking or feeling about us,” says Dr Hayley Treloar Padovano, an associate professor of behavioural and social sciences at the Centre for Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University. “A lot of times those things aren’t true.” You might be worried about your friends judging you for not drinking, but it’s a misconception that drinking less or not drinking at all necessarily needs to turn your entire social life upside down. “You’re still going to be as fun. You’re still going to be as engaged – if not more engaged – in the conversation,” says Sheinbaum. “It’s just that you are going to have something different in your hands.”Untangling alcohol from your social life might feel like a big task, but on the other side of it is better sleep, better digestion and financial savings, to name a few, says Sheinbaum, who is sober curious herself and only drinks about once a month. Luckily, these expert tips for people looking to drink less make it a lot simpler.Meet the experts: Hilary Sheinbaum is a journalist, the founder of, and author of The Dry Challenge: How to Lose the Booze for Dry January, Sober October, and Any Other Alcohol-Free Month and Going Dry: A Workbook: A Practical Guide to Drinking Less and Living More. Leah Young is a licensed clinical professional counsellor and the Clinical Manager at Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Centre. Shani Gardner is a licensed clinical social worker and the founder and therapist at Soulful Grace Therapy. Dr Hayley Treloar Padovano is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour at Brown University’s Centre for Alcohol and Addiction Studies.6 Tips To Decentre Alcohol From Your Life & How To Cut Back On Drink Alcohol1. Practice turning down alcohol in advance.If you know you’re heading to an event where you’ll be offered alcohol, prepare what you’re going to say before you get there, says Young. You don’t owe anyone a lengthy explanation, but coming up with something short and sweet beforehand can help minimise attention to your lack of drinking and make you feel more confident about navigating the convo.“You can have one statement ready to go for everybody, or you can vary and tailor it depending on your relationship with the person,” says Young. “But it’s important to practice it, otherwise you might stand there looking like a fish gasping for air.”You can stick to something simple, like, “Thank you, but I have a huge day at work tomorrow, so I’m not planning on drinking tonight” or “Actually, what I’m really craving right now is a Diet Coke.” Or, give more insight by saying something along the lines of, “I’ve been experimenting with drinking less to see if it boosts my energy/improves my mental focus/clears my skin,” – or whatever your reason is for cutting down on alcohol. You might even find that others have the same goal. But how you say it matters. Confidence is key, says Young. So is making sure you’re firm if you need to be, adds Sheinbaum. READ MORE: How To Do Social Season Sober, Plus The 15 Best Alcohol-Free Drinks2. Delay your drinking by 30 minutes.Ordering a drink upon arrival to your destination might feel like an icebreaker or a way to ease yourself into a social situation, and it often happens out of habit. By setting a goal to wait 30 minutes before you order your first glass of rosé, you can learn to tolerate any discomfort – and discover that you don’t need the alcohol in the first place. “If you put yourself in that situation and you say, ‘Okay, for 30 minutes I’m not going to drink and I’m just going to see what happens,’ you’ll discover that what goes up must go down; Our anxiety just can’t keep going up forever,” says Treloar Padovano. It’s kind of like exposure therapy for not drinking for longer periods of time. You’ll get better at navigating spaces without an alcoholic beverage in hand and build up the muscle to deal with the anxiety you have about not drinking. When the 30 minutes is up, feel free to order an alcoholic drink if you want one – or maybe you end up opting to wait another 30 minutes, and then another 30 and so on.3. Take the lead when ordering a drink or making plans.Have you ever been out to dinner and the first person to order gets an espresso martini and then suddenly everyone else at the table orders an espresso martini? That’s because drinking can also be about sharing an experience, says Sheinbaum. The thing is, your shared experience doesn’t have to be with alcohol. Set the tone by ordering a creative mocktail, the house-made lemonade or a classic Shirley Temple. Your friends might just follow suit. (Pro tip: If you pick the restaurant, you can be sure that there are plenty of delicious-sounding non-alc options.)You can also take the lead in other ways by volunteering to host or inviting people to get togethers where alcohol isn’t centre-stage or even present at all, says Young. Game or craft nights, bowling, museum-exploring and pottery are all things that can be done sans-alcohol (though your friends might bring some anyway). What you can control is serving a killer mocktail for the evening and providing your friends with something fun to do that isn’t sipping on alcohol. “Anything that is using your hands or using your body is fun,” says Gardner. “How could you drink alcohol and be wheel throwing at the same time? It just would be a little bit challenging to do that.” When the main event isn’t just showing up to a bar, it takes some of the pressure off of drinking.At the end of the day, remember that drinking is just one of the many activities you can do with loved ones, says Gardner. Adding some variety can help not only decrease your weekly drink count, but also expose you to new hobbies.READ MORE: 3 Easy Summer Mocktails For Social Gatherings4. Make your intentions clear to trusted friends and voice what type of support you need from them.While you don’t need to discuss your drinking habits with everyone, bringing a few friends in on your intention is a good idea, says Treloar Padovano. “Find a believer,” she says, or someone who is supportive of you. You can be vulnerable and open up the conversation before you head out to your plans, says Gardner. Start by sharing your goal, and then what you’re hoping your friend can do to help. It doesn’t need to be a super-intense talk. You can casually and confidently mention that you’re trying to drink less – and why. One reason to talk it out? You might find that some of your friends feel the same way, and this can help you feel more confident and comfortable with your decision. Even better: If you’re concerned about other people harping on the decision while you’re out, having an ally can help by distracting or backing you up when the topic arises about what’s in your cup, says Young. “Or you can even find somebody who’s willing to not drink with you that night,” she says. Whatever you need, just make sure to communicate it with your friends.Having a conversation in advance can also help set expectations on your friends’ part. This way, by the time you get to your destination for the evening, they know you won’t be drinking and have managed their own ideas for how the night will go. It also might help navigate any weirdness or surprises later on. For example, when it comes to the ever-popular suggestion of first-date drinks, mention that you probably won’t be drinking – but that they should free to – before making set plans.READ MORE: Here’s How To Spot Secret Addictions And Tips To Break The Cycle5. Find something else to calm your nerves.If you feel like alcohol helps you in a social setting, whether it’s by making you more calm or confident, just know that there are other, potentially healthier options for getting that effect, says Gardner.Instead of pregaming your date with a White Claw, turn on your favourite pump-up playlist to boost your confidence or try a quickie yoga meditation to quiet your nerves. If you show up to a social event and suddenly feel a little overwhelmed and nervous, head over to the bathroom for a deep-breathing break. This also might be a good time to call on the friend you’ve told about your decreased-drinking goals. They could make the ultimate hype person.You’ll have to find what works for you, but it starts with identifying what you’re perceiving alcohol to help you with and finding something else that does the same, says Gardner. 6. Try a dry challenge.While going cold-turkey from alcohol might not work for everyone, for some, a short dry challenge might be a helpful way to disrupt your drinking habits and have a long-term impact. “In some ways, not drinking at all is easier because you take the decision-making out of it,” says Treloar Padovano. Having a hard line to draw might simplify drinking less, rather than having to decide each time how much (or how little) you plan on drinking.For Sheinbaum, doing a dry challenge started out as a competition with her friend, but it turned into something much more. “I’m a stubborn Aries, so I was very dedicated to this challenge,” she says. And, while Sheinbaum was technically the winner because she didn’t drink for the entire month while her friend had one cocktail (and was treated to [a pricy] dinner as a result), both she and her friend saw benefits. “I say that we both ended up winning because it changed my perspective entirely about how alcohol is affecting my brain, my body, my mood, my life and my career,” she says.READ MORE: 5 Ways To Protect Your Liver From “Summer Season” DamageTake on the challenge with a friendJoining in on challenges like Dry January and Sober October – two months during which people abstain from alcohol – are also a built-in explanation for not drinking and likely mean you won’t be making the decision alone, too. Doing a dry challenge with a friend gives you a built-in support to vent to and cheer you on. Another perk: When you set a time goal to abstain from alcohol, every day you can track your progress, Sheinbaum says. Each day you get closer to your goal simply by skipping a post-work glass of wine. Plus, the effects are noticeable fast, she says. “Within the first ten days I noticed better sleep and my skin definitely improved,” she says.This article is intended for those looking to change their relationship with alcohol socially. If you are someone who deals with addiction, find emergency hotlines, counselling and treatment options here.This article by Olivia Luppino was originally published on Women’s Health US. More

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    Creatine Could Boost Your Brain After A Bad Night’s Sleep, Research Finds

    It can be hard to think clearly after a bad night’s sleep. And, although nothing will replace a high-quality snooze, new research suggests taking a particular supplement may help you release some of that mental fog. We’re talking about creatine and sleep, and how it might be a secret weapon. Creatine is usually used to boost muscle performance, but now it’s being linked with being able to think clearly after a poor night of rest. Here’s what the study found, plus what a neurologist wants you to know.Meet the experts: Dr Vernon Williams, neurologist and founding director of the Centre for Sports Neurology and Pain Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Orthopaedics in Los Angeles. Dr W. Christopher Winter, a neurologist and sleep medicine physician with Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine and host of the Sleep Unplugged podcast.What is creatine?Creatine is a compound that’s usually found in your muscles and brain, per the Mayo Clinic. Your body’s liver, pancreas and kidneys make about a gram of creatine a day, but you can also get creatine from eating seafood and meat.You can also take creatine in supplement form. People tend to do this to help them build muscle and lower the risk of injury, according to the Mayo Clinic. READ MORE: We Tried Morphée, A Screen-Free Sleep Device To Help You Actually Doze OffWhat did the study find about creatine and sleep?The study, which was published in the journal Scientific Reports in February 2024, had 15 healthy people in their 20s stay in a lab overnight for two nights, separated by at least five days. During those stays, they were kept awake all night. During one night, participants were given 0.35 grams of creatine per kilogram of body weight; on another night, they were given a placebo. The participants were also asked to do cognitive tasks before they took the creatine or placebo and at three other points during the night.The researchers discovered that three hours after taking creatine, the participants had positive changes in their brain metabolism and cognitive performance on tests. (They especially did well with processing capacity and short-term memory.) This impact peaked four hours after they took the supplement, but lasted over nine hours. The researchers concluded that taking a single, high dose of creatine can “partially reverse” some impacts of sleep deprivation. READ MORE: Creatine Guide: What It Is, How It Works, Proven Benefits And The Truth On Side EffectsHow could creatine boost cognitive performance?The study didn’t look at why this happens – it simply found a link. However, there are some theories. “The brain is a massive consumer of oxygen and energy, and creatine seems to help with the process of energy and nutrient utilisation,” explains Dr W. Christopher Winter, a neurologist and sleep medicine physician with Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine and host of the Sleep Unplugged podcast. “This can help reduce the negative effects that sleep deprivation has on cognitive processing speeds.”Creatine appears to “mitigate cognitive decline related to fatigue by supporting the brain’s energy metabolism,” explains Dr Vernon Williams, a neurologist and founding director of the Centre for Sports Neurology and Pain Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Orthopaedics in Los Angeles. To put it into layman’s terms, creatine may help the brain get key nutrients faster.This is a shift from typical creatine usage, though, notes Winter. “Many people have thought about creatine supplementation as a relatively ‘long term’ effect – like building muscle,” he says. “This study suggests that the effects of creatine could be much faster than originally thought.”What are the other benefits of creatine?A range of research has found that creatine may have several potential benefits for your health. Those include:Increasing lean body mass

    Boosting energy levels

    Enhancing muscle recovery

    Improving cognitive function

    Curbing the effects of short-term sleep deprivation

    Keeping your hormone levels consistentA January study even found that creatine might be a good additional treatment for depression, on top of talk therapy and any other treatments that your mental healthcare provider suggests. READ MORE: What Is Sceletium And What Does It Do?Should women take creatine?It’s crucial to talk to a medical provider before adding any supplement to your routine to make sure it’s right for your needs. However, research suggests that creatine may benefit women, so it’s definitely worth considering. Check out Women’s Health‘s favorite creatine powders below:Creatine Supplements To BuyNOW Sports Creatine Monohydrate Powder

    Now’s creatine powder is free of artificial colours and flavours and uses nano-particle nutrients to help fuel your day. It’s also unflavoured, so you can blend it into just about anything. Now is third-party tested to make sure no harmful ingredients end up in your creatine powder.

    USN Pure Creatine Monohydrate Powder

    This unflavoured creatine is is a micronised form of creatine, enhancing the absorption and bioavailability. USN employs extensive third party testing to ensure the quality and quantity of what’s one the label is always delivered. Plus, it is also Halal certified.

    Biogen Pure Creatine Monohydrate Powder

    According to Biogen, this is one of the most popular sports nutrition supplements in the world. And the compact 100g size makes it easy to keep in your bag so you can take some whether you’re going to gym or travelling. Just mix it with water, pre-workout or your go-to smoothie and enjoy.

    This article by Korin Miller was originally published on Women’s Health US.Women’s Health participates in various affiliate marketing programmes, which means we may get commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. More

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    WHOOP GCC Marketing Director gives a full low-down on sleep for peak performance

    WHOOP GCC Marketing Director, Stephan Muller, deep dives into data to give a full low-down on sleep and discusses the importance of better shuteye for peak performance.
    What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like, your morning routine?
    I’m a very routine focused person so my mornings typically look very similar. I wake up at 6am, hydrate with electrolytes and check my sleep data on WHOOP. I’ll head to the gym, get a workout in and get into the ice bath and sauna. I’ll refuel with a protein shake, have a black coffee, plan out my day in detail, and then get to work!
    What are the first tell-tale signs of sleep deprivation?
    The first signs of sleep deprivation often include fatigue, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, and irritability. You might also notice increased cravings for sugary or high-carb foods, reduced motivation, and slower reaction times. Over time, even small amounts of sleep loss can affect your energy, memory, and overall performance.
    What data metrics does WHOOP track to measure a “successful sleep” and how accurate is it?
    WHOOP tracks several key metrics to measure sleep quality and its impact on recovery. These include sleep duration, sleep performance (sleep duration versus sleep needed), sleep consistency and disturbances, sleep stages (awake, light, deep, and REM), among other key metrics. The WHOOP Sleep Score synthesizes these key indicators to provide a clear picture of how well your sleep supports your body’s recovery and performance. Additionally, metrics like heart rate variability (HRV), resting heart rate (RHR), and respiratory rate offer insights into how restor- ative your sleep was for both physical and mental health. Accuracy is supported by our proprietary algorithm, validated through third-party studies. Beyond this, WHOOP offers personalised and actionable insights, empowering members to optimise their sleep habits for better health and performance. For example, the Sleep Planner function offers daily optimal sleep recommendations based on recent activity and performance.

    WHOOP was purposely-built for sleep. Are there any region-specific findings by WHOOP on sleep patterns and deprivation?
    Annually we release the WHOOP Year in Review data based on our global member data to provide an overview of key trends and statistics across fitness, recovery and sleep performance. The 2024 findings for the GCC, and in particular the UAE and KSA, reveal a significant sleep deficit.
    Sharing key findings below:
    ∙ GCC cities dominate the list for the least sleep overall, with Sharjah, Doha Jeddah, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh and Dubai ranking as the top six cities with the lowest overall sleep globally. Meanwhile, Sharjah, Jeddah, and Dubai have the lowest sleep performance score.
    ∙ YIR data seems to suggest a correlation between late-night culture, sleep performance and stress levels: Countries with the latest average bedtimes–Kuwait (2:20am), Saudi (2:19am), and Qatar (1:47am)–also report the latest wake times. Cities in these countries like Jeddah, Riyadh, and Sharjah, which have some of the latest bedtimes, rank among the top six cities globally for the least sleep. Riyadh and Jeddah are the most stressed cities globally, suggesting that the combination of late-night culture and insufficient sleep may contribute to both low sleep performance and higher stress levels.
    ∙ The UAE ranks third lowest globally in sleep performance, with an average score of 74 per cent, following Singapore (73 per cent) and India (71 per cent). Sharjah, Jeddah, and Dubai top the global list for lowest sleep performance.
    ∙ The UAE stands out for having the highest REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep percentage rank, suggesting that when members in the UAE do sleep, they spend a significant amount of time in restorative sleep which can still have positive effects on mental clarity and recovery, despite shorter or less frequent sleep durations.
    How important is sleep in terms of maintaining a healthy regime?
    Sleep is the cornerstone of a healthy regime, it fuels recovery, supports peak performance, and impacts overall wellbeing. As fitness trends prioritise recovery-first approaches, sleep has shifted from an afterthought to the foundation of optimal performance and overall health. WHOOP members already use data to identify how habits like late workouts, caffeine consumption, and irregular bedtimes affect sleep, energy levels and recovery.
    With wearable tech making sleep fitness more accessible, this focus on sleep as a performance driver is only set to grow. What lifestyle choices should we be incorporating to improve this?
    Improving sleep starts with small, intentional lifestyle adjustments. Consistency is key – establishing a regular bedtime and wake-up routine helps regulate your body’s internal clock. Avoiding caffeine in the afternoon, limiting late-night screen time, and creating a sleep-friendly environment – like a cool, dark, and quiet room – can significantly enhance sleep quality. Stress management and mindfulness are also emerging as critical pillars of health, directly influencing sleep quality and overall recovery. WHOOP helps users monitor stress levels through metrics like heart rate variability (HRV) and recovery scores, empowering them to understand how habits impact resilience and readiness. In high-stress regions like the GCC, where WHOOP member data reveals cities like Riyadh and Jeddah rank among the most stressed globally, taking time for mindful moments of rest to reset and connect can prove invaluable. Tracking sleep and stress levels through wearable technology combined with healthy habits can help provide an accessible and holistic approach to overall well-being.
    What elements of the bedroom are key for a good night’s sleep?
    For good sleep hygiene:
    1. Darken your room with blackout curtains for optimal sleep quality.
    2. Limit screen time 30 minutes before sleep to promote faster sleep onset.
    3. Use blue light glasses up to three hours before bed to prevent screens from delaying melatonin release, the hormone that helps you sleep.
    4. Reduce caffeine intake, especially after lunch, and opt for warm milk or herbal tea.
    5. Use your bed exclusively for sleep to train your body for quicker sleep initiation.
    6. Refrain from alcohol at least three hours before sleeping to prevent disruptions in REM sleep.
    7. Yoga, stretching or meditation, 10-15 minutes of gentle movement can help calm your mind and heart preparing you for bed.
    8. Set your bedroom temperature to between 15-19 degrees Celsius (60-67 degrees Fahrenheit), allowing your body temperature to drop which is part of the natural process of falling asleep.

    WHOOP GCC Marketing Director, Stephan Muller

    What is your attitude to sleep – a pleasure or more of a necessity?
    It’s a combination of both. I truly enjoy a good night’s sleep, but I’m also deeply aware of the importance of high-quality sleep for my recovery, energy and clarity the next day. I’ve always prioritised sleep and it’s the best decision I’ve made for my health.
    This is The Tranquility Issue – what habits, tools, and mindset do you use for an inner sense of calm?
    I’m a big believer in going to sleep with a clear and calm mind. It doesn’t just help me go to sleep quicker, but also get better quality sleep.
    The three habits that help me with this sense of calm are:
    1. Disconnect from anything that can over stimulate my mind – mainly work;
    2. A 20-minute meditation where I breathe deeply, sit with my thoughts, reflect on my day, and ease into a relaxed state;
    3. I like using calming incense that signals to my body and mind that it’s time to wind down.
    “The combination of late-night culture and insufficient sleep may contribute to both low sleep performance and higher stress levels”
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    February’s – The Tranquility Issue – Download Now 
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    New Study Finds Exercise Before Cancer Diagnosis May Lower Progression Risk

    Engaging in regular physical activity before a cancer diagnosis can significantly reduce the risk of cancer progression and mortality, according to new research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The study, conducted by Discovery Vitality in partnership with researchers from Wits University and the University of Western Ontario, highlights the critical role of physical activity in cancer progression and survival.The groundbreaking study retrospectively analysed data from 28,248 individuals with stage 1 cancer, examining their levels of physical activity prior to diagnosis.Moderate to high physical activity (60 or more minutes per week) compared to no activity in the year preceding the diagnosis of cancer was associated with:27% lower risk of cancer progression.

    47% lower risk of death from any cause.Low physical activity (less than 60 minutes per week) compared to no activity in the year preceding the diagnosis of cancer showed:16% lower risk of cancer progression.

    33% lower risk of death from any cause.Dr Mosima Mabunda, Head of Wellness at Discovery Vitality, noted: “This research provides strong evidence that physical activity should be a key component of cancer care, before and after diagnosis. Exercise not only helps reduce the risk of developing cancer but also improves survival outcomes, making it a powerful tool in managing the disease.”READ MORE: Ready To Get Fit? Tap Into The New Vitality Fitness PlatformThe global cancer burdenCancer remains a leading cause of premature death globally, with approximately 1 in 5 people expected to develop the disease in their lifetime. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer was responsible for 9.7 million deaths worldwide in 2022. In South Africa, the situation is equally concerning, with the National Cancer Registry (NCR) reporting that the lifetime risk of developing a cancer is 1 in 8 females and 1 in 6 males.The preventable nature of many cancers highlights the importance of lifestyle interventions. It is estimated that 30–40% of cancers could be prevented by addressing environmental and modifiable risk factors such as physical inactivity, smoking, poor dietary habits and obesity. These same factors not only influence the risk of developing cancer but may also impact cancer progression, recurrence, and mortality.The study’s findings reveal that the benefits of physical activity are long-lasting. Five years after a cancer diagnosis, individuals who were physically active before their diagnosis had significantly lower rates of cancer progression compared to those who were inactive. Dinesh Govender, CEO of Discovery Vitality, commented, “Our core purpose at Discovery Vitality is to enhance and protect people’s lives, and this research strongly supports the value of physical activity in cancer care. People who build a habit of regular physical activity are more resilient, which is why we prioritise incentivising exercise through our programmes. It’s heartwarming to know that the work we do at Discovery Vitality makes a meaningful difference in improving survival rates and quality of life for cancer patients.”Implications for public healthThis research adds to the growing body of evidence that physical activity is a vital component of public health strategies. By prescribing exercise, healthcare providers can help reduce the burden of cancer and improve outcomes for those diagnosed with the disease.Discovery Vitality champions initiatives that help individuals develop a habit of regular physical activity, recognising its critical role in disease prevention and management. The findings from this study show the importance of incorporating exercise into cancer care protocols and public health recommendations.In yet another effort to encourage healthy living, Vitality presented the findings of a study they partook in, which found a positive correlation between physical activity and the reduction of cancer progression and death. Some of the study authors present at the launch cast a spotlight on the ‘Big Five’ cancers in South Africa – and delved deeper into the complexities of cancer treatments as well as the role of exercise in the battle against cancer. All in all, an enlightening study that will hopefully get more people to move their bodies. It’s never too late to start! – Kemong Mopedi, Deputy EditorREAD MORE: Can Your VO2 Max Really Reduce Your Death Risk?For individuals, this serves as a powerful reminder of the health benefits that even modest levels of exercise can bring. **WH Partnership More

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    How your hormones can play important role in how you feel


    by Sarah Joseph
    4 mins ago

    Dr. Mohsen Soofian, leading physician at Hortman Clinics shares how hormones can play a vital role in how we feel.
    Talk us through your background and how you became interested in wellness and anti-aging?
    I am an Osteopathic Physician with American Board Certification in Family Medicine. I have advanced training through the American Academy of Anti-Aging medicine through their Fellowship for Anti-Aging, Metabolic, and Functional Medicine and the Aesthetic Anti-Aging Fellowship. This reflects five state licenses (Alabama, California, Hawaii, Florida, and New York) and I have practiced all over the United States and established my clinic in Miami (The Renaissance Clinic). I have currently joined Hortman Clinics as their mindset and goal to bring elevated wellness and longevity to the UAE matched with my passion and professional goals.
    What are the main symptoms or signs that indicate the need for hormone testing?
    Hormone testing in women is typically indicated when there are symptoms or signs suggesting hormonal imbalances. These may involve reproductive, metabolic, or systemic functions. Here are some of the main symptoms and signs that warrant consideration for hormone testing: Irregular menstrual cycles, Amenorrhea (Absence of menstruation for more than three months), Heavy or prolonged periods,Infertility, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Hot flashes and night sweats, Mood changes, Sleep disturbances, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Unexplained weight changes. Hormone testing in men, on the other side, is typically indicated when symptoms or signs suggest hormonal imbalances affecting reproductive, metabolic, or systemic health. Below are the main symptoms and signs that may encourage hormone testing in men: Low testosterone (Hypogonadism), Physical changes (Decreased muscle mass and strength), Energy and Performance, Hypothyroidism (low thyroid function), Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), Low cortisol (Adrenal Insufficiency), High cortisol, Cushing’s Syndrome), Estrogen imbalance, Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome, Prolactin imbalance, Fertility issues, Bone, and joint symptoms. If an imbalance is found, what treatment options are available? Different treatments are offered to patients according to their imbalances. For instance, Low Estrogen Imbalance is treated with Hormone Replacement Therapy, while High Estrogen Balance is corrected through lifestyle changes or Progesterone Therapy. With Thyroid Hormone Imbalance, Iodine, and selenium-rich foods if deficient are added to the diet. For Hyperthyroidism, Methimazole or propylthiouracil (PTU) is used to suppress thyroid activity. To lower cortisol, medications such as ketoconazole and metyrapone are used. The treatment varies on the issue and can be personalised as per each client’s requirements.
    How do lifestyle factors like diet, stress, and exercise affect hormone levels?
    Of course, stress, diet, and sleep are so important. If these are not made optimal then your hormone levels will suffer. Stress management, good sleep, healthy food, minimising/eliminating alcohol will help greatly in keeping your body resilient and keep hormones at healthy levels.
    How important is physical fitness when it comes to balancing your hormones?
    This is everything. Physical fitness will improve your bodies resiliency and release optimal levels of hormones for men and women.Testosterone has been shown to increase dramatically after exercise, also increasing endorphins in the brain, so your stress is reduced, and you have a sense of well-being. There is no shortcut or avoiding it, physical fitness is necessary to maintain health. All the studies show,the more muscle you have and the more you exercise, the less risk of mental health issues, less risk of dying, and less cancer.
    Are there natural or non-prescription approaches to balancing hormones?
    While natural supplements are available (such as LJ 100 for boosting testosterone), there is nothing that can replace the efficacy and treatment response we get from pharmaceutical interventions. All my patients on pharmaceutical hormones are very happy and love the treatment response they get and how tremendously it benefits their well-being. We need to understand that hormonal dysfunction is a consequence of aging, so while it is natural to experience a decline in hormones, we do not need to tolerate the decades of suffering and the symptoms that come with the aging process and suboptimal hormone levels. We can directly intervene to keep you feeling good, functioning well, and performing at your best every day. As a testament to this, I can proudly say that all my patients who startedhormones have continued, and none have stopped.

    What are the common causes of hormone imbalances in women in the UAE?
    Hormone imbalances in both women and men can arise from a combination of genetic, lifestyle, environmental, and medical factors. In the UAE, specific cultural, environmental, and lifestyle influences may play a role. Below are the “common causes of hormone imbalances” in women and men, with a focus on factors prevalent in the UAE. In women, they include various elements such as lifestyle factors, dietary patterns, PCOS, stress, physical inactivity, Thyroid disorders, and other external factors such as Vitamin D deficiency and more can cause these imbalances. In men, various elements such as diet, stress, lack of sleep, Hypogonadism and environment factors such as pollution, toxins and vitamin D deficiency play a big role.
    This is The Optimism Issue – how do you stay positive during testing times?
    I’m a big believer in stoicism, but a positive approach to it. Life happens. Life is 10 per cent of things that happens to us and 90 percenthow we respond to them. “This too shall pass” is a very powerful concept, that we just accept what has happened and that it will move on, and we can work hard to overcome it. Losing hope is the biggest sin, because if you have accepted giving up, nothing can be done. Thephrase: “It’s always darkest before dawn” is very true, because when times are bad and it may seem there is no way out, we need to countour blessings and find opportunity in every challenge that lies ahead.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    January’s – The Optimsm Issue – Download Now 
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    5 post-workout ice baths in Dubai to keep you cool


    by Sarah Joseph
    5 mins ago

    After an intense workout routine, ice baths are the most efficient way of recovering after a long day.
    Here are five of the best ice bath spots to visit in Dubai to calm your muscles and to ensure you’re ready for the next HITT or spin class.
    Embody Fitness

    Embody Fitness offers state-of-the art recovery suites, Olympic standard gym equipment, sport therapy treatment rooms, luxury changing rooms and a healthy café. For expert sports therapy, customers can utilise the modern recovery suite including infrared saunas, ice baths and sports therapy treatment rooms to improve their performance to the next level. Located in ICD Brookfield, the session is priced at Dhs130 for 60 minutes and Dhs1,200 for unlimited sessions per month.

    Guests can experience an immersive ice bath to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, aid muscle recovery and strengthen mental resilience, making it the perfect modality to complement the sauna experience. As a sanctuary for recovery, visitors can soothe, switch off, rest and recharge. With both hot and cold therapy, guests have the choice to promote relaxation and detoxification. Located at Golden Mile 6, Palm Jumeirah, the Ice Bath is priced at Dhs95 per 30-minute session.
    ReFIVE Spa, FIVE Palm Jumeirah

    Plunge into the icy cool waters at the Ice Bath at ReFIVE Spa, FIVE Palm Jumeirah. After quickly becoming one of the top wellness treatments, this cold-water immersion action has an array of epic benefits including faster muscle recovery, improved sleep patterns, stress reduction and even boosting immunity. Expect reduced stress and anxiety levels, an increased metabolic rate to aid with weight loss and cellulite, plus the ultimate sports recovery for those post-workout muscle aches. Post-treatment, you can expect a deeply relaxed state for improved sleep. At ReFIVE Spa, the Ice Therapy treatment represents the epitome of this fusion, providing you with an opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, revitalization, and transformation. Rediscover yourself at ReFIVE Spa, where the power of Ice Therapy meets the art of well-being. Immerse yourself in a world of renewal and embrace the cold as your ally on the path to a healthier, happier you. Each session is priced at Dhs125 per person.

    Guests can opt for this regimented training technique to regulate the nervous system and train the vagus nerve which is linked to the parasympathetic nervous system. Beneficial to anyone, ice baths are recommended to be between 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. This experience is designed to improve mood, completemental clarity, reduce inflammation,muscle soreness and conquer fear. Located in Dubai Studio City, the sessions are priced at Dhs100 for Boxica members and Dhs150 for non-members.

    Longevity offers a variety of wellness treatments focused on athletic recovery and performance, including infrared saunas, sports massages, yoga, stretching, and mobility treatments, in addition to ice baths. Founder Dani Afiouni is a passionate mountaineer with extensive experience in endurance sports and brought his expertise to Dubai to allow athletes and health enthusiasts to use cold water immersion to unlock their bodies’ recovery potential. Located at Umm Suqeim, Warehouse #S6, the cold dip is priced at Dhs115 per session.
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