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    Grab Your BFF For This Fun Buddy Workout That Tones *Everything*

    Working out in summer can be as leisurely as you want it to be. You can spend an hour or more if that’s your idea of fun. But if a packed schedule or the idea of lazing by the pool is your priority, you’re going to need an action-packed high-intensity workout that works as hard as your calendar is. Enter: a power-packed buddy workout that you can do with a friend. Because who doesn’t like a bit of company?

    The buddy workout

    Our total-body buddy workout— designed by trainer Ashley Borden—will help you tap into the science-backed source of better results: having a friend while you sweat. It consists of five mini-challenges, which make up a circuit that will strengthen your arms, shoulders, and back, sculpt your thighs and glutes, tone your core, and boost your cardio endurance. The buddy workout was created to hit sticking points that you might struggle with or rush through if you were on your own. (All of the exercises can technically be done solo, but you’ll find that banging them out as a twosome takes it to a whole new level, especially when you’re feeling more social in summer).

    If you and your buddy have different abilities, no worries—we’re one step ahead of you. The plan is completely scalable, so you never have to worry about anyone being left behind. Sounds like a vibe? Let’s get to it.

    1. Partner Pull-ups

    Loop a resistance band around a chin up bar; place knees in the loop and grab the bar with an overhand grip, arms completely straight (1). Bend your elbows and pull your shoulder blades together to pull your chest toward the bar (2). Slowly return to start. That’s 1 rep. Before you begin, start a timer. Do 8 reps, then rest for the remainder of the minute. At the start of the next minute, repeat the same pattern. Continue for a total of 8 minutes.

    READ MORE: Do This Cardio Workout At Home To Burn Cals And Boost Your Mood

    2. Team Burpees

    Stand with arms at sides (1), then squat (2) to place hands on floor and quickly jump feet back into a push-up position; bend elbows to lower chest toward floor (3). Reverse movement to return to standing. That’s 1 rep. Do 25, keeping tempo with your partner. If either person needs to pause, hold a glute bridge together until both are ready to start again.

    READ MORE: DIY Your Own Butt Workout At Home With These 15 Moves From A Trainer

    3. Tempo Step-Downs

    Stand on box or bench, feet together and hands on hips (1). Slowly bend your right knee to step down and touch the floor with your left foot (2). Quickly step back up to the starting position. That’s 1 rep. Switch legs and repeat on the other side; continue alternating, keeping pace with your partner, for a total of 40 alternating step-downs.

    4. Overhead Plate-Hold Challenge

    Grab a heavy-weight plate and hold with both hands at arm’s length. Keeping legs straight and core tight, raise weight directly overhead, arms next to ears (A). Face each other and compete to see who can hold the longest.

    READ MORE: What Is Cozy Cardio On TikTok? Trainers Weigh In On The Comfy Workout Trend

    5. Follow-The-Leader Cardio

    Agree on a piece of cardio equipment (bike, rower, skipping rope, speed runs) and grab two next to each other. Partner A sets a pace that’s challenging for both to hold for one minute. Rest one minute. Partner B sets the pace for one minute. Rest one minute. Continue for 16 more minutes.

    This story was written by Jen Ator and was first published in Women’s Health Magazine in March 2019. More

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    What Is Cozy Cardio On TikTok? Trainers Weigh In On The Comfy Workout Trend

    When I first heard the term “cozy cardio,” it sounded like a hygge dream come true. I’m actually not far off from the goal of creator Hope Zuckerbrow. For her, cozy cardio is intended to combine your preferred, comfortable ambience with some light exercise (like walking or at-home pilates). At its heart, it’s “movement for women to reclaim their relationships with exercise,” she has shared.

    There are a few ways to enjoy the cozy cardio effect: You can light a candle, mix up your favourite pre-workout drink, set some mood lighting, or put on your favourite Netflix binge and hop on the treadmill to get your steps in. Cozy cardio is as much about a healthy mind as it is a healthy body. Here! For! That!

    Meet the experts: Amanda Hart, CPT, is a NASM- and ACSM-certified personal trainer and holistic health coach. Rachelle Reed, CPT, PhD, is a NASM- and ACSM-certified trainer with a doctorate in exercise physiology. Denise Chakoian, CPT, is the owner and founder of CORE Cycle.Fitness.Lagree. She’s also a cancer exercise specialist and boutique fitness consultant

    Since Zuckerbrow began posting about her cozy cardio routine, the trend has taken off, garnering many fans and even praise from The Sculpt Society’s founder Megan Roup. The term “cozy cardio” has 17 million Google search results and growing. It’s only natural to be curious about how effective it really is.

    Read on for all the intel to help you understand the benefits of this TikTok trend, what trainers think of the workout, how to add cozy cardio to your routine and more.

    Is cozy cardio a good workout?

    Cozy cardio definitely can be an effective workout, but it might not be the best choice for everyone.

    “I think someone might feel more comfortable in a session like this if they are new to exercise, or if they want to lose a large amount of weight and can begin this in their own home to create an area they can start their journey,” says Denise Chakoian, CPT, owner and founder of CORE Cycle.Fitness.Lagree.

    “I think this will have staying power for people who do not enjoy working out with others, or feel that they only have time for exercise in the comforts of a small, quaint environment,” she adds.

    4 Benefits Of Cozy Cardio

    It serves as self-care

    Cozy cardio can help reframe your relationship with exercise as a way to treat yourself. “Many of us have a disconnected idea of what movement should be,” explains Amanda Hart, CPT, trainer and holistic health coach. “Exercise should be enjoyed and looked at as an opportunity.” Instead of looking at exercise as a form of punishment or something necessary to burn off meals, cozy cardio pivots the intention of movement as a gift to yourself. Just as putting on your go-to undereye mask and a comfy robe at the end of the day is a form of self-care, so too is cozy cardio.

    It’s naturally a sustainable routine

    Cozy cardio is an activity you’ll actually want to do regularly because you set up your own ideal atmosphere in your home. “They have no reason to ‘skip’ their workout as it’s done from the comfort of their own home,” Hart says. “This can be a great solution for those who are intimidated by a gym setting or for those short on time.”

    It’s accessible and welcoming

    This trend doesn’t force you to spend extra cash on a gym membership or subscription or go anywhere at all. (You could invest in a treadmill, but you don’t have to.) Plus, the at-home workout provides privacy, a benefit for anyone who might feel vulnerable or exposed in gyms or fitness studios. There’s no specific dress code and you can wear whatever feels comfortable (leggings, t-shirt, or joggers, for example) in a judgment-free environment.

    It boosts aerobic training

    As long as you hit a level of moderate intensity, you will see all of the cardio benefits, says Rachelle Reed. These include a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases and improved cardiorespiratory endurance (the capacity of both your heart and lungs to take in oxygen and distribute it throughout the body during exercise). A high level of cardiorespiratory endurance is one of the leading contributors to a longer lifespan, Reed says.

    Cozy Cardio FAQ

    Who should do cozy cardio?

    “From a health promotion perspective, I love the idea of women (or men) adding cozy cardio into their physical activity routines each week,” Reed says. “With most adults falling short of meeting the minimum dose of recommended aerobic activity (150 minutes per week), trends like this do some great work in advocating for more movement, for more people, more often.”

    While hopping on the cozy cardio bandwagon certainly can’t hurt, it might not be challenging enough for everyone. It’s most suitable for those who are new to fitness and want to start with small, attainable goals, says Hart. “While working out at home is super easy and convenient, it can inhibit progression after a certain point,” she adds.

    “Eventually, you will run into a plateau and need other stimuli to continue to challenge yourself. Ongoing stimulus is needed for ongoing results!”

    Once you get into a regular routine, thanks to cozy cardio or another modality, it’s a good idea to progress and add variety to your sweats. “Incorporating some higher intensity aerobic work and total body strength training into your weekly routine is key,” Reed says. “Cozy cardio can be a great addition to your workout routine. Once you’re in the habit of moving your body, I recommend you progress and also transition into a more well-rounded routine.”

    READ MORE: Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout

    Is cozy cardio good for weight loss?

    Cozy cardio can be part of a weight loss regimen or help kick it off. “This type of workout can begin a journey to caloric burn and a steady state program for losing body fat,” says Chakoian.

    And, there are more factors to think about. “Whether it’s cozy cardio or another cardio workout, weight loss is based on calories in and calories out,” says Chakoian. For goals like body fat loss and gaining muscle mass, you’ll need to make other changes as well.

    How often should you do cozy cardio?

    Cozy cardio is naturally low impact, low cost and super convenient, so you can definitely incorporate it every day, Hart says. Unlike other more challenging TikTok workout trends, like the 12-3-30 workout, there’s little to no risk of overdoing it.

    While you could do safely cozy cardio every day, you’re better off spending your time doing a mix of different workouts, Reed says. That’s why she recommends only a few days a week of cozy cardio to get the benefits. To optimize your week, add in a day of higher-intensity cardio and two days of strength training for added metabolic conditioning and musculoskeletal health.

    While working out in the comfort of your home definitely has benefits, you’re missing out on the community motivation and accountability of a group sesh, says Chakoian. “When you are working out with a group of people with like-minded goals or in a facility with a strong community, you can all keep each other accountable,” she says. “It has longer-lasting positive results and helps with your mental wellbeing as a whole.”

    Bottom lineCozy cardio is a low-impact, at-home workout trend that is an excellent way to add more movement in your day and can be part of a well-rounded fitness routine. However, it may not be challenging enough for everyone, long-term.

    This article written by Amanda Mactas was originally published on Women’s Health. More

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    Try This Tough-ish Workout To Really Build Your Strength

    Let’s admit it: most workouts are tough going. There’s always the element of challenging yourself every time you step up and throw down. But this workout, by Willow Way trainer and gym owner Alida Hendrikz, is tough as nails (ish) and will really test your mettle. At Willow Way, workouts work in six-week cycles. “Through our signature workouts, Strength, Effort, Grind and Speed, we focus on different strength movements, cardio, engine-building and gymnastics,” says Alida.

    Keen to give it a try? This tough-ish workout incorporates strength moves along with functional full-body movements that combined, make for an all-over torch that’ll burn calories like it’s nobody’s business.

    This workout consists of a warm-up and strength training circuit.


    For the warm-up, do three rounds of each move.

    10 Ring Rows

    Lateral Box step-ups, 8 per side

    10 Band pull-aparts

    The Tough-ish Workout

    Strength builder

    For this section, do a superset of moves for four minutes, completing three rounds.

    Barbell lunges, 8 per side

    Start by lowering your one leg into a lunge position, being careful to stabilise through your glutes and through your feet. Stand and return to start. That’s one rep.

    Pull-ups, between 9 and 12 reps

    The strict pull-ups can be performed with or without bands to help with assistance. You can break up the reps into smaller sets taking a quick break between reps to see if you can reach the top end of the reps range.

    EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute)

    For five minutes, work as hard as you can, completing this circuit before resting and going again for four rounds in total, giving you a quick 20-minute workout. “It is important to choose the right weight that will allow you to hit the rep ranges and challenge you to get the correct stimulus of the workout,” explains Alida. And don’t go too fast, she cautions, rather keep up a consistent tempo throughout that you can sustain.

    Minute 1: 15 Dumbbell floor presses

    Start by laying on the floor and bring your feet up closer to your body. Engage your core and keep your lower back pressed into the ground. Then, get your dumbbell ups and have your elbows not straight next to your body but more at a 45-degree angle from your body. Press the dumbbell up and breathe out when pressing up. Move through the movement with control.

    Minute 2: 20 Weighted box step-ups 

    Stand in front of the box and step up with one foot pressing through the heel to straighten your leg and make sure you are extended at the top before stepping down from the box. Make sure to engage your core, keeping your back straight and don’t drop your shoulders.

    Minute 3: 8 – 10 per side Dumbbell bent-over rows

    Keep your core engaged and your torso parallel to the floor. Exhale as you pull the dumbbell to your hip – control the movement on the way down and focus on keeping your shoulders square. Exhale as you pull the dumbbell to your body.

    Minute 4: 8 – 12 Knee tucks / Toes to bar 

    Jump onto the rig in an active position making sure your core and lats are engaged and that you have a full grip on the bar. From the active hanging position use your core to drive your knees to your chest and back down. Control the movement and perform as slow and strict as possible. If you’re doing toes to bar, the principle remains the same.

    Minute 5: 10 Calorie row  

    See exactly how they’re done with this video below: More

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    Here’s Exactly How To Start Working Out Again, After A Winter Hibernating

    How to start working out again: a thing I very nearly actually googled after a looong winter spent eating my frustration at colder weather and cuddled up with my loveable pup.
    And if squeezing your butt into suspiciously tight jeans has you staring guiltily at your gym tights, know that you’re not alone.
    Head of Marketing at Ignite Fitness, Kerry-Anne Mathieson, says that they see a big influx of current and new members visiting their gyms around Spring. “There is a general downward trend of gym access during the colder months, with people opting to stay indoors rather than sweat it out at the gym – it’s human nature,” she says. “With the warmer weather and longer days around the corner, people are more likely to hit the gym again!” she says.
    Phew. But where to start?
    How To Start Working Out Again
    Eduan James, a Fitness Specialist for Ignite Fitness, says we should take things slow. Nothing is more demotivating than having these lavish ideas of the perfect body and daily Green Goddess smoothies and then falling off the wagon. Rather start with a few benchmarks: how many squats can you do before you’re winded? How many skips on your skipping rope? Use it as a benchmark to improve – an exciting new challenge!
    When you’re measuring yourself and your progress, try getting an assessment at the gym, says James. They’re free, and can help you get on the right track and accurately pinpoint areas to work on. Maybe you’d like to get more flexible, or stronger? Maybe you’d like to be faster. Getting an assessment can help with narrowing that down. “You can also take some progress photos of yourself, sometimes progress is best seen comparing 2 photos,” says James.
    READ MORE: These Heart-Pumping Cardio Circuit Workouts Are Perfect For When You’re Short On Time
    Also, James reckons we should try more things: boxing, spinning, or even a rebounding class. “We recommend trying it all and deciding which type of training makes you and your body happy (and wanting more). Mental, as well as physical strength, is key, and both can be achieved in the gym!” he says.
    When it comes to a regular workout, Melissa van den Berg, Arena coach at Somerset West’s Ignite Fitness gym and performance sports graduate, has put together an easily achievable workout to do for even the newest of newbies. It’s simple: start small and work your way up, adding more reps or heavier weights as you begin to feel stronger and more confident.
    The Body Refresh Workout
    You’ll need: 
    One mat
    A set of dummbells
    A can-do attitude

    READ MORE: ‘Hold’ These Moves For An Isometric Workout That’ll Torch Kilojoules

    The Workout
    Do 4 sets of 10-15 reps. Rest as you need to throughout and inbetween sets.

    Kettelbell Goblet squats
    Romanian Deadlifts into bent over row
    Backwards lunge & bicep curl
    Sumo deadlift high pull
    Push up

    The Core Workout
    Do 3 sets of 20 reps for each:

    Russian twist
    Mountain climbers More