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    7 Reasons The New Fitbit Charge 4 Is The Perfect Tracker For Lockdown

    Remember the beginning of lockdown, when we were all posting #homeworkout selfies with dogs and kids providing raucous comic relief? Or that first weekend of Level 4, when we donned masks and hit the streets in a glorious celebration of freedom? Personally, I thought I was going to emerge from lockdown like an action hero from a montage, all snatched and svelte and ready for the beach. Shame. Truth is, with each message from Uncle Cyril, my enthusiasm for exercise waned. The first winter cold front finished it off. And load shedding drove a nail through the coffin, making it sure it was dead. Then, one day, as I was shovelling down another spoonful of my feelings, a package arrived: the Fitbit Charge 4. And with it, renewed motivation. Because this nifty little tracker really is perfect for lockdown.
    Value For Money
    For most of us, 2020 is not going down as a year of balling. So if we’re going to splash out on something, it needs to be worthwhile. The main difference between a smartwatch and a fitness tracker is that a tracker’s main purpose is to gather data about your activity and feed it into an app for your viewing pleasure. A smartwatch, on the other hand, has a lot more functionality at the wrist and is more geared towards managing your life — receiving emails and notifications and so on. Smartwatches also tend to have more features. And you pay for all of these privileges. Coming in at R2 999, the Charge 4 has an impressive list of capabilities. You get a lot of the functionality of a smartwatch but at a fraction of the price.

    There’s a walking mode.
    Even at peak fitness, I’m no triathlete. No marathon runner, either. I like to lift heavy things, run the odd 10-kay and torture myself in HIIT classes. Often the smartwatches I test seem geared towards serious endurance athletes. I feel a tad loserish when I set the watch for a Parkrun, knowing it was built to traverse deserts on a single charge. The Charge 4, however, is a great match for someone like me. There are 20 exercise modes available and you can programme six of them into the tracker at a time through the Fitbit app. I felt a twinge of sadness as I scrolled past gym-based options like swimming (it’s waterproof), spinning, treadmill (sob), elliptical and circuit training. But it was convenient to have lockdown-specific activities to choose from, such as yoga, Pilates and hiking. I added running; there was a time, four months ago, when I called myself a runner. But I also added walking; a more accurate reflection of my current reality.
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    You can leave your phone behind.
    If all of this is sounding so far, so mundane, here’s where the Charge 4 gets properly impressive: It has built-in GPS and integrated Fitbit Pay. That means, for the first time in a Fitbit tracker, you can leave your phone at home when you head out for a walk and still use GPS tracking. The battery will last five hours in full-GPS mode — that’s plenty of time to complete a 10-kay or even a 21, if you’re so inclined. And if you activate Fitbit Pay, you can stop for a coffee and pay with the device. So no need to carry a wallet, either.
    It helps you sleep.
    Anyone else struggling with really messed-up sleep schedules since lockdown started? You’d think that spending more time at home would be conducive to getting more sleep, but apparently you’d be wrong. Fitbit has always been a leader in sleep hygiene and the Charge 4 has a number of features designed to help you get more and better-quality shut-eye. If you set your preferred bedtime, it’ll prompt you to start winding down half an hour before. Set a Smart Wake alarm and it’ll monitor your sleep patterns and buzz you awake during a light sleep cycle for a gentler wake-up. In sleep mode you don’t get alerts and it doesn’t light up when you move your wrist — something that irritated me with previous Fitbits. You can also dim the screen.
    READ MORE: This Is The Effect Lockdown Is Having On Your Sleep, According to New Studies
    Charge 4 says, “Move your ass.”
    OK, not in so many words. But I’d forgotten how that little buzz on your wrist prompting you to move every hour gets you off your butt. Now there’s an added incentive: Active minutes are a new goal Fitbit has created to get your lazy lockdown self moving. It’s not necessarily structured exercise, but rather based on non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) i.e. you being active while just living your life (say, vacuuming the house; walking the dog; chasing the fleeing toddler). The tracker registers the activity automatically and it counts towards your daily goal of 150 minutes.
    READ MORE: What Is NEAT And How Can It Help Me Shed Lockdown Weight?
    It’s user-friendly.
    I’ve tested a few smartwatches that were so difficult to get the hang of, I would have thrown them on the ground in frustration had I not had to give them back a few weeks later. The Charge 4 is refreshingly simple. There’s one concealed button on the side that you need to find. Once you’ve made that discovery, it’s pretty straightforward to navigate using the touch screen and the app. As a small-boned woman, I also like that it’s light and discreet and not clunky on my little twig-wrist.
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    More cool stuff
    The Charge 4 has heart-rate tracking at the wrist, menstrual cycle tracking, integrated Spotify, you get call, text, calendar and other app notifications of your choosing and you can even send quick text replies on android.
    So is there anything not to love?
    Honestly, not much. The battery life is not what you’d get with a decent smartwatch. You’ll need to plug in your Charge 4 every four or five days, maybe sooner, depending on how much time it’s spent in GPS mode. If you haven’t used GPS much at all, it can last a week. But it charges fast, which is a bonus. Like previous Charge models, the 4 has the option of interchangeable wristbands, which is awesome for #fashun, but I found my previous model eventually came loose where the bands attach. Of course, this is something you’d probably only become aware of a couple years down the line. And by then, who knows what fun new toy you might have you eye on?

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    How To Boost Your Fitness By Tailoring Your Exercise Routine To Your Menstrual Cycle

    Before the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT) revealed that they planned their 2019 World Cup training (they won, btw!) around players’ periods, the topic of how fluctuating hormones could potentially impact workouts wasn’t talked about much, er, at all.
    But when you think about it, the idea makes so much sense that it’s shocking it’s not commonplace. “The way you move and breathe, how your heart beats, and your body’s reaction to exercise varies throughout your menstrual cycle,” says Dr. Georgie Bruinvels,  co-​creator of FitrWoman, the app the USWNT used.

    Any woman can maximise her workouts by learning to go with her flow.

    Turns out, tailoring your routine to your cycle, a technique known as phase-based training, empowers you to take advantage of your physiology to look and feel your best and to perform at your fullest potential, according to Women’s Health advisory board member Dr. Stacy T. Sims, who’s been researching female athletes for 20 years.
    And it’s not just for fitness pros either. Any woman can maximize her workouts by learning to go with her flow. No matter your goals, the right training during specific times of the month will optimise outcomes, says Sims.
    The first step? Get to know — like, really know — your cycle. A period-tracking app (there are many; you’ll see) can help you understand each part of it—and how it impacts the body.
    From there, use this guide to tweak your get-sweaty routine. You’ll be amazed by how good you feel once things are truly, totally simpatico.
    Menstruation: Days 1–5
    Right about now (the start of your period), low levels of estrogen and progesterone (plus extra inflammation) may have you feeling pretty unmotivated to get moving, says Bruinvels (womp womp). But it’s actually prime time to build strength and muscle, thanks to relatively high testosterone, Sims notes.
    Do whatever workouts feel good.
    If you’re craving easy, restorative movement, focus on low-intensity workouts like yoga, Pilates, and stretching during your period, says Bruinvels.
    But…if you feel energised, hit the weights and lift heavy, says Sims. In fact, go for loads you can manage for only six reps, tops. (Try five sets of five reps at 80 percent of your one-rep max — i.e., the most weight you can lift for one rep.)
    Follicular Phase: Days 6–14
    Between the end of your period and about three days before ovulation, estrogen levels spike, which means you’ll have more energy to work out and recover faster. Woo! “Estrogen is associated with feeling happy, engaged, and strong,” says Bruinvels.
    Now’s the time to up your training intensity.
    If you feel next-level amazing, make the most of it by continuing to lean in to strength training, plus sprints and intense workouts. Now’s the time to bust out that jump rope or join a boot camp class and really push!
    READ MORE: “I Worked Out In Reusable Period Panties — Here’s What Happened”
    Ovulation: Days 15–23
    Things get a little wonky in this part of your cycle. Around ovulation, estrogen briefly drops while progesterone increases. FYI: Higher levels of progesterone can contribute to muscle breakdown, making proper recovery even more important than usual, says Bruinvels.
    Stick to steady-state cardio and strength training.
    Help your body bounce back by switching to moderate-intensity exercise, Sims says. Swap sprints for easy runs and stick to weights you can lift for eight to 10 reps. If you feel super sore, give yourself an extra day between workouts, Bruinvels adds.
    Luteal Phase: Days 24–28
    At this point, both estrogen and progesterone levels fall. As a result, PMS symptoms — like irritability and anxiety — start to creep up, while fluctuating blood-sugar levels and inflammation sap precious motivation.
    READ MORE: This Is Exactly How Your Period Affects Your Workout
    Start winding down your fitness routine.
    Since your body isn’t in peak performance condition right now (and you probs don’t have World Cup glory on the line to fire you up), use exercise to reduce stress. Opt for Pilates, yoga, or slow runs.
    When strength training, focus on form. Nailing it now will prepare you to load more weight when a new cycle starts, says Sims.
    The Best Cycle-Tracking Apps
    To create the best routine for your body, you gotta become BFFs with your cycle. These apps can help you log (and decode!) each phase.

    Complete with a cycle analysis tool and the ability to predict oncoming symptoms (like cramps), Clue offers an easy-to-digest but science-based view into your period.

    One of the most popular period trackers in the game, this app helps you understand and predict your menstrual cycle, PMS symptoms, and even potential fertility.

    This unique app pairs detailed cycle logging with expert-backed training, recovery, and nutrition advice for ultimate peak performance all month long.

    This first-of-its-kind app uses artificial intelligence to generate a personalised plan (exercise and eats included!) based on the sweat goals and cycle info you track.

    This article was originally published on 

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    What Is The IT Band And How Can You Tell If Yours Is Injured?

    While feeling sore after a challenging (or new) workout is totally normal, it’s important to note that not all types of aches and pains are just byproducts of your bod’s natural healing process. One common place this comes into play is with an IT band injury. What is the IT band, exactly? Here’s everything you need to know.
    The IT band (a.k.a. iliotibial tract band) is a thick piece of fascia, or connective tissue, that runs from the side of the hip down to the side of the knee, says Bianca Spicer, exercise physiologist and owner of Spicer Fitness and Wellness in Atlanta, Georgia. You can think of it kind of like a rubber band, as it functions inside your body in a similar way.
    Whenever your leg moves forwards or backwards from under your hips, like during a stride, elastic energy is stored and then released when the movement is reversed. The IT band ultimately helps your system save energy, especially during a run, according to research from scientists at Harvard University.
    Given their starring role in keeping you moving, maintaining healthy IT bands is super important. So is knowing when you’re just achy from a hardcore sprint workout and need to do some extra recovery — or when you’re actually hurt.
    Signs And Symptoms Of An IT Band Injury
    Because your IT band is such a workhorse, it’s got a higher rate of injury than tissue or muscles you don’t utilize so frequently. That technical term for this is IT band syndrome, and it’s the second most common running injury, according to research from the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America. Symptoms of IT band syndrome include:
    Pain on the outside of your knee
    Pain when bending your knee
    Common Causes Of IT Band Syndrome
    Your glute muscles, hips, and hamstrings all run along your IT bands and work in tandem with it to help stabilise your knee. Because of this, after intense lower-body workouts, runs, jump training (a.k.a. plyometrics), or even a lot of brisk walking, the IT band may become inflamed.
    In general, there are three usual suspects that cause IT band injuries:
    sitting too much
    What To Do If You Think You Have An IT Band Injury
    If you’re not sure whether your pain is IT band syndrome, Spicer recommends getting a formal diagnosis from a physical therapist. For mild pain, changes like better form, more rest, and rehab exercises (e.g. strengthening your hips, butt muscles, and outside of your thighs) should help.
    One treatment Spicer doesn’t recommend? Foam rolling along your IT band. “You want to make sure you’re foam rolling the muscle,” she says. “The biggest mistake we see with adjusting the IT band is people mistaking the IT band for [muscle].” Since it’s tissue, it doesn’t benefit from this type of tension release. So stick to hitting your quads, hammies, glutes, and inner thighs instead.
    This article was originally published on

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    This Multi-Sport Smartwatch Is Made For Anyone Who Lives For Outdoor Adventures

    Looking for a fitness device that can keep up with your unmatched passion? Want a training partner that lets you do more without backing down? Well, here it is…
    The Garmin fēnix 6/6S Pro
    Garmin has recently expanded on its solar charging technology. Building on the success of their first solar charging multisport watch, the fēnix 6X Pro Solar and the new fēnix Pro Solar range allows fitness enthusiasts to do what they love for longer.
    The fēnix 6S Pro Solar and fēnix 6 Pro Solar are the newest members of the Garmin flagship multisport GPS smartwatch line. It comes armed with significantly increased battery life and new purpose-built functionality that include mountain biking, surfing and climbing activities.

    Featuring Garmin Power Glass™ solar charging lens and a customisable Power Manager mode, fēnix 6 Series — Solar Editions harness the power of the sun to stay on and remain performance-ready for weeks, so you have more on-wrist time* to enjoy your different running modes, fitness activities, training features, music streaming and much more. The Solar editions also include Advanced Sleep Monitoring, which provides a detailed breakdown of light, deep and REM sleep stages as well as Pulse Ox and respiration data. This can be viewed on a dedicated widget that includes your stress score and sleep insights. The latest also comes set with convenience features such as Garmin Pay™ and on-device music storage of up to 2,000 songs, allowing you to sync playlists from several of the most popular music services, no phone required. Need running pace guidance that knows the terrain? Check out the PacePro™ feature.
    Gamin is committed to developing products that enhance experiences and enrich lives, Garmin believes every day is an opportunity to innovate and a chance to beat yesterday. For more information, or to check out more watch-specific features, visit

    *The Solar devices use Garmin’s Power Glass watch lens to convert sunlight into battery power, extending time between charges. The solar charging is not designed to be used as the primary charging source nor is it to be used to achieve indefinite power. The solar feature will slowly charge a flat watch, but this is not the intended feature.

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    These Activewear Trends Are So Cute, They’ll Motivate You to Work Out At Home

    I’ve always lacked motivation when it comes to working out. For example, I faked my period every other week to get out of gym class (thankfully, my PE teacher was an awkward older man who didn’t want to question that frequency). As an adult, I finally established a consistent exercise routine by going to workout classes (and have only faked my period a few times). There are exactly two reasons classes gave me the motivation to work out: 1. the chance to get out of the house (I work at home full-time), and 2. steep cancellation fees. You can imagine my panic when all studios and gyms started closing mid-March. What other reason is there to work out than $20 to cancel and lemon-lavender cloths!? There’s nothing that motivates me to do anything or go anywhere more than a really cute outfit, so I took the same approach. Sure we all should exercise for our health and wellbeing, but sometimes it’s just hard when a new episode of Riverdale is calling. 
    Whether you’re live streaming yoga, getting after it on the treadmill, or taking your dog for a long walk, the biggest activewear trends of 2020 are so cute you’ll want to throw them on, get moving, and maybe take a selfie or two. Happy shopping (I mean working out)!

    1. Matching sets

    A matching set is the activewear equivalent of a crisp, ironed button-down: whenever you wear it, you just look like you have your sh*t together. A matching set of leggings and bra top in a cute print or a comfy fabric is as worthy of an #OOTD selfie as your favorite sundress or newest blouse. Plus, you’ll look damn good doing downward dog in all one color.

    2. One-shoulder top

    The latest trend in sports bras and workout tops mirrors one of the biggest trends in your closet: one-shoulder is officially all the rage. If you’re anywhere above an AA cup, no worries. The latest designs are built for the best support, so your beloved breasts won’t slosh around during even the toughest HIIT series (did that sentence really gross anyone else out?). 

    3. Pastel leggings

    The weather is warm, which means it’s time to get brighter and bolder with the colors we wear. The most stylish trainers and active fashion girls are ditching their black, gray, and neutral leggings for more blues, purples, and pinks. Leggings have never been so pretty.

    4. Tie-Dye

    Yes, the it-trend of the season (nay, year), has officially made its way into your activewear. Dye your own shorts or sweatshirts if you’re dying for a DIY, or get a matching set to knock out two trends at once. No matter what your preference, adding some tie-dye into your workout routine will power you through a long run or an online barre class. 

    Electric & Rose
    Tularose Bra

    2 colors available and 30% off!

    5. Ribbed fabrics

    If there is such a thing as a “texture of the season,” ripped fabric is officially the MVP. Staying at home for months on end and living in loungewear challenged us to investigate the comfiest, coziest fabric available, and there’s something about a slightly ribbed design that takes the cake. If you’re looking for activewear that doubles as loungewear, or even sleepwear, look no further. 

    6. Bright citrus colors

    Every season has an it-color, and summer 2020’s is bright, sunny, and citrusy. Think: tangerine orange, grapefruit pink, or lemon yellow. Go bold in a pair of leggings, or keep it subtle with shoes and small details. 

    Eleven By Venus Williams

    2 colors available, and 39% off!

    7. Printed bike shorts

    You already know bike shorts are cool (Kim K has been wearing them for years), but plain black bike shorts are can be worn for brunch plans or a night out now. Make your workout looks a little more fun with a printed version that’s as comfortable as it is cute. They will be your go-to for every outdoor workout throughout the entire summer. 


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    The Best Trail Running Shoes For Women In 2020, According To Athletes And Experts

    Same ol’ concrete running route feeling a little, well, old? Good news: Trail running is having a much-deserved (and much-needed) moment — and we’re oh-so-here for it. Those smart folks are onto something: Exercising in nature actually quiets the part of the brain associated with overthinking, says research published by . (Can we say “yes, please”?!) […] More

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    What Is VO2 Max, Exactly? Glad You Asked

    You know that awkward feeling when someone references a TV show or person you don’t know but you smile and nod along because you want to seem in the loop? Yeah, that totally human experience happens in fitness too. Especially around relatively obscure terms like VO2 max, which you may have overheard in a locker […] More