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    The 8 Best Groin Stretches For Anyone Who Sits All Day Long

    When it comes to propelling your body in multiple directions, all while keeping your torso strong and stable, consider your groin a superstar. And no surprise here: It’s pretty complex, consisting of three fairly large muscle groups – the abdominal, iliopsoas, and adductors. With so many muscles involved, the area also desperately needs some superstar groin stretches to go with.
    Here’s a quick breakdown on each area that, together, make up the groin:

    Your adductors work together to adduct (or move toward the midline of the body) the thigh while keeping your lower extremities and pelvis stabilised.
    The abdominal muscles help stabilise your spine.
    The iliopsoas, on either side of your hips, help stabilise and flex your hips and stabilise your lower back.

    READ MORE: 7 Best Lower Back Stretches To Ease Aches And Pain
    Since your groin works at its peak when you’re running, walking, bending forward, twisting – literally moving in any direction – too much sedentary time can cause it to tighten up quick, according to Annie Mulgrew, founding instructor for CITYROW and certified personal trainer. She notes that since the groin is so crucial in moving your legs and stabilising your pelvis and spine, it’s super-important the area is both limber and strong.
    “If you’ve been immobile, or sitting, for an extended period of time, it’s best to stretch [the groin] in a dynamic way similar to a yoga flow, moving fluidly from stretch to stretch to increase the heat in the area and minimise stiffness,” she explains.
    How To Stretch The Groin Area
    Mulgrew adds that you can separate stretching into two different categories: dynamic and static. “Dynamic stretching is a great way to prepare for a workout,” she says. (Try this dynamic stretching routine.)
    “Static stretching, on the other hand, focuses on holding stretches and positions for a period of time. These are great to do post-exercise.” One 2016 study found that roughly 60 seconds of static stretching was associated with a reduced risk of injury and an increased range of motion, aiding in overall athletic performance.
    But when should you not stretch your groin? “If you’re recovering from an injury, especially in the groin area, consult your doctor or physical therapist before doing any concentrated movements [in that area],” Mulgrew says. “That said, the best way to prevent the injury in the first place is to keep the body in motion.”
    The 8 Best Groin Stretches
    Here, Mulgrew shares eight of the best groin stretches to do after a workout. Hold each stretch for 10 deep breaths, or 45 seconds.
    Frog Squat
    How to: Stand facing forward with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed outward. With your arms stretching straight to the floor in front of you, sink into a squat. As you’re sinking, use your arms to gently press your inner thighs outward. While your aim should be to touch the ground, ensure your heels stay flat on the floor (so if you can’t quite reach the floor, that’s okay!). Don’t forget to switch sides.
    Frog Squat With Arm Raise
    How to: Moving directly from the first stretch, place your left hand on the floor, continuing to gently push your inner thigh outward, as you reach your right hand directly up to the ceiling, fingers pointed upward. With every breath, twist your torso slightly further, reaching as high as you can. Your left heel should raise slightly. Don’t forget to switch sides.
    READ MORE: 10 Yoga Stretches That’ll Ease Lower Back Pain And Open Up Tight Hips
    Wide-Stance Sumo Squat
    How to: Rise to a standing position, allowing your legs to lengthen and rest for roughly 10 seconds. From there, widen your feet roughly two inches to either side, continuing to point the toes outward. Place either hand on top of your knee as you sink into a squat, thighs parallel to the floor. Inhale deeply as you twist your right shoulder downwards. Continue to inhale and exhale, and with each breath, attempt to twist your torso forth. Don’t forget to switch sides.
    Cossack Squat
    How to: If needed, rise again to a standing position to allow the legs to rest for roughly 10 seconds. Return to a wide-squat stance position, but this time, point the toes directly forward. Inhale, then exhale as you push your weight to the right, placing your hands directly above your knee to support your upper body. Keep the left leg completely straight, both feet planted firmly on the ground. Don’t forget to switch sides.
    Wide-Leg Forward Fold
    How to: Move to a seated position, extending both legs out to either side of you (as far as is comfortable). Feet should be flexed with the toes pointed upwards. Keeping your back straight, hinge at the hips as you lean forward, extending your arms out straight, fingers slightly splayed. Reach as far as is comfortable, attempting to reach further with each exhale.
    READ MORE: The 14 Yoga Stretches To Do Daily If You Want To Become More Flexible
    Wide-Leg Side Bend
    How to: Remain in a seated position, legs still extended outwards. Move the left foot inward, pressing the bottom of the foot to the inner portion of the thigh. Bend the torso to the right as you reach the right hand to the right knee, calf, or foot (whichever location is most comfortable). At the same time, either extend your left arm upwards, fingers pointed toward the ceiling, or bend the left elbow, reaching the left hand behind the head. Don’t forget to switch sides.
    Runner’s Lunge
    How to: Get on all fours, facing the front of your mat. Plant your fingertips or palms firmly into the ground as you extend your left leg behind you, keeping your knee rested or lifted slightly. Press your left heel toward the back of the room. Bring your right foot forward so it’s in line with your right hand. Keep your head upwards. Inhale and exhale, driving your hips further into the ground with each breath. Don’t forget to switch sides.
    How to: Move to a seated position. Bring the bottoms of both feet together, with heels as close or far away from your groin as is comfortable. Bring your hands to the outsides of either feet to stabilise you as you breathe in and out, gently allowing your knees to drop with each breath.
    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health US

    READ MORE ON: Fitness Advice Mobility Stretches More

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    Pelvic Floor Exercises: What Are They & How, When And Why Do You Need Them

    Pelvic floor exercises are a bit like flossing – you know you should do them, but making them a part of your regular routine seems near-on impossible. You’re not alone. Most women don’t give pelvic floor exercises a second thought until they need to – mostly after childbirth – but as we all know, prevention is better than cure.
    There are so many benefits to pelvic floor exercises (better sex, don’t ya know?), and we’re not just talking about kegels. Read on for everything you need to know about pelvic floor exercises – from what they are, to how often to do them.
    READ MORE: 8 Pelvic Floor Exercises That Are Better Than Kegels
    What are pelvic floor exercises?
    Pelvic floor exercises are, simply put, moves that strengthen your pelvic floor. Stephanie Taylor, founder of pelvic floor health company Kegel8 and supporter of #pelvicroar, a physiotherapy-led campaign hoping to break taboos surrounding pelvic floor health issues, explains that your pelvic floor is formed of hammock-like muscles and ligaments that stretch from front to back to support your pelvic organs (bladder, vagina and bowel).
    ‘Think of it as a piece of steak,’ says Taylor. ‘You want yours to be like a fillet: thick and juicy. A weak pelvic floor is the equivalent of a flattened minute steak.’
    Helen Keeble, a clinical specialist in pelvic health and co-founder of Umi Health, adds that most ‘lower body exercises‘ qualify as pelvic floor exercises as they benefit the pelvic floor (more on this to come), but affirms that, ‘If you want your pelvic floor to be stronger, you need to do daily isolated pelvic floor squeezes – i.e. kegels.’
    So, pelvic floor exercises and kegel exercises are essentially the same thing. But pelvic floor exercises can also refer to exercises that incorporate other parts of the body, which will dial up the strength of your pelvic floor. Read on for specific examples of general pelvic floor exercises to complement your kegels.

    But first: What are kegel exercises?
    Kegel exercises involve tensing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles in isolation, without moving the rest of the body, for a few seconds at a time. Keeble (that’s Keeble, not kegel) breaks the process into five easy steps further down.
    READ MORE: Why A Tight Pelvic Floor Isn’t The Same As A Strong One
    And how do I perform them?
    Do your kegels right with Keeble’s five-step guide.

    Begin lying down comfortably and take deep breaths.
    Imagine you are trying to stop wind, so tighten and lift the anus, then let it go again. Do this activation in between breaths, with the sequence: breathe in, breathe out, squeeze, let go. The movement is subtle.
    Once this feels easy, build up to holding the squeeze for ten seconds at a time.
    When holding, remember to breathe normally, don’t hold it.
    Once you’ve nailed this, progress into doing the move while sitting, then standing.

    Can you fix a prolapse with pelvic floor exercises?
    First things first, Keeble explains what a prolapse actually is. ‘It’s when the pelvic organs – the bladder, bowels or uterus – is sitting a bit lower and/or for longer than it usually would.
    ‘For most women with a prolapse, a few simple changes to their daily habits will resolve the symptoms.’ These include:

    Eliminating strain on the toilet
    Not holding tummy muscles in
    Using a pessary

    And, case in point, performing pelvic floor exercises ‘correctly and with diaphragmatic breathing’. You should aim to put all of these lifestyle changes into place in conjunction with one another, so, to answer your question, yes, pelvic floor exercises can help to fix a prolapse – if practiced alongside other lifestyle habits.
    READ MORE: Kegel Balls Are Basically Little Weights For Your Vagina
    Do pelvic floor exercises work?
    Yes, yes and yes, providing that you practice them consistently. Keeble backs us up, adding, ‘So much so that they are the first line of recommended treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction in the NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) national guidelines.’
    Contrary to popular belief, it’s not only your sex life that will rocket, either.
    ‘If your pelvic floor is weak, it won’t be getting as much blood flow or oxygen,’ Taylor says.
    In contrast, a strong pelvic floor can mean:

    Milder menstrual cramps
    Better core strength
    Better posture
    Better sexual function
    Reduce lower back pain
    Heightened self-esteem
    Improvement of urinary incontinence and leaking

    ‘Kegel exercises have up to a 90% success rate in treating stress incontinence,’ says Taylor. ‘Remember, leaking is never normal.’
    How to do pelvic floor exercises
    As we’ve mentioned, what we’re talking about when we say ‘pelvic floor exercises’ here are lower body moves that have big benefits for your pelvic floor. These can complement kegels (isolated pelvic floor squeezes).
    READ MORE: This 5-Move Pelvic Circuit Will Totally Change How Your Orgasm Feels
    Pelvic floor exercises for women
    ‘It’s really important for your overall pelvic health that your lower body muscles are strong and flexible,’ Keeble tells us. These are the best moves to incorporate into your routine alongside kegels and why, according to her.
    Sumo squats
    How? Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, your toes pointed out at 45 degrees and your torso leaning slightly forward. Bend your knees and sink your hips down, stopping when your thighs are parallel to the floor. Drive through your heels back to starting position. That’s one rep.
    Why? ‘They’re great for your inner thigh muscles and flexibility, which benefits your pelvic floor.’
    Glute bridges
    How? Lie on your back on a mat, with your knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Your feet should be hip-width apart. On an exhale, squeeze your glutes and push your heels into the floor to lift your hips up towards the ceiling. Pause for a moment at the top before slowly lowering back down (first shoulders, then lower back, then bum) to the mat. That’s one rep.
    Why? ‘Strong glutes support the pelvis which in turn, benefits the pelvic floor.’
    Tip: Add a block in between your knees and squeeze at the top to make your pelvic floor work harder.
    Lateral lunges
    How? Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Take a big step to the side with your left leg, then bend your left knee, push hips back and lower until your left knee is bent 90 degrees. This should take around two seconds. Push back to start. You can alternate, or complete all reps (10-12 should do it) on your left before moving on to your right. Exhale to reverse the movement and stand tall. That’s one rep.
    Why? ‘For inner thigh strength and flexibility, and working your glute muscles to support your pelvic floor.’
    How? Lie on your left side on the floor, with your hips and knees bent 45 degrees. Your right leg should be on top of your left leg, your heels together. Keeping your feet in contact with each other, raise your right knee as high as you can without moving your pelvis. Pause, then return to the starting position. That’s one rep.
    Why? ‘For hip rotator strength and flexibility, which support your pelvic floor.’
    Tip: Try to incorporate the movement involved in kegels (i.e. tensing your pelvic floor) as you do all of these moves.
    How to do pelvic floor exercises after giving birth
    Your pelvic floor needs even more attention after giving birth than it did before, and Keeble has outlined a handy timeline to follow.
    1-2 weeks postnatal
    ‘Regardless of delivery type, the best thing to do is regular deep breathing, kegels and pelvic tilts. The goal here is to reconnect these muscles to the brain – simple activations are key.’
    2+ weeks postnatal
    ‘Continue kegels and deep breathing, but add in some bodyweight moves such as squats, bridges, lunges, as well as light, slow walking.’
    4+ weeks postnatal
    ‘Continue kegels and deep breathing, along with low impact cardio such as static cycling or cross training, depending on what kind of birth you had and your energy and comfort levels.’
    6+ weeks postnatal
    ‘Continue kegels and deep breathing, and if all healing has gone to plan, consider introducing light weights. High impact exercise such as running and tennis isn’t usually advisable until you’ve passed the 3-month point.’
    She adds: ‘If in doubt, always consult a pelvic health physiotherapist. Acknowledge that each postnatal journey of recovery is different and move at your own pace. There’s no rush.’
    READ MORE: “I Tried Pelvic Floor Therapy After Having A Baby”
    How often should you do pelvic floor exercises?

    It’s a resounding answer from all experts: daily. ‘If you have symptoms of prolapse, or incontinence, then it’s recommended to do approximately 8-10 squeezes, three times a day,’ Keeble advises.
    ‘If you have no symptoms and want to try and keep it that way, do five short and five long squeezes while standing, daily.’
    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health UK

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    5 Benefits Of HIIT That Will Have You Literally Jumping For Joy During Your Next Workout

    Regular aerobic exercise has been shown to boost heart health, keep blood sugar levels in check, and maintain the health of our minds for the long haul. But just as there are a multitude of ways to work out and keep your body (and mind) healthy and strong, there are a trove of different approaches you can take to doing cardio. Enter: HIIT, or high-intensity interval training.
    READ MORE: Try This 25-Minute Total-Body HIIT Workout And Torch Calories Fast
    HIIT’s definition is a heckuva lot more simple than you might think, says Annie Mulgrew, founding instructor for CITYROW and Certified Personal Trainer. “High-intensity interval training is a form of interval training that alternates between short bursts of intense energy or activity followed by minimal rest, ideally until that person is unable to continue,” she explains.
    What Makes A HIIT Workout
    And, as Mulgrew notes, HIIT can be just about anything – from swimming to running to mountain climbers in your apartment to even weight training. The key, she says, is ensuring that the “short burst of energy” is at least 80 percent of your maximum effort (so, 8 on a scale of 10).
    “For HIIT to be effective, your ‘on’ intervals need to be all-out,” she says. Mulgrew also notes that your rest period shouldn’t exceed your active period (try, 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off). That rest period can contain no movement or moderate-effort movement – that part really isn’t important, she says. Those maximum-effort bursts are where the gains are made, Mulgrew reiterates.
    In Mulgrew’s CITYROW classes, for example, that on/off scheme translates to both metres rowed on the rowing machine, as well as resistance training off the rower. “You may find short rowing distance repeats or hip thrusters programmed as 40 seconds on and 20 seconds off,” she says.
    READ MORE: 5 Workouts To Help You Tone, Trim, and Build Muscle This Summer
    If you’re using weights for your HIIT workout, choose a weight that allows you to complete 10 to 20 reps repeatedly in your “on” periods, Mulgrew recommends. Beginners should aim for no more than 20 minutes of HIIT total. And if you’re a total HIIT nut, keep it no longer than 50 to 60 minutes (so the actual HIIT portion of the workout is around 30 minutes and the warm-up/cool-down roughly 20 minutes). “Going any longer than that would most likely mean you’re not able to maintain the intensity you need in order to achieve the benefits of a HIIT workout,” she says.
    Speaking of benefits, here are five major health perks associated with HIIT, plus, how to maximize your next interval workout.
    1. You’ll burn a boatload of calories – even after you’ve finished working out.
    Although aerobic exercise is a great tool in maintaining your heart health, as far as weight loss tactics go, that steady-state run isn’t the best calorie-burner. And while weight training is typically the most reliable weight loss tactic when it comes to fitness type (remember though, weight loss is achieved through a calorie deficit, which is most easily achieved through diet), if there is one form of cardio that blasts calories, it’s HIIT.
    One 2015 study (of healthy men) that compared calorie burn after 30 minutes of HIIT to other forms of steady-state exercise noted that HIIT burned 25 to 30 percent more calories. Other studies (also on men) have noted that HIIT propels your production of human growth hormone, or HGH, upwards of 450 percent in the 24 hours following a session, increasing overall calorie burn.
    2. They may help you lose fat quicker (especially around the midsection).
    Yep – a study in Journal of Diabetes Research confirmed this. The researchers divided obese, sedentary women into groups: those who partook in a HIIT program and those who did a moderate-intensity (but continuous energy expenditure) routine. The former group achieved similar body composition and aerobic capacity results in half the time.
    READ MORE: This 4-Week Bodyweight Challenge Is The Ultimate New Year Workout Plan
    3. It doesn’t require doing crazy workout moves.
    One major (assumed) drawback to HIIT, of course, is the notion you need to be flying, flailing, bounding, and sprinting (with a series of complicated tools, no less) in order to achieve a solid workout. But as Mulgrew points out, the hallmark of HIIT lies in exertion, not the modality, so pretty much any form of exercise fits—and that includes the simplest form of cardio there is: walking.
    In one Japanese study, for five months, 700 middle- and older-aged adults engaged in walking intervals (shorter bursts of speed interspersed with periods of rest). At the conclusion of the study, the individuals had noticeably improved endurance and strength.
    4. HIIT keeps your brain in shape.
    Studies have shown that regular HIIT exercise can boost your memory and make you sharper in everyday decision-making. One (potential) reason why, according to Mulgrew: “During a HIIT workout, you have to stay focused,” she explains.
    5. It’s the perfect exercise for that perpetually strapped-for-time person.
    And, what’s more, you don’t have to sweat for very long in order to see results. A 2006 study compared two groups of college men for two weeks: those who did stationary bicycling at a moderate pace for roughly an hour-and-a-half to two hours for three times a week, and those who did six 30-second all-out sprints with four minutes of recovery.
    Surprise, surprise: The HIIT-ers were just as fit (in terms of exercise performance and muscle growth) as those moderate-intensity exercisers by the end of the trial—with far less time invested.
    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health US

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    15 Best Running Shoes for Women + How to Pick The Right Trainers for You

    Finding the right running trainers for you is just as important as correct form and technique. (And, yes. That includes getting your running warm-up and cool-down done, too. No skipping!). Plus, with it being a new year, it’s a pretty good time to treat yourself and get all kitted out.
    READ MORE: 5 Workouts To Help You Tone, Trim, and Build Muscle This Summer
    Why are good running shoes so important?
    Making sure you have the right running shoes is a point certified strength coach and footwear expert Emma Kirk-Odunubi stresses, especially because different runs demand different footwear:
    ‘As your distance increases many people generally want to increase the cushioning level of their shoe. For (postponed) half marathon or marathon runners, having greater cushioning over longer distances can have its benefits.’
    But we get it: good running shoes are an investment and the price tag can often exceed what you’d budgeted to spend on new takkies. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up a mix of the best women’s running trainers so you can shop to your feet and budget’s content.
    What to look for in running shoes for women

    Cushioning: This helps the ground feel softer underfoot and encourages ground-contact stability.

    Weight: Lighter shoes typically have less cushioning, giving an increased rebound off the ground. They’re designed for speedy splits and powerful runs. For longer distances choose heavier shoes with more cushioning.

    Drop: This is the difference in the cushioning level from the rear foot to the forefoot. The lower the drop, the more conducive the shoe is for a speedy running style. Speed shoes will tend to have around a 4mm drop.

    READ MORE: How Much Muscle You Build Running Ultimately Depends On How You Run
    Best Cushioned Running Shoes
    1. HOKA Clifton 8

    Best for: Long distance training
    Weight: 215g
    Drop: 5mm
    How much? R2 599.95

    The Clifton 8 from Hoka are a dreamy neutral, cushioned shoe that gives you consistent support without weighing you down. Perfect for taking on longer distances, they offer a stable ride as you pound out the kilometres.
    ‘They’re a shoe I don’t think about being on my feet and I mean that in the best possible way. I can run for [kilometres] and [kilometres] of marathon training without feeling the time in my feet,’ says runner Francesca Menato. ‘There’s enough bounce that you don’t feel like you’re missing out on something super responsive, but mostly they’re an incredibly comfortable shoe.’
    You can wear them for any distance but they’re not designed to give you as much bang for your buck if you’re trying to knock out a 5km PB. That said, they’re a great all-rounder.

    2. Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 38

    Best for: All-round training
    Weight: lightweight
    Drop: 6mm
    How much? R2 399.95

    Runners LOVE ‘workhorse with wings’ Nike Pegasus trainers. A bounce around in these will have even the most tentative of joggers drawing up their marathon training plans. Signature responsive foam, a breathable upper and a wider fit at the toes mean you can clock up distances comfortably and recover swiftly, ready to take flight again.
    Having tried every type of Nike ‘Pegs’ since the 32s, Francesca Menato, took these for a spin.
    ‘I was in a committed relationship with the Pegs for years but we had to part ways a few iterations ago as they made the sole firmer and the shoe base narrower. So, sceptical but always hopeful, I tried the Pegasus 38. They may just be the middle ground between the old and new. A wider shoe with an update to the lacing, these feel secure and comfortable.’
    ‘For me, they take the term “neutral shoe” to the next level. They feel like the running trainers you could truck along in for [kilometres] and [kilometres].’
    Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 38R 2 399.95BUY NOW
    3. Adidas Ultraboost 21s

    Best for: Road running
    Weight: 340g
    Drop: 10mm
    How much? R3 599

    Here are the specs you need to know before adding to basket – a sock-like fit with 6% more cushioning than previous Boost iterations; Primeblue material made with Parley Ocean Plastic (Adidas’ recycled high-performance fabric) and no virgin polyester; supportive heel counter and 115% increase in forefoot bending stiffness to make them your most responsive trainers yet.
    Be aware, they are heavier than the UB20s and as such definitely lend themselves to easy, longer mileage over a speedy 5k.
    Adidas Ultraboost 21sR 3 599BUY NOW
    READ MORE: 10 Steps To Becoming A Runner, According To Running Coaches
    4. Saucony Ride 14

    Best for: All-round training
    Weight: 238g
    Drop: 8mm
    How much? R2 649

    Lighter (and faster) than previous models these stealth-cool women’s trainers signal you know your sport. Designed with a durable outsole and PWRRUN cushioning, you’ll be springy, supported and stable as you get going. A firm run-favourite of Fitness Writer Morgan Fargo, these shoes are basically everything we love in a running shoe and more. Cheers, Sauc’.

    5. Asics Novablast 2

    Best for: Neutral runners who want extra propulsion
    Weight: Lightweight
    How much? R2 499

    If you’ve ever wanted to feel like you’re running on a mini-trampoline – in a brilliant way – these Asics Novablast will do that and then some. The propulsive nature of the foam midsole means every step you put in will be energised, cushioned and keep you trucking on when the kilometres rack up.
    Shave seconds off your 5k, stay cool with a breathable upper or just enjoy the feeling of running on more cushion than you thought possible – Novablast are the running shoe for you.

    6. HOKA Carbon X 2

    Best for: Distance racing (and other bouncy long runs)
    Weight: 198g
    How much? R3 499.90

    You say cushioned, HOKA says cushioned. Another trainer that utilises the carbon plate, these shoes feel less aggressive in their propulsion than some of their counterparts. So, if you like the idea of super light, bouncy running shoes that secretly give you a helping hand in turning over your feet, we’ve found them. Ideal for springing your way through longer kilometres.

    7. On Running Cloudflow

    Best for: 10km race training
    Weight: 235g
    Drop: 6mm
    How much? R2 899

    A newer ON Running shoe, the Cloudflow, combines their Helion™ super foam along with a curved heel for ‘better hold, durability and comfort.’
    Basically, they’re going to feel light on the top of your foot, super cushioned underneath and cool thanks to the ventilated mesh. The new rubber traction base will also keep you more stable on slippery wet roads.

    READ MORE: This Is What Running In A Face Mask Does To Your Skin
    8. Nike Air Zoom Tempo Next %

    Best for: Speed training
    How much? R3 899

    Designed to go the distance, this Nike iteration of the cult-followed Next % trainers are the everyday companion for comfort and durability. The visible Zoom Air unit (the round disc) gives springy cushioning while the Nike React technology in the heel is lightweight to help keep your stride as efficient as poss.
    Be aware these are designed specifically for shorter ‘tempo’ runs. Hence the name. If you’re looking for an all-rounder, check out the Nike ZoomX Invincibles below.
    Nike Air Zoom Tempo Next %R 3 899BUY NOW
    9. New Balance Fresh Foam 1080v11

    Best for: Beginner distance running
    Drop: 8mm
    Weight: 230g
    How much? R2 599.90

    Cushioned, stable, lightweight – three words we love to hear when it comes to trainers that’ll more than do the job. A running staple, New Balance Fresh Foam is a style that’s been around for aeons – fortunately for us, they just keep making it better. This latest style has enough support for long-distance runs whilst the foam and cushioning helps you pick up speed too.
    New Balance Fresh Foam 1080v11R 2 599.90BUY NOW
    10. Skechers Max Cushioning Premier

    Best for: Runners on a budget
    Weight: 213g
    Drop: 6mm
    How much? R1 499

    Skechers Max Cushioning Premier shoe adds extra comfort to your run (without weighing you down in the process) while letting tired feet breathe as they work. Cushioned, lightweight and breathable, these gems come in at under R1 500.
    Skechers Max Cushioning PremierR 1 499BUY NOW
    11. Nike ZoomX Invincible Run

    Best for: Injury-prone runners
    Weight: 253g
    Drop: 8.4 mm
    How much? R3 499

    One of Nike’s most popular running shoes for women (The React Infinity Run Flyknit 2) has had a revamp: enter the Nike ZoomX Invincible Run women’s trainers.
    ‘Injury plagues runners of all levels and it can be something that stops people from joining the sport or rejoining post-injury,’ says Brett Holts, VP of Nike Running.
    So what makes these so special? According to the brand, it’s ‘The Nike ZoomX foam, [it’s] our most responsive and soft foam—and we used a lot more of it than you’d find in most everyday Nike running shoes.’ They counteract the instability that comes with extra foam with the ‘rocker’ shape.
    After 12 weeks of testing, Nike found that these trainers had similar results to their predecessors. A study conducted by the BCSMRF showed that runners wearing those shoes had a 52% lower injury rate than those wearing the control shoe. So, if you’re constantly bemoaning a sore-this or a pulled-that, it might be time to invest in some kit that quite literally was made for the job.
    Francesca Menato was a bona fide Infinity React super fan and can attest that this latest iteration is just as bouncy and that the increase of a few grams can’t be felt. Nike wants to ‘make running feel easy’. In these, it’s certainly easier.
    Nike ZoomX Invincible RunR 3 499BUY NOW
    READ MORE: 10 Steps To Becoming A Runner, According To Running Coaches
    Best ‘Smart’ Running Shoe For Women
    12. Women’s UA Flow Velociti Wind Running Shoes

    Best for: Neutral runners who like to track their stats
    Weight: 227g
    Drop: 8mm
    How much? R3 499

    Under Armour’s speed-friendly running shoe comes with a personal running coach that when connected to MapMyRun™ tracks your stride length, cadence and pace and coaches you in real-time. As for the shoes, these kicks are designed for shorter, sharper sessions but unlike some running trainers designed for speed work, they still come with decent cushioning. The sole is shaped with a slight rock to propel you with every stride. Why thank you.
    Women’s UA Flow Velociti Wind Running ShoesR 3 499BUY NOW
    Best Road Running Shoes For Women
    13. Saucony Endorphin Shift

    Best for: Runners looking to up the distance
    Weight: 269g
    Drop: 4mm
    How much? R2 799.90

    So. You’ve completed the Couch to 5k app, you’ve been running on the reg and you’re looking to take it to the next level. These are the shoes for you. The Saucony Endorphin Shift promises to make every run feel easier – and it really delivers. How, you ask? The PWRRUN cushioning feels super plush, and the SPEEDROLL technology enhances each and every stride to keep you moving forward.
    Saucony Endorphin ShiftR 2 799.90BUY NOW
    14. Brooks Running Ghost 14

    Best for: everyday road runners
    Weight: 255.1g
    How much? R2 599.90

    Designed for a soft and smooth ride these Ghost 14’s are perfect for road running, with the midsole offering you that easy, comfortable glide from landing to toe-off. The cushioning isn’t too squishy either so you still feel supported and, importantly, won’t even notice the transitions as you run.
    Brooks Running Ghost 14R 2 599.90BUY NOW
    Best supportive running shoes for women
    15. Saucony Guide 14

    Best for: Cushioned support
    Weight: 244g
    Drop: 8mm
    How much? R2 799.90

    Looking for extra comfort when you run? The Saucony Guide 14’s are the kicks for you. Reliable, cushioned, with a fluid feel from heel to toe, you’ll be supported your whole run long. Plus, with reduced bulk, you’ll feel light and free as you stride. Love that.

    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health UK

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    A Lunchtime Workout Session Could Cure Burnout

    Whether you’re still working from home or have returned to the office by now, the 3pm slump is inevitable. In the morning, we’re efficient, making calls and organising team catch-ups and meetings, sending emails with speed and the kind of sign-off that demands a thoughtful and considered response.
    But slowly, as the day progresses, our energy wanes. And regardless of what we eat for lunch or the number of caffeinated beverages we choose to consume, 3pm comes around it suddenly feels like we’ve aged a decade. Unable to focus, time moves at a glacial pace for those remaining hours of the day and it’s all we can do to drag ourselves home and into bed.
    READ MORE: This 4-Week Bodyweight Challenge Is The Ultimate New Year Workout Plan
    This mental exhaustion is a common feeling for many but in some good news, it appears exercise might be the cure. As anyone who has been in the slump can attest, getting into some activewear and breaking a sweat is often the last thing on your mind. However, it might just be the thing you need. As a newly-published study by German researchers suggests, exercise can reverse this mental fatigue in just 30 minutes.
    For the study, subjects with cognitive fatigue were grouped into three interventions: 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, 30 minutes of easy stretching and 30 minutes of watching the TV sitcom The Big Bang Theory. The group that cycled for 30 minutes on an exercise bike reported feeling less mentally tired, had improved mood and better perception of their mental capability, and also showed improved ability to take on new tasks. Ultimately, the 30 minutes was seen to restore higher-order executive functions, helping workers to get back online and ready for action.
    As the researchers found, exercise during lunchtime does wonders – not just in the short-term, but for the long-term too. Aside from feeling refreshed post-exercise, you can also combat long-term negative alterations in the brain structure and function that can come with chronic, persistent mental fatigue. The study found that the more fatigued someone felt, the more the 30-minute exercise cycle made them feel refreshed.
    READ MORE: 24 Motivational Quotes To Help You Push Through The Tough Days On Your Weight Loss Journey
    It’s worthing noting, though, that the study only looked at 30 minutes of easy aerobic exercise so it’s not exactly clear what the impact of doing, say, an hour’s run might be on mental stress, or a higher intensity exercise. As Women’s Running suggests, “Since we know that mental stress and physical stress build off each other, it’s likely that if a too long or too intense exercise session puts additional strain on the body, it could contribute to fatigue and not help you recover from it.”
    But despite exercise being an effective mood-boosting tool to overcome mental fatigue and the dreaded feeling of an afternoon slump, studies also show that people often blow off a workout when feeling overwhelmed because they feel the long-term benefits aren’t as important as their immediate need to chill. If this is something you’re guilty of, we’d suggest scheduling in 30-minutes of exercise just as you would a meeting or Zoom call, to hold yourself accountable and ensure you take that time. Because while your mind might be telling you to lounge and chill, exercise is exactly what your body needs to come back feeling energised and invigorated.
    And as the recent study suggests, you don’t need to push yourself. This isn’t a time for analysing metrics on your smartwatch or looking at data, it’s simply about connecting to your body through movement and allowing the tension you’ve built up in the day to release.
    READ MORE: 5 Workouts To Help You Tone, Trim, and Build Muscle This Summer
    Cape Town-based Jessica Naylor, a seasoned fitness trainer (group exercise) best known for her optimistic, high impact energy workouts has compiled a few fun, effective, equipment-free and lunch break friendly exercises. “All these workouts can be done anywhere, provided there is a bit of space. Prepare to tone and burn all in one,” she says.
    Move: Soccer Drill ​Nail it: Tap your foot, then the other foot, knee and then the other knee. Pick up the pace and double the time!
    Move: High KneesNail it: Keep your knees high and the power going, on the spot, in a sprinting motion.​
    Move: Arms For DaysNail it: Stand tall, keep your shoulders behind and tummy tight. Place your arms out horizontally. Palm open and thumb facing the roof. Pulse your arms back and forth. Make small movements and feel the burn!
    Move: Explosive Star ​Nail it: Slightly bend your knees. In one movement make your self into a star shape. Shoot arms and legs out and quickly bring yourself back to the starting position. Repeat this movement 20 times. Hello cardio!
    Move: Jump For Joy ​Nail it: Point on your toes. Arms stretched up above your head and bounce away!​
     Move: Quick FeetNail it: Make sure your feet are directly under your shoulders. Bend your knees slightly and run on the spot!
    The article Why A Lunchtime Sweat Session Could Be The Cure For Burnout was originally published on the Women’s Health Australia website. 

    READ MORE ON: burnout Cognitive Fatigue Fatigue Fitness Advice Health wellness More

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    ‘Science Says You Can Be Fat and Fit: So Why Do I Feel Like the Odd One Out?’

    A new study out of Arizona State University indicates that, to quote the researchers: ‘fat can be fit’.
    What’s more, the authors argue that when it comes to mitigating the health harms of obesity, focusing on fitness – as opposed to weight loss – is the smarter, more sustainable strategy.
    Here, one writer explores the science of being super fit while in a bigger body – and shares how it can feel:
    Sunday mornings – coffee brewing and radio playing in the background – I plan the week ahead. This usually involves shuffling coloured blocks around on my calendar app until the next seven days look like something I’m happy with.
    Of all of the comings and goings in my diary, there are a few entries that are unmovable: workouts. I made the decision long ago to plan my work and social life around exercise, rather than the other way around. If this makes me sound like a fitness junkie, that’s exactly what I am. In an average [pre-COVID 19] week, I’ll go to at least three cardio and strength classes (spin, kickboxing, HIIT); one yoga session (always yin); do one run (distance dependent on current training demands); and, hopefully, one swim. I also cycle as my main mode of transport in London, where I live.
    READ MORE: “I Cycled 300km in 3 Countries Over 4 Days & And Put On Weight”
    I lead a very active lifestyle; I love moving my body regularly and equally love the noticeable benefits this brings in terms of my strength, my fitness and my peace of mind. And yet, if social media, gym adverts, the average group exercise class and messages from general popular culture are to be believed, I don’t exist. Yes, I work out – but I’m also a size 16 to 18. I’m defined as ‘fat’ by most, no matter how fast I can run or how heavy I can lift.
    Growing up, I was always heavier than my peers and I only really saw people who looked like me in gym marketing that was centred around punishment; messaging that taught me exercise was penance for having a socially unacceptable body. At school, I considered sport a hobby that people did if they had a particular knack or really loved it, rather than exercise that came with myriad benefits. I chose other hobbies – ones that didn’t involve running around in short shorts or require a muscular physique. The result was a feeling that fitness just wasn’t a world in which I belonged; it wasn’t designed for people like me.

    Happily, that changed five years ago when, at the age of 27, I caught the fitness bug. Yes, I’ll admit, I first embraced exercise with a desire to change the shape and size of my body; to make it more acceptable, more likely to be validated by others. I’d always enjoyed swimming and began going twice a week. To start with, I felt self- conscious in my swimming costume, but that gradually passed. I started a Couch to 5k plan, too, as the idea of building up my fitness by exercising alone – without the judgemental looks of others – was appealing.
    READ MORE: Beginners 5K Training Plan And Tips To Crush It In Just 6 Weeks
    Like anything, it was tough at the start, but I soon noticed a huge difference in my mood before and after a run — I was suffering badly with the symptoms of undiagnosed OCD at the time, and exercise granted me a short reprieve from the mental torment. Once I’d built up enough confidence, I started cycling 20km every day to and from work, which meant I was exercising more consistently than I ever had before.
    Since learning to love exercise, my weight has fluctuated, boomeranging across a range of four clothing sizes. Other things have changed, too – my work, relationships, where I live – but my workout routine has been the constant. Though sometimes I’ll do more and sometimes I’ll do less, I don’t think I’ve gone longer than a week without some form of high-cardio activity – unless I’ve been injured. Sometimes, it’s been more of a struggle, usually when I’ve stepped away from exercising alone and into a group setting, be that at a gym, a studio or space that should be engineered to guide, motivate and empower.
    “I don’t think I’ve gone longer than a week without some form of high-cardio activity”
    Particularly when I’ve been on the heavier side, I’ve had trainers underestimate me, misunderstand my goals and fat-shame me in front of a whole class, telling me I need to work harder if I’m going to lose weight. I’ve been handed lighter weights and given less ambitious targets than slimmer women standing next to me and been offered wide-eyed high fives from trainers who’ve been surprised to see me accelerate on a treadmill just as quickly as anyone wearing size eight leggings might.
    In the beginning, of course, this hurt and there were times when I wanted to walk straight back out, but, as my confidence and fitness improved, I started to use it as fuel to push myself harder; to prove everyone wrong. My self-esteem is robust enough that I can use this fuel to keep pushing myself forward without resenting other women.

    Even now, I’m not immune to feeling anxious when I enter a new fitness space for the first time; I can become hyper-aware of my body and how much room it takes up. It’s as if I need to do a bit of extra work to build up to feeling confident working out in an environment that’s not created with me in mind. On a bad day, this self-consciousness can slip into anxiety. I’ve noticed a tendency to push myself harder when training alongside thinner people to prove that I’m as fit as – or fitter than – them. It’s hard to say whether I’m projecting my own body insecurities, or whether it’s a response to judgemental looks in classes or changing rooms; in all honesty, it’s probably a combination of the two.

    “I can become hyper-aware of my body and how much room it takes up”

    Sadly, I’m not alone in feeling this. Suzy Cox is a 41-year-old who works in sales. ‘I’m a size 16 to 18 and, a year ago, I’d never been to a spin class – the thought of any form of organised group exercise made me shudder. I was worried that I’d feel out of place and wasn’t fit enough,’ she tells me. ‘I nearly didn’t go into the first class because I was terrified of all the people in leggings and crop tops, but I’m glad I did – now I spin three times a week. I love the way that, whatever’s going on in my life, it clears my head and makes me feel like I can take on anything.’
    READ MORE: “I Went From The Overweight Girl Who Couldn’t Exercise To A Spinning Instructor”
    The feeling that organised fitness is off the table because you don’t fit in could result in scores of women missing out on exercise – and achieving fitness goals – well within their grasp. ‘Gyms in general can be such intimidating body-focused spaces, full of mirrors and people taking sweaty selfies,’ says Hannah Lewin, a PT and spin coach. ‘This can be really stressful for people starting out. It’s likely to hold you back in terms of your workout and make you less likely to perform as well – limiting the mind-body benefits for the exerciser. All in all, not a good starting place.’
    Nike stuck its neck out in 2019 when it featured plus-sized female mannequins in its flagship London store, but it faced a backlash. It suggests to me that both inclusivity and society’s understanding of an individual’s health and wellbeing beyond aesthetics have a long way to go. For me, seeing those mannequins was the first time I’d ever really felt represented in the world of fitness, despite spending so much time in it. It reiterated the need to make women like me feel welcome in workout spaces more effectively than any previous efforts to do so.
    Representation is key; is there anyone above a size 10 manning the front desk? Across marketing material? Teaching the classes? I’ve only seen this once – at fitness studio Flykick, where the focus in all the marketing material is on strength, and the coaching team is size diverse, which made me feel part of a community: welcome, comfortable and celebrated.
    It matters in the fit kit boutiques housed in gyms and studios. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve rifled through rails of leggings, ready to drop cash on a shiny new pair, only to discover they stop at size 14. If your size isn’t catered for, the underlying message is that you don’t belong, or at least won’t belong until you slim down. It’s the same with the physical set-up in some classes.

    “If your size isn’t catered for, the underlying message is that you don’t belong”

    As I’m sure is the case for many women, floor-to-ceiling mirrors mean I’ve become distracted mid-workout by my own reflection, self- conscious about my body while sweating buckets sprinting on a treadmill. But what the average gym-goer might not have reflected on is the layout of an everyday spin class. Because bikes are crammed so close to each other that people can barely move between them, I’ve been left apologising (cringing on hearing myself ) while trying to squeeze through. The takeaway? This place isn’t made for me. There are few ways to kick off a workout that are more disempowering.
    And that’s a pretty poor outcome. Fitness should be fun, not some punishing chore, whatever your size. And surely it’s especially important that working out is fun for people for whom weight management is a struggle, and those who haven’t yet found their ‘thing’ with fitness and developed a sustainable routine.

    Dr Josh Wolrich – a surgeon who campaigns to end weight stigma – explains, the benefits of exercise, whatever your size, are broad.
    ‘Regular exercise can have a positive impact on weight distribution, which can carry great benefits in terms of your metabolic health, thereby lowering your risk of developing lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes,’ he says. ‘Weight-bearing exercise can reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis, and cardio workouts can improve your heart health.’
    And, despite decades of association between thinness and wellness, the two aren’t always correlated. ‘A person who’s considered thin may be unhealthy,’ Dr Wolrich adds – ‘depending on their exposure to other risk factors, such as alcohol intake, lack of exercise or poor diet.’
    READ MORE: What Exactly Is The Ayurvedic Diet And What Are The Health Benefits?
    And, yes, while obesity can lead to poor health outcomes – especially if an obese individual isn’t regularly exercising – the assumption that bodies larger than society’s ideal are automatically seriously unhealthy is outdated and misleading.
    “Science is catching up to the idea that you can be both fat and fit”
    A new review of studies from the University of Arizona hammers home this point. The authors analysed recent research to gauge how effectively intentional weight loss reduced the mortality risk of people living with obesity, compared to focusing on physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness.
    Their findings? That increasing fitness and physical activity was associated with reduced harms from obesity – more consistently than when people with the condition focused on weight loss.
    ‘We would like people to know that fat can be fit, and that fit and healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes,’ says Professor Glenn Gaesser, from the university’s College of Health Solutions.
    Their analysis underlined that when it comes to helping those with obesity, it’s better to emphasise fitness and activity; they also encourage health professionals to big up the benefits of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness, even in the absence of weight loss.

    “Falling in love with fitness should be for everyone”
    While a growing number of scientists and clinicians are catching up to the idea that you can be both fat and fit, mainstream society stubbornly puts out the message that they’re mutually exclusive. This prevents those who could benefit the most from discovering the positive benefits of exercise on their health from doing so.
    Falling in love with fitness can help those who feel ‘othered’ by society to develop a habit that’s a robust, get-back-what-you-put-in source of self-esteem. Few other things make me as happy, and I want everyone to be able to get in on the action.
    [Editor’s note: this feature was written pre-COVID 19]
    This article originally appeared on Women’s Health UK

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    Millennials Are Turning 40, But How Healthy are They, Really?

    As the eldest members of the generation accused of never wanting to grow up enter their fifth decade, one older millennial writer consults the experts to give her peers a general check up – and asks how they might fare in middle age and beyond.
    Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Anna, I was raised on Friends and I used to call myself a digital nomad (cringe).
    I’m also bisexual, earn my crust as a self-employed writer-slash-podcaster and I’ve just managed to buy a small flat in Margate, which I share with my best friend – a gay man.
    READ MORE: These Are The Top 10 Health Conditions Affecting Millennials Today
    I have no pension, I’m single, and a scroll through my grid would reveal captioned posts on the subject of everything from managing anxiety to cold water swimming.
    No, I haven’t copy-and-pasted my Instagram bio – although admittedly there is some crossover. I’m telling you this by way of letting you know that I’m a millennial. And if you happen to have been born sometime between 1981 and 1996, I suspect aspects of your life look a lot like mine.
    We have two men called Neil Howe and William Strauss to thank for the term, millennial. And in the years since they coined it in 1991, ‘millennial’ has gone from being a descriptor to an insult.

    25% of the world’s population are millennials, totalling 1.8 billion people worldwide.

    To baby boomers – those born between 1946 and 1964 – we’re spoiled, insecure commitment-phobes who care more about Instagram likes than a mortgage.
    To Gen Z (born 1997 to 2015) we’re ‘cheugy’ – a term doing the rounds on TikTok (where else?) that loosely translates as a blend of basic and past it. And don’t get them started on our side partings.
    But perhaps the most cutting among the insults levelled at my generation is that we’re the ones who refused to grow up. It’s ironic, then, that the oldest of our cohort turn 40 this year.
    Meghan Markle celebrated her fortieth on 4 August followed by Fearne Cotton, Rebel Wilson and Beyoncé in September.

    While my own Big Birthday is still three years away, seeing my peers on the cusp of midlife has left me feeling reflective.
    That millennials are entering positions of financial, political and social power during the biggest humanitarian crisis since the second world war is more than a little daunting.
    But quite besides the fact that we’ve thoroughly outgrown the labels of ‘kidults’ and ‘snowflakes’ – to tell the truth, they never really fitted in the first place – I want to know how our health is faring as we reach this milestone.
    READ MORE: Meet Evie Richards — The Millennial Making Cycling Cool Again
    Plus, what the choices we’ve made so far will mean for our wellbeing – now, and in the decades to come.
    How Healthy are Millennials, Really?
    That ‘millennial’ is almost synonymous with ‘wellness’, I hope, bodes well. While the origins of wellness as a movement can be traced back to the 1950s, it was between 1980 and 2000 – while millennials were all being born – that it began to gain momentum, coming of age around the same time we did.
    The Global Wellness Institute put the movement’s ‘tipping point’ at 2010, after which fitness, diet, healthy living and wellbeing offerings proliferated.
    While mine certainly isn’t the first generation to take an active interest in our health, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that we were fundamental in making wellness a credible, 360-degree health concept that means far more than simply not being ill.

    Nor does doctor, private health coach and fellow millennial Dr. Christie Lewis. ‘I’d certainly agree that millennials are more aware of the benefits of good nutrition, exercise and low stress levels than any generation before us,’ she tells me, from her consulting room.
    20% of millennials have changed their diet to reduce their impact on the planet
    Take our health and fitness spending – there are countless studies that show millennial continuously spend an impressive amount on health and fitness.
    Meanwhile, the number of vegans has risen 350% over the past 10 years, with millennials making up one third, according to The Vegan Society.
    What Drives Millennials’ Health Consciousness?
    ‘There are a number of factors, from the acceleration of research into preventative medicine to how pivotal a role social media plays in our lives,’ adds Dr. Lewis. Something that speaks to both, she explains, is the rise of doctors-slash-influencers.
    ‘The fact that social media users have been able to access scientific research, explained in an accessible way and by aspirational figures, has gone a long way to increasing engagement with health topics – particularly the kind that were previously considered taboo, like mental illness and menopause.’
    READ MORE: Less Sex Could Lead To Early Menopause, According To This Study
    As to whether taking an active interest in our health will translate into a healthier midlife and beyond, Dr. Lewis is optimistic. ‘If you form healthy habits earlier on in life, you’re more likely to continue them through to your middle years,’ she explains.

    This is significant, since one of the best predictors of living well when you’re older is developing healthy habits by the time you reach middle age.
    “Form healthy habits earlier in life and you’re more likely to continue them into middle age”
    Take a 2020 study published in The BMJ; having four out of five low-risk lifestyle habits by the age of 50 (never smoking, eating a good diet, maintaining a healthy weight, doing 30 minutes of daily exercise and drinking a moderate amount of alcohol) meant female participants were likely to live chronic disease-free for 10 more years than those who hadn’t established those healthy habits in their forties.
    There are several lifestyle factors that can help reduce your risk of developing conditions such as cardiovascular disease, like following a balanced, predominantly plant-based diet and keeping your body moving,’ adds Dr. Lewis.
    ‘Weight bearing exercises in particular can help to lessen the risk of osteoporosis, seen disproportionately in women due to hormonal changes,’ she continues.
    The latter is just one of many conditions that she anticipates being less of a burden on our generation, thanks to the rise in supplementation of one vitamin in particular.
    READ MORE: The Top 2 Reasons Why Millennials Cheat On Their Partners
    ‘Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a number of health conditions, so the fact that our generation has increased knowledge about supplementing it – as more research about its benefits has been published – makes me hopeful,’ Lewis explains.
    Are Mental Health issues Common for Millennials?
    But while Dr. Lewis paints a positive image of our physical health in midlife, I suspect the outlook is rather less favourable when it comes to our minds.
    I’ve had several spells of depression, which I needed to take antidepressants to relieve. Most of the creative, high-achieving men and women in my friendship group have had a similar experience with mental health, which is representative of millennials more generally.
    We’re more likely to be depressed than any other generation – lonely, too – with fingers pointing at everything from entering the job market in the wake of the 2008 financial crash to the housing crisis and the un-put-downable nature of our smartphones.

    50% of millennials spend more than three hours a day on their phones

    So I can’t help but feel nervous as we enter our fifth decade – one in which we’re statistically more likely to become a carer to an elderly relative, experience myriad physical and mental symptoms as we go through the (peri)menopause and face mounting professional and financial responsibilities.
    Dr. Emma Svanberg has a front row seat when it comes to the emotional baggage many women in their forties wrestle with.
    A clinical psychologist who often supports mothers, she’s keenly aware of the pile-on of pressures, though she remains optimistic that millennials will rise to the challenge.

    “We’ve created a language and a blueprint for a model of happiness, beyond the traditional”

    ‘Particularly since the #metoo movement, millennials have highlighted many questions about gender equality and the harmful experiences that were too often accepted by previous generations,’ she says, referring to the ways in which we’ve railed against prescriptive social norms.
    READ MORE: If You’re A Millennial, Your Risk For Colon Cancer Just Doubled
    When I think of all the terms we’ve normalised along the way, there are too many to count. From polyamory to being child-free and happily single, we’ve created a language and a blueprint for a model of happiness beyond the traditional (read: marriage and kids) kind.

    57% of millennials have never married, and one in four won’t have married by their fifties

    ‘Millennials have been instrumental in the increased diversity of the concept of family, and for changing expectations of gender roles in parenting,’ Dr. Svanberg explains. On the whole, she believes this will serve us well: family units and partnerships will be shaped more by individuals’ wants, as opposed to society’s say-so.
    But there’s a ‘but’. ‘This can also make parenting more challenging, since we’re trying to do something that’s already immensely difficult while writing our own stories.’
    Millennials at Work: How a Generation Impacted Workplace Mental Health
    Nowhere is millennial-made progress within mental health more profound than at work.
    ‘The movement for mental health to be taken more seriously in the workplace has absolutely been from the ground up, with millennials driving the change,’ says James Routledge, 30-year-old founder of workplace mental health coaching service Sanctus and author of Mental Health At Work.
    ‘If companies want to attract and maintain millennial talent, they need to demonstrate that they have a good mental health culture and that they support flexible working,’ he adds.
    Routledge is confident that as this emotionally-aware generation moves into positions of power and responsibility, it’ll take action to give mental health parity with the physical kind.
    ‘We’re already seeing this with paid leave for pregnancy loss, and hopefully as millennials move into middle age, we’ll see greater support for workers caring for elderly parents, too.’
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    That’s not to say that all facets of physical health are taken seriously – not least when they’re ones that exclusively impact female bodies.
    Journalist and presenter of BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour Emma Barnett – who shares details of her struggle with endometriosis and adenomyosis in her book Period: It’s About Bloody Time – is one notable millennial who’s used her platform to make female health conditions newsworthy.

    “Millennials have shown that women can hold both power and physical vulnerability at once”

    That one of the most fearsome political interviewers speaks openly about her crippling period pain is powerful – and indicative, I’m learning, of a unique millennial strength: the ability to show both power and vulnerability at once.
    ‘To show pain, to show suffering, can be viewed as weak; we’re educated to believe that’s weak,’ says Barnett. ‘But actually, even to put one foot in front of the other with conditions like endometriosis and adenomyosis, you’re the toughest woman I know.’
    I put it to Barnett that the way in which millennials, like her, have been open when it comes to talking about periods stands us in good stead for what happens when they stop.
    But when it comes to the (peri)menopause, Barnett believes we won’t be the change-makers. ‘Women in the generation above us are talking about it now, and we’re going to be the inheritors of that,’ she says. ‘I feel grateful to the women who have come before me on that.’
    What Wellness Lessons can Millennials learn from Gen Z?
    While props are due to the generation above us, we have a lot to learn from the one below, too. ‘Members of Gen Z are so much more aware of the systemic issues causing mental health issues than we were,’ adds Dr Svanberg.
    ‘This means they may be better adapted to abandon the perfectionism and chronic dissatisfaction that many older millennials struggle with after being brought up in the 1980s and 1990s,’ she continues – ‘when success and outcomes were prioritised over growth and development.’
    She argues that while it’s true that millennials started talking about mental health openly, they often do so in an intellectualised way.
    READ MORE: 6 Tips On How To Protect Your Mental Health During The Coronavirus Pandemic
    ‘We’re still not truly able to contain and validate people’s distress because we can still feel uncomfortable with genuine vulnerability,’ she shares. This resonates, hard.

    “My millennial friends were keen to tie my difficult emotions up in a neat little bow”

    Over the second lockdown, I had a sports injury that required surgery and, without the crutch of exercise, I experienced an episode of depression.
    When I voiced what was going on, the millennials in my circle were keen to tie my problems up in a neat bow: ‘Oh well, it’s a good time to get it done! What else would you be doing?’
    There was a need to patch it up and move on – which, ultimately, made me feel I was being too negative or exaggerating how bad I felt, which only increased the depressive feelings. Clearly, we’ve not got this self-compassion thing licked.
    Health and Happiness: Why this isn’t a Generation Game
    I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about what midlife holds for me. But during this past 18 months of lockdowns and restrictions, I’ve felt grateful for the archetypal millennial lifestyle I’ve built.
    My meditation apps, my yoga habit, my collection of single thirty-something friends; my lifelong commitment to social justice; the life-processing memes sent by friends across the world via Instagram or WhatsApp.
    This millennial baggage, as ridiculous as it might sound, is what got me through a year of career pivots and pirouettes, isolation from my family in another country, and oppressively tragic world events.
    But the other thing that got me through? The wisdom of generations older and younger.
    During this weird time, I’ve relied on the compassion and kindness of baby boomers, the more relaxed and existential beliefs of Gen Xers, and the progressiveness and openness of Gen Zers.
    It’s a comforting thought that, however well I fare in middle age and beyond, I’ll do so with the support of the people I love, regardless of what year they were born.

    This article was originally published in the September issue of Women’s Health UK.

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    What Is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (aka DOMS) & How Should You Treat It?

    We’ve all been there: walking slightly bent over, the muscles in our legs/core/back/arms screaming as we try to sit down, reach up, climb the stairs or, worse yet, go down the stairs. A result of a new workout plan, extra hard session or “forgetting” to warm up or cool down, delayed onset muscle soreness (aka DOMS) really can feel like a harsh trade-off when it comes to our fitness routines.
    READ MORE: This Is Exactly Why Your Muscles Get Sore After A Good Workout
    Whether you’re a resistance training regular, Pilates aficionado or circuit training convert, few escape from DOMS pain all the time – although there are some things you can do to mitigate how badly we experience it. Read on for our expert guide to dealing with delayed onset muscle soreness and the best course of action to make it hurt less.
    What is delayed onset muscle soreness?
    As with a lot of fitness terms (e.g. compound exercises or glute isolation exercises), delayed onset muscle soreness is really ‘does what it says on the tin’, so let’s break it down.
    ‘Delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS for short, is a condition where your muscles get sore not immediately but a short time after a workout,’ explains P.Volve physiotherapist Dr Amy Hoover. ‘Typically DOMS occurs 24-48 hours after a hard workout.’
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    The nature of DOMS pain means that you’ll likely not feel muscle soreness until one to two days after your workout, hence the ‘delayed onset’ element in the name.
    What are the causes of delayed onset muscle soreness?

    Trying a new workout or sport
    Lifting more weight than usual
    Performing more reps
    Changing the tempo of your exercise
    Returning to exercise/sport after time off

    ‘DOMS is caused by stress on the muscle fibres as you work them in excess of what they are used to, or load them with more weight than usual. It can also occur if you are using muscles in a way that your body is not used to, like playing a sport for the first time,’ explains Dr Hoover. ‘It is also more common after eccentric exercise or movements that challenge the muscles to work as they lengthen.’
    A quick refresh on eccentric exercises. Every exercise you do will have an eccentric and concentric element. Concentric is when the muscle contracts and shortens, i.e when you bring a weight towards your shoulder during a bicep curl. The eccentric element is when the muscle fibres lengthen again – continuing the example of a bicep curl this would be when you lower the weight back down to your side.
    Other eccentric movements include bringing the barbell or dumbbells to your chest during a bench press or lowering down into a squat position with thighs parallel to the floor.
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    Is delayed onset muscle soreness normal?
    ‘Totally normal!’ says Tash Lankester, PT at FLEX Chelsea, explaining why DOMS are not only normal but can be a sign your body is building muscle as usual. ‘Progression and muscle growth come after the micro-tears. In response to tears, our bodies produce cells to repair and protect our muscles from tearing in the future – this is what leads to an increase in muscle mass.’
    However, she says, ‘if you are sore after every workout, this is a sign you are probably pushing it too hard, not taking effective recovery measures, and it may be time to slow it down, as you won’t actually be making progress.’
    How do you treat DOMS pain?

    Ice therapy
    Foam rolling exercises
    Using a muscle gun
    NEAT exercise

    Besides muffled shouting every time you get up or down from a surface, there are actionable ways to treat your DOMS pain. From adding in foam roller exercises to your post-workout routine and stretching before and after a workout (save the dynamic stretches for after the workout, though), to walking more and using hot/cold therapy, there are myriad options, all at different price points.
    One of the best ways to make sure your body’s in the right place is by making time for proper rest.
    ‘It’s during the rest days the tissue really heals and grows, resulting in stronger muscles, so make sure you get those rest days and recovery sessions in. Plan your rest days as part of your workout diary, including stretch sessions or restorative yoga classes,’ suggests Maria Eleftheriou, Head of Barre at Psycle. ‘If you commit to this you will feel a difference in your workouts, recharge your batteries and most importantly, you’ll be much less likely to cause injury.’
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    Is it okay to work out with DOMS?
    We get it – you’re in the swing and don’t want to ruin your workout streak because of sore glutes or quads that feel like breeze blocks. Fair enough. But is it a good idea to work out with DOMS pain? We asked the expert.
    ‘It is fine to work out with DOMS, but you want to avoid heavy resistance training exercise while your sore muscles recover. Varying which muscle groups to focus on day to day can also allow the body to recover before the next intense workout,’ suggests Dr Hoover.
    ‘DOMS may be a normal part of strength training or new activity, but as your body adjusts to heavier weight or more intense workouts you should experience delayed onset muscle soreness less and less.’
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    How to prevent DOMS and reduce DOMS pain post-workout
    ‘The best way to avoid DOMS is to prevent it in the first place. Slowly and gradually increase your workout load, and properly warm-up and stretch after your workouts,’ says Dr Hoover.
    Here’s your play by play guide to swerve DOMS pain before it sets in.
    1. Focus on cool down exercises
    There shouldn’t be a situation when you’re rushing from your gym workout or spin class without any time to cool down. The same way you wouldn’t regularly emergency brake on the highway (if you can avoid it), you shouldn’t be slamming the brakes on your workout either.
    Instead, save 10-20 minutes for cool down exercises, they’ll help your heart rate come back to baseline slowly and prevent muscle tissue from seizing up.
    2. Keep moving
    Once you’re out of the gym, try not to sit down all day. We say try because some days, it feels impossible to get a moment away from the computer – we get it.
    However, a light walk back to the office or around the block will keep your body and muscles moving and increase the blood flow to your muscles, aiding in recovery and cutting down the time you’ll be wincing. (This is known as NEAT exercise if you want to find out more about it.)
    3. Add in some protein
    Protein is a key ingredient to muscle tissue recovery, so don’t skip it. Whilst you don’t need to chug a protein shake the minute you leave the gym, having a diet in which protein is an important part is crucial – especially if you’re strength training or resistance training regularly.
    Chicken, tofu, cheese and fish are all great whole food options. Or, if you’re in a rush a protein powder can help you hit your macro goals, too.
    READ MORE: A High-Protein Breakfast That Tastes Great!
    4. Stretch or foam roll
    Finally, when you’re in for the night and ready to relax, take 20-30 minutes to stretch or do foam roller exercises. This will help with loosening the fascia (the sticky connective tissue that surrounds your muscles) and helping with feeling a little more loosey-goosey.
    Oh, and drink water. No excuses. You need it.
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    Is it possible to get rid of delayed onset muscle soreness?
    Mmmm, no. Not in the way it’s possible to get rid of dry hair with Olaplex or period pains with Myprodol. It is possible to mitigate DOMS pain, though.
    ‘I’m a big fan of active recovery, especially with a foam roller. It can help relieve tightness, reduce inflammation and increase your range of motion. Research also shows that water can help recovery, so swimming or stretching in the water will really have an impact on joint and muscle recovery,’ says Eleftheriou.
    ‘Healing and repair also require good nutrition. A well-balanced diet of anti-inflammatory foods for example avocado, broccoli, cherries, salmon and turmeric can help ease pain and promote recovery.’
    ‘Finally, get in your sleep! Without enough physical and mental rest, it can really pull you back on your athletic performance.’
    This article was originally published on Women’s Health UK

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