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    I Tested 5 Different Pairs of Faux Leather Leggings—Here’s What Made the Cut

    As a Sag Sun, Virgo Moon, I’m not someone who particularly needs validation per se, but I’d like credit where credit is due. I’m a cool girl who has a tendency to try new things, which often leads me to both write about them but also share them in my day-to-day life. And the #1 thing I’d like some credit for is being the first person in our office of many to sing the praises of Spanx’s faux leather leggings. I got them exactly a year before everyone else I know, meaning I had a whole year of softly admiring them before the storm that was Faux Leather Legging Fall and Winter™ hit TEG in 2019. I’d like my credit, but I also see why everyone went nuts over them: they’re durable, beyond comfortable, ultra-flattering, and pair with basically anything from a fancy sweater and heels to sneakers and a sweatshirt. They’re a staple in all of our wardrobes, but as more inexpensive options have hit the market, I was dying to see if they lived up to the hype. I ordered four other pairs to compare to my beloved Spanx, and the results were surprising to say the least. 

    Spanx: The Reigning Champ

    I tried these on last just to give them a true comparison to the contenders, and as I was trying on the others, I was like, “OK, maybe these Spanx ones aren’t even that great.” I kept thinking of all the good things about the others that the Spanx didn’t have. Then, I put them on my body and remembered. These are truly just the most comfortable leggings there are, and they are so compressive, which lends to just how flattering they are. They smooth every bump and crevice there is. 
    I went through quite the journey the last two years with these being terrified to show my crotch, but I’m really over it and don’t care anymore. Unless it’s like an actual serious camel toe situation, it’s just my body, and it’s fine. But my favorite way to wear these is definitely with a long cozy sweater like this one!
    As someone who rarely believes in an investment, I think these are one of the few things I’ve bought that have truly held up and are unlike any other pant out there.

    Aerie: The Closest Dupe

    Our editor Jess grabbed these during Black Friday last year, and I was enthralled when she wore them to the office and I couldn’t tell a single difference. While they were on, they looked exactly the same as my Spanx pair. So when I saw they came out again this year (in a few other colors), I grabbed a pair. The black was out of stock in my size, but I tried the olive for a little ~something new~. 
    Here’s the deal with these: I would say that they are the closest dupe you’ll find. I liked that they are lined with fleece, so they’re much thicker and warmer than the Spanx leggings. The only thing they’re really missing is the compression, which I discovered through this experiment is where the Spanx really shines (pun unintended). 
    I am normally an XXL in Aerie, but these were way too big on me. You’ll notice I had this problem with almost every pair I ordered, so I’m not sure if I am ordering the wrong size for myself or if they run big, but I’d say when in doubt, size down with these! 

    These top the list at the least expensive option, coming in at $16 a pop. Sometimes my takeout lunch costs me $16. I was expecting these to be pretty lackluster based on the price, but Target actually impressed me. This is a really thin material that actually kind of replicates the Spanx without all the compression. If you’re strapped for cash, these aren’t a horrible option. But they weren’t my favorite either. I’d rather spend a little more on the Aerie (wait for a sale!).
    I ordered an XXL, and they were definitely almost a full size too big, so I’d size down if you’re between sizes. 

    Amazon: The New Beau 💞

    When I ordered these, I expected very little. I ordered the largest size and was really worried they wouldn’t fit me, but the size chart sounded right to my measurements (a major plug here to take! your! measurements! if you’re an online shopper) and the reviews were outrageous. I have never seen so many positive reviews for any item of clothing, let alone a legging from Amazon. When they arrived in the mail, I opened the package in my elevator because I was so intrigued. I pulled them out and laughed so hard. “There is no way these will fit,” I said as I was cackling trying to pull these up my ankles. 
    Then, I had a real Kombucha Girl meme moment when I pulled them on and said, “Oh, hey, wait…” They pulled all the way on and looked AMAZING. I definitely wouldn’t say they’re a dupe for the original faux leather legging from Spanx, but … dare I say it … I like these so, so much better. My biggest gripes about the Spanx leggings are that they are freezing cold in the winter because they’re a super-thin material that wind blows right through (just Chicago things) and that they lose their leather-look a little too quickly for my liking. These solve both of those problems, as they are lined with fleece (excuse me while I cry) and have a real leather look instead of a shiny coating. I wore these to a patio brunch last weekend and got dozens of compliments from strangers—exactly how you know they’re a winner. 
    As I said, I was really surprised by the fit, thinking they’d run small (my experience with most things on Amazon), but they did not! I would recommend ordering your usual size. 

    BP.: The “Meh” Pair

    If you couldn’t tell by my thumbs down, I really did not like these. Similar to the Amazon pair, these are a more “leather” material than a shiny coating like the Spanx. I thought that would make me love these, but the fit is just poor. I ordered my usual size in BP. (XXL), and I was swimming in the fabric. I especially noticed tons of fabric gathering at the crotch, which was annoying because I already am self-conscious about the legging crotch situation, and this made it so much worse. When I had my sweater pulled down, these almost looked more like pants than leggings, which I’m not against, but because the top is a legging look, you can’t get away with pairing these with crop tops and bodysuits. Everything about these was just “meh” to me. It was like everywhere that Spanx, Aerie, and Amazon hit the mark, these fell majorly flat. They’re only a little cheaper than the Spanx and are actually more than the Aerie, so I would say you can probably skip.  More

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    Don’t Miss It: J.Crew Is Having a Massive 40% off Sale This Weekend

    One day, I’ll put a chastity belt on my credit card in hopes of saving money and hitting “add to cart” a bit less, but today is not that day. “Why is that?” you ask. Well, ladies and gents, I love a good markdown and this weekend, J.Crew is taunting me with 40 percent off of everything. You heard me correctly. But, in the off chance you didn’t, I’ll say it louder for people in the back: J. Crew is having a 40% off sale. Including new arrivals. I’m a sucker for a discount on a good day but the fact that this is happening at J. Crew has me attempting first-time backflips and jumping for joy. For those of us who have been waiting to stock up on investment pieces that will stand the test of time (denim, blazers, suits, cashmere, and more), it’s our time to shine! Keep reading to shop our favorite picks from the promotion and use code SALETIME for 40% off at checkout. 

    use code SALETIME More

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    I Finally Organized My Closet—Here’s What I’m Ditching vs. Keeping

    Fun fact about me: I’ve moved 10 times (soon to be 11) in the past nine years. No part of me loves moving… no matter how many times I settle into a new space, I just can’t seem to get the moving process down to a perfect science. To say that it’s one of my least favorite activities is an understatement. But, if there’s one positive to packing up once a year and relocating, it’s having the forced opportunity to come face-to-face with my clothing of “add to carts” past, sort out what I want to keep, donate, or sell, and facepalm myself for not wearing the one item I swore I would get use of upon purchasing.I wouldn’t necessarily describe myself as a hoarder but I will admit that I have plenty of faults when it comes to accumulating pieces in my wardrobe. First being that I am a sucker for a good sale. The limit to the number of times I’ve bought an item for the markdown alone simply does not exist. When I see a red sticker price, I become blind to reality and will overlook what otherwise would be a wardrobe deal breaker for me (i.e., a far-too-large and non-refundable floral dress from Madewell that mocks me every time I sift through my closet). 
    My second fault is holding on to pieces that “might be useful for a costume party.” Oh yes, ladies. I’m talking mesh, sequins, sparkles, and the whole nine yards. And to absolutely no ones’ surprise, these items sit in the back of my wardrobe, take up prime real estate, and wait longingly for the chance to be loved again. 
    And last but not least, I am a creature of habit. I prefer neutrals over color, opt for comfort, and return to my foolproof outfit combinations time and time again. But every so often, I think, “I should step out of my comfort zone.” That’s when I’ll buy something pink (gasp!), purchase a trendy item that “looked really good on that one IG influencer,” or invest in something I saw our fashion editor rock in the office pre-COVID. While there’s nothing “wrong” with the pieces I add in my feeble attempt to be cooler than I actually am, they simply don’t get as much love as the other pieces in my wardrobe.
    Four hours, two dramatic “I cannot go on” breaks, and a couple of sweat droplets later, I accumulated four garbage bags of clothes to donate, sell, and toss depending on their condition. In an effort to live a more minimalist life (and make room for new pieces, of course), here are the items I’m ditching and the ones I’m holding on to for dear life this season:



    Ditching: Right idea, wrong fit

    When the blazer trend came back with a vengeance, I ran to my local H&M and eagerly walked to checkout with three of them draped over my arm. Unfortunately, I missed the mark on these guys in the size department. I bought each to fit like a glove and I’ve learned after a few seasons of styling that I prefer a larger, oversized fit. I’ve added some mediums to my collection which I’m super happy with but, now, my fitted blazers don’t get a lot of attention. 
    Same goes for this plaid, sherpa-lined jacket that I loved when I bought it. I don’t know if I’ve shrunk it over the years or if I’ve just “grown,” but no matter how cute it is, I simply won’t wear it. Feeling like the Michelin Man when I squeeze into it/having limited mobility of my arms is not the move. 

    Ditching: Mesh

    This one doesn’t need much of an explanation. There was a short period of time in college where the trendy girls wore mesh tops/bodysuits with a black bra underneath. I could never work up the courage to actually wear them and, looking back, I am elated that that is the case. Regardless, I’ve been holding on to them for the off chance that I can use them in some kind of costume setting but I’ve firmly decided that if a costume calls for mesh, it’s not the costume for me! If mesh ever decides to rear its head and come back into style (the only shock left of 2020), I’ll reevaluate at that time.

    Ditching: The quarter-zip that’s seen better days

    Alright, I’m not going to lie… this one hurt. This Patagonia sweater has been with me through many trials and tribulations of life. It’s soaked up tears born from a bad breakup, been wine-stained during iconic pizza nights with my pals, and been washed with darks and denim galore in many unforgiving community laundry situations. Given the fact that this sweater was a beautiful shade of ivory at one point in time, I would deem it to be one of the most worn, sad-looking articles of clothing I’ve ever known. I think I’ve only worn it twice in the past year so I think it’s an appropriate time to part ways. Thank you for your service, you will be missed.

    Ditching: The “it was on sale” Madewell dress

    I bought this floral Madewell dress at their end-of-summer sale and there were three things that doomed this purchase from the start: 1) I didn’t need it (I have an impressive amount of floral dresses), 2) I didn’t really even want it, and 3) it was a final sale item. I know how careless that sounds… but a Madewell dress for $25? I couldn’t pass it up. To my demise, it didn’t fit me right and was non-refundable. Classic.

    Ditching: The trendy splurge item I never wore

    When visiting New York City one summer, I found myself in a trendy, overpriced boutique and was talked into this jacket by one of the sales associates. If I told you how much it was, you would probably spit the contents of whatever you’re sipping on all over your computer screen. The price of this jacket was so absurd but, for some reason, that did not stop me from being persuaded that I needed it. The jacket itself is fine, it’s just not my style. I kept promising myself that I would incorporate it into some outfit formula, but in the four years I had it, I just couldn’t seem to pull it off.

    Ditching: The first-time interview clothing that’s so not me

    OK, to be honest, I never liked any of these items from the start. When the time came for post-grad interviews, I needed a ‘fit to impress my potential employers. I walked cluelessly into Ann Taylor at my local mall and let one of the associates dress me (and by that, I mean that I sold my soul to the Devil). I abandoned my personal style to fit a cookie-cutter look of what I thought was a “professional investment” and honestly, I haven’t looked at them since my first interview in 2016. If I need to interview again at any point, I’ll pick up options that can be dressed down and incorporated into my everyday wardrobe.

    Ditching: The “out of my comfort zone” color I swore I’d wear but didn’t

    I’d say that, in life, I have a good sense of who I am as a person… that is until I find myself adding non-neutrals to my shopping cart. I don’t know what it is, but I’ll just never be a “pink” person. But does that stop me from thinking“wow, Jess looks gorg in blush pink, I should give it a try,” and attempting to swerve out of my comfort zone? Of course not! I’ve found that I can still experiment with other colors (burnt oranges, deep blues, and olive greens) without looking in the mirror and feeling like I’m staring at a complete stranger.

    Ditching: Non-versatile graphic tees

    Don’t get it twisted, I love a good graphic tee. But when I say graphic tee, I mean the ones that are oversized, can be tucked in with mom jeans, dressed up with a blazer, and made edgy with a leather jacket. I’m looking disdainfully at you, I-would-die-for-John-B. long sleeve (pictured below). If it didn’t pass the versatile vibe check, I didn’t keep it.

    Ditching: Unforgiving jeans

    I just simply don’t need the negativity of unforgiving jeans in my life. It is my personal opinion that all jeans should have a bit of stretch. Over the past few years, I’ve gained some weight (pandemic stress eating didn’t help my situation, it is what it is) and while most of my jeans still button, this pair is stubborn as hell. If a pair of jeans can’t handle me post-gnocchi at my favorite Italian restaurant, they don’t deserve me at my best. Bye, Felicia.

    Keeping: Oversized blazers

    If I haven’t yet made myself clear, I am obsessed with oversized blazers and I get so much use out of them. I have two right now (black and plaid) and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. They’ve been the perfect solution to Chicago’s “it’s not cold now but it will be later tonight” woes, will be great for styling business casual outfits we return to office life, and are super trendy with a graphic tee and hoop earrings. 

    Keeping: Loungewear that I’ve worn at least once in the last three months

    I’ve accumulated a lot of loungewear over this past year and I am not mad about it. Staying home during the pandemic has shifted my wardrobe priorities and, right now, my cozy clothes are getting a ton of attention. I’m sure there’ll be a day where I’ll have to sort through and edit out some of my comfy pieces, but thankfully, today is not that day.

    Keeping: Jackets for layering

    Disclaimer: Last year, I had so many bulky jackets that I had no choice but to downsize. At that time, I kept one of each jacket (leather, denim, faux fur, trench, shearling, etc.), so I truly didn’t need to do much organizing in that department this year. Nonetheless, I still did a once-over to see if anything could be sacrificed, but gleefully decided I was happy with my collection as is. 

    Keeping: Chunky knit sweaters

    OK, don’t come for me, but I truly believe there is no such thing as too many sweaters, especially when you live in a climate that threatens sub-zero temps in the wintertime. I kept all of my sweaters with the exception of those that were uncomfortable (yes, they exist) and/or didn’t fit well.

    Keeping: Maxi/midi skirts

    I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Midi and maxi skirts have changed my life. I’m already phasing them out for this fall (I had a few good runs with a chunky knit sweatshirt + long skirt + sneaker combo) but I am so looking forward to their return when the temps rise again. More

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    You Ask, We Answer: The Best Sherpa Jackets on the Internet

    There’s rarely a trend that comes around the checks the boxes of being both cute and comfortable. Too often, trends come around that sacrifice our comfort and require a heel blister or being a little too chilly all night to wear.But sherpa jackets? They change everything. For once, the Gods of our wardrobes graced us with a trend that are both appealing to the eye and make us feel no different than if we were sitting on the couch, wrapped up in the blanket that’s been attached to our bodies the past seven months. They’re something you’d actually reach for for comfort’s sake—and that means we need to take advantage of them.
    From the hoodie of our dreams to jackets that will make you feel like a million bucks, we found the best sherpa jackets available—you can thank us later.

    The 2020 standout
    Our office has been swooning over this baby since it got released earlier this fall. It’s the perfect thickness (not too hot, not too cold), is as soft as they come, and has fun leather accents to spice it up a bit. Most importantly? It won’t break the bank and comes in four different colors.

    The Amazon favorite
    There are very few things we love more than an Amazon fashion find, and this top-seller has crazy-good reviews and comes in any color you can dream of. (It also is almost identical to a cult-favorite one that’s over 4x the price—we love a good dupe.)

    The edgy one
    An oversized, moto leather jacket with sherpa lining is the fall investment piece everyone needs. I’ve been shocked every winter since I got mine that it’s warm enough to brave the Chicago winter in (a box anything that’s not a parka rarely checks), and it doesn’t hurt that you feel like a complete badass every time you put it on. 

    The one made for quarantine
    Working from home has its pros and cons, but one pro is that once the temperatures drop, you aren’t going to need to leave the house—and that allows for living in super cozy clothes. I’ve never seen something I want to throw on every morning more—this is begging to be a part of your work-from-home uniform.

    The versatile one
    Madewell brings this jacket back year after year for good reason: it’s one of the most versatile fall jackets you can find. You can dress it up, dress it down, wear it to a pumpkin patch, wear it on a walk with your dog—you’ll never regret having this in your wardrobe.

    The dressy one
    Looking for a jacket that can be worn to the office and holiday parties and everything in between? Look no further. This has “Thanksgiving outfit” written all over it.

    The classic one
    This sherpa is less trendy and more “wardrobe staple.” It’ll look good with everything and never go out of style—and you’ll reach for it year in and year out. More

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    The Everygirl’s Fall 2020 Capsule Wardrobe

    If you’ve been around here for a while, you already know how keen we are on the concept of capsule wardrobes—a closet full of items that can be mixed and matched with one another for an infinite amount of combinations and a permanent fix to your “I don’t know what to wear today” conundrum.Every year, we like to add a few things to our capsule wardrobes to make them more attuned to that year’s trends—be it a chic new jacket or a pair of boots that can be worn with every pair of pants we own. When you switch your purchasing mentality from buying random pieces to buying things you know will fit in with things you already have, it opens the door to limitless new looks.
    Without further ado, this is The Everygirl’s 2020 Capsule Wardrobe, filled with the tops, pants, jackets, and accessories you’ll wear on repeat until next spring.

    leopard blousepuff-sleeved blousecamel sweaterwhite sweaterchunky cardigangrey sweaterblack coattrench coatknit dresscorduroy pantsmom jeansfaux leather pantsleather jackethoundstooth bomberblazerblack bootiesloaferssneakersknee-high bootsbeige bagtop-handle bag

    7 Ways to Style Your Fall Capsule Wardrobe

    leopard blouse / top-handle bag / black coat / sneakers / mom jeans

    black booties / camel sweater / black coat / faux leather pants / beige bag

    top-handle bag / corduroy pants / sneakers / white sweater / leather jacket

    puff-sleeved blouse / black booties / mom jeans / beige bag / trench coat

    sneakers / blazer / white sweater / faux leather pants / top-handle bag

    corduroy pants / chunky cardigan / top-handle bag / loafers

    sneakers / mom jeans / top-handle bag / houndstooth bomber / grey sweater More

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    Everything I Want to Buy After Binging ‘Emily in Paris’

    A few months ago, I wrote about my current fashion muse and the joys of having a fictional character that inspires you to get out of your comfort zone with your wardrobe. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it has you throwing your plain, grey sweaters aside and filling your cart up with pieces you never knew you’d touch.To absolutely everyone’s surprise, 2020 just delivered us something we didn’t know we needed, yet another fictional fashion icon: Emily, from Netflix’s new Emily in Paris. Played by the fabulous Lily Collins, as our Graphic Designer Kelly said in our weekly meeting yesterday, “She just makes you want to embrace maximalism.” Not only are her outfits made impeccable by the addition of the backdrop of Paris, but they all have the je ne sai quoi of looking like she effortless threw five different colors and patterns onto her body—and more often than not, topped it off with a wild hat—and they somehow just worked. 
    After binging the series in one weekend (naturally), our carts are full of eclectic, out-of-the-box pieces that are, quite frankly, exactly what we need to get out of our quarantine slumps. Get ready for some bright colors, a lot of prints, and hell, even a beret or two.

    Source: Netflix

    Wool Blend Beret

    Emily rarely leaves her apartment without some form of a hat (often a bucket hat, but I’m choosing to respectfully ignore that), and the standout was, by far and large, her series of berets. I bought a beret last year and wore it endlessly throughout winter, and Emily encouraged me to pick up another one to wear this year. Trust me: it’ll make you forget about your collection of pom hats.

    Knit Houndstooth Cardigan

    A good houndstooth makes an appearance a million times in this show, and this cardigan with gold detailing fits the Parisian-chic bill.

    Source: Netflix

    Arin Bouclé Trench Coat

    One of my favorite looks of the series is a quick scene (where Emily meets Camille, who is also a font of chic style inspo), but the coat is perfection. I haven’t loved a bold coat this much since my J.Crew obsession in 2008, but if I’ve learned anything from “Emily in Paris,” it’s that I should work some bright color back in my wardrobe.

    Jeffrey Campbell
    Bourdin Mary Jane Pump

    Emily basically wears only heels throughout the entire series, which in addition to giving me extreme anxiety because she is indeed wearing them on cobblestone streets, inspired me to be more daring about my footwear choices. These Mary Jane pumps combined with tights, a skirt, and a jacket are the makings of a perfectly Parisian look to wear all winter long.

    Faux Fur Jacket

    Emily’s coats are abundant and all statement-making, and I’d confidently state on the record that nothing is more statement-making than a hot pink fur coat.

    Source: Netflix

    Double Breasted Suit Jacket

    While I’m not going to be trotting out any crop tops to work, I do love the myriad of jackets and blazers Emily tosses over them.

    Silky Scarf

    One of the best parts of Emily’s style is that it feels true to what an American girl would wear in Paris (bonjour berets!), and the scarves are no exception. I love how she pairs them under cardigans and jackets for a silky pop of texture.

    Source: Netflix

    Wool-Blend Shacket

    At Emily’s influencer lunch, she wears a green Chanel jacket that, quite literally, took my breath away. Everything from the tailoring to the color was sheer perfection, and while this jacket is slightly more muted than hers was, the structure and pockets are nearly identical—and you don’t need to shop vintage Chanel to own it.

    Textured-Weave Jacket

    Emily wears a tweed jacket (or 10) throughout the series, and it got me thinking “Why do I have absolutely nothing made out of this incredibly chic material” and googled tweed jackets for hours after. This textured jacket screams Emily—especially paired with a mini skirt and heel.

    Source: Netflix

    Houndstooth Tweed Bomber Jacket

    There are several memorable houndstooth moments throughout the series, and it has completely reignited my love of the fabric. This bomber is the perfect mix of classic and trendy—pair with a bright dress or a complimenting pattern for an Emily-approved look.

    Quilted Chain Bag

    Emily has a series of impeccable Chanel bags to match every outfit, and while we aren’t all on a Chanel budget, we can emulate the classic bags with this (much, much, much) less expensive option. Its quilted details and gold hardware will give you the same feel of classic femininity that Emily’s bag collection gives her.

    Source: Netflix

    Jacquard-Knit Cardigan

    A wild print? That’s what Emily lives for (not to mention that H&M literally styled this with a collared shirt and plaid skirt—which is arguably exactly how she’d wear it).

    Source: Netflix

    Ruffled Cotton Blouse

    I was so into the extraordinarily ruffled shirt Emily dons to hide her outrageous hickey that I immediately bought this top. I can’t wait to pair it with that houndstooth bomber or a classic plaid blazer.

    Collared Pearl Sweater

    One of the most joyous things about this series for me was the excessive amount of statement collars that Emily wore—and what makes a collar a statement more than some pearl embellishments? Emily would approve on all fronts.

    Colburne Colorblock Coziest Textured Yarn Cardigan Sweater

    When I wasn’t busy falling for Gabriel, I was falling for all the cardigans Emily is running around in (the girl changes outfits on this show at the drop of a bucket hat). The color-blocking of this one is perfect. Throw on a scarf and you’re good to go.


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    The Creative – Khulood Thani, cover star of October’s ‘The Bravery Issue’

    October’s – ‘The Bravery Issue’ – Download Now
    Words & Creative Direction: Amy SessionsPhotography: Greg AdamskiHair & Makeup: Melanie MeyerProduction: Kelli MaddockFashion Assistant: Camille Macawili
    Combining her entrepreneurial spirit and extensive experience in culture and design, Khulood Thani is focused on bringing innovative global fashion to an international platform.
    What do your first 30 minutes of the day look like, your morning routine?

    Meditations are my kind of special morning rituals, it’s something I am loyal to practicing and I cannot remove this from my morning schedule. For me, meditation sets a wonderful mood for the day because it helps to clear the mind and maximize your focus on priorities.

    Tell us about your role as a curator?

    As a curator – and as an Emirati – I feel so much responsibility for building content that represents the United Arab Emirates in the best possible way. We all know the UAE has a very rich history and there is still a huge opportunity to develop further in this sector, especially on the front of dress history or contemporary fashion. I definitely enjoy working with other cultural institutions in commissioning designers from different disciplines to create new display objects that represent local stories across cultural platforms, some of these examples are “Defashstruction” and “Fashcultivate”– co-curated with Fatma Al Mahmoud in 1971 Design Space.
    I have also worked with museums, archive libraries and I consult some collectors in building and growing their own personal collection portfolios. As a designer, the Irthi Contemporary Crafts Council commissioned me to create embroidered pieces that incorporate the Talli, an Emirati handicraft. The beauty of this project is that it includes the work of the artisans and documents folkloric stories from the UAE.
    When you’ve moved in your career or taken on new challenges, did you go with your gut?
    I always trust my gut feeling, I have a special connection with the universe around me, and I like to follow the messages it reveals to me.

    Which Instagram accounts do you follow for inspiration?
    Three of my favourites are @dazedfashion @irisartadvisory @peachwithlove
    What effect has social media played on the fashion industry’s growth?
    Social media has contributed a lot in changing the way we live. We now often meet people via Instagram before even meeting them in person, so it’s become another way of networking.
    What advice would you give to your younger self starting out?
    Always look at your inner strength and build on that, because that is what makes a person unique in all forms of work or life.
    This is ‘The Bravery Issue’ –  what to you is bravery?
    Taking brave steps in life always rewards you with more knowledge, learning and experience. Getting rewarding opportunities is always challenging and inspiring at the same time.

    When have you been brave in business and in life?
    Moments where we can act bravely always appear in our lives. Bravery is being thoughtful and considerate of yourself, the community or the environment around you. One of the brave moments in the design industry for myself along with other designers such as Nadine Kanso and Khalid Shafar was coming up with a collective design initiative, Design Ras Al Khor, to support local and regional designers in more than 11 design disciplines through providing them with a platform and sharing their work.
    What’s next for you?
    This year, I’m focused on researching “A Manifesto for Collecting”, an agenda, which looks at a historical garment in the UAE and seeing how much of this has survived over time. I believe that objects tell us stories that oral history may have missed during documenting. Objects are so personal and they tell a story about a person or people through the function of how it was used.
    October’s – ‘The Bravery Issue’ – Download Now
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied More

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    30 New Arrivals at H&M That Are Going to Sell Out Immediately

    Yesterday, my coworker Beth—the Kronk to my Yzma, if you will—and I were chatting about the good and bad of fall 2020’s clothes. The good? Lots of super cozy pieces, the rush of boxes arriving to our doorstep. The bad? Since everyone is online shopping, things are selling out—and they’re selling out fast.Exhibit A? H&M. This year, I’ve felt like I can no longer sit and debate buying a piece from there for a week or two—if I want it, I have to get it when I see it, or I’ll probably be out of luck.
    To help you get the chicest possible clothes of fall 2020 (so many pearl details, so many fun collars, so many deep, delicious hues), we’ve rounded up the best new arrivals at H&M that are still fully stocked—get these before they sell out.
