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    Travelling for summer? Here’s how to maintain a fitness routine

    With travelling on the horizon again for summer, maintaining a fitness routine during these months becomes of utmost importance.
    The UAE-based fitness expert, Jackson Litchfield is an internationally renowned health and fitness coach who is passionate about helping his clients to a happier and healthier lifestyle. With a slew of certificates and trainings under his belt, Jackson has been able to deliver great results as well as full control of health and fitness for his clients.
    Overall, Summer can also be a great time to focus on fitness due to the longer days and often more flexible schedules.
    To delve into this, Emirates Woman & Emirates Man spoke to Litchfield to discuss all the wellness elements to keep in mind for carving out a summer body.
    What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like, your morning routine?
    The first 30 minutes of my day are easily the most important as they predictably put me in a peak state to serve. I like to break it up into three components spending ten minutes on each. It should be for the Soul, Spirit, Body and Mind. Overall, the sequence is very important as the first ten minutes are for the spirit and soul for priming, three minutes are to list what I’m grateful for, three minutes are for pure breath work to be in the present moment, then three minutes are for letting my imagination create what could happen if I was my best self.
    This 10 minutes is dedicated to giving my body the nutrients it needs to thrive, with protein and fats, bone broth and Sauerkraut for gut health and Supplements which include Zinc, Multi, omega 3, curcumin, PQQ for overall health. Then I go over all the technical side of my day ie clients programs, my training, education, recovery, and general matters to take of. I generally prioritise the most critical tasks first and then work backwards. When energy is the highest, it makes sense to undertake the tasks that carry the most relevance.
    What is the daily schedule for you as a health coach? What do your training sessions consist of?
    I begin my day at 4am, with a morning ritual outline for one hour. Then my PT sessions take place from 5pm to 12pm, followed by training, studying, blog writing and content production until 3PM. I then schedule time in for an online PT check in or an in person PT session. I end the day with some social interaction, meditation, prayer and play from 6pm to 8pm. Overall the main theme is individualised programming and constant progress. With all clients I do Bi weekly check ins to ensure that we are on track to achieve the results we are after whilst making the necessary changes to make it happen. I like to look at 4 main pillars when it comes to designing any regime., which include Body composition, Health markers, Mindset and cognitive function and Performance levels.
    Diet is an important part of any fitness routine; tell us about your overall diet?
    My diet at any one given time is typically reversed engineered to an outcome ie drop body fat, enhance brain function, increase energy and longevity foundations. I am always passionately experimenting with new protocols to see what works and perhaps discover new methods of eating that can lead to heightened results. So as you can imagine that will slightly change how I distribute things like calories, macronutrients, micronutrients, meal timing. My typical baseline looks like me having my first meal at 4:15am with Bone Broth, Animal protein on rotation, Good fats on rotation, Seasonal vegetables and Sauerkraut. My second meal is at 12pm and includes Animal protein on rotation (large serving), Good fats on rotation, Seasonal vegetables and Sauerkraut.
    I then fast for the rest of the day. I like to eat early as I have found it highly complementary to bodies natural rhythms ie hormones, neurotransmitters and digestion, it also does wonders for sleep too. In addition, I classify light exposure as apart of my diet as it contributes towards the production and function of energy within the body. So, I must add grounding and viewing sunlight at sunrise + sunset as a core staple in the entirety of it all.
    With a busy schedule and always being on the go – how do you unwind on a daily basis?
    One of the things I’m grateful for is choosing a career that I’m passionate about. This makes it easier to embrace a busy schedule as I am working and living in accordance to my highest values. As I am organically energised and satiated on a soul level for the most part, I prioritse meditation and reading, which means I’m either looking to give the body time to connect and reset or I’m feeding the mind with new ideas and insights.
    What’s the biggest myth you’ve seen when it comes to exercising?
    Without question it would be thinking that results are achieved mostly from just hard work. I’ve seen countless amounts of people put in the hard yards day after day for years and get very little return. The best results are always at the intersect of a great strategy and hard work. If you increase one without the other, the outcome will most likely fall short of expectations. When thinking about progress, consider implementing an elaborate strategy and an elevated effort equally.
    Cellular health plays a key role in optimal anti aging – tell us more.
    In a nutshell, Cells are the basic building blocks of the body. Our cells are programmed to divide, multiply, and then go on to perform basic biological functions that keep us healthy and alive across time. But over time the more cells divide, the older and more damaged they become. In turn, cells eventually lose their ability to regenerate and perform coherently within the body. The real genius is the race to understand what plausible interventions can actually impact the life of a cell and subsequently slow down the biological aging process (with some experts even suggesting we can reverse it)
    I am most definitely on the side of believing that we will inevitably be able to enhance and reverse aging via discoveries and advancements in cellular health. The areas that offer the most promise in my opinion are Cellular nutrition, Photobiomodulation, Quantum biology, Detoxification strategies, Water , Geographical locations and their properties.

    Our modern lifestyle can drastically affect our posture – how does this work?
    Issues with posture these days are most likely the norm and not the exception. There are a few main reasons why this is the case Alignment is probably the most predictable and easy to assume. This comes from sitting down all day which essentially shortens the hip flexors, brings the shoulders forward and sometimes even causes the next to tilt forward over time. The good news is, posture can be restored faster than most people know. By using Targeted strength training, precision stretching, a nutrient dense diet for bone, tendon, ligament formation, focused breath work or meditation and Vitamin D via sunlight can all help contribute to a better posture.
    Many people believe in calorie counting – could you elaborate?
    There are many ways to unpack that question, so I’ll try come at it from a practical angle. The term calorie counting is generally referred to in relation to weight loss. For instance most people by now are familiar with the “golden rule” which is, Calories in vs calories out. Where a tilt in either side of the equation will lead to weight loss or weight gain depending on the level of inputs.
    To begin with honouring an energy balance equation successfully will lead to weight loss and or weight gain depending on what the person is looking to achieve. Many people believe that maintaining a calorie deficit boils down to nothing more than sheer willpower. If you’re disciplined enough, you’ll succeed; if you’re not, then you’re bound to fall off the wagon. However, nothing about this way of thinking takes into account the highly complex, beautifully intricate systems that our bodies operate on.
    It overlooks the many factors—both internal and external—that influence our eating habits, energy levels, and overall health. Being unable to maintain a diet usually isn’t about a lack of desire or will. It’s not a personal failure . Instead, it’s often a sign that the approach might have been missing important elements of preparation and proper support. Weight loss, especially sustainable weight loss, isn’t a solo journey, and it isn’t a straightforward path. It requires a deeper understanding of your body’s needs, a recognition of the psychological aspects of eating, and, most importantly, an acknowledgment that sometimes, we need a bit more than a calorie counter app to get us through and lead us to success. The key isn’t only about focusing on eating less and moving more in a generic sense but about a whole-body approach that addresses our unique physical requirements, our environment, and our psychological well-being.
    Building muscle takes immense discipline – tell us more.
    It definitely requires intense discipline with the addition of a well formulated strategy. Building muscle goes way beyond just working hard in the gym. To give a basic insight, I believe there are three main phases to muscle building that require significant energy and preparation, the first half includes preperation where the body must be in a state of nourishment and good health in order to be ready to take on the stress of muscle building training. The second half includes a push where training must be performed at a high intensity with immaculate technical execution in order to create a successful response and the third part includes repair, where the body must be adequately rested and nourished in order to recover and be in a state to perform again at a higher level. This cycle is repeated over and over until ideal muscle mass is achieved.
    This is ‘The Body Issue’ – what are your non-negotiable self and body care practices.
    The most important self-care practices include loving relationships, Sunlight and grounding, a nutrient dense diet, prayer and meditation, movement and contributing to something greater than myself.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram

    June’s – The Body Issue with So Much Trouble – Download Now
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @bala More

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    Biohacking 101: Wellness expert Dr Frank Lipman shares all you need to know

    Is biohacking a breakthrough or a buzzword?
    The quest for longevity and living a better life are getting a lot of airtime in the wellness space. Those who are in the know are turning into biohacking, also known as do-it-yourself biology, to optimise their physical and mental health through technology, medicine and science.
    The term itself may seem like a daunting subject if you’re getting started so Emirates Man have asked the expert: Dr Frank Lipman, functional and integrative medicine specialist at Wellth, a Dubai-based holistic wellness hub on Al Wasl Road, Jumeirah 2, to share all we need to know about biohacking, how it works and what it could do for you.

    What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like, your morning routine and non-negotiable practices?
    I try to meditate for 20 minutes first thing in the morning. I then exercise most days, either weight training, riding the bike or going for a long walk. I usually have a cup of black coffee only throughout the day and I have my first meal around noon.
    Biohacking is using science, technology, nutrition and lifestyle to optimise one’s health. It’s such a loose term – what does it exactly mean and is it a good idea?
    Do-it-yourself biology is also referred to as “biohacking.” Biohacking, is basically about finding clever solutions and shortcuts that focus on smarter strategies to improve health, wellness and, ultimately, longevity. When I talk about biohacking it’s about applying safe and sensible practices – drawn from the latest discoveries from the worlds of biology, nutrition, and neuroscience – to support and enhance your physical and mental performance now, and for decades to come. And, depending on your needs and goals, there may occasionally be a device involved. The kind worn on the body (think smart watches and step trackers) – not in it.

    “for the rest of us, bio-hacking is really about taking a multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach to health and longevity, as efficiently and safely as possible.”

    What have been the driving factors that played a pivotal role in the growth of the biohacking movement?
    The basic idea of biohacking has been simmering since the early 2000s when hard-charging Silicon Valley types and amateur DIY biologists began exploring ways to more actively control their biology, their energy levels, physical and mental performance. And while some on the fringes of the biohacking culture have taken the philosophy far beyond what most of us would consider reasonable – take for example the California biohacker who currently holds the world record for most implanted technological devices – for the rest of us, biohacking is really about taking a multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach to health and longevity, as efficiently and safely as possible. It’s also worth mentioning that you’re probably already doing a good bit of biohacking whether you realise it or not, like, eating better, getting more sleep, staying hydrated, and taking supplements. However, as technology has advanced, biohacking has expanded to include the use of many tools and gadgets. Continuous blood glucose monitors, fitness wearables and rings to measure sleep enable people to track their health and make data-driven decisions. Since last year, biohacking has grown from a niche interest to a mainstream trend. Regular individuals have become more focused on optimising both their cognitive and physical performance through biohacking techniques, and while customisation comes with its own set of risks and unknowns, it is safe to say that it is preferable to a one-size-fits-all or one product solution-based strategy. Those who are most interested in biohacking have significant disposable incomes. While some people would pay a premium to prevent their biological clock from aging, others would spend hundreds of thousands to implement biohacking devices and principles throughout their homes, such as smart beds that monitor sleep patterns and air purification systems designed to improve indoor air quality. Even individuals who cannot afford to spend a million bucks on anti-aging therapies are joining the bandwagon. Dietary supplements, blue light blocking glasses, and eyewear designed to relieve eye strain from screen time have all become biohacking staples since their WFH-inspired surge.

    “…you’re probably already doing a good bit of bio-hacking whether you realise it or not, like, eating better, getting more sleep, staying hydrated, and taking supplements.”

    What are some of the biggest misconceptions that surround it or any precautions to be aware of?
    There are several misconceptions and misinformation surrounding the biohacking wellness craze, including:
    • Biohacking works for everyone: In general, biohacking can have a direct impact on your body, albeit in different manners. So just because a bio-hack works for your peers doesn’t guarantee that it will work for you. Keep in mind that biohacking is very personal and unique.
    • Information on the Internet is correct: Though the Internet is one of the best sources of information available to everyone nowadays, it is not always wise to believe everything you read or see on it and take the information with a grain of salt. You may need to consult a variety of sources to obtain the required information to begin your biohacking journey.
    Biohacking offers multiple benefits. Certain forms can be easily followed at home and, in the event that something goes wrong, reversed. Experimenting with oneself without taking the proper precautions may lead to unanticipated difficulties and negative consequences. If you stick to research-validated lifestyle changes, particularly those tailored to your specific geno-metabolic mix, you should be fine. The same is true for the majority of wearables, as long as their readings are accurate and cross-verified with professional equipment. However, implants of all types can be detrimental, particularly when performed without proper medical supervision. Therefore, before engaging in any biohacking methods, it is imperative that you consult with your physician.
    What are the top accessible biohacking practices and its benefits – and which ones have you implemented in your life?
    Some of the accessible biohacking practices that I do and actually work include:
    • Supplement with Nootropics: Nootropics, often known as smart drugs or cognitive enhancers, are a group of substances that can improve learning and memory. These substances include caffeine, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, peptides and sometimes prescription medications.
    Image: Instagram @thenueco_
    • Meditate: Biohackers may practice various types of meditation in the aim of relaxing their minds or improving their general health. Therapeutic techniques such as mindfulness, yoga, and transcendental meditation have been shown to improve health. These health benefits include better sleep, less fatigue, and a more positive mood.
    • Don’t eat round the clock: Time restricted eating, or TRE, is a simple, highly effective, metabolism-boosting hack that just about anyone can do. By extending the natural fast between dinner and breakfast you’ll prompt your body to make the most of what you consume, resulting in decreased blood sugar and insulin levels, less fat accumulation, and reduced inflammation – all of which does wonders for your life-and-health span. Three or four days a week, start with 12 hours between your last and first meal of the day, and work your way up to a 16-hour window.
    Image: Supplied by Wellth
    What are the most common issues in men (in the region and beyond) you are seeing with your clients today that can be solved with biohacking treatments available at Wellth?
    One of the commonest issues I see with men is a low testosterone and the level of consequences from it- low energy, decreased libido, mild depression, losing muscle and gaining fat around the abdomen. So, getting a comprehensive blood analysis (probably one of the most important biohacks to be done), which we do at Wellth, offers evidence about your present health and uncovers factors and deficiencies which may be contributing to someone not feeling as good as they would like to. I have seen too many men in their late 40’s and early 50’s who after doing a consultation, getting their blood results, and then changing their diets accordingly and giving them a few supplements and often testosterone replacement, feel like “new” men.
    Tell us more about the Dr. Frank Lipman method.
    The Dr Frank Lipman method is– listen, measure, intervene and monitor.
    That means I take a good history and do extensive testing of biomarkers to get an in depth analysis of someone’s health. I then design personalised action plans to support longevity, using dietary and lifestyle interventions, supplements, peptides, hormones and medications if necessary, and sometimes more innovative longevity tools. I then closely monitor the effects of someone’s program, making upgrades and adjustments as needed, to guide the client towards their longevity goals.
    What does “a better you” mean to you?
    A “better you” is a happy, optimised and well-functioning you, full of energy and optimism, with few aches and pains and dysfunction whatever your age. Your weight is stable, you exercise frequently, sleep well, deal with your stress, have good healthy relationships at home and at work and are kind to yourself and others.
    To book a consulation or for more information, visit
    – For more on how to look smart and live smarter, follow Emirates Man on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Pexels and Supplied More

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    Looking for a meal subscription? Here are the best options in Dubai

    Emirates Manby Camille Macawili2 hours ago Looking to start off 2024 strong?Whether you’re hitting the gym regularly, want to regulate your health levels or simply want to eat healthy, Emirates Man has rounded up the best meal plan providers in the UAE to support your fitness goals.Best for Plant-Based Meals: Right BiteOne of the first and leading meal plan service in Dubai, Right Bite offers a wide array of option that match your dietary needs such as Diabetic Meal Plan, Made for Mums Meal Plan, Gut Healthy Meal Plan and more.For those aiming to switch to a vegan lifestyle for 2024, Plant-Based Goodness is a nutrient-rich option with curated and flavorful meals that are high in protein and fibre. From breakfast to dinner, expect a variety of dishes and snacks such as sweet potato Spanish tofu omelette, hot Buddha bowl, soba miso noodles, artichoke and potato soup and more to be delivered to you.For more information, visit rightbite.comBest for Home Cooked Family-Friendly Meals: Hello ChefHello Chef is a subscription-based meal prep service that delivers fresh and ready-to-cook ingredients with easy-to-follow recipes – from low-calorie, hearty, to family favorites that starts at Dhs35 per serving. Meals can range from pizza, burgers or healthy meals, this option is perfect for those who are looking for a stress-free and hearty home cooked meal.For more information, visit hellochef.meBest for Macros: Fuel-Up by KcalFor the calorie-conscious looking to gain, shred, or optimize your athletic performance, you’ll find range of meal plans at Fuel-Up by Kcal that will boost your fitness goals. You can opt to create your own meals according to your preference or the exact macros you need or choose from a wide selection of chef-cooked meals to be delivered to you.For more information, visit fueluplife.comBest for Ketogenic Meals: KetolifeFor those looking to lose weight, control their appetite the healthy way, or improve PCOS symptoms, a ketogenic diet might work for you.This trendy diet is known to have food restrictions so opting for a meal plan can make it fuss-free and affordable. Ketolife, the first ketogenic diet meal plan provider in UAE, serves low-carb delicious and hearty ketogenic meal plans. Sample dishes include avocado and bacon muffin, keto pizza, chicken Alfredo with cauliflower and spinach, and more at an affordable starting weekly price of Dhs539.For more information, visit– For more on how to look smart and live smarter, follow Emirates Man on Facebook and InstagramFeature Image: Instagram @hellochef More

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    The ultimate guide to the best meal plan subscriptions in Dubai

    Emirates Man

    by Camille Macawili
    4 hours ago

    Looking to start off 2024 strong?
    Whether you’re hitting the gym regularly, want to regulate your health levels or simply want to eat healthy, Emirates Man has rounded up the best meal plan providers in the UAE to support your fitness goals.
    Best for Plant-Based Meals: Right Bite
    One of the first and leading meal plan service in Dubai, Right Bite offers a wide array of option that match your dietary needs such as Diabetic Meal Plan, Made for Mums Meal Plan, Gut Healthy Meal Plan and more.
    For those aiming to switch to a vegan lifestyle for 2024, Plant-Based Goodness is a nutrient-rich option with curated and flavorful meals that are high in protein and fibre. From breakfast to dinner, expect a variety of dishes and snacks such as sweet potato Spanish tofu omelette, hot Buddha bowl, soba miso noodles, artichoke and potato soup and more to be delivered to you.

    For more information, visit
    Best for Home Cooked Family-Friendly Meals: Hello Chef
    Hello Chef is a subscription-based meal prep service that delivers fresh and ready-to-cook ingredients with easy-to-follow recipes – from low-calorie, hearty, to family favorites that starts at Dhs35 per serving. Meals can range from pizza, burgers or healthy meals, this option is perfect for those who are looking for a stress-free and hearty home cooked meal.

    For more information, visit
    Best for Macros: Fuel-Up by Kcal
    For the calorie-conscious looking to gain, shred, or optimize your athletic performance, you’ll find range of meal plans at Fuel-Up by Kcal that will boost your fitness goals. You can opt to create your own meals according to your preference or the exact macros you need or choose from a wide selection of chef-cooked meals to be delivered to you.

    For more information, visit
    Best for Ketogenic Meals: Ketolife
    For those looking to lose weight, control their appetite the healthy way, or improve PCOS symptoms, a ketogenic diet might work for you.
    This trendy diet is known to have food restrictions so opting for a meal plan can make it fuss-free and affordable. Ketolife, the first ketogenic diet meal plan provider in UAE, serves low-carb delicious and hearty ketogenic meal plans. Sample dishes include avocado and bacon muffin, keto pizza, chicken Alfredo with cauliflower and spinach, and more at an affordable starting weekly price of Dhs539.

    For more information, visit
    – For more on how to look smart and live smarter, follow Emirates Man on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature Image: Instagram @hellochef More