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    CEO of Cymbiotika ME on what it takes to drive success in the global supplement market

    The CEO of Cymbiotika Middle East, Borna Bandari, discusses expanding in a new market and what it takes to drive success in the global supplement market.
    What does the first 30 minutes of you day look like, your morning routine?
    First thing I do is make my bed and go straight to my kitchen for a cup of salt water to rehydrate. I check emails and messages while I drink my salt water, then take Cymbiotika NMN, Molecular Hydrogen and Glutathione at roughly the same time. I wait as long as I possibly can before preparing my Turkish coffee, which is still non-negotiable. I work very closely with the team in California (who are 11 hours behind), so I often wake up to a considerable number of emails and messages that require attention first thing in the morning. I’d like to incorporate more journaling and meditation into my morning routine.
    What was the vision from the outset for Cymbiotika Middle East and why was the Middle East the next key market for the brand after the US?
    Expanding to the Middle East, and particularly starting in the UAE, all happened very organically. Like most things Cymbiotika, it was driven by passion rather than purely a business decision. I was here on a vacation in 2021, and I saw how fast the wellness space was growing. What I saw in Dubai was unlike any health movement I had seen anywhere else in the world. I called Shahab Elmi, a close friend and also CEO of Cymbiotika USA, and told him he should consider expanding to the UAE, knowing they had just launched in Canada and the UK. I was still working as a litigation attorney, so the thought of me getting involved didn’t even cross my mind. I just loved the brand and everything they were doing as a unit. Shahab gave me one of his famous pep-talks, and next thing you know I am on a one-way flight to move to Dubai and launch Cymbiotika Middle East.

    “Cymbiotika customers trust us, there is no greater honour than to show up for people’s health – and we take that very seriously”

    What is the DNA of Cymbiotika?
    As my other business partner, and also close friend Chervin Jafarieh always says, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” We go out of our way to formulate only the most cutting-edge products. Each formulation is thoroughly researched, and we select compounds that fully potentiate each other. Hence the name Cymbiotika. We don’t create any basic products, and we are constantly changing and updating formulas as we deem necessary. Cymbiotika customers trust us, there is no greater honour than to show up for people’s health – and we take that very seriously.

    How did you know it was the right time to launch in the Middle East?
    We recognised Dubai as being a rapidly expanding and progressive market. The ability to combine foresight and forward thinking while building stable momentum for business has drawn not only those wanting to expand their brands globally but also provided a city that a wide demographic of nationalities want to call home. This means we are able to scale across these demographics as a brand through one hub of connection and commerce.
    You have known the founders since childhood – what benefits has this brought to the business?
    I have always worked with close friends, in all my businesses. I have known the founders of Cymbiotika for decades and it has proven to be an invaluable benefit because of the trust and solidarity we have with each other. While we are scaling a business, it is still just a group of friends doing what we love, together. We are having fun while doing something very special. We trust each other where we each excel, and this drives the business forward at a faster pace. I also know the depth of wisdom that Shahab, Durana and Chervin bring to the table, whether in the business or wellness arenas, so that gives me a lot of confidence out here. Our entire team is remarkable – from marketing to legal to fulfilment – and they all help make the magic happen.
    How do you approach sourcing optimal ingredients and has this been a challenge as the brand has scaled?
    We have secured sustainable and strong relationships with the best farmers, extractors and every single outlet of raw material suppliers globally. Our D3, K2, reduced glutathione, fermented vitamin C, phosphatidylcholine, Icelandic Astaxanthin, and countless other compounds, all come at the highest grade available. As far as the challenge as the brand scales, it is surprisingly the opposite. We are able to look one or two years ahead and allocate materials because of our growth and yearly projections. This helps keep us ahead of any supply issues. There is a mutual respect between us and our suppliers of raw materials. It is a true partnership.
    What has been the most effective marketing that has delivered sales and how do you see social media impacting this?
    I think word of mouth has been our driving force. We have really been blessed with growing the most incredible community, and the customers who rave about us to their friends and family, truly understand who we are, and what we are creating. When you have an optimal product, it speaks for itself and to date we have not had to invest considerably in marketing for the Middle East as the traction we have gained has all been organic, consistent YOY growth. Customer service and the client is always at the centre of what we do as a brand and this level of customer satisfaction alongside delivering the highest-grade product on the market is where the alchemy is. Social media is undoubtedly a key factor in today’s business world, but again we have been lucky that many of the social media personalities love our brand and often reach out to us. Our main focus with social media is to keep it real.

    “Cymbiotika is trailblazing the much-needed evolution in the supplement world, breaking through old barriers and plateaus. Designing and creating tier one grade bio-ceuticals”

    Dubai is a very competitive market, especially in the wellness space. Do you find that challenging?
    No, I am actually a fan of many of our counterparts in this space. I think they help draw more attention to wellness and we all thrive in the long run. Cymbiotika is trailblazing the much-needed evolution in the supplement world, breaking through old barriers and plateaus. Designing and creating tier one grade Bio-Ceuticals Formulas with intention and purpose. We don’t want to compete with anyone, we want to inspire and help raise the industry standards. We are talking about people’s health. From our perspective, nothing is more important.
    What has been the biggest reward?
    Without question, the people I have met. Representing a brand in the wellness space like Cymbiotika has been an incredible way to connect with so many remarkable individuals. In just a few years I have amassed friends who have really become family, and I wouldn’t trade that for any other reward.
    Which products have you seen the region adopt quickly as part of their daily wellness tools?
    Our entire range does well here, but one which stands out would have to be Glutathione. Also, because Dubai is such a fitness-hub, our advanced electrolyte formula is very popular with athletes. Our Liposomal B12+B6 is a crowd favourite, so is our Liposomal D3+K2+CoQ10. Our formulas taste amazing, plain and simple. We have a unique offering, we create state-of-the-art liposomal formulas that are food-based, have no added fillers, no toxic preservative systems, and only organic flavour extracts.

    Who has inspired you in terms of business and life and why?
    There are too many people to name, but I would have to put my parents at the top of my list. I grew up in an entrepreneurial household. My dad quit his job when I was in second grade to start his own business. From a young age, I was involved in every project he had, whether it be a dry cleaner or real estate. We discussed every move we would make. In fact, we still do the same today. His relentless pursuit and perseverance rubbed off on me and is now deeply embedded in my DNA. My mom imparted many other ways of life on me. She is the type to forgive and help her worst enemy. I learned compassion, empathy and how to balance the mind and heart. As an entrepreneur, these attributes can help you become a great leader.
    What daily practices do you undertake to ensure you stay in your best energy?
    I workout at the gym everyday with my trainer. If I miss a day of working out, I can feel it in my mind and body. Also, preparing all my own meals and making sure I am consistent with my supplements. I feel that if you are properly taking care of your body, everything else will naturally follow, i.e. business, relationships, family, etc.
    What are your three non-negotiable Cymbiotika products everyone should be using?
    I really think we should start with the basics before discussing supplements. First and foremost, how is the quality of your water? The water you drink, the water you shower with. Drinking salt water is a highly underrated medicine. Getting enough sunlight in your eyes during the day, preferably early in the day. Making sure you are eating wholesome nutritious meals consistently throughout the day. Once you cover the basics, then you can move on to supplementation. Some of my non-negotiables would include Glutathione and molecular hydrogen in the morning for detoxification. Apple cider vinegar before my meals, and probiotics at night to assist with gut health. These work well with my body, but everybody is different, so you need to go down your own wellness journey to figure it out.
    What is the most precious piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
    My uncle once told me to keep my life simple. At the time I didn’t think much of it, but a decade later I can say it is one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received.
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    Founder of supplement brand Cymbiotika on filling the gaps in our modern day food supply

    Emirates Man

    by Ruman Baig
    3 hours ago

    Chervin Jafarieh, Founder and Chief Operating Officer at game-changing supplement brand Cymbiotika, discusses what it take to do things differently and scaling a brand with a qualitarian mindset
    What do your first 30 mins of the day look like, your morning routine?
    I wake up and before getting out of bed I spend five minutes or more reflecting on my dreams. Dreams provide us an opportunity to look within the veil of our subconscious and it’s just as important to understand those deep layers within us. I hydrate with 30 oz of spring water and one tablet of Cymbiotika’s Molecular Hydrogen dissolved into the water. Next I make my way outside, I place my bare feet directly on the earth and allow the rising sun rays to hit my face and chest, activating the production of melatonin in my body, and turning on my immune system. I take 10 minutes to breathe deeply into my body and for and how I want to approach my day. I like to listen to 432 Hertz music throughout the house while taking a cold shower.
    How did you know it was the right time to launch Cymbiotika and what made you finally take the leap of faith?
    I have had a connection to the supplement industry since I was a child through one of my mentors, and my approach to conscious living and caring for my health and the health of others is a major part of my lifestyle and passion. I did various other things for business prior and then one day my father got sick, and everything changed. I knew it was time to fully surrender to my true mission and take my passions and purpose to the world. The supplement industry is saturated with marketing companies, brands that lack the intention to provide substantial solutions for people searching for help, I knew that we could create something revolutionary.

    Chervin Jafarieh, Fonder and COO of Cymbiotika
    What were the key pillars the DNA Cymbiotika was founded on from the outset and have these evolved since you launched?
    Highest level of sourcing raw materials with purity being most important. Education first – encouraging customers to learn about their body and what our products do. Trailblazingnew formulas with advanced scientific data supporting efficacy. Never settling with what the industry standard currently is and pushing to go above and beyond. Transparency to customers with our formulas.
    You are a scientist. How much development does it take to launch a new product?
    Developing products is a tedious and timely process, a labour of love. Some products have taken several years to develop from their time of inception. Learning how specific compounds potentiate each other was criticalto our product development endeavours.
    How do you educate clients on the ‘right’ supplements for them and which supplements would you suggest for everyone?
    Cymbiotika takes a specific and broad approach in supplementation. A great place to begin is with our product set that fills the nutritional gaps missing from our modern day food supply. Covering basic nutritional needs is paramount before beginning with our advanced condition specific formulations. All formulas come with detailed usage directions and other key points thatencourage the best results.
    What are your daily non-negotiables and which supplement would you include in that?
    Hydration is a daily non-negotiable for me and a foundation for thriving health. I replenish my hydration by combining spring water with Cymbiotika’s Molecular Hydrogen. tablet. I do this twice a day. My other non-negotiable supplements are Cymbiotika’s B12+, Vitamin C, and our Vitamin D3/ K2 + CoQ10. This is a powerful combination that keeps me feeling great and energized throughout my day.
    Do you feel more drawn to the creative or the business side of your brand and how have you grown the team to support this?
    My role in Cymbiotika is primarily the creative development of products and the brand culture. My partner and CEO has built and established one of the most dynamic teams to perfectly complement and support this vision. The freedom I have to focus on the artistic vision is given to me because of the stability my team creates on the business side of things.

    Cymbiotika supplements
    You have clients the globe over – which products drive sales consistently?
    Our top products are our Complex form of Vitamin B12+, Vitamin D3/K2 +CoQ10, Vitamin C, and our Molecular Hydrogen Tablets.
    What have been the biggest challenges to date and how did you overcome them?
    We are always challenging the status quo of the supplement industry standard which puts extreme pressure on our R&D team to innovate and grow beyond anything that has existed previously. This process takes more time and costs more money. Long hours, trust, patience and a great team are the pillarsto our success.
    You have recently launched a Middle Eastern entity — why is this market so important for Cymbiotika?
    There is a resurgence of health and wellness in the Middle East. Cymbiotika aligns with this movement. We want to be part of the unfolding in the Middle East, it feels like destiny for us.
    How do you scale without compromising on quality?
    Having a well thought out plan from the jumpstart is key with keeping the brand integrity. Strong communication with our raw material suppliers, building a sophisticated team that can adapt to supply chain constraints, and building diverse relationships with trusted sources in case of shortages helps us scale without compromising quality.
    What advice would you give to your younger self starting out?
    You don’t have to do everything all at once.
    Have you had any mentors to date and if so, what advice did they impart?
    My father. He taught me how to be pragmatic, not sure if I listened, but either way, it helped me function during chaotic times.
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