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    The Key to Landing the Dream Job You Don’t Have Experience For

    It can be exhausting to read article after article, listen to podcast after podcast, and watch TikTok after TikTok telling you that it’s time to live your dream life. It’s exhausting, because yes, of course we want to live our dream life. The question that is often overlooked is “how”? When it comes to your career, this question becomes even harder to answer. When you need to completely change courses to land your dream job, where do you even begin? 
    Sometimes landing a job you don’t have experience for isn’t as hard as it may seem when you first decide to take a hard left turn in your career—you’ll just have to be a little bit creative in how you approach your job hunt. I’m not going to lie to you, this won’t be easy, but it is possible, and it all starts with defining your new personal brand. 
    So, if you’re looking to switch things up and have no clue where to begin, consider this your personal guide. Here’s our four-step strategy for landing a job you have no experience for:

    1. Figure Out Your Brand 
    First thing’s first. Let’s tackle one of the scariest questions we’ll ever encounter throughout our lives: what is it that you want to do? As you look to shift from what you are currently doing to something new, I encourage you to shift your question from “what do I want to do?” to  “what do I want to do next?” Less scary, right? 
    Focus on what is lighting you up NOW. What jobs look interesting based on what you learned at your current job NOW? What do you want to try NOW? You can always change this later. Remember: You can always try something new.
    Once you’ve figured out what you want to do next, it’s time to get specific about how you want to portray yourself. It’s time to change your personal brand. 
    When nailing down your brand, I always suggest focusing on one to three identifying words or phrases. For example “marketing director and writer” or “digital strategist” or “event planner & social media marketer”. It’s important to focus on what you want to brand yourself as and adjust as needed for the specific jobs you are going for. This brand should show up prominently in your resume, your LinkedIn, your social media bios, and any other portfolios or items that will be given to a future employer. 
    If you feel lost on the quest to define your brand and who you are becoming in your career, research jobs in the field you’re looking at or interested in. What are the skill sets needed? What are specific jobs that seem prominent? 
    Once you’ve identified your brand (again — this can change in time!), it’s time to build it.

    2. Build Your Brand
    The world is competitive, and while it’s certainly possible to secure a job in a new industry or expertise, it is not easy. Once you’ve identified what types of jobs there are out there for you, it’s time to build the experience and expertise around it — it’s time to build your brand!
    This is the fun part. Knowing the brand you want to go after, get to work on creating your cohesive look and feel. Depending on the industry you are looking to break into, it’s time to ensure you have pieces in place so that when you go to apply for jobs or opportunities present themself — you are ready. Components of your brand to think about include:

    Tagline or brand (this can be the 1-3 words to describe you, or a totally new tagline that encompasses your philosophy such as “passionate & authentic marketing”)
    Color scheme (to apply to all of these components!)
    Business cards (yes — I still love these!)
    A solid LinkedIn profile
    Social media profiles (Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, even TikTok depending on the industry you’re going into!)

    This can seem overwhelming, but have no fear. There are many online tools that help you create a logo, and platforms for building websites that make it simple (you don’t have to be a developer to have an online presence!). The key here is to pick what seems important to the industry or job you’re going after, for example maybe you NEED a good resume and portfolio but social media isn’t as important, and perfect those aspects. You don’t need to have it all to start, just ensure what you do have is cohesive and tells a story of who you are and who you are becoming!

    3. Build Your Portfolio
    Now that you’ve secured the components of your brand, it’s time to actually build out the experiences needed to show that you can back up what you say you can do. 
    To start, think about anything you’ve done in your life (and I mean anything) that could be applied to the new job you’re applying for. Maybe you handled managing money at a store in college and that could be applied to managing the budget for an event you want to plan. The opportunities are endless if you learn to connect the dots on your past experiences and tie them to your new ones. Review the LinkedIn profiles of those in your dream job, and check out the job descriptions or requirements where you are applying to get inspired. 
    Once you’ve scoured through your own personal experiences, it’s time to cultivate and build the skill sets that you may be lacking if you’re going into something entirely new. Check out online courses or certificates that may be helpful for your next role or industry. Practice skills and read books and articles on your own time that will get you to where you want to go (bonus points if you start posting relevant articles and tips you learn on your social media profiles!). 

    Focus on what is lighting you up NOW. What jobs look interesting based on what you learned at your current job NOW? What do you want to try NOW? You can always change this later. Remember: you can always try something new.

    On top of taking the time to further your education, it is often necessary to create your own opportunities that will build the experience you need in order to secure a new job. Outside of your other obligations, start reaching out to small businesses or non-profit organizations that may need help in the area you’re trying to go! Maybe a local boutique needs a grand opening planned or a better social media presence, maybe a local dance studio needs someone to manage their books. I guarantee there is opportunity in your community to volunteer your time and cultivate your skill set. All of a sudden, you’re a “social media coordinator” for a retail boutique. All it requires is taking the time and having the courage to ask for what you want and need.
    I call this, “start to actually make it, until you don’t have to fake it.” On top of building the brand and the skills, put yourself out there into the world and get real life experience that you can put onto your resume and your portfolio.
    So, you may be asking, “well what if I don’t have any options or opportunities like this?”
    There’s another thing you can do. You can actually create hypothetical scenarios and case studies to put onto your website or portfolio. Dream up the perfect marketing plan you’d be tasked with writing at your next job, or the event you’ll be planning at the next place you applied. Put together a case study of how you tackled the “project” and what the outcome was. This shows the employer that you took the time to prepare, you know how to take a project to completion, and gives a look at how you critically and creatively think or would tackle an applicable scenario.

    4. Find a Mentor
    Last but not least, find a mentor or someone you can go to that has worked in or is working in the industry you are going after. These individuals can offer you advice on your brand, help you with your resume, and connect you to individuals that may be able to help you get to where you’d like to go. Often, people LOVE to help others that may be at the beginning of their quest. So don’t be afraid to ask! 
    The only option you have with going for something you want is to try. So don’t be afraid to ask for help, put yourself out there, and take the time to do the work it takes to back it up. Remember, the time will pass anyway, so may as well use it going toward your dreams.

    What Your Resume Should Look Like, Based on the Job You Want To Land More

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    What You Should Actually Put In Each Section Of Your Resume

    When you job search, you want to make it as easy as possible for companies to learn if you’re a good fit for the roles you’re applying for. The best way to catch the attention of hiring managers and recruiters is by having a resume that is easy to navigate and that highlights all of the key information you want potential employers to know. 
    If you’re a bit stumped on what exactly needs to go in your resume sections, we’re here to simplify things for you. We’re going to walk you through what needs to be in each main section of your resume, so you don’t miss a thing and so employers don’t accidentally miss out on hiring you. 

    In this article

    Contact Information
    We know how easy it is to drag your feet when it comes to big projects like creating a resume. Sometimes the best thing you can do is start with the easiest part—then let that momentum build. So, let’s start with your contact information. Most resume templates include all contact information in one easy-to-see section such as the top of a resume. In this section, you’ll want to include your name, email address, and if you have one, a link to your online portfolio or personal website. 

    Objective Statement
    Objective statements are optional on a resume, but if you have room on your resume, it can be a really helpful section to add. This doesn’t need to be more than a few sentences, so this is another easy section to check off your to-do list. You can start by writing a generic objective statement and then should customize this section of your resume for each job you’re applying for or each industry you’re targeting. In your objective statement, you’ll want to state why you want the position, how your qualifications make you perfectly suited for it, and how you will contribute to their company or team’s success. 
    For example, if you’re applying for roles in social media marketing, you objective statement could say:
    Objective: To secure a position as a social media manager where I can utilize my expertise in digital campaigns and strategic marketing initiatives to drive meaningful engagement from target audiences and increase brand awareness. My goal is to develop effective social media plans that are tailored towards specific goals and outcomes, leveraging data-driven insights to create content that resonates with user bases, increasing lead generation and ROI. With my broad technical knowledge of web tools and analytics platforms, combined with my well-honed communication skills, I am confident I can drive results across all online channels.

    Job History
    Now it’s time to slow down a bit. Filling out the job history portion of your resume is a lot of work, especially if you’re quite a few years into your career, but it’s important not to rush this section. Your job history is the most important section of your resume since it showcases your past experience and accomplishments. Make sure to list all relevant jobs in reverse chronological order with bullet points describing each role and its duties. 
    When including information about current and past roles, you want to highlight your accomplishments using metrics rather than just sharing the tasks you were responsible for. This allows employers to gain an understanding of what you are capable of and how you contributed to a company’s success. 
    For example, instead of writing “Responsible for scheduling Instagram posts”, a more effective way would be “Coordinated five Instagram posts per day which resulted in an average engagement level of 20%, surpassing the previous month’s engagement rate by 10%.” 
    Some employers might only be interested in roles within the last ten to fifteen years, so don’t feel like you have to include everything from when you were first starting out in the workforce. For example, once you have a few full-time roles under your belt, you may not need to include college internships anymore. At the very least, you can eventually just list your older titles and companies and not include such lengthy descriptions with them. You want to make sure you have plenty of room to highlight the work you’ve done in more recent years, as well as the work that is most applicable to the jobs you’re applying for now. 
    If applicable, you can include awards or recognitions that highlight your achievements as well as dates associated with any of the jobs listed in this section.

    In the education section of your resume, you will list any degrees you earned. You will include the name of the school and graduation dates (if applicable). If you earn a college degree, you don’t need to include your high school degree. If you had a truly impressive GPA (hello latin honors) and recently graduated, you can add your GPA to the education section, but the further along you are in your career, the less this will matter. If your GPA was average, there’s also no need to highlight that fact. 
    If you took any online courses or pursued professional certifications that relate to the jobs you’re applying for, you can also add those to the education section as they can demonstrate additional skill sets or knowledge areas that can benefit the companies you’re applying to. 

    Special Skills
    The special skills section of your resume can be tricky to navigate since the skills each individual chooses to highlight are unique to them. This is a great section to customize for each job you’re applying for. Circle back to the job description and see what skills they are looking for that you can include in this section. Some great special skills to highlight include computer software proficiency, foreign language fluency, or special training received on certain equipment. 
    For example, if the job requires knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, then you’ll want to list that as one of your skills—as long as you really know how to use that program. Think carefully about what skills you want to highlight, you don’t want to list too many or it will clutter your resume. Try to avoid adding the generic skills that everyone includes on their resume (whether they’re true or not). Including that you know how to use Microsoft Word feels like a bit of a no brainer in this day and age. 
    Alongside hard skills (objective and quantifiable skills) such as being able to use certain computer programs, you’ll want to include soft skills on your resume. Soft skills are personal attributes and abilities that help a person interact effectively with others. Examples of soft skills include qualities like communication, problem-solving, self-motivation and adaptability. Soft skills are intangible—they can’t be seen or measured like hard skills such as typing speed or data entry proficiency, but they are just as important as hard skills.

    One Last Word of Advice
    When creating a resume, remember that brevity is key. Your goal should be to provide enough detail about yourself so employers get a good idea of who you are while also understanding why exactly they should hire you over someone else. Think of your resume as a highlight reel. If there’s additional information you want employers to know about you, this is where the cover letter or an online portfolio can really come in handy. 

    9 Unspoken Resume Rules You Should Be Following More

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    What Your Resume Should Look Like, Based on the Job You Want To Land

    No company, role, or industry is the same. There are so many different career paths we can all take, which makes that nine-to-five life a whole lot more exciting. It also means that there is no one type of career advice that works for everyone. Luckily, there are a lot of resources that help make figuring out this whole climbing the ladder thing easier—including resume templates. Long gone are the days of trying to design a decent-looking resume in Word from scratch one indentation at a time. However, with so many options available, how do you know which one is best for you?
    When choosing a resume template, it’s important that you pick one that is appropriate for the industry, the type of companies you’re applying to, as well as the role at the company you’re applying to. That’s a lot to consider, so we’re breaking down what your resume should actually look like below:

    In this article

    Traditional Industries
    If you’re applying for a role such as an accountant or lawyer in a traditional industry, it’s best to keep things pretty clean with your resume. You’ll want to go for a classic resume template that isn’t designed with any flashy colors or graphics. Simply highlight your work experience and qualifications in a concise and straightforward way.
    It can be hard to design a simple and chic resume when you want to include a lot of information. To keep things streamlined, focus on the roles and skills that relate to the specific job you’re applying for (this means making some resume changes when applying for different types of jobs). 
    When it comes to designing a resume for a traditional industry, you should avoid fancy fonts or colors, as you don’t want to ruffle any old-school feathers by mistake. It’s always a good idea to use bold headings and bullet points where necessary in order to break up text into easily digestible information bites that quickly communicate important facts about yourself without going into too much detail.

    Creative Industries
    For roles in creative industries, you can have a lot more fun with your resume design. This is especially true if the role you’re applying for requires strong graphic design, visual, or branding skills. If you’re applying for a creative role in a very traditional industry, you may want to tread lightly here. It can still be helpful to choose a template that shows a strong eye for design, but you may want to swap any bright colors out for more neutral choices like navy or forest green. 
    For creative roles, you want to highlight your creative skills and your resume is a great place to showcase your strengths. Creative roles can also be quite competitive, so you need your resume to stand out in a sea of applications. Point being—don’t be afraid to think outside the box here. Go for a more unique template that will catch the reader’s eye with a bold color, modern font, or visual aids such as a chart or unique bullet points. 
    You also need to find a template that suits your unique needs as a job searcher in a creative industry. If you’re applying for a creative role, you may have an online portfolio that showcases past examples of your work (this is very common for writers, designers, photographers, and branding experts). Look for a resume template that includes a spot to prominently highlight your website address.

    Casual Industries
    For more casual industries (hello startups), you have a bit more flexibility here. If you’re applying at a young company run by millennials, you’re much more likely to impress by having a less traditional resume. Professionals in informal industries such as retail or dining also won’t mind if your resume has a more unique design. If you aren’t applying for a design-centric role, there’s no need to get too fancy here. The goal is for your resume to be easy to read and to pop when hiring managers or recruiters sift through a bunch of resumes at once.  
    To add some personality to a resume, but to still maintain a professional vibe, consider using light color tones on your resume rather than black-and-white text throughout—just don’t go overboard and stay away from anything neon. 

    The Takeaway
    There is no one right way to format a resume. That being said, you want to keep the specific job and industry in mind when tailoring your resume for each application. Think about who is likely on the receiving end of that resume. Are you applying for a social media marketing role under a marketing director known for launching innovative campaigns? Even in a traditional industry, you can probably send a more creative resume their way.
    Customizing your resume is a great way to highlight the unique skills and experiences that you can apply to each job you’re interested in, but don’t forget you can also customize your resume design each time you apply for a job by quickly changing colors, fonts, and graphics.

    9 Unspoken Resume Rules You Should Be Following More

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    I Just Finished My First Year as a Manager—Here’s What I Learned

    January 1st marked the start of a new year, but for me, it was the anniversary of a major career milestone: becoming a manager. One year ago, I was promoted from an individual contributor to a manager, and every day since has been an opportunity to learn and grow in my career. And while there’s a lot of great career advice about landing the promotion, there’s not always clear next steps about what to do once you get it. 
    Managing and leading others is a huge responsibility and a privilege. My first year as a manager introduced me to many firsts, like hiring for the first time and providing regular feedback. It also came with both highs and lows. For instance, I’ve gained so much fulfillment in my career by providing support and career growth opportunities for others. I’ve also been challenged like never before as I learned how to delegate and balance my responsibilities with those of my team. While I’m nowhere near perfect at it, managing is a skill set I look forward to continuing to develop.
    Most of the career lessons I’ve learned can be difficult to identify in the day-to-day but often become clear in hindsight. I hope that by sharing the lessons I learned as a manager, I can inspire a new leader to have a fulfilling first year. Here are five lessons I’ve learned throughout the past year that can set you up for success, too:

    Just because you’re good at doing doesn’t mean you’ll be natural at leading.
    Exceptional performance as an individual contributor doesn’t always equate to exceptional performance as a manager. You get promoted because you have the skills, but being a manager requires more than being great at your job; it requires inspiring others to do their best work. Some people may think they’re one and the same, but this past year, I learned they’re absolutely not. 
    Exceptional performance as an individual contributor doesn’t always equate to exceptional performance as a manager.
    Managing others has flexed a muscle I’ve never used before in my career. Sure, I’ve led interns or projects throughout my career, but to be responsible for fostering someone else’s development and career growth was an entirely new ball game. I’m fortunate to have enjoyed learning how to use that muscle and building it throughout the past year. Some newly promoted managers may give it a try and realize they don’t like the new responsibility and are better suited as an individual contributor, which is totally fine. It takes experience and intentionality to be a good leader. It also takes time to cultivate your skills. As a stellar individual contributor and new manager, allow yourself the space and grace to become a great leader, especially if it doesn’t come second nature to you.

    The best way to learn is by doing.
    You can read all the professional development books (and trust me, I have), but nothing prepares you to be a manager quite like doing the work. It’s common to make assumptions about roles and responsibilities you’ve never done first-hand. You may even think, “If that were me, I’d never do that. I’d do it this way.” It’s easy to make up stories about situations we’ve never found ourselves in. But it’s harder to do the work once you get there. You can plan and strategize your way to success before getting into a new role, but practical application is key to letting those important career lessons really sink in.
    The good thing about managing for the first time is that you can draw from your experience on the other side. Throughout my career (and I’m sure you’ve done the same), I’ve noted great leaders and not-so-great managers. I have first-hand experience of how it feels to work with a great leader and examples I can draw from to lead with the same poise. While I believe the best way to get good at something is by doing it, I’ve had inspiration to help me be successful throughout my first year as a manager—the rest I’ve had to learn the hard way, through doing the work.

    Building trust is just as important as building skills.
    People often get promoted into management roles because they’re awesome in their line of work, and they show potential to grow and succeed with a company. While a balance of hard and soft skills is essential no matter your position, individual contributor roles are based more heavily on the hard skills (i.e., the technical skills of fulfilling your job responsibilities). This looks like creating an awesome slide deck or writing a well-thought-out communication. But as you develop as an employee and build your legacy at a company, building trust with others and cultivating relationships becomes equally as valuable as knowing how to get the job done. 
    Roles and teams don’t operate in a vacuum. It’s up to employees to collaborate for the company to succeed. Just as a server at a restaurant wouldn’t have food to serve a customer without a chef and everyone in the prep kitchen, a manager needs individual contributors, managers, and company leaders to thrive in their role. No matter what career stage you’re in, but especially as a first time manager, take the time to connect with others at your organization. That includes those on your team, people you collaborate with, and others with valuable insight to share about your company or industry. 
    While it might feel awkward to send an email asking to connect with someone you usually don’t interact with, I know from experience that people are more welcoming and open to the idea than you’d think. Taking the time to build trust with others is crucial because there will come a time when you’ll need to rely on each other to accomplish a goal, and you’ll have already laid the foundation of a fruitful relationship.

    As a leader, asking for what you need is still important.
    You might think that as a team leader you need to have all the answers and everything you need to succeed. But that’s simply not the case. Since managers have the crucial responsibility of supporting and developing others, they need to ensure that they have what they need to perform well in their roles. 
    Yes, some managers of managers will offer suggestions and guidance unprompted, but that’s not always the case. People are not mind readers, so ask for what you need. Do you need support on a project? Ask. Do you have questions you’re struggling to answer? Make it known. Do you need training, or are you interested in a professional development opportunity? Gather the details and ask your manager for their support. We can’t rely on others to anticipate our needs. So, don’t be afraid to speak up.
    People are not mind readers, so ask for what you need.

    Don’t forget to allow yourself to be new.
    If you’ve recently been promoted, congratulations! That’s a huge deal, and chances are this is the first time you’ve been in this specific role at your current company. You don’t need to have it all figured out. No one is expecting you to. Remember, you’re new, so allow yourself to be new. 
    This may feel hard, especially if you want to appear like you have it all together. I know it was for me. But think about what you’d expect of the people you manage. Would you expect a new hire to come in and know exactly what they’re doing from day one? Of course not, they’re new. Allow yourself the same grace. It’s okay not to know what you’re doing and ask for help. It’s okay, and even encouraged, to ask questions to better understand your role and responsibilities. You’re only new for so long. Use it to your advantage and as an opportunity to learn and grow.
    These are a few of the valuable lessons I learned during my first year, and I imagine there will be many more lessons awaiting me in the future. If I can offer one final piece of advice to support you in your first year as a manager, always remember you’ve got this. You were promoted for a reason. You’re meant to be here. You deserve to be here, and I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you’re going to accomplish.

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    An Expert Weighs In: How To Communicate Confidently in the Workplace

    As a communications professional, it’s literally my job to communicate. And yet, I still find myself in situations where I don’t feel like a confident communicator. Let me elaborate. Last year, I was tasked with leading a monthly meeting at work to champion an initiative I raised my hand to support. I was excited and grateful for the opportunity, but as I kicked off the first call, I could sense the anxiety creeping in. I felt myself start to sweat and I even began stumbling over my words. I was confident enough to throw my hat in the ring to do the work, but when it came time to articulate what we were trying to accomplish, I became nervous and couldn’t seem to get the words out right. I felt anything but confident, even when communication is my area of expertise.
    No matter what you do for a living, you are always communicating. Whether intentionally or not, we’re constantly sending messages to our coworkers through how we carry ourselves in meetings, respond to questions, and handle our emotions at work. While I’d like to think I masked my nerves during that meeting last year, I guarantee others caught on to my less-than-confident communication style. So, how can we ensure we communicate in the most confident way and don’t find ourselves anxious and sweaty in challenging situations? I sat down with Women’s Leadership Coach Laura Weldy to find out.

    Meet the expert
    Laura Weddy
    Leadership Coach
    Laura is a certified career and leadership coach known for helping smart, ambitious women go from undervalued in what she has coined the ‘Pre-Suite’ (i.e., your career before executive leadership) to confident women leading in the C-Suite.

    If you’re looking to communicate with confidence and succeed in your career this year, take a look at these six expert strategies.

    How to Confidently Communicate When You’re Feeling Emotional
    We all encounter emotions at work, sometimes out of our control. You might feel frustrated in a meeting and be on the verge of tears, or perhaps it’s common for you to blush in uncomfortable situations. These negative emotions may lead you to stay quiet instead of speaking up. To ensure you continue to communicate with confidence when you experience an emotional response, Laura recommends anticipating potential emotional reactions.
    Take a moment three to five minutes before a meeting starts to center yourself and find a sense of calm. This can be accomplished through mental rehearsal. Imagine a time when you felt like a really confident communicator. Remember how you felt in that moment, how others responded to you, and even the room you were in when it happened. Then channel that energy and imagine yourself being similarly successful in your upcoming meeting. Laura is also a proponent of tapping, a meditative practice that stimulates your meridian points to help reduce anxiety and stress in under five minutes.
    If you’re aware of your body’s reactions to anxiety or stress, you can also plan a way to make yourself more comfortable. For example, when I’m in situations that make me anxious or stressed, my body tells on me, and my chest tends to get red and blotchy. To alleviate any unnecessary attention, I choose my outfits to hide this insecurity and make me feel most confident.

    How to Confidently Communicate When You Feel Panic in the Moment
    If you’ve ever been in a meeting where you’re put on the spot and immediately filled with anxiety, you’re not alone. To help ease panic, Laura is a firm believer in a formulaic communication strategy. Creating a formula to account for responses eases your fight-or-flight response. This looks like knowing that every time you’re asked for your opinion or feedback, you already have a thought-out formula for responding.
    For example, if you’re in a meeting where you’re talking about how you’re tracking on a project and somebody asks why you’re not meeting your goals, a formulaic response looks like (1) sharing an acknowledgment of what the person is asking, (2) sharing your opinion on the situation, and then (3) sharing a willingness to follow up on your opinion. Laura puts it into practice as follows, “So, you want to hear my opinion on this. Of course, I’m open to more information as it comes to light, but my current take on it is ‘X.’ I’d love to hear from ‘X’ about their thoughts because it would make the conversation even deeper.” If you’re nervous about remembering your formula, write it down in a notebook for ease of reference.

    How to Confidently Communicate When You’re Afraid of Being Unprepared
    Simply put, the easiest way to avoid being unprepared is to prepare. Planning alleviates unnecessary stress and helps you become a confident communicator. This process also helps you develop executive-level thinking skills, rather than being a passive member of the meeting. If you’re afraid of being caught unaware in a meeting, take the time to create an agenda or request one from the meeting host. Laura also suggests shortly before the meeting to take the time to prepare and ask yourself questions like:

    What is the most important thing for you to share in the meeting?
    What is a relevant question that would further inform your opinion if you knew the answer?
    What is the energy or vibe you want to bring to the conversation?

    “By asking yourself these questions, you’re getting your vocabulary, intention, and tone in alignment before the meeting starts,” Laura said.
    You can also build confidence in the workplace and feel prepared by understanding your personal brand (i.e., how you want to carry yourself and present yourself to others). Confidence is often the result of practice, preparation, and self-awareness. Take 10 minutes to reflect on your personal brand in the workplace. Think about what words you want people to associate with you, how you want people to feel after they talk to you, what areas you’re an expert in, and what you care about in the workplace. Having clarity on your brand helps you be prepared in situations where you might be caught off guard. Working with a leadership coach can also provide clarity if you need help understanding yourself and your leadership style. 

    How to Confidently Communicate When You Fear Being Inauthentic
    “A lot of women feel that when they speak up at work, they need to have a completely different voice that fits in with the company norms or sounds more professional,” Laura shares. To combat this fear of being inauthentic at work, Laura challenges her clients to write a personal brand guide to clarify how they strive to communicate in the workplace. “We struggle to feel authentic because we don’t actually know what to point to when it comes to communicating authentically. If you can write out a personal voice guide, it reminds you that you do have a strategy to utilize in the moment.” Just as planning instills confidence, having a strategy ahead of time helps mitigate fears.

    How to Confidently Communicate When Speaking in Front of Higher-Ups
    If your palms get sweaty at the thought of speaking with higher-ups in your organization, join the club. While nerves are common, you can still communicate confidently in times of stress by proactively building relationships with leaders at your company. “Be intentional about networking within your organization, so the one time your leaders hear you speak in a meeting isn’t the one bit of information they have to judge you on,” Laura recommends. Finding time to network and create rapport can boost your confidence when you’re tasked with communicating in front of a room of executives.
    Additionally, Laura shares that it’s important to remember that everyone on your team wants you to succeed. There is nothing more uncomfortable than watching someone present who isn’t comfortable speaking in front of a group. Instead of focusing on the negative, Laura suggests, “Reframe your perspective from ‘everyone wants me to fail and are critiquing me’ to ‘everyone wants me to be successful in this meeting because it makes everything more comfortable for all of us’.”

    How to Confidently Communicate When You’re Hesitant to Share Opinions
    When we shift from doing roles to leading roles within an organization, we begin to be asked for our perspectives more frequently than our expertise. As new managers and leaders, it’s common to feel new at the table and like we’re missing context in conversations, thus leading to hesitancy sharing our valuable opinions. To ensure confident communication as you move up in your career, it’s crucial to acknowledge that your voice matters. “Even if you feel like an outsider, your perspective as the newest person in the room or only woman in the room is a really unique one, and that’s why it’s needed more than any other perspective,” says Laura. By turning what feels like a challenging situation into an opportunity, you can feel confident sharing your opinion, knowing it’s adding value to the conversation.
    All of these strategies can help you develop more confident communication skills, one meeting at a time. At the end of the day, Laura believes that confident communication in the workplace is a reflection of high levels of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and a strong personal brand. Working one-on-one with a leadership coach can help ensure you have those fundamental identity pieces and professional skills in place so that your confidence can be reflected authentically in your communication and in every other aspect of your professional and personal life. You can learn more about Laura’s communication and leadership coaching expertise by connecting with her on LinkedIn or at

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    The New Happy Has 500k Instagram Followers—Here’s How the Founder Built a Real Community

    It’s no secret that social media is flooded with noise and endless content these days. There are a lot of recommendations out there on how to use social media, “hacks” for quickly gaining followers, and constant opinions on the types of content you should and shouldn’t produce. And since we’re inundated with content on a daily basis, it can be particularly challenging to stand out. While this may be true for some, Stephanie Harrison at The New Happy used social media to grow an authentic following and spread a life-changing philosophy.
    The New Happy was founded in 2018 with the simple mission of sharing a new philosophy of happiness. Stephanie has spent over a decade studying happiness from an interdisciplinary perspective, but it wasn’t until mid-2020 that she devoted herself to deeply spreading her mission (and using social media as part of this process). The New Happy Instagram posts are filled with positive, uplifting pieces of advice for a happier life.
    For Stephanie, social media is about more than traditional metrics such as likes and follower counts. In fact, she doesn’t lean into social media metrics as a measure of success. Yet, because of her unique take on using the platform, over 500,000 people are now a part of The New Happy community. I sat down with Stephanie and asked her for her three top tips for intentionally growing a social media following beyond metrics. You won’t find any “get followers quick” schemes or hacks here, but these tips will make sure your follower count… well, counts. 

    Meet the expert
    Stephanie Harrison
    Founder of The New Happy
    An expert in well-being, Stephanie founded The New Happy based on her Masters thesis in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. She has spent the last ten years studying happiness from an interdisciplinary perspective, incorporating perspectives from art, science, philosophy, religious/contemplative studies, and the humanities. Her book, THE NEW HAPPY, is forthcoming from Penguin Random House.

    1. Bring your purpose to your social channels.
    “Start with your greater purpose. A purpose is about being of service to others, and this grounding in your ‘why’ is so important. There’s so much noise out there, with people telling you what you should do and how you should do it. It’s easy to be led astray or veer off course, away from what matters most to you.”
    Stephanie lives and breathes The New Happy’s philosophy and mission across social media. The philosophy is rooted in the idea that happiness comes from serving the world and using the talents and skills that make each person unique. And that collectively, we find purpose and happiness in serving others.
    With that purpose in mind, Stephanie set out to use her social media accounts as a place to offer wisdom, experiences, ideas, friendship, and kindness to others. She knew these were the ways in which she wanted her brand to show up on social media, and at the same time, she had an idea of the ways she didn’t want to be seen.
    “I listed out the core values of The New Happy as a brand, philosophy, and movement, which drove everything I did on social media. Because our philosophy is about service, I saw social media as a place to help others, to make it about their needs and challenges.”
    Spend some time thinking about the purpose of your brand or business and the intended purpose of your social media accounts, too. When you show up on social media living out your purpose and aligning your content to that, it is much more likely to attract people for the long haul.

    2. Build a community, not an audience.
    “One of the key values of The New Happy is community. From the beginning, I decided that I didn’t want to build an audience—I wanted to build a community. That impacted almost every single decision I made as I built the brand on social media.”
    Stephanie worked hard to ensure she orients around The New Happy values across all social media platforms at all times. For example, viewing social media followers as an audience absorbing your content is not uncommon. But one of The New Happy’s values is “community,” so Stephanie considers followers to be community members, not audience members.
    Why does that matter? An audience is a faceless mask that has to do more with how people look at you. Instead, Stephanie cultivated the difference between watching somebody doing something (an audience member) and participating in something (a community member). 
    But it’s more than just thinking about your following as a community, there’s a lot of work that goes into bringing that value to life. For example, The New Happy hosts a community gathering every week where people can share what they need help with. Stephanie designates time to answer as many questions as she can personally but also uses those responses to inform the artwork and tips she creates and shares.
    The New Happy also hosts free challenges inviting community members to work on different elements of well-being. One that’s (ironically) particularly popular is “How to Create a Happier Experience on Social Media.” Other topics include self-compassion, building confidence, finding your strengths, and cultivating gratitude.
    And finally, the podcast features community member stories, creating a space for people to share their voices and experiences.

    3. Don’t let fear hold you back.
    Social media can cause a lot of pressure: Is this visual good enough? Is this caption written well? How will this post look on my feed? What will people say if they don’t agree with what I’m saying? Will people understand my business? Does this offer make sense?
    The pressure we put on ourselves to look a certain way and say things perfectly can be exhausting, and Stephanie reminded me that it’s important to cut through these feelings and simply try. 
    “The idea that you can’t start sharing yourself or ideas unless you have a perfect strategy, content plan, or business offering—it’s just wrong. You have great things to offer, and trying to perfect them will keep you waiting for a very long time. That was something I experienced, and it’s something I see with brands, organizations, and fellow entrepreneurs.”
    You have great things to offer, and trying to perfect them will keep you waiting for a very long time.
    When Stephanie first took her business to social media, she knew her purpose and how to embody her values. She didn’t know how to translate those things in a way that would resonate with a community. But putting her ideas out in the world allowed her to start sharing her messages with others. Overcoming that fear quickly turned into an opportunity to learn from the community and evolve over time.
    “What I wanted to share was The New Happy philosophy. I didn’t know at first what would resonate with people, what questions they had, or how I could best help. But as soon as I got up the courage to start sharing, I also started learning so much. That helped me to find better ways to help and support our community. Starting is really often the hardest part!”
    Don’t be afraid to put yourself, your brand, or your ideas out there. Test and experiment to find what works and commit to growing along the way. 

    5 Ways To Organically Grow Your Social Media Following More

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    3 Crucial Tips That Helped Me Find Better Work-Life Balance

    I don’t know about you, but I’m always considering how to set better boundaries in all areas of my life, especially in the workplace. Hustle culture tells us we should give our all to our work. We should show up early and stay late, perform above expectations, and do what it takes to reach the next level, no matter how tired or burnt out we feel.
    I’ll admit it: I love to work. I’ve spent the early part of my career finding roles and opportunities that fit my strengths and desires, so I genuinely enjoy a lot of my work. On top of a 9-to-5, I’m a freelance writer and work for a small handful of clients. And on top of that, I spend some time volunteering (which I count as additional unpaid work), so you get the point.
    But I believe we should pursue all parts of our lives with moderation, intentionality, and healthy boundaries, so we don’t live in a constant state of overdrive. So when a dear coworker recommended Melissa Urban’s The Book of Boundaries to me, I didn’t hesitate to snag it and skip right ahead to the work-related section.
    Chapter three is titled “The Real Work/Life Balance.” Rest assured; if this is ever something you’ve struggled with, this chapter is for you. Here’s how Urban’s book is helping me set better boundaries and cultivate a better work-life balance.

    Melissa Urban
    The Book of Boundaries: Set the Limits That Will Set You Free
    End resentment, burnout, and anxiety — and reclaim your time, energy, health, and relationships. As the co-founder of the Whole30, Melissa Urban helped millions of people transform their relationship with food. Now, in this powerful and practical guide to setting boundaries, she shows you how to prioritize your needs and revolutionize your relationships.

    1. I’m more mindful of what I sign myself up for and the precedent I set.
    No matter how many times I’ve heard it when I am in the moment, I often forget that how we show up sets a precedent for how others will perceive us and what they will expect from us in the future.
    Urban said it best, “Whether you’re working from home or going into an office, serving customers or managing a job site, have a boss or are your own boss, the biggest lesson I learned when I first entered the workforce is that people will take as much as you are willing to give.”
    It’s my nature to raise my hand to help, respond quickly, and be a team player. These traits also lead to me accepting work that others don’t want, operating under a constant sense of urgency, and overexerting myself at the expense of not feeling like a good team member if I don’t.
    While I won’t ever eliminate the effort I give to my work, I am more mindful of how much I give and when I can tackle something.
    For example, if a new project comes up at my 9-to-5 that I want to assist with but don’t have available bandwidth, I’ve moved away from biting off more than I can chew and instead saying something along the lines of, “I’d love to help out with this new project! My schedule is packed this week. Are you open to connecting next week to chat more about it and what role I can play to help us get this done?”
    This helps me avoid creating unreasonable to-do lists but allows me to get involved where it makes sense or feels like a good fit. The same goes for my freelancing work. I pause before accepting last-minute duties with short turnaround times, and I’m working on not responding to emails right away.
    How others see us directly reflects how we show up and present ourselves. You can be a helpful team player who responds in reasonable amounts of time without setting unrealistic expectations.

    2. I control my time and energy where I can.
    I don’t know about you, but I still struggle with the virtual meeting culture even after three years of Google Meet (or Zoom, Slack videos, Microsoft Teams, etc.) meetings. I work remotely, and my 9-to-5, freelance gigs, and volunteer roles require meetings. When virtual meetings are our only way to connect and collaborate, it’s not surprising that meetings run over the allotted time.
    At the same time, all it takes is one meeting to run over before a full domino effect of late starts, and extended discussions take over our calendars, saving little time to do independent work. Before I know it, sometimes a workday ends, and my to-do list looks the same as it did that morning.
    I always thought it would be rude or inconsiderate to leave a meeting that was running over. What will my coworkers think? What will I miss if I leave early? Who am I to decide that I am *too important* to stay on this call?
    But the truth is, setting boundaries when it comes to meetings signifies that we respect our time (and helps us stick to our schedules). Urban shares great scripts for setting boundaries around meeting times in her book (page 77):

    GREEN: (before the meeting) ‘We only have an hour for today’s meeting, so if someone could distribute the agenda ahead of time, that would be helpful.’
    YELLOW:(five minutes before the meeting is scheduled to end) ‘I see we only have five minutes left, Bill. Are there final action items we need to cover?’
    RED: ‘I have a hard stop now. I’ll look for next steps via email.’ Leave the meeting.

    When I’m stuck in a meeting that’s likely going to or is running over, I say, “I want to ensure we are respecting everyone’s time today. We are almost out/out of time, so let’s take a minute to determine any immediate action items and the next steps.”
    Spoiler alert: Most people appreciate someone paying attention to the clock.

    3. I preserve time for breaks while I’m working (and take the time).
    When I worked in the office, it was easy to get up and ask a coworker if they wanted to run out, grab a coffee, and take a walk. Or I’d leave for lunch, grab a salad, and bring a book in my purse to read after lunch. I didn’t struggle to create space for breaks; they almost naturally fit into the workday.
    Working remotely, things are different. Before, when I had a busy, meeting-packed morning, sometimes four or five hours would fly by before I realized I’d only had coffee, had maybe gotten up to go to the bathroom once, and my Apple Watch had been screaming at me to stand up and move around.
    While this was a simple tip in Urban’s book, I think many forget to do it (or, more likely, follow through with): preserve break and lunch times.
    I have a 30-minute lunch on my calendar every day sometime between 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm. I have a 4:00 pm hold to start winding down for the day, giving me time to prepare for my evening workouts. And some mornings, I schedule a quick 15-minute coffee break so I can make a coffee (or not) and step onto my patio for some fresh air.
    I’ve adopted this trick in my freelancing world too. It’s not uncommon for me to do freelance work in the evenings during the workweek, but I always take a break before starting to work out and/or eat dinner. If I need to work for a couple of hours, I’ll schedule a break, play with my cats, chat with my husband, or simply move around and stretch.
    If you struggle with work boundaries, don’t beat yourself up over it. There’s no time like today to start improving and implementing better limits so you can enjoy life outside of work, too.

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    10 Ways To Make Sure Your Daily Planner Makes It Past January

    Ah, the start of a new year. Is there anything better than sitting down and opening your brand new planner, ready to hold all of your social engagements, important work meetings, and big goals for the year? If you’re like me, you love being organized and having a system in place to keep your life together. However, if you’re also like me, you’ve probably bought a few planners over the years that never made it past the last week of January (RIP to all those good intentions).
    But in 2023, that doesn’t need to be the case. Say it with me now: I can keep my life organized with my planner! Over the years I’ve discovered SO many ways to optimize my planner so it can help me be my most productive, to the point where it now goes everywhere with me from Jan 1 to Dec 31. Let’s dive into some planner tips I’ve picked up that you can use to get the most out of your new planner.

    1. Make sure it’s visible
    The first tip is to make sure you find a home for your planner where you can see it⁠—and remember to use it⁠—regularly. This could be on your bedside table, on a spot in your entryway so you can check your schedule as you come and go throughout the day, or on your desk at your workspace. While your office might seem like the most logical spot, it can really go anywhere that fits nicely into your routine. It’ll be a lot harder to use if you can’t remember whether you put it on your coffee table…or left it in your purse…or maybe it’s in the car…

    2. Use your planner outside of work
    When people think about planners, they usually think of them in relation to work. Well, I’m here to champion the planner beyond just the office! I use my planner for everything. I record plans with my friends, date nights, gym sessions, check-ins with my boss, volunteering shifts…if I need to be somewhere or remember something, you can bet it’s in my planner. This also prevents any need to use a separate planner for work and home life, which is a recipe for disaster (and way too much work). It’s much harder to keep everything organized if you’re trying to work out of multiple different organization systems, so limit yourself to just one.
    What I really love about this tip is how it helps you see how you’re doing with balancing work and personal commitments. If your planner is nothing but work deadlines and meetings, use that as a reminder to schedule a gym sesh or plan a date or girls’ night out.

    3. Add all important dates at the beginning of the year
    Once you have your fresh new planner, the next thing to do is obviously fill it with your exciting events (what, you don’t consider your daily check-ins at work to be exciting?!). I like to break up how and when I fill in my planner into two sections: once at the beginning of the year, and then once a week (more on that below!). At the beginning of the year, I take 30 minutes and add in all the important days I know are coming for the year ahead. This includes any birthdays for family and friends, anniversaries, other people’s weddings, and vacations or travel. By adding all of this at once, you can rest assured that you won’t accidentally miss something important.

    4. Pick a time to update your planner each week
    Once all of the bigger dates are in, I usually set aside 15 minutes on Sunday evenings to plan out my week. I add in work meetings, workouts I want to do, fun evening activities, and anything I want to remember (like reminding myself to order groceries a day earlier than normal because I’m having people over on Friday). This is a great way to set up your week for success, and also gives you a good idea of your work and personal commitments for the next few days. If you know you’ll be slammed with work on Tuesday-Thursday in advance of a big presentation, you can plan to order in dinner and arrange for some down time on the weekend.

    5. Break down tasks and events to keep yourself organized
    The best part about using a planner is that it’s essentially like having a second brain. Okay, I might be exaggerating a little bit, but I can’t count the number of times my planner has saved me from disaster over the years, especially when it comes to big tasks or to-dos. Once you’ve done your yearly planning and added in important dates, you can do yourself a HUGE favor by adding in reminders leading up to these events as well. Do you always forget mom’s birthday until the day before? Well, not anymore, because now you can pencil in a reminder a week out so you don’t forget. Same thing goes with work presentations or trips you’re planning. Could you do this with your phone reminders? Yes, you could, but technology can glitch or be accidentally deleted, and my pen and paper system has yet to let me down.

    6. Make a to-do list for the next day
    One of my favorite ways to use a planner is by having a little “to-do” section at the bottom of each day where I list out things I’d like to accomplish. As I go about my day, I check them off my list. Some days it’s full of work things and sometimes it’s full of personal things (why is there always laundry to do??), but it’s a great way to help me feel like I’m accomplishing my most important tasks for the day. It’s also great because anything that doesn’t get checked off can be easily incorporated into the following day’s list without much thought or effort. By creating a short list before signing off for the day, I’m able to do a quick scan in the morning and know exactly what I need to prioritize.

    7. Make it fun
    There are people who love planners (ahem, me!) and people who swear they don’t work for them, and I think the difference is that planner people make their systems fun and personalized. Whether it’s using color-coded pens for different meetings, adding little stickers throughout, or bringing in some bullet journaling, your planner is for YOU. In order for it to work every day, you need to make sure it brings you some form of joy. For me, I love adding the little “brunch” and “gym” stickers that come with my planner, and I also LIVE for checking off each of my tasks and appointments as I go through the day. Am I that person who will add in an impromptu meeting that already happened to my planner just so I can check it off? I’ll never tell.

    8. Don’t force yourself to use features you don’t like
    I’ve tried a lot of planners over the years, and I’ve yet to find one that perfectly fits my needs without at least one element that I don’t use. For me, that’s the “month-at-a-glance” layouts included at the beginning of most planners. I don’t know why, but I can’t get into them⁠—I prefer using the weekly views to keep on top of upcoming events. For a while I tried to force myself to use them (especially after seeing some very aspirational layouts on Pinterest), but they just weren’t a natural part of my organization system. If you’re new to the planner world, don’t try to use every single element if something doesn’t fit easily into your life. Remember, your planner is supposed to help you, not be another thing on the to-do list!

    9. Create a “Wins List”
    If you let them, planners can be much more than just a diary of appointments. Years ago I realized that my yearly planners were essentially scrapbooks of everything I had done that year, so I started treating them as such. I created a “Wins List” on a blank page at the back of my notebook and started adding things as they happened throughout the year so I could look back on them later. Things like “finished our bathroom reno”, “meditated each day for one month”, and “planned a trip to Italy” were some of my wins last year. This is a tradition I’ve come to love and it’s helped me stick with my planners for longer than I likely would have if I just viewed them as an agenda.

    10. Don’t stress about a little mess
    Look, we all want our planners to look like the world’s most aesthetic organizational TikTok (at least I do!). Nothing is more heartbreaking than getting a drop of coffee on your pristine white cover, having to messily cross out a meeting that got pushed, or hastily writing down the name of someone to follow up with diagonally across one of your agenda pages when you can’t find another piece of paper. Trust me, I get it. But while we want our planners to look perfect, that’s just not realistic.
    Over the years I’ve come to see my planners as a little life companion, and life can get messy! My planner has gone to Europe with me, changed jobs several times, and had more than a million meetings crossed off. It definitely looks a little worse for wear sometimes, but I look back and I’m glad I used it to its fullest. So embrace a little mess, it’s bound to happen if your life is as full as mine!

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