Got the Sunday Scaries? Try These 9 Things
Last weekend, I texted one of my friends to hang out. Her response: “It’s Sunday. You cannot pull me out of bed on Sundays.” I remember times when I related to this all too well. There’s a whole unspoken thing that Sundays are off-limits; they’re reserved for doing nothing and simultaneously stressing out about the fact that you’ve, in fact, done nothing all day. It’s that impending doom of a Sunday evening, thinking about everything you have to get done and accomplish that week. It’s more than just being sad the weekend’s over, and it can truly take away all the joy of a Sunday. I’m sure you’re wondering: Beth, how on Earth are you speaking in the past tense here? Are you immune to the Sunday Scaries? Nope, I’ve just conquered them. If I’m being honest, I actually enjoy Sundays now.
After years of anxious Sunday nights spent alone coveting my precious free time and cursing the man (because of course it was) who created the 40-hour workweek, I’ve grown to appreciate the ample planning-time I get on a Sunday afternoon. Wondering how I’ve done it? These are my secrets to a productive Sunday (and in turn, a much better week).
1. Chop your vegetables
The first step is obviously getting ready for the week, and while a full night of meal prep definitely does the trick, a simple and easy way to get ready without giving up your evening is simply doing the bare minimum to prepare your meals for the week. For me, it’s chopping up all the vegetables I plan to eat throughout the week. For you, it might be preparing the salad you’ll eat for lunch every day. Maybe it’s cooking up a chicken breast in the crockpot. You don’t have to put a bunch of meals in little containers to get yourself for the week. Whatever you can do to make your daily meals easier on you is worthwhile.
2. Prep your coffee
In the same vein as a little meal prep, prepare your beverages too, namely your morning coffee. Make sure you have all the necessities: creamer, K-cups, clean mugs, your milk frother, all the syrups you love. However you make your coffee, get it ready for the next day. More of a Starbucks or Dunkin girl? Set your keys and wallet out and prepare your mobile order. No matter what, you know you’ll have some good caffeine in the morning. Honestly, thinking about how good your coffee’s about to be might even make you excited for Monday morning.
Source: @equilibriawomen
3. Try CBD
First of all, if you’re not taking CBD, now’s the time to start. I love Equilibria because of how easy it was to find the right dosing for me. I was able to talk with one of their dosing specialists to come up with my perfect routine to beat Sunday Scaries once and for all. I normally take a Daily Softgel in the morning and use their Daily Drops at night, but when I’m feeling extra anxious on Sunday, I add in half a dropper of the Daily Drops in the morning as well to keep my stress at bay. Perhaps you could add some CBD at night, or change how much you take in the morning. I also have enjoyed adding baths to my self-care routine, and the Mineral Soak makes it so relaxing. After I take one of those baths, truly nothing can phase me. Use code “theeverygirl” for 20 percent off your first purchase at Equilibria!
Brilliance Box
The Brilliance Box includes Daily Drops for fast-acting, targeted relief, Daily Softgels for a sustained-release, and topical Relief Cream for local discomfort.
As per FDA guidelines, Equilibria CBD is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or ailment. As always, consult with your physician before starting any new program that may interact with your current health plan.
Source: @rachparcell
4. Create a Sunday self-care routine
I live by “work hard, relax harder.” If you spent a whole week busting your ass on a project, you deserve to have a fun weekend, whether that’s getting together with friends for a wine night or lighting expensive candles and watching TV for hours on end. While you can certainly play it by ear, seeing what works best for you that day, I’ve found success creating a routine for my Sundays all about self-care. When the anxiety creeps in, I know I can do these few things to wind down and get excited for the week ahead. For me, this looks like doing my skincare routine early, wearing a face mask, putting new sheets on my bed, reading a book, and writing for fun. It gives me something to look forward to every Sunday evening, rather than focusing on how stressed I am about the week ahead. Plus, it sets me up for success the next day. I’m relaxed and rested! Play around with a routine that works for you based on your own ideas of self-care.
5. Make enjoyable plans for the week
Sit down on Sunday and schedule your week with more than just the work meetings and workouts. Add in the times you’ll hang out with friends, when you’ll call your mom, the couple hours you want to spend baking a new treat, and more. One of the biggest reasons for the Sunday scaries is fearing for everything you have to do that week, but if you turn it around and start looking at everything you’re looking forward to, that anxiety might start to balance out a little bit.
Source: @calpak
6. Brain dump
A lot of the time, we get so stressed on Sunday because we’re thinking about all those unwritten things that need to be done. It might not be in your work task-list, but you have to message your boss about that tax question, or you randomly realize you need clarification on a project before you can get started. These can really fill up your brain, and before you even realize, it’s all the little menial tasks that clog your excitement for a new week. Sit down and get these all out on paper (or on your phone or computer—I’m partial to a Slack message to myself because I’ll have to go back and read it Monday morning). Then, you’ll have a much easier time sleeping and relaxing knowing those points are written down somewhere for you to easily remember.
7. Rework your to-do list
If you’re feeling bogged down because you have a mile-long to-do list every single day, it might be time to rethink how you set up your goals for the week. While making your large tasks into a bunch of small ones works for some people, it might be the opposite for you, causing you stress about checking off a million things the next day. Instead, make a priorities list. Make one priority for the next day and tell yourself that the world will keep turning as long as you accomplish that one task. Then, everything else is just extra. A daily “top three” might work for you by convincing you that you only have to do those three things that day, while everything else is a bonus. Make your to-do list work for you; don’t let it kill you.
8. Add your after-work goals to your to-do list
While you’re looking at everything you have to do in the next week, make sure to add non-work-related tasks too. “Go for a bike ride with friends,” “Write a handwritten letter to someone,” “Try a seasonal recipe,” “Order that sweater I’ve been eyeing.” Being productive doesn’t have to mean that we scheduled a week’s worth of social content or called 10 potential clients. Especially if you’re working from home, it’s easy to get so lost into work that you forget about your after-work hours. Plan for those too!
Source: @amybartlam
9. Address any pain points in your job
Likely some aspect of your job is what’s making you stressed, so do what you can throughout this week to actually make a change rather than putting a bandaid on the problem. If your boss’s constant demands stress you out, have a candid conversation about how they can change how they assign you tasks. Talk to your coworkers about creating a system of non-distracted working throughout certain parts of the day. Ask your supervisor if you can have more liberty with your deadlines. And if you are truly just miserable because you hate your company or dislike the work you’re doing, a self-care day won’t make work on Monday any easier. Invest the time into searching for your passion and finding a job that fits your life and goals better. All the face masks and to-do list tweaks in the world won’t reduce your stress if you truly just hate your job. More