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    We Tried It: This Company Makes a Completely Personalized Skincare Routine for You

    If there’s one beauty rule that’s easy to forget, it’s that skincare isn’t one-size-fits-all. That serum your coworker was raving about that makes you two-day ship it to yourself might not do anything for you, and the mask that turned your sister’s skin baby-soft might make you break out—it’s all subjective, and the only way to get good skin is to find what works for you.But how do you find what works for you, really, besides a ton of trial-and-error and wasting your money on products that you’ll never buy again? It feels overwhelming, and in a world where thousands and thousands of products are available to us, almost impossible to really nail a personalized routine. Enter: PROVEN Skincare.
    Formulated by Stanford dermatologists, PROVEN is different than other skincare on the market in that it’s made for you—literally. Through a 47-question skin genome quiz, they’re able to create a custom product that’s specifically formulated for your lifestyle, environment and skincare concerns—from where you live to your stress levels to what products you’re already using. From there, it streamlines your skincare routine by giving you a completely customized cleanser, night cream, and daily moisturizer and SPF. 

    To see what the hype is about, three of our editors—all with different skin types, skin concerns, and locations—gave it a try for a full month. Here are our unfiltered thoughts, complete with pictures to prove it.

    offer expires 12/11/20

    My biggest skin concerns upon starting PROVEN were overall puffiness, nose blackheads, and random breakouts. Every now and then, I’ll randomly get a ginormous breakout on my chin or the biggest pimple the world has ever seen on my forehead. I have no clue what inspires my skin to turn on me so quickly (after all I’ve done for you!!), but I was hopeful to find something that would keep breakouts at bay, and not only treat acne but would work preventatively to avoid those random breakouts at the start.

    Don’t be alarmed if you think I had an allergic reaction. I get severe puffiness in my face, especially when I’m tired. Conveniently enough, during the last three of the four weeks I was testing PROVEN, I had a new puppy so sleep kind of went out the window (the only thing cute enough to make these eye bags worth it). This was at 6am when I just woke up for work after a few hours of sleep, so yikes on the puffiness, but my skin looks clearer, right? My chin acne had dwindled, and the pimple on my forehead dried up quicker than they normally do. The best part? No new pimples in sight! 

    I’m learning through viewing these selfies again that my #1 biggest concern should definitely be dark circles under the eyes, but anyways, by week three, I was amazed at how clear my skin was. For the first time in like, ever, I didn’t have a random breakout or pimple anywhere, and besides those pesky blackheads and some acne scars here and there, I am fairly impressed at my own complexion! Plus, my skin was never dry like it usually gets when using acne-fighting treatments. 

    Maybe it’s because I just finished my period when I took this pic, but do I not have a serious glow here? I’ve been trying to faux a glow for years to no avail, so I feel like I can celebrate for a sec. After four weeks, I am so impressed with my results from PROVEN. My skin has truly never been clearer, while still feeling incredibly soft and moisturized. I don’t know how to explain it other than my skin just feels balanced. 

    Full disclosure: I loved PROVEN before even trying it. Pre-PROVEN, my medicine cabinet and beauty drawer were overflowing because I’ve always enjoyed trying the latest buzz-worthy skincare ingredients, which also means dozens of products and complicated skincare routines in order to fit in every ingredient I wanted to use. PROVEN uses a comprehensive quiz to look at your skin and lifestyle to customize formulas for you (and I love taking quizzes!). The quiz asked about my skin concerns, but it also asked about how much water I drank, where I live, how much sleep I get, and how stressed I am (very, thank you so much for asking), just to name a few.
    I love this approach because skincare should be holistic, just like every other part of our health and wellness. Your best skin is not achieved just from stocking up on brands with pretty labels (though that is part of it!); it’s also about taking into account your lifestyle to find out what your skin (and body!) really needs. Thanks to the skincare quiz, I could finally Marie-Kondo my skincare cabinet, knowing that the one face wash, day moisturizer, and night cream from PROVEN contained every ingredient I needed to put on my skin. With multiple super-ingredients like sulfur and granactive retinol to fight acne or milk thistle extract and witch hazel extract to fight my city’s hard water and moderate air quality, I knew my skin was protected and treated better than from the drawers full of products.
    I really believe that that’s also what helped clear up my pesky pimples: my routine was simplified, without foregoing a lot of the powerful ingredients that make skin glow. After four weeks, I was thrilled at how acne-free, clear, and glowy my skin was, and it makes sense to me why: skin, just like our diets and pant sizes, should not be one-size-fits-all. What my skin needs is going to be different than what anyone else’s skin needs, so of course, customized skincare based on lifestyle, diet, and skin-type will be more effective than buying the latest product that shows up on my Instagram feed.

    As is painfully clear here, my skin’s biggest problem is that it is as dry as the Sahara. Around the time I turned 21, my skin decided to do a 180 and go from combination/oily to literally producing not one single droplet of oil in the past three years. I can’t emphasize this enough: my skin is very dry.
    In addition to that, my skin is also deeply, deeply sensitive. If I simply look at the wrong skincare product in a store’s aisle, my skin will turn red and blotchy and inflamed for days. When it goes from summer to fall in Chicago? My skin abandons ship, tells me I’m on my own, and behaves as poorly as possible for the next six months (the first week of cold weather was pictured above, and I was as dry as I could possibly be).
    All in all, I have become a bit self-conscious about my skin over the past couple of years. I don’t really struggle with acne (save for the occasional hormonal friend popping up here and there), but my skin has gotten so ungodly dry that I often feel like it looks older than it is—something I hadn’t felt until the past couple of years.
    After filling out PROVEN’s skin quiz, I felt seen. It asked me all kinds of questions about everything from the climate I’m living in to stress levels to my diet. Since I knew I’d be testing it out through the thick of the weather changing in Chicago, my fingers were crossed that it would ward off any insane dryness that was to come.

    After a week or so of using PROVEN, I had absolutely no irritation, which is half the battle for me. I also had no new breakouts popping up, and overall, I felt like my skin did look healthier when I compared it to the picture from the week before. What’s that on my forehead? A subtle hint of shine? A dream come true!

    This picture was taken about 30 minutes after I applied my morning skincare, and besides the little friend that popped up on my forehead, I truly think that my skin looks healthier than it has in ages. It actually looks slightly dewy, which is a never-event in my world as my skin usually drinks up anything I put on it within a few minutes. I feel super optimistic at this point.

    My dewiness from last week has decided to stick around, and I cannot explain how much this means to me since the temperatures are also down to the 50s here in Chicago. Usually, this time of year means that I’m tackling peak dryness (especially right now as it’s gradually getting cooler), but I realized that I actually haven’t been worrying about dryness as much. Yes, I’ve done an extra hydrating mask here and there, but I haven’t been panicking and slathering 100 things on my face every day like I have in years past, and it turns out, my skin looks better for it.

    Like I explained, over the past couple of years, my skin has become a pain point for me for the first time since my acne-ridden middle school days. I often feel like no matter what I do, my skin doesn’t change whatsoever; I’d say I find about one product a year that I see a noticeable change with, and the rest either irritates me or doesn’t change a thing—but I’m happy to say that with PROVEN, I’ve already seen a difference.
    As someone who has always been into skincare, it was so interesting to me to see what different ingredients were prescribed to me based on my skin’s needs. I was given a sensitivity level 8, which is, as we could have guessed, very sensitive. To combat it, my products contained Tasmanian pepper, a natural antioxidant that has wound and sensitivity calming properties, along with antioxidants to strengthen the skin’s barrier. It also had marigold extract, which reduces redness, soothes irritation, and protects against hard water deposits (a double-whammy treating both my skin and my environmental factors based on my location). Because I answered that my lifestyle is high-stress (aren’t all of ours right now?), my formula had allantoin, an emollient that softens the skin and soothes itching, redness, and flaking. My products were working to combat the things that were concerning me personally, and after a month, my skin is better off for it.
    To PROVEN, I’m not just a faceless consumer, I’m Maddie who’s 24 and lives in Chicago and suffers from dryness and irritation. While I was worried the products would irritate me, it caused no blemishes or redness whatsoever, and over the past few weeks, I’ve watched my skin gradually look healthier and healthier. I haven’t had any semblance of dewiness on my skin since I was in early college, and right now I can look in the mirror and appreciate how my skin looks, rather than obsess over dry patches that I see. It’s changed my mindset on my overall skincare routine: rather than having a more-is-more mentality, I now want to use as few products as possible and make sure those are ones that are really meant for me.

    I’ve never had a custom skincare regimen before (or any kind of a set skincare routine), so I was excited to try PROVEN. Once I went through the quiz, it showed me the results based on my main skin goal: to achieve brighter, more radiant skin. The quiz was a game-changer, as I’ve never had a more detailed look at my skin, even down to how the environment and my current climate impacts my skin.
    The quiz recommended an all-in-one cleanser, toner, and exfoliator with salicylic acid, green tea extract, and pre and probiotics for more refreshed skin; an SPF 30 daily moisturizer with glycerin for hydration; and a night cream and serum with vitamin D and tea tree oil to promote well-rested skin.
    The first day before using PROVEN Skincare, I was suffering a minor breakout, which usually happens once a month due to hormonal changes. My skin is pretty acne-prone, so I started this regimen knowing that a breakout or two may happen. I noticed the recommended cleanser didn’t lather as much as I’m used to from other cleansers, and the smell was also very different, but it did a good job giving my face a full cleanse, especially the oily parts. 

    Here’s the thing about tea tree oil: it has strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, which makes it perfect for fighting acne and bacteria. Unfortunately for people with sensitive skin, it can cause a reaction and requires an adjustment period. I received an email on how to use each product as soon as it was delivered to my door, which was helpful, especially with the overnight night cream, which was labeled as very strong—and it was. I quickly realized that for my sensitive skin to tolerate the new routine, I would need to build up to using it every night. 
    After my first week with the products, I did notice my slight breakout went from a few spots along my jawline to all over my face. The breakout didn’t seem like irritation and was more than likely from stress, my acne-prone skin, or a combination of the two, so I continued the regimen. Blemishes take weeks (and sometimes even months) to form, so you can’t expect a skincare product to solve problems overnight. I did start to see some brightening effects, and I was excited to see how using the products consistently would affect my skin.
    As things got more stressful at work, I really enjoyed the simplicity of only having three products. Normally a breakout would have me trying tons of different creams to get it to calm down, so having my options narrowed down was incredibly helpful. Anyone who finds multiple steps and products overwhelming would really enjoy the simplicity of PROVEN’s products.

    After continuing to use the three products sparingly but consistently, my skin started clearing up. My breakouts seemed less pronounced and that improvement in texture felt like a real win. My skin still felt a little irritated from the new products, so I started supplementing with my own moisturizer. I’m not sure if the PROVEN moisturizer wasn’t as hydrating as I was used to or if this was a reaction from introducing the salicylic acid and tea tree oil. The night cream continued to be very strong, and my skin could tell, but I was able to work up to using a small amount every other night. 

    A month into using the PROVEN Skincare system, and my acne-prone skin still suffers from a minor breakout here and there, but there was a notable improvement in the brightness of my skin. Despite a few bumps, my complexion appeared undeniably more radiant.

    As anyone with acne knows, there isn’t a skincare routine that can fix it overnight. Most treatments take 6-12 weeks to start seeing benefits. It’s all about consistency and factors outside your routine like stress, hormones, and diet. PROVEN makes consistency easy because you don’t have to commit to a multitude of steps and treatments. Because the products are fairly new to my skincare arsenal, I can’t attest to how it will affect my breakouts longterm, but I’m optimistic.
    I can say, however, that at the end of my four weeks, I’m not getting off the PROVEN bandwagon. I’ve already seen improvements in the brightness of my complexion, but even that feels like only the beginning. I spent so much time getting my skin used to the ingredients, I’m excited to see how it will really transform in the weeks to come. 

    offer expires 12/11/20

    This post is sponsored by PROVEN, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    25 Pick-Me-Ups You Can Order Now and Use Next Week

    I rarely look to retail therapy, but when it works, it works. You don’t have to buy a Chanel bag every time you get stressed at work, but a mere $10 new candle can have quite the impact on your mood (if even for a short period of time). I’m all for free acts of self-care, but if you want to upgrade your life just a little bit, these small gifts to yourself fit the bill. They’re the kind of purchase future you will thank you for. Get a head start on a better next week by adding a few of these to your cart.

    The Sex Gel

    A fancy lube is the exact life upgrade I need. It’s so cute, I might even leave it out. *gasp!*

    PLANT Apothecary
    Start Happy Organic Body Wash

    This editor-favorite body wash is everything you want: it smells good, it doesn’t dry out your skin, and it’s not a million dollars. Plus, this Black-owned brand is also clean, so you can feel good about the products you’re putting on your skin.

    Essie Expressie
    Quick-Dry Nail Polish

    Give yourself an at-home manicure in a seasonal shade or your classic neutral. The Expressie line is one of my favorites because the polishes look high-quality and dry exponentially fast—a plus for impatient polishers everywhere.

    Balance Bath Bombs

    A cozy bath is a dream at the end of a long day, and these luxe CBD bath bombs make it feel like a spa night without leaving your home. Our editors swear by these for the best sleep ever!
    Use code EVERYGIRL for 20 percent off your first order!

    Olive & June
    Shooting Stars Nail Art Stickers

    Ready to up your manicure game? These nail stickers are so easy to use and under $10. No one will know you didn’t magically become a nail pro during quarantine.

    Rattan Sandalwood Vegan Candle

    This is my current favorite candle. The scent is lightly fall because of the cozy woodsy/sexy scent, but you could easily burn it all year round. The throw is great (I burn it and smell it throughout my whole apartment AKA a mere 300 square feet LOL), and it never tunnels for me, burning evenly and cleanly.

    Out of Trouble 10 Minute Mask

    A 10-minute mask that targets breakouts, irritation, dryness, oil, AND dullness? Perhaps I’ll stock up on no less than eight tubes.

    Pore Treatment Strips

    These are my new obsession, and I am lusting after them like crazy. Ever since I watched this video, I think about them every single time I look at my pores and blackheads in the mirror. They’re a bit of a splurge for pore strips, but this comes with eight different strips to use on the days your skin is the most congested.

    American Eagle
    Strappy Back Sports Bra

    Two of our editors (including me, the person writing this; she goes by Beth) tried this sports brarecently, and both called it an absolute winner. It’s comfortable and somewhat modest without pushing your boobs down and hiding them from the world. We love it for working out and for lounging!

    Rare Beauty
    Soft Pinch Liquid Blush

    Since I started working from home, blush has become my favorite beauty product ever. It’s surprising how much better I look on a Zoom call when I pop a little bit of blush on my cheeks. You can wear no other makeup, and blush just makes you look alive and well. This is a new favorite in my arsenal for its high-pigment and blendable formula.

    Safe and Fair
    Snack Bundle

    What’s a better pick-me-up than some really awesome snacks? This is a mix of my favorites from Safe + Fair, a company that makes snacks without the top 16 food allergens. The Pea Protein Chips are my favorite chips of all time—seriously, I would give up Doritos if I had a constant supply of this in my home, but their Drizzled Popcorn is another staple in my cabinet for movie nights and for a fun snack while working from home.

    Real Men Kit Hardcover Book

    What better way to cozy up than with a new book? Thrillers are good and all, but sometimes I just want something with a little love. This book follows Jesse after his foster-turned-adoptive mother dies, leaving him and his brothers her knitting shop in Harlem. Jesse wants to keep it open while his brothers want to close the doors, so he enlists the help of part-time shop employee Kerry to learn the ins and outs of the business… and of course, she has a secret crush on him. It’s the cozy romcom you’ve been dreaming of.

    Pottery Barn
    Velvet Pom Pom Slippers

    The criss-cross fuzzy slipper was a major player in 2019, but I’m calling these 2020’s answer. I’m an Instagram girl, what can I say? And these are close-toe, meaning I’ll never have to stress that anyone can see my disgusting unpainted toenails when I snap an inevitable pic with my hot cocoa or while I’m watching holiday movies on end this year.

    Range Beauty
    True Intentions Hydrating Foundation

    Glowy, flawless skin just feels good. When you catch those little glimpses in the mirror throughout the day and your skin just looks *heart eyes*?! It’s life’s little pleasures. This Black-owned brand has been on my radar for a while now, and their hit foundation just launched at Target!

    BYBI Beauty
    Blueberry Oil Booster

    After staring at a computer screen on end for the better part of the last eight months, we can’t help but wonder what all of this extra screen time could be doing to our skin. This affordable facial oil is made of 100 percent cold-pressed blueberry seed oil, which is said to reduce the negative effects of blue light on the skin by blocking the light before it penetrates the skin. Our editor uses this in her skincare routine every morning!

    Jordan’s Skinny Syrups
    Happy Holidays Gourmet Coffee Syrup Trio

    Once I found these coffee syrups, I broke whatever was left of a Starbucks habit for good. I make amazing coffee every single morning with these, and I love that they’re not filled with sugar because they don’t taste like my teeth will fall out at any moment. Trust me: “Christmas Cookie” is going to be a staple in my kitchen until approximately June 2021. Don’t love holiday scents? Might I introduce you to this staple set instead.

    Satin Face Mask

    A gorgeous face mask that makes you feel like a million bucks when you step out of your apartment for the first time in 10 days? Sign me the heck up.

    Vicks VapoShower
    Shower Bomb Tablets

    Did your grandma tout the miracles of Vicks VapoRub like mine? I was convinced it would cure my acne, period cramps, mosquito bites, broken hearts, headaches, and everything in-between. This is a new find that I think will save my sinuses come December when my allergies are out of whack. Don’t have time for a luxe bath with your CBD bath bombs? No worries, pop one of these in the shower for a steamy, sinus-clearing experience.

    Stella & Haas
    The Simone Huggie

    A fun, new spin on your classic gold hoops will live in your wardrobe for years—and always bring you a little extra joy. I mean, look—they’re so cute!

    Dream Coat Supernatural Spray

    If sleek, shiny hair is your goal, add Dream Coat to cart ASAP. Hairstylists swear by this product for that glass hair look. Use it all over your hair before heat-styling (it has to be activated by heat!), and see your strands glisten and glow!

    Glass Water Bottle with Protective Silicone Sleeve

    Our editor got this water bottle recently, and I haven’t seen her drink out of a single other vessel since. Not only is this water bottle chic and sophisticated, but it keeps water and other beverages cold. Plus, the silicone makes it easy to carry without worrying you’ll drop it—my absolute biggest fear as a reformed klutz.

    McBride Sisters
    Black Girl Magic 2018 California Red Blend

    What’s a night in without some adult libations?! We love red in the fall and winter, and this bold, sexy red blend (with notes of tobacco, vanilla, raspberry, plum, and blackberry) has our names written all over it.

    Golden Pulse Facial Massager

    Don’t leave all your facial massaging to your hands. This vibrating T-bar facial massager is a luxurious addition to your skincare collection, but it’s actually so affordable. Facial massage is great for your skin, but for me, it’s a practice that saves my mental health and helps me fall asleep more easily at night (and that’s on anxiety!).


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    How My Hair Shaped My Identity

    One of my favorite things about my look is my pixie cut. If you asked me to describe it, I would say: short, edgy, and professional. As a disabled woman, it’s effortless and time-effective. I have the advantage of waking up and not having to brush my hair if my bedhead isn’t too visible. Some days I add a little style, but I love having a hairstyle where it’s easy to manage. My ultimate hair goal, however, is to shave my head and have a buzzcut. Jazzmyne Jay, a BuzzFeed content creator, is my inspiration; she’s given me the courage to experiment with fashion. I’ve wanted to do it for a while; I’ve just been waiting for the right time.
    Honestly, I’ve been waiting for an accepting work environment. I want to work in an environment where diversity is valued, where there is an open-mindedness to individuals who have disabilities and endure mental illness, and where there are strong core values and beliefs; where these things are instilled in the company. In the past few years, I’ve been trying to live intentionally. I’ve always been authentic in who I am, but I’ve tried to be more intentional these last few years with everything that I’ve been through. It’s hard to go into spaces where you are accepted, however, you feel that you still have to hold back a part of your identity, or when you have to hide your entire identity because you are not sure of the reaction, especially in this political climate where you’re often discriminated against for being LGBTQ+. 

    In the past few years, I’ve been trying to live intentionally. I’ve always been authentic in who I am, but I’ve tried to be more intentional these last few years with everything that I’ve been through.

    Chopping off all your hair is a way for you to start afresh and emerge a new person. I feel rejuvenated and on lighter feet after every cut. My hair wasn’t weighing me down anymore. Look at it this way: it’s like when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Each haircut is as if I’m escaping from all of the anxiety and the depression that has happened since the last haircut to start a new season.
    Society pushes many stereotypes about the short-haired woman: she’s damaged, she’s aggressive, she’s manly, she must be a lesbian. As a society, we attach so many parts of a person’s identity to their hair: their sexuality, history, gender, and even personality, and when women have short hair, people tend to think of that as almost being political. She’s making a statement. Long hair is depicted as feminine and beautiful, whereas short hair is not. 

    Look at it this way: it’s like when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Each haircut is as if I’m escaping from all of the anxiety and the depression that has happened since the last haircut to start a new season.

    As an individual with a disability (I have cerebral palsy and hemiplegia), I do not have the use of my right arm. Because of this, I have difficulty styling my hair, and what began as a move for more independence became a move for self-expression. I had long hair up until college, when I started getting pixie cuts. In high school, I’d had to ask my family to help me style my hair (ponytails, braids, etc.). On my own, I could get at best pin the bangs out of my face. Disabled women’s hair is just seen as yet another inconvenience in terms of independence, and at times we aren’t even given a choice around our hair length and style.
    When I attempted to pull my hair into a ponytail by myself, I ultimately failed. I had to deal with loose long hair in all weather and environments. I loved my long hair, and it was beautiful, but it was a source of inconvenience and discomfort. I’m never going to fit into a box. I’m never going to fit under a label; I’m never going to be anything anybody wants me to be, I’m always evolving. I’m all about breaking boundaries. Breaking barriers, breaking labels, and allowing myself to be free.
    And that’s what my short hair is to me. More

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    Don’t Miss It: Sephora’s Holiday Savings Event Is This Week!

    There are so many holiday traditions that I hold near and dear to my heart but none of them quite compare to my longstanding practice of buying “one for you and one for me” while holiday shopping. One of my favorite places to treat my loved ones and myself is Sephora for obvious reasons (their incredibly wide selection of all things beauty, their high product standards, and their one-stop-shop convenience being just a few). This year Sephora is adding one more reason to that list in the form of their Holiday Savings Event where you can find some of your favorite holy grail beauty products, discounted for a limited time.

    Get a head start on your holiday shopping, or, use it as the perfect excuse to stock up on the beauty products you love.

    Plus, you can use your code on multiple orders!

    Not a member? Not a problem. Sign up for the Beauty Insider Program today and you will receive 10% off right away.

    Glow Recipe
    Papaya Sorbet Smoothing Enzyme Cleansing Balm

    If you’re looking for a new holy grail makeup remover and cleanser, this cleansing balm has you covered. It’ll melt away makeup, dirt, oil, and SPF and leave your skin feeling smooth and hydrated.

    Master Mattes™ Eyeshadow Palette

    This palette is a makeup artist’s dream and is a must-add to your makeup collection. The formula was made by Kim K’s brilliant MUA, Mario Dedivanovic, and is the definition of glam. This product is buildable to allow for both natural and dramatic looks and has minimal fallout, which is always a plus.

    Youth To The People
    Dream Eye Cream with Goji Stem Cell and Ceramides

    This is the overnight eye cream that you didn’t know you needed. The goji stem cells support skin renewal, the ceramides actively plump the skin, and the vitamin C works to firm the look of skin around your eyes. Wake up feeling refreshed, bright, and ready to take on the day.

    Sunday Riley
    Pink Drink Firming Resurfacing Essence

    This lightweight, peptide-infused essence is exactly what your skin has been missing. It’s great for targeting fine lines, redness, and loss of elasticity. This solution is formulated with peptides to create a firmer appearance and houses some powerful prebiotics (honey and yeast infiltrate) to support your skin’s natural biome. Use it pre-serum and pre-moisturizer and let it work its magic.

    Soft Matte Complete Foundation

    This full-coverage, long-lasting matte foundation is the answer to all of your makeup woes. A natural, transfer-proof, non-oxidizing matte finish that lasts for 16 hours? Now THAT is music to our ears.

    Glow Recipe
    Watermelon + AHA Glow Sleeping Mask

    This twice-a-week sleep mask is at the top of our holiday wish lists. This skin-smoothing mask includes both hyaluronic acid and AHAs to hydrate and gently exfoliate your skin. Pores, dryness, and oiliness, be gone!

    Cicapair™ Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment SPF 30

    This color-correcting treatment with SPF is truly a double threat. Use it after moisturizing instead of foundation to correct redness, conceal blemishes, and protect your skin from UV damage. This skincare product does the job of makeup without the extra added steps… so obviously, we’re sold.

    Sunday Riley
    Good Genes All-In-One Lactic Acid Treatment

    This all-in-one lactic acid AHA treatment is perfect for targeting fine lines, wrinkles, pores, and dark spots. If you’ve been looking for a product that clarifies, smoothes, and re-texturizes the appearance of your skin, look no further. This stuff is the real deal.

    Lip Sleeping Mask

    This lip sleeping mask is one of our staff’s all-time favorites. Apply a layer before bed and let it do its magic while you sleep. You’ll wake up with baby smooth, moisturized lips in the AM, making waking up with chapped, dry lips a distant memory.

    The Dewy Skin Cream

    This rich, creamy moisturizer is luxurious and will make you feel fancy AF. The formula is antioxidant packed with Japanese purple rice which helps to promote a dewy, healthy glow. Add this to your cart for the plump, radiant, hydrated skin of your dreams.

    Banana Bright Eye Crème

    This vitamin C rich eye cream is the answer to all of your “the bags under my eyes are designer” woes. If you’re looking for a brightening eye cream that combats dryness, dark circles, and signs of aging, you’ll want to pick one of these up STAT!

    Hydrating Hair Treatment Mask

    Fall and winter have the bad rap of being “dry hair” season, but with this hydrating hair mask, that doesn’t have to be the case. Stay on top of keeping your locks luscious by using this restorative deep-conditioning treatment designed to add shine and

    Interchangeable Styling Wand Set

    This three-barrel, interchangeable styling wand set is almost too good to be true. It includes three different wands so that you can create an array of hair looks for any hair length or occasion. T3’s ceramic technology will have you saying “goodbye” to flyaways, mid-day touch-ups, and dull hair for good.

    Texturizing Hair Spray

    If dry shampoo and hairspray had a love child, this would be it. Not only is this texturizing hair spray lightweight, but it also helps add texture and volume while it works to absorb oil and help refresh hair. Hello, good hair days.

    That’s Crackin’ SLIM Trio

    These Invisobobble hair ties are the perfect stocking stuffer! They hold the hair better than traditional hair ties but don’t leave dents behind when you take them out. They’re comfortable, effective, AND cute, which makes them the perfect solution to any updo.

    Don’t Despair, Repair!™ Deep Conditioning Hair Mask

    This intensive weekly hair treatment was made for those of us with dry, brittle, and over-processed hair (guilty as charged). Leave this deep conditioning mask on the hair for five minutes to enhance the hair’s hydration and to improve its strength—prepare to be wowed.

    Lisse Luxe Hair Turban

    If you’re looking for healthier hair, start here. This hair turban rapidly brings your hair from wet to damp, helps to cut down on blow-dry time, and controls frizz and breakage. If you don’t already have one of these, now’s the time to pick one up!

    Bumble and Bumble
    Thickening Great Body Blow Dry Crème

    This multi-purpose blow dry formula will help you to achieve the blowout of your dreams. It protects from heat damage, adds an impressive amount of volume, and softens without weighing down the hair.

    Charlotte Tilbury
    Hollywood Flawless Filter

    Charlotte Tilbury, you’ve done it again! This tinted complexion booster is the secret to the highly sought-after, youthful glow we’re forever searching for. Use it as a primer, a highlighter, or mix it in with your foundation to soften and illuminate skin—no filter needed.

    Benefit Cosmetics
    Hoola Matte Bronzer

    This Benefit bronzer is a cult-favorite, and for good reason. It’ll keep your skin bronzed and glowing all year long and is now available in four different shades. Each shade is buildable, blends seamlessly, and will give you a natural-looking, beautiful faux glow, even in the dead of winter.

    Charlotte Tilbury
    Matte Revolution Lipstick

    This matte finish lipstick comes in 16 shades and is going to be our new “take everywhere” product. This long-lasting, buildable, hydrating formula will give your lips the perfect plump while orchid extract protects and smoothes lips for a perfect finish.

    Armani Beauty
    Power Fabric Concealer

    This lightweight, high-coverage concealer will stand the test of time and is perfect for color-correcting and hiding imperfections. This no-crease formula is made with time-releasing oils for long-lasting comfort and coverage. Life’s too short to have cakey concealers, am I right?

    Full Frontal Volume, Lift & Curl Mascara

    Volumize, lift, lengthen, and curl your lashes with just a few swipes of this Fenty mascara and you’ll never look back to any formula ever again. This water-resistant mascara features a flat-to-fat brush that will give you full control in creating the look of your dreams and will change your lash game forever.

    Urban Decay
    Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Original

    If you’ve never tried this OG eyeshadow primer, we’d like to argue that you’re missing out. This primer serves as the perfect base for any eyeshadow look (from natural to dramatic) and will remain crease-free for an impressive 24 hours.

    Charlotte Tilbury
    Mini Filmstar Bronze & Glow Contour Duo

    Forget Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, this bronzer/highlighter duo is the absolute perfect pair. This travel-size product will keep you sculpted, contoured, and glowing anywhere, anytime and is definitely worth the purchase.

    Luminous Silk Foundation

    This luminous silk foundation is our idea of a good time. It’s medium coverage, buildable, and will leave your skin absolutely glowing. The flawless, smooth finish of your dreams is just a click away!

    Supersonic Hair Dryer

    If this state-of-the art hair dryer isn’t yet on your to-buy list, we are about to rock your world. Not only does this hair tool protect against heat damage, decrease drying time, increase smoothness, and decrease frizz, but it’s lightweight AF, making styling an absolute breeze.

    Silk Pillowcase – Standard/Queen

    These silk pillowcases are the secret to protecting your skin and hair. While regular, cotton pillowcases don’t allow for any slip and tend to draw in water from both skin and hair, silk pillowcases are a wonderful alternative that will protect and hydrate skin and reduce split ends. Don’t sleep on these bad boys.

    Eyelash Curler

    You may have tried eyelash curlers in the past, but we promise you that this Shiseido curler is an obvious standout amongst all of the rest. This beauty-blogger favorite is at the top of our wish lists this holiday season. Use pre-mascara to open your eyes and create the “is-she-wearing-false-lashes” look of your dreams.

    Hairdresser’s Invisible Protectant

    This leave-in hair treatment is the ultimate multitasker. It detangles, conditions, protects, and provides UV/heat protection. Did we mention that it smells absolutely incredible? This one-stop-shop product to healthier hair is what your hair routine is missing.

    Purifying Scalp Scrub with Sea Salt

    This two-in-one scalp exfoliator and shampoo helps to cleanse, remove buildup, and soothes the scalp. The formula includes argan oil for moisturizing and sea salt for purifying—a total match made in heaven. It’ll leave your hair clean and frizz-free with more volume. Sign us up!

    Fenty beauty
    Cheek Hugging Bronzer Brush

    This fluffy brush has a perfect chisel to hug your face for the perfect contour. Use it in addition to your favorite bronzer to bring warmth to your cheeks, temples, and jawline. It’s the perfect solution to a natural, beautifully-blended look.

    Microneedling Dark Spot Brightening Dots

    Dark spots and blemishes, be gone! Place one of these brightening dots onto your dark spot or blemish after cleansing, gently press it into the skin, and wear overnight. The dots’ salicylic acid targets blemish-causing bacteria, niacinamide evens out skin, and licorice extract brightens the complexion. Check, check, and check.

    Charlotte Tilbury
    Gift of Magic Skin Mini Set

    This Charlotte Tilbury skin set is the perfect option to gift to a friend or to yourself. The set includes CT’s night cream, moisturizer, and eye cream to target dryness and dark circles—all of which are SO necessary right now.

    New York Minute Hair Blow Dryer Brush Set

    Hear us out: this set is one that your hair is absolutely craving. It includes Amika’s easy-to-use blow dryer brush, dry shampoo, and an anti-humidity spray, giving you a huge bang for your buck.

    Grande Cosmetics
    Goldie Luxe Lash and Brow Serum Set

    What better way to say “I love you” than gifting someone these luxurious brow and lash serums? These serums are packed with amino acids, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin E to promote healthy hair growth in as little as 4-6 weeks. Sign us up!

    Laura Mercier
    Mini Stargazer Caviar Stick Quartet

    Who said bold eyeshadow looks have to be complicated? These Caviar Sticks are crayon-like, which makes them easy to use no matter your makeup expertise. These user-friendly eyeshadow sticks don’t require any brushes for application, are super buildable, and last for up to 12 hours.

    Dream & Wonder Gift Set

    This lip mask set includes the fan-favorite Lip Sleeping Mask, plus two limited edition flavors (lemon sorbet and mint choco) that are perfect for on the go lip hydration. Chapped lips? Never heard of them.

    Summer Fridays
    The Hydration Set

    Banish dry skin with this Summer Fridays trio that we’re daydreaming about. This set includes the cult-favorite Jet Lag mask, vitamin C serum, and the lip butter balm that will leave you bright and hydrated. Buy them as a stocking stuffer or for yourself, we won’t judge.

    Pure & Glowing Trio

    This Tatcha three-step ritual is perfect to combat fall/winter dryness and will be your new favorite. The formula for each of the products is buttery, luxurious, and cooling, and will leave your skin hydrated and glowing. If you’ve been wanting to try the Tatcha line, this is your moment!

    House of Gold Hydrating Best Seller Set

    This House of Gold set from Farmacy features their honey-infused best-sellers and will help to nourish your skin all season long. If you’ve never used Farmacy products before, prepare to be impressed. Not only is this kit clean, cruelty-free, and sustainable, but it’ll help to make skin dryness, dullness, and uneven texture a problem of yesterday.

    Glossy Posse Mini Gloss Bomb Set

    This mini gloss set is another great stocking stuffer to add to your holiday shopping list. It allows for the perfect opportunity to sample multiple limited-time, universally-flattering shades of Fenty’s best-selling mini glosses, which nourish the lips and provide an impressive amount of shine. Gift a set to a friend and snag another for yourself, you won’t regret it.

    Shani Darden Skin Care
    Retinol Reform

    This fan-favorite retinol and lactic acid serum is the dual-purpose product your skincare routine is missing. The formula promotes youthful-looking skin and helps with skin cell turnover to improve the look of fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and blemishes. We’re definitely hitting “add to cart on this one.

    adwoa beauty
    Baomint™ Leave In Conditioning Styler

    This leave-in conditioner is perfect for styling prep, rehydrating, defining, and smoothing all hair types. A tiny bit of this stuff goes a long way and will fast track you to the healthy locks of your dreams.

    Hair Wash Gentle Milky Hair Cleanser

    This sulfate-free shampoo is everything. It works up a light, gentle later to cleanse all hair types but works especially well with thick, curly, or textured hair types. The product’s formula includes argan oil, aloe vera juice, and lemon tea tree oil help to soothe the scalp, balance the hair, and promote hydration.

    Original Turmeric Latte Blend for skin glow + debloat

    This superfood blend will be your new beauty routine BFF. Use it by blending into water, coffee, milk, and/or smoothies to support clear, glowing skin and to improve belly bloat. The turmeric is key for supporting immunity and clearing the skin, the coconut promotes healthy fats to improve your inside-out glow, and the ginger helps with gut support.

    Pro Filt’r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation

    This matte-finish, longwear foundation will be your new favorite. With an impressive 50 shades, buildable coverage, and climate-adaptive formula, it’s the perfect option for both your everyday foundation and for your glam night out.

    Killawatt Freestyle Highlighter

    This weightless cream-powder hybrid highlighter melts into skin and is incredibly blendable. It’s long-wear, superfine formula will leave you head over heels in love.

    Cheeks Out Freestyle Cream Bronzer

    This Fenty cream bronzer is so lightweight, you won’t even know it’s there. Use this to achieve an effortless, natural-looking bronze or soft contour. It’s easy to blend, impossible to overdo, and available in a range of shades for all skin tones.

    This post was sponsored by Sephora, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    November’s ‘The Fine Jewellery Issue’ with Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Al Maktoum

    November’s – ‘The Fine Jewellery Issue’ – Download Now
    Words & Creative Direction: Amy SessionsPhotography: Ziga MihelcicHair: Ania Poniatowska at MMG ArtistsProduction: Kelli MaddockFashion Assistant: Sarah Joseph
    Welcome to ‘The Fine Jewellery Issue’.

    We would like to thank Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Al Maktoum for the honour of allowing us to present her as our cover star for this prestigious edition. Shooting the cover at sunrise was not only the backdrop for an incredible shoot, but allowed us to share time with a high flyer in all senses and an incredibly intelligent, inspiring individual.
    With special thanks to a dream team for making this happen.

    In terms of beauty and attention to detail, this issue is outstanding. For our cover shoot, we partnered with Boucheron, a fine jewellery house known for timeless creations and an uncompromising attention to detail. In this issue, we interview Boucheron’s CEO Hélène Poulit-Duquesne to find out what’s next for the brand.

    We also have exclusive interviews with our cover star Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Al Maktoum and some of the most prominent fine jewellery houses including Fabergé, Piaget, Chopard, Van Cleef & Arpels, Tiffany & Co. and Harry Winston.
    We champion new and emerging brands as well as the heritage powerhouses in this issue with exclusive interviews from Repossi, Yeprem, Salama Khalfan, Dihn Van and Her Highness Sana Al Maktoum, to the new brand which has been flying under the radar – Lesora.
    We also speak to experts in the field from Founder and CEO of Threads and jewellery industry aficionado Amalia Keramitsis.
    In terms of beauty in this issue, we feature products that harness the power gold and diamonds, from facials to infusions and foil masks.
    In a year that has us rethinking what is of value, timelessness, craftsmanship and attention to detail serve as something worth investing in.
    November’s – ‘The Fine Jewellery Issue’ – Download Now
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Emirates Woman More

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    Kylie Jenner likened to to popular Lebanese singer in latest photo shoot

    Kylie Jenner has been liked to Lebanese pop star Haifa Wehbe after releasing her latest Kylie Cosmetics collection.
    The makeup mogul unveiled her latest photo shoot as part of the campaign, which was unveiling her new leopard collection.

    However, it’s some of the makeup looks which are a part of the campaign which has set Arab Twitter alight, comparing her appearance to Wehbe.

    Kylie Jenner or Haifa Wehbe >
    — Márru (@asilentnox) October 28, 2020

    — zuzu (@syriantwelver) October 29, 2020

    @KylieJenner first u wanna look like Kim. Now u wanna look like Haifa Wehbe💀💀 you look more Arab than us Arabs with ur makeup line😭😭
    — hannah mansour (@hannahrnmansour) October 30, 2020

    On a lighter note… Kylie Jenner’s recent photos have taken over Arab Twitter where they are being compared to Leb singer Haifa Wehbe and countless beauty commercials 🌝
    — Jasmine Malla (@MallaJasmine) October 31, 2020

    Some others also said Jenner’s new campaign reminded them of  “Arab ad girls”.

    So for non-Arabic speakers basically Arab Twitter is having loads of fun with Kylie Jenner’s new look because it is a stereotypical Arabic/Gulfie makeup look and you see women looking like this on music videos and beauty salon ads 😆😆😆
    — Yousra Samir Imran (@UNDERYOURABAYA) October 30, 2020

    that pic of kylie jenner looking like an arab ad girl is too much for me
    — dess (@horsegrldess) October 29, 2020

    Whatever your thoughts are, it’s clear the 23-year-old managed to get Arab Twitter talking.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram More

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    I Washed My Face With Only Honey for Two Weeks

    Hey guys, Josie here. I know I already have the infamous reputation of the crazy Will-Try-Anything-For-Good-Skin Lady, but hear me out on this one…Your favorite natural sweetener and Prince Charles’s favorite tea add-in is actually the secret to the skin of your dreams. That’s right, honey is truly the Taylor Swift of the beauty world — it’s been around forever, and, though there’s been some controversy, it remains the queen of DIY face masks and soothing body lotions (okay so that’s not really Taylor Swift related, but you get where I was going with that analogy, right?).
    Note: not all the sweet stuff on the shelves has the same outcome. Stick to Manuka honey or raw honey — the other stuff (including the cute teddy bear shaped bottle) has loads of added sugar (which will clog pores and lead to breakouts) and less antioxidants. But when you stick to the natural stuff, it’s a game changer. Read on to find out about my experience washing my face with nothing but honey for two weeks.

    Benefits of Honey on the Skin
    It has antibacterial and anti-septic properties, so it gets rid of dirt and bacteria, perfect for both preventing and treating acne
    It’s full of antioxidants and boosts collagen production—two things that are MVPs in preventing aging and boosting glow
    It’s extremely moisturizing and hydrates even the driest of skin.
    Honey is naturally soothing and has healing properties (it was traditionally used on wounds to aid healing!). It also nourishes damaged skin to fade scars (like those pesky acne scars!).
    It works as a clarifying agent because it naturally opens up pores, making them easier to unclog.
    The enzymes work as a gentle exfoliator, sloughing off dead skin cells and leaving you with a radiant complexion.

    My Experience
    So I’ve never had troubled skin per se, but I’ve always been on a constant journey for the glowiest, clearest skin ever (because we all should be dreaming big, right!?). Hormonal acne, pesky blackheads, and dark under eye circles have been the extent of my problems. That is, until this year — as Chicago’s brutal winter arrived, so did the worst skin woes I’ve EVER experienced (not to be dramatic…). It started when I woke up with severely itchy skin, which I innocently blamed on the changing weather. It then became red bumps all over my face, and a puffiness that was definitely not normal.
    I knew it must be an allergic reaction, and, after talking to my dermatologist, got a prescription to keep the inflammation down. It momentarily helped, but the bumps, itchiness, and puffiness still came back every week or so. The worst part was I could not figure out what was causing it — I changed pillowcases, stuck to oils instead of retinoids in my nighttime skincare, and used sensitive wash instead of standard. And still, despite all my efforts and tears, it kept coming back like a Disney Channel theme song that gets stuck in your head. This was my Everest.
    I decided I needed a massive lifestyle change. As someone who believes natural is always better (unless it’s Oreos or Kim Kardashian), I wanted to get rid of everything that might be harmful to skin — which included my trusty face wash. Even the supersensitive replacement I’d been using didn’t count as “natural.” So what could I replace it with? Enter: honey. I’d actually heard a lot of buzz (pun intended) about the stuff made by bees and its benefits for the skin. Face wash had been my security blanket for so long that it felt like a ginormous leap of faith to go without it, but I was excited to test out something so drastic (read: would try anything for good skin).

    I planned to simply splash my face with cool water in the morning, and wash with honey at night. I also used Summer Fridays as an overnight mask (also natural) and massaged it in with a Clarisonic for extra hydration. The honey cleanup was way easier than I thought it would be. Raw honey is much thicker than the regular kind, which made it easy to spread on my skin. I rubbed it in for about a minute, and then kept it on like a mask for another minute or two as I got ready for bed. The first time, I was ready with a roll of paper towels and backup face wash, but with just a splash of water, the honey melted away and washed off like a piece of honeycomb cake.
    The only change up was when I wore makeup — the honey wasn’t enough to take off all mascara and eyebrow gel galore, so I opted for a natural cleansing oil as the first step, followed by the honey. Two weeks and a jar of honey later — my skin has NEVER. BEEN. BETTER. I repeat — I HAVE ALMOST ACHIEVED SKINCARE NIRVANA.

    Let me break it down: the honey did not clog my pores or cause acne as I had worried. I’ve actually remained fairly clear-skinned with a few smaller zits popping up here and there, but not as many as I normally would during a period week, especially, which was a #miracle. But the biggest shock of all… after washing with honey, the pesky, horrible, seemingly permanent blackheads I’ve struggled with on my nose FOR. FREAKING. EVER. popped out so easily, just like that! (not to be graphic)
    Overall, my skin just looks more even-toned, glows, and has actually survived winter, dryness-free. *Knock on wood* but my red bumpiness and itchy skin has not come back since I started washing with honey. To be clear, I don’t think using face wash was the problem. I just think honey is that good that it helped heal and soothe my poor, sad skin. Plus, it came with a lot of other perks too. It truly was a miracle product, and to be totally transparent, I don’t think I’ll ever go back to standard face wash again. Not all heroes wear capes — sometimes, they come in a jar.

    Would you try washing your face with honey? Tell us in the comments below.

    This article was originally published on January 2, 2019. More