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    Build Killer Abs With This Quick Core Workout

    Like strength training or running regularly, making sure you work your abs in the gym (or wherever you work out) is crucial. Abs don’t just look good in crop tops, they’re also key for overall balance, injury prevention and more. This quick core workout from onebhody owner Chantel Struwig is a speedy slot-in after your regular workout and burns so good. Chantel Struwig’s killer abs tips With abs like Struwig’s, we’ll take any tips we can! Here, she shares her go-tos when it comes to core workouts. Prioritise core workouts“I like to dedicate at least one designated day to core workouts but I’d like to say I train core /abs every day,” she says. Why? Because it’s that important. “I’m always engaging my core with everything I train. I like to focus a lot on core strength as I know how much it aids me in all my other exercises. Having a strong core really just makes life that much easier. How my abs have come to form and look is honestly just the tip of the iceberg!” Pair abs with cardio “I always do cardio and abs on the same day,” says Struwig. It’s a great way to make sure your muscles are gaining some strength in addition to building endurance and speed. And, it gives your legs and arms a break from the previous session’s heavy lifting. READ MORE: Sculpt A Great Butt With This Home Booty WorkoutThe quick core workout

    Do this workout once a week – or more, if you can, says Struwig, who aims to train her core “at least once a week.”

    Do each move, then move on to the next one, aiming to complete three or four rounds of each move.

    This quick core workout targets your abs in functional moves and engages your sides too. “I always want to improve my core strength to improve my overall gym performance,” explains Struwig.1/ Weighted sit-ups with alternating toe touchesDo: 10 – 12 reps on each sideA: Lie down, knees bent and arms at your side, with left hand holding a dumbbell. Stretch out your right leg.B: Crunch up and raise your right leg, reaching your left hand to touch your right foot. Hold, then return to start. C: Complete the set, then switch over to the other side and repeat. Make it easier: do the moves without the dumbbellsMake it harder: use heavier weights 2/ Elevated commandos Do: as much as you can in 30 – 45 secondsA: Get into a high plank position with your legs elevated on a low platform or stepper box.B: Dip one arm down into low plank position, then repeat with the other arm. C: Raise both arms into high plank, keeping your core engaged and braced throughout and never lowering or raising your glutes. Repeat until time’s up. Make it easier: eliminate the stepper box. Make it harder: add weights, either a plate on your back (of you can handle that) or add in dumbbells and do renegade rows after each commando. READ MORE: This Beginner Callisthenics Workout Builds Serious Strength & Mobility3/ Incline reverse crunches Do: 12 – 20 repsA: Lie on an incline bench with arms overhead, hands holding onto the bar for support. B: Raise your legs up so your knees touch your face and engage your core throughout. C: Lower, then repeat. Make it easier: perform on a flat surface, like the floor. Make it harder: add ankle weights for increased resistance. READ MORE: This 15-Minute Full-Body Workout Is Perfect For Beginners4/ PlankDo: 60 – 90 second holdA: Get into a low plank position, bracing your core, neck in neutral, and butt in a straight line following your back. B: Hold for 60 – 90 seconds without compromising your form. Make it easier: sorry, girls, Struwig “would never suggest making it easier,” saying: “For some exercises, you really have to bite the bullet.” Make it harder: try holding the plank until failure. More

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    Tone-Up From Head To Toe With This Killer 15-Minute Workout

    This killer tone-up workout ticks a few convenient boxes. It requires zero equipment, fires up your muscles, tones and gets up your heart rate. The best part? It takes just 15 minutes of your time.

    This tone-up workout was designed with the help of exercise physiologist and fitness trainer Amy Dixon. It’s perfect for when you’re stuck somewhere with no gym access, or just want to get a workout in with little time to spare.

    How to do this tone-up workout:

    Do these moves one after another with no rest between them. When you’ve finished the last move, pause for 30 to 60 seconds, then repeat the circuit twice more.

    The Tone-Up Workout

    One-Leg Squat, Floor Reach And Press

    Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.

    Bend your left knee, lifting your foot behind you.

    Squat and raise your right arm out to the side to shoulder height, then reach your left hand down across your body, touching the floor outside your right toes.

    Stand up as you lift your left hand toward the ceiling, lower your right arm to your side, and raise your left thigh to hip level in front of you.

    Lower your left leg and repeat on the other side. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 15 reps.

    READ MORE: The 15 Minute Bodyweight Home Workout You Can Do On Your Couch

    Push-up Crawl

    Get in a high plank position (top of a push-up) with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.

    Lower your chest as close to the floor as you can. Holding that position, lift your right knee to the outside of your right elbow.

    Return to a high plank, then push back up to the starting position; repeat on the other side. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 15 reps.

    READ MORE: 18 Feel-Good Workouts That’ll Boost Your Mood, Stat

    Front Lunge Floor Reach And Reverse Twist

    Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.

    Lunge forward with your left leg so your right knee is nearly touching the floor and your left thigh is parallel to the floor.

    Bending forward, try to touch the floor on either side of your left foot.

    Push off your left foot; using that momentum, step forward with your right foot, shifting your weight to that foot, and swing your left leg behind you.

    As you sink backwards into a lunge, rotate your torso 45 degrees to the right. Return to standing. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 15 reps.

    READ MORE: 9 Bodyweight Exercises That Will Improve Your Mobility

    Grand Plié Squat, Reach And Jump

    Stand with your legs wide apart, toes turned out, and arms at your sides.

    Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor and you’re low enough to touch it with your fingertips.

    Immediately jump as high as you can, keeping your legs wide and extending your arms straight overhead. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 15 reps.

    Watch one of our WH staffers perform the moves:

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    30 Plank Variations That Will Transform Your Core From A Trainer

    I’ll admit, I sometimes sigh when an instructor cues up a plank. I know, they will *always* burn. Planks are a classic core move for a reason and offer so many benefits.

    “Planks target and strengthen the core muscles, including transverses abdominals (the deepest abs muscles), rectus abdominis and the internal and external obliques, so in simplest forms, a simple plank will fire up all of your core muscles,” says Jade Morning.

    But planks are also kind of, well, boring. Holding a plank for 30 to 60 seconds means I have nothing but the floor to distract me from that deep burn quaking up through my whole bod. The burn is a good thing; the boredom is not. The good news, though, is that there are tons of plank variations to spice things up depending on your skill level and core strength.

    Meet the experts: Jade Morning, CPT, is a certified personal trainer and Alo Moves instructor. Kaisa Keranen, CPT, is a NASM-certified personal trainer and the founder of KaisaFit.

    Plank variations don’t just target the core, either. Many will also strengthen other muscles, like your quads and glutes and can reduce back pain, improve posture and increase balance, she explains. To maximise your gains, Morning suggests incorporating plank variations into your weekly workout routine *at least* three times a week.

    “I recommend finishing each workout with core activation, so doing a plank challenge before heading out of the gym would be ideal.”

    Once you’ve nailed proper plank form, it’s time to have some fun to the tune of the 30 best plank variations.

    1. Down Dog To Knee Drive

    How to:

    Start in a high plank position.

    Lift hips into a downward dog position.

    At the same time, lift right foot from the ground and extend right leg toward the ceiling while keeping hips square.

    Return to plank, driving right knee to tap right elbow.

    Continue for 30 seconds.

    Repeat on the opposite side.

    2. Side Plank Crunch

    How to:

    Start in a side plank on right forearm with left arm bent and hand resting behind head and legs extended, feet stacked. Head to heels should form a straight line.

    Bring left knee toward left elbow in a crunch, engaging obliques as you do.

    Return to start and continue for 30 seconds.

    Repeat on the opposite side.

    3. Side Plank Knee Raise

    How to:

    Start in a side plank on right forearm with left arm extended overhead.

    Slightly lift left foot and bend knee to bring it forward and up to hip height while swinging left hand down toward shin.

    Reverse the motion to return to start and continue for 30 seconds.

    Repeat on the opposite side.

    4. Side Plank Toe Tap

    How to:

    Start in a side plank on right forearm with your left arm toward ceiling.

    Slightly lift left foot and swing it forward while bringing left hand to tap toes.

    Return to start hovering left foot over right and continue for 30 seconds.

    Repeat on the opposite side.

    5. Forearm Plank Saw

    How to:

    Start in a forearm plank position with elbows under shoulders and head to heels aligned, core engaged.

    Lift hips slightly and rock backwards slowly, allowing shoulders to shift behind elbows and heels to push back.

    Then shift forward to bring chest beyond elbows and heels slightly forward.

    Continue moving back and forth for 30 seconds. (Toes and forearms stay rooted to the mat throughout.)

    6. Forearm Plank With Knee Touch

    How to:

    Start in a forearm plank position with elbows under shoulders and head to heels aligned, core engaged.

    Slowly and with control bend and lower right knee to touch mat.

    Reverse the motion.

    Repeat with left knee.

    Continue alternating for 45 seconds.

    7. Plank Knee-To-Elbow

    Why it rocks: Your obliques work extra hard as you pull your knee to your elbow in this move, which is a staple in many a yoga flow.

    How to:

    Start in high plank position.

    Lift left foot up off floor and drive toward left elbow while keeping hips level and back flat.

    With control, reverse movement to return to start.

    Repeat on the other side. That’s 1 rep.

    Modify it: Drop into a tabletop position and complete the movement from there, pulling one knee to the corresponding elbow, says Jones.

    8. Bird Dog

    How to:

    Start on all fours with knees under hips and wrists under shoulders.

    Engage core and lift left arm and right leg off the mat at the same time, keeping hips level and core engaged so back doesn’t arch.

    Slowly return to start.

    Repeat on the opposite side. That’s 1 rep. Complete 10 reps.

    9. Plank Hip Dips

    How to:

    Start in a forearm plank position with elbows under shoulders and knees, hips and torso in a straight line.

    Drop right hip toward the floor, then return to centre.

    Immediately drop the left hip toward the floor.

    Continue alternating for 45 seconds.

    10. Plank Shoulder Tap And Jack

    How to:

    Start in a high plank position with knees, hips and shoulders all in a straight line.

    Simultaneously tap right hand to left shoulder and jump feet out wide.

    Simultaneously jump feet together and replace hand on the mat.

    Repeat with the left hand to right shoulder. Continue repeating for 45 seconds.

    READ MORE: The 15 Minute Bodyweight Home Workout You Can Do On Your Couch

    11. Side Plank Thread The Needle

    How to:

    Start on left side with left forearm on mat and knees bent.

    Raise right arm toward ceiling and lift hips up and away from the floor until body forms a straight line from head to heels.

    Keeping hips lifted, rotate left arm down and underneath torso and allow gaze to shift toward the floor.

    Reverse the movement to return to start.

    Continue repeating for 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.

    12. Forearm Plank Knee Tap

    How to:

    Start in a forearm plank, with elbows under shoulders, head and spine in line and back flat.

    Without moving hips, slowly bend and lower both knees to the ground with control.

    Gently tap the mat and straighten legs back out.

    Continue repeating for 45 seconds.

    13. Plank Jumps

    How to:

    Start in a high plank position with knees, hips and shoulders all in a straight line.

    Bend knees and jump both feet in toward arms.

    Jump both feet back and extend legs to high plank position.

    Continue repeating for 45 seconds.

    14. Plank Up Downs

    How to:

    Start in a high plank with back flat and shoulders over wrists.

    Lower right forearm to the mat.

    Lower left forearm to the mat and pause in the forearm plank position.

    Place right hand on the mat and press to straighten right elbow.

    Place left hand on the mat and press to straight left elbow into high plank.

    Continue repeating for 30 seconds.

    15. Side Plank Hip Dips

    How to:

    Start in a side plank on right forearm with left arm extended toward ceiling. (Holding a dumbbell in left hand is optional.)

    Use obliques to lower hips toward the mat with control.

    Reverse the movement to return to start

    Continue repeating for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side.

    16. Single-Leg Knee Drive to Kick Out

    How to:

    Start in high plank position with shoulders over wrists and body in a straight line.

    Drive right knee to tap right elbow.

    Straighten right leg back and up without moving hips.

    Lower right foot to return to start.

    Continue for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side.

    17. Quad Hold Knee Taps

    How to:

    Start on all fours, in tabletop position.

    Lift knees to hover two inches off the ground.

    Squeezing core and keeping back flat, lift right hand and left foot and tap left knee.

    Return right hand and left foot to floor.

    Then, lift left hand and right foot and tap right knee.

    Replace left hand and right foot on the amt.

    Continue alternating for 45 seconds.

    18. Bear Plank Shoulder Tap

    How to:

    Start on all fours, in tabletop position.

    Lift knees to hover two inches off the ground.

    Squeezing core and keeping back flat, lift right hand and tap left shoulder.

    Replace right hand on the floor.

    Repeat with opposite side.

    Continue alternating for 45 seconds.

    19. Side To Side Plank Hops

    How to:

    Start in a high plank position.

    Jump both feet toward left elbow, then return to the center.

    Repeat on the opposite side.

    Continue alternating for 45 seconds.

    20. Sprawl

    How to:

    Start in a high plank position.

    Jump feet in toward hands, planting them behind or just outside arms.

    As soon as feet come in, lift chest into a low squat position.

    Raise arms next to ears.

    Place palms down on the ground and jump back to start.

    Continue for 45 seconds.

    READ MORE: 9 Bodyweight Exercises That Will Improve Your Mobility

    21. Forearm Plank

    How to:

    Start on forearms and knees with elbows under shoulders and palms pressing into the mat.

    Extend legs straight and lift hips so body forms a straight line.

    Hold the position for 45 seconds.

    22. Scapular Pushup

    How to:

    Start in a high plank position, with shoulders stacked directly over hands.

    Engage core and glutes, inhale and squeeze shoulder blades (scapulae) down and together in your upper back.

    Exhale and separate scapulae again, with back moving upward to the starting position.

    Repeat for 45 seconds.

    23. Modified Side Plank

    How to:

    Lie on right side with legs bent at 90 degrees, right elbow directly under shoulder and left-hand palm down.

    Lift hips off the mat, keeping right knee and right forearm and elbow in contact with the ground.

    Hold the position for 30 seconds.

    Repeat on the opposite side.

    24. Side Plank

    How to:

    Lie on right side with legs bent, right elbow directly under shoulder and left-hand palm down.

    Lift hips off the mat, extending legs to form a straight line from head to heels.

    Hold the position for 30 seconds.

    Repeat on the opposite side.

    25. Renegade Row

    How to:

    Start in a high plank position holding a pair of dumbbells with hands under shoulders and feet wider than shoulder-width apart.

    Drive left arm into the floor, stiffen entire body and row the right hand up and to the side of rib cage—elbow should be pointed up and back.

    Pause for a second, then keep body stable as you slowly lower back to the starting position.

    Repeat on the opposite side and continue alternating for 45 seconds.

    26. Plank Jacks

    How to:

    Start in a forearm plank position with elbows under shoulders and palms pressing into the mat.

    Engage core and jump both feet out wide to each side.

    Quickly jump both feet back in together to the starting position.

    Continue jumping in and out for 45 seconds.

    27. Plank Punches

    How to:

    Start in high plank position with shoulders over wrists and body in a straight line, back flat.

    Lift left hand and punch forward with force, while keeping back and hips stable.

    Replace hand on mat.

    Lift right hand and punch forward with force, while keeping back and hips stable.

    Continue alternating for 45 seconds.

    28. Reverse Plank

    How to:

    Start by sitting on the ground and prop yourself up on hands (hardest) or forearms (easier).

    Keep elbows in line with shoulders and fingers facing toward feet. Extend legs out in front of you (harder) or bend knees (easier). Raise hips so your body forms a straight line from ankles to chest and hold for 5 to 30 seconds.

    29. Plank Jacks

    How to:

    Start in a high plank position with wrists under shoulders and palms pressing into the mat.

    Engage core and jump both feet out wide to each side.

    Quickly jump both feet back in together to the starting position.

    Continue jumping in and out for 45 seconds.

    30. Classic Plank

    How to:

    Start on the floor on your hands and knees.

    Place your hands directly under your shoulders.

    Step your feet back, one at a time. (For more stability, bring your feet wider than hip-distance apart and bring them closer for more of a challenge.)

    Maintain a straight line from the top of your head through your heels, gaze down just above your fingertips.

    Now, tighten your abs, quads, glutes and hold. Think about digging through your heels, squeezing your quads and keeping everything nice and tight. (If you feel your body shake, that’s a good sign you’re creating enough tension from head to toe.)

    This article by Andi Breitowich & Ashley Mateo was originally published on Women’s Health US. More

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    This No-Gym Workout Is Ideal For The Holidays

    Going away for the holidays? This travel-friendly no-gym workout routine by trainer Johno Meintjies can be done anywhere. And it does the job in just 15 minutes!

    Unlike weird carpet designs, gyms do not come standard with every hotel. So top trainer Johno Meintjies created these simple but effective workouts that you can do in any space – even small. They use only your body weight and the kind of props you would normally find in a hotel room or at home.

    The 15-minute no-gym workout

    This no-gym routine, by Meintjes, is a classic example of a travel-friendly workout. It uses only your body weight and a pair of light weights or cans to sculpt your body from top to bottom. “The most important thing about this workout is that it’s nothing new,” says Meintjes. “Everyone has done these moves, but it’s the intensity that’s the key and also getting the foundation right. If you can master the technique and then bring in the intensity with the recovery, your results will be fantastic.”

    READ MORE: Try This 30-Minute HIIT Workout At Home For A Total-Body Burn

    Do the workout

    The workout is designed into blocks, each consisting of 60 seconds’ strength work, 60 seconds’ dynamic strength work, 90 seconds’ flat-out cardio and then 30 seconds’ rest. “The recovery is important because you need to be working at maximum the whole time,” says Meintjes. The fourth and final block works differently. There are no strength moves; it’s just ninety seconds of flat-out, high-intensity cardio. “This last block is divided into divided into 30-second blasts of three different exercises,” says Meintjes. “You’ve done two of them before: squat jumps and high knees. Now we’re adding a burpee.”

    Watch a WH staff member perform the moves…

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    READ MORE: A 4-Week Home Workout Plan To Get Fit And Strong AF

    Your Moves

    BLOCK 1

    1/ Squat to Kick x 60 secondsAlternate sides each rep.2/ Running Man x 60 secondsFocus on your breathing, keep your bum down and core stable.3/ High Knees x 90 secondsGo as fast as you can.4/ Rest x 30 seconds

    BLOCK 2

    1/ Lunge Pulse x 60 secondsSo 30 seconds on one side, then switch.2/ Push-up to Fly x 60 secondsAlternate arms each rep.3/ Jump Squats x 90 secondsMaintain a wide stance. Jump as high as you can.4/ Rest x 30 seconds

    READ MORE: The 3 Stretches You Should Be Doing Daily

    BLOCK 3

    1/ Weighted Air Punch x 60 secondsHold light weights or identical cans in your hands.2/ Squat Pulse x 60 secondsKeep feet shoulder width and heels flat down.3/ Lateral, Wide, Deep Single-Leg Jump x 90 secondsIt’s a mouthful, but it’s really just jumping side to side. Make it as explosive as possible.4/ Rest x 30 seconds

    BLOCK 4

    1/ Squat Jumps x 30 seconds2/ High Knees x 30 seconds3/ Burpees x 30 seconds More

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    You Can Do This Arms & Abs Bodyweight Workout Anywhere

    Whether you’re pressed for space or can’t find weights at the gym, this abs and arms bodyweight workout does the job and then some. Created by trainer and instructor Kirsten Johnson, these moves sculpt long, lean muscles. “This workout is designed as a compound bodyweight workout,” says Johnson. “Each move incorporates multiple muscle groups and therefore aims to create long, lean muscle throughout the body while targeting and firing up both arms and abs.”

    The Abs & Arms Bodyweight Workout

    To get started, set your timer for 30 seconds and work for that time, doing each circuit twice before moving on to the next circuit. Rest for 30 seconds between moves, then move on.

    Circuit One

    Pushup to high plank twist

    Start in a push-up position on your knees and lower down into a push-up. Now, raise yourself up into a high plank position and rotate one arm to stretch upwards. Bring it back down and rotate the other arm upward to twist. That’s one rep. Keep it going for 30 seconds, then move on to the next move.

    Tricep dip alternating march

    Get into a reverse bridge position, with your hands and feet on the floor. Dip your triceps down, then extend upwards. Gently lift one leg off the floor and perform a marching motion. Repeat with the other leg. That’s one rep; keep going for 30 seconds.

    Single leg jackknife

    Start lying down, with your left knee bent and the right straight down. Extend your left arm backwards, hands pointing behind you. Pike up and raise your right leg and left arm at the same time to touch. That’s one rep. Keep going for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

    Double-pulse scissors, on your back

    Start lying down with both legs outstretched. Keep your core engaged and your arms at your sides for stability. Raise one leg up and the other only slightly off the floor. Pulse for two beats, then switch legs. Keep it going for 30 seconds.

    Circuit Two

    Small lateral circles

    Get onto your knees with your weight evenly distributed. Stretch out your arms on either side. Make small circles with your arms for 30 seconds. Fair warning: this one is going to burn.

    Scapula contraction

    Get on your knees with your weight evenly distributed. Stretch out your arms on either side. Now bend them into a 90º angle and contract your scapula, pretending there’s a bar between them that you’re trying to squeeze. Release back to outstretched arms. That’s one rep.

    Side plank hip dip – knee to elbow

    Start in a side plank position with your legs stacked on top of one another and weight distributed evenly throughout. Balance on your forearm. Now dip gently down and dip back up. Pick one leg up and contract your knee to touch your elbow. That’s one rep.

    Sprinter situps  – alternating

    Start lying on your back with your arms outstretched in front of you. Contract your abs and lift one knee toward you, lifting your torso as you do so. Repeat on the other side. That’s one rep.

    Circuit Three

    Double-leg jack knives on arms

    Start lying on your back, legs outstretched in front of you. Now, hoist yourself up with your arms until they’re perpendicular to the floor. Jack your legs into your chest, contracting your abdominals as you do. Relax and stretch your legs back out. That’s one rep.

    High plank – alternating knee to chest & shoulder

    Get into a high plank position, weight evenly distributed. Lift one leg to tap the inside of your elbow, then rotate your leg outwards to tap the outside of your shoulder. Return to start. That’s one rep. Alternate your legs as you go.

    Single-leg ab bikes

    Come into a lying down position, back on the floor. Keep your hands under your head to protect your neck and keep your knees bent at 90º. Now stretch out your right leg and bring it into your chest, twisting your left side to touch your knee. That’s one re. Repeat on the other side, alternating.

    Plank pike up – knee to chest – commando

    Start in a plank position with your weight balanced on your arms. Pike up your abs and bring one leg into a crunch. Return your leg to start and bring your alternating leg into crunch. Now lower one arm down onto your forearm, then the other. Raise both arms up so you’re back in high plank. That’s one rep; keep going for 30 seconds.

    Watch as Kirsten performs the moves below:

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    8 Easy Core Yoga Poses That’ll Fire Up Your Abs

    Amy Dixon, an exercise physiologist and group fitness manager, has created this workout that builds muscle, improves flexibility, and melts away stress. Big bonus: these core yoga poses will fire up your abs.

    These moves roll yoga and strength into one neat package. They’re so effective because each exercise calls on your entire core and requires balance (thanks to the yoga moves), so your whole body, not just the targeted muscle, works through its full range of motion. Tackle the moves two non-consecutive days a week and you’ll notice sleeker definition – and a calmer mindset – within four weeks.

    Lateral Bend And Reach

    This core yoga pose works the core, shoulders, hamstrings and inner thighs.

    Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand with your feet about 1.2 metres apart. Turn your left foot out 90 degrees. Raise your right arm straight up above your shoulder, palm facing in (A). Brace your abs and bend to the left, lowering the left dumbbell to your left ankle (B). Rise back up, keeping your right arm overhead. Do 12 to 15 reps, then repeat on the other side. Do three sets, resting for up to 30 seconds between sets.

    READ MORE: These Pilates-Fusion Moves Strengthen, Lengthen And Tone

    Dog Press

    This core yoga pose works the core, shoulders, pecs, lats, back and hamstrings.

    Stand a bit behind a Bosu. Bend into down­ward dog, placing your palms about 12 centimetres apart on the dome and lifting your hips towards the ceiling (A). Place your right hand a metre in front of the Bosu and place your right knee on it. Follow with your left hand and left knee (B). Do a push-up (C). Step back into downward dog. That’s one rep. Do two sets of 8 to 10, resting for 30 seconds between sets.

    Rock The Boat

    Works entire core.

    Draw your knees towards your chest, lift your head and grab your legs below the knees (A). Rock up and balance on your glutes (B). Keeping your back long and chest lifted, straighten your legs and extend your arms (C). Hold for three seconds, then tuck in and roll back to start. That’s one rep. Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps, resting for up to 30 seconds between sets.

    READ MORE: Feel Strong And Powerful With This Explosive 15-Minute Workout

    Dive & Roll

    Works back and glutes.

    Place a weighted bar half a metre in front of a Bosu. Lie face down with your hips and belly on the Bosu, feet hip-width apart on the floor. Place your palms on the bar and lift your legs as high as possible (A). Slowly roll the bar towards the Bosu as you lower your legs towards the floor (B). Roll back to start. That’s one rep. Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps, resting for up to 30 seconds between sets.

    Trainer TipKeep your neck in line with your spine throughout the move.

    Crescent Lunge and Row

    Works back, glutes, hamstrings and quads.

    Grab a three-to-five kilogram dumbbell in your right hand and stand with your feet together, arms at your sides. Lunge forwards with your left leg until your left knee is bent at 90 degrees. Lower your torso as close as possible to your left knee, as you raise your left arm out to the side to shoulder height, palm down. Allow the dumbbell to hang naturally (A). Row the dumbbell straight up until your right elbow passes your torso (B). That’s one rep. Continue rowing, without standing up, for 12 to 15 reps. Return to start and repeat on the other side. That’s one set. Do three sets, resting for up to 30 seconds between sets.

    Trainer TipKeep your rowing arm close to your side.

    READ MORE: This 4-Week Bodyweight Challenge Is The Ultimate New Year Workout Plan

    Tricep Warrior

    Works core, triceps, glutes, hamstrings and quads.

    Grab a pair of two-to-four kilogram dumbbells and stand with your feet together, arms at your sides. Rest your right toe on the floor about half a metre behind you (A). Bend forwards from the hips and raise your right leg until your body forms a T. Bend your elbows to bring the dumbbells directly under your shoulders, palms facing in (B). Keeping your upper arms still, extend the dumbbells straight back (C). Curl them back to your shoulders. That’s one rep. Do 15 to 20 without lowering your leg. Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

    Bicep Warrior

    Works shoulders, biceps, glutes, hamstrings, and inner and outer thighs.

    Grab a pair of two-to-four kilogram dumbbells and stand with your feet about a metre apart. Turn your left foot out 90 degrees and, hips and shoulders facing forward, bend your left knee at 90 degrees. Extend your arms to shoulder height (A). With your upper arms parallel to the floor, do a bicep curl, bringing the dumbbells to your shoulders (B). Slowly re-extend your arms. Do 15 to 20 reps; rest for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. More

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    Feel Strong And Powerful With This Explosive 15-Minute Workout

    By Wanita Nicol, equipment sponsored by REBEL Elite Fitness
    If you’re looking to find your strength and power, that high after you’ve completed something particularly tough, look no further than this explosive 15-minute workout.
    This workout combines fat-busting movements with strengthening exercises to tone your whole body – with emphasis on the wobbly bits around your butt and legs. Perform these moves as a circuit three or four times a week. For each exercise, do all required reps without rest, rest for up to a minute, then move on to the next exercise. Once you’re done, repeat the entire circuit for a total of three rounds. As you get fitter, decrease your rest time by 10 seconds. Always start with a quick warm-up — include shoulders, wrists and legs.
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    You’ll need: a step and a medicine ball (or any weighted object that’s easy to hold)
    Watch one of our WH staffers perform the moves for this 15-minute explosive workout:
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    1. Step and Extend
    Stand about 30cm behind a sturdy box or step, feet hip-width apart, holding a medicine ball at your chest. Place your right foot on the box. Keeping your upper body straight, step up onto the box, straightening your right leg and extending your left leg out and back. Pressing the ball out explosively as you extend your back leg. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 10 to 12, then repeat on the other side.
    2. Donkey Kick
    Start in push-up position, legs extended behind you, feet together, hands under your shoulders. Keeping your legs together, brace your core and glutes, then kick both legs up simultaneously, bending your knees to bring your feet towards your butt. Try to land softly on the balls of your feet, back in the start position. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 16.Medi
    READ MORE: Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout
    3. Calf Raise
    Stand with your heels together and toes pointed out in a V shape. Slowly rise onto the balls of your feet. Hold for two seconds, then slowly return to start. That’s one rep. Do 10 to 15.
    4. Quarter-turn Squat Jump
    With feet shoulder-width apart, lower into a squat, arms straight down. Jump up explosively, swinging your arms overhead and rotating 90 degrees left in mid-air. As you land softly, immediately drop back into a squat. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 16.

    Wanita Nicol

    Wanita Nicol is a freelance writer and storyteller. She’s also a certified personal trainer and has been a fitness editor for more than 10 years. When she’s not trying a new workout or testing new fitness gear, she’s living her best nerd life on Instagram @TheFitNerdSA. More

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    Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout

    The best workout is one that doesn’t actually feel like a workout at all, but rather feels like you’re just having a good time. And that kind of fun fitness sesh is what group fitness instructor and Next Fitness Star finalist Botle Kaymaba specialises in. Case in point: This high-energy cardio dance workout. “It’s a cardio jam session that incorporates aerobic movements as well as freestyle dancing,” says Botle. “It’s a great cardio burner workout that will make you feel good, proud and confident at the end of the session.”

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    How It Works

    Start with the cardio workout. Pump up the volume on the video below and follow along with Botle or simply freestyle. “Just listen to the music and move to the beat,” says Botle. Feel free to play the song more than once. When you’ve warmed up, move on to the strength circuit. Do all sets of each move before proceeding to the next. Once you’ve finished your last set of the third move, you’re done.

    Cardio warm-up

    Pump up the volume and follow along with Botle… 

    READ MORE: Try These Exercises To Build A Stronger, Bigger Butt

    For the next workout, you’ll need: A stability ball and a resistance band

    The Cardio Dance Workout

    1. Lateral Raises

    Reps: 8-25

    Sets: 2-3

    Stand on the resistance band. Hold the tip of the band with palms facing your thighs. Lift your arms sideways to should height and back down to start. That’s one rep.

    2. Overhead Tricep Extensions

    Reps: 4

    Sets: 2

    Grab the ends of the resistance band with each hand and stand on the middle of the band with your feet. Pull the band up over your shoulders so that your elbows are pointed forward. Extend your arms upwards until they’re straight, hold for eight counts, then return to start. That’s one rep. Rest for 10 seconds between reps

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    3. Stability Ball Plank With Single Leg Lift

    Reps: 10-12

    Sets: 3

    Lie on your belly on a stability ball, then walk your hands out so the ball is underneath your shins and your hands are in line with your shoulders. Draw your belly button towards your spine to engage your abs – this will help keep your spine straight and your body stabilised. Raise one leg straight behind you, then slowly lower it back to start. Keep your pelvis stable.

    Watch Botle perform the moves: 

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