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    How I got my job as… Director of this hot yoga studio in the UAE

    Welcome to the Emirates Woman weekly series ‘How I got my job as…’ where we speak to some incredible entrepreneurs and businesswomen both based in the UAE and globally to find out about their career paths that led them to where they are now; what their daily routines look like; the advice they’d give to those starting out; and the hurdles they’ve had to overcome.This week, we speak to Jessica Casalegno who recently took on the role as Dryp’s Wellness Director. She is a distinguished hot Reformer, Barre, Pilates, Yoga instructor and wellness professional hailing from the United States. Overall, she is setting a new standard for wellness in the region.This homegrown pioneering wellness destination has now reopened in Dubai Marina with two newly expanded and renovated men’s and women’s toilets, shower and changing rooms, there is an overall collective lifestyle feel to the brand’s new look and offering and state-of-the-art equipment including the infra-red sauna, below-zero cryotherapy chamber and more.To delve into her journey, Emirates Woman spoke to Casalegno, to see how her journey in the wellness industry began.What was your favourite subject at school?My favorite subject was always art – creating and making was always at the core of what I loved most.What was your first job?My first job was when I was age 17 and in retail, at Hollister in the US. My first graduate position was for a boutique architecture firm as a drafter while I was still in design school.What brought you to Dubai?Like so many other women, I came to Dubai with my husband, due to my husband’s job. I’ve found it to be extremely hard to find Americans who live outside of US (my husband isn’t American). So while I am a “rare” case living in the UAE, I really love living abroad, specifically here, and I don’t anticipate moving back to the US. Dubai has really become home for us over the past 6 years of residence.What inspired you to enter the wellness space and be part of the hot yoga studio, Dryp?I’ve always been involved in the active community in Dubai since relocating here in 2018. I joined boutique fitness studios and found likeminded friends outside of my office job as an architect within the fitness scene. After the pandemic of 2020, I became a freelance designer, which pushed me into working in fitness as a “part time” gig. I began by teaching Barre, then I moved into leading yoga classes which then led to Pilates and reformer training and teaching. I’ve been practicing yoga since age 12, and I danced throughout my childhood. I did American cheerleading and tumbling during high school and was captain of my squad. Core strength disciplines have always been at the heart of my wellness journey in life. I’ve been practicing Pilates on the reformer now for well over 6 years; the transition into working within the realm of bodyweight training felt like second nature. I was a Dryp member upon moving to Dubai, then I started teaching there as soon as I completed my further professional training – and everything just grew from there.Talk us through the concept of Dryp?At inception, the Dryp concept was a unique one: a space for the “modern” yogi and fitness enthusiast. Dryp remains one of the few homegrown workout studio(s) that leads with a hot wellness offering. Dryp isn’t about warm wellness, it is HOT; my classes hover around 40+ degrees Celsius! It is still the hottest studio that I’ve ever experienced to date. The way you feel after any of the workouts we offer is euphoric, and members get a full body experience like no other, that leaves them feeling incredible. The endorphins and dopamine that flood the body after a Dryp session are so powerful and satisfying. At Dryp we pushed hard to bring in the additional reformer Pilates studio that is now open, as no other studio in Dubai enjoys both. Having both hot classes and reformer Pilates is truly the best of both worlds. The studio now has everything members could ever want: reformer, hot classes and even my favorite matcha cafe too! Now with the added Cryo and infra-red sauna sessions, Dryp is a “one stop shop” for wellness, hosting all of the best of what Dubai has to offer. DRYP hosts just one price for memberships for our classes: regardless of if they are reformer or hot room. For example, when you buy 10 classes at Dryp you are free to mix them for the most preferable combination to you. No confusion and no hassle and the freedom to switch up your classes however you choose throughout your wellness journey.What are the key elements of your role?I lead our team – from instructors and admins to housekeeping. I draft up the schedules, I try out the teachers, I plan the packages and organize the prices accordingly with the owner. I collaborate with partners, I conduct the in-house marketing strategies. I organize photoshoots and private events. I also led the entire design renovation, utilising my background as an architect and interior designer. I directed all of the new design at Dryp, from the interior selections to the new equipment – mats, artwork, signage Working with BluMatcha, I even helped conceptualize menu prototypes for the Dryp café. I manage daily operations from sales to handling any sort of customer service experience. I’m at the forefront of it all. It’s a 24/7 role that is done on top of my wellness teaching and management of some architectural design projects too.Talk us through your daily routine.I’m an early riser and no day is the same. Typically, i’ll review the accounting and sales of Dryp’s previous day, then I’ll begin teaching classes, either in the studio or with my private clients. I always have to be available online to manage Dryp, whether I am physically in the studio or not. I usually have a little break in the afternoons where I will take meetings or handle the day’s demands, then I’ll teach in the evenings too. If I’m not busy training other people or managing admin, I make time to do my own personal training. I’ll either take a class, go to the gym or head outside for a walk. I might even be found rollerblading in the fresh air. I spend most weekends with my husband and friends – often at the beach or somewhere outside. Otherwise, I can be found cuddling up on the sofa at home with my two sweet kittens.What advice do you have for anyone looking to follow in the same footsteps?My best advice: don’t limit yourself or put yourself in a box. Allow life’s twists and turns, and grow with the seasons. Honestly, I would have never guessed I’d be doing what I’m doing now and I’m loving it. This path hasn’t been direct for me – but the best professional decision ever made was to leave the corporate world. I fully resigned from my full-time work as a senior architect less than one year ago. I went from working in fitness very “part time” to bringing together multiple aspects of my background into one leadership role. My work now is very intersectional as I’m still holding onto the design aspect, just in a different way than I did before – and I’m still learning every day.Tell us more about the classes offered?On the mat, we have “Original 60” & “Original 90,” which many people also know under the names of Bikram Express (60 minutes) and Bikram (90 minutes). These are the original sequences of the first style of hot yoga. We also have “Hot Vinyasa,” which is a dynamic vinyasa flow style class in the heat. “Hot Core Flow” is a vinyasa flow style class that specifically focuses on core asanas – consider it a “more intense” vinyasa flow. “Hot Yoga Sculpt” is a fusion class that all instructors teach differently. At its core, is a hybrid of weightlifting and Pilates style training with yogic flows intertwined within the sequence. “Hot Booty Core” is my signature class, which is a full on ‘sculpt’ style Pilates class, often with many squats and lunges – all low impact moves used in a non-stop, high intensity sequence. “Dryp Fit” is a strength and conditioning class that focuses on bringing out the athlete within. “Strength & Mobility” is a heated yoga workshop style class that teaches members how to enhance their yoga practice – think handstand drills and lots of chatarungas. “Hot Mat Pilates” has low impact moves for a high intensity workout. The softer classes on the mat include “Hot Yin” and “Hot Candlelight Flow + Stretch”, both of which promote flexibility and overall mobility. Yin focuses on holding asanas, or postures, that open the body and increase flexibility via static holds. Hot Candlelight Flow is a very soft, stretch focused vinyasa flow ~ slow but dynamic, soft but moving. On the reformer, we currently offer “Beginners Reformer,” “All Levels Reformer,” “Advanced Reformer,” “Cardio Reformer” (using the reformer trampoline as an extension), and “Stretch Reformer” (a dynamic stretching class). Very soon I’m so excited to begin offering the most unique of it all: HOT REFORMER – an advanced class for those who are in for a super challenge.What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?To simply live in the moment, to be grateful for what you have and to be your most authentic self. Life is ultimately so short: if you’re not spending it doing what you love, what is the point?And what is the worst?The worst was from anyone who tried to sway me from moving to the opposite side of the world, or those who tried to discourage me from my relationship with my husband. We were in an international long-distance relationship for 3.5 years before we got married – we then lived together, for the first time, in Dubai. Moving here with my husband has been the biggest, scariest life adventure – but also the most rewarding one. My life would have been completely different had I not taken the plunge with him, and I’m so forever grateful for the opportunities I’ve had here and the lifestyle I now enjoy. I believe that the best is yet to come and that I am destined for great things, outcomes that would have materialized had I stayed static in my corporate job in the USA.What’s the biggest challenge you have had to overcome?I’ve had a few challenges in life, during my childhood, in school and university years. However, perhaps the biggest personal challenge I’ve had to go through in my adult life so far is a more recent pain, which was the loss of my first pregnancy. I experienced my first (and hopefully my only) miscarriage about one month ago, at around 10 weeks pregnant. It was a terrible loss and something that I am still healing through, both mentally, emotionally and physically. What I’ve gone through is a struggle that so many women face, but yet so many suffer through the pain in silence. The biggest thing that has been helping me to heal is coming to terms with how it wasn’t my fault, and that it’s just a very sad part of life. I am so thankful for the amount of support I’ve had from my family and the many female friends and clients around me too.What’s your future for the brand?The future of the brand is to grow! I’m looking forward to bringing in more reformers and to introducing hot reformer classes as the first studio in MENA region to do so. I’m also looking forward to hosting collaborations and pop ups throughout Dubai and I’m hoping to increase awareness with our partnerships like Amadawear Boutique and Bala – all of our equipment at Dryp is by Bala. The sky is the limit.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Supplied More

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    The first female Emirati aircraft engineer to headline a Porsche campaign

    Lifeby Camille Macawili3 hours ago In Porsche Middle East’s latest campaign, Drive Defines Her, the German luxury automobile and sports car brand delves into the mind of Dr. Eng. Suaad Al Shamsi, the first female Emirati aircraft engineer leading the charge in aviation and helming most of the high-profile projects in the region.Here, Emirates Woman chats to Suaad to discover what fuels her passions – on and off the ground – and how she soared to the top of her field.How does it feel to be part of Porsche Middle East’s ‘Drive Defines Her’ campaign?Being part of Porsche Middle East’s “Drive Defines Her” campaign is truly an honour for me. As a proud owner of both the Porsche 911 4S and the 911 GT3, my passion for Porsche has a long history. This campaign holds special significance because it challenges stereotypes about women’s vehicle choices. I feel like a role model for women, breaking the perception that mothers only drive family-friendly cars. When you experience the speed and sound of a Porsche, especially the iconic 911, you understand that it’s more than just a car – it’s in the DNA. This campaign has deepened my loyalty and passion for Porsche.[embedded content]What were the challenges that came with it and how do put these negative emotions and thoughts to good use?My passion for aviation is at the core of my professional journey. I hold the distinction of being the first female Emirati aircraft engineer, technical advisor, and Arab female aviation researcher. Achieving the first Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering and entering the Arab aviation industry as a female researcher has been both challenging and rewarding. Aviation offers a unique blend of excitement and energy, much like the experience of driving my Porsche. After spending over two decades in the industry, from completing my degree to becoming a technical advisor and university lecturer, aviation has become my non-routine job. Aviation is different from every other industry: it energises me (I’d hate having a desk-bound job) while allowing me to inspire the youth to pursue their dreams.What were the challenges that came with it and how do put these negative emotions and thoughts to good use?Entering the aviation industry as a woman presented its own set of challenges, but the changing mindsets of today has made a difference. But misconceptions and judgments persist, especially regarding women’s success and personal life. If they see you succeeding in your career, they say that you cannot possibly “get married”, or that you are trying to copy men. But aviation is like any other field, such as medicine or the media, where women excel. Women who are passionate about their career or hobby come under extra scrutiny, and especially since I’m a mother of two – it’s always about how do I juggle both? Prioritising is key to achieving the right balance between career and family.During challenging times, how do you drive yourself?During challenging times, my family, especially my two boys, have been my driving force. They share my passion and even played a role in choosing the colour of my second car. Art is another outlet that recharges me, enabling me to continue my work in the university and my career.How things are changing for Emirati women in UAE and in the region?Emirati women in the UAE and the region are experiencing positive changes. We are lucky to receive so much support from our leaders and the government, which has paved the way for women to enter various sectors, including aviation. Courses and education opportunities that were once unavailable are now accessible, allowing women to pursue careers as pilots, air traffic controllers and more. The country’s commitment to motivating women to enter diverse industries is evident in the progress we see today.How do you hope to pave the way for future younger generations?Paving the way for future generations involves raising awareness among the youth. I don’t think they fully appreciate what they have, as they are lost in today’s social media. While they may face challenges, they also have unprecedented access to experts and leaders, also thanks to the digital age. I hope the new generation understands the responsibility they hold for the future of our community. We can prepare the next generation for the future but we cannot prepare the future for the next generation.Was there a time you have been on the receiving end of such support from other women – how did that make you feel?Throughout my career and university journey, I found myself surrounded by zero female peers. The one woman who consistently provided unwavering support is my mother. She played a crucial role in shaping my path, encouraging me to pursue my dreams and instilling in me the belief that achievement is a continuous journey. Even when I accomplished significant milestones, my mother always emphasised the importance of aiming for more, inspiring me to keep pushing boundaries.Who have been the female role models in your life and why do you admire them?My mother stands out as a paramount female role model in my life. She not only guided me but also instilled in me the necessity of supporting other young women in the field. She tasked me with helping out two women every week. This motivated my persistence efforts and also helped shape my perspective on the importance of mentorship and uplifting others.Aside from aviation, what are your other main passions in life?Beyond aviation, my life is enriched by various passions. Firstly, I find solace in my art workshop, where I lock the door and immerse myself in the process of mixing colours. This creative outlet allows me to reflect on my life journey and reinforces the idea of continuous progress. Secondly, driving holds a special place in my heart. The experience of driving on highways, feeling the engine’s roar (I won’t mention my speed!) is liberating. The sound of the engine serves as a reminder of being alive and capable of giving more. Of course, my primary passion is always my family.How do you make time for yourself after a long day?Making time for myself is a deliberate practice in my routine, especially after a long day. I allocate one day off, usually on Sundays, where I disconnect from my mobile and social media. This dedicated me-time lets me focus solely on myself, providing a much-needed opportunity to recharge. Many women overlook the importance of breaks, but I believe it’s crucial for our personal well-being. Additionally, I take a holiday once a year, where I travel by myself just to be in touch with who I am – outside of my career, kids or family. You have to reward yourself, as giving yourself that boost or going on vacation makes you appreciate yourself and inspires you to achieve more.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Supplied More

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    SIRO One Za’abeel: Redefining luxury hospitality with a focus on wellness

    Lifeby Ruman Baig19 mins ago Nestled within Dubai’s iconic One Za’abeel development, SIRO One Za’abeel promises a transformative guest experience centered around fitness and recovery.This concept integrates technology with expertise, empowering guests to unlock their peak mental and physical potential. The hotel’s commitment to wellness transcends boundaries, encompassing nutrition, fitness, sleep, recovery, and mindfulness.At the heart of SIRO One Za’abeel lies the Fitness Lab, offering a diverse range of classes and state-of-the-art facilities. From high-intensity interval training to group cycling and boxing sessions, guests can embark on a personalized fitness journey curated by expert trainers. The Experience Box, a unique studio, immerses guests in atmospheric workouts enhanced by interactive visual engagement.Complementing the Fitness Lab is the serene Recovery Lab, located on the 31st floor. Here, guests can indulge in mindfulness practices, holistic therapies, and cutting-edge treatments designed to rejuvenate the body and mind. The Recovery Lab’s male and female-only zones ensure a tranquil environment tailored to individual needs.Designed as a sanctuary for holistic wellness, the guest rooms at SIRO One Za’abeel feature minimalist decor and thoughtful amenities. Floor-to-ceiling windows offer panoramic views of the city skyline, while in-room recovery cabinets and wake-up technology enhance the wellness experience.SIRO One Za’abeel also prioritizes nutrition, with options ranging from customizable shakes at the Refuel Bar to 24-hour in-room dining featuring balanced meals. A monthly membership program extends access to the hotel’s wellness facilities to residents of Dubai.As the inaugural hotel of the SIRO brand, SIRO One Za’abeel sets a new standard for immersive wellness hospitality. With future destinations planned for Montenegro, Japan, and Mexico, Kerzner International is poised to revolutionize wellness travel worldwide.For more information, visit or @SIROHotels.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Supplied More

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    9 new must-visit restaurants in Dubai to try in 2024

    Lifeby Sarah Joseph3 hours ago VIEW GALLERY/ 9 IMAGESAs the world embraces a new year, so is Dubai with all its new culinary hotspots that have opened its doors for tourists and residents.From sophisticated ambiences to dishes prepared with an innate attention to detail, be prepared to be astounded with the best served on a plate. Be it the finest caviar or the most indulgent tiramisu, these restaurants have it all.No matter what the cuisine of preference is, this emirate is never short of culinary havens. So if you’re looking to make a booking and try something new, swipe through our guide of editor-approved restaurants to experience in Dubai.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @wendyswan More

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    7 hot chocolate spots in Dubai that will melt your heart

    Lifeby Sarah Joseph2 hours ago VIEW GALLERY/ 7 IMAGESAs the rainy drops continue to hit our window pane, all we can dream about is a cup of hot chocolate as we’re all wrapped up while watching a classic 12rom-com.With one heavenly sip at a time, this winter drink serves as the perfect comfort beverage to cater to all crave something richer from time to time.For all the hot chocolate aficionados, we’ve curated the ultimate guide of where devour a warm cup with your loved ones.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @livia_auer More

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    8 amazing books to curl up with on a rainy day

    Lifeby Ruman Baig2 hours ago What better to do on a rainy day than to just snuggle up with a cosy book and savour some hot chocolate?If like the rest of the UAE, you’re stuck at home today, make the most by reading these interesting titles. Can’t get a paper back? Fire up your kindle already.Extroverts might fight me on this, but an introverted bibliophile would much rather stay in than socialise. Image this: It’s dark and gloomy outisde, the temperature is just right, you make your favourite hot bevarage and sit in your reading nook with an interesting book – does anything else seem better? I think not.While one may read anything they please, but reading about a summer romance in this weather will not do justice to the modd you’re trying to create. Think mystical fantasies, vulnerable love stories and of course, murder mysteries – what? everybody loves a good homicide story.‘Tis the season to nurture your soul, and do things that bring you joy.Take a look at out top picks for the 8 books you must cosy up with on a rainy day:All the above mentioned books are available on– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Amazon & Unsplash More

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    16 fine-dining sushi hotspots to book in Dubai for a delectable meal

    Complemented with gold flakes, caviar and truffle, Dubai is never short of opulent restaurants offering the finest sushi to savour for special occasions or to simply satisfy your food cravings.As the world celebrated International Sushi Day on June 18, 2023, this traditional Japanese staple has been part of the culinary world since day one and continues to be a popular dish enjoyed by millions around the globe over.So, if you’re on the lookout for the most refined and tried-and-tested sushi spots in Dubai, we’re here to help, with our exclusive guide.Mimi KakushiKnown for their cosy interiors and ultra-luxe décor, this restaurant is a must-visit with all the Japanese classics under one roof. By bringing back a hint of the 1920s, this Japanese fine-dining haven serves a host of delectable dishes such as salmon sashimi, foil gras gyoza and paired with signature cocktails to compliment the evening. Located at Four Seasons Dubai, this restaurant is hands down, one of my favourite fine-dining spots in Dubai and it’s open from Monday to Thursday 6pm to 2am and Friday to Sunday, 12pm to 4pm and 6pm to 2am.For more information visit mimikakushi.aeSumosanComplemented by contemporary architectural motifs with a Japanese flair, this space offers the perfect immersive experience. With warm and earthy hues, brass accents and modern artistry guests can enjoy fresh cocktails and exquisite cuisine. The menu features Sumosan favorites such as the famous lobster salad, creamy spicy king crab, truffle tiradito and more with the freshest seafood prepared to be enjoyed as sushi, sashimi, flamed or grilled. The restaurant is open from Sunday to Thursday 12pm to 2am, Friday 12pm to 3am and Saturday from 3pm to 2am. Located at Dubai Edition.For more information visit sumosan.comLing LingLing Ling is more than a dining experience it’s also a destination lounge which leads you into the evening, and then into the late night through signature tastes and popular hits from the DJ. The menu features a myriad of stunning dishes including wagyu sushi, peking duck with caviar, black truffle roast duck and more. To complement the experience, the team of in-house mixologists that promise an unforgettable dining experience. Located at Atlantis The Royal, the restaurant is open from Sunday to Thursday 6pm to 1am and Friday and Saturday 6pm to 3am.For more information visit atlantis.comNetsu by Ross ShonhanBy the displaying the traditional Japanese cooking technique of Warayaki – straw fire cooking – Netsu serves a tantalising menu of Warayaki style grills, sushi and sashimi platters, and other Japanese-style dishes, complemented by stunning interiors and a sophisticated atmosphere.The vibrant menu features a series of cocktails to complement the menu and a selection of artisanal sake curated to perfection. By using the traditional Japanese charcoal grill known as Irori, the sushi stands out from the rest, by giving the dishes a distinctive smoky flavour and enhancing the natural oils of the fish to create a unique experience. Located at Mandarin Oriental, it’s open from Sunday to Thursday 6:30pm to 11:30pm, Friday 6:30pm to 12am, Saturday 12:30pm to 3:30pm and 6:30pm to 12am.For more information visit mandarinoriental.comNobuWith an extensive menu featuring a range of signature dishes such as black cod miso, yellowtail sashimi, and shrimp tempura. Guests can also choose from a variety of sushi and sashimi dishes, including the famous Nobu Matsuhisa-style sushi rolls, which combine fresh and exotic seasonal ingredients. This premium dining experience is a perfect blend of exceptional Japanese cuisine and world-class luxury. Located at Atlantis, The Palm, this restaurant is definitely a must-visit.For more information visit noburestaurants.comShanghai MEWhile offering a contemporary take on Cantonese cuisine from the 1930s, Shanghai Me is the epitome of Art Deco elegance, located in Dubai’s International Financial Centre. With a fusion of intricate flavours and textures, the menu showcases signature dishes from across Asia with a. contemporary touch as it’s inspired by the culinary traditions of East Asia. The verdant terrace offers an enclosed space as it embodies the region’s rich heritage throughout the area with a playful twist incorporated in every element. Located in Gate Village Building 11, it’s open daily from 12pm to 4pm and 6pm to 12am.For more information visit shanghaime-restaurant.comBuddha-BarThis hip venue has become one of Dubai’s most sought-after places over the years, with stunning interiors and exceptional views of Dubai Marina. With indulgent flavours of the Far East & Asia, its innovative menu enamours guests from around the globe as they enjoy eclectic tunes from the resident DJ. As a wealth of sensory experiences await you, Buddha-Bar has been around for a long time and continues to make its mark here in the emirate. Open daily from 7pm to 1am, it’s located in Grosvenor House Dubai.For more information visit buddhabar-dubai.comSushiSambaThis restaurant is already a household name in London and Las Vegas. Having arrived in Dubai, SUSHISAMBA has already made its mark on the emirate. As an amalgamation of Japan, Brazil and Peru, the restaurant offers a mix from Japanese tempura and sushi, to Brazilian churrasco and moqueca. The open kitchen and fiery robata grill offer brilliantly roasted and flavored meats, vegetables and fish promising a shared dining experience. Located at St. Regis Hotel at The Palm Tower, the restaurant is open from Monday to Friday 12pm to 3pm and Saturday to Sunday 1pm to 3:30pm for lunch and Sunday to Wednesday 6pm to 2am and Thursday to Saturday 6pm to 3am.For more information visit sushisamba.com3FilsThis homegrown concept was founded in late November 2016 to elevate your dining experience with a sense of comfort, discovery and sharing, serving premium Asian dishes with a Japanese twist as its focus while promoting harbour-side community-style dining. The restaurant is known for its delectable sushi crafted by a team of talented chefs. Guests can include in a variety of sushi rolls including sashimi and nigiri crafted from fresh high-quality ingredients. It’s an excellent venue for anyone looking for an exciting twist on classic sushi dishes. Located at Jumeirah Fishing Harbour, it’s open daily from 12pm to 11:30pm.For more information visit 3fils.comHōsekiSet in an elegant setting, the restaurant features traditional Japanese design with modern luxury. Using the finest ingredients, the dishes represent the authenticity that lies at its helm with hand-rolling sushi techniques and high-quality ingredients. Designed for an intimate experience, the lavish setting features a multi-course meal in a refined setting with impeccable service. Awarded the one-Michelin star in Dubai for the second year, this gastronomic treat has only nine seats for a unique Omakase experience. Located at Bvglari Resort, it’s open from Thursday to Sunday from 1pm and for dinner at 6pm and 8:30pm from Wednesday to Sunday.For more information visit bulgarihotels.comZumaAfter opening in 2008, here in DIFC, Zuma has indeed stood the test of time as the restaurant has won numerous accolades and gained recognition worldwide. Having stayed relevant to date, this culinary haven has made a mark in the food industry with staple dishes such as sushi and ceviche, that are loved by all. This fine-dining concept always aims to serve the highest quality products in a sophisticated environment as guests gather to share their passion for food. Located in Gate Village 6, DIFC, it’s open from daily from 12pm to 3:30pm and Saturday to Wednesday 7pm to 12pm and Thursday and Friday 7pm to 1am.For more information visit zumarestaurant.comClapThe fine dining restaurant serves up a roll-call of Japanese classics, the extensive menu contains a range of Asian delicacies including Caviar, Oysters, Shoyu Chilean Sea Bass, and more, making sure diners will be spoiled for choice. With a vegetarian menu and plenty of tasty grape pairings, there is something for everybody at CLAP Dubai. The restaurant offers the best seats in the city with the finest sushi that Dubai has to offer. Located in Gate Village Building 11, it’s open on weekdays from 12pm to 3am and weekends from 1pm to 3am.For more information visit claprestaurant.comRokaOpened by the culinary genius behind Zuma, Rainer Becker, this contemporary Japanese restaurant opened back in 2020 and Sheikh Hamdan was one of the first to visit post-lockdown. Known for its contemporary Japanese robatayaki cuisine and sushi, this restaurant has become a firm favourite on the Dubai dining scene. Situated at Me Dubai, The Opus Business Bay, the restaurant is open daily from Monday to Friday 12pm to 3:30pm and 6:30pm to 12am, Saturday 12pm to 1am and Sunday 12pm to 12am.For more information visit rokarestaurant.comGoldfish Sushi & YakitoriIf you’re on the hunt for some delicious Japanese food, this delectable haven is a must-visit. The restaurant promises authentic Japanese flavours and has a casual setting at its home at The Galleria Mall on Al Wasl Road. Expect plenty of super-fresh sushi and tasty grills, with interesting ingredients sourced from Japan. Located in Galleria Mall, it’s open daily from 12pm to 12am.For more information visit goldfishyakitori.comKATAIndulge in a delectable assortment of sushi, featuring an array of mouth-watering signature maki, nigiri, and sashimi. Ranging from 12 to 32 pieces, choose from a selection of KATA’s most tantalizing boxes which includes the most loved Makis such as the California roll, Spicy Salmon roll, Tuna Crunch roll and nigiris from yellowtail to seabass. This contemporary Japanese restaurant provides first-class experiences in the heart of iconic Downtown Dubai at Dubai Mall, with premium ingredients and a raw bar with incredible fresh seafood and sushi indoors. The restaurants os open from Monday to Friday 10am to 12am and Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 1am.For more information visit kata.aeOrigamiBy taking inspiration from Japan’s most revered underground sushi bars, Origami serves an array of fresh and authentic dishes in a temple-like setting. This minimal space launched to reinterpret Japanese eating in Dubai, Origami was launched in 2014 to make fresh, quality-grade sushi casually accessible. Located in Dubai, this iconic restaurant is a must-visit.For more information visit eatorigamisushi.comImages: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @kimkardashian More

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    Dubai weather update: Work from home for public and private sector

    Lifeby Ruman Baig2 hours ago As Dubai residents prepare for a bout of turbulent weather, both public and private sectors to allow work from home on Monday, February 12.With forecasts predicting continued rain, wind, and unstable conditions, authorities are urging proactive measures to mitigate potential risks.The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) has issued a call to action, urging private sector companies to implement remote working arrangements for their employees.The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation calls on private sector companies across the UAE to apply flexible working patterns tomorrow, Monday, 12 February, given the expected weather conditions.“Necessary measures need to be taken by companies to ensure outdoor work,…— وزارة الموارد البشرية والتوطين (@MOHRE_UAE) February 11, 2024Recognizing the importance of occupational health and safety, MOHRE emphasizes the need for companies to prioritize the well-being of their workforce, particularly for those engaged in outdoor activities.Meanwhile, the Dubai government has taken decisive action, with HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, issuing a directive for all government entities to observe remote working on the same day. This proactive approach underscores the government’s commitment to safeguarding its employees during adverse weather conditions.Under @HamdanMohammed‘s directives, Monday, 12 February, 2024 will be a remote working day for employees of all Dubai government entities, due to weather conditions. This applies to all government employees in #Dubai, except for roles that need on-site presence at the workplace.— Dubai Media Office (@DXBMediaOffice) February 10, 2024As Dubai braces for adverse weather, the collaborative efforts of government entities, private companies, and educational institutions reflect a proactive approach towards ensuring the safety and well-being of the community.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Instagram & Feature Image: Instagram @dubai_photoconcierge More