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    In pics: Hande Erçel shares snippets from her trip to Mumbai

    Life by Sarah Joseph 1 hour ago The 29-year-old Turkish actress has been travelling the world and is currently in India with all smiles. From Bali, Italy to Paris, this Turkish actress is an avid traveller. By always giving her 31.8 million fans wanderlust inspiration, she recently added Mumbai on our travel list. From experiencing nature to booking in some time for sight-seeing, we definitely know that the actress loves immersing herself in the country she travels to. In one of the videos Erçel even did a little dance while she was on the way to her destination. Known for her sartorial fashion choices, she left no stone unturned and was even seen in a crisp pinstripe co-ord set complemented with Gold Bottega Veneta earrings, looking ever-so-stunning as always. She shared a series of snippets from her trip to her 31.8 million fans, so to see where the actress has been to, swipe through the images from her trip. Now the question lies if this trip was scheduled in for work or play? Maybe there might be a highly-anticipated collaboration around the corner. However, only time will tell. – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram Images: Instagram @handemiyy More

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    HH Sheikha Mozah Bint Marwan Al Maktoum on her journey from a pilot to an author

    Life by Ruman Baig 3 hours ago In a fusion of aviation prowess and literary ambition, Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Marwan Al Maktoum, Dubai’s pioneering first Royal female police pilot, has soared to new heights. With the release of her debut children’s book, ‘When She Took To The Sky,’ Sheikha Mozah is not only rewriting the rules of ambition, but she is also changing the narratives that shape young minds. Through an exclusive interview, we delve into her remarkable journey from breaking gender barriers in aviation to inspiring the next generation of young women to reach for the skies. Can you share the inspiration behind your debut children’s book? The future leaders of tomorrow – the youth. I wanted to convey my encouragement to young women to go out and pursue their dreams, and I think the best way for me to do that was to highlight the stories of inspiring female aviators throughout history. I wanted to impart courage and strength to the young women of tomorrow to chase their passions – be it aviation, or any field. As Dubai’s pioneering first Royal female police pilot, how did your experience influence the narrative of your book? My aviation journey was challenging in many ways but immensely rewarding. As a young woman entering a male-dominated field, I had to put in twice the effort compared to my male peers to make my presence felt. But it never got me down – I was motivated to put in the work and make myself stand out because ultimately, I believed in my dream to be in the sky. The stories of the women all over the world who came before me and broke the glass ceiling were so inspiring to me, and I just felt like I had to retell their stories to honour them and inspire the future generation. They were a testament to the fact that women can do anything men can do and that flying does not categorise anyone based on gender – which is something I have always believed in. What message do you hope to convey to young girls through your book, particularly in terms of breaking gender stereotypes in aviation? The sky offers limitless possibilities for all, and anyone can fly and experience that regardless of gender. I want young women to find strength and courage within the stories from When She Took To The Sky. Especially in aviation where women as a group are so underrepresented, it is important to know their history and the remarkable feats of women who were here before us – their work has led the way for more women to make their mark in aviation, including me, in more ways than one. Can you tell us about some of the remarkable female aviators you feature in your book? When She Took To The Sky consists of stories of inspiring women in aviation from the world and the region. From Rosina Ferrario, the first Italian female pilot, to Helene Dutrieu, the first woman to fly a seaplane, and Lotfia Elnadi, the first Arab woman to become a pilot – all their stories highlight incredible grit and unwavering determination. Their desire to fly motivated them to overcome the many obstacles that stood in their way. The young generation needs to know their stories and their contributions to the field of aviation, because not only is it a way to honour their fearlessness and grit – but also because their stories are a reminder that nothing is impossible. How do you believe literature, particularly children’s literature, can contribute to empowering the next generation of young women in aviation? I believe literature, especially children’s literature, can mould young minds to pursue their goals and passions with determination. Young girls today should know that they can do anything they set their mind to – and so many women did the same thing before them. Literature can introduce strong positive role models to young women at an early age. Apart from highlighting strong role models, literature can serve as a reminder to let young women know they can dream big because there is a vast world out there that awaits them. Storytelling can inspire young women to not let themselves tire at obstacles but rather to persevere and fight them and emerge victorious. What challenges did you face in your journey as a female pilot, and how do you address these challenges in your book? I set out to become a trained pilot at a young age. Being amidst much older peers was daunting at first, along with the academic requirements. My instructors were also keen that I worked for my wings the right way, and not through privilege. And at many points, I had it harder than my peers who were male. But with time I was able to rise above and go on to thrive as a pilot up in the skies because that goal was what kept me motivated. The stories I have compiled in When She Took to The Sky are stories that give me the courage to keep moving forward as a woman in aviation. I did not have any female role models to look up to when I was young and did not want that to be the case for young girls today. Your career has been filled with groundbreaking achievements. How does it feel to add ‘author’ to your list of accomplishments? Thank you. It is an honour to be an author and to be a storyteller. I hope that my work in aviation and as an author can motivate and inspire more young women to reach for the sky (literally or figuratively). Could you share some insights into your writing process, did any personal anecdotes or experiences influence the story? When I usually speak at events, I realise that many people do not know about female firsts in aviation. I observed something similar when I would sit down and converse with my family, and they were so surprised by the fact that these women go way back in aviation history. They are awed by the fact that these women had to step up and pursue their dreams and not be kept at bay. Did you know that Fiorenza De Bernardi, the first European woman (Italian) to become a commercial airline pilot, is alive to this day? This is what led me to write a book to honour and highlight these women’s stories. What advice would you give to young girls who aspire to pursue careers in aviation? I would like to tell them perseverance goes a long way, and to bravely face any obstacle they encounter. Every pilot dreams of their first solo flight and being up in the sky all alone is an extraordinary experience that will make all the hard work, and challenges worth it. There may be times when you may have to work twice as hard to make a mark, but that effort will always pay off in the end. What do you hope readers, both young and old, will take away from your book? Ultimately, I would like the main takeaway from my book to be to go after your dreams relentlessly and bravely take on challenges – both to children and adults alike. Having a dream or a goal and putting in the work to make it happen is a hugely rewarding feeling and I hope everyone who reads my book gets to experience that. This is The Authenticity Issue – what does authenticity mean to you? For me, authenticity is defined by how passionate a person is about their dreams and is keen on putting in the work to make it happen, and the kind of attitude they adopt towards making their dreams a reality. I live by the motto that your altitude is determined by your attitude, and a positive and determined attitude can take anyone to great heights. – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram March’s – The Authenticity Issue with Mouawad – Download Now Images: Supplied More

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    This App Makes Managing Self-Employment a Total Breeze

    Almost six years ago, after years of working as a freelance writer on nights and weekends, I quit my salaried job and started working for myself full-time. As could be expected, it took a while for me to build my client base and fill my schedule with assignments (shoutout to The Everygirl for being the first publication to join my newly self-employed roster!). Keeping track of a handful of article assignments didn’t require an intricate organization system at the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, but it wasn’t long before I started to lose track of my tasks as my workload increased.
    Fortunately, things began to change quickly for me and my business as I expanded my client base and started offering a greater variety of content creation and digital marketing services, but unfortunately, that meant my to-do list was overflowing and became overwhelming and difficult to manage. Knowing my clients wouldn’t be impressed with missed details or deadlines, I turned to Todoist (a task management system) for help, and let me just say that I’ve been hooked ever since.
    While you don’t have to be self-employed to get a lot out of Todoist, I’d be doing every other entrepreneur out there a disservice if I didn’t walk you through specifically how this task management system helps me stay on top of my self-employed game. I’m breaking down its features along with how I use it to be an efficient business owner ahead.
    What is Todoist?
    Todoist is a task manager and to-do list app that makes it easy to keep up with all of your tasks, no matter how big or small they are. Since it can be integrated with over 80 apps and is accessible across a variety of operating systems and devices—including desktops, smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches—its main job is to keep you organized. As a Mac user, I love that the app syncs on my phone, tablet, desktop, and laptop computer, so I can tackle my to-do list no matter where I am or what device I’m using.
    Within the tool, you can create projects, priorities, labels, tasks, sub-tasks, reoccurring due dates, reminders, and more. Flexible views allow you to keep a bird’s eye view of upcoming work or focus on what you need to do on a certain day, depending on how you like to visualize your workload. Similarly, you can switch between list, calendar, or board views for easier planning and tracking. For example, if you are working on a project for a client, you can view where each task lies on a calendar view or just take a look at your to-do list for the day (or upcoming days) to see what tasks you need to tackle to keep your project on track.
    One of my favorite (and most used) features is the ability to drop important notes and details into a task description that I don’t want to slip through the cracks. It’s incredibly useful to keep tasks open on my phone via the app when I’m on client calls, so when a client is throwing a bunch of small details and deadlines my way, I can jot them down in tasks that they apply to. No matter how you prefer to view and keep up with your work or how detail-oriented your work tasks are, features like this one, plus the features previously mentioned, make focusing on your most pressing to-dos a breeze.
    For many entrepreneurs, the free version of this app offers enough features to seamlessly manage your work; however, there are two paid options if you want more capabilities. The Pro plan is $4 per month and gives you access to more projects, an AI assistant, a longer activity history, and some of the more helpful features like setting reminders. The Business plan is $6 per month and gives you access to all of those things, plus the ability to create a shared team workspace and collaborate with team members. I try to keep my business expenses nice and lean, but after using the free version of this tool and realizing it was the saving grace, I upgraded to the Pro plan, which, to me, is a small price to pay for how organized it keeps me.

    How you can use Todoist to manage self-employment
    Keeping up with deadlines
    I love a good digital organization tool, but I am also a paper planner lover through and through. The physical and visual element helps me to stay clear-headed. However, if I tried to write down every to-do I had on the horizon, my planner would just overwhelm me.
    This is where Todoist comes in. I don’t use it to track my biggest deadlines, like the final product of an article. Instead, I use it to tackle all the tiny deadlines that lead up to a big one. For example, let’s say I need to interview a dermatologist for an upcoming skincare story. I would write the article deadline down in my planner, but I would add mini deadlines about the interview to the app: a deadline for when I need to reach out to potential interview subjects, a deadline for following up with them, and a deadline for prepping for the interview. Adding all of those tiny deadlines to my planner would be overkill, but it’s quick and easy in Todoist.
    It may seem a bit overkill to use a paper planner and a digital task-planning app, but I find having these two systems in place helps me avoid missing any deadlines. By putting the final project deadline in my paper calendar, I always know what big to-dos are on the horizon, but Todoist makes it so much easier to stay on top of the smaller tasks that make up those big projects. I like that I can easily shift around mini-due dates digitally, which would be a mess if I tried to constantly make changes in my physical planner. That being said, many people will find that Todoist is all they need to stay organized—especially since you can sync it with a digital calendar. I just can’t help my love of paper planners.
    Managing admin work
    On top of assignment deadlines, I also have a lot of admin-related deadlines that can be easy to let slip through the cracks. Working with a lot of different publications and brands (we’re talking around 30 every year) is very fun, but also requires staying on top of different admin deadlines—like remembering what day of the month each client likes to receive invoices. Any time an admin request comes through from a client (like signing up for new software or sending them a professional bio), I add it to the app ASAP so I don’t forget about it.
    On top of client-related admin tasks, I keep track of all of my personal admin tasks in Todoist that keep my business running smoothly, such as:

    Quarterly tax payment deadlines
    Canceling free trials or subscriptions to software
    Following up with clients on overdue invoices
    Following up with prospective clients, interview subjects, etc.
    Circling back with past clients to re-engage 
    Cleaning up my inbox
    Checking in with my accountant
    Refreshing my business website

    Organizing bigger projects
    My favorite element of Todoist is how you can organize your tasks into a “project” instead of having one massive list of tasks. This feature doesn’t have to apply to a specific project you’re working on (although it can)—instead, it allows you to break your work into categories. For example, I create a project for each client I work with, a project specifically for my personal admin work, and a project that houses all of my invoices. I find breaking down my tasks by project (or category) helps me stay more organized. In fact, one of the reasons I pay for a subscription is because it gives me the ability to create even more projects.
    Some of your assignments might be simple and won’t require you to build out a project, but let’s say you’re working on an ebook for a client, for example. You could name your project “[client name] ebook” and then create a series of tasks that could include creating an e-book outline, researching topics, submitting the first draft to the client, making necessary edits, and so on.
    By keeping all of my like tasks together, I find that it’s easier to view the status of a project and see where I might be falling behind. Similarly, I can easily view a project and update a client on its progress. Whether you have a lot of project-based work or just simply like to organize your work into buckets, you’ll really love this feature.
    Balancing responsibilities outside of work
    When you work for yourself, it can be easy to let the hustle and bustle of running your business distract from your personal life. This is why I also use Todoist to stay on top of personal tasks. For example, I have tasks to set doctor appointments or buy birthday presents for loved ones. I even have tasks that remind me to pay my bills or cancel subscriptions.
    Life gets busy, so having one clear place to stay organized and friendly reminders to nudge you along can be a big help. If you’re planning a wedding, overseeing a home renovation, or tackling any kind of big personal endeavor, creating a project within the app to house all of your to-dos will be a game changer.
    It’s so easy to grab a Post-It note or random notebook, write down things you need to get to, and promptly forget about them. Having my responsibilities front and center (and in one place) has made managing both my professional and personal life more efficient. Plus, it saves me a lot of time and helps me achieve a better work-life balance, and who doesn’t want that? More

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    10 artisanal bakeries that you knead to order from in Dubai


    by Sarah Joseph
    2 hours ago

    Sometimes freshly baked croissants, cakes and bread at artisanal bakeries can most definitely make any day batter.
    Whether a special occasion or if you’re simply looking to treat yourself, these in-house baking havens ensure that each pastry and croissant is crafted to perfection. Be it classic cakes or gourmet delights, we all need something freshly baked to complement any beverage.
    So, it doesn’t matter you’re a local resident or just visiting Dubai, Emirates Woman has collated the best bakeries and patisseries worth visiting if you’re looking for a midweek or weekend treat.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @miamirr  More

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    How ultrarunner William Goodge ran across the US in 55 days


    by Sarah Joseph
    4 hours ago

    Ultrarunner William Goodge discusses completing the 3,076-mile journey from Huntington Beach, Los Angeles to Central Park, New York and what kind of mindset it takes to achieve the extraordinary.
    What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like, your morning routine?
    I like to wake up and replenish my electrolytes and get ahead on hydration straight away by using a couple of Humantra sachets with water. I wake up before sunrise so have to leave any exposure to later, but wherever I am I’ll put on my favourite songs of the moment and get ready to go and do my first training session of the day. The gym or out for a run.
    Talk us through your background.
    I am from a small town in the UK called Ampthill, about an hour north of London.I grew up playing every sport I could, ironically one of the only ones I didn’t like too much was running long distance! I had an amazing but somewhat normal upbringing, when school was over I decided to go travelling to Thailand and Australia instead of going to University. When I got back, my sport was rugby and I ended up playing semi-professionally. This was my life until I found running.

    You completed the 3,076-mile journey in 55 days, what mindset practice helped you through this?
    I would always ask myself when things got tough “can I take another step?”. A very simple question and a very simple act to say yes and do it. There is rarely a moment in life, no matter how tough it is, that you can’t make forward progress.
    During the journey you powerwalked for 12 hours straight after running for two weeks – tell us more.
    This was a day in Oklahoma, the weather had changed quite drastically to gale force winds and rain blowing directly in my face. It was a conscious decision for me that trying to run through that would take a lot more effort. I worked it out mathematically that if I power walked at 4mph I would get to 50 miles in just over 12 hours. This meant my usual stops every 6 miles would become walk throughs. My crew would have everything ready, as they always did, and would walk with me to change my bottles and give me food. I skipped my usual midday nap and just powered through. There was some beauty in the misery and I did it for three days total.
    Your radical change of mindset got you through the experience – what was the challenge and how did you overcome it?
    It’s very hard to look at the whole of America, or 3000 plus miles and understand what that is going to take. The biggest challenge for me was pushing so hard every day and knowing I was only a fraction of the way there. It was too big to think about so I hadto pull back from the bigger picture and concentrate on the day at hand, or the next 6 miles. We got into a great routine so things were running like clockwork, this gives you confidence. I was also always ahead of my initial goal to finish in 64 days, so there was an element of competitiveness with myself of just how much quicker I could finish. You have a lot of time out there on your own to think, so creating reasons to go harder were always creeping up on me. The motivation to embark on this expedition came from a deeply personal place – tell us more. My reason for getting into extreme running was through the untimely death of my mum, Amanda. Seeing someone fight for their life and show much strength gives me a perception of ignorance to my own suffering which could be much worse. I realised very early on after her death, that as a 23-year-old I had every excuse to wave the white flag and give up on life for some time. I could have thrown some of my life away and everyone would have allowed me freedom because they knew what I was going through. But I simply couldn’t. I had to show the world just how strong my mum was by doing something to make it mean something more than a sad story. I’m a big believer now that emotions equals energy. Heightened emotion like anger, pain, even incredible joy can be channeled into a physical output. Through this we have raised over £250,000 for charities, which I am incredibly proud of and I know mymum would be too. It all came from her.
    During this journey, elaborate on what a day in the life of William Goodge looked like?
    Wake up: before sunrise, this changed across the country as we crossed four time zones. I would have a bowl of cereal and a coffee, I liked starting the day light and fuelling across the day. My crew would take off and go approximately 6 miles ahead for each stop. The first two stops I would consume a high kcal smoothie with things like protein powder, nut butters and frozen fruit and vegetables alongside pastries. Stop 3 was my favourite stop because Chef Pete would have made me a breakfast sandwich, some meat and egg in some kind of bread. After that it would change a bit to fruit, high salt items like crisps and pretzels, anything I fancied. The further east we got the more built up the areas got so I would also add in a coffee stop. This would usually be a gas station. Not the best coffee but I really enjoyed having a moment to go inside and do something ‘normal’ for a second before leaving to walk with my coffee. At mile 30 it would usually be a big lunch and nap time for 40 minutes in my bed inside a crew vehicle. I used an app on my phone called NuCalm that automatically puts you into a nap-like state through music in headphones and wearing a sleep mask. I would also put on compression boots so I could increase bloodflow to my legs and move around any inflammation. When I woke up Pete or Robbie would bring me a big lunch. Usually something from dinner the day before like a bean and meat chilli or a sandwich, avocado on the side, some rice. Then, it’s back out the door. 30 to 55 miles – this was when the crew members would usually join me. Pete and Robbie are amazing runners themselves, so they would help break up the boredom by coming out with me, these were my favourite moments. Plenty of laughs and most of our talks were about what we would do when we finished! The same stop plan, every six miles for refuelling. Once the running was finished I would clock my watch and get back to the main camper van to shower, change and eat a big Chef Pete dinner. We tried to make this process quick so I could sleep as much as possible, but it was never rushed. I really loved the moments of eating dinner with the crew. It was a normal moment in an otherwise chaotic time. I might sacrifice 20 minutes of sleep, but for my happiness it was essential.

    What’s your fitness mantra?
    What is the limit? It is an ever moving target as once you think you have found it, it’s moved again. It’s good to have something to chase, remainunsatisfied.
    What advice would you give to your younger self?
    Everything is going to be okay. Enjoy the moments now, show appreciation to the ones you love. You’re in for a hell of a ride, but you have the strength to see it all through. It’s going to be exciting!
    This is The Emirates Man Spring/Summer Issue – how would you best describe your style?
    I live in the fashion and running world, which isn’t usual. I use both to express myself equally, whilst running I’ll be in 247 Represent or Vuori. Outside of that my style is diverse, I couldn’t describe it in a sentence as it takes many forms. I have a particular passion for sunglasses and will be releasing my own brand later this spring / early summer. It occupies both worlds, glasses you can wear to a fashion event or dinner or the running track. Function plus Fashion. It’s called RIZK.
    – For more on how to look smart and live smarter, follow Emirates Man on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied More

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    Unexpected rainfall to hit UAE again: NMC issues alert

    Life by Ruman Baig 7 mins ago As the UAE brace for another rainfall, residents are urged to prepare for an onslaught of inclement weather. The National Meteorological Center (NMC) has issued a stern warning, advising caution and prudence in the face of impending heavy rains set to inundate the region from Monday through Wednesday. #أمطار_الخير#المركز_الوطني_للأرصاد #Rain#NCM — المركز الوطني للأرصاد (@ncmuae) March 5, 2024 Dubai, known for its shimmering skyline and bustling streets, finds itself at the mercy of Mother Nature’s fury, with forecasts predicting moderate to heavy rainfall across various districts, including Deira, Emirates Road, and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Road. The NMC has placed certain areas of Dubai under an ‘Orange alert,’ signaling potential hazards associated with the looming weather phenomenon. #أمطار_الخير #طريق_دبي_العين #المركز_الوطني_للأرصاد ⁧⁧#أصدقاء_المركز_الوطني_للأرصاد⁩ #حالة_الطقس #حالة_جوية ⁧#هواة_الطقس⁩ #reel #دبي #الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #أبوظبي #الشارقة #رأس_الخيمة #الفجيرة #عجمان #أم_القيوين — المركز الوطني للأرصاد (@ncmuae) March 5, 2024 In neighboring Emirates, the situation appears equally dire. Sharjah is bracing for heavy downpours accompanied by lightning, while Fujairah anticipates a deluge of rain showers commencing on Monday, March 4th. The NMC’s advisory urges motorists to exercise extreme caution and limit unnecessary travel during adverse weather conditions, emphasizing the importance of adhering to safety protocols such as utilizing low beam lights and maintaining vigilance on the roads. In anticipation of the impending storm, Abu Dhabi is slated to experience heavy rainfall starting from 8 PM on Monday evening, with the inclement weather gradually spreading across the country overnight, enveloping Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, and Ajman in its watery embrace. While Tuesday afternoon is expected to witness intermittent rain showers persisting throughout the day, the skies are forecasted to gradually clear by 9 PM, offering a reprieve from the relentless downpour. As the UAE prepares to weather the storm, vigilance and preparedness emerge as the need of the hour. – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @p More

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    In Pics: Alia Bhatt shares daughter Raha’s photo for the first time

    Life by Ruman Baig 1 hour ago Ever since Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor introduced daughter Raha to the world during last Christmas, the one-year-old has been loved by one and all on the internet. Recently, the videos of the toddler attending cousin Jeh’s birthday with father Ranbir Kapoor were doing the rounds, where the father-daughter duo were twinning in navy blue. This time around, little Raha was spotted twinning with mama Alia in custom-made Suket Dhir outfits for the safari segment during the Ambani pre-wedding festivities in Jamnagar, Gujarat. Alia, for the first time ever, shared a photo with her daughter, in a twinning outfit, making it even more special. The rest of the album consisted of pictures from 3-days of festivities – including concerts by Rihanna and Diljit along with the final Hastakshar ceremony of the couple, Anant and Radhika. Take a look at all the moments from the wedding shared by the actor: – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @aliaabhatt More

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    6 mental wellness clinics for a therapy session in Dubai

    Life by Sarah Joseph 1 hour ago With the high-pressure society we live in, mental health is quite often an overlooked subject. To delve into the matter, it’s important to provide an opportunity for people around the world to make mental health care a reality for all. As the UAE continues to break the stigma surrounding this, mental health clinics have gained popularity to address factors surrounding depression, fatigue, anxiety, panic attacks and more. With the previous outbreak of COVID-19, several clinics have adapted to Zoom healthcare services, adding a new meaning to virtual sessions, along with in-person sessions as per usual. If you, or anyone you’re aware of, might require these services, Emirates Woman has curated a guide to all the mental health clinics here in Dubai. The LightHouse Arabia With a team of over 30 psychologists to address different areas in one’s life, The LightHouse Arabia provides high-quality services to help with a wide range of mental health and well-being challenges. From adoption support to psychotherapy, the in-depth sessions make it one of the leading mental health clinics in the UAE. With various events hosted every month, the interactive sessions make it helpful for people to address their problems in a community-driven environment. Located in Villa 1, Al Wasl Road, Al Safa 2, it’s open daily from 8am to 8pm with Fridays being closed. For more information visit Priory Wellbeing Centre Each treatment programme is tailored to the specific needs of each individual ensuring the best possible outcome is achieved. Knowing that everyone has a different pace, the sessions are tailored to each person’s potential in their own time. With a team of professionals, the therapies provide an experience to suit each patient. From cognitive behaviour therapy to individual therapy, the clinic helps everyone to work through their problems and discover more about themselves. Located in Dubai Healthcare City, Block F, it’s open on Sunday and Monday from 8am to 7pm, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8am to 6pm and Thursday and Saturday from 9am to 5pm, with Fridays being closed. For more information visit Thrive Wellbeing Centre In a judgment-free environment, this clinic helps clients accomplish their goals while supporting them in a warm, empathic and seamless manner. Combining the latest research, the professionals know that mental health is just as important as physical health. From parenting support to individual therapy, the expert psychologists support people through a range of challenges including depression, anxiety, grief, relationship issues and trauma. The clinic also conducts a host of workshops for people together in a group. Located in Office 706-710, HDS Tower, Cluster F, it’s open from  Saturday-Thursday: 9am–8pm and Friday: 9am–5pm. For more information visit Wise Mind Centre This clinic is committed to building a sense of community and belonging ensuring that anyone who visits is never treated as an outsider. Creating a confidential space to explore and harbour lasting change, Wise Mind Center ensures its clientele is kept small for quality over quantity. With individual access to each therapist, the services are provided in Arabic, English and Dutch. Located in Lake Central Tower, 1209, Business Bay, it’s open daily from 10am to 8pm, except Friday’s are closed. For more information visit American Wellness Centre As the ever-increasing societal pace wears people down, the clinic was born to make the brunt of modern life a lot easier. This multi-specialty clinic ensures every session is carefully tailored as per the customer’s surrounding concerns. From mindfulness training to parenting skills training, both children and adults are looked after in a safe environment with highly qualified experts. Located in Al Faris Building 39, Dubai Healthcare City, it’s open from 8am to 10pm. For more information visit Camali Clinic With a step-by-step guided programme created to address any challenges, the clinic creates a personalised schedule to overcome each obstacle. By identifying the root cause of each patient’s personal challenges, clinically proven counselling sessions provide a holistic approach to addressing its client’s mental health. Various emotional and behavioural issues are addressed with love and support. With two locations, it’s situated in Block A, Ibn Sina building no. 27 in Dubai Healthcare City and Cluster M, HDS Center, in JLT. For more information visit – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram Images: Supplied & feature image: Unsplash @priscilla-du-preez More