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    Mohamed Hadid deletes post after fans speculate Gigi Hadid has given birth

    Gigi Hadid is set to welcome her first child with boyfriend Zayn Malik any day now, but fans have been speculating that she may have already given birth.
    The model’s dad, Mohamed Hadid, penned a sweet handwritten letter saying, “Hello my little grandchild.”

    This had a few fans confused as to whether the 25-year-old has already welcomed her first child, given that her due date is so close.
    One person commented asking: “Did Gigi give birth to her baby, please can anyone answer.” However, to put speculation to rest, Mohamed responded saying, “No, not yet.”

    However, the post by the 72-year-old property tycoon has now been deleted for reasons unknown.

    📲 Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid Welcome Their First Daughter
    — ayesha⁷🥛 CLOWN ERA (@MALIKSCVLT) September 16, 2020

    The beautifully handwritten note penned a sweet poem to his new grandchild.
    “Hello my little grandchild,” it read. “I wish for you the sun and the moon. Hello little grandchild, it’s me, my heart as happy as can be. I wish for you the sun and moon. I wish for you a happy time.
    “Know that Grandpa’s always near, I’ll do anything, anything for you my dear.”
    He finished the sweet note writing, “When I heard you were on the way, I smiled and wiped a tear away. I cried the tear because I know, my heart would always belong to you.”

    It’s expected that Gigi will give birth to her first child with Zayn in New York City. Late last month, the couple were photographed arriving in Manhattan.
    It’s fair to assume the pair are staying in Gigi’s new $5.8 million (Dhs21.3 million) Manhattan apartment, which she gave fans a glimpse of last month.
    According to a recent report from E! News, the pregnancy has been good for Gigi and Zayn’s relationship after the couple reunited at the end of last year.
    “Zayn and Gigi are really excited and have been loving this experience together,” a source told E!. “They both are reading parenting books, have had fun planning the nursery and picking out items together. Things are going really smoothly, and they are closer as a couple more than ever.”
    It’s been reported the couple are expecting a girl, but neither of them has officially confirmed the gender.
    – For more about Dubai’s lifestyle, news and fashion scene follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram.
    Feature Image: Gigi Hadid Instagram More

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    How Saudi Arabia is planning to boost tourism in the country

    Saudi Arabia has announced a new initiative to encourage travel in the region.
    In the Kingdom’s capital Riyadh the Voyagers Association has been launched which will specialise in travel and tourism in the country.

    In a press conference on Sunday, it was explained under the initiative there will be seven memberships: a worker membership; associate; voyager; consultant voyager; GCC voyager; emeritus membership and honorary membership.
    The latest announcement aligns with the goals of the Saudi Vision 2030, which will aim to facilitate more travel in many different regions of the country.

    Elaborating of the goals of the independent entity, Ibrahim Al-Mutairi, chairman of the Voyagers Association said, “Among the goals of the association is to work on organizing the current work of travellers and those interested in the field – which in most cases is nothing more than individual diligence — and to change it into an institutional and more firmly controlled work, in a way that achieves the common goals of individuals and society.”
    Earlier this week it was announced that travel restrictions will be lifted in Saudi Arabia for citizens at the beginning of 2021.
    Starting January 1, all international travel restrictions which have been implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be lifted, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) announced on Sunday.
    Travel via the borders to and from the Kingdom includes via air, land and sea.
    Meanwhile, as of this week on September 15, the Kingdom will partially ease restrictions on international flights in order to permit citizens and residents to travel who are in “exceptional circumstances”.
    Back in March, Saudi’s borders were closed due to the pandemic and have remained closed since.
    – For more about Dubai’s lifestyle, news and fashion scene follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature Image: Experience Al Ula Instagram More

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    HGTV’s Breegan Jane on Finding Her Eye and What Success Really Looks Like

    She flips houses, perfects interiors, manages international real estate projects, stars in one of the most iconic home-improvement shows, writes children’s books, runs a lifestyle blog, and and even has more new projects on the horizon. “Chances are, if it’s artistic, I’ve done it,” says Breegan Jane, the CEO, founder, and owner of Breegan Jane LLC. This renaissance woman had a keen eye for design and visuals starting at a very young age, which led to the most inspiring and eclectic career trajectory that combined her natural talents with her passions. Breegan’s tenacity for taking on new, challenging opportunities and her innate desire to lend a hand to anyone in need make her someone we can truly say that we admire and learn so much from. Ready to meet your new entrepreneurial and creative idol? Keep reading to find out how she juggles it all, what projects she dreams of taking on in the future, and the philosophy that governs all of her work. Trust us, you’ll want to take notes!

    Name: Breegan Jane, CEO/Owner/Founder, Breegan Jane LLCAge: Young!Location: Los Angeles, CAEducation: My path to becoming an interior designer was lined with several educational and entrepreneurial events that made it impossible for me to deny my innate creative passion. I am largely self-taught, though I did attend art school and study the classic courses of study. As my skill and enthusiasm matured, I realized I possessed an unrelenting interest in representing the visual. At 19 I owned a clothing store, and I would spend hours in the middle of the night working on window displays. I should have known at that point that this would all lead to a future in design. Opportunity lined up with talent and career, and a business in the world of interiors was born!

    Let’s start with your background! What was your first job, and how did you land it? 

    I had a modeling career that started at 2 years old. I was required to have a work permit that listed my information and my company, which was Esprit.

    Talk us through your career trajectory from there. What led to you to discovering your passion for interior design?

    It’s interesting, because even as a child model I had an affinity for projects that appeal to the eye. From there I owned my own retail store as a teen, and that transitioned my eye from designing clothes and staging mannequins to designing the interior of my store. That energy continued to develop as I was offered an opportunity to stage luxury yachts in Texas. That led to other opportunities like redesigning an entire plane hangar for a private client, and the career started booming from there.

    Source: @breeganjane

    Growing up, did you always have a keen eye for art and design? How did your creative outlets change and evolve over the years? 

    Yes! I didn’t know interior design was my calling, but as I reflect, visual representation was something I was always drawn to. I tried my hand at several things: designing clothing, web design. I even painted backpacks and sold them at 16. I was always creating something in the middle of the night. Chances are, if it’s artistic, I’ve done it. All of these interests came together in the career I was supposed to have. Design truly allows me to effectively and creatively use my talent in a way that satiates my artistic spirit.

    Your resume is rather impressive (to say the least!), with you having worked on unique spaces like personal music studios, and having managed large international real estate projects. What’s one project that you feel most proud of, and why? 

    I think it would have to be my first residential flip. It was the first time I went out completely on my own in areas of both design and execution. I challenged myself in so many ways. It was the first time I did a tub in shower design, which would later become one of my signatures. When I look back, that project as a whole isn’t my favorite design-wise, because it was at the beginning of my design journey. However, it serves as a reference point for my love of bathroom design and my desire for pushing the envelope. It was a successful endeavor that took a lot of risks and betting on myself. I accomplished that project solely on my own—pregnant with my first child, no less. It’s a great reminder when I’m faced with more challenging things that I can do everything I set my mind to do.

    Chances are, if it’s artistic, I’ve done it. All of these interests came together in the career I was supposed to have. Design truly allows me to effectively and creatively use my talent in a way that satiates my artistic spirit.

    Which one proved to be the biggest challenge to work on? 

    My most challenging projects are the ones that involve clients who are unsure of what they truly want. Often, if a client is in the midst of emotional turmoil and trying to find themselves, they can take a designer on a proverbial winding road to their design destination. That’s not to say that it can’t be amazingly therapeutic to help someone find themselves. However, many clients are seeking answers to their lives through what they want “identity” to be in their homes. If they don’t have a good sense of that, you can get lost in helping them find it. If they’re open to guidance and suggestions, it’s an awesome experience. 
    Source: @breeganjane

    OK—so naturally, we have to ask you about your stellar spot on HGTV’s relaunch of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.” What an incredible gig! What was the process of landing that like, and how did you manage transitioning from “normal life” design to TV design?

    I feel so honored to be a part of the show. They actually found me! I never imagined I’d get that opportunity, and I was so pleasantly surprised. I’ve always watched and loved that show. The transition was a major one, and in order to do it successfully, I had to lean heavily on my team. I tell people all the time that Breegan Jane LLC isn’t just a singular person, it’s a group of people working to make it all happen. Ultimately it all came down to equipping my team with the tools they needed to get the job done, and entrusting them with more responsibility.

    I tell people all the time that Breegan Jane LLC isn’t just a singular person, it’s a group of people working to make it all happen. Ultimately it all came down to equipping my team with the tools they needed to get the job done, and entrusting them with more responsibility.

    Surely, it must have really tugged at your heartstrings to see families emotionally react to coming home and having their entire lives changed with the incredible transformations you and your team made. How did “EMHE” change your perspective on interior design and home renovation? What was the most important lesson you learned being a part of that experience?

    EMHE made me question everything about what can be achieved in design. Watching a house be erected in five days out of pure love and community support was something I never thought would be possible. I learned so much during that experience. It was interesting to hold emotional space for something so much bigger than me. Day after day I was the recipient of so many hugs and so much gratitude actually meant for thousands of people. Watching these beautiful families tell their triumphant stories, knowing my role was to be a lens and function within the storytelling experience that isn’t my own, required me to dig deeply into my own emotional intelligence and empathy. I had to be a vessel for so much good, and I took that very seriously. It all made me want to be better in every way and in everything in life.

    Source: @breeganjane

    Being a designer, real estate developer, children’s book author, lifestyle blogger, small business owner, and (above all else) a mother, you can honestly be considered a modern renaissance woman. How do you balance all of these roles? If it all gets to be overwhelming at times, how do you unwind and disconnect for a bit?

    Balancing all of these aspects lies in the fact that they’re all genuine to who I am and what I care about. To the casual onlooker, these things may seem unrelated or disconnected. But each project I take on honors a part of myself that I believe needs to be expressed. My brand is me. It’s not just a name; it’s who I am. I wrote a book because it was in my heart to do so. I put my all into my business ventures, into giving back, and into motherhood. Taking on so much doesn’t feel burdensome; it feels necessary.
    I unwind with baths. Water feels healing for me. I love spending time in the ocean, but if I can’t do that, I’ll take a swim in the pool. Water helps cleanse the soul, and it’s an amazing practice for me. When there isn’t time for any of those things, I take baths. That time helps reset and refresh me.

    Day after day I was the recipient of so many hugs and so much gratitude actually meant for thousands of people. Watching these beautiful families tell their triumphant stories, knowing my role was to be a lens and function within the storytelling experience that isn’t my own, required me to dig deeply into my own emotional intelligence and empathy. I had to be a vessel for so much good, and I took that very seriously. It all made me want to be better in every way and in everything in life.

    What is a typical day in the life of Breegan Jane like?

    “Typical” doesn’t exist! Every day for me is atypical. I’m always up to something new and challenging, and my days are always a bit surprising. One thing I can guarantee is that they always include motherhood, friendship, and daily check-ins with loved ones more than others might see or expect. I feel very blessed to have a professional team, but I’m also blessed to have an emotionally supportive and loving tribe of friends whom I cherish. My days are incredibly long. I’m a bit of an insomniac, so a 5am-2am day can be typical. Currently, I’m doing a lot of media and content development, but design is always a part of everyday life in some form.

    Source: @breeganjane

    You’ve had such a full and exciting career already, but is there still something you’ve always wanted to work on, but haven’t gotten to yet? What’s a “dream project” you’ve always had on your mind? 

    Hotel design is something I would love the opportunity to do. I love the idea of creating spaces that will be used by a host of people from all walks of life and all corners of the world. When I design a home, it’s usually only going to be viewed and experienced by the owner and their guests. I welcome the challenge of creating “home” for any traveling wanderer in a hotel space.

    Source: @breeganjane

    What main philosophy governs all of the work you do, and any potential new project you decide to take on?

    Honesty, as a philosophy, governs my work. My clients can count on me to always work in excellence and give my absolute best. I lead with my heart, and my reputation reflects that. It’s important to me to always be genuine and to let you know if I don’t believe in something. I think the truth of what you do and how you feel only becomes more apparent as you climb the success ladder. I’ll always do my best. There’s nothing better than that!

    My brand is me. It’s not just a name; it’s who I am. I wrote a book because it was in my heart to do so. I put my all into my business ventures, into giving back, and into motherhood. Taking on so much doesn’t feel burdensome; it feels necessary.

    As a young girl, you would save your own money to help buy gifts and items for children who were less fortunate, which truly goes to show that regardless of our income, we can always give a little bit and lend a hand to those in need. How have your charitable efforts evolved since then, and what role does philanthropy play in your life now?

    I’ve surprised even myself in how involved I’ve been in the anti-FGM project in Kenya. I’ve realized that one of my dreams is to have schools for girls. That’s a lofty feat, but throughout my philanthropic efforts I’ve learned that enormous impact isn’t solely accomplished by enormous efforts. While I’ve helped establish a safe house and education center in Kenya, equally important are the days when my sons and I hand out blankets in Venice, California. The human connection is what it’s all about, and I never want to lose that in my giving back.

    If you could go back in time to give some advice to your 22-year-old self, what would it be? 

    Success and wisdom will come later than you expected, but they will feel more soul-filling than anything you could achieve before you’re 30. At 22, I thought age 27 would see me with 2.5 kids, the career and husband I wanted, and that would be my story! I now realize that my preferred timetable for setting and achieving goals isn’t written in stone. I can dream it, work for it, and trust that it all will develop and materialize in its perfect timing. That doesn’t always align with my initial set of “vision board deadlines,” but it happens as it’s supposed to. That’s what success looks like in my book.

    I now realize that my preferred timetable for setting and achieving goals isn’t written in stone. I can dream it, work for it, and trust that it all will develop and materialize in its perfect timing.

    Source: @breeganjane

    Breegan Jane is The Everygirl…
    What’s at the top of your bucket list? Expanding my brand internationally, which will allow me to chase all the bucket list travel plans I have.
    Late night snack of choice: Definitely Reese’s peanut butter cups!
    If you had a superpower, it would be: I would be the ultimate vessel of light and love who makes people feel seen, loved and appreciated. I’d want my powers to make people feel good about themselves and stand up a little taller.
    Your guilty pleasure book/movie/show: My favorite movie of all time, The Thomas Crowne Affair with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo. I never get tired of watching it.
    Your signature scent: Meadow by SKYLAR. I love that it’s organic, vegan, and cruelty-free, and it smells amazing.
    Top 3 items you must carry at all times: A legal pad, an extra phone charger, and a man wallet (it’s really handy!)
    If you could have lunch with any woman, who would it be and why? It would definitely be Michelle Obama or Oprah. I’d like to ask them both how we could fix this world we’re living in. I’m so convinced one of them has the answer! More

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    The affordable interior collection that all your fashion friends will love

    Having spent significantly more time at home, we won’t be surprised if you have invested in a couple of new throw cushions or indulged in decadent candles.
    Little touches can instantly elevate your space, and H&M Home has been releasing a series of winning home pieces that are easy on the budget and are good on the eye.

    The latest collaboration with the British Museum is a dream for any fashion lover, especially if you have a soft spot for botanical prints. Featuring the works of Mary Delany, an 18th-century English artist known for her botanical depictions, the collection includes a range of decorative items printed with her flowers.
    In the seven-piece collection, there is a large vase with a round foot and slightly tapered, a mug shaped like an oversized teacup with a gold-toned handle, a candle with a wraparound print and two different sizes of both cushion covers and ceramic plates.

    We have asked Guillaume Vaillant, concept designer at H&M Home, to talk us through the collection and share a few quick interior hacks that we can apply during our next mini revamp.

    What drew you to Mary Delany’s paper mosaics?
    In the start of our design process for this season, many British references from the 18th century inspired us. We came across Mary Delany’s extraordinary work and were moved by her approach to flowers. Their black background reveals the delicate intensity of the flowers and the handicraft is incredible. We were amazed to see how her flower mosaics, made in the 1700s, could still feel so modern and strong.
    How do you interpret something from 18th Century to bring it to a modern home?
    The magic of this collaboration is really to see how beauty travels through time. Our vision was to create objects that would both showcase and highlight that beauty without altering it, therefore we paid strong attention to details and proportions for this collection.
    What has been the most challenging aspect of bringing this collection to live?
    The British Museum department of prints and drawings has such a wonderful catalogue of artworks that we had an immense pleasure to work with it. We really wanted to highlight the artist’s vision and create a dialogue between the final object and her original artwork. It was at the centre of our design process to showcase Mary Delany’s vision with respect and care.
    Consisting of seven key pieces, is it fair to say that they’ve been created to fit into any space?
    Absolutely. At H&M home we want to make it possible for everyone to create a modern and inspiring home. This collection really represents this idea. From a scented candle that you could put on your shelf to a vase for bigger floral display, we wanted to make this collection accessible for different spaces and budgets.

    Do you have a personal favourite?
    The scented candle might be my favourite item of this collection. It captures Mary Delany’s work perfectly and gives it an extra dimension both from the scent we used but also how the warm light shines through the black glass.
    What are your styling tips using The British Museum and H&M HOME collection?
    It a collection built on the harmonious work of an incredible artist. All the pieces work together and are easy to combine. So, whether you want to add a romantic touch to your sofa with some cushion covers, or bring romantic florals to your kitchen ceramics, everyone can really style it with their own personal touch.
    How do you feel our attitude to interior styling has changed since spending more time at home?
    The pasts months have been deeply interesting and challenging for many of us. We all somehow reconnected to our homes that became multipurpose spaces. They became our offices, our gyms, our socialising space and so many other functions. In a way, we all realised how important it is to make our home the mirror of who we are and adapt it to our new routines. Connected to a general need of well-being I think we have started to invest more time and resources in making our homes more functional and soothing.
    Can you share with us some simple interior hacks that will instantly transform our home?
    I recently repainted my living room, and even if you don’t have to redo your entire interior, it’s always amazing to see how colour affects your perception of a space. I tend to like neutral shades that have a very calming power and add a touch of fun to it. It’s important to have a few objects that really represent you and your personality. The easiest way in my opinion to transform your home is to trust nature. Natural materials and colours combined with plants will always work in harmony.
    – For more about Dubai’s lifestyle, news and fashion scene follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied More

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    Emirates is offering COVID-19 tests to travellers at a discounted rate

    As travel continues to rise, tests for COVID-19 are also increasing in order to track and prevent the spread of the virus.
    Now, those intending to travel with Emirates can undergo a COVID-19 PCR test which will be priced at a discounted rate.

    Currently, the cost of a PCR test in Dubai and Abu Dhabi healthcare institutions is Dhs250 after being reduced significantly – previously the cost of a test was Dhs370.
    However, Emirates is offering their passengers tests priced at Dhs150 which they can get before flying out of Dubai.

    Passengers must provide healthcare workers with proof of a booked ticket or boarding pass, as well as ID.
    At present, available places to get tested for Dhs150 with Emirates American Hospital Dubai Media City Clinic, American Hospital Al Barsha Clinic and American Hospital Al Khawanij Clinic.
    There is also the option for home testing which will cost Dhs250.
    As per the normal timeframe for COVID-19 test results, they can be expected within 48 hours.
    – For more about Dubai’s lifestyle, news and fashion scene follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Emirates Instagram More

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    How to Build a Career Brag Sheet—and Why You Should

    Growing your career requires a combination of a more sophisticated skill set and getting increasingly good at building your personal brand. Being able to confidently speak to our work successes and achievements is a huge part of marketing ourselves. Whether we’re working on improving credibility in our current role or positioning ourselves for future opportunities, pointing to concrete achievements in our career is essential for success.Being methodical and structured about how we capture those achievements is an important habit to start building, and as our careers become longer and more complex, an email folder tagged “Kudos” just won’t do. To really put your achievements to work for you, they need to be thoughtfully captured, catalogued, and translated into the larger arc of what you’re trying to achieve in the working world.
    Enter the “brag sheet.” Think of a brag sheet as the sub-levels of your resume. It’s the achievements—of all sizes—you’ve accomplished along the way in your job that tally up to the results and success you can demonstrate in your role. A brag sheet isn’t meant to be a run-down of uncomfortable self-congratulating. Instead, it can be a record we carry throughout our careers that help us highlight our achievements, skill set, and the meaningful results we create in our work. 

    Why should I have a brag sheet?
    Somewhere between the high-level career story that is our resume and our day-to-day work selves, we can lose track of our achievements. When it comes time to ask for that promotion or big raise, you want to be able to point to a concrete list of the ways you’re excellent. Building a brag sheet along the way in our career showcases evidence-based results, which is the backdrop for increasing responsibility and advancing professionally.
    It’s also easy to let tiny achievements slide over time. This is especially true when they may not be incredibly relevant to us until further down the line in our job hunt. For example, in an earlier stage of my career, I spent time helping build a client relationship management database. It wasn’t a core part of my role at the time, but I meticulously tracked our results and the partners I worked with. Years later, it is a story I trot out at interviews to highlight my technical experience and ability to work across a variety of business lines.

    What does it look like?
    A brag sheet can take any form. It can be a running word doc, or for the ultra-organized, even an excel file. Those of us with creative portfolios, data visualization projects, or any work that displays better visually might want to connect it with a running portfolio of projects.
    However, one thing that brings a brag sheet to life is the fact that you created it and transformed these ideas into your own words. A brag sheet can be built off a pile of emails of “wins” that you save, but it must be built. You’re looking to capture a running narrative of your successes, and are knitting them together in a meaningful way for your career.

    How do I build it?
    Start with a blank page and brainstorm your successes since the beginning of the year. Take a weekend and think through past positions. Comb over your emails, key client, or internal partner meetings for any prompts. Your brag sheet can include stories and examples from any of the following:


    Did another team send a note to you and your boss on something you knocked out of the park? Capture that exact language and build out a few data points on why the project or success was meaningful to the firm.

    Quotes from senior leaders

    If a senior leader in the company sent you a congratulatory note or included you in a key project, it’s worth capturing the exposure and the results.

    Data-backed results

    Any of your successes with metrics tied to it is a brag sheet gold standard. Do your client surveys reflect a 20 percent increase in satisfaction year over year? Capture that. Are there dozens of new users on an internal collaboration board you built? That’s a metric too—you’re furthering inter-company connectivity.

    Corporate “extracurricular” activities

    Any time you’re serving the wider good beyond your immediate role, be sure to document those activities. Often times, these contributions set you apart for promotion and new leadership opportunities. Sometimes when we’re mentoring or supporting a company volunteer event, we feel like that shouldn’t be “brag sheet” worthy, and that it diminishes our contribution unless we do it unseen.
    If you’re taking on those tasks only to put them on the brag sheet, that’s another thing. But often times, women are loaded up with invisible contributions in this area, often requiring extensive time and emotional labor without recognition for a meaningful contribution.

    Peer Feedback

    We can tend to discount peer feedback, thinking that kudos are not helpful to our careers unless they come from someone above us in the pecking order. Not true at all! Keeping track of peer feedback is essential. It shows that you are a great team mate, and can also help you get a different perspective on how people see where your skills and talents lie.

    Qualitative “interview responses”

    Start to train your mind to think of work successes as future answers in an interview. This can look like more qualitative milestones where you’re learning about your work and leadership style. For example, I was part of a team project where we were working for months on a new product, without a named leader. I challenged myself to take on certain tasks that were outside of my comfort zone, and they felt like new achievements in my career. It would be hard for anyone but me to have identified that, so jotting a little “diary entry” on my brag sheet ensures I’ll never forget that perspective on my own growth.

    How do I use a brag sheet?
    A brag sheet serves short-term and long-term goals. Use it to get yourself ready for annual reviews or check-ins with your boss. Add to it over time to be sure you capture all the success milestones of your career. We’re likely to have a number of different careers over our lifetimes that use many different skills. You never know when an earlier success will prove relevant in a future job hunt.

    What’s the first thing you’re putting on your brag sheet?  More

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    Just in time for Dubai’s winter season luxe escape Nikki Beach is reopening

    The humidity and unbearable heat in the UAE is subsiding and it’s finally possible to go outside during the day without breaking out into a total sweat, meaning Dubai’s fabulous winter season is finally on the way.
    Perfectly timed to coincide with the arrival of the optimal weather, luxe Dubai escape Nikki Beach is officially reopening next month.

    Announcing the exciting news on their Instagram page, the famed beach club confirmed its reopening will be on October 1 after being closed for seven months due to the pandemic.
    “The sun is calling you back to your happy place!” the caption said.

    Following guidelines that were implemented by the government, Nikki Beach will be reopening theirs doors Tuesday through Saturday for beach lovers to soak up the sun.
    While brunches and ladies’ days have previously been incredibly popular at Nikki Beach, no official deals or events have been confirmed, but we’re sure that will eventually come in time.
    To be honest, we’re just happy we’ll be able to visit one of our favourite beach spots this Dubai winter!
    – For more about Dubai’s lifestyle, news and fashion scene follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied More

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    Why Kim Kardashian is boycotting social media

    If there’s one thing we know Kim Kardashian is an expert in, it’s social media. As one of the most-followed people on Instagram, she has cultivated what it means to be an ‘influencer’.
    However, the reality star, along with many other A-list celebrities is set to boycott social media for 24 hours as part of a protest to stop the spread of “hate, propaganda and misinformation”.

    The #StopHateForProfit a campaign which has been formed in order to hold social media sites “accountable for hate on their platforms.”
    Kardashian announced on her Twitter page that she would be freezing her Instagram and Facebook accounts for 24 hours on Wednesday.

    “I love that I can connect directly with you through Instagram and Facebook, but I can’t sit by and stay silent while these platforms continue to allow the spreading of hate, propaganda and misinformation – created by groups to sow division and split America apart – only to take steps after people are killed,” she said.

    – only to take steps after people are killed. Misinformation shared on social media has a serious impact on our elections and undermines our democracy.  Please join me tomorrow when I will be “freezing” my Instagram and FB account to tell Facebook to #StopHateForProfit.
    — Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) September 15, 2020

    “Misinformation shared on social media has a serious impact on our elections and undermines our democracy. Please join me tomorrow when I will be ‘freezing’ my Instagram and FB account to tell Facebook to #StopHateForProfit.”
    Other A-list celebrities partaking in the freeze includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, Sacha Baron Cohen and Jennifer Lawrence.
    Organisations spearheading the campaign include the Anti-Defamation League, the NAACP and Color of Change.
    As a result of the campaign, which began earlier this year on June 17, more than 90 companies have pulled their advertising from Facebook until they meet the requirements of the movement to stop the spread of hate.
    – For more about Dubai’s lifestyle, news and fashion scene follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram.
    Images: Kim Kardashian Instagram More