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    5 Ways to Rebuild Your Finances, Even During COVID

    To many, 2020 has felt like the plot of a bad, post-apocalyptic movie, one in which the main characters are long overdue for a reversal of fortune. While it’s true that, as of writing, the stock market is back in the green, and unemployment rates are falling from their highs earlier this year, the grim reality is that, for many of us, the coronavirus impacted our financial livelihoods in a very real way. Some lost income via layoffs, reduced hours, or pay cuts. Some had to use hard-earned emergency or retirement funds to pay for health expenses, rent, childcare, or groceries. Others panicked as the stock market fell, and sold their stocks for less than they were worth earlier in the year. If that’s you, you’re likely asking, where do I go from here? While everyone’s situation is unique, there are a few principles that can help you get back on track.  

    1. Take advantage of assistance.
    Legislation passed over the past six months has temporarily increased unemployment assistance, waived interest on federal student loans, increased the amount that you can borrow from your 401K (warning: last resort!), and more. Look into what help might apply to you, and take advantage of it. You might even try giving your private student loan lenders or credit card companies a call to ask whether they might offer temporary relief. The worst that they can say is no.  

    2. Take a deep breath and remember that all is not lost.
    Everyone has heard about the legendary investor Warren Buffett. What many don’t know is that he made more than 99 percent of his $86 billion-plus fortune after he turned 50. How? By diligently spending less than he earned, and systematically investing his savings in stocks. So now that you know it’s possible, the next step is budgeting.

    3. Review your saving and spending.
    If there ever were a silver lining, it was that “shelter in place” and social distancing rules gave us an opportunity to reevaluate the way that we allocate our income. For example, you might have been spending $200+ per month on a gym membership, but have since found that $10-15 monthly streaming services are just as heart-pumping, and more convenient. One simple approach, made popular by Elizabeth Warren, is that 50 percent of your income should go to needs, 30 percent to non-essentials, and 20 percent to savings and debt payments. Take a look at your own spending over the past few months. How does it compare? Where can you make a change? One of my favorite quotes from Morgan Housels’s, “The Psychology of Money” states that, “One of the most powerful ways to increase your savings isn’t to raise your income. It’s to raise your humility.” In other words, spend less on what’s Instagram-worthy, and more on what will set you up for long-term financial independence. But you can’t just save your way to success.

    4. Invest in the stock market.
    Once you have a solid cash savings fund to cover short-term and unexpected needs (this number looks different for everyone), it’s time to become an investor. You have to put your savings to work, in a diversified portfolio, to capitalize on compound growth. Think of it this way. If you save $6,000 per year over 30 years and keep it in the bank, at the end of 30 years, you have $180,000. Simple math. If you invest $6,000 per year over 30 years, assuming the stock market continues to return somewhere near 10 percent per year on average over the long-term, you’ll wind up with around $980,000. And you did the same amount of work! It is less overwhelming than it seems. If you’re contributing to a 401K plan at work, you’re already doing it. In fact, since retirement should really be called 30 years of unemployment, that’s one goal you should definitely be working towards, so if you don’t have a 401K, consider opening an individual retirement account, or IRA, which gives you the same benefit of allowing your retirement savings to grow tax-deferred (more on the types and benefits of IRAs here).

    5. Don’t let up.
    When times get tough, like, for example, on March 23, 2020 when the S&P 500 was down 34 percent from its previous high, avoid, at all costs, the big mistake. That is, don’t let up on your strategy of systematically investing your savings, and definitely, definitely, don’t sell your investments if you can avoid it. The only way to “lock in” stock market losses is to sell while the market is down. In fact, as our late-life billionaire friend Warren Buffet said, it is wise for investors to be “fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.” What he means is, think of market downturns as “stocks on sale.” Invest cash that you don’t need, or at least just stay put, because what history shows us is that while markets are volatile in the short term, over the long run, they will reward you for your patience. 
    For those who are still struggling to pay day-to-day bills, steps four and five will likely have to wait. If you’ve depleted emergency funds, and the assistance you’re entitled to from the state or federal government isn’t enough, you may, in fact, have to use a credit card to pay for everyday essentials. But remember to do so wisely: pay as much as you can off the card every month, and call your issuer to ask about temporary interest relief—then pay off the debt you’ve built as soon as you are able to do so. Remember that small, positive decisions over time will allow you to build the wealth that will provide you with freedom and flexibility, no matter your income (remember the Vermont janitor Ronald Read, who made headlines a few years ago for saving $8 million?).
    For those looking for more personalized advice, you might consider interviewing a few financial advisors. When I began my career in wealth management, I put together answers to several common questions you might have about working with a partner on your financial future—you can read them here. 

    All investments carry some level of risk, including loss of principal. An investment cannot be made directly in an index. This is for educational and discussion purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security or pursue any investment strategy. More

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    Abu Dhabi outlines quarantine guidelines for international travellers

    Last week it was announced Abu Dhabi would be reopening its borders to tourists.
    The reopening of the borders to international travellers is to “support recovery plans of the country’s tourism sector and economy”, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) said.

    However, unlike neighbouring emirate Dubai, those arriving into Abu Dhabi those who are arriving from an international destination – whether they are tourists or residents – must quarantine in their homes or a hotel room for 14 days even if they test negative for COVID-19.
    In a recent statement issued by the Abu Dhabi Media Office, per the emirate’s Crisis, Emergency and Disasters Committee, the quarantine rules for international travellers have been reiterated.

    The #AbuDhabi Crisis, Emergency and Disasters Committee requires international travellers to Abu Dhabi to disclose date of entry into the country at check points designated for international travellers at all ports, and to adhere to approved quarantine guidelines.
    — مكتب أبوظبي الإعلامي (@admediaoffice) September 28, 2020

    “The Abu Dhabi Crisis, Emergency and Disasters Committee requires international travellers to Abu Dhabi to disclose the date of entry into the country at check points designated for international travellers at all ports, and to adhere to approved quarantine guidelines,” the statement read.
    READ: Abu Dhabi residents and tourists no longer require an alcohol license
    It was also outlined that those who did not adhere to the implemented guidelines, there would be fines and penalties to face.
    Abu Dhabi’s borders have opened three months after Dubai opened its borders back in July.
    For those seeking to travel to the emirate, a negative COVID-19 test is required. Once you arrive, you only need to isolate until you receive the negative test result.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Queen Rania shares a new portrait with her daughters to mark their birthdays

    There’s that age-old saying: like mother, like daughter. In the case of Queen Rania of Jordan, it’s like mother, like daughters.
    Her Majesty recently took to Instagram to wish her two daughters Princess Iman and Princess Salma – who share birthdays a day apart – a happy birthday over the weekend.

    Queen Rania shared a new portrait with her daughters, showcasing the likeness to the two princesses share to their mother.

    “When my girls are near, love and laughter are never far behind,” Her Majesty lovingly captioned the photo. “Happy birthday Iman and Salma.”
    Princess Salma celebrated her 20th birthday on 26 September and Princess Iman celebrated her 24th birthday the day after on September 27.
    It’s been a busy birthday period for the Jordanian royal family as Queen Rania herself celebrated turning 50 at the end of last month.
    At the end of last month, Her Majesty opened up about celebrating her birthday amidst the pandemic in an interview with Hello! magazine. Queen Rania gave thanks to her country in their efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, putting the people of Jordan’s “health and wellbeing first”.

    Speaking on her family, the royal admitted she’s “always wished for more time” with her husband, King Abdullah, and their four children. But given the current pandemic “time is all [she’s] had” with her family, which she’s incredibly thankful for.
    “It has been such a blessing to have all my children around, particularly during the months when Jordan was under a strict lockdown,” she told the UK publication.
    She also took the opportunity to lovingly pay tribute to her husband of 27 years saying he makes her “want to do more and be more… inspiring me in every moment of my life”.
    – For more about Dubai’s lifestyle, news and fashion scene follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram.
    Feature Image: Queen Rania Instagram More

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    Meet one of the first female ambulance drivers in Saudi Arabia

    As major positive changes continue to happen for women in Saudi Arabia, a light has now been shined on one of the very first female ambulance drivers in the Kingdom.
    In a new documentary published by the Saudi Center for Government Communication, Sara Al Anizi detailed how when she was younger she hoped she would be able to help people who were injured.

    “When I was young, I used to keep band-aids,” she said. “When anyone had an injury, they would call me for assistance.
    “This was a source of great happiness, especially as my father consolidated the idea that I was the home doctor.”

    Since becoming an ambulance driver, Al Anizi has gained some incredible experience as well as “high confidence”.

    توجّه إلى اليمين قليلا.. في المسار الأيسر المسعفة سارة العنزي، ضمن أوائل سائقات الإسعاف بالمملكة، على أهبة الاستعداد دومًا لنداء الإنسانية والوطن. @KFMC_RIYADH #التواصل_الحكومي
    — التواصل الحكومي (@CGCSaudi) September 23, 2020

    She also reflected on the current pandemic, admitting it has been a difficult time.
    “It was a big challenge,” she said. “I would look behind and remember my family, children and my mother without knowing what is in store for me. But Thanks to Allah, I drove patients to the quarantine and was happy for doing this.”
    In the last few years, things have changed drastically for women in Saudi Arabia when it comes to their rights and female empowerment.
    The changes are part of the many initiatives under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s Vision 2030 scheme, an ambitious post-oil economic plan, which has a major focus on women’s rights in the Kingdom.
    Just three months after he stepped into the role in 2017, the Crown Prince unveiled in a royal decree, women would be able to secure driving licenses from June 2018 and he has gone on to do much more.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: CGC Saudi Twitter More

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    Trust us, you deserve this fabulous ladies daycation deal

    If you have spare days off, put them to good use by spending time with your besties at one of the most popular resorts in Dubai.
    Re-charge and catch up on all the gossip (we thoroughly believe that chatting away is a form of self-care) at Le Meridien Mina Seyahi Beach Resort & Marina that has recently introduced a ladies all-inclusive daycation deal.

    Your day away from it all begins with a vibrant and nourishing breakfast ay Bounty Beets. Tuck into the much-loved avocado toast, acai bowls and pancakes before heading to a deluxe skyline room, all yours for the day.

    We know you want to get down to the pool but the team at the hotel want to make sure that you’re completely at ease beforehand by offering an indulgent in-room spa treatment.
    Once you’ve changed into you Hunza G bikini, feel free to relax by the pool or beach for the rest of the day and don’t forget to grab a complimentary cocktail at Latitude 25.
    All there’s left to do is to switch off your notifications, perfect the selfie pout and celebrate pay week in style.
    Lady Daycation deal is priced at Dhs299 and is available Sunday to Thursday from 8am to 7pm. Call 043993333 to book.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    This is where Gigi Hadid reportedly gave birth

    From the moment the news of her pregnancy was made public, Gigi Hadid has kept things largely under wraps.
    From shying away from showing off her bump for quite a few months, to not talking a lot about her pregnancy and more, the model and her boyfriend Zayn Malik have chose not stay relatively quiet about the arrival of their first child.

    The couple announced the exciting news last week that their newborn daughter had arrived the weekend prior.
    Now the whereabouts of where the new parents welcomed their daughter has reportedly been revealed.

    According to Page Six, the 25-year-old gave birth “gave birth to her baby girl on her farm in rural Pennsylvania”. This is where she has been spending the majority of her time with Zayn throughout their self-isolation.

    It was thought that Gigi may be giving birth in New York City given that she and Zayn had been photographed there together in August, but it appears she was more rural than initially thought.
    The publication also reports that the newborn’s birth date was September 19, 2020.
    Gigi shared a new photo of her daughter – whose name hasn’t been announced as of yet – on Friday.
    In the picture, the new mum revealed the newborn’s outfit was gifted to her by designer Donatella Versace and singer Taylor Swift.
    Baby Hadid-Malik was wearing a Versace sweater from “auntie Donatella” and was also covered by a silk pink blanked from “auntie Taylor Swift”, which she made herself.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature Image: Gigi Hadid Instagram More

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    One of Dubai’s most popular restaurants is opening its doors in Saudi Arabia

    We’ve already discussed the many Dubai restaurants that are set to go global next year. Well, now another one of the most popular restaurants in the emirate is set to expand elsewhere in the Middle East.
    Globally acclaimed restaurant Zuma is set to open its doors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia along with sister restaurant Roka, which only opened in Dubai earlier this year prior to the pandemic.

    The parent company of the famous eateries, which originally opened in London in the early 2000s, Azumi Limited is partnering with Saudi-based MJS (Mohammed Jawa) Holding in order to spearhead the project, which also includes the openings of other Azumi brands Oblix, Inko Nito and Etaru.
    Azumi’s CEO Sven Koch shared his delight at finding a “like-minded partner” in Mohammed Jawa in order to continue to expand their international footprint.

    “The Kingdom is a fast-growing market and new for us, we are very proud to be taking this step with Mohammed,” Koch added. “He is a true operator and is hugely passionate about our brands.
    “This, combined with his innovative approach to business, means we aligned seamlessly. We are very honoured to be working with him.”
    Jawa also shared a similar sentiment of the announcement saying it was “a great honour and pleasure to be part of the Zuma family”.
    This announcement comes after it was confirmed Downtown Dubai-born La Serre – which opened in 2013 – announced it would be opening a Riyadh-based restaurant at the beginning of next year. It’s also set to open establishments in London and New York City.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied More

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    Skip brunch for two and buy a property in Dubai instead

    Have you been toying with an idea of making Dubai your permanent home? Nothing says commitment like buying a property and millennial buyers, in particular, can benefit from the current market.

    According to experts, if you find your dream apartment that’s worth Dhs220,000 you could be paying back Dhs790 per month which is equivalent of two Friday brunches (or one brunch if you’re feeling flashy and go for a bubbly package). With the current mortgage interest rate of roughly 2.49 per cent, all you have to worry is the minimum down payment of 20 per cent and you can call yourself a property owner.
    Online platform Property Finder took a closer look at apartment prices across three key localities appealing to the millennial buyer – Jumeirah Village Circle, Dubai Marina and Jumeirah Lakes Towers – all being relatively new developments that took shape within the past two decades.
    Apartment prices currently sit at an average of Dhs400,000-450,000 for a studio apartment and AED 750,000-800,000 for a one-bedroom. In JVC you can expect to find a studio apartment at around Dhs220,000 while a one-bedroom can set you back Dhs300,000. Those dreaming of a Marina lifestyle can expect to pay around Dhs300,000 for a studio and Dhs350,000 for a one-bedroom while in JLT residents can expect studio apartments to go for Dhs340,000 and one-bedroom dwellings for Dhs370,000.
    If you can stretch to Dhs800,000, after the down payments and current mortgage rate, your monthly instalment will be around Dhs2,800 which is pretty competitive considering how much renters can be paying a month.
    While the prices and mortgage solutions have a significant role to play, getting on a property ladder in Dubai has never been easier.
    Earlier this month it was revealed that rent in Dubai has dropped by 13 per cent for apartments, while the market for villas has seen a 10 per cent decrease.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram More