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    17 One-Minute Habits That Will Change Your Life

    So you want to get healthier, achieve your career goals, and feel happier? Sounds nice, but it’s always easier said than done. Where do you even start making such major changes? If lofty goals and ambitious resolutions feel overwhelming, know that you don’t need to immediately rearrange your entire life, spend $$$, or have unlimited time to achieve your best life. In fact, you need just one minute. That’s right: the difference between who you are and who you want to be might be just 60 seconds. Try these one-minute habits that will transform your life when done consistently. Add in lots of habits throughout your day or start with just one, but either way, one minute is all you need to change your life.
    1. Get out of bed right away
    If I have one weakness (besides a good cheese plate *swoon*), it’s scrolling through Instagram after waking up. While it seems like a harmless habit, the body won’t fully wake up until you get out of bed and move around, but also because you lose the full 10, 30, or 60-minute morning routine before you open your laptop for work. Get out of bed as soon as you wake up and fill your mornings with as many peaceful, productive, and fulfilling minutes as possible. Your inbox, TikTok explore page, or iMessage app can wait.

    2. Breathe deeply
    Deep breathing (or diaphragmatic breathing) is crucial for mental and physical health, but many of us never focus on our breath. If you think about it, oxygen is the one thing we can’t even go minutes without, so making sure we’re getting more of it can only be beneficial. When you’re feeling anxious or stressed, take a few deep breaths to get more oxygen in the lungs and slow the heartbeat, which can help with anxiety. Try it right now (yes, I mean right now): slowly inhale, count to five, and then exhale, relaxing the entire body. It’s like instant medicine, right?

    3. Take movement breaks
    Whether an hour-long workout is a daily essential or you barely have time to change sweatpants before work starts, the body isn’t meant to sit for hours at a time, much less all day long. At least once every hour, take a minute to flow through yoga poses, do some stretches, or turn on your favorite song and dance. 60 seconds of movement is enough to energize the body, reset the mind, and will help you focus better for the rest of the day. Plus, if you don’t think you have time to work out, one-minute periods throughout the day add up.

    4. Add lemon to your water
    Squeezing a lemon into your go-to water bottle takes a couple of seconds, but can result in lasting benefits. Lemon packs nutrients like vitamin C, which plays an important role in the immune system and can boost skin glow. Stefanie Wilkerson, RDN, explained, “Vitamin C helps produce collagen and works as an antioxidant to neutralize free radicals that can damage our cells.” Hello supple, smooth skin! Bonus: while it is acidic, lemon has alkalizing effects in the body, meaning it might help balance pH levels. A squeeze of lemon basically turns a glass of water into a cocktail of super nutrients. As if you needed more convincing, adding delicious lemon will make you want to drink more water, and staying hydrated always comes with health perks. 

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    5. Mute negative social media accounts as they pop up
    In 2021, it’s high time to rethink whether the bloggers, celebrities, and brands we follow on social media make us feel inspired or bad about our lives. Want to feel instantly happier? If an account or post pops up on your feed that doesn’t leave you feeling inspired, happy, or confident, you know what to do: unfollow (or mute). That also means muting or unfollowing the frenemy you had in high school or your sorority sister’s ex-boyfriend’s cousin that you met a few times. Instead of watching other people live their lives, you can actually go live your own. Use social media to make you better instead of worse by replacing negative accounts with accounts that inspire you or bring you positivity whenever you’re tempted to scroll (like, IDK, @theeverygirl, for a totally random example).  

    6. Tidy up before bed
    That’s right: you only need 60 seconds of tidying up to make a major difference in your life. Whether it’s clearing the dirty laundry off the chair in your bedroom, organizing the bedside table, or wiping the kitchen counter, do a super quick decluttering or cleaning before hitting the hay. Not only can a cleaner environment help you sleep better, but you’ll wake up feeling stress-free and ready to start the day. That pile of dirty laundry on the bedroom chair really knows how to harsh one’s mellow (if you know, you know). 

    7. Express gratitude (out loud)
    You probably already know that gratitude is the secret to boosting mental health or fostering healthier relationships, so practice it beyond gratitude journaling in the morning. For example, whenever you say “thank you,” reflect on how grateful you feel, instead of just going through the motions. If your work wife offered to help with a big project, let her know how much you appreciate having her support, or if your roommate cleans your dishes, tell them how much it made a difference in your busy day. But it doesn’t have to (and shouldn’t be) just the times when you’d say “thank you” anyway. Text your mom out of the blue to say thanks for being there for you, or let your partner know how much you appreciate having them in your life. Express gratitude wherever and whenever you can, and watch how your life transforms. 

    8. Add a finishing touch to your OOTD that makes you feel confident 
    Whether you’re dressing up in business-casual, rocking a button-up and sweatpants (for Zoom meetings, of course), or never bother changing out of your pajamas to start the day (no shame), try adding one finishing touch that makes you feel like the badass you are. Depending on what makes you feel good, try a fitted pair of jeans, a swipe of mascara, or a trendy hair clip to add a little something to your OOTD. The goal isn’t to look better, it’s to feel better, so play around to find what small touches make you feel more confident, energized, or motivated. Never underestimate the power of a structured work blazer or swipe of red lipstick. 

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    9. Check your bank account
    Self-care doesn’t always mean bubble baths or face masks; sometimes, self-care means being an independent adult and doing what you can to feel in control of your finances. While having a detailed financial plan and setting goals can help you reduce money-related stress and achieve what you want out of life, feeling in control of your finances doesn’t always require a lot of time and energy. Every few days, take a minute to glance over your bank account and credit card statements. Getting in the habit of frequently checking can help identify fraud early-on, but will also give you a good idea of where you’re spending and where you can be saving.

    10. Use visualization
    Do you get nervous before a first date or big presentation? Do you ever lack motivation with health goals or feel stuck in your career? The fix to any negative thought could be as easy as visualizing an alternative. We get nervous, stuck, or unmotivated when we visualize the worst-case scenario: a bad date, a failed presentation, a boring job, or too-difficult workouts. So why not replace the thought with a more positive one?
    If you’re feeling nervous, imagine yourself acing the presentation or being your charming self on the date. When you lack motivation, visualize that you are the kind of person who prioritizes workouts and loves eating nourishing foods. And if you’re feeling stuck? Think about what you want the outcome to be, and then picture what that looks like. Visualization may be another name for imagination, but it can serve as the minor confidence boost you need to achieve the desired outcome.

    11. Make your bed
    I know I sound like your mom, but please make your bed. Not only will it feel good to get into a made bed at night, but it’s important for the success of your day. Making your bed first thing every morning means one small win before you even have a cup of coffee, which subconsciously will motivate you to achieve thousands of small wins throughout the day (and you know what they say about small wins: they lead up to big ones). Plus, Gretchen Rubin found in her research that it’s the easiest and most common daily habit you can do to boost happiness.

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    12. Fix your posture
    Bad news for all the other slouchers out there (guilty): your posture might be affecting your physical and mental health. Practice better posture by straightening your back and relaxing your shoulders (and stop looking down at your phone, damn it!). Did you sit up taller just now? Good. Improve your posture throughout the workday (yes, even while working from home) by setting reminders with phone alerts, sticky notes, or as your phone wallpaper to remind you to correct your posture whenever you check the time or read a text message.

    13. Set a mantra or intention
    Everyone has a mantra, whether we’re aware of it or not. It’s that one phrase you hear in your head over and over, or what you tell yourself repeatedly. Many of us are plagued by phrases like “I’m not good enough,” or “What if something goes wrong?” We hear these phrases in our heads so often that we believe them. So what if we could replace these thoughts with phrases that are not only better for us, but can help us be more confident, feel less stressed, and live our best lives? Every morning, pick a mantra or daily intention and write it in your daily planner so you don’t forget it. If you find one phrase you particularly relate to, repeat it to yourself whenever you’re feeling stressed, scared, or not enough.

    14. Apply a layer of SPF at the end of your skincare routine
    It’s easy to remember SPF when the sun is out, the temperature’s warm, and we’re spending all day outside. But in cold weather, or even when we’re spending all day indoors, it’s a little less obvious. To set the record straight once and for all, yes, you still need sunscreen when it’s cloudy outside and even when you’re indoors. Wearing a daily SPF is not only good for skin glow (prevents aging, hyperpigmentation caused by sun exposure, keeps an even complexion, etc.), but is crucial for your health. Click here to find the perfect sunscreen for your skin, and click here for non-toxic options. 

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    15. Add a handful of leafy greens to your meal
    Being healthier does not have to be a dramatic transformation. It’s actually more sustainable when it’s a gradual series of small habits. The best place to start achieving a healthier diet is not cutting out entire food groups or limiting what you “should” and “should not” eat (which can lead to bingeing or an unhealthy relationship with food). Instead, start transforming your health by adding a handful of leafy greens to your meal. For example, add spinach if you’re making an omelet, throw kale into a pasta sauce, or order a side salad when you’re eating out. Not only are leafy greens superfoods that pack a lot of benefits and are easy to fit into the meals you’re already used to, but small, non-restrictive tweaks can snowball into an overall healthier diet and lifestyle. 

    16. Set your alarm 60 seconds earlier 
    If your mornings feel more like a race against the clock than the peaceful start you imagine, the fix is waking up earlier. However, a full 30 minutes, or even 10 minutes, might seem like you’re missing out on too much sleep. Instead of trying to transform your wake-up time (which would just make you hit “snooze” a couple more times), set your alarm one minute earlier every day. While it sounds like a small change, after 10 days, you could have 10 extra minutes in your morning without even noticing it. Whether you spend that time meditating, indulging in a luxurious skincare routine, or just brewing a cup of coffee with a moment of silence, you won’t miss the 10 minutes of sleep.

    17. Master the art of listening
    Perhaps the #1 life hack and most life-changing habit? Listening. And I mean really listening. Caring about what other people have to say can transform your personal relationships and strengthen (or build more) professional relationships. Your communication will be more effective, and you’ll experience more meaningful connections. You’ll feel less self-conscious when you’re less focused on yourself, and less unsure when you look for answers outside yourself. Of course, utilize important cues like eye contact and follow-up questions, but the best way to listen? Genuinely get curious about what other people have to say. Empathy, understanding, and curiosity will not only transform your life, but will transform the world too. 

    What one-minute habits have made the biggest difference for you? More

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    Expats can now obtain UAE citizenship for the first time ever

    For the first time ever, expats are now able to obtain UAE citizenship.
    In an announcement made by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, outlined the decision was made to “attract talents” to the country to contribute in the continued development of the UAE.

    “We adopted law amendments that allow granting the UAE citizenship to investors, specialised talents & professionals including scientists, doctors, engineers, artists, authors and their families,” Sheikh Mohammed said.

    We adopted law amendments that allow granting the UAE citizenship to investors, specialized talents & professionals including scientists, doctors, engineers, artists, authors and their families. The new directives aim to attract talents that contribute to our development journey.
    — HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) January 30, 2021

    “The new directives aim to attract talents that contribute to our development journey.
    “The UAE cabinet, local Emiri courts & executive councils will nominate those eligible for the citizenship under clear criteria set for each category. The law allows receivers of the UAE passport to keep their existing citizenship.”

    The UAE cabinet, local Emiri courts & executive councils will nominate those eligible for the citizenship under clear criteria set for each category. The law allows receivers of the UAE passport to keep their existing citizenship.
    — HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) January 30, 2021

    Who is eligible to apply?
    It seems at the moment those who are eligible to apply for Emirati citizenship includes investors, doctors, specialists, inventors, scientists, talents, intellectuals and artists. The families of those individuals who are in the listed categories are also permitted to apply alongside them.
    There are specific stipulations in each category outlining the requirements needed. For example, if you’re a doctor or specialist you need to have at least 10 years’ experience practising and have worked for a reputable organisation.
    Meanwhile, for those who are artists and intellectuals, they must be pioneering individuals in their fields and have won an international award.
    Other requirements are also relevant to each individual category.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Queen Rania’s heartfelt birthday message to King Abdullah II

    Queen Rania of Jordan has posted a heartfelt birthday message to King Abdullah II and their son Prince Hashem on their joint birthday.
    Taking to Instagram, Her Majesty posted a few pictures of King Abdullah and Prince Hashem together and captioned the post saying, “It seems impossible to love you two more, but every day proves me wrong… twice! Happy birthday Your Majesty and my Prince Hashem.”

    Queen Rania also did a second dedicated post to her husband of 27 years.
    “I hope that each year brings you the same peace you radiate to the world,” she said. “Happy birthday, Your Majesty.”

    Crown Prince Hussien of Jordan, King Abdullah and Queen Rania’s eldest son, also posted a sweet photo of himself hugging his father alongside a heartwarming message to mark the Jordanian monarch’s 59th birthday.
    “I am blessed and grateful to have a father and a leader who has dedicated his life in service of his country and people, and who has spared no effort to safeguard this nation,” he said. “Happy birthday, Your Majesty.”

    Abdullah II was born on January 30, 1962. After his father, King Hussein I, passed away Abdullah II became King of Jordan, on February 7, 1999. He has now been the constitutional monarch of the country for nearly 22 years.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    UK adds UAE to travel ban list: All you need to know

    The United Kingdom has announced a ban on direct passenger flights from the United Arab Emirates.
    The UAE was added to the country’s travel ban list on Thursday alongside Burundi and Rwanda due to rising COVID-19 cases.
    UK adds UAE to travel ban list

    As of today, January 29, all non-British or Irish passengers, excluding third-country nationals who have residence rights in the UK, will not be permitted entry to the UK if they have transited through the three above countries.
    Meanwhile, those who are Irish and British citizens and third-country nationals with residence rights in the UK can enter the country but are required to self-isolate for 10 days at home.

    “The decision to ban travel from these destinations follows the discovery of a new coronavirus variant first identified in South Africa, that may have spread to other countries, including the UAE, Burundi and Rwanda,” the UK government’s statement said.
    Etihad and Emirates suspend flights
    Dubai-based airline Emirates announced that all its UK flight routes to Birmingham, Glasgow, London and Manchester would be suspended from Friday.

    UK flights update: Emirates passenger services between Dubai and all our UK points – Birmingham, Glasgow, London & Manchester have been suspended until further notice. For more info, please visit:
    — Emirates Support (@EmiratesSupport) January 29, 2021

    Abu Dhabi-based airline Etihad has also suspended all flights to the UK.

    All Etihad Airways flights to the UK are suspended until further notice in line with guidance from the UK government. For the latest updates on flights to the UK, visit
    — Etihad Airways (@etihad) January 29, 2021

    How long will the travel ban last?
    No date has been given as to how long this travel ban will last and Emirates and Etihad have suspended their UK flights “until further notice”.
    Dubai updates travel regulations
    It was announced on Wednesday evening by the Dubai Supreme Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management via the Dubai Media Office that new travel regulations would come into effect on Sunday, January 31.
    Firstly, all UAE citizens must do a COVID-19 PCR test upon arrival in Dubai no matter which country they have travelled from.
    Meanwhile, all UAE residents, GCC citizens and visitors will now be required to undergo a pre-travel COVID-19 PCR test regardless of where they are travelling from and the validity time of tests is now 72 hours, reduced from 96 hours.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Another Sheikh Hamdan-approved restaurant is opening up in Dubai

    The Turkish chef with more than 20 million followers on Instagram, Burak Özdemir, is opening yet another restaurant in Dubai.
    After opening his first restaurant in the emirate on Christmas Day – which was visited by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai – the chef is now set to a more casual burger restaurant in The Dubai Mall.

    With a blend of Middle Eastern and Turkish influenced dishes at CznBurak in Downtown Dubai, there’s a wide range of Insta-worthy drinks created by a team of acclaimed mixologists, with more than 150 dishes on the menu, offering spectacular views of the Burj Khalifa.
    As for CZN Burak Burger, there’s no set date in the pipeline yet. However, in an Instagram post made on Chef CZN Burak’s Instagram account stirred conversation about the new burger place all ready to open in The Dubai Mall with its signage already up.
    Given that Sheikh Hamdan made an appearance on opening day of his the flagship CZN Burak Dubai restaurant and the fact he’s a huge burger lover, we wonder if His Highness will be making a visit to this new burger joint when it’s open.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    How Dubai-based Kibsons is having a positive impact in the region

    January’s – ‘The Positivity Issue’ – Download Now
    Sustainable practices and vegan product lines have enabled Kibsons to grow from strength to strength under the guidance of Halima Jumani, Director of Finance and Operations.
    How does your morning routine set you up for success?
    I love my sleep so much and can be a slow starter, but when I’m finally up, I’m ready for action.

    Being passionate and dedicated to your mission is the key to staying positive and focused. Of course, it’s also about great time management skills to prioritize and achieve as many things as possible on the “to do” list. Ultimately, it’s about doing the right thing without compromising on ethics while trying to achieve your long-term goals, I believe integrity is a huge underlying element of success.

    How has your role evolved at Kibsons over the last ten years?

    In one word; organically. With my background at KPMG, I started my career in Kibsons as Head of Finance. After my MBA and a Six Sigma Certification at GE, I started managing and building the operations which worked well because leaner operational processes made the finance and numbers side look stronger. The next step was tech, working with a team of IT engineers to develop our new ERP systems purely with the intention of enhancing our operational processes along with developing our financial systems. Eventually, data-driven statistics led me to a corporate turnaround strategy and I soon became the founder and director of the Kibsons e-commerce division, which we all know as Kibsons home delivery.
    What are the core values of Kibsons?
    The core values are ethical, sustainable and responsible. After being born and raised in the heart of the fresh produce industry, Kibsons is truly passionate about ‘healthy eating’ while making it convenient and affordable for everyone.
    Do you see any trends in ordering in terms of produce?
    People are moving towards healthier, more organic and perhaps even more vegan choices than ever before. There is a growing trend of people being more cautious about the ingredients they bring home. For example, people want to understand and if possible, avoid the bad e-numbers when they select food items as part of the regular grocery shopping chores. There is a gradual yet steadily increasing demand for products with less sugar, low calories, low-fat content, low carbs, gluten-free, and even no additives and preservatives. At Kibsons, we are so pleased to be a part of these healthy lifestyle choices.
    How do you approach scaling a business and client retention?
    One step at a time – by truly understanding customer needs and expectation which is the first step. Then building the right infrastructure which is at the core of the business is so critical to protect those promises which we make to our customers. Once we have the right structure at the core, surrounded by the required skills and expertise that set us apart, that gives us the core competitive advantage. With the undying passion of a beautiful team, that not only dreams but also works hard to see those dreams come alive, we’ve got the fighting chance to aim and achieve the desired customer retention and ultimately customer loyalty.
    Customer experience is paramount – how do you ensure this is consistently delivered to such a high standard?
    We never take any business including customer orders for granted. Every online order is just as important to us as it was when we started the e-commerce segment four years ago. Every step in the process at Kibsons, whether its procurement, supply chain, operations or IT – is thoughtfully crafted and designed keeping the customer expectation and satisfaction in mind. Consumer empathy is key in how we set things up internally and how we practise honesty and transparency in all our forms of communication. It’s about developing a relationship with the customers so we can truly deliver peace of mind to all.

    Which sources of positivity would you recommend?
    It is important to recognize and appreciate the true hero’s in real life regardless of whether you find them in your own office, in your circle of family and friends or so many amazing SME’s in the city you live in. Personally, when I’m feeling low, I like to read Humans of Bombay, it’s a platform that shares some incredible stories of real-life survivors that make my problems look smaller and my blessings look bigger. That positive mind shift uplifts me and helps me move on with my mission to add positive value – however I can.
    This is ‘The Positivity Issue’ – how do you stay positive?
    A good night’s sleep solves the majority of my problems. My world is definitely more positive in the morning than at night. On the other hand, gratitude is one of the most powerful thoughts that keeps me positive. I am grateful that I have a family, and that they are beautiful, compassionate, healthy, happy and safe. It’s also not about blood family only, it’s the bigger family in spirit that has grown over the years, all around me, all over the planet – it’s all about perspective and how you choose to see things, isn’t it?
    January’s – ‘The Positivity Issue’ – Download Now
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Bridgerton has taken the crown for most viewed series on Netflix

    If you haven’t watched Bridgerton yet, then you need to add it to your must-watch list.
    The Regency-era drama has just smashed records for the most viewed series on Netflix, with season one having been watched by 82 million households globally, with each tuning in to watch at least one episode partially inthe show’s first 28 days.

    The new series smashes records held by The Witcher by a few million. At the time of its debut in December 2019, it was watched by 76 million households.
    Stars of the show took to Instagram to share their gratitude and thanks at breaking the Netflix record.

    Regé-Jean Page, who plays the Duke of Hastings, said, “82 MILLION. With love from all of us to all of you.”

    Meanwhile, Phoebe Dynevor, who plays Daphne Bridgerton, called the success “utterly insane”.
    “I’m SO proud of the incredible team behind this show,” she added. “And thank you guys for loving it. MADNESS.”
    And for those who are already craving another season, not to worry, season two of Bridgerton has been confirmed, with filming set to begin in the UK in a couple of months.
    However, as to when the next series is expected to drop, that is yet to be confirmed.
    We’ll just be waiting here very impatiently to get our next dose of Lady Whistledown.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Dubai updates travel regulations for passengers

    Amidst spiking coronavirus cases, Dubai has issued an announced regarding travel regulations for incoming passengers.
    It was announced on Wednesday evening by the Dubai Supreme Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management via the Dubai Media Office that the new updates would come into effect on Sunday, January 31.

    Firstly, all UAE citizens must do a COVID-19 PCR test upon arrival in Dubai no matter which country they have travelled from.
    Meanwhile, all UAE residents, GCC citizens and visitors will now be required to undergo a pre-travel COVID-19 PCR test regardless of where they are travelling from and the validity time of tests is now 72 hours, reduced from 96 hours.

    It was also stated, “Arrivals from some countries (based on the COVID-19 situation there) may be required to undergo an additional test when landing in Dubai.”
    For those who are departing Dubai, a rapid PCR or rapid antigen test will be available at the airport for passengers leaving the emirate.
    On Wednesday the UAE reported 3,939 new COVID-19 cases, but recovery numbers well acceded that with a total 4,536 recoveries. To date, the total number of COVID-19 cases in the UAE is 289,086.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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