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    Karen Wazen reveals what it takes to create a dream partnership in life

    February’s – ‘The Love Issue’ – Download Now
    Karen Wazen tells us what it takes to create a power partnership.
    What does love mean to you?
    I found myself when I fell in love. I discovered things about myself that I didn’t know I had in me when I fell in love. I grew when I fell in love and that is because the person that I love taught me how to love myself first. Love can be the most powerful feeling and that is why not confusing love with pure passion is important. Love is comfort, love is safety, love is respect, trust, support and commitment.
    What are the key qualities in a partner?

    Someone I can trust, someone supportive, someone who sets his ego aside and is proud and happy for the success of others, Someone who inspires me, someone who believes in me, someone who understands the value of a partnership.
    How do you ensure you’re on the same page?
    My husband and I communicate a lot – that is one of the foundations of our marriage. We started off in a long-distance relationship so communication was key because that’s all we had. The basis of our relationship was built on that. We very often check in with one and another and if we feel there is a period which might have led to one of us drifting away, we make sure to address it and fix it. We both prioritise our relationship and understand the importance of a healthy and solid relationship for our family.

    What is your love language?
    We are both romantics, we love spending time together and share a lot of similar likes. We are affectionate and caring and I especially love hugs and cuddles and he knows that so when he knows I’m feeling overwhelmed he knows a hug works to make me feel better.
    How do you ensure a work-life balance with your partner and your children?
    It is not easy balancing all these things but because we have our priorities set, we understand how important it is to make sacrifices to make things work. We often have date nights and we often surprise each other with little things that make each other happy. We do go through phases where we feel overwhelmed with everything that is going on and that’s when we make sure to take a step back and maybe take a family vacation or a break as we know that our well-being is more important than anything for the stability and foundation of our family.
    To you, what makes a ‘Dream Team’?
    Setting goals and targets together, complimenting each other’s skillsets and bringing the best out of one another.
    Last year changed a lot of dynamics in people’s lives, how did it affect your relationship?
    Elias started working from home and that actually brought us closer to each other. We give each other space but also are there for each other when we need each other. We also try to eat our meals together and exercise together which we enjoy.
    What is your advice for those looking for a partner in life?
    Find someone who makes you sleep and wake up with a smile. If it feels wrong, then it’s not the right relationship for you.
    What are the hurdles you have to overcome in love?
    We went through three years of a long-distance relationship and that was hard but with the right foundation, we made it work and here we are happily married with three children.
    This is ‘The Love Issue’ – how do you plan to instil love into your life throughout 2021?
    We plan to continue to grow together to build memories through the hard and good times. Always as a team.
    February’s – ‘The Love Issue’ – Download Now
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Get your umbrellas ready, rain is coming to the UAE this week

    The thick fog which has engulfed the UAE for around four weeks may have only just lifted, but it seems rain is on the way to take its place.

    It was reported that some cloud-seeding had taken place on Sunday, February 21 prompting some light showers around the country in Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm Al Qwain.
    While Monday, February 22, is set to be mostly cloudy and overcast, the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) has reported we can expect rain on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and even over the weekend.
    This comes as the UAE enters into its last month of official winter.
    Come March 20, spring will have officially arrived and we can expect temperatures to increase, with the days of sitting outside numbered.
    So, in order to make the most of the cooler weather while it’s still here, enjoy the sunset at some of these amazing outdoor Dubai restaurants.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    First Emirates flight with a full crew vaccinated against COVID-19 has taken off

    On Sunday, February 21, 2021, an Emirates flight from Dubai departed heading to Los Angeles.
    It was groundbreaking as it was the first flight by the Dubai-based airline which had a fully vaccinated crew of 70.

    Having worked with the Dubai Health Authority and Ministry of Health and Prevention since January, Emirates was the first in the industry to offer employees a COVID-19 vaccination option, ensuring that the inoculation programme has been made as easily available as possible.

    Around 5,000 members of cabin crew and flight deck crew members are in the pipeline for receiving both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. To stay true to its commitment to healthy flying, the centres have been running 12 hours a day, every day of the week to provide frontline crew members with the jab, reaching close to 26,000 or 44 per cent of the UAE frontline aviation.
    “Protecting our people with vaccinations is important – for them, for our community, for the smooth running of our operations, and also for our customers as it introduces of an additional layer of protection when they travel with us,” Adel Al Redha, chief operating officer, Emirates Airline said.
    Emirates also recently launched its contactless journey experience with facial biometric technology, to make the journey as seamless as possible amid the virus to increase health and safety for all its passengers, while also offering an on-flight digital experience through each mobile phone to minimise contact as much as possible.
    For more information regarding the health vaccination or worldwide travel, restrictions visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature image: Instagram @emirates More

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    The Adventurer – Raha Moharrak

    February’s – ‘The Love Issue’ – Download Now
    Creative Direction: Amy Sessions
    Photography: Žiga Mihelcic

    Videographer: Steve Erana
    Fashion Assistant: Sarah Joseph

    Hair & Makeup: Melanie Meyer at MMG artists
    Location with special thanks to Mleiha Archaeological Centre, Sharjah
    With a passion for adventure since she was young, Raha Moharrak has never taken no for an answer when it comes to doing what she loves.
    “There’s nothing wrong with failing, the only shame is not trying something new,” says record-breaking climber Raha Moharrak. As a pioneer for Arab women, Moharrak truly is paving the way for change for future generations in the region in whatever field it may be.
    With a keen love for adventure since she was young, Saudi-born Moharrak has gone on to become the youngest Arab and the first Saudi woman to climb Mount Everest. She’s also conquered the Seven Summits – the highest mountains of each of the seven continents around the world.
    Truly passionate about being a role model and changing things for the better, Moharrak spoke to Emirates Woman to discuss her love for climbing, the huge responsibility she feels being a role model and her hopes for a bright future for women in the Middle East.
    Can you talk us through your climbing expeditions?
    I started at a very young age to dream of going on crazy adventures. I never imagined that my level of adventure would take me to this crazy life I have now – I’m so grateful for it. I just started by doing whatever I could. Being active by doing scuba diving, horseback riding, swimming – anything I could. Then I started this crazy mountaineering career which slowly snowballed into an awesome adventure. I started with Mount Kilmanjaro which was my first official mountain and then from that, I slowly finished the Seven Summits. In short, I just started as a child always dreaming of adventure.
    What ignited your love for climbing?
    I’ve just always had a love of adventure and it just happened to manifest into climbing as an adult. For as long as I can remember I’ve just always been very adventurous and very bold in my quest to live a life that was driven by curiosity. So, my love for mountaineering just evolved as I grew up. Mountaineering was the perfect answer to my love of adventure. It was s outdoors, it was athletic, it was unknown to me, it took me to different countries. It ticked all of the boxes I wanted. It’s an evolution and manifestation and deep desire to travel the world and live with an insatiable appetite to discover new places and things.

    What do you love about what you do?
    So many things! I’m always driven by a passion. I’ve never been the type that follows a paycheck or anything like that, I’m driven by passion. That’s what I love about my life, I’m always learning something new. I’m always going to new places, I’m always challenging myself and that’s what makes life beautiful to me. This love for the unknown, this love for learning. I never get bored. Whenever I get a little bit tired or a bit jaded, I go back to the essence which is the deep love I have for adventure and that feeling it gives me – it fills me with joy and that’s why I love it so much.
    You’re a woman of many firsts. What is it like being a woman in this region to pave the way for others?
    This is a tough one! I feel such a huge responsibility. I feel a huge weight on my shoulders knowing that people look up to me, that young girls look up to me. It also feels incredible and I’m honoured. Every time I think about it I actually get a little bit nervous and I get goosebumps thinking about the impact I have because we all have responsibility. This is especially true if you have a platform where you have people following you and you have the space to share your voice make sure you use it for good, for something positive. Don’t just be a passenger in life. Have a voice and help others. Sometimes it really hits me when I get messages from people all over the world that I’ve touched so many lives – it’s truly an honour and humbling.

    What are your hopes for women in the future?
    Call me a hopeless optimist but I have lots of aspirations for women in this region. I truly think that my generation, we have just scratched the surface. We have just cracked the ceiling, just opened the doors. It’s the next generation’s responsibility to go through those doors, to shatter those ceilings, to make my accomplishments and my records seem like nothing. I can’t wait for the next generation of women to have an incredible leap forward. I have so much hope – the future is bright!
    What do you love about being a role model?
    I love that I get to change the story. I love that I have a hand, however small, in changing the story for women. I love that I can help those that are like me, that come after me, so they don’t have to suffer like I did. I took all the hits, I took all the bullets in order for them to pass freely. So, I love that about my life and being a role model. I love that I’m able to pave the way for the next generation of women behind me. It’s the same for me, I couldn’t have gotten to where I am now without the women who came before me. I really take it to heart whenever someone says I’m a role model, it’s such a big responsibility for me and I don’t take it for granted.
    What advice would you give to young women in this region?
    My advice for everybody is to not fear failure. Don’t see it as an ending, see it as a beginning. See it as a challenge, not as a put down. There’s nothing wrong with failing, the only shame is not trying something new. I always encourage people to go out and try something new. I would rather have 100 failures, than no failures, no attempt, no chances, no new experiences. Most people don’t even start something because they are riddled with fear, and that’s a terrible thing that you could do to yourself. So, don’t fear failure!

    What have been three hurdles you have experienced in your career?
    I have more than three! I would say breaking stereotypes, breaking stigmas, proving people wrong when they have the wrong idea about you. Challenging myself. Believing in myself when less than a handful of people believed in me. And staying motivated, happy and positive. I know it’s corny to say, but staying positive doesn’t come easy at all.
    What have been three major milestones in your career?
    A lot of people would assume it’s conquering many mountains around the world, which is partly true. But it’s also staying true to myself; being a rebel and unique and original and still having my parents’ love. It’s being content in who I am and not conforming to anyone else’s standards. There are so many things I’m proud of and, to be honest, the majority of them can’t be put on a mantle or in a frame, because it’s down to mindset and the acceptance of oneself and having a love for life. Of course, I’m very proud of my sports career and all of the records I carry, but the ones I’m proud of the most are hard to touch and can’t be quantified.
    This is ‘The Love Issue’ – what does love mean to you and how do you plan to instil love into your life throughout 2021?
    I think human beings have decided to coin the word love for anything that they cannot describe, or have a hard time describing. Love is the moments that can never be described to anybody, besides the person you shared that moment with. Love is the words with the eyes and not the lips. Love is the moments that define us, that make us who we are. Love is what makes me wake up every morning trying to be hopeful, positive and happy, even though sometimes it can be difficult. But I have a love of life and a passion to live a memorable life, to live happy and true to who I am. Love is what you give yourself. It’s hard to describe, but it is definitely the essence of what makes us human.
    February’s – ‘The Love Issue’ – Download Now
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Chrissy Teigen shares a tribute to son Jack on his would-be due date

    Chrissy Teigen tragically suffered a miscarriage in October last year.
    Over the weekend, she revealed it would’ve been her baby boy’s due date.

    To pay tribute to her late son, whom she and husband John Legend named Jack, Teigen took to Instagram on his would-be due date.
    Teigen, who is mum to Luna, four, and two-year-old Miles, shared a photo of three bracelets stacked on her wrist with the names of her children – Luna, Miles and finally Jack.

    She captioned the photo saying, “Today was your due date. We love you forever.”

    Back in September, the 34-year was admitted to the hospital due to excessive bleeding. After a few days in hospital, she and her husband announced that they lost their unborn baby, whom they had name Jack.
    READ: Chrissy Teigen’s heartbreaking remorse four months after losing unborn son
    “To our Jack – I’m so sorry that the first few moments of your life were met with so many complications, that we couldn’t give you the home you needed to survive,” Teigen said upon the loss of her son. “We will always love you.
    “We are so grateful for the life we have, for our wonderful babies Luna and Miles, for all the amazing things we’ve been able to experience. But every day can’t be full of sunshine.”
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature image: Instagram @chrissyteigen More

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    Tommy Hilfiger aims to shift mindsets in new campaign with Jameela Jamil

    American clothing brand Tommy Hilfiger is aiming to shift mindsets in their new campaign with activist and actress Jameela Jamil.
    A couple of weeks ago, The Good Place star was unveiled as the face of the brand’s Spring 2021 campaign ‘Moving Forward Together’, which is all about promoting social change.

    Discussing the campaign on Instagram, Jamil said, “This is one of the most diverse and powerful campaigns I’ve seen from such a giant brand and I’m positively star-struck by some of the inspiring advocates involved from around the world.”
    In line with this, Tommy Hilfiger have announced they will be providing free online courses focused on body neutrality on the platform Future Learn.

    Aimed to inspire change on body neutrality through an array of methods including storytelling, dialogue, new social knowledge and progress, this course will be a two-week focused programme available online, with a focus on challenging body image stereotype while broadening the audience understanding of body neutrality as negative programming in society is something which needs to be combated at the ground-level.

    It’s a topic close to Jamil’s heart as she has been open about struggling with her own body dysmorphia, which is a mental health disorder in which a person captures flaws in their appearance which are usually not observed by others. The actress shared her eating disorder struggles with the world and went on to found the ‘I Weigh’ movement, promoting inclusivity and body neutrality.
    “My vision for the future is a world without shame, and I continue to try to understand and find ways to destigmatise it in everything that I do,” Jamil said on Tommy Hilfiger’s Instagram page.

    With a focus on sustainability and community building in the upcoming courses available on the website, this educational platform will provide an arena for informative material with useful lessons to educate users on the need to drive social change, especially during this time. The courses are accessible on through a mobile, tablet, and computer device.
    In addition, Tommy Hilfiger shall be giving a series of live talks on all its global social channels, with all friends and followers of the brand invited to join and learn about various important life hacks.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    2021’s first Mercury Retrograde is over – what you need to know going forward

    With the first prolonged Mercury Retrograde coming to an end on February 20, there’s some things you need to know going forward for the rest of the year.
    The last three weeks might have hindered effective communication between you and your friends, including other issues such as tech glitches, scheduling at work, or even an ex-friend trying to get in touch with you over the course of these eventful three weeks, which you definitely managed to power through.

    However, it’s not entirely over yet as we are currently transitioning into retro-shade, which needs to be dealt with carefully, and here’s how.
    As the post-shadow phases appear, where all the unforeseen events that took place over the last few weeks seems to get sorted for the better with the end of it finally occurring on March 13. This period until then is all about reflection while thinking about the best ways to move forward.
    Also read: Everything you need to know about Mercury retrograde in 2021
    Despite the energy still in the air, you will definitely feel lighter. In case you’ve had a fight with someone over the past few weeks, this will be the best time to apologise and move on in order to take a breath of fresh air, as the fragments in your life seem to come back together again making this a clean-up phase to tie up all loose ends.
    Congratulations on surviving this Retrograde – there’s still two more periods of Mercury Retrograde to come in 2021 – despite the challenges imposed as even though there might be a few days away until it’s all completely over, things should all start looking good from then.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature image: Instagram @sarashakeel More

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    Active COVID-19 cases decrease in UAE amidst successful vaccine rollout

    As the UAE heads towards reaching its goal of vaccinating 50 per cent of the population by the end of March, active COVID-19 cases have hit a new low, which is a major win for the country.
    The latest numbers which were published by WAM from the Ministry of Health stated that 165,357 COVID-19 tests had been conducted in the last 24 hours, which had resulted in 3,158 new cases being identified. Fifteen new deaths were also recorded.

    However, there were also 4,298 recoveries bringing the active cases to a new low of 11,054.
    UAE’s vaccination program
    It was announced last week that the UAE had reached the milestone of administering over five million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

    This milestone in the vaccination process bodes well for the nation’s aim to vaccinate half of the population by the end of March and also showcases the UAE as one of the leaders in the world in vaccination rates.
    At present, there are four COVID-19 vaccinations being administered in the UAE.
    READ: The 4 COVID-19 vaccines that are currently available in the UAE
    The first vaccine to be approved in the UAE was the Sinophram vaccine, followed by the Pfizer vaccine being permitted in Dubai towards the end of last year.
    In January, Russia’s Sputnik V was approved for emergency use. And now, just recently, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has been approved in Dubai.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature Image: Sara Shakheel Instagram More