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    How this UAE-based company is uniting mindful products with people

    April’s – ‘The Gratitude Issue’ – Download Now Founder of The Goodness Company, Geeta Pahlajani has built a brand based on everyday essentials. We discuss her gratitude for the positive impact this is carving out for future generationsWhat do the first 30 mins of the day look like, your morning routine?I start my morning at 5 am with an Ayurvedic tea blend followed by an hour of yoga in our garden. Some days I may alternate this with a mindful breathwork meditation practice. A key rule I have been strictly following for the last few years is to have the first 2 hours of my morning tech-free. What inspired you to launch The Goodness Company?The Goodness Company started from a personal need. I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2008, and this required a complete overhaul in my lifestyle. It is believed that celiac disease first started with the introduction of GMO technology. At this stage, I had little knowledge about natural ecosystems and their impact on the human body as a lot of the information we are exposed to is obfuscated by clever marketing tactics. Whilst looking for good quality, clean label-conscious products there was nothing available in the local UAE market, and it was getting increasingly frustrating having to import everyday essentials. I was working with a large global FMCG at this point but knew something had to be done to fill the gap as I had many friends experiencing similar challenges. This is how The Goodness Company journey started.The brand is focused on sustainability. Has this been the case from the start? Sustainability has always been at the heart of The Goodness Company since its conceptualization in 2017 far before being sustainable became trendy. Our core values are aligned with The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, especially number 12 which is – responsible for production and consumption.How has The Goodness Company evolved as a brand?In today’s climate, evolution is ongoing, and this is no different for us. We started as a small niche to test the market with a focus on a few products in 2018. After having increased our product range and distribution reach over the last 2 years and in 2021, it has since then continued in momentum. With sustainability and conscious consumption becoming mainstream, we foresee rapid growth moving forward. What key lessons are you grateful for from your mentors?Being a perfectionist by nature; I learned that this is not the best trait in a small-medium enterprise environment. The best advice I have received is to start small, fail fast, fail often and pivot quickly. We need to learn from our mistakes and look back at them as experiences rather than failures.What lies at the core of the brand’s DNA?Positive Social Impact. Everything we do has a larger lever in positively impacting individuals, society, and the world at large.What have been the hurdles you have experienced in your career and how did you overcome them?Starting a business ground up comes with its own set of hurdles daily.– HR: Building a team that has the same values to see the brand flourish has been a large challenge. However, over the years we have identified a mechanism to hire for mindset rather than just skills.– Unethical Practices: It is common practice for an innovative brand like ours to be copied and launched by a large player as their own idea. This has happened to us several times; now we just view this as a form of flattery and remain undeterred.– Market Acceptance: The Goodness Company was launched when the market was still very nascent and conscious consumption practices were not mainstream. Our flagship vegan chocolate range has taken 2 years to reach FMCG potential and acceptance by retail players to be launched into major supermarket chains in the UAE. Consistently educating consumers through various channels whether social media, events, popups, partnerships have been integral to overcome this hurdle. Creating demand and brand value is a long journey and takes time; this is where I have seen a lot of businesses lose patience and give up.Could you tell us about your CSR initiatives?We are partners with One Tree Planted, a nonprofit environmental tree-planting charity. We support them in reforestation efforts to reduce the severity of global climate change and restore the natural balance of plant life on the planet.How does the brand offer a holistic approach to sustainable living?Sustainable living is a journey and with busy modern lifestyles; a very difficult one. Therefore, a large part of our efforts goes into educating the consumer to make conscious decisions and use their purchasing power wisely. Our products are designed to make easy switches without any compromise:-Chocolate: our plant-based chocolate and spreads range is indulgent yet nutritionally dense, all-natural and does not compromise on taste in any way.-Copper Collective: this vertical supports an artisan community of copper craftsmen in Moradabad, North India to preserve their craft. Copper is self-sterilizing and eco-friendly; with this collection, we have interpreted ancient traditions for modern needs. Our copper bottles are very popular with expats and Emiratis as they are aesthetically pleasing and offer healing benefits (as believed in Ayurveda).-Conscious Ware: This range was designed to provide sustainable alternatives to household staples offering the perfect balance of creativity and elevated functionality. Our reusable glass and steel straws are designed for the modern consumer whilst our bamboo toothbrushes come in a minimalistic design with no compromise in efficacy vs regular plastic toothbrushes.At The Goodness Company, we believe that rather than trying to be perfect; small positive changes can make a large collective difference.This is ‘The Gratitude Issue’ – what are you grateful for?Survival of The Goodness Company through the pandemic we are currently living in; hopefully with the worst behind us. I have seen many close friends lose flourishing businesses overnight but having The Goodness Company survive this difficult period and come through stronger with a positive forecast makes me very grateful to everyone who has believed in my vision and in the brand – especially our employees, customers, and partners.April’s – ‘The Gratitude Issue’ – Download Now – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Supplied More

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    Emirati businesswoman Muna Al Gurg on the importance of giving back to society

    April’s – ‘The Gratitude Issue’ – Download Now Muna Al Gurg isn’t just a leading Emirati businesswoman, she’s also a philanthropist passionate about giving back on a local and global scale.Can you talk us through your career?After a short stint at an advertising agency, I joined our family business in 2000, the Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group (ESAG), to focus on marketing and communications. Since 2009 I’ve been Director of Retail, responsible for strategy and operational development of the Group’s international and local retail brand portfolio. It’s been a fascinating experience, as I’m the second generation of our 60-year-old business.What inspired you to venture into philanthropic work?Both my parents were role models and had traits that I wanted to emulate and build upon. During my teens and early twenties, I was greatly influenced by my father’s charitable projects across geographies spanning East Africa, the Gulf and across to the Indian subcontinent. He eventually went onto to build one of the UAE’s first official family-sponsored charity foundations.My late mother believed that every individual has a role in bettering their community and was a supporter of the arts in helping establish the first Dubai Community Theatre. She also did a lot of work with the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.My initial personal exposure to philanthropy and the satisfaction that comes with it was from the building of a school in Bwejuu, Zanzibar, for 300 children which we were able to build through the family foundation. I was involved throughout the design until its completion. Honestly, the sense of fulfillment is difficult to put into words.How do you give back to the community?Education and healthcare have been equal passions for me. Through the years I’ve been involved with several community outreach projects. The most recent one being the donation towards building a neonatal intensive care unit in Jenin, a Palestinian city in the West Bank. The donation will buy new equipment for the unit in the state-run Khalil Suleiman Hospital. The support is desperately needed in the occupied territories where newborns lack adequate access to healthcare. The project is being managed by the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.Which career milestones are you most proud of?When I completed my MBA at London Business School (LBS), I realised how access to the right kind of educational opportunities can help change futures. Setting up the Muna Al Gurg scholarship for Arab women at LBS has been a moment of pride for me personally, particularly as I’ve seen women from diverse career backgrounds graduate and thrive.Who would you say your mentors are in life and how are you grateful for them?My sisters and I were brought up in an environment where hard work and determination were encouraged and celebrated. The life experiences that we had in our formative years was the mentorship from our father. These lessons helped shape our life paths and was the fuel for our individual successes and passion for social causes.We’re all about female empowerment, as are you. How do you help empower women?There are many reasons women leave their professional careers, but especially so after childbirth, sometimes never to return. After I became a member of the ‘30% Club’, a global campaign to increase gender diversity at board and senior management levels, I looked inward throughout our organisation to find ways to further support our female employees.Most private sector organisations in the UAE currently offer a 45-day maternity leave. We explored the issue and came to understand that this somewhat limited policy was a significant factor in women opting to at least temporarily leave, and in many cases never returning. We decided to change this at ESAG Group to give mothers greater flexibility in their work-life balance, whilst also taking an extra step in not losing business talent and diversity. I proposed to increase our maternity leave to 90 paid days which was approved by our board at the start of 2020.From a funding perspective, I have supported female entrepreneurs by investing in Mindshift Capital – a global, women-run venture firm investing in amazing women-led companies solving important problems.How has the support you have in turn received, shaped you as a woman?One of the biggest inspirations of my life has been my aunt Dr Amina Kazim who played a big role in my childhood. She was the first UAE national female physician and the only Emirati anaesthetist in the country. She was also the first UAE national woman to obtain a private pilot license. Despite facing many challenges, her spirit of giving and also sharing knowledge with many left a great impression. I hope to emulate her zeal for life.How do you want to inspire others?I think it’s important to talk more about philanthropy. Our region is one which celebrates charitable giving but has historically been discrete about it. There’s an opportunity to magnify the impact of what is being done by adopting a strategic approach. I’ve been fortunate to have recently worked with the Gates Foundation in helping me assess and optimise my philanthropic work. In the not too distant future, I plan to establish my own foundation, specifically to create empowerment pathways for women and girls across the Middle East and North Africa. I hope we’re successful in our mission, but also aspire to be an example to other budding philanthropists that want to take a similar journey.What does it feel like being a woman in this region that is paving the way for others?I am fortunate to be an Emirati citizen as the UAE believes in offering equal opportunity to all and focuses on gender balance in every sphere. I have learned that competence is essential. Have the ability to communicate clearly. Voracious curiosity and listening well —to what is being said and sometimes to what isn’t, is important. Also, stand up for yourself without being overly aggressive, and create bonds with people you respect and admire by finding a commonality.What are your hopes for women in the future? My conversations with Gen Z and the Millennial generation indicate there’s a growing interest in social impact and meaningful entrepreneurship. I hope that those who have the means and resources ‘pay it forward’ within the community and society. Each of us has a talent that can be used for the greater good, what is required is the mindset to transform thought into action.What have been the hurdles you’ve experienced throughout your career?When I began my journey as a young business leader, the challenge was to be heard in a room full of men, some of whom were also older and more experienced. Over the years I have learned that it is important to be assertive and find your voice if there are goals to accomplish.What have been the key milestones?The most significant milestones relate to our family business. First was when I joined ESAG and took over the responsibility of strategy for the retail arm of the business. The next milestone was when my father, who is the founder of our business, decided to hand over the reins to his three daughters. And finally, the satisfaction that I have taken the lead in creating gender balance and inclusive policies that enhance women’s participation within the UAE’s private sector.This is ‘The Gratitude Issue’ – how do you practice gratitude in your life? Over the years and especially during 2020, I have realised that a crucial aspect of maintaining well-being is gratitude. I make it a practice to list three things that I am grateful for every morning. This helps me face the day with greater positivity.April’s – ‘The Gratitude Issue’ – Download Now – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Supplied More

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    Sheikha Fatima’s plan to advance the role of UAE women in peace and security

    A new national plan in the UAE is underway to advance the role of women in peace and security.The National Action Plan is being spearheaded by Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak Al Ketbi, the wife of the founder of the UAE, the late Sheikh Zayed, and is an implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security.It’s also a groundbreaking plan for the region as it’s the first GCC country to show its commitment to advancing the role of women in these fields. Peace and Security.Her Highness, who is also Chairwoman of the General Women’s Union, President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, and Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation, shared a statement on the historical plan.“I commend the efforts of the General Women’s Union and all national entities; federal, local, and civil society organisations for their work on the UAE National Action Plan,” Sheikha Fatima, who is also known as the ‘Mother of the Nation’, said.“I would also like to commend the role that UN Women play in meeting the global commitments towards women, peace, and security.”“We have never lost sight of Arab women or all women of the world to build their capabilities and develop their skills in all sectors.”Her Highness went on to highlight the UAE’s commitment to promote equality between genders.“The UAE is committed to promoting equality between men and women as a key UAE policy and supports the important role that women play in advancing the process of sustainable development,” she said. “We also affirm the UAE’s support of UN Women’s programs and initiatives that build a better future for women in the UAE and around the world.”– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramFeature image: WAM More

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    The ultimate edit of unmissable dine-in Iftar deals in Dubai

    With Dubai being the reigning food haven, there’s a wide variety of delectable food offers in the emirate that can be enjoyed when you dine-in with your friends and family.As we approach Ramadan, Emirates Woman has curated an exceptional edit of the best Iftar deals at the very best restaurants in Dubai.Bella Restaurant & LoungeWith a delicious spread of Antipasta’s, Piatto Unico and Dolce’s, Bella is offering the perfect amalgamation of Middle Eastern flavours presented in an exotic manner, such as Baba Gunush served with pilaf, hummus with chickpea, camel milk ice cream and much more. Priced at Dhs250 per person, this Ramadan menu at Bella is available daily from sunset till 1am at Grand Millennium Hotel in Business Bay.For more information visit belladxb.comCÉ LA VIBreak your fast in style with picturesque views of Dubai’s skyline including mouth-watering starters, a selection of beautifully prepared mains and a healthy spread of fruits. Relish a three-course meal for Dhs250 per person or three-course accompanied with shisha for Dhs350 per person at the pool deck, with both packages inclusive of dates, water, tea and coffee as you celebrate with friends and families, from Iftar until 8pm.For more information visit celavi.comBounty Beets at Le Meridien Mina SeyahiIf you’re thinking of opting for a healthier option this Ramadan, you can nourish your body and soul with a selection of light options that are both delicious and nutritious. Featuring a special Ramadan four-course menu, it includes a choice of soup, sharing appetizers, main course, a dessert accompanied by a set of detox beverages from April 1 to May 15 from sunset to 10pm for Dhs129 per person.For more information visit mariott.comEat & Meat at The H DubaiGather with friends and family as you enjoy an exceptional Iftar at Eat & Meat with a sumptuous set of sharing dishes including traditional bites featuring both Hot and Cold Mezze and flavoursome Arabic sweets in a traditional environment with guests also receiving a special early-bird offer of 20 per cent off when booking before April 12, 2021. Available throughout Ramadan from sunset to 10:30pm, prices for the package start at Dhs159 per person with a selection of juices. For more information visit hhoteldubai.comMarea, DIFCThis luxe hotspot in DIFC filled with Italian favourites is fused with authentic Arabic flavours, with Marea’s best-selling dishes including melt in your mouth Italian Burrata, Rigatoni pasta’s and an explosion of chocolate delicacies. Located at Gate Village 7 in DIFC, the Iftar set menu is priced at Dhs249 per person and will be available from 6:30pm.For more information visit marearestaurant.comBallarò restaurant at Conrad HotelEnjoy a selection of lavish Arabic favourites and international delicacies in the beautiful outdoor terrace which overlooks the lush green hidden oasis. Priced at Dhs175 per person from sunset till 9:30pm, guests can avail a 20 per cent discount when bookings are made before April 12, 2021 to enjoy this beautiful spread for Iftar.For more information visit LPM Restaurant & BarOffering guests a French-Mediterranean style Iftar, the menu includes a Ramadan welcome drink, soup, dates, two starters, one main course and a dessert, all of which is priced at Dhs240 per person. Guests can indulge in a host of fusion signature dishes along with the seasonal special dessert. Located at DIFC, Gate Village 8, the menu is available during the holy month of Ramadan from 6pm to 8pm with a minimum booking of two people.For more information visit read: We’ve found the most luxe and extravagant UAE Iftar package everHutong, DIFCThis contemporary Northern Chinese restaurant embraces the spirit of Ramadan with an elevated selection of fiery dishes that are ideal for sharing with friends and family as it draws inspiration from the heritage of the Silk Road, presenting a memorable immersive Iftar experience this season. From an abundant selection of delicious starts such as Wild Mushroom & Truffle Bao to Yu Xiang Crispy Eggplant with sweet exclusive desserts to top up your palette, guests can enjoy the entire bespoke experience for Dhs198 per person for a minimum of two people available from sunset to 8pm.For more information visit hutong-dubai.comRamadan Majlis at Ritz-Carlton, DIFCFor an impressive experience delve into the spirit of this special occasion in the luxurious Ramadan Majlis, which offers a lavish Iftar served in a family-style at your table. With delicious cold mezze Lebanese options accompanied by a traditional Arabic sweet station, from sunset to 8:30pm starting at Dhs219 for an adult and Dhs110 per child.For more information or to make a booking visit ritzcarlton.comAll the necessary health and safety measures have been implemented to ensure customers have a safe experience when they enjoy their meals.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramFeature image: Supplied by Ritz Carlton DIFC More

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    Are Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik married?

    Having been together (on and off…) for the last five years, it’s safe to say Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik have garnered some major ‘Zigi’ stans.This is exactly why the internet went into meltdown earlier this week when it was mentioned that the couple had tied the knot.Singer-songwriter, Ingrid Michaelson, who has been collaborating with Malik on some music lately, was conducting a live stream with her fans on her Patreon page and she referred to the couple as married.Naturally, Zigi fans quickly picked up on this and ran with it and quickly the phrase “Zayn is married” began trending on Twitter.
    “zayn is ZAYN ISmarried” MARRIED?!????!?
    — elodie²⁸ ♡’s chrissy ☀️ is proud of harry (@swtcreature28) March 30, 2021
    i know we never stood a chance, but zayn is married now, so um our dreams have just been crushed 😭 anyways happy for zayn and gigi 🤍🖤
    — fredy|boysworldfan🩰 (@makhylisreinbow) March 30, 2021
    When you realise Zayn is married to Gigi and you’re still alone.
    — Rashu (@MusewitheMoon) March 30, 2021However, it turns out, the couple aren’t married as far as we know. Michaelson simply accidentally presumed the pair were married.“As far as I know, he’s not married. It was a mistake,” she clarified on social media. I’m so sorry.”The singer also added that she’s never dealt with this level of fame before and “doesn’t live in this world”.“The level of fame, it makes me really, truly admire Zayn and anybody with that level of fame,” she admitted. “Every little thing you say is just – I’m not built for it.”She also issued an apology directly to the couple.“My apologies to Zayn and Gigi, if any of this trickles to you and is annoying,” she added. “I’m sorry — that’s not my intention. And to his fans, I’m sorry for getting you all riled up, and much love to you all.”Welcoming their new baby girlWhile the couple aren’t married, to our knowledge, the pair did recently take a big in their relationship welcoming their first child together back in September 2020.Hadid and Malik announced the birth of their first-born via social media back in September – a baby girl later to be revealed named Khai.The new mum took to Instagram to announce the news sharing a sweet photo of her daughter’s hand.“Our girl joined us earth-side this weekend and she’s already changed our world,” she captioned the photo. “So in love.”– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Gigi Hadid Instagram More

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    8 celebrities who celebrate Ramadan

    From singers to actors, these A-list celebrities are proud of their heritage are most likely to be observing the Holy month of Ramadan.Huda KattanBeauty mogul Huda Kattan observes Ramadan each year. Last year, she shared she was taking part in Instagram’s #MonthOfGood initiative, which was started to motivate people to provide food for families in need.“My family is the most important thing to me,” she said. “We do everything together, but during Ramadan we really take the time to slow down and dedicate more time to appreciating one another.”“One of the main things that me and my family are dedicating our time to this #MonthOfGood is providing food for families who need it,” she added. “This is something that our family focuses on every Ramadan, and it’s really eye-opening. We sometimes take some of the most basic things in life, like food, for granted.” ⁣Zayn MalikThe singer who gained his fame through the notable One Direction band has previously shared Ramadan Mubarak messages on social media, initially at the start of each holy month with his mother. He’s also previously mentioned he has read the Quran three times.Halima AdenOne of the first hijabi models, who’s worked with famous international labels, was born in Kakuma and has religiously observed the month in the past while being vocal about her faith.Iman AbdulmajidWhile occasionally tweeting her well wishes to her fans amid Ramadan, this Somalian-born supermodel hasn’t previously shared much about her experience during the month, however, she has expressed details about her heritage and roots before in various interviews.DJ KhaledKnown for his popular hit singles and collaborations with other A-list singers around the world, DJ Khaled has been transparent about his faith, while he also shares videos of his son hearing the Muslim call for prayer.He also previously shared several statuses on Twitter, such as the below:
    Allah thank u for all your blessing !! Ramadan
    — DJ KHALED (@djkhaled) July 19, 2013Mohamed HadidFather of Palestinian-Dutch supermodels Gigi, Bella and Anwar Hadid, Mohamed Hadid took to Instagram to share a message at the start of the Holy Month. It read: “Peaceful Ramadan Kareem from the Hadid Family.”Shanina ShaikTaking to her Instagram stories last year, supermodel Shanina Shaik wished her followers a Ramadan Kareem. With a mixed background, her career offered Muslim women a platform to look up to in the world of modelling as she’s proud of her heritage and descent while carving a niche for herself. The Victoria’s Secret model was a raised Muslim by her Saudi-Pakistani father and Lithuanian-Australian mother.Bella HadidHaving grown up learning about Islam from her father, the supermodel has previously mentioned she’s observed the Holy Month in the past. She continually shares her pride for her Palestinian roots.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramFeature image: Supplied More

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    One year on here’s how the pandemic has affected travel in the UAE (& the world)

    As we mark one year since borders in the UAE officially closed and a nationwide lockdown was implemented, the travel industry has slowly begun to recover.Keeping in mind the world is still in the middle of a pandemic, airlines and airports have had to adapt exponentially to ensure the highest hygiene, health and safety standards for staff and passengers.One year on, Emirates Woman looks at the changes which have occurred in the travel industry, particularly in regards to the UAE and GCC.Emirates Woman has curated a list of changes the travel industry has experienced, especially in regard to the GCC.Compulsory quarantineWhile all countries might not have a mandatory quarantine rule post travelling, some do and it’s always better to be aware if you need to isolate when travelling. With ongoing fluctuations, staying up-to-date is essential, to ensure you’ve planned ahead of time.KAYAK – helps compile worldwide travel restrictions on a colour-coded map to ensure you have the necessary information to prepare with the constantly changing rules.Also read: Travelling abroad? Here’s how to stay up-to-date with global restrictionsMandatory masks and PPEAfter becoming the unexpected accessory essential since last year, the world has now embrace wearing face masks throughout the flight as a new norm, to prevent droplets from spreading as you protect yourselves and others while wearing one. Both Emirates and Etihad are providing passengers with a supply of hygiene kits, along with vending machines specially stocked to dispense PPE kits, in case any supplies are required onboard.Also read: 7 luxe face masks to stay both safe and stylish this seasonDiscontinuation of non-essential servicesTo contain too many interactions on board, many airlines have suspended services relating to in-flight food and drink.  Some flights still offer pre-packaged food services only to ensure utmost safety for all. However, trolley services used for serving food on-board, lounge services and any in-flight magazines have been put to a halt in order to avoid any spreading of germs.Travel insuranceIt was announced last year by Emirates in July that they will cover any COVID-19 medical costs for their passengers.  Similarly, Flydubai also offers all passengers multi-risk travel insurance, including COVID-19 cover when a ticket is booked. Many other airlines have followed suit.A contactless journeyJust over a month ago, contactless travel was introduced for Emirates passengers at Dubai Airport. A biometric facial technology system has become the new norm for all travellers. From beginning to end, the entire process is made seamless and as hands-free as possible to minimise the spread of the virus. With Biometric Smart Zones along with an app for inflight entertainment, the changes made are sure to prevent the virus from spreading.Also read: Your Dubai airport experience will be a little different next time you travelPCR testsAs per Emirates, all passengers arriving into Dubai from any point of origin (GCC countries included) must hold a negative COVID-19 PCR test result taken not more than 72 hours prior to departure with PCR test rules varying according to the airline.In addition, Abu Dhabi airport launched a compulsory testing service for incoming passengers who will receive a free PCR test on arrival with the region’s first in-airport laboratory in approximately 90 minutes.Also read: A free 90-minute PCR test is now available in Abu Dhabi for incoming passengersVaccinated crew membersWith the UAE paving its way as it reaches new milestones in the fight against COVID-19, Etihad in early February 2021 vaccinated 100 per cent of its crew members and staff, becoming the first airline in the world to do so to ensure passengers feel safe while travelling.On the other hand, Emirates also worked with the Dubai Healthy Authority since early January to ensure a fully vaccinated crew of 70 also boarded the first flight, as the crew members received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.Also read: Etihad becomes the world’s first airline to vaccinate all its crewWith rules and regulations constantly changing, it’s always best to be up to date on the government website for each country to ensure, the travel measures are carefully studied before departure and booking.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramFeature image: Unsplash @snowjan More

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    UAE announces reduced hours for schools during Ramadan

    With Ramadan fast approaching, the UAE has announced reduced school hours across three emirates – Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah – during the Holy Month.For Dubai, as per Khaleej Times, Mohammed Darwish, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Permits and Compliance at Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) said, “Private schools in Dubai can hold classes up to five hours during Ramadan, We’ve given schools the flexibility of choosing their start and end time in consultation with parents.”With regard to the capital, Abu Dhabi, private schools shall also have a reduction in working hours amid Ramadan as announced by the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK). He stated, “The school cannot start before 9:30am and must end the day before or at 3:30pm.”As for Sharjah,tThe Sharjah Private Education Authority (SPEA) had addressed that school timings shall not last for more than five hours, with a reduction in homework and examinations during Ramadan starting classes from 9am onwards, with the day to be held between three and four hours, depending on the student’s grade and requirements.Keeping in line with all safety regulations amid the pandemic, a statement issued on the UAE’s National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) advised that people should not attend evening gatherings and family visits should also be limited during the month.
    #NCEMA: For the health & safety of society, we advise all to avoid evening gatherings during Ramadan, limit family visits, & avoid distributing & exchanging meals between homes & families. Only members of the same family living in the same house can share meals#TogetherWeRecover
    — NCEMA UAE (@NCEMAUAE) March 16, 2021All the necessary safety measures have been taken to ensure that all the pupils remain safe amid the COVID-19 outbreak.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramFeature image: Unsplash @mclee More