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    10 things to avoid during the hottest summer months in the UAE


    by Ruman Baig
    17 seconds ago

    The UAE summer sun is no joke. With temperatures soaring past 40°C, staying safe becomes a top priority.
    Here’s a guide on what not to do during the hottest months, along with some UAE-specific suggestions to keep you cool:

    Don’t underestimate the sun’s power
    While a tan might look nice, sunburn is a recipe for discomfort and dehydration. Opt for lightweight, loose-fitting clothing that covers your shoulders and knees. Look for fabrics with a UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) rating for added sun protection.
    Don’t forget the SPF
    Sunscreen is non-negotiable. Apply a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher liberally and reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating. Don’t forget areas like your ears, lips, and the tops of your feet.
    Don’t skip hydration

    Dehydration is a major risk in extreme heat. Carry a reusable water bottle and sip on cool water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Avoid sugary drinks and excessive caffeine, which can dehydrate you further. Electrolyte-rich beverages can be helpful, especially after sweating a lot.
    Don’t push yourself outdoors during peak heat
    The UAE offers a vibrant nightlife and a plethora of air-conditioned indoor attractions. Plan outdoor activities for early mornings or evenings when temperatures are milder. Malls, museums,and even indoor ski slopes at Ski Dubai offer cool escapes from the scorching sun.
    Don’t leave children or pets in parked cars
    This one seems obvious, but even a few minutes in a sweltering car can be deadly.
    Don’t ignore heatstroke symptoms
    Headache, dizziness, nausea, and excessive sweating are all signs of heatstroke. If you experience them, move to a cool, shaded area, loosen clothing, sip cool water, and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen.
    Don’t rely solely on air conditioning
    While AC is a lifesaver, constantly going from extreme heat to icy-cold interiors can strain your body. Opt for natural ventilation whenever possible and take breaks from the AC to adjust your body temperature gradually.
    Don’t forget about your head
    A wide-brimmed hat shields your face, neck, and head from the harsh sun. Opt for breathable, lightweight materials like straw or cotton.
    Don’t disregard cultural norms
    Dress modestly when outdoors, especially in more conservative areas. This will not only keep you cool but also show respect for local customs.
    Don’t be afraid to embrace the indoors
    The UAE boasts some of the world’s most impressive malls and indoor entertainment complexes. Embrace the air conditioning and explore a myriad of shops, restaurants, theme parks, and cultural attractions that are specifically designed to keep you cool and entertained during the summer months.
    By following these simple tips, you can stay safe, prevent heat-related illnesses, and enjoy a pleasant summer in the UAE.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    How I got my job as… the founder of this UAE-based wellness community

    This week, Emirates Woman sat down with Rhea Jacobs, Founder of Rhé , a UAE-based wellness platform.
    Her vision is to inspire and empower our community to make selfcare a genderless and ageless household practice while bringing a simplified, realistic and accessible approach towards wellness for all.
    Welcome to the Emirates Woman weekly series ‘How I got my job as…’ where we speak to some incredible wellness, fashion and beauty entrepreneurs and businesswomen both based in the UAE and globally to find out about their career paths that led them to where they are now; what their daily routines look like; the advice they’d give to those starting out; and the hurdles they’ve had to overcome.
    My intention with Rhé is to build a safe, realistic and accessible space for the people of today highlighting the importance of investing in your mental health and inner peace” says Jacobs.
    With the first launch being the Rhé Of Light Journal, it’s a daily guided introspective journal designed for the busy individual of today. This comprehensive journal tackles key concerns like inner child healing, daily gratitude, goal mapping, body positivity, manifestation, relationship with money, career development and more.
    To delve into her journey more, Emirates Woman sat down with this wellness entrepreneur to see how it all began.
    What was your favourites subject at school?
    I loved Art, My major at school was Business, Environmental management and Art. I enjoyed Art so much and was always the kid who had paint on her hands and uniform. Creativity of any kind inspired me even then.
    What was your first job?
    In University I majored in BA Fashion Honors my first job was then, where I got an internship with an upcoming designer. My role was illustrations and design development.

    What brought you to Dubai?
    We grew up seeing the city change from what it was to the impeccable feat it’s reached at today, the idea that any thing is possible is a mindset you slowly adapt by observation with time. My parents moved her when I was a baby, Dubai is my home and I owe a lot of what I am today to this country and the mindset you develop while you’re raised here.
    What inspired you to enter the wellness space and launch Rhé?
    It was during the pandemic, a challenging time that forced so many of us to introspect and evaluate. Apart from the dalgona coffee, banana bread bandwagon that everyone including myself got on… I was also introduced to yoga and journaling. This acted like a catalyst and made me realize how prior to this i never really prioritised my mental health and was so out of touch with my inner self.
    I was also reading the book called Ikigai around that time and the concept revolved around how ones purpose is quite often something that they personally love and are passionate about, something they can do well, and is something that could bring value to peoples life. The benefits that I reaped entering this space was something that I definitely knew I wanted to share with the world. I always knew I wanted to take the entrepreneurial route and would often discuss this with my mother saying I wanted something that would be a true ray of light for people. We both had an aha moment and knew this was something.
    Talk us through the concept?
    Our concept and vision at Rhé is to inspire and empower our community to make self-care a genderless and ageless household practice while creating a simplified and accessible approach towards wellness for all.
    What are the key elements of your role?
    Being a founder of a nascent business, which we launched in February 2024, I find myself assuming multiple roles, ranging from design execution, quality control, to marketing strategies and sales, and even managing basic logistics. I am fortunate to have an exceptional team that greatly contributes to our progress and success. i find it essential as a founder to create a healthy working environments that has the right balance. However, for a business as young as ours, still in the process of establishing its foundation and reinforcing our core values, it is imperative as the founder to remain actively engaged and present.
    Talk us through your daily routine.
    My day begins around 6am, first thing I do is meditate and journal. It helps me set my intention for the day. This is usually for around 10 – 15 minutes. I then go downstairs hydrate, get my puppy Gucci fed walked make myself a cup of herbal tea, workout for an hour and shower. This is the one constant I have and prioritize no matter how different each day is since I not only have my role at Rhé, I also am a digital creator and model.
    So my day usually begins with our home office at Rhé with my team and then shuffles between Editorial sets when I’m shooting, meetings, events or creating content for my personal social media. My day usually winds down around 8pm, its at this time when I switch off completely from social media and my phone, and begin my wind-down routine with a shower, I use this time to read a little, then journal to reevaluate the day with some herbal tea and finally of to bed round 9:30pm to 10pm.

    What advice do you have for anyone looking to follow in the same footsteps?
    I would say do everything with intention, it really does come through and makes a difference. Also don’t get demotivated by setbacks, every setback is a redirection.
    Tell us more about the products?
    Our inaugural product is our Rhé Of Light Journal, when I personally began journaling the first thing I thought about was, but what do people write in journals? Our Rhé Of Light Journal tackles this very issue, it’s a A simplified daily guided journal for anyone and everyone, whether you are someone who avidly journals or are new to the concept our journal is for you. We take you through a journey of deep introspection addressing topics like inner child healing, goal setting, developing gratitude, body positivity, relationship with money, career building and more. Every day we have an option for a guided prompt or a section to brain dump (vent what you’re feeling) and every 7 days we have our self help worksheets that helps to break monotony and yet still keep you in track.
    What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
    Nothing is impossible, any setback is only a redirection .
    And what is the worst?
    You can’t have dreams so big coming from where you do and looking like that.
    What’s the biggest challenge you have had to overcome?
    My biggest challenge had definitely been making myself believe I can, I had these goals but didn’t really know if I could achieve them. Fighting self doubt, procrastinating due to fear and not being brave enough to take the step is definitely the challenge that took the most out to me to unlearn. Of course there are daily challenges owning and running a business, but when it aligns so deeply with who you are and what you believe in you know there will always be a way to come out of it.
    What’s your future for the brand?
    At Rhé, our core mission is to promote mental well-being and personal growth, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to creating thoughtfully designed products that support these goals.Looking ahead, our strategy involves a multifaceted approach. We aim to broaden our product offerings to include a diverse range of tools and resources that cater to the holistic wellness needs of our community both in tangible and digital form
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied  More

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    Arab fencer Nada Hafez competed at the Olympics 7 months pregnant


    by Ruman Baig
    19 seconds ago

    Egyptian fencer, Nada Hafez, defies expectations with pregnant Olympic feat.
    Ace Arab Athlete
    In a stunning revelation that has captivated the world, Egyptian fencer Nada Hafez has unveiled a remarkable secret: she competed at the Paris Olympics while seven months pregnant. The 26-year-old Cairo native not only participated in the high-intensity sport but also managed to advance to the quarter-finals of the women’s saber event.

    A Tough Opponent
    Hafez, a seasoned athlete with two previous Olympic appearances under her belt, defied expectations by defeating higher-ranked opponent Elizabeth Tartakovsky from the United States. Her journey, however, came to an end against South Korea’s Jeon Hayoung. Despite the loss, her achievement is nothing short of extraordinary.

    Sporting Spirit
    Saber fencing is renowned for its physical demands, requiring lightning-fast reflexes and immense strength. Balancing the rigors of this sport with the complexities of pregnancy is a feat that defies imagination. Hafez herself acknowledged the challenges, describing the experience as a “rollercoaster” that tested her limits.
    Beyond her athletic prowess, Hafez is a medical graduate with a background in gymnastics. Her journey to fencing began at the age of 11, after trading swimming and gymnastics for the allure of the blade. Her dedication and talent have seen her claim gold in both individual and team saber competitions at the 2019 African Games.
    Hafez’s courageous performance at the Paris Olympics has sparked global admiration. Her story is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of determination. As she prepares to embrace motherhood, the world eagerly awaits the next chapter in this extraordinary athlete’s life.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @nada_hafez More

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    7 spec-taco-lar Mexican restaurants to book in Dubai


    by Sarah Joseph
    4 mins ago

    Mexican food is nacho your average cuisine.
    Curated with a host of spices, herbs and flavours, each dish is sure to guac your world. From Burritos to empanadas, the unending mix of ingredients creates the perfect meal to savour with your loved ones.
    While dining in Dubai can be an exciting experience due to its diverse culinary scene. Here are some key tips to enhance your dining experience in the city:
    Plan Ahead
    Popular restaurants can get busy, especially on weekends. Making reservations in advance is recommended.
    Special Events
    If you’re dining for a special occasion or during peak times like Ramadan or holidays, book even earlier.
    Be punctual for your reservation, as some restaurants may release your table if you’re late.
    Choose your dining spot based on the atmosphere you prefer, whether it’s a lively, trendy restaurant or a quiet, romantic spot with a view.
    From special occasions to a weekly Mexican treat, we’re here to help you choose a spot with deliciously authentic flavours. So, swipe through our guide of the best Mexican restaurants to visit in Dubai.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @chrissyteigan @enfuego More

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    Travelling to Sri Lanka this summer? EW’s guide to this tropical paradise


    by Ruman Baig
    11 seconds ago

    Sri Lanka: A solo sojourn and a sudden sense of serenity.

    On the precipice of thirty, a decade of group vacations and family getaways began to feel like a well-worn comfort blanket. It was time to shed the cocoon and spread my wings, or at least my passport. Sri Lanka, with its promise of ancient ruins, lush landscapes, and a laid-back vibe, seemed the perfect antidote to the impending existential crisis.
    The Stay

    Ahu Bay, a Reverie resort nestled on Sri Lanka’s southern coast, is more than just a hotel; it’s a philosophy. Part of Resplendent Ceylon’s collection, it embodies the brand’s commitment to slow living and mindful exploration. This is a place where time stands still, inviting guests to disconnect from the world and reconnect with themselves.
    Ahu Bay, a coastal gem on the island’s southern tip, was my chosen sanctuary. It’s the kind of place where time dilates and worries evaporate like morning mist. The resort is a masterclass in understated luxury, blending seamlessly into its natural surroundings.
    The Accommodation

    My suite, a private oasis with a plunge pool that begged for champagne breakfasts, was the perfect base for my solitary explorations.The staff, with their warm smiles and impeccable service, transformed the experience from a solo sojourn into a pampered retreat.
    The Dining

    And then there was the food. My first night on the property, I was whisked away to the private beach for a solo date night under the moon light. As a coastal kid from Goa, I was coloured impressed at the array of local seafood I was presented with. A symphony of flavours in my mouth, each dish a testament to the island’s culinary heritage.
    As the days turned into a week, a sense of calm washed over me. The kind of calm that comes from spending hours lost in a book, the gentle lull of waves as a soundtrack, and the knowledge that the only company you need is your own.
    Leaving felt like bidding farewell to an old friend.

    What to pack for a summer in Sri Lanka:
    Thinking of escaping the Dubai heat for a week in this coastal paradise? Let EW help you decide what to bring along.

    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied More

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    9 luxe UAE-based shops to order premium cakes from


    by Sarah Joseph
    29 mins ago

    We’re all tired of the same old off-the-rack cakes and want to make each celebration even more memorable. So why not order from the UAE’s premium shops offering the finest cakes.
    Finding a trusted baker who can make your dream cake a reality, might sometimes be too much to ask for. Be it a specific baby-shower-themed cake or multi-layered decadent sponges decorated with edible flowers, there are endless options of cake ateliers in the UAE that can seamlessly execute the job.
    Be it birthdays, weddings or personal milestones, no cake is too hard to create for these well-established patisseries and talented bakers. From design and flavour to tasting, each customer is taken through the journey to be certain of the outcome and celebrate their big day without an inch of doubt.
    To help you narrow down the process, Emirates Woman has curated the ultimate premium cake guide for bespoke offerings in the UAE.

    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Unsplash @heather-barnes & Pexels @marta-dzedyshko More

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    Plan your summer Nights by the Lagoon at Creek Harbour’s hidden gem


    by Team Emirates Woman
    5 mins ago

    IN PARTNERSHIP: Give summer a new meaning at the ultimate lagoon-side oasis of Vida Creek Beach by the crystal lagoon.
    If you’re looking to bask in the summer sun, Float Beach Lounge at the property makes the perfect venue for summer splashes with food and drinks. You can start the weekend right by the Lagoon with the exclusive Float Summer Nights taking place every Friday. It promises an evening of delectable dishes, refreshing beverages, live entertainment and a laid-back summer experience under the sky.
    This exquisite evening takes place every Friday from 7pm to 12am, with Lagoon Access from 7pm to 12am, Dining from 7pm to 11pm and Beverage Package from 7pm to 10pm. With an A la carte menu and free-flowing beverages, the package is priced at Dhs200 per person.
    For the ultimate getaway, the Crystal Lagoon is a tropical paradise amidst a scenic city skyline. This massive man-made lagoon is free to swim, play, and splash at. Guests can dive into the refreshing waters, soak up the sun on the sandy shores, and let the good times roll.
    At the property contemporary designs meet the allure of arabesque architecture at Vida Creek Beach. The overarching architecture is inspired by the Bronze Age of Arabia where a myriad of cultural elements come together. As the perfect retreat, staycationers can meander along the vibrant 6km promenade, pausing for joyful snapshots amidst the kaleidoscope of bright-hued art installations.

    The district offers a getaway unlike any other with its serene skyline accompanied by creek views, overlooking the man-made Lagoon and canal at Dubai Creek Harbour. During their visit, guests can also embark on a boat tour to soak inthe city’s iconic landmarks, all from the exhilarating vantage point of the water.
    Overall, the hotel offers a wide range of epic amenities and creative spaces. Complete withtop-notch business facilities, eateries, and chill spots to unwind, it’sthe place to live it up or lay low.
    For more information visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied  More

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    UAE’s rising athletes to shine at the Paris 2024 Olympics


    by Ruman Baig
    15 seconds ago

    The United Arab Emirates is poised to make a significant mark at the Paris 2024 Olympics, with a strong contingent of 14 athletes representing the nation across five disciplines.

    This year’s participation marks another step forward in the UAE’s Olympic journey, a path that has seen steady growth and increasing competitiveness since the nation’s debut in 1984.
    Meet the athletes representing the UAE at the 2024 Paris Olympics
    Leading the UAE delegation is the promising equestrian rider, Omar Al Marzouqi. A silver medalist at the 2018 Youth Olympics, Al Marzouqi, at just 19, carried the nation’s flag at the opening ceremony, a testament to his exceptional talent and rapid rise. Joining him in the equestrian arena are Abdullah Humaid Al Muhairi, Abdullah Al Marri, Salem Al Suwaidi, and Ali Al Karbi, forming a formidable team aiming to elevate the UAE’s standing in this prestigious sport.

    Judo also promises to be a highlight for the UAE. A six-member team, including rising stars like Omar Marouf, Dhafer Aram, and Bashirat Kharoudi, will compete fiercely for medals. The inclusion of Kharoudi is particularly noteworthy, as she represents the growing number of Emirati women making their mark in sports.
    Breaking new ground, Safiya Al Sayegh will become the first Emirati female cyclist to compete at the Olympics. Her participation is a symbol of the UAE’s commitment to gender equality in sports and its aspiration to excel in a wider range of disciplines.

    The swimming pool will see the return of Yousuf Al-Matrooshi, building on his experience from the 2020 Tokyo Games,while Maha Al Shehi represents the nation in the women’s category. On the track, Maryam Mohammed Al Farsi will vie for honors in the 100m sprint.
    As the UAE team prepares to take on the world’s best athletes, there is a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation.With a blend of youth, experience, and unwavering determination, the UAE is set to inspire a new generation of athletes and leave a lasting impression on the global sporting stage.
    Who do you think will be the UAE’s star performer at the Paris Olympics?
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram: @afrndofmine and @uaenoc More