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    This Time Management Method Promises To Declutter Your To-Do List—But Does It Work?

    I think we can all agree that time-management is an important life skill. It is, however, not a skill that comes naturally to me. I’m more of the “wait until the last minute, then dart and dash” kind of woman. Maybe you’re like me. Maybe you, like me, always find yourself desperately scouting the mall for a new pair of shoes one day before your vacation, longing for a way to bring order and ease into the chaos. 
    Not too long ago, as I waded through my to-do list wondering if there was “a better way,” I was reminded of a trend I’d seen on Instagram: micro-scheduling. I decided to give it a shot for one full week so I could report back to any fellow hopefuls, looking for a way to declutter their to-do lists.

    What Is Micro-Scheduling?
    Micro-scheduling is a form of planning where you block your day out by 15-minute increments. It’s meant to help pace you out so you can complete your tasks in smaller chunks over a longer period of time. You’re essentially mapping out each baby step in the process of a task and jotting it into your calendar. Hence, the “micro” schedule.

    My Experience
    If the fact that I’m turning in this article one day early is any indication, I’d say this experiment was a success. After just one week of micro-scheduling, I can honestly say it completely altered my stress levels around my to-do list. Breaking tasks down into bite-sized pieces and seeing them time-stamped on my calendar made each item on my list feel more feasible, which kept me from procrastinating. I did find that I was able to get more done over a shorter period of time without feeling rushed through it all. 
    So, the short version is that I highly recommend this process and plan on integrating it into my daily life. Of course, my feedback doesn’t come without a few caveats. For example, I found myself living in my calendar far more than I ever have before. If you’re not someone who enjoys using a calendar to manage your day, this isn’t going to be for you. 
    I also noticed that by the end of the week I started modifying the process to meet my specific needs—because, frankly, life gets in the way of even our greatest intentions. For example, by the end of the week, I wasn’t blocking my entire day into 15-minute increments. That felt more laborious than helpful, but I did take the opportunity to sprinkle in 15-minute blocks to break up my more daunting tasks into manageable pieces. 
    If you’re looking to elevate your time-management style and want to give this process a go, read on for a few tips that will make it a little more adaptable for real life.

    My Best Micro-Scheduling Tips

    Plan on blocking in time for blocking in time.
    As I alluded to in my takeaway, the biggest “life change” I experienced while trying micro-scheduling was my reliance on my calendar. Blocking tasks out in such small steps takes time. The biggest mistake I made from the get-go was thinking that the actual planning part wouldn’t need to be blocked into my day. So each day, I gave myself a 30 minute block first thing in the morning to review my calendar and add or rearrange my tasks as needed. And yes, instead of 15 minutes, I chose 30. Maybe I’m just a slow mover, but not every task can be accomplished in 15 minutes. I decided to be realistic about how long I’d actually need for each task. I get a little triggered when I feel like I’m falling behind, so by buffering a little extra time, I’d often finish a task a little bit early, which felt like a win!

    View your calendar in 4 day increments, not a full week—and definitely not a month.
    The best part of this whole process, for me, was how it allowed me to be more present with each day. Before micro-scheduling, I kept a running list of to-dos in the notes app of my phone. I sometimes arranged them by priority, and always checked them off as I completed them. The problem with that strategy is that my brain was constantly fumbling over the bird’s-eye-view of EVERYTHING that needed to get done in my life, which is overwhelming at best and completely debilitating at worst. By using my calendar and only allowing myself to see four days ahead, I noticed my nervous system felt way more relaxed. Turns out life feels pretty doable when you’re not agonizing about everything all at once. Though I might have blocked a couple of items in my schedule further out to accommodate future deadlines, I only needed to see my life in four day increments when I viewed my calendar. Everything else was out of sight, out of mind.

    Give yourself more time than you need to meet a deadline.
    As I noted earlier, by far the hardest part of this process is making sure you’re realistic about how long each “baby step” task will take. We want things to move swiftly, but life has a way of dragging things out. For example, you might block out 15 minutes to call your insurance company and find yourself on hold for 45. Don’t let it discourage you if your micro-tasks take longer than you hope. The best way to avoid complications is to either sprinkle in 15 minute “catch up” blocks, extend a 15 minute block to 30 (like I did), or give yourself a slightly longer runway for completing a task. For example, if you have a work assignment due on a Thursday, try blocking out your micro-tasks for that assignment so that it’s completed by Wednesday. This gives you a little wiggle room when those baby steps turn into a crawl.

    Expect unforeseen events.
    I had an entire day squashed because of a sleeper sofa delivery gone awry. When the delivery people couldn’t get it through our hallway and the reality set in that I was going to have to send it back, I panicked. My mom is visiting for Thanksgiving and I’d put tons of research into getting the best pull-out couch for her stay. I ended up spending the better half of that day doom-scrolling the internet for sleeper sofas that could be delivered before the holidays.
    I ultimately decided that getting a couch we liked was better than settling on something that was available, so mom will be air-mattressing it this year, but my point is that an entire day’s worth of tasks got derailed because of an unforeseen event. When this happens, don’t beat yourself up. Unexpected annoyances are part of life, as much as we all wish they weren’t. This is why blocking time first thing every day to reevaluate your calendar is so helpful—if you weren’t able to knock out all the items on your list from the day before, you have time to rearrange everything to catch up.

    Leave blank space in your calendar each day.
    This kind of goes against the whole point of micro-scheduling, but I found when I packed my day TOO full, I was less likely to get as much done because as soon as I felt like I was falling behind, I’d give up. However, when I gave myself dead space in the middle of the day (or even blocked it out as “free time”) it allowed me to use that time to my advantage. If I needed rest, I’d rest. If I needed to use that time to catch up on the morning’s tasks, I could. Not every moment of our day is going to be predictable, so blocking in buffer time is key to ensure your best laid plans are realistic.

    You don’t have to micro-schedule your entire existence—you can use it even for just one aspect of your life!
    To be honest, my biggest gain while micro-scheduling has been my meal planning game. Writing in what meals I intend to make on any given weekday helps me stick to the plan and ensure I block in time to not only grocery shop, but meal prep and cook. It has made cooking nearly seamless. If there ever comes a time when I get tired of micro-scheduling every other aspect of my life into my calendar, I will most definitely continue to use it for meal planning purposes. So if you feel like you’re generally an organized person but need a little boost in just one area of your life, micro-scheduling could be a great way to nail it down!

    Know that it still takes discipline to stay on top of it all
    The great thing about micro-scheduling is that by sitting down each morning to set up your calendar, you’re already in the zone to stay on top of it. But like anything in life, it’s about putting on your proverbial shoes. My least favorite aspect of this process is that you don’t physically check off your tasks—as time passes they simply fade into your calendar’s history. This means you really have to stay on top of which tasks get completed and which need to be transferred to a future date. It doesn’t take a ton of effort, but it can feel like you’re married to your calendar. If you don’t like that feeling, this won’t be a symbiotic relationship for you. 

    Be kind to yourself
    If you’re like me, you start each new habit with excitement and enthusiasm, but the moment you get derailed you get hard on yourself. Let this be your permission to take it easy on yourself! New habits take time and life happens. I’ll admit it feels pretty awesome when you get through a day of micro-scheduling and all your tasks actually get done, but there are going to be days when you’re in the flow and days when you’re not. If you accept that it’s a ride with ups and downs, you’re more likely to stick to it long-term. More

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    UAE National Day 2022: 7 heritage sites to visit in Dubai


    by Sarah Joseph
    59 mins ago

    After unifying in 1971, the UAE has come a long way and there are several spots that mark its rich heritage.
    This year on December 2, 2022, the UAE will celebrate 51 years since its unification and there are many sites that display the nation’s history.
    As a homage to the UAE’s long-standing cultural heritage, here are seven renowned sites to visit in Dubai.
    Coffee Museum

    Designed to pay homage to the UAE’s coffee culture, this concept features different roasting and brewing styles close to the country’s heritage. From Middle Eastern techniques to a wide selection of coffee documentaries, visitors are educated about the ins and outside of its historical significance in Dubai. Located in Al Fahidi in Bur Dubai, this heritage hub promises a relaxing atmosphere with traditional regional architecture.
    For more information visit
    Etihad Museum

    Designed to highlight the nation’s history and how the seven emirates came to unity 1971, this heritage site displays a fascinating collection of artefacts. The museum is a masterful tribute to the manuscripts on which the union agreement was originally signed. With key photographs and interactive audio-visual exhibits, visitors can experience the UAE’s archival symbolism in a creative manner. Located in Jumeriah St. 1, it’s open daily from 10am to 8pm.
    For more information visit
    Old Souq

    This expansive area is nothing short of lavish gold jewellery, handwoven fabrics, traditional oud perfumes and exquisite souvenirs. For visitors and tourists wanting to take back a piece of the UAE, they can opt for bespoke jewellery pieces as a special memento. Known for an array of exotic spices, this neighbourhood has a plethora of high-quality spices and locally-blended teas to take home. Additionally, visitors can discover the colourful textile market in the heart of Bur Dubai.
    Hatta Heritage Village

    Go back in time to the life of ancient villagers with a host of citadels, forts and towers in Dubai’s mountain town. With springs and lush valleys, visitors can experience the life of villagers who have adopted a sustainable technique of living. To visit nature’s beauty first-hand, the Hatta Dam provides activities such as kayaking for that picturesque spot. For an insight into the UAE’s traditional techniques, visitors can view the villagers’ inherited traditions that include jewellery making, weaponry, pottery and more for an ideal afternoon getaway.
    Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Centre for Cultural Understanding

    Founded in 1998, this centre was founded to educate expats from different communities living and visiting the UAE. Located in a beautifully restored wind tower house in the historic, Al Fahidi Historical Neighbourhood in Bur Dubai, where visitors can interact with local Emiratis and learn about traditional cuisine. With a 360-degree experience, guests can take a seat on the Bedouin-style carpets and indulge in a traditional Emirati meal, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner and experience a guided tour of the neighbourhood.
    For more information visit
    Arabian Tea House

    To experience fine Emirati hospitality, this venue has provided the first Emirati cuisine since 1997. With authentic elements such as rattan chairs, lace curtains, turquoise benches, visitors can enjoy a cup of traditional Arabic coffee known as gahwa to explore the city’s past. As a relaxing oasis to talk and unwind, customers can go back in time to when old architecture reigned supreme. This concept is situated in the Al Fahidi Historical Neighbourhood which was previously known as Al Bastakiya.
    For more information visit
    Dubai Museum

    To delve into life before the discovery of oil, this ancient museum takes visitors on an unseen journey in a quaint, low-slung military fort from the 1700s. From pearl diving to fishing, light is shed upon ancient occupation and other archaeological finds. The galleries recreate scenes from the creek, traditional Arab houses, mosques, the souk, date farms and desert and marine life. Again, the museum is situated in the Al Fahidi Historical Neighbourhood. Built in 1787, this fort was once the monarch’s base and highlights the history of the UAE.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram & Feature Image: Instagram @abusaif4446 More

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    12 fabulous things to do in Dubai (and Abu Dhabi) this weekend


    by Olivia Morris
    4 hours ago

    Your ultimate guide to this weekend in Dubai and Abu Dhabi – November 18 to November 20, 2022.
    F1 in Abu Dhabi

    The F1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix is making its return for 2022 this weekend with the best in racecar driving set to descend upon the UAE capital. In tandem, there’s also plenty happening in the emirate including huge post-race concerts – Kendrick Lamar will be performing on Saturday night, while Def Leopard will take to the stage on Sunday.
    Brunch time

    Dine in style for brunch this weekend at Ongaku, the hidden bar within Clap. The popular nightlife hotspot comes alive in the day every Saturday from 12.30pm to 4pm. The luxe brunch includes a huge sushi station, prawn cocktail tower, fresh oyster section, dedicated ceviche station and more – and this is just the starters! For mains enjoy the black cod, pistachio crusted baby chicken and beef sando and an indulgent surprise courtesy of the chef, all served family-style with sides of grilled vegetables and wasabi mash. Prices for the brunch start at Dhs495.
    Dior arrives at Nammos

    A unique Dior pop-up store has recently opened its doors for the second year at Nammos in the Four Season Hotel in Dubai. The fascinating architectural installation of the pop-up unveils the latest Dior Cruise 2023 collection with an exclusive selection available only in Dubai.
    A picture of health

    Biolite, Dubai’s premier aesthetic clinic for over 15 years, has launched the region’s first Healthness Centre, offering a personalised and preventative approach to aesthetics, health, and longevity with the aim of optimizing the client’s overall health and ageing process. The concept is formed of carefully crafted health and wellness modalities supporting longevity, nutrition, and sleep, developed, and designed through years of research by the Biolite advisory board and founder, Mona Mirza. The new centre takes you on a health journey with a comprehensive consultation with an integrative medicine doctor, IFMCP certified. Unlike a typical GP visit, the examination starts with innovative preventative diagnostic testing and extensive health intake designed to accumulate as much information as possible. Genetic testing, tracking of functional biomarkers, microbiome analysis are just some of the tests clients do in the process. Visit their website for more details.
    Italian feast

    Enjoy a classic rituale Italiano at Fi’lia – the Aperitivo. Traditionally known as a way of ‘opening the palate’, guests can enjoy a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages paired with light bites from 4 to 6pm daily. The perfect way to relax and unwind, the Aperitivo is served in the lounge area adjacently located to Fi’lia and guests can expect Italian classics such as beef tartare, vitello tonnato and an antipasti platter amongst other culinary delights.
    Kick-off time

    World Cup fever is officially underway. Taking place in Qatar, the official kick-off takes place this Sunday, November 20. If you haven’t been able to snag yourself a ticket to the live action in Qatar, there’s plenty of places to watch here in Dubai. Take a look at our Emirates Man edit here.
    The Dubai Run

    This Sunday, November 20, the fourth edition of Dubai Run – one of the key highlights of Dubai Fitness Challenge (DFC) – will take place. Runners of all ages and fitness abilities are able to register and enjoy a once-a-year chance to run along Dubai’s iconic Sheikh Zayed Road with two routes to choose from: a 10km route and a 5km route. Register for the Dubai Run here.
    Escape to the desert

    At long last, the best weather of the year has arrived in the UAE. Long gone are humid days and nights paired with the sweltering heat and the cooler temperatures and outdoor weather is here to stay for the foreseeable future. With that comes the return of the UAE’s beloved desert cafés and concepts. To keep you in the know, we’ve rounded up some of the best desert cafés to visit in the UAE this winter – click here to read the full edit.
    A fashion pop-up

    Homegrown fashion label Second Summer has teamed up with beachside hotspot Koko Bay to launch a month-long pop up La Sol Shop. KoKo Bay will play host to an immersive pop up with Second Summer’s consciously curated collection of seasonal lines made up of effortlessly cool pieces that will be retailed at the Bali inspired restaurant. Given that the cooler weather is finally here, it’s the perfect time to visit this seasonal pop-up.
    The Lion King comes to Abu Dhabi

    This weekend marks the first of The Lion King musical in Abu Dhabi after launching on November 16. The popular Broadway musical is being performed at the Etihad Arena until December 10 and you can book tickets here.
    Burger time

    Indulge this weekend on some succulent sliders from London Slide this weekend. Located at Bluewaters Island, the casual dining venue brings the “grace of essence” of London to the shores of Dubai. From sliders packed with shredded blue lobster to Wagyu beed with shaved truffle, this haven offers bite-sized eats with something on offer for everyone.
    Pick up the latest copy of Emirates Woman

    For November, we are proud to present The Collectors Issue. We are proud to have partnered with Louis Vuitton for our cover shoot – an incredibly fitting brand for the theme of this issue as their luggage is a multi-generational icon. We shot their CR23 collection with rising star and Saudi model Taleedah Tamer. In this issue, we share an incredible collection of stories, women and voices. For us, depth is a priority as without this there is no value. We champion collected wisdom, learnings and understanding as paramount in importance, as well as the aesthetic symbols which bring peace or sentiment. Pick up a copy in stores now or download the issue here.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Nadya Hasan Instagram More

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    UAE confirms public holiday dates for Commemoration Day and National Day


    by Olivia Morris
    35 mins ago

    The UAE cabinet has confirmed the public holiday dates Commemoration Day and National Day this year.
    It was announced via state news agency WAM that the public holiday will commence on Thursday, December 1 and will be observed through to Saturday, December 3, with work set to resume on Monday, December 5.
    December 1 will mark Commemoration Day, which was previously known as Martyrs’ Day. The day is held in remembrance of those who served as members of the UAE armed forces and gave their lives to their country in service.

    #UAE Cabinet approves holidays of the Commemoration Day and the #UAENationalDay51 for 2022.#WamNews
    — WAM English (@WAMNEWS_ENG) November 17, 2022

    The following day, December 2, is UAE National Day which marks the unification of the seven emirates and the creation of the UAE as a nation. This year the UAE will celebrate its 51st National Day.
    While it is presumed both the public and private sectors will have the same number of days off to mark Commemoration Day and National Day, it remains to be confirmed by relevant authorities.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Media: Twitter, Feature Image: Instagram @dubai.uae.dxb More

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    Where to buy your Christmas tree in Dubai


    by Olivia Morris
    55 mins ago

    The most wonderful time of the year is fast approaching (six weeks and counting…).
    With that, now is the time to start thinking about decorations and the most important of them all… your tree.
    Luckily, there’s plenty of places in the UAE where you can buy the perfect tree to celebrate the festive season with your loved ones.
    Real Trees
    Ferns N Petals

    If you’re looking to decorate a real Christmas tree before Santa’s arrival Ferns N Petals has the ideal option – a five-foot tree coming complete with decorations. Priced at Dhs999, this option just made Christmas time a whole lot easier.
    To purchase visit

    Grown in Billund Denmark, this Danish Nordman tree from Bloombox is approximately six to seven feet and priced at Dhs740.
    To purchase visit
    ACE Hardware

    One of the most affordable options for a real Christmas tree is from Ace Hardware. Currently, the UAE-based store has ‘Fraser Fir Fresh’ Christmas trees available with prices starting at Dhs399.
    To purchase visit

    The Nordmann Fir Christmas Trees are sourced from sustainable farms in Denmark. While being pet-friendly this 5ft tree has a classic shape with dark green glossy needles making it much more resilient to heat while giving off a fresh, clean, citrus smell too and is priced at Dhs245.
    Pre-order on
    Fake/Faux Trees
    Crate & Barrel ME

    Want a real tree but don’t want the hassle of the upkeep? This artificial tree from Crate & Barrel offers some of the most real-looking trees. With this 6ft Abies Nordmann Deluxe Xmas Tree you won’t be able to tell the difference.

    This artificial Christmas tree comes with exotic branches and luxe LED lights for the ultimate seasonal décor and is priced at Dhs2,200. All the ornaments to complement the tree can be availed at this popular e-commerce platform too.
    To purchase visit
    Irony Home

    Looking to celebrate Christmas in style and go all out? Well, Irony Home should be your go-to place for all things festive in Dubai. Priced at Dhs10,450, this 9.5ft pre-lit white tree with 1250 LED lights will make for a truly luxe Christmas.
    To purchase visit 
    West Elm

    Designed for a realistic feel, this simple tree can be spruced by adding your favourite lights and pieces to ring in the festive season. Priced at Dhs2,650, the faux unlit tree is 9ft and is generously created with all its branches.
    To purchase visit
    Dragon Mart

    If you’re on more of a budget, opt for this artificial Christmas tree from Dragon Mart. Priced at Dhs135, this 6ft Christmas tree adds to the vibrancy in any home with its clever design.
    To purchase visit
    Home Centre

    This faux Christmas tree from Home Centre is decorated with berries and cones to ensure a classic finish to be reused every year. Priced at Dhs499, this tree is 6ft in height.
    Available for purchase on
    Home Box

    This Alaska Christmas Pine Hook Tree is designed for easy maintenance and utmost convenience to add to the festive season in any home. Made with good durability, it’s priced at Dhs299.
    To purchase visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied  More

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    Andy Warhol’s ‘vibrant and iconic works’ to be showcased in Saudi Arabia


    by Olivia Morris
    2 hours ago

    Some of the most iconic artworks by legendary artist Andy Warhol are to be showcased in Saudi Arabia at the beginning of 2023.
    Arts AlUla is set to present a new exhibition, ‘FAME: Andy Warhol’, starting February 17, 2023.
    Some of Warhol’s most profound pieces will be on display in a specially curated exhibition for Maraya, the stunning and unique mirrored building located in the desert canyon of the Ashar Valley in AlUla.
    Paintings and prints by Warhol, who is known to have a personal fascination with fame and celebrity, that are set to be showcased will include Hollywood stars, sporting legends and musicians such as Elizabeth Taylor, Muhammad Ali and Dolly Parton among others.

    Nora Aldabal, Executive Director, Arts and Creative Industries for Arts AlUla has described the exhibition as a “homage to a heritage built by diverse cultural perspectives”.
    “We aim to drive a new era of cultural exchange, including exhibitions that feature the most important regional and international artists from the mid 20th century to the present day,” she added.
    Meanwhile, Patrick Moore, director of The Andy Warhol Museums shared his excitement at having Warhol’s |vibrant and iconic works to this monumental landscape”.
    “FAME is intended to be an introduction to the aspect of Warhol that I believe is most fascinating to many young people, including Saudi youth, as Andy Warhol’s journey, which started as a child staring at the movie screen and collecting publicity stills, is becoming more common through the rise of social media,” he added.
    FAME: Andy Warhol will be on display at Maraya from February 17 until May 16, 2023. For more information visit 
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Emirates launches groundbreaking fast-track service at Dubai airport


    by Sarah Joseph
    7 mins ago

    Standing in long immigration queues for international passengers is now a thing of the past courtesy of Emirates’ latest partnership.
    Travellers can soon move hassle-free within Dubai International Airport terminal 3 due to the innovative biometric technology that will give passengers a smart check-in option starting in 2023.
    As per an agreement between Emirates and the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai (GDRFA), the official announcement was made by the Dubai Media Office on November 15, 2022.

    .@emirates signs an agreement with @GDRFADUBAI offering international travellers the opportunity to speed up their airport experience by consenting to the use of biometric data starting from 2023.
    — Dubai Media Office (@DXBMediaOffice) November 15, 2022
    While this service was previously only available to UAE residents and GCC nationals, it’s now open to everyone. Through its pre-populated biometric database, the technology can seamlessly identify travellers at multiple points in the airport. With facial recognition systems paired with artificial intelligence, this instant identity will improve traffic efficiency inside the airport.
    “Dubai is one of the world’s most aspirational destinations, and 2022 has already seen more than eight million tourists arrive in the city,” said Lieutenant General Mohamed Ahmed Al Marri, director general of the government body.

    How does it work?
    All passengers can provide their official consent through the Emirates app, at Emirates self-check-in kiosks, or in person at the desk.
    This experience will add to the myriad of other services that contribute to the Emirates travelling journey which include the self-check-in kiosk, checking in online 48 hours before, dropping off luggage a night before travelling and using the app to receive all the updated flight information.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Emirates Instagram, Feature Image: Rimowa Instagram More

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    Are you eligible for the UAE’s Golden Visa? Take the quiz to find out…


    by Sarah Joseph
    2 hours ago

    With numerous individuals in the UAE and globally being granted the Golden Visa, a new tool has officially been launched to check your eligibility for the same.
    Through a short quick quiz available on the Federal Authority for Identity & Citizenship, users can answer a few questions relating to their contribution to the country’s economy and additionally find out more about the supporting documents needed for each criteria.
    After first being implemented in 2019, the UAE’s Golden Visa residency programme was introduced as a means for expats to live, work and study in the UAE for a period of 10 years without the need for a sponsor.

    Several talented individuals such as Chef Izu, content creators Ola Farahat and Karen Wazen, actor Shah Rukh Khan and others have already been granted this visa after their notable achievements within the industry and beyond.
    With immense benefits for Golden Visa holders, the visas extend to immediate family members to ensure expats can keep their members can keep their family members live in the country hassle-free.
    So, are you eligible for a Golden Visa? The UAE government has made it easy to see if you are with a two-minute quiz which you can take here.
    Below, we’ve also outlined the key players who are eligible for the Golden Visa.
    With the UAE considered a startup hub and with an influx of innovative business, entrepreneurs are now eligible to apply under this category. The requirements are for any small and medium enterprise (SME) to generate not less than Dhs1m in revenue or the individual should be a founder of a previous project that was sold for not less than Dhs7m and it needs to be approved by the Ministry of Economy or competent local authorities.
    Real estate investors
    The visa categories included those who have a property with a minimum investment of Dhs2 million in real estate, with investors who purchase properties on a mortgage plan where the total investment is Dhs2 million or more.
    ‘Exceptional talents’
    The categories for receiving the visa have been expanded. Under this category, individuals in fields such as culture & art, sports, investors & innovators, and digital technology can now be beneficiaries of this esteemed visa scheme.
    Scientists & researchers
    Any notable scientists and those conducting intense research in their field will have an opportunity to apply, based on the recommendation from the Emirates Scientists Council. The requirements for this category include a Ph.D. or master’s degree in either of the heads that include engineering, technology, life sciences and natural sciences from well-reputed universities along with proof of research and any achievements.
    Outstanding students
    Students in UAE secondary schools and exceptional graduates from UAE universities and 100 of the best situated worldwide have an opportunity to apply for this visa. The requirements include sharing their academic performance, year of graduation and university classification.
    Skilled workers
    Workers who have a Bachelor’s degree, and a valid contract of employment, are classified under the occupational level one or two as defined by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation and have a minimum monthly income of Dhs30,000 will be granted this visa in the UAE.
    How to apply once eligible?
    Eligible candidates will need to follow the six-step process via the Dubai Smart Application after downloading the GDRFA application, then create a new user account, select the required service, follow the attachment of the required documents, pay the fees and ultimately submit the request.
    Candidates can also apply for the UAE’s Golden Visa through AMER Center, if they wish to physically submit the documents and make the payment.
    If you think you’re a potential candidate to receive a Golden Visa, take this two minutes quiz on to find out your eligibility.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram @Dubai More