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    Ready To Quit? Here’s How To Do It Without Burning Bridges

    They say when you know, you know, and that couldn’t be more true than when it comes to moving on from a job. As job-hopping becomes more popular, it’s likely you may find yourself in a position to quit a role at some point in the near future. Whether you’re ready for a new challenge or know in your heart that your current gig isn’t the right fit, choosing to walk away is often harder than it looks. Leaving gracefully is even more challenging, especially if there have been some speed bumps along the way (often in the form of a toxic environment, poor management, or a bad culture fit). Trust me, as tempting as it might seem, this isn’t the time to storm out and slam the door (or laptop, if you WFH!), however fun that might seem in the moment. Leaving a job you love can also be hard, especially if you’ve built strong relationships over the years. 
    Keeping your work connections intact when quitting leaves the door open to working with the same colleagues down the road, or having them help you out with references or introductions when needed. Is it possible to leave a role with all of your bridges intact? Totally, as long as you follow some key rules to make the transition smooth for all parties involved. Here’s exactly how to quit a job without burning bridges:

    1. Give two weeks’ notice whenever possible
    Two weeks can feel like a lifetime once you’ve decided to leave, but this is a fairly standard rule for a reason. Two weeks is a solid amount of time for colleagues to process the news and begin to think about a replacement plan, and for you to tie up any loose ends before you head out the door. Two weeks isn’t always legally necessary (even if it’s in your contract), but it is a professional courtesy most people abide by. If you’ve been at the company a long time or hold a senior role, you may want to consider giving more notice (e.g., three weeks), but giving too much can feel like you’re lingering and make it a bit awkward for all involved. Consider how much notice other people with similar seniority have given at the company, along with what’s in your contract, to inform your decision.

    2. Tell the most senior people on the team first
    With big news like resigning from a role, the most senior people on your team should be the ones to hear it first, not your peers. This kind of news spreads like wildfire, so if you tell a colleague in the morning the entire department could know by noon. Start with telling your immediate boss, and discuss with them how best to share the news. If you’d like to tell people directly, ask your boss first—they might need some time to sort out plans since the team will want to know what’s going to happen in your absence, and will need to ensure HR is in the loop. Make sure you also communicate your resignation with a formal letter (sent via email) after you chat with your boss to ensure everything is properly documented. 

    3. Consider what you share
    While honesty is often the best policy in a lot of situations, your resignation might be one time to tread carefully. You don’t need to go into detail—and definitely not in your formal resignation letter—about what led to your decision, regardless of whether you enjoyed working for the company or not. Keep it high level and super professional for all conversations. If it’s appropriate, you can share any nitty-gritty details in an exit interview with HR. 
    In the same vein, be mindful about sharing what your next opportunity is if you have one lined up. If you’re leaving to go to a competitor or somewhere else that could be considered a conflict of interest, telling this to your management could get you “walked out” and your two weeks would be over immediately. It sounds dramatic, but it happens to avoid any confidential company info being shared with a competitor. You don’t need to tell anyone why you’re leaving or where you’re going, so feel free to provide vague answers until you’re officially done.
    4. Limit gossip with colleagues 
    If you’re leaving a workplace because of a toxic environment (or even just for a cool new role!), try to keep behind-the-scenes gossip to a minimum with colleagues. Most jobs have at least some degree of annoying processes, less-than-ideal colleagues, or projects that went completely off the rails. Resist the urge to air out dirty laundry to all of your work friends because there’s a risk of the news getting back to people on your team and ruining your reputation with them. Save all the best details for a night with your non-work friends, and remember that it’s always best to take the high road when leaving. 
    5. Provide a transition document 
    Regardless of why you’re quitting, leaving a transition document to record all important info for the next person in your role is an important thing to do, especially if you’re managing people or big projects. Your transition document should include any login information, key details for ongoing relationships, updates for larger projects, and ideally a “tips and tricks” section, if you really want to go above and beyond. If it took you three months to finally crack how to request an IT software update in the internal system, consider leaving that guidance to help the next person. I received a transition document after joining a new team which included the best and worst coffee shops near my new office. Was this relevant for my job? No. Was this super appreciated? Yes, yes it was. Be this person.

    6. Continue to show up
    I once gave my two weeks’ notice knowing I had a trip to Italy to look forward to in my time between leaving my current role and starting my new one—the timing was *chef’s kiss*, but it made it so difficult not to mentally check out for those last two weeks. When you know you’re on the way out, it’s hard to keep bringing your best self to work, but it’s important that you do so you don’t upset anyone who will be at the company after you leave. Stay engaged in meetings, keep your projects moving along, and follow up with people as necessary. Everybody knows you’re heading out, but they’ll appreciate that you didn’t create extra work for them by continuing to do your job until the last day. 

    7. Keep your post-work communications professional
    Once you’ve closed your work laptop for the last time, it can be tempting to finally leave that honest company review or tell a second-by-second breakdown of any drama on social media. After all, they can’t fire you since you’ve already left, right? While that’s true, you’d be surprised how easy it is for people to put one-and-one together if you leave an “anonymous” review on a site or share details of your previous employment on your social media. 
    If you do feel inclined to share your experience—good or bad—do it somewhere you can be truly anonymous (Glassdoor and Fishbowl are good options!), wait a while so the dust can settle on your departure, and leave out any identifying details. For example, if you’re the only one who’s left the Finance team recently, don’t mention that you worked for that team. And for the love of everything good, please step away from LinkedIn, Instagram, or TikTok. There’s almost never a graceful way to air things out on social media without making yourself look bad in the process. If you loved your time with the company it could be appropriate to post a note of gratitude (often on LinkedIn), but definitely not necessary.  

    8. Enforce a clean break (and don’t feel guilty!)  
    As anyone working in today’s world can attest, our jobs can often take up a large chunk of our lives whether we want them to or not (has anyone ever achieved that infamous work-life balance??). When that happens, there can be a certain feeling of guilt that comes with quitting, especially if you’ve worked with the company for a while, loved your job and teammates, or if the timing isn’t ideal. But remember that you don’t owe anything more than your stipulated notice. Try your best to not feel guilty about leaving, and ignore anyone who tries to make you feel like you’re letting people down. Instead, focus on where you’re moving to, or the fact that you’re prioritizing yourself if it wasn’t a great fit. Set boundaries and don’t allow your employer to contact you repeatedly after your employment is up (which does happen!)—strive for a nice clean break, which will help you move on to your next challenge and your old teammates settle into their new normal. 

    Thinking of Quitting? Consider These 7 Things Before Making a Decision You Might Regret More

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    International Women’s Day 2023: 5 Netflix Shows Amplifying Women’s Voices


    by Camille Macawili
    31 mins ago

    International Women’s Day is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on where we are, and where we need to be.
    Seeing one show can have a powerful effect when you see yourself represented and reflected on screen, it gives power to your experience.
    Many of these are part of Netflix’s International Women’s Month Collection, which aims to highlight the voices of women behind and in front of the camera. Top tip: also look out for the “Strong Arab Women” and “Arab Women Behind the Camera” rows in the collection.
    Emirates Woman shares five Netflix shows made by Arab women that feature strong female leads that we recommend adding to your watch list.
    The Exchange

    Inspired by actual events, two women set out to pioneer the cutthroat stock market of 1980s Kuwait — and disrupt its corrupt boys’ club along the way. The Exchange brings to life the glorious 1980s when the stock market was booming and fashion was bigger and brighter than ever before. It brought on a unique and untold women-centric story of Farida and Munira to screens across the world with a star-studded cast of Kuwaiti talent.
    The Swimmers

    Based on real-life events, this inspiring and heartfelt movie tells the story of two young sisters, Yusra and Sara Mardini who embark on a risky voyage – from war-torn Syria to the 2016 Rio Olympics, putting their heart and swimming skills to heroic use. Real-life sisters Nathalie and Manal Issa were cast in the roles of Yusra and Sara Mardini respectively, and the film is directed by Welsh-Egyptian Director Sally El Hosaini.
    Finding Ola

    Finding Ola tells the story of a divorced mom who embarks on a journey of self-discovery while dealing with the challenges of raising two children and making ends meet. The Eat Pray Love meets Raising Helen made it to the Top 10 after launch and with a season 2 in the pipeline.
    The show tackles the nuances of mother-daughter relationships, friendships, second chances and self-discovery, with Hend Sabry playing the role of Ola Abdelsabour and debuting as executive producer.

    Breaking the glass ceiling all the way is Whispers, a first-of-its-kind Saudi Arabian thriller series led by award-winning director, Hana Alomair. The eight-episode series is about a family facing the death of their patriarch, Hassan, just as his mysterious past begins to resurface days before the launch of a smart app owned by the family business. The fast-paced drama develops from different protagonists’ perspectives and features several unconventional women characters.
    Al Rawabi School for Girls

    A young adult drama that sheds light on the impact of bullying on young women, through the eyes of a group of Arab teens navigating friendships, morality and difficult life choices. The series, made by a majority female cast and crew, is a true example of a story made in the Arab world and loved globally.
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    Why The Cake Boutique by Waldorf Astoria DIFC is a go-to for all bespoke cakes


    by Sarah Joseph
    32 mins ago

    Beth Lauren, Cake Artist at The Cake Boutique by Waldorf Astoria DIFC on what it takes to create signature cakes with an attention to detail approach.

    Talk us through your career.
    I started baking at a young age with my mum, I always loved food because it’s something that brought everyone together in my home. I studied fashion design and illustration at university and opened my cake business at the age of 20. I grew the business from my mum’s kitchen in my hometown until we were so busy, I had to move into retail space, I opened two stores side by side at the age of 26, one cake artist kitchen and one coffee parlour where guests could enjoy the cakes and afternoon teas.
    What makes The Cake Boutique by Waldorf Astoria DIFC different from other bakeries in the region?
    For me The Cake Boutique by Waldorf Astoria DIFC is a passion project, what we do at the Cake Boutique is deliver the best quality ingredients and flavours in the best quality packaging, married with perfect aesthetics and options such as gluten-free, vegan and sugar-free, we tick all of the boxes for a dream cake experience.
    You combine craftsmanship and complexity into original cake design – talk us through the creative process.
    I would describe myself as an artist at heart, getting to be creative with food is a beautiful opportunity to be as openly creative as possible because there are no rules or limits. When it comes to designing a cake, there are so many ways to find in- spiration; online, in fashion, architecture or from the client, the world is my oyster. Once I have the creative ideas flowing, I make an illustration for the client to see their wedding cake before my team and I bring it to life.

    “Getting to be creative with food is a beautiful opportunity to be as openly creative as possible because there are no rules or limits.”

    What’s the most unique design you’ve created for a client?
    The best thing about cake design is that every creation is a unique piece of art. I rarely make the same design twice be- cause it can be so personalised to the client’s needs. Some of the most unique designs include a spherical wedding cake, a life-size motorbike and a giant cake shaped like a bar of toffee being smashed with a hammer.
    How would you best describe your decorating style and what are your signature collections?
    My style is elegant with a twist, I like my designs to be beautiful and clean but also to tell a story of why they came to life. The signature collection I have created for The Cake Boutique is a range of perfectly designed ‘off the shelf ’ style cakes, each featuring chocolate work, fresh fruits and/or edible gold. These cakes are beautiful, look luxurious and are made with the best quality ingredients; but also offer a more budget-friendly, last-minute option for guests.

    You consult each client to take them through the sketch and tasting process, was this the plan at the outset?
    Something I have always done from day one as a Cake Artist takes the time to get to know my clients. Part of the cake-making joy is that you play a role in creating a happy memory for your guest and I do that by listening to their requirements and vision for their cake design. A designer cake isn’t just for show, so although I perfect the aesthetics with an illustration, it’s important for me as a chef to have a cake tasting as part of the process, this helps me understand better what my client is looking for and what their preferred tastes are.
    What cake trends should we leave behind and which new ones should we be embracing?
    I love a cake trend because there are so many different creative options, I think for me overflowing sugar flowers on a wedding cake will be a classic trend I will never fall out of love with. Lustre dusts, piping and shimmer will forever be beautiful. As an artist it can be fun to try new techniques, currently, I’m enjoying wafer paper and textures in fondant. Cartoon cakes are extra fun, but I think it will be a short-lived trend for the cake world.
    Your designs are one-of-a-kind featuring digitally sketched illustrations – tell us more.
    As well as the signature line of cakes we have at The Cake Boutique BY Waldorf Astoria DIFC, I created a designer line of cakes that features digitally drawn illustrations or hand-modelled characters that are unique to Waldorf Astoria DIFC. Some of these drawings feature a sleepy sloth, mermaids and children’s characters. I love featuring original artwork on my cakes like this because it brings an added personality and be- spoke element to the designs. My personal favourite is Walter the Waldorf teddy bear, he features on my baby shower cake design.

    This is The Style Issue – what’s your personal style when it comes to cake artistry?
    As a person, I’m quite a free spirit and a hopeless romantic so this often flows into my cake designs. I love fresh flowers and soft textures paired with pastels or metallic. I will always enjoy embracing my inner child, so I love designing cute and fun cakes for children, as with every design I like to keep it with a touch of elegance.
    March’s – The Style Issue – Download Now 
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Three empowered women that Etihad Airways has championed over the years


    by Sarah Joseph
    5 hours ago

    The national airline of the UAE has made history with various inspiring women making their mark in the world of aviation.
    With women playing a pivotal role in aviation, Etihad Airways continues to uplift them throughout the organisation in different departments as they inspire future generations.
    As on March 8, 2023, we celebrate International Women’s Day, we take a look at the leading women at the airline who have been pioneers in this field.
    Dr. Nadia BastakiFirst-ever female Chief at Etihad Airways

    Dr. Bastaki first joined the national airline in 2007 and became the first UAE national female to a specialist in aviation medicine. By playing a key role in developing the airline’s Medical facility, she has now made it the region’s leading aeromedical centre. With over 20 years of experience as a medical practitioner, she also comes with a wealth of executive leadership capabilities and continues to provide overall clinical guidance for the airline. In November 2021, Etihad Airways announced her as Chief Human Resources, Organisational Development and Asset Management Officer, becoming the first-ever female chief at the national airline of the UAE. “I was the first woman to be promoted to the executive level within Etihad which was a big milestone in my career. Most importantly, it’s what difference you can make and how you as a woman can contribute to the success of the UAE,” she previously told Emirates Woman about breaking down barriers. “
    Captain Aisha Al MansooriFirst Female Emirati Captain in a commercial Airline

    The groundbreaking appointment for Captain Aisha has come after years of hard work and training in August 2022. Captain Aisha has gone on to climb the ranks, completing the required flying hours to become Senior First Officer and she also become the first female UAE national to fly the superjumbo passenger aircraft the Airbus A380. Reaching new heights (quite literally), Captain Aisha Al Mansoori has become the UAE’s first female Emirati Captain in a commercial airline. The 33-year-old has risen to the ranks of Captain, becoming the first Emirati female to do so for a commercial airline, having completed a rigorous training programme with Etihad and undergone the requisite flying hours to be considered for the title.
    Mariam Al QubaisiHead of Sustainability at Etihad Aviation Group

    As the Head of Sustainability at Etihad Aviation Group, Al Qubaisi has led the sustainability division and found solutions to ensure the planet is always kept in mind first. From scaling up with commercially viable pathways to understanding the approach to green hydrogen production. As head of Sustainability & Business Excellence in Etihad, she supported a pro-sustainability transformation within the organization, making it a thought leader in sustainable aviation focused on cleaner fuels, operational efficiency and carbon offsets. She is an active sustainability expert serving task forces within the GCAA, IATA and ICAO. In addition to her position at the airline, she has worked as an instructor in the department of Interdisciplinary Studies at Zayed University where she taught Environmental and Natural Sciences.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    11 fine-dining restaurants in Dubai offering home delivery


    by Sarah Joseph
    2 hours ago

    Treating yourself to some fine food at home after a long week couldn’t be easier with all the options you have available in Dubai.
    From homemade BBQ kits to signature dishes delivered right to your doorstep, there’s plenty that caters to every palate.
    Make sure you bookmark this Emirates Woman editor-approved list because there’s a lot of fine-dining delivery options to work your way through.
    Couqley French Bistro & Bar

    This French restaurant ensures that they serve all the delectable dishes under one roof. Known for using fresh ingredients, each meal is prepared with careful attention to detail. From their popular tuna tartare to their delectable truffle-mushroom pasta, the entire menu is carefully curated and can be delivered to your doorstep. By offering their very own BBQ kit, customers also have an opportunity to recreate the juice steak in the comfort of their homes.
    For more information visit
    La Cantine du Faubourg

    This sumptuous Parisian restaurant has each dish specially curated by renowned chef Gilles Bosquet. To celebrate any special occasion in style, one can choose from a selection of delectable dishes including salmon carpaccio, foie gras terrine and many more exotic dishes to relish with your loved ones.
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    Offering exquisite Green Mediterranean cuisine curated by culinary experts Chef Izu Ani and Chef Orestis Kotefas, the menu combines traditional flavours with fresh ingredients along with the simplicity of home cooking which is perfect for those cosy meals with your loved ones. From the new bulgur salad to Gaia’s classic Kritharaki there are enough dishes to give you that ultimate Mediterranean feel.
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    This rainforest-inspired South American restaurant Amazónico, includes all the seasonal favourites such as the Ensalada Amazónico and Guacamole, along with hero dishes such as a selection of desserts including the famous Pina rostizada, caramelized pineapple, corn cake and coconut sorbet. This expansive menu calls for a relaxed night at home to enjoy with your friends and family.
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    This timeless classic that serves French-Vietnamese cuisine offers nothing but the best. If you’re craving all the sophisticated Asian dishes from one restaurant, this one is the perfect option for you. This timeless classic delivers all the comfort food that you need with all the irresistible dishes under one roof. From the Honoi crispy chicken to the caramel black cod, all the masterpieces can be brought directly to you with ease.
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    Shanghai Me

    Inspired by the culinary traditions of East Asia, this restaurant serves recipes that have been brought done from generations with an urban twist. By adding a playful twist that’s preserved from generation to generation all the delicate dishes have been perfected over time and enhanced with irresistible flavours. From Wagyu beef to sushi, the options are endless and it can be relished by all.
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    The Artisan Il Ristorante

    By bringing a piece of Tuscany to Dubai, this much-loved restaurant ensures it takes Italian inspiration with the preparation of each dish. Through the art of gastronomy, the Michelin star chef has prepared an ingredients-driven menu that offers a selection of antipasti and salads. From pizzas to their delectable pasta, everything is freshly prepared by using the art of skilful cooking.
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    Known for their authentic sharing-style meal, the dishes come from the Middle East, North Africa and Gulf. This Arabic restaurant imbibes a culinary history that comes with a variety of traditions that use a modern touch. From the pumpkin spinach kibbeh to lobster tagine, the options are endless and can be devoured by all for the perfect family-style meal at home.
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    From guacamole to maki rolls and Arroz Nikkei, COYA has all the vibrant vibes you need for a delicious celebration at home. From fresh guacamole to delicious ceviche, this restaurant adds their own twists to traditional Peruvian dishes, there’s plenty to try from the menu. Using traditional cooking techniques, the menu focuses on innovation and shaking up classic recipes with their own twists.
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    This contemporary Northern Chinese cuisine restaurant is home to all the delicious dishes ranging from dim sums to the freshly carved Peking duck with pancakes. With a signature dessert collection including Jasmine Tea Brûlée and chocolate mousse, it makes for an irresistible menu that’s surely loved by all. With dishes that can’t be missed this restaurant is surely drawn to ensuring each dish is skillfully prepared.
    For more information visit
    LPM Restaurant & Bar

    LPM offers their celebrated cuisine to loyal fans and newcomers alike or home delivery in Dubai. The specially curated menu will include signature dishes such as Burrata with tomatoes and basil, warm prawns in olive oil, roast baby chicken marinated in lemon, vanilla cheesecake and a selection of make at home mocktails. All dishes will be served in eco-friendly, biodegradable take-out containers. To give you the most authentic experience at home, each delivery includes the restaurant’s trademark table décor a bottle of olive oil, tomato, lemon and freshly baked baguette. A playlist will also be available on Spotify ‘LPM – La Vie en Rosé’, to bring the vibrant French Rivera atmosphere into homes. Très Bien!
    For more information visit
    All orders can be placed via Deliveroo
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    7 fabulous things to do in the UAE this weekend


    by Sarah Joseph
    44 mins ago

    Your ultimate weekend guide in the UAE – March 3 to March 5, 2023.
    Raise your brow game!

    Housed within one of the most iconic villas in the heart of Jumeirah, Brau has officially opened a new flagship store with the latest beauty services. Besides their comprehensive treatment list that includes semi-permanent make-up, brow grooming, lash treatments, anti-aging facials, and advanced skincare therapies, the new studio boasts an impressive nine new treatment bays and private treatment rooms allowing consumers to fully immerse in the unique Brau experience. Customers can visit the flagship studio at Al Wasl Road and experience gorgeous new eyebrows.
    For more information visit
    Savour a delectable breakfast

    Delizie Caffé Gourmet welcomes guests to join the interactive and hands-on experience while enjoying freshly handmade Italian pastries, coffees, and teas. Perfect for breakfast, the elegant café has both indoor and outdoor dining with impeccable service and warm hospitality. Set at the waterfront the venue offers a warm and inviting ambience that guests can enjoy while celebrating the special moment. Located at Dubai Harbour Yacht Club, this must-visit café is open from 8am to 8pm.
    For more information visit
    Jazz it up

    Experience an evening of live jazz at the award-winning SOLA Jazz Lounge, taking guests on an authentic one-of-a-kind journey. Romanticize your evening and immerse in the world of Jazz to go back in time to a vintage era. Here guests are immediately engulfed with thrilling music by world-renowned jazz artists, bands, and hotly-tipped rising stars, accompanied by a wide selection of cocktails and perfect end to the evening. With each programme designed by the team’s designated music curator, this evening is not one to miss out on. Located at Raffles The Palm, it’s open from 5pm to 3am.
    For more information visit
    Book a memorable dining experience

    The multi-award-winning restaurant Masti has relocated to The Dubai Edition. Since its launch in 2017, this homegrown brand created by Black Spoon Hospitality Group has garnered a stellar reputation in the culinary world. Curated by Chef Prashant Chipkar, the restaurant pays homage to authentic Indian cuisine in a modern light with dishes such as Tandoori Chicken Bao, Ghee Roast and more. With an eclectic cocktail menu, guests can enjoy a variety of beverages. With an unapologetic aesthetic, the restaurant offers an unforgettable experience to savour with loved ones. The revamped haven is open Monday to Thursday from 5pm to 1am, Friday to Saturday from 12:30pm to 2am, and Sunday from 12:30pm to 1am.
    For more information visit
    For all the art enthusiasts

    Art Dubai’s weekend programme starts today and runs until Sunday March 5, 2023 Join us at the Madinat Jumeirah. Guests can discover 130 gallery exhibitions showcasing contemporary, modern and digital art alongside a wide-ranging talks programme including our flagship Global Art Forum, daily performances, installations and Art Dubai After Dark. Fragrance and Beauty Maison Guerlain, partners this year for the first time with Art Dubai, premiering new iterations of its iconic Bee Bottle. With a series of events to experience, can fully immerse themselves into an artistic world this weekend.
    For more information visit 
    Escape for a quick break

    The lavish new property Bab Al Shams has reopened its doors. Captivating destination experiences and vibrant entertainment will be the beating heart of the reborn resort, spreading intangible energy to every stay and imprinting everlasting memories. From archery to camel riding, visitors can try a host of enticing activities during this rejuvenating weekend. This luxurious desert resort includes a host of unforgettable experiences that celebrate the enthralling landscape surrounding this property. Starting from Dhs1,300 guests can enjoy a sophisticated journey in the desert with contemporary rooms and suites designed with Arabian flair and detail.
    For more information visit
    Book tickets for the music festival

    With ULTRA music festival is all set to take place this weekend on Saturday, March 4 and Sunday March 5, 2023. With artists such as Calvin Harris, Amelie Lens, Armin Van Buren, KSHMR, Skrillex and other international artists. The festival will take place in the largest open-air venue in the region, Etihad Park at Yas Park and will include signature energy sets for a one-of-a-kind experience. If you still have bought your tickets, they can be purchased online.
    For more information visit
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    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @fayezzat More

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    So You’ve Been Laid Off—Here’s What to Do Next

    I thought my toxic habit of doom scrolling would disappear with quarantine. When it was no longer necessary for me to seek social stimulation through my screen—and I could connect with *real* humans in *real* life—I assumed my digital dependency would once again fall back into a healthy range. But this being the world that it is, political turmoil, Zendaya’s many red carpet slays, and The Bachelor hot takes all brought back The Endless Scroll™. But even with the appeal of these topics dangling in front of me, doom scrolling didn’t become relevant again until now—when an industry we once considered all but impenetrable was entirely upended.
    I’m talking tech, of course. The tech sector has seen a recent wave of massive staffing cuts at high-profile companies, including Meta, LinkedIn, and Microsoft. But these giants aren’t the only organizations turning to layoffs in an effort to cut costs—workforce reductions are happening across industries.
    If you’ve been impacted, know this: you’re not alone. And while the experience of being laid off can bring with it financial anxiety and emotional trauma, there are actionable steps you can take today to not only open up opportunities, but take care of yourself along the way.

    A low-down on the labor market
    In short, what’s happening in the labor market is a bit… confusing. And while some headlines might make you believe that a recession is imminent, there is still some promise of a strong labor market. Recently, The New York Times published an article analyzing industries who have seen the opposite. Amidst interest rate increases that analysts predicted would see higher unemployment rates, companies are reluctant to let go of workers. Why? Quoted in the article, Matt Notowidigdo, an economics professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, said that the economic impacts of 2020 could play a significant influence in employers’ decision making.
    “‘When the economy came back very strongly in 2020, then a lot of firms were trying to hire again and they couldn’t […] That experience might still be sitting with people.’”
    That is to say, take heart: there’s reason to be optimistic about the labor market’s resilience. However, in an effort to cut costs, many companies are turning to layoffs. And while the tech industry accounts for many of them, tech-adjacent and non-tech companies are laying off employees as well.
    Beloved Millennial brand Everlane announced in early January that it would lay off 17 percent of its corporate workforce as well as cut staff in three of its 11 retail stores. A company we once assumed was impenetrable due to its pandemic- and remote work-fueled need, Zoom reported 1300 layoffs at the beginning of this month. Noom, Groupon, Spotify, and even influencer-favorite Ruggable have all been affected—and of course, countless more.
    Record-high inflation rates, the possibility of a looming recession, and a tumultuous stock market all seem to be contributing to the companies’ decisions. For the sake of brevity, I won’t be diving into the complexities of why recent layoffs have disproportionately impacted tech workers. However, much of it dates back to how the industry was built and initially funded. The New York Times did an incredible deep-dive, building a comprehensive timeline and backstory on what’s taking place now.

    What to do if you’ve been laid off
    Many of us, early in our career journeys, are experiencing the impact of being laid off well before we could get comfortable as a young professional. (If you haven’t experienced it yet, the transition from college to work life is jarring!) After the initial shock wears off, you’re likely wondering: what do I do now? Below are resources, tips, and tangible advice to support you professionally and financially, and to help you take the best care of yourself right now.

    What to do: professionally

    Review your documents and benefits
    1. Review your documents and benefits. When you’re laid off, you’ll receive an official letter from your employer. Review this and any initial contracts you signed when joining the company. Reviewing these documents gives you a full scope of your rights as an employee—including severance pay and benefits like unused PTO/sick time. Tip: Talk to other employees who have been impacted to understand what others are receiving and asking for. This can help you in negotiations (that’s right, negotiate!).

    Request a letter of recommendation
    This is a key next step to help you in your job search. Ask your supervisor and/or department lead if they would be willing to write a letter of recommendation for you. In their letter, they’ll speak to your work ethic, skills, and any major accomplishments you contributed to the organization. For more on asking for references and letters of recommendation, check out our guide.

    Update your resume
    Of course, you’ll want to include your most recent experience at this company. However, now could be the best time to give your resume a complete overhaul. (That’s right, the resume-building tips you learned in college might not cut it anymore.) For what really to include in each section of your resume, read this.

    What to do: financially

    File for unemployment
    This is perhaps the obvious, but most daunting part of the financial process post-layoff. Filing online is going to be the (relatively) easiest approach. File an unemployment claim with your state—a simple google search of your state name and “unemployment” will get to the right page. If you’ve never filed before and aren’t sure where to start, provides comprehensive resources tailored to your situation and state.

    Get your health insurance squared away
    If your employer provided your health insurance, you’ll need to research alternatives. If possible, discuss your options with the organization’s HR lead. Temporary insurance options include:

    Make any necessary spending changes
    Now is the time to review your budget. As you begin cutting your spending costs, first identify the obvious luxuries. Food delivery, any subscriptions you don’t use, clothing, meals and drinks out, etc. You’re likely experiencing a lot of financial shock, so don’t overwhelm yourself. Pare back to necessities and look for ways you can shift your lifestyle as a result. Opt for Netflix with your girlies in lieu of a GNO. Take up cooking as a hobby and challenge yourself to get creative with what you have. There are many ways that reducing your spending can create opportunities for change and growth in your life.

    What to do: self-care

    Create a space for your feelings
    I’ll say it again: what just happened to you is a shocking—and for many people—traumatic experience. Layoffs take place through no fault of your own, and it can be overwhelming to take in the event itself and the many ways it’ll change your life in the short term. You’re allowed to feel those feelings. You’re allowed to cry in a safe space. You’re allowed to pour your heart out in your journal or take your time snuggling up on the couch in your pajamas.

    Rest today, make a game plan tomorrow
    Similar to the tip above, it’s important to give yourself the time and space to rest. With the emotions this experience has brought up, you’re likely feeling a lot of adrenaline and having a difficult time processing your emotions. The best advice? Pause. Now’s not the time to make any drastic decisions and you don’t have to take any significant steps in the immediate aftermath. For right now, work through what happened, lean into your emotions, and recognize that you’ve been through something extremely challenging. Tomorrow, you can start crafting your plan forward.

    Seek out support
    The upside of these sweeping layoffs? Many people know what you’re going through. If you feel comfortable talking to other employees who were affected, reach out. It can be supportive and reassuring to know that you’re not alone in your feelings. Similarly, give your parents a call or send a trusted friend a text. Actively receiving the love and support that’s all around us can help us heal.

    Re-engage with something meaningful
    You’ll likely have a lot more free time than you’ve had in the recent past. Take advantage of it! And no, I don’t mean start pouring everything you have into a side hustle. Reconnect with a hobby you haven’t picked up in years. Or, start making progress on your TBR list. Get in the habit of taking long walks to gain a new perspective on your city. There are endless ways to find meaning in our lives outside of what we do. Start getting in the practice of prioritizing these things today.

    Take care of you
    It can’t be emphasized enough. You are still and always deserving of self-care and love. Brainstorm a list of things you can do to show yourself that love each day. Maybe it’s making a nourishing meal, getting dressed even though you don’t feel like it, or taking a long bath. Whatever feels supportive to you, be sure to do it daily. Things may be difficult now, but trust me: as someone who’s been where you are, it does get easier. And simultaneously, you get stronger.

    I Reinvented My Career After a Layoff—Here’s How More

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    Louis Vuitton’s popular City Guide series now travels to Dubai


    by Ruman Baig
    23 mins ago

    Owing to its diverse origins and cosmopolitan energy, French luxury design house, Louis Vuitton picked Dubai as the first Middle Eastern city to bring the nomadic City Guide Series to life.
    Since 1998, the brand has created a coveted collection of guides with over 30 cities cataloged in both print and digital formats. As the sweet spot between Asia and the West, Dubai is rightly positioned as the kaleidoscope of cultures—making it the perfect addition for Louis Vuitton.
    “Once a small village of pearl divers and fishermen, Dubai is now a global business hub as well as a multicultural destination that is home to over 200 nationalities combining the best of all worlds to deliver exceptional experiences and an outstanding quality of life. The city is evolving and growing at a fast and healthy pace,” shared the brand in the official statement.

    For every City Guide, Louis Vuitton invites local writers and guests to share their insights on the most charming boutique, gourmet restaurants, bistros, antique shops, designer hubs, museums and unmissable secret spots that aren’t known to many.
    From fine-dining gastronomy experiences to local hidden gems—the Dubai City Guide brings all the global flavours to your plate and in your glass. While the city is known for its gravity-defying architectural wonders and its technological advancements, the City Guide series will give you a peek beyond the obvious tourist attractions. It caters equally to the locals as it does to the passing travellers—whether it’s the bustling street markets or the upscale shopping scenes, there’s something for every segment.

    To commemorate the moment, Louis Vuitton has installed a terracotta pink pop-up kiosk at the International Financial Centre (DIFC). Inspired by the traditional Parisian newspaper, this kiosk also reflects the Pantone colours used in the Dubai City Guide.
    Shoppers will also get to pick all the other Louis Vuitton City Guides, including the Dubai City Guide, which is priced at $46 (Dhs169)  and can also pick it up from bookstores around the world or download it from the City Guides App. Located at Gate Village in DIFC, the pop-up will be open for public viewing from 11am to 11pm, until the 17th of March 2023.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied  More