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    How I got my job as… Founder of this luxe Dubai-based interior design company

    Welcome to the Emirates Woman weekly series ‘How I got my job as…’ where we speak to some incredible entrepreneurs and businesswomen both based in the UAE and globally to find out about their career paths that led them to where they are now; what their daily routines look like; the advice they’d give to those starting out; and the hurdles they’ve had to overcome.
    This week we chat with Yasmin Farahmandy, founder of Ydesign Interior, an architectural and interior design firm based in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Known for its reputation in providing innovative quality pieces for clients according to their needs.
    Focused on one-of-a-kind designs, refined details and impressive quality, the company transforms different scale projects from preliminary concepts to beautiful, bold, luxurious and surreal reality.
    Emirates Woman sat down with this interior designer to find out more about her creative process and what inspired her to launch her own sophisticated brand.
    What was your favourite subject at school?
    My favorite subjects from elementary school all the way to my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees were always related to art and design. In Art class, I was always intrigued by materials, colors and textures and I found things came naturally to my eyes at a young age. I have been blessed with opportunities to explore different mediums in both art and design over the years – from graphic design to fashion. I created a series of fashion shows aged 16, and in my work today I continue to admire and be inspired by the fashion and art scene, from how I dress to how I design the next beautiful space. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Furniture Design in Canada and ended my educational journey at Domus Academy in Milan, where I obtained my Master’s degree in Interior and Living Design.

    What was your first job?
    Since I was young I have been driven to work and learn, not just to earn money but because I have always been curious and wanted some independence. When I was 15, I was working as a barista and then restaurant manager and I then went on to run a retail store until I was 20 when I started working in a global design firm. All those early employment experiences have added great value to being a designer today, helping me understand spaces and the need of a venue or brand much better.
    What brought you to Dubai?
    I moved to Dubai when I was five years old then moved to Canada when I was 13. Later on, I moved to Milan, the design capital of the world, to complete my Master’s degree. I returned to Dubai because to me it is a city of opportunities and the design and art scene has grown at an exciting pace here, especially over the last 10 years. Now, it really is one of the main hubs for design and for me, working in the hospitality sector, where better in the world to be than Dubai.
    What inspired you to enter the interior design space and launch Y Design?
    Being a designer was a vision I had since a young age. I always knew I wanted to be part of the creative world and felt it was where I belonged. The older I got, the more obsessed with interior design I became. I love how all design disciplines can be incorporated into interiors. I learned so much working with some of the world’s best global design firms such as HBA and Gensler. That experience, coupled with my lifelong obsession with beauty and luxury, opened the doors for the most exciting chapter of my life – launching Ydesign Interior during the pandemic.
    Talk us through the inspiration of your pieces.
    I am inspired by different cultures and spaces therefore traveling is one of the biggest parts of my inspiration journey. While we like to stay up to date with recent trends, we also try to incorporate historic styles. Like fashion, design trends repeat themselves, whether that be through style, material, or design.
    What are the key elements of your role?
    As a designer and as an entrepreneur, it is very challenging to maintain both identities every day. The designer side of me is a creative soul with a vivid imagination, and day-to-day I manage projects, clients and construction sites. But as an entrepreneur and business owner, I have to wear many different hats and play different roles. I am a representative of my own brand, and I manage the company’s finance, accounts, and team members, all while building new relationships and business leads.
    Talk us through your daily routine.
    Exercise is very important to me. I believe it elevates your mind and your mental health as well as your body, which as an entrepreneur and designer is very important. I need to be able to create and be inspired, and my brain and imagination is my main tool as a designer. It is like a muscle you need to train therefore exercising is part of my daily lifestyle everyday. I wake up very early and either go for a run, do weight training, or hot yoga. I do this every single day before I begin any work. My day is a mix of catching up with emails, meeting my clients and suppliers, and visiting construction sites. After work, I visit newly opened restaurants, hotels and bars to firstly admire the interior spaces, but also to understand and observe how people relate and interact with the spaces, which is a huge part of the concept journey for any hospitality or commercial project.
    What advice do you have for anyone looking to follow in the same footsteps?
    Be passionate, persistent, and patient. Passionate: “Do what you love, and love what you do”, always in whatever you do in life. I always advise younger designers – when you do what you love, it is no longer an 8-5 job, it’s your baby, that you are growing, and will always be part of you. Be persistent as starting a firm is not easy, but you should always remain persistent and maintain the same drive everyday – have a vision and go after it. Also, be patient: Your dreams or goals don’t happen overnight. When you start your company, you need to be financially stable while you are growing, because you won’t have a steady salary. Make sure your finance is in check. Be patient. There might be some days you have a couple of projects at the same time, but some days when you are waiting for one project. Be prepared for good and bad days in all areas – whether that is finance or team capability. We have grown today to a team of five designers at Y Design in the past three years, but only because we’ve been ‘passionate, persistent and patient’.
    What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
    As long as you are really passionate about what you do every day, you will find some joy in both the good and bad days.
    We are living and working in a very competitive market, but if you can maintain energy, passion and a positive energy, you will attract clients who admire this and want to be a part of your journey.
    And what is the worst?
    “You are too young to start your own company”. There is no right or wrong time – it is different for each one of us. It’s going to be scary, challenging, and push you out of your comfort zone whatever age you are – only you know if and when you are ready to take the challenge.

    What has been the biggest challenge you had to overcome?
    The biggest challenge was the launch of my company, as it was right in the middle of Covid. I had been contemplating for a year when the right time would be to start my own boutique firm. We were in the midst of the chaos and in lockdown, and I had lost my job. It was the scariest and most challenging decision I have made not knowing how the market would respond or if I could succeed. But here we are three years later, and I can say that all that chaos resulted in the most beautiful outcome with the launch of Ydesign Interior.
    What are the future plans for your brand?
    I would like to expand Ydesign Interior globally and work on international projects, while still maintaining our identity and feel of a boutique firm. We are very selective with the projects we take on and operate with an ethos of quality over quantity, which is key to our brand identity, as a luxury boutique firm. I feel it is important to build and develop a great friendships with our clients – that is what makes the journey enjoyable, even amid the inevitable challenges we face with every project.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied  & Feature Image: Instagram @ydesigninteriors More

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    Mother’s Day 2023: All the florists to brighten up your mum’s day


    by Sarah Joseph
    3 hours ago

    Show your mum how much she means to you with a lush bouquet arrangement.
    With the Mother’s Day celebrations, all set to take place on March 21, 2023, there’s a host of florists in the UAE that source beautiful bouquets with guaranteed freshness.
    As a symbol of love and devotion, flowers are the best way to appreciate your birth giver. To help you choose, Emirates Woman has curated a guide of the best editor-approved florists for gifting on this special occasion.
    Darcey Flowers

    With a variety of best-selling floral arrangements, customers can choose a bouquet that best resonates with their mother. From bespoke ‘MOM’ floral pieces to lush bouquets featuring colours that coffee lovers will appreciate. Designed to uplift her day, the arrangements include new innovations in terms of design. Founded by Albert Tranquilino, Darcey Flowers is always thinking beyond and creates bouquets with arrangements such as hydrangeas and White Syringas featuring warm hues. Featuring a variety of options, there’s something for everyone.
    For more information visit

    For XXL arrangements should be your go-to florist. Designed to make any occasion extravagant. As the UAE’s leading floral boutique, they offer delivery throughout Dubai and the UAE with flowers imported from Holland and Ecuador with impeccable customer service. Designed in various shades, the pieces ensure long-lasting freshness throughout the day. From roses to tulips, you can opt for a bouquet that best fits your home. Choose from an array of options on the website and even send a token of appreciation to a loved one in your life.
    For more information visit
    Bella Fleur

    Bella Fleur will help its customers to brighten a centuries-old tradition of flower gifting. The brand creates elegant Mother’s Day flower bouquets, blooming boxes, and charming cake cases. From a graceful bouquet of white flowers to boxes with bouquets and a candle, mothers can feel special on this day and beyond. With lush designs binging something unique and special to the floral space in Dubai, Bella Fleur strives to spread warmth, joy and happiness through their bespoke floral service; especially focusing on putting a spotlight on unique arrangements.
    For more information visit
    Events by MOD

    Founded by Mohammed & Sanad in 2020, the company began a 360-design wedding service concept and eventually branched into luxury bespoke event services. With a valley of handpicked, customised florals, customers can request private orders and a series of one-of-a-kind arrangements. With fine attention to detail, the concepts offer unique floral arrangements for gifting purposes including Mother’s Day.
    For more information visit modevents. ae
    The Flower Society

    Founded by entrepreneur Zoya Sakr, this luxe floral boutique offers a myriad of eye-catching bouquet that will uplift your Mother’s Day. Make a wish the traditional way, and delve into the collection for a world of possibilities who wouldn’t like to receive this crafty-chic bouquet and want to be the person gifting it. From heart-shaped large bouquets to a DIY kit designed to set up your own arrangement, the options are endless.
    For more information visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram and Feature Image: Instagram @natali_nata_ More

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    7 Ways to Spring Clean Your Digital Life

    There may not be any cute storage boxes to buy or satisfying TikTok makeovers of digital devices, but that doesn’t mean that your digital life doesn’t deserve a spring refresh. Over 60% of those who participated in a 2020 study by CCleaner feel less stressed after decluttering their devices. Additionally, 71% of respondents felt more organized and 69% felt more productive. Not a bad argument for some digital spring cleaning right?
    Whether it’s your emails, online storage, or calendar, there are plenty of ways you can declutter your digital world. Here are seven tips to get you started on your digital spring cleaning journey. 

    1. Cull Your Inbox 
    A cluttered inbox can be overwhelming—not to mention unproductive. To give your email inbox a fresh start, kick off your spring cleaning by unsubscribing from any emails that you no longer need or want. That way, as you work your way through organizing your inbox, you won’t have new junk messages flooding in and making things messy again.
    After that, create folders for emails related to work, finances, family and friends, shopping, and so on. You can also use search functions within your email program to quickly find messages by topic or sender. Finally, delete any emails that you no longer need or want cluttering up your inbox. 
    Want to really do a clean sweep? If you have hundreds (if not thousands) of old emails sitting in your inbox, it can feel overwhelming to even start the process of organizing them. Consider checking out the first few pages of emails to see if there are any important messages that you need to take action on or file away properly. From there, archive the rest of your emails. Will they be perfectly organized? No. But you can always search for them by using keywords on the rare chance you ever do need to find one of them again—plus you’ll get a nice clean slate to stay more organized moving forward. 

    2. Organize Your Documents 
    A 2022 study from found that 62% of people feel stress or anxiety because of the amount of digital files they have. You likely have hundreds of documents stored across multiple platforms—from word documents to spreadsheets and beyond. To make them easier to find in the future, organize these files into folders with descriptive names so you know what each folder contains without having to open it up. You can also take this opportunity to delete any documents that are outdated or unnecessary so that only the most important ones remain accessible. 
    3. Reset Your Calendar
    It’s time to reevaluate your calendar (see what we did there?) and how you’re spending your time. Take a good hard look at your calendar. Are there any recurring meetings there that almost always get canceled or no longer need to happen? See if those meetings can be canceled for good or if you can at least lower their frequency. Is your calendar full of not-so-helpful reminders to drink water? How about tasks that would be better off in a task management system or digital planner (Artful Agenda is a fun one)? See if there are any ways for you to clear up some visual space on your calendar. That way, it’s easier to evaluate what you have on your plate and how you can best spend your time.
    Once you have your calendar more streamlined, consider blocking off the times of day where you’re most productive so you can have focused work periods. If you take control of your calendar, you can improve the flow of your day and your productivity. 

    4. Eliminate Unused Apps 
    You download every app with the best of intentions, but let’s face it, most go completely unused. Free up some much needed storage space on your phone, tablet, or computer by deleting any apps you don’t use. Bonus points if you delete any apps you use too much for unproductive reasons.

    5. Secure Your Passwords
    Are your passwords hanging out in random spreadsheets or digital notepads? Get rid of all that digital clutter and help ensure you never forget a password in one fell swoop by signing up for an online password manager like LastPass or Microsoft Edge. A major perk of setting up one of these systems is they help keep passwords more secure while ensuring you never have to dig through your digital notes to find a password again. 

    6. Start Blocking
    If there is a website (or many websites) that you find yourself turning to too often during the workday, do yourself a favor and block it. Not only will doing this help you stay focused on the task at hand, but you might find that when your distractions are removed, you have more free time to invest in activities that are meaningful. Blocking websites is an easy process which most browsers offer, and while it may take time to get used to not having certain sites available at all times, in the long term it can help you break the habit of looking for easy distractions during the day. 

    7. Simplify Your Desktop
    According to a 2018 study from Bynder, 30% of professionals have more than 100 files on their desktop. Spend some time storing those files properly or simply deleting them. Don’t stop there. Create a process for storing files and screenshots now so that way you don’t fall back into making your desktop a dumping ground. That way, you can reserve your desktop for the files you really do need to access frequently. 

    The Takeaway
    Spring cleaning isn’t just about scrubbing floors or washing windows—it’s also about taking care of our digital lives as well. Take some time out of your day this week to start organizing the various aspects of your digital life like emails, documents, apps and more. There’s no reason you should let digital clutter impact your stress levels or productivity, so it’s time to simply say goodbye to it. 

    The Everygirl’s 31-Day “Spring Clean Your Life” Challenge More

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    Founder Nicolas Vandenabeele, on how Terra Solis has become the ultimate desert getaway


    by Joelle Albeaino
    2 hours ago

    Talk us through the concept behind Terra Solis.
    Terra Solis is inspired by the magic of Tomorrowland and the star constellations we see in the night sky. Our philosophy here is to move slowly, radiate warmth and shine bright. The concept I envisioned was to create a relaxing environment with a soothing atmosphere. I wanted our guests to arrive and feel the exhilarating energy. The vibrant pool scene and eclectic music mix were perfectly crafted to re-energise and uplift. The location in the Arabian desert was specifically chosen for an ideal blend of sunshine and serenity. Even as the sun goes down at Terra Solis, the venue stays alive and thrives. We have created an electrifying evening where our guests can shine and participate in the madness of exclusive Tomorrowland-fuelled parties, unique dining experiences and romance.
    How is Terra Solis different from other glamping spots in the UAE?
    Terra Solis is an exclusive glamping destination. Not only do we offer a variety of luxurious lodging options, but we are also home to one of the biggest pools in the UAE. Additionally, we offer a range of wellness activities, including yoga classes and a unique, jungle-inspired gym called Zeus. Our music acts and events help us to be incomparable. Our guests can have an ultimate glamping experience with an evening of exclusive parties reminiscent of Tomorrowland’s festivals and energy.
    What are the hero dishes at the restaurants Mesa and Sala?
    The cuisine at Mesa is a Mediterranean menu, infused with flavours from all over the world. The dishes are designed to be shared and feature ingredients that have been sourced from local producers. At the moment, Mesa is scheduled to have a grand opening by the end of April 2023, however, Mesa’s outdoor terrace is currently operational and serves guests daily. Also, opening in April is Sala, which is our hidden sanctuary overlooking Terra Solis with an exquisite menu curated by our craftsmen. Paired with enticing beverages and bites, guests can indulge in an intimate setting whilst watching the sunset over Terra Solis.Sala is filled with cosy little corners that are lit by the moonlight and are the perfect escape with your friends or loved ones.

    Terra Solis
    Describe the overall experience at Terra Solis.
    An exhilarating desert destination by Tomorrowland, welcoming guests from around the world to a refreshing, energising pool and a premium glamping hotspot in the Arabian Desert. Terra Solis is like no other, an experience catered to all your needs and comfort with lodging at our Polaris Tent, Perseid Lodge or Orion Cabin. We invite guests to unwind, relax and simply celebrate life.
    What are the different music genres and what sets the concept of Terra Solis apart?
    We play a mix of commercial house and techno. Guests can experience Tomorrowland with One World Radio beats at Terra Solis and meet their favourite Tomorrowland artists – we have plenty of exciting artists lined up this year. Combining four concepts fuelled by the heart and soul of Tomorrowland. A unique glamping and entertainment resort, basking in the Arabian sun surrounded by the beautiful desert. An environment inspired by Bali, Tulum and Ibiza makes it an extraordinary holiday getaway. The design takes inspiration from nature – tell us more. We tried not to disturb the original environment too much and simply compliment the dunes and terrain, using a lot of natural elements from the desert. For example, the façade of our main restaurant is created out of stones we sourced from the surrounding desert. You’ll also see plenty of local trees and wooden elements. We reallywanted to create a natural environment, paying homage to the scenery and UAE’s famous dunes; this can be seen throughout the property, as well as in the interior and exterior designs of the rooms.
    How have you managed to bring an international concept like Tomorrowland to the region?
    When I first came up with the idea of creating a destination like this and got a green light from my business partners to explore, I contacted Tomorrowland for the glamping aspect of it as they have been known to host 40,000 people at the festival every year in ‘Dreamville’ – they clearly had the expertise and their vision fully aligned with ours. After many planning sessions and really taking the time to build a base for the concept, we were on our way. We’ve had a longstanding relationship with Tomorrowland, having hosted a few satellite events in the UAE before, and it was clear to me that they would be the idealpartner for this concept.

    Terra Solis
    This is The Style Issue – can you expand on the style concept of the lodges?
    The design was based on blending the surrounding desert and the accommodation’s building structure in a sleek way, evoking feelings of escapism as well as comfort. Inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright’s concept of merging the two factors, we came up with the idea of curved walls and full glass front shops. The interiors were still to be linked to the main concept, hence the curving headboard with the Terra Solis Star Logo, which emphasises the brand identity awareness in the units themselves. Guests will also find leaves in the style of Mashrabiya in many aspects of the property, from the rooms to certain outdoor décor, fusing Arabesque design with the contemporary. In the rooms, we strategically placed all washroom and shower areas toward the back of the sleeping sections, to keep the flow of guests’ experiences seamless. You’ll find that rooms all have subtle rustic yet eclectic finishes and splashes of earth tones that really make the space warm and inviting. More

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    Happy Astrological New Year: Get ready to thrive

    Words by Kirstyn Lewis
    Happy New Zodiacal Year
    The new astrological year starts just past 8:00 pm Dubai time on 21 March,2023. The New Moon in Aries will be at 0º sidling right up to the Sun Aries, which is also at 0º in the house of long-term commitments. It looks like you are kick-starting your energy in a new direction, and Jupiter has already started to pave the way by opening up opportunities for you. What a perfect time for empowering new moon affirmations and intentional beginnings!
    The stars are asking, how and in what ways can you thrive? There is a deep focus on career, reputation and status and the determination to succeed is evident. It looks like you must take a risk by thinking outside the square, and learning from any mistakes you may have made in the past. All talk and no action will not unfortunately drive things forward.
    Those taking a more out-of-sight, out-of-mind approach to issues around work should be careful. Jealousy, criticism, and gossip are building. But wait, it looks like any hidden enemies will soon be flushed out. You’ve had plenty of time to think about a situation, can you contribute instead to a fresh perspective and approach?
    Those working in caring professions or recruitment, film and television, photography, writing, spiritual practices, or water-related industries including sport, and marine biology, should expect new projects they’ve been working on to take hold very soon.
    There is an opportunity for pioneering and competitive types amongst you to see your potential take off in a good way over the next few months. You are not seeking fanfare; you just want to feel more appreciated, preferably doing something you love or for yourself.
    Are you starting a new enterprise or thinking of going into partnership with a friend? The stars are shining brightly for you. Make sure over the next three years you bring to the market something useful around communications, for use at home or whilst travelling. It should be made to last and seems to be a great gift idea, it’s a winner!
    The biggest astrological news for the New Year is that Pluto is changing signs, albeit moving at a snail’s pace into Aquarius on 24 March. Pluto is an exceedingly powerful planet, he waited to make his move in Aries season so everyone would understand who’s the Boss. Since February 2008, he has systematically broken down seemingly more conventional ways of doing business, traditional leadership models, and corporate structures. He affects not only you personally but also entire generations as he uncovers what has been covered, affecting us for the rest of our lives.
    We will be given a preview from 24 March until mid-June 2023 when he slowly slips back into Capricorn. Pluto takes around two years to settle into his new role.
    Pluto is about to become more risk-taking in what he wants to destroy, reform or fuse together. He also rules phobias and obsessions, anonymity and regeneration. What calls your attention? Don’t be too self-assured, there is a strong possibility that you will have to solve complex problems alone and unaided. Expect some surprises you didn’t see coming.
    For some, Pluto brings risks around gambling, financially or emotionally. For others, we see an uptake of more online erotica or sexual manipulation, or the opposite looms; a life of celibacy.
    Pregnancies appear more troublesome, for no apparent reason. Pluto rules the eliminative and reproductive systems. Some women may take longer to fall pregnant or need to rely on scientific methods. Although fewer children appear to be born during this time, they will be Universally more spiritual, sensitive and ‘in touch’.
    Will secrets be exposed around children, relatives, or even romance? Will you be involved in forbidden or dangerous love affairs that make you feel “emotionally alive”?
    Until January 2044 and just beyond, we will all see great gains in technology, science, space travel and women’s health can be expected. What’s very interesting will be revelations or a sense of enlightenment around how we choose to pass over. Acceptance around death, rebirth, and reincarnation appears to gain traction as scientists discover that life is not quite how we think it is. Spiritualists, energy workers and astrologers will also become more commonplace in the workplace, or as more widely accepted professions.
    We also see that Mars is about to wrap up an extra, super-long transit through venturesome Gemini. He has been playing games and in some instances, not being honest, since August 2022. Thankfully we have had enough, so welcome his move into Cancer on 26 March.
    Highlighted around this energy, are still things to finish off related to foreign shores and in-laws. More difficult aspects point to a moral or ethical battle you may be having. Are you feeling combative? Are you involved in something controversial? Has someone been unwilling to compromise because they are sticking up for someone else?
    You may want to protect your energy and reputation; emotionally driven quarrels are indicated. All the pent-up frustration centres around someone you love deeply or someone close to your heart. They are directly related to your life’s journey.
    Alternatively, it could also relate to a scheming authority figure, so watch out for manipulation there and be prepared to stand your ground.
    That said, Mars in Cancer is not a comfortable placement for an action-oriented planet. He struggles to operate effectively and get outcomes. It’s all steam without an engine so expect a temperamental couple of months ahead. It’s likely you may not see a victory until after 21 May.
    Over the last three days of March and mid-way through its Aries transit, Mercury nestles right up to Jupiter in the house of commitment. They’re talking about your future.
    Perhaps you ‘feel’ that you are on the verge of something great; things are certainly looking up, particularly around work. Those with softer, feminine energy should watch out for deals and agreements as roles with more responsibility are on the table. However, it’s not the time to discuss your dreams. Position yourself instead as a futurist who can drive the groundswell of financially viable new-age concepts and directions, particularly when having important career conversations.
    Mars in Cancer who has just entered the house of fortune, fame and honours, will also be making a lovely aspect to Saturn in Pisces on 28 March putting you in the spotlight. Make sure you are looking your most graceful and ladylike best. If you have any doubts, Venus and Uranus will be working hard to unblock them and help you get out of your comfort zone with sparkle and an exciting allure. See! The stars are all working together to help you.
    The only downside you may wish to consider is a Venus-Uranus conjunction which can be tricky if you are seeking answers around love. Venus seeks love and harmony, and Uranus freedom, variety and an escape route. There can be some unexpected excitement in the air. For some, this aspect indicates multiple liaisons are at play, but you probably already had an inkling. Others may confuse friendship and love. There is no point in dreaming. Wait until 11 April onward and have the conversation, even if you may not get the answers you want. It could be time to put yourself in the driver’s seat and move on.
    How will you shine? It’s time to step into your dignified, idealistic self and know that karma is in play.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Featured Image: Instagram @sarashakeel More

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    Embrace superlative design for your interiors with ONE 52


    by Amy Sessions
    53 mins ago

    We speak to Founder of ONE 52, Sasan Mostajeran, about the power of details and why investment pieces are the smart choice when it comes to interiors.

    What do the first 30 mins of your day look like, your morning routine?
    I do my best work at night, so I like to give myself enough time in the mornings to get the day started at a manageable pace and certainly always try to avoid feeling rushed. I will have a black tea without fail and often try to build in time for some mindfulness exercises, whether it be meditation, breathing exercises, or just some quiet reflection.
    How did you know it was the right time to launch ONE 52, and which steps previously led you to this path?
    I have been a lifetime design aficionado. This led me to art school and an early career in photography. After attending several international design fairs, I eventually started working with leading Italian furniture and lighting design manufacturers. However, I have always wanted to introduce something new to Middle East. This market is one of the most unique in the world and that heritage of design appreciation is exhibited on a grand scale. We see design everywhere here in Dubai and that is why I truly believe it is one of the best places in the world to live. When I visited USM’s headquarters and factory in Münsingen, Switzerland, and met the team behind the company, I thought it was a tremendous opportunity to partner with a world-class organization and bring its unique and innovative products to Dubai and the larger Middle Eastern market.

    What is the DNA of the brand?
    Our DNA is providing authentic, timeless design pieces with superior customer service. We are dedicated to providing our customers with furniture that looks great and is functional and timeless. From the moment a customer steps into our design studio, we aim to help them find the perfect furniture piece to meet their needs and tastes.
    How challenging was it to refine which brands you wanted to carry and was it easy to partner with them from the outset?
    When it comes to selecting brands to carry, it’s important to choose those that align with the vision of ONE 52 Furniture. I had to consider a number of factors such as brand reputation, design aesthetic, product quality, and market demand. Partnering with these brands was a multi-step process that required careful consideration and negotiations. I had to establish clear communication with the brands and build strong relationships with them to ensure that we were on the same page. In some cases, the partnership process was straightforward and easy, while in others it was more challenging. However, I believe that the time and effort put into building these relationships was well worth it, as it has allowed ONE 52 Furniture to offer a diverse and high-quality product lineup. Ultimately, my goal was to create a carefully curated selection of brands that would provide customers with the best possible shopping experience and enable ONE 52 Furniture to stand out as a leader in the furniture industry.
    There is an education piece needed around investment pieces that last a lifetime. Can you expand on this?
    Investment pieces stem from another era but has a timeless spirit. The creative expertise and innovation behind the product are what keeps products up to date. Having an original is a life-long companion and a cultural legacy – it doesn‘t lose value, and can be passed down through the family, adding to its own history. It represents longevity for generations. I believe that education is key when it comes to industrial design and investing in authentic pieces of furniture. “What is an original? Why should customers purchase an original when a copy is so much cheaper?” In industrial design, there are two conditions to being an original: the manufacturer must have production rights and there must be some form of collaboration between the designer. Yet there are frequent misunderstandings.
    What have been the most challenging or rewarding aspects since launching to date?
    As an Iranian national, opening a bank account can be a challenging and complicated process. Due to the international sanctions imposed on Iran, many banks have restricted their services for Iranian citizens. This has resulted in limited options to open a bank account, which can is a lengthy process and require significant documentation and verification.
    How do you approach scaling without compromising on quality?
    Scaling a business or organization can be a difficult task, and our top priority is maintaining quality. Our approach to this is to implement a system of checks and balances that can ensure that quality is maintained at each stage of growth. This can involve creating clear processes and guidelines for operations, providing regular training and development opportunities for employees, and incorporating regular quality control measures such as audits or customer feedback. Another important aspect is to prioritize investment in the right tools, technology and infrastructure that can support efficient and effective scaling. Furthermore, involving and empowering employees at all levels can help ensure that quality is maintained and that the organization remains adaptable and agile as it grows.
    Have you had any mentors and if so, what advice did they impart?
    My dad has been a constant source of inspiration and guidance in my life, serving as a mentor and role model for me. Throughout my journey, he has been there to offer wisdom and advice, always encouraging me to follow my dreams and pursue my passions. His unwavering support and belief in me have given me the confidence to take on new challenges and overcome obstacles. He has taught me the importance of hard work, perseverance, and integrity, and I am grateful for his example of what it means to be a successful and responsible individual. I am deeply thankful for his guidance and support, and I am proud to call him my mentor and my dad.

    What advice would you give your younger self?
    It’s important to always remind yourself that making mistakes is a natural part of growth and learning. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things, even if they may not always lead to immediate success. Embrace your mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow, and use them to improve yourself and your skills. Additionally, never stop learning and seeking new knowledge and experiences. Keep an open mind, be curious, and never stop pushing yourself to be better. And above all, never give up on your dreams. No matter what obstacles you may face, stay focused and persistent in pursuing your goals. Remember that success often comes from perseverance and hard work, and that the greatest achievements are often the result of overcoming challenges.

    If you were advising someone investing in a lifetime piece for the first time, which piece would you suggest and why?
    I would say the Charles & Ray Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman by Vitra – a classic piece of mid-century modern furniture admired for its iconic design and unparalleled comfort for over 60 years. Its timeless design and excellent craftsmanship make it a worthwhile investment that can hold its value for years to come.
    In addition, I also suggest the Taccia Table Lamp designed by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni for Flos and the USM Haller System. It is a timeless piece of Italian design that offers both functionality and aesthetic appeal. The lamp’s distinctive design, with its spun aluminum reflector and blown glass diffuser, creates a warm and inviting ambiance in any room. The USM Haller System is a modular furniture system that allows for endless configurations and customization options, making it a versatile and practical investment for any space.
    Do you have a favourite piece you bought and what is on your Wishlist?
    I have a very long list of items… On top of that wishlist is The Ball Chair designed by Eero Aarnio.
    March’s – The Style Issue – Download Now 
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    Go behind the scenes of Emirates Airlines’ new livery design for its fleet


    by Ruman Baig
    3 hours ago

    For the first time in 24 years, Emirates Airlines has initiated a change to its livery. Since the appearance of the airline is a core part of its identity, the changes are subtle but nuanced.
    Ever since the airline’s inception in 1985, this is only the third livery alteration that has taken place. The original livery design was created by a UK-based company called Negus & Negus in 1985. After which, everything was crafted by the in-house design team. The bold Arabic and English ‘Emirates’ lettering in gold on the body is now larger by 32.5%. The winglet design on The A380 has been modified with the Arabic calligraphy facing outward, and the Emirati flag facing inward. The tail continues to feature the Emirati flag, but it now has a 3D waving effect.

    Fresh out of the Emirates Airlines Engineering unit, Airbus A830 is the first Emirates aricraft to feature these changes. For its first flight back in service, the plane will fly to Munich on March 17 as flight EK51. The new livery design will eventually be infused across the entire Emirates fleet. Before the end of 2023, 7 of the Airbus A380s and 17 Boeing 777s are expected to feature the new livery. While the newly delivered Emirates aircraft will feature the new livery by August in 2024.
    “Aircraft livery is the most instantly recognisable brand real estate for any airline. It’s a visual representation of our unique identity, something we wear proudly, and display in all the cities we fly to around the world. We’re refreshing our livery to keep it modern, without losing the key elements of our identity such as the UAE flag on our tailfin and the Arabic calligraphy,” said Emirates President Tim Clark in the official statement.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    In pics: Throwback to Sheikha Mahra’s most adorable childhood moments


    by Sarah Joseph
    4 hours ago

    Sheikha Mahra shares a series of heartfelt portraits to her audience on social media.
    Shared to her official Instagram page, the daughter of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai gives her 137k fans an insight into her childhood with a series of adorable pictures from her childhood.
    Ever since she was young, equestrian activities have been a core component of Sheikha Mahra’s childhood and the old pictures on his feed portray the same.
    Known for her generosity and to continuously support the local community, this royal always empowers women around her. With her philanthropic efforts playing a key role to raise awareness about different issues in society, her kindness and generosity are truly irreplaceable.
    After sharing the images on her feed, several fans were in awe of the photos and even commented with the words “Heaven on earth”.
    As Emirates Woman scrolls through Sheikha Mahra’s Instagram there are a host of throwback moments that shed light on her memorable moments as a young girl

    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram @hhshmahra More