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    Here’s how travel can impact your wellbeing in a holistic way


    by Amy Sessions
    1 hour ago

    Negin Baradari discusses the importance of knowing the power of where you travel to and how it can impact your wellbeing.
    What “energy” does summer hold?
    Summer escapes can be a wonderful opportunity to recharge our batteries, experience new cultures, and create lasting memories with loved ones. But did you know that the location you choose for your summer getaway can have a significant impact on your overall wellbeing? That’s where the concept of “AstroCartography” comes in.
    What is AstroCartography?
    AstroCartography is a type of locational astrology, created by astrologer Jim Lewis in the 1970s. Simply speaking, it is a visual system for mapping how your astrological birth chart (natal chart) corresponds to different locations on earth.
    How can it affect our choice of travel destinations?
    AstroCartography is the study of how the alignment of the planets and stars at the time of your birth can influence the places where you feel most energized and fulfilled. Similarly, AstroGeology is the study of how the geological features of a location can impact your overall wellbeing. Both of these concepts suggest that every destination holds a certain “energy” that can either support or detract from your individual energy typology. AstroCartography is the study of how the alignment of the planets and stars at the time of your birth can influence the places where you feel most energized and fulfilled. It suggests that every destination holds a certain “energy” that can either support or detract from your individual energy typology. By considering Astro-Cartography when choosing a travel destination, you can align your unique energy typology with the location, potentially enhancing your overall wellbeing and travel experience. By doing so, you can maximize the benefits of your summer escape and ensure that you’re choosing a location that aligns with your unique energy typology. For example, if you’re someone who is naturally drawn to water and feels most at peace when you’re near the ocean, you might consider destinations that have a strong water element in their astrocartography or astrogeology. This could include places like Hawaii, Bali, or the Greek islands, which are all known for their beautiful beaches and ocean views. On the other hand, if you’re someone who is more drawn to mountains and enjoys being surrounded by nature, you might look for destinations that have a strong earth element in their AstroCartography or AstroGeology. This could include places like Colorado, Switzerland, or New Zealand, which are all known for their stunning mountain ranges and outdoor activities.

    Why is it so important to choose the right travel destination based on your energy typology?
    The impact our environment can have on our overall wellbeing is key. Research has shown that being in nature can have a range of health benefits, including reducing stress, improving mood, and boosting cognitive function. Similarly, being in a location that resonates with your individual energy typology can help you feel more grounded, centered, and at peace. It can also help you tap into your natural strengths and abilities, which can be particularly beneficial if you’re looking to make a major life change or pursue a new goal. Travel can be a wonderful opportunity to take a break from our daily routines, recharge our batteries, and create lasting memories with loved ones. By considering your AstroCartography or AstroGeology when choosing a travel destination, you can potentially enhance the benefits of your summer escape and create a deeper connection with the places you visit.
    What do you see when you look at someone’s AstroCartography?
    The Power Spots. AstroCartography can help you identify specific locations where the planetary alignments at the time of your birth have a strong influence. These “power spots” can be areas where you feel more energised, fulfilled, or in alignment with your true self. By knowing these spots, you can prioritise them in your travel plans and experience a deeper connection to the places you visit.
    The New Opportunities. Astrocartography can reveal areas where the planetary energies are aligned to support specific aspects of your life. For example, if you’re looking for career opportunities or personal growth, astrocartography can point out locations where the astrological conditions favor those pursuits. Exploring these places can potentially open up new avenues for success in your chosen field.
    The Enhanced Relationships. AstroCartography can shed light on locations where the energy is conducive to building and strengthening relationships. If you’re seeking love or looking to improve your existing partnerships, AstroCartography can guide you towards destinations where the planetary alignments support harmonious connections and emotional fulfillment. It can be an exciting way to plan a romantic getaway or a meaningful trip with loved ones.
    The Spiritual Connections. If you’re on a spiritual journey, AstroCartography can assist in finding places with strong spiritual energy. These locations might have sacred sites, meditation retreats, or spiritual communities that align with your spiritual beliefs and practices. Visiting these destinations can deepen your spiritual connection, provide transformative experiences, and offer opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
    The Self-Reflection and Healing. AstroCartography can help you identify locations that are aligned with self-reflection, healing, and personal development. These places might offer opportunities for introspection, holistic therapies, or wellness practices that resonate with your energy typology. By visiting such destinations, you can createspace for self-care, rejuvenation, and inner transformation.
    What is your key travel tip?
    For effortless travel, honour your own energy by becoming aware of what energy the travelspot holds uniquely for you. It is as much a journey inwardsas it is an exploration of your selected destination.

    July/August’s – The Travel Issue – Indulge Your Wanderlust  – Download Now 
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    20 Life Rules Every Successful Woman Follows

    When you feel like being an adult is an active struggle, it’s easy to become envious of women who seem to have it all figured out. You know who I’m talking about—the women who naturally attract money, promotions, love, glowing skin, and shiny hair into their life. To us mere mortals, it seems as though these women glide effortlessly through life, but the truth is, they simply follow the same 20 life rules. Keep on reading to learn all about the life rules successful women follow, and watch everything around you fall into place.

    1. Love the skin you’re in
    Successful women are not immune from insecurities—they are human, after all. Nevertheless, they still make an active effort to love the skin they’re in. They’ll speak kindly to themselves and engage in self-care rituals and activities that nourish their soul regularly. Likewise, they’ll also admire their body—they’ll run their hands over it in the shower, look in the mirror, or hug themselves, and this helps them connect with themselves and increase their self-love.

    2. Always rise to the opportunity and accept new challenges
    Successful women have no trouble rising to the occasion. They’ll never say “no” to any new opportunity or challenge that comes their way because they know that life is a never-ending learning journey. While mindset helps them grow in every aspect of their life, it’s especially beneficial for their career—it makes them reliable and hardworking, and that only contributes to their success.

    3. Ask for help when you need it
    Although we’re taught that doing everything on our own is a sign of success, successful women know better. They know that doing it all often leads to exhaustion and burnout, which is why they ask for help when they need it. They’re not ashamed of this either. In fact, they know that setting aside your pride and seeking help from others is a sign of strength—not weakness.

    4. Take control of your finances
    Successful women work hard for their money, and they’ll be damned if they don’t have a handle on their finances. They make it a point to go out of their way and stay in the know when it comes to their finances. They’ll track their income and expenses, review and adjust their budget as needed, and conduct research and ask a financial expert questions when they don’t know something. Regardless of what they do, they don’t leave their financial situation up to fate.

    5. Take care of yourself
    Women who are thriving in life seem to have a natural glow to them, and it’s because they prioritize taking care of themselves. They know that health is wealth, so while they enjoy looking good, they enjoy feeling good even more. So, they’ll attend routine health checkups and dental cleanings, exercise regularly, hydrate and eat a well-rounded diet, and get plenty of rest. Likewise, they also won’t deprive themselves; they know life’s about balance, and will indulge from time to time in moderation.

    6. Invest in and bet on yourself
    Successful women have no trouble focusing their attention and putting their money towards whatever’s going to help them reach their goals. This might mean pursuing a postsecondary degree if it’ll benefit their career or taking a certification class in order to make a career change. Or, they might buy a new outfit for a once-in-a-lifetime interview to help boost their confidence. Whatever the case may be, these women have no trouble betting on themselves, and that inner confidence radiates outwards.

    7. Put yourself out there
    Putting yourself out there can be scary, but successful women do so in spite of that fear. This goes for both work and relationships. They know that stepping outside of their comfort zones is a surefire way to get noticed. So while it may be intimidating, they believe in themselves enough to take that leap of faith. More often than not, this move pays off tenfold in the end when they land their dream job or manifest their ideal partner.

    8. Don’t spend your life worried about others
    Letting go of caring what others think is sometimes easier said than done, but it’s a rule successful women swear by. They know that when it comes down to it, you can’t please everyone. Which is why they’ll surround themselves with an uplifting, positive social circle. And being surrounded by people who only want the best for you ultimately makes this rule an easy one to follow.

    9. Build an emergency fund and save for retirement
    For successful women, knowing that they can fall back on themselves financially if push comes to shove is non-negotiable. So, they prioritize building an emergency fund and saving for retirement. Not only does this help them become financially independent, but it also sets them up for success and the ability to fully enjoy the fruits of their labor and embrace their golden years when it comes time.

    10. Never compete for your partner’s love or attention
    It’s not uncommon to come across someone who makes you feel as though you have to compete for their love and attention. However, successful women won’t tolerate feeling this way from a romantic partner. If their partner ever makes them feel like this, they’ll talk to and see if they can get through to them, or they may cut their losses and part ways. Of course, every relationship is different, but ultimately, successful women don’t have time to play games and vie for their partner’s love.

    11. You are the author of your life
    It’s easy to let other people or the things that have happened to you define who you are, but successful women refuse to fall victim to that mindset. Instead, they take charge of their story because they know they are the sole author of their life. And while there will always be things that are out of their control, this ultimately makes them a force to be reckoned with.

    12. Talk to the people you care about regularly
    Everyone is busy, and it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But time can slip away all too quickly and life can change in an instant. So, successful women make it a point to talk to and connect with the people they care about regularly. It doesn’t matter if it’s over text, a call, FaceTime, or in person—all that matters is that they’re connecting. Plus, it helps remind everyone that they’re not alone, which is something we all need.

    13. Have a morning and nighttime routine
    It’s not uncommon to feel like your career, relationships, and overall responsibilities demand more of your time as you get older. But successful women make sure these demands don’t take away precious time for themselves. Instead, they combat this by having a morning and nighttime routine. Besides all the benefits that can come from having these routines, this allows them to steal and carve out extra time for themselves no matter what. And this helps them stay grounded and make strategic moves in life.

    14. Don’t apologize for your success
    Unlike many of their traditional male counterparts, women often feel the need to apologize for their success. While successful women certainly won’t brag about their accomplishments, they won’t go out of their way to hide them either. They know how hard they work for what they have and they refuse to apologize for it. And they know that their accolades simply reflect the time, effort, and dedication they’ve put in—and that’s something to be proud of.

    15. Know what you bring to the table
    The saying “know your worth, then add tax” applies here. Successful women know exactly what they bring to the table and have no trouble asking for what they deserve. They refuse to settle for being underpaid and underappreciated in every aspect of their life. So, they’ll ask for a raise if the odds are in their favor or take their talents elsewhere and surround themselves with people who love them exactly as they are.

    16. Balance is essential
    Successful women don’t buy into the mindset that life is all work and no play. Instead, they know that balance is essential. This is why they have a life outside of work—whether it’s a hobby, side hustle, or simply going out with friends. Likewise, they also carve out time for themselves and treat themselves and splurge every once in a while. In short, they let themselves enjoy life and luxuriate in it.

    17. Support other women
    Society often pits women against each other, but successful women are actively working to change that. Rather than compete against each other, successful women lift up and encourage each other wholeheartedly. They know that a win for one woman is a win for all women everywhere.

    18. Compromises shouldn’t come at the cost of happiness
    It’s no secret that relationships consist of compromise, but flourishing women don’t let those compromises come at the cost of their happiness. So while they have no problem being flexible, they won’t agree to anything that jeopardizes their overall well-being (think: giving up their career, etc.). After all, the right partner will make sure their happiness is a priority and won’t ever put it on the back burner.

    19. Look at the glass half-full
    Despite the fact that successful women aren’t immune from hardships, they still choose to look at the glass half-full. This doesn’t mean that they fall into toxic positivity—they’ll still cry, scream, and get their emotions out when they need to. Rather, it means that they remain optimistic in spite of life’s trials and tribulations. And this positive outlook is ultimately what helps them attract abundant success into their life.

    20. Set goals and go after them fearlessly
    By now, you probably know that goal-setting is vital, and successful women swear by this as well. Not only do they set goals, but they also formulate plans to reach those goals and go after them fearlessly. Ultimately, they never lose sight of their dreams. And they know that no dream is too big or unattainable—they believe in themselves and their abilities and will wake up every day and take tangible steps in the real world that help them bring their wildest dreams to fruition.

    10 Things Successful Women Do Before 9AM More

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    UAE public sector residents will have a long weekend next week


    by Sarah Joseph
    39 mins ago

    If you’re thinking of planning a short escape, next week might be the perfect opportunity to do so.
    The UAE government has announced the date for the Islamic New Year holiday for federal employees. Friday, July 21, will be a holiday for those who work in the federal government, on the occasion of the Hijri New Year.
    The Ministry announced today that the holiday marks the start of the Islamic year 1445, will result in a day off for public sector workers.
    Per, The Emirates Astronomy Society (ESA), the new Hijri year (Muharram 1) is likely to be on Wednesday, July 19.
    However, the dates can be changed based on when the crescent moon is spotted.
    When is the next long weekend?
    The next public holiday after New Year is just over two months away as Prophet Mohammed’s birthday falls on Friday, September 29, which also gives people a long weekend.
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    Here’s what happened when we dined at Heston Blumenthal’s Michelin-star culinary haven


    by Camille Macawili
    4 hours ago

    Atlantis The Royal in The Palm beckons discerning epicureans to indulge in its exquisite gastronomic offerings.
    Boasting an impressive line-up of culinary masterpieces crafted by world-renowned chefs, it stands as a beacon of unrivalled luxury and culinary excellence, putting Dubai on the map as a culinary hotspot.
    A can’t-miss experience? Dining at Dinner by Heston Blumenthal. This exceptional culinary destination offers an exquisite dining experience of unparalleled culinary artistry that transcends expectations.
    Having earned its prestigious Michelin star this year, this exceptional restaurant nestled within Atlantis The Royal invites guests on an extraordinary gastronomic journey curated by the visionary chef, Heston Blumenthal.

    The renowned Michelin star chef Heston Blumenthal OBE, reigns as an emblem of culinary prowess, commanding the epicurean stage with his signature style that exudes refined decadence. Blending avant-garde techniques with an unwavering commitment to the timeless British classics, Blumenthal’s gastronomic creations transport diners on a captivating journey through taste and texture. From his humble beginnings in Oxfordshire to the opulence of his world-renowned restaurants, each dish meticulously crafted by Blumenthal embodies an exquisite symphony of flavours, artfully harmonised to tantalise the senses.
    Chef Heston Blumenthal OBE comments, “Atlantis The Royal and Dubai were the perfect locations for Dinner outside of London, I like the idea of the juxtaposition of the old and the new, historically inspired recipes reimagined with modern techniques; so there’s the old and the new, housing it in an incredible new building; Atlantis, on the sea in Dubai.”
    Stepping into Dinner by Heston Blumenthal is akin to entering a world where time-honoured traditions meet avant-garde innovation. The theatre of the Tudor dining experience, adorned with contemporary accents and a harmonious colour palette, sets the stage for an unforgettable dining experience. A notable part of the decor is the pineapple rotisserie installation featuring a pulley system and clock that powers a clockwork spit roast in the kitchen that cooks the pineapples.
    Blumenthal shares, “The Dubai venue has something extra special that our London guests won’t see, a giant pineapple escapement, which is the magical centrepiece of the restaurant, that also provides a functional element, turning the rotisserie which has roasted pineapples on it. Pineapples, historically, were unbelievably expensive, they were seen as unbelievable luxury… and so ours will signify adventure, exploration and discovery”

    The menu at Dinner by Heston Blumenthal is a symphony of flavours, showcasing Blumenthal’s unique vision and culinary expertise with dishes offering edible history dating as far back as the Medieval and Victorian times. Inspired by historical British recipes, each dish ignites the senses with re-imagined culinary delights that are a masterful blend of traditional elements and modern techniques.
    A five-course tasting menu starts out with an intriguing bite-sized caviar ball covered with white chocolate followed by an exceptional serving of sherried scallops cooked to perfection. The real dining experience though begins once the “Meat Fruit” is served – an unexpected true showstopper of the night. This iconic dish, presented as a vibrant mandarin, is a flawless revelation and recreation of a medieval delicacy. Delicately crafted chicken liver parfait, encased in a citrus-infused gel, delights the palate with its velvety texture and exquisite balance of flavours.

    As the feast progresses, the “Roast Halibut” a succulent fish cooked to perfection is served with a medley of seasonal vegetables and a green rich, buttery sauce with a side of triple-cooked fries. Not bland nor boring, the marriage of flavours is nothing short of extraordinary, showcasing the harmonious interplay between the ingredients and the unwavering dedication to sourcing the finest produce. It is then followed by the “Powdered Duck Breast”, a complex and rich main paired with duck hearts and pickled cherries with braised red cabbage is a testament to the level of detail that goes into each dish.
    No gastronomic journey would be complete without a sweet nitrogen-infused conclusion, and the “Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream” does not disappoint. However, what stands out from the dessert menu is another signature creation that marries simplicity with decadence. The “Tipsy Cake” is a fluffy brioche lightly basted in Sauternes, baked to golden perfection, and served alongside a generous dollop of spit-roasted pineapple – a fitting finale for guests with discerning palates.

    Complementing the culinary offerings, the restaurant offers an extensive beverage list including an impressive selection of vintages from around the world. The sommelier’s expertise and guidance elevate the dining experience to new heights of sophistication, as they effortlessly curate and pair each course with a perfectly suited beverage, enhancing the overall sensory journey.
    The attentive and knowledgeable team at Dinner by Heston Blumenthal elevates the experience further, giving the highest standards of service. From the moment you are welcomed to the final farewell, their impeccable attention to detail and genuine passion for gastronomy create an atmosphere of indulgence and exclusivity. Each dish is presented with precision and finesse, and the staff’s profound knowledge of the menu ensures that every culinary nuance is brought to life.
    – For more on how to look smart and live smarter, follow Emirates Man on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied by Atlantis The Royal More

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    All the times Salt Bae impressed the royal families around the world


    by Sarah Joseph
    2 hours ago

    A viral sensation who became famous for his meat-slapping, salt-sprinkling and signature sunglasses in no time, Nusr-et one of the most visited restaurants in Dubai.
    Chef Nusret Gökçe, also known as ‘Salt Bae’, has impressed many celebrity A-listers around the world, but he has also become a hit amongst the royal crowd.
    After winning credit for all his memes, he’s surely managed to wow royal families from around the world, as well as here in the UAE.
    His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai

    Sharing a photo to Facebook, the chef revealed the Ruler of Dubai visited one of his establishments back in 2017. The Ruler of Dubai paid a further visit to his Jumeriah Beach Road restaurant in 2018.
    His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi

    With restaurants both in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, is seen laughing in this image, as he received yet another royalty’s stamp of approval. The shared image of him displays him shaking hands with the royal, captioning it “The King”. His Highness paid a visit to Salt Bae in 2017 in Dubai.
    King Mohammed VI of Morocco

    Belonging to the Alaouite dynasty, the King of Morocco was snapped in the lovely image with Salt Bae which he captioned saying, “Thank you for visiting me.” The monarch paid a visit to Dubai back in 2018.
    Jordan’s King Abdullah II & Queen Rania

    Posing with Jordan’s reigning monarch King Abdullah II and his wife Queen Rania, Salt Bae met the royals in 2017. Upon their visit three years ago, Salt Bae shared some photos of himself with the Jordanian royals and thanked both the king and queen for their hospitality and generosity.
    On our next visit to the world-renowned restaurant, we hope to capture a snap with Salt Bae himself if he’s in town.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Emirates now allows passengers to charter a private jet for short-haul flights


    by Sarah Joseph
    18 mins ago

    Looking to get to your destination without any added hassle? Emirates now introduces private jets to meet your bespoke travel needs.
    The UAE’s local airline has now announced that travellers can now embark on a journey of comfort and luxury with the private jet that’s all set to hit the skies soon.
    Curated for short haul services from Al Maktoum International Airport, the latest on-demand regional charter service is operated by the airline’s Phenom 100 twin-engine aircraft.
    What are the destinations to travel to?
    Passengers can choose from a wide range of destinations both within and outside of the Emirates network. The carrier says it will offer quick turnarounds to points in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and within the UAE, seating up to four passengers.

    What to expect onboard?
    On the duration of the flight passengers can expect a hamper of light bits and refreshments along with a luggage allowance of one medium-sized bag with a maximum weight of 15 kgs and a carry-on bag. For any additional requests, a dedicated travel agent shall be assigned to meet your requirements.
    What are the Bespoke services offered?
    If you’re flying out of Dubai you will be able to use the Emirates Chauffeur Drive Services to transport you from Al Maktoum Airport. There will be a dedicated representative to support you through the airport journey, limiting wait time. The journey features services such as on-ground escorted arrival and quick VIP clearance at customs, as well as immigration by private terminal service partners and access to the private terminal lounge upon arrival.
    Customers can now book this hassle-free experience through their preferred travel agent or by contacting and visiting
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Executive Chef at Address Grand Creek Harbour on his culinary journey and future vision

    Meet Shokry Abouelsoud, the exceptional culinary mastermind leading the team at Address Grand Creek Harbour.
    With extensive international experience and a passion for gastronomy, Chef Shokry brings a wealth of knowledge to his role as Executive Chef at this prestigious 5-star property. Having obtained a Diploma in Hospitality from the Australian Skills Management Institute and honing his skills over a decade-long career, he has worked with renowned hospitality brands to create culinary masterpieces that showcase his creative flair.
    In an exclusive conversation with Emirates Man, Chef Shokry talks about his culinary journey so far and what’s his vision for this new haven by Address.
    What inspired you to become a chef, and how did you develop your culinary skills?
    My journey as a chef began at a young age when I developed a passion for cooking and a goal of mastering my craft. For me, being a chef is not just a profession, but a deeply rooted passion and a platform for creativity. There is no greater joy than seeing the satisfaction on the faces of my guests when they indulge in the culinary creations I’ve carefully crafted. Over the years, I have honed my culinary skills through continuous learning, experimentation, and dedication. It’s a constant process of refining my techniques, exploring new flavours, and expanding my culinary knowledge.

    Can you describe your creative process when developing a new dish or menu?
    The creative process behind developing a new dish or menu is a fascinating and ever-evolving journey. Becoming an executive chef or even a sous chef doesn’t happen overnight; it requires years of hard work and experience in the kitchen. While creativity is an exciting aspect, it is essential to have a solid foundation of culinary knowledge and methodology. Understanding the intricacies of cooking various dishes and mastering the techniques is crucial to gain confidence in the kitchen. Once that knowledge and precision are in place, it enhances my creativity. I draw inspiration from different cuisines, ingredients, seasonal produce, and cultural influences to create dishes that are both innovative and harmonious in flavour.
    How do you balance the need for consistency and innovation in your cooking?
    Maintaining a balance between consistency and innovation is never a challenge in a cosmopolitan city like Dubai. The clientele here is incredibly receptive to new culinary trends, and my team shares the same spirit of adaptability. While consistency is important to uphold high standards of quality, innovation allows us to continuously surprise and delight our guests. By infusing new ideas and flavours into our culinary creations, we ensure that our menu stays fresh and exciting. This balance between consistency and innovation keeps our guests intrigued while maintaining their trust in the culinary experiences we offer.

    Tell us about your journey as a chef and how did it begin?
    From a young age, I always felt my palate was different to others. My unique skill for enhancing well-known foods with subtle tweaks set me apart early on. Even as I began experimenting with my first simple dishes, I couldn’t settle for mediocrity. If a meal failed to satisfy me, I instinctively sought ways to elevate its flavours and transform the overall dining experience. This passion for culinary excellence grew with me, and I pursued formal training and education to refine my skills. Through hard work, dedication, and a pursuit of excellence, I climbed the ranks in the culinary world, taking on various roles and responsibilities. Each experience shaped me as a chef, instilling in me the values of discipline, creativity, and a deep understanding of the art of gastronomy.
    Can you share your philosophy on sourcing ingredients and supporting local farmers and producers?
    At Address Grand Creek Harbour, we hold transparency in the highest regard when it comes to sourcing ingredients. We want our guests to know that sourcing the best products goes beyond conforming to certification processes. We prioritise building strong relationships with the best suppliers and producers, both in the UAE and overseas, to ensure that we have access to the freshest and highest-quality ingredients. Supporting local farmers and producers is of utmost importance to us as it fosters a sense of community and contributes to the sustainability of the local food industry. By championing responsible sourcing practices, including at our new weekly Sparkling Thursday where we source our oysters from Dibba Bay, we can provide our guests with exceptional culinary experiences while making a positive impact on the environment and the local economy.

    What is your approach to pairing flavours and creating harmonious combinations in a dish?
    When it comes to pairing flavours, I believe in achieving a delicate balance rather than overpowering the palate. My approach revolves around harmonising flavours and textures to create a memorable dining experience. Each ingredient is carefully chosen to complement and enhance the others, resulting in a symphony of tastes that dance on the taste buds. By considering the interplay of sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami elements, I strive to create dishes that are well-rounded and pleasing to all senses. It’s about creating a culinary journey where each bite unfolds a new layer of intrigue and delight.
    How do you adapt your cooking techniques to accommodate dietary restrictions or preferences?
    Accommodating dietary restrictions and preferences is a vital aspect of providing an inclusive dining experience. We approach this challenge with both specified techniques and a readiness to offer alternative ingredients. Through meticulous menu planning and the expertise of our culinary team, we ensure that guests with specific dietary restrictions can still indulge in a satisfying meal. By staying updated on the latest dietary trends and alternative ingredients, we can cater to a wide range of preferences without compromising on taste or quality. At The Restaurant, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse range of vegetarian and vegan dishes, catering to the preferences of all our guests. Additionally, for health-conscious individuals and gym-goers, we provide a nutritious assortment, including a specially designed breakfast with options like our unique Acai machine, allowing guests to craft their own refreshing acai bowls. It’s all about going the extra mile to ensure that every guest leaves our hotel with a smile on their face.

    What are some of the challenges you’ve faced in your culinary career, and how did you overcome them?
    In the life of a chef, numerous challenges arise, but two key factors have helped me overcome them: time management and optimism. The culinary industry demands long hours and relentless dedication, particularly during high-production periods. To navigate these challenges, I prioritise effective time management, ensuring that tasks are organised and delegated efficiently. Additionally, I approach each challenge with optimism, seeing it as an opportunity for growth and learning. By maintaining a positive mindset and fostering a resilient spirit within my team, we overcome challenges together and emerge stronger, continually striving for excellence.
    How important is presentation in your dishes, and how do you strike a balance between aesthetics and taste?
    Presentation plays a crucial role in the culinary experience we offer at Address Grand Creek Harbour. In today’s visually driven world, the aesthetic appeal of a dish is essential in capturing attention and generating excitement. However, while presentation is important, taste and quality are paramount. We strike a balance between aesthetics and taste by ensuring that the presentation of a dish enhances and elevates the flavours within. We believe that a visually appealing dish should also deliver an unforgettable gustatory experience. By prioritising taste and quality, while applying creativity to the presentation, we create dishes that are not only visually captivating but also delight the palate.

    How has the food landscape evolved in Dubai?
    The food landscape in Dubai has undergone a remarkable evolution. Over the years, Dubai has transformed into a vibrant culinary destination that stands out among the best. One of the significant developments has been the increasing emphasis on sourcing local produce. Dubai’s agricultural capabilities have grown, enabling us to rely on local farmers and reduce our dependence on imported products. This shift has not only benefited the local economy but also allowed us to showcase the freshness and quality of locally sourced ingredients. Additionally, Dubai has embraced international culinary trends, fostering a diverse and dynamic food scene that caters to the ever-changing preferences of its cosmopolitan clientele.
    What role do you believe technology plays in the future of cooking and the culinary industry in Dubai?
    While technology undoubtedly has its place in the culinary industry, cooking remains a task that is best performed by human hands. Though concepts like robotic chefs may be intriguing, they cannot replace the creativity, intuition, and passion that human chefs bring to the table. Technology can support various aspects of food production and operations, but it should never overshadow the human touch that makes cooking an art form. As we embrace advancements in technology, we must never underestimate the value of high-quality, handcrafted culinary creations that truly nourish the soul.
    Your culinary journey starting from has been expansive with multiple destinations on your resume – What brings you back to Dubai, and what sets it apart?
    Dubai holds a special place in my heart, and there are several reasons why it draws me back time and time again. Dubai is a melting pot of cultures, offering a rich tapestry of culinary influences from around the world. It serves as a hub for innovation and sets high standards in the culinary landscape. The adaptability and openness of the clientele make Dubai an ideal place for chefs to experiment, push boundaries, and introduce new flavours. Moreover, Dubai’s continuous growth and development have led to advancements in sourcing local ingredients, further enhancing the quality and authenticity of our culinary creations. Dubai truly stands out as a place where culinary excellence and innovation thrive.
    Can you discuss the role of sustainability and responsible sourcing in your culinary practices?
    Sustainability and responsible sourcing are integral parts of our culinary practices at Address Grand Creek Harbour. We recognise the importance of fostering a sense of community and being mindful of our environmental impact. In our efforts to promote sustainability, we have implemented practices to limit the use of non-recyclable materials and actively reduce food wastage. We champion responsible sourcing by collaborating with local farmers, fishermen, and suppliers who share our commitment to quality and sustainability. By embracing these practices, we not only contribute to the well-being of the environment but also ensure that our guests can enjoy the finest ingredients sourced with care and integrity.
    How do you stay updated with the latest culinary trends and techniques?
    Staying updated with the latest culinary trends and techniques is crucial to maintain a fresh and innovative approach to cooking. I keep myself informed through various channels such as culinary books, industry publications, and social media platforms. These sources provide valuable insights into emerging trends, new ingredients, and innovative techniques. However, I don’t simply follow trends blindly; I enjoy combining them with my own style and creativity. By infusing personal touches and unique perspectives, I can introduce new, creative trends and methods to my team, allowing us to develop our own culinary identity.
    What advice would you give to aspiring chefs who are just starting their culinary journey?
    To aspiring chefs embarking on their culinary journey, I offer the following advice: never give up and always strive to be the best in this highly competitive industry. It requires hard work, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Cultivate your own culinary identity by developing your own style and honing specific skills that set you apart from others. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and never lose sight of the value that your dedication and hard work bring to your life as a chef. It is during the toughest times that your strength, knowledge, and confidence as a chef are forged, ultimately shaping your culinary journey.

    Can you share an example of a dish or meal that holds a special place in your heart and explain why?
    One dish that holds a special place in my heart is Pain Perdu. It may seem simple, but the combination of flavours and memories it evokes make it truly unforgettable. The aroma of caramelization, the sweetness of natural honey, and the abundance of seasonal berries come together in perfect harmony. Paired with a good cup of black coffee, this dish has become my go-to breakfast. Its simplicity and the essence it carries never fail to set the tone for an amazing day ahead. It serves as a reminder that even the simplest of dishes can have a profound impact and infuse joy into our lives.
    What is your favourite cuisine to work with, and what about it intrigues you?
    International and French cuisine are my favourite cuisines to work with, and they both allow me to express my innovation and flair with incredible dishes. International cuisine allows me to explore a diverse range of flavours, techniques, and ingredients from different cultures. It offers endless opportunities for creativity and experimentation. On the other hand, French cuisine is the epitome of culinary elegance and precision. The meticulous attention to detail, the classic techniques, and the focus on bringing out the best flavours in every ingredient have always intrigued me. French cuisine represents the foundation of culinary excellence and serves as a constant reminder of the importance of mastering the fundamentals.
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    Images: Supplied by Address Grand Creek Harbour More

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    5 one-of-a-kind escapes to book ASAP in the UAE


    by Sarah Joseph
    4 hours ago

    One thing you’ll never be short on in the UAE is sophisticated minimal resorts.
    From tropical showers to secluded villas amid the natural desert landscape, there’s a myriad of options to choose from for a unique escape.
    With a host of minimal photo opportunities and luxurious amenities onboard such as a desert spa experience and dining under the stars, guests can unwind at these short-haul escapes without any added travel hassles.
    If you’re looking where to book for your next staycation, look no further, as Emirates Woman has curated the ultimate guide of one-of-a-kind getaways that are perfect for the ‘gram.
    Anantara Sir Bani Yas Island Al Sahel Villa Resort

    You can lose yourself to nature’s beauty as you embark on this wonderful journey in a wildlife sanctuary as you explore this distinct escape from the world inspired by the sights of Africa. Seclude yourself in the utmost privacy in the resort with one-of-a-kind facilities and you also dine in a secluded villa beneath the stars on your terrace.
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    Mysk Al Faya Retreat

    Explore the true beauty of the Mleiha region at this sophisticated gem. Experience Middle Eastern luxury with amenities such as the herbal room, the salt pool, the tropical shower walk and the hands-free spa that makes the desert camping experience in the UAE unique. Away from the city, this desert retreat is the place to be.
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    Hatta Terrace

    Hatta has the perfect solution for you with its newly opened adventurous hotspot known as Hatta Terrace. As travelling to different cities might come with its own set of imposed challenges, heading to Hatta is no tough feat, as this relaxing destination encompasses everything from glamping, lodging in trailers to now also unwinding at this luxe urban venue with its own dedicated camping site, this majestic staycation amidst the mountain tops is the ideal blissful getaway to enjoy with your friends and family, as thisspacious venue comes fully equipped with all the required materials for an enjoyable trip. From a fully equipped kitchen to a dedicated BBQ area with a fully installed TV entertainment system, luxury lodginghas now taken on a new meaning with this contemporary layout.
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    JA The Resort

    Offering activities for those of all ages, this leading luxury family resort is an all-inclusive hotel with lush gardens, an equestrian centre, a golf course, a shooting club and a range of other rejuvenating activities to help you unwind, while being located at this picturesque area in Jebel Ali. JA The Resort is a five-star beach resort comprising of three hotels including JA Beach Hotel, JA Lake View Hotel & JA Palm Tree Court. Renowned for its casual luxury, the resort is set amidst lush, tropical gardens with an expansive area and activities to suit guests of all ages.
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    The Nest by Sonara

    For a more luxe experience, book a glamping at Sonara’s Desert Nesting. Nesting offers a peaceful and innovative sleeping concept designed by award-winning Architect Gianni Ranaulo, for an unforgettable stay.
    For more information visit
    July/August’s – The Summer Escape Issue with Tania Santos Silva – Download Now 
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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