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    Meet Ayesha Al Mansoori, the first Emirati falconer to dominate this native sport


    by Ruman Baig
    3 hours ago

    As one of the first females in the sport of falconry, Emirati falconer Ayesha Al Mansoori takes us through her journey of courage, consistency and commitment to the craft.
    What does the first 30 minutes of your day look like?
    I start my day with prayer, then I go directly to the falconry room to check on them. After that, I prepare breakfast and take my daughter Osha to school.
    What inspired you to pursue this unique path of becoming the first female Emirati falconer?
    My father, Matar Al Mansouri, is my inspiration and he is the one who inspired me to pursue this sport, it is inevitably in our blood.
    What challenges have you overcome while pursuing falconry?
    There are many challenges, but the joy is in overcoming these challenges, passing them with all strength, and continuing on the path. I started my journey as one of the only women in the field and because of the challenges I faced in my path, I could remove the roadblocks from the ones who came after me.

    Falconry requires a deep connection between you and the birds. Can you expand on this and the training process?
    A falconer must have astrong relationship with the falcon, it is, after all, an art of mutual trust. It is important to know your falcon, down to the soul. In order to train them you need to boost their confidence in you and develop a sense of security. You are eventually going on a hunt with the same bird, so the groundwork must be strong.
    What advice do you have for other young women who may aspire to follow in your footsteps and become falconers?
    Firstly, every young woman who wants to engage in the art of falconry or learn the sport must choose an appropriate falconer with sufficient experience in this sport. Secondly,give it enough time and effort to learn. Thirdly, this sport must be learned and carried on because it is a part of our ancestry and culture (it is quite literally a part of our national emblem). It also teaches us a lot about our history and forefathers, including our beloved founder, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (may God rest his soul).

    How do you balance preserving traditional Emirati falconry techniques while also adapt ing to modern practices?
    Currently, new equipment and modern methods have been added to train our falcons, but every time I am starting with a new falcon, I resort back to what I learned from my father because it is the correct way to begin. After which, modern technologies such as tools and foods can be introduced. The sport of falconry teaches you patience, and resilience and also helps you create a bond with nature’s other beings. Learning the art and attaching yourself to a bird, whom you are responsible for, unlocks a whole new level of empathy.
    How do you envision the future of falconry in the UAE and its role in preserving Emirati heritage?
    Since this sport is an interest of our wise leadership, it must be developed and preserved. There should be falconry festivals related to this sport and exhibitions displaying all kinds of falconry supplies and merchandise.
    This is The Fearlessness Issue – what does it mean to be fearless?
    To me, being fearless means finding courage within yourself to do even the unthinkable. Without courage, I wouldn’t be able to learn how to deal with a majestic bird like a falcon, let alone train with it and master the art of working and hunting with it every day.
    October – The Fearlessness Issue with Chaumet  – Download Now
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Emirati Women who did it first: From an aircraft engineer to a race car driver


    by Ruman Baig
    1 hour ago

    Three pioneering Emirati women from three daring professions discuss breaking the glass ceiling with Emirates Woman and carving out their own path.

    Being the first in your field, how did you conquer the fear of venturing into something new?
    I had faith in the Almighty and believed that what was meant to be, will be. So, I took all the safety procedures and chose to go on an adventure of a lifetime. Turns out, I had the time of my life and explored things I couldn’t have imagined.
    What was the biggest challenge you overcame in this journey?
    The extreme cold weather and the lack of oxygen due to the high altitude – this is something I couldn’t have prepared for, as I came from a sea level environment.
    This is The Fearlessness Issue – what does it mean to be fearless?
    I wouldn’t say I am entirely fearless, but I’m courageous enough to attempt new challenges with a steady plan of action and, of course, professional help.

    Being the first in your field, how did you conquer the fear of venturing into something new?
    With passion and belief in your abilities, you are able to enter any field and succeed in it – the most important thing is to continue. The first step is scary, but once you pass it, everything after that is achievable. The important thing is that you must believe that failure is just as important a lesson to learn on your path to success, do not stop it, but endure it.
    What was the biggest challenge you overcame in this journey?
    The biggest challenge is breaking the barriers and dismantling the stereotype that women only belong at home. I wanted to send a message that women can be mothers, life partners, and can also be successful in different fields – such as aviation and confirm their presence in all forums.
    This is The Fearlessness Issue – what does it mean to be fearless?
    To be passionate about your dream and believe in your abilities, despite the negative views that may cause a hindrance in your way or prevent you from reaching your goal. You must continue – despite the hardships and despite what anyone says.

    Being the first in your field, how did you conquer the fear of venturing into something new?
    I’ve always wanted to try and do something different from a young age. I was very enthusiastic and still on the path of finding my new challenge that exhilarates me.
    What was the biggest challenge you overcame in this journey?
    Every day I face a new hurdle in this sport, especially, when it comes to being the only Middle Eastern girl on the grid. I always had to prove myself, as I was often pushed off the track when I reached certain positions, because it wasn’t the norm to see women overtaking, let alone winning the race.
    This is The Fearlessness Issue – what does it mean to be fearless?
    To be fearless is to have a lion’s heart. To be brave and never back down when things get tough. You keep persisting and believing that you are capable of winning and that is how you attain a winner’s mindset.
    October – The Fearlessness Issue with Chaumet  – Download Now
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    October’s – The Fearlessness Issue with Chaumet


    by Amy Sessions
    3 hours ago

    Words & Creative Direction: Amy SessionsPhotographer: Sandra ChidiacFashion Editor: Camille MacawiliMakeup & Hair: Ania Poniatowska at MMGCover Star: Mona Bin KalliStyling with thanks to Epiphany
    One of our most inspiring issues to date, we are privileged to have real relationships where incredible women can show up for us and discuss facing their fears and doing it anyway.
    Having spoken to so many in this issue, it is for many not the absence of fear in their lives that has driven them forward but the courage to face this and still forge ahead. Big or small, overcoming fear is what will set you on the path to success. Everything we want lies beyond the feelings we think we cannot face, and the things we think we cannot do.
    For our cover we are very proud to have partnered with Chaumet and Mona Bin Kalli, someone who has fearlessness in her DNA. We discuss doing life on your on terms in Strength & Beauty.
    We also have exclusive interviews with Christopher Esber who shares what it takes to seize opportunities fearlessly, creating pieces that push boundaries and delivering work you believe in, Cut to the Chase on. New York-based, globally renowned jeweller Jennifer Fisher discusses creating, scaling and having the fearlessness to start in The Baller and designer Tamara Ralph discusses being ready to take on a challenge and having the fearlessness to build again in A Serious Comeback.
    Yann Moujawaz Martini, Co-Founder – Juana Skin, also shares what it takes to build a brand from scratch, believe in your dream and push the boundaries of convention in the beauty industry in A Fearless Approach, Roxie Nafousi, Author of MANIFEST – 7 Steps to Living your Best Life, shares how you can elevate your life through the power of manifestation in transform and Emirati falconer Ayesha Al Mansoori takes us through her journey of courage, consistency and commitment to the craft in The Highflyer.

    This year also sees the return of the EMIRATES WOMAN – Woman of the Year Awards. This event returns this year to shine a light on those achieving outstanding achievements in their industries and those living with the values we align ourselves with of integrity, authenticity, excellence, and grit. We champion these incredible women in The Nominees.
    The top picks

    We are so proud to be in the company of such incredible, fearless and inspiring women. Thank you for being part of the EW family.
    October – The Fearlessness Issue with Chaumet  – Download Now
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    7 of the best Padel courts in Dubai to upgrade your fitness routine


    by Sarah Joseph
    13 hours ago

    If there’s one sport that has grown in popularity over the years, it’s padel Tennis.
    While there’s no denying that the sport is gaining momentum in the region, a few people what the game is actually about. Overall, the game is played with solid racquets and a depressurized tennis ball.
    Now, there are several clubs and venues in Dubai that offer padel tennis facilities for players to enjoy. These clubs typically provide well-maintained padel courts, equipment rental, and coaching services.
    If you’re thinking of giving this new buzzword in the sporting community a shot, we’re here to help.
    To get back into the fitness game, Emirates Woman has curated the ultimate padel guide of where to book your next friendly match.

    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Founder of supplement brand Cymbiotika on filling the gaps in our modern day food supply

    Emirates Man

    by Ruman Baig
    3 hours ago

    Chervin Jafarieh, Founder and Chief Operating Officer at game-changing supplement brand Cymbiotika, discusses what it take to do things differently and scaling a brand with a qualitarian mindset
    What do your first 30 mins of the day look like, your morning routine?
    I wake up and before getting out of bed I spend five minutes or more reflecting on my dreams. Dreams provide us an opportunity to look within the veil of our subconscious and it’s just as important to understand those deep layers within us. I hydrate with 30 oz of spring water and one tablet of Cymbiotika’s Molecular Hydrogen dissolved into the water. Next I make my way outside, I place my bare feet directly on the earth and allow the rising sun rays to hit my face and chest, activating the production of melatonin in my body, and turning on my immune system. I take 10 minutes to breathe deeply into my body and for and how I want to approach my day. I like to listen to 432 Hertz music throughout the house while taking a cold shower.
    How did you know it was the right time to launch Cymbiotika and what made you finally take the leap of faith?
    I have had a connection to the supplement industry since I was a child through one of my mentors, and my approach to conscious living and caring for my health and the health of others is a major part of my lifestyle and passion. I did various other things for business prior and then one day my father got sick, and everything changed. I knew it was time to fully surrender to my true mission and take my passions and purpose to the world. The supplement industry is saturated with marketing companies, brands that lack the intention to provide substantial solutions for people searching for help, I knew that we could create something revolutionary.

    Chervin Jafarieh, Fonder and COO of Cymbiotika
    What were the key pillars the DNA Cymbiotika was founded on from the outset and have these evolved since you launched?
    Highest level of sourcing raw materials with purity being most important. Education first – encouraging customers to learn about their body and what our products do. Trailblazingnew formulas with advanced scientific data supporting efficacy. Never settling with what the industry standard currently is and pushing to go above and beyond. Transparency to customers with our formulas.
    You are a scientist. How much development does it take to launch a new product?
    Developing products is a tedious and timely process, a labour of love. Some products have taken several years to develop from their time of inception. Learning how specific compounds potentiate each other was criticalto our product development endeavours.
    How do you educate clients on the ‘right’ supplements for them and which supplements would you suggest for everyone?
    Cymbiotika takes a specific and broad approach in supplementation. A great place to begin is with our product set that fills the nutritional gaps missing from our modern day food supply. Covering basic nutritional needs is paramount before beginning with our advanced condition specific formulations. All formulas come with detailed usage directions and other key points thatencourage the best results.
    What are your daily non-negotiables and which supplement would you include in that?
    Hydration is a daily non-negotiable for me and a foundation for thriving health. I replenish my hydration by combining spring water with Cymbiotika’s Molecular Hydrogen. tablet. I do this twice a day. My other non-negotiable supplements are Cymbiotika’s B12+, Vitamin C, and our Vitamin D3/ K2 + CoQ10. This is a powerful combination that keeps me feeling great and energized throughout my day.
    Do you feel more drawn to the creative or the business side of your brand and how have you grown the team to support this?
    My role in Cymbiotika is primarily the creative development of products and the brand culture. My partner and CEO has built and established one of the most dynamic teams to perfectly complement and support this vision. The freedom I have to focus on the artistic vision is given to me because of the stability my team creates on the business side of things.

    Cymbiotika supplements
    You have clients the globe over – which products drive sales consistently?
    Our top products are our Complex form of Vitamin B12+, Vitamin D3/K2 +CoQ10, Vitamin C, and our Molecular Hydrogen Tablets.
    What have been the biggest challenges to date and how did you overcome them?
    We are always challenging the status quo of the supplement industry standard which puts extreme pressure on our R&D team to innovate and grow beyond anything that has existed previously. This process takes more time and costs more money. Long hours, trust, patience and a great team are the pillarsto our success.
    You have recently launched a Middle Eastern entity — why is this market so important for Cymbiotika?
    There is a resurgence of health and wellness in the Middle East. Cymbiotika aligns with this movement. We want to be part of the unfolding in the Middle East, it feels like destiny for us.
    How do you scale without compromising on quality?
    Having a well thought out plan from the jumpstart is key with keeping the brand integrity. Strong communication with our raw material suppliers, building a sophisticated team that can adapt to supply chain constraints, and building diverse relationships with trusted sources in case of shortages helps us scale without compromising quality.
    What advice would you give to your younger self starting out?
    You don’t have to do everything all at once.
    Have you had any mentors to date and if so, what advice did they impart?
    My father. He taught me how to be pragmatic, not sure if I listened, but either way, it helped me function during chaotic times.
    Emirates Man The Fall/Winter Issue – Download Now
    – For more on how to look smart and live smarter, follow Emirates Man on Facebook and Instagram
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    8 of the best resorts to visit around the globe for the upcoming long weekend


    by Sarah Joseph
    2 hours ago

    Another long-weekend for UAE residents in both the public and private sector is finally here.
    If you’re looking to take a break over the long weekend even perhaps extend your holiday, switching-off at the right property during your travel plans can make you feel refreshed for the busy season ahead this year.
    For those still wondering where to escape to, there’s a myriad of destinations with picturesque properties to rejuvenate at with your loved ones.
    From tailor-made butler services to overwater bungalows, it’s never too late to book a short-haul escape this weekend for utmost relaxation.UAE
    AjmanOberoi Al Zorah

    For total relaxation and peace, swap the bustling streets of Dubai to the serene feeling of Ajman. Just a 45-minute drive from Downtown Dubai is the Oberoi Beach Resort, Al Zorah. This luxury resort is like no other in the UAE, offering complete tranquillity to guests with its peaceful surroundings. The resort has just 89 rooms and villas, making it an exclusive and quiet getaway for guests. The resort’s facilities include a luxurious spa, private beach, 24-hour gym and the longest heated swimming pool in Ajman at 85 metres. The hotel also has two on-site restaurants – Vinesse which offers international cuisine and Aquario which is the resort’s beachside restaurant specialising in Mediterranean cuisine.
    To make a booking visit
    Abu DhabiQasr Al Sarab

    Qasr Al Sarab by Anantara boasts a unique and mystical location deep within the Liwa desert. Just 90 minutes from Abu Dhabi, the property offers a unique immersion into Arabian luxury in a spectacular setting, and a complete escape from the city – the perfect setting for a restorative break from everyday hustle and bustle. Guests can take a further step into relaxation at the Anantara Spa, a healing oasis hidden among the dunes at the Arabian-style resort, where a host of replenishing treatments, and a relaxation area with amazing views of the desert, await to help guests unwind and switch off.
    DohaMandarin Oriental

    The hotel blends chic and contemporary design with touches of Qatari heritage, bringing new levels of luxury to Qatar. Designed by the world-renowned David Collins Studio, the hotel’s 117 rooms, 41 suites and 91 serviced apartments blend an elegant, contemporary design with subtle elements of traditional Qatari heritage. Mandarin Oriental, Doha is an intimate and stylish urban retreat located in the centre of Msheireb Downtown Doha, the new lifestyle and cultural heart of the city.
    SeychellesMango House

    Not only is this the most luxurious Hilton property on the Island, but a haven of unparalleled beauty, offering a unique blend of adventure, romance, and the ultimate relaxation. Mango House Seychelles offers an enchanting retreat for couples seeking an unforgettable escape. Bask in the warmth of the Seychellois sun as you lounge in beachfront rooms, suites, or villas, each adorned with private terraces or balconies boasting breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean.
    For more information visit

    Patina Maldives offers 90 contemporary one- to three-bedroom Beach and Water Pool Villas, alongside 20 Fari Studios, all of which embody a harmony of sanctuary and stimulation.Set in the Fari Islands archipelago in North Malé Atoll, guests can immerse themselves in a new expression of island life through thoughtful tailor-made wellness journeys, interactive music programmes and captivating culinary experiences. Patina Maldives also have an exciting event, Cosmopolitan Ocean, coming up in October and have shared details. It will feature LA-based streetwear label Stampd, an intersensory opening ritual with Welsh electronic musician and producer Kelly Lee Owens, Pam Longobardi’s  large-scale ocean plastics art installation and much more.
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    Soneva Fushi

    This aesthetic resort is a natural treasure with magical experiences at every turn. The resort’s 53 private island villas are ensconced in a verdant jungle, while the eight Water Reserves are among the largest of their kind in the world. Guests can stay entertained with visiting experts as part of the Soneva Stars calendar, explore 14 fine dining destinations, discover transformative wellness at Soneva Soul or make time for play at The Den – one of the largest children’s playgrounds in South Asia.
    For more information visit
    Saudi Arabia
    Banyan Tree AlUla

    Spread across the desert valley of Al Ula, this urban sanctuary promises a sustainable getaway for all those who visit. This all-villa resort is a one-of-a-kind desert retreat with its natural surroundings and multi-sensory experience. With the stunning rock formations, guests can unwind at these authentic Arabian-inspired villas that showcase expansive views of nature. Located at Wadi Ashar, this property is set in the area known as the world’s largest living museum.
    Leela Palace Udaipur

    A piece of cultural heritage amongst nature can be found at The Leela Palace Udaipur, for those seeking a rich experience away from the bustling city. Set amongst the Aravalli mountains and Lake Pichola, guests will have a rich cultural experience through every aspect of their stay. Whether witnessing a traditional folk dance, visiting the 162 year old Temple or learning about the ancient art form of Pichwai painting – visitors are sure to leave their trip culturally enriched.
    For more information visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @christelledroubyi More

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    14 fabulous activities to do over the long weekend in the UAE

    Your ultimate weekend guide in the UAE – September 28 to October 1, 2023.
    Embark on a culinary expedition

    Visit Dubai’s latest gastronomic destination, The Citronelle Club, located at SO/ Uptown Dubai. he Citronelle Club boasts a character of exquisite blend of Asian culinary traditions, intertwined with French flair to create a bold epicurean heritage that has evolved into its distinct identity. It weaves Asian symbolism, including koi fish and dragons, into an evocative narrative, cleverly concealed within its unassuming abstract canvas. Every aspect of the menu and the dining experience has been carefully crafted to foster connection, conversation, and an unforgettable culinary journey. Located at SO/ Uptown Dubai, this restaurant has an overall distinct identity.
    For more information visit
    Soak up the sun

    Situated on the vibrant beachfront of Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Nuska Beach is back this season. Soak up the Golden sun as you sip on endless glasses of rosé, overlooking picturesque oceanfront views and set to the soundtrack of vibrant tunes from the resident DJ and Saxophonist. Enjoy unlimited wine and a delectable three-course lunch menu for Dhs295 per person starting from Sunday October 1, 2023, every Sunday to Friday from 12:30pm to 4pm.
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    Try a new menu

    This September, Armani/Ristorante, the Michelin-starred jewel nestled within the opulent confines of Armani Hotel Dubai, proudly presents its highly anticipated seasonal mushroom and Truffle menu. This exceptional menu transforms seasonal mushrooms into extraordinary dishes, showcasing an array of inventive delicacies like Pioppini, Trombetta, Porcini, Risotto, and Finferli. Conclude your epicurean journey with the tempting Choccolato dessert, featuring Dulcey chocolate bavaroise and porcini ice cream. Priced at Dhs649, this exceptional culinary experience invites guests to indulge in an array of sophisticated flavours until Saturday, September 30, 2023.
    For more information visit
    Experience Tokyo’s nightlife

    For one of Dubai’s best kept secret visit Ongaku situated at CLAP, DIFC, hidden behind a discreet red door inside the restaurant. With captivating views and a vibrant atmosphere, guests can enjoy the finest music in an indoor area to keep cool all summer and take in the magnificent views of the Dubai skyline. This late-night hangout will feature an entertaining program of DJs and live performers all night-long.
    For more information visit
    Book a short-haul getaway

    In celebration of The First Collection JVC’s second anniversary, the hotel has unveiled a special promotion available until 30 September 2023. During this period, guests can savour a generous 35 percent discount on their accommodations, complemented by an extra 20 percent off on dining and indulgent spa treatments with privileged access to Soluna Beach Club on The Palm Jumeirah, a 20 percent discount on a variety of water sports, complimentary transfers to Mall of the Emirates and the nearest metro station, as well as 20 percent savings on spa and laundry services. Additionally, early check-in and late check-out will be granted based on availability. Moreover, guests can optimise their stay with the exclusive ‘Stay Better’ package, starting from Dhs169 per room per night, ensuring the perfect getaway for the long weekend.
    Go on a chilling adventure

    For Resync’s third anniversary, visitors and friends can experience the incredible world of Whole Body Cryotherapy for just Dhs300, with a total of three people at the studio’s state-of-the-art Whole Body chamber which takes everyone on an exhilarating three-minute journey into the benefits of extreme cold therapy reaching temperatures of -110°C. As the best way to strengthen team bonds, guests can explore Resync’s latest offerings including Red Light Therapy. The birthday challenge is available until Sunday, October 15, 2023. Located at Central Park Towers, DIFC, this venue is must-visit.
    For more information visit
    Visit a quaint café
    If you’re on the lookout for Dubai’s best kept secrets, you’re in the right place. With a host of cultural enclaves, this emirate has a myriad of hidden coffee shops and cafés waiting to be discovered. Infused with boho-chic elements, each café is a zen-inspired oasis for guests to unplug and reset during the weekend or weekend. Be it a conscious eatery or a hidden villa in the heart of Jumeirah, Dubai is never short of aesthetic gems where you can work from or simply catch up with friends. For a complete guide on the unique hidden cafés in Dubai, swipe through our editor-approved guide.
    Indulge in this exquisite tasting menu

    Lead by well renowned Indian Chef Ritu Dalmia, Atrangi’s culinary offerings shine a spotlight on lesser-known regional Indian delicacies, infusing the vibrant venue with the comforting essence of homemade cooking. With a varied menu that caters to a diverse range of palates, Atrangi offers a personalised solution for those seeking the ultimate culinary experience. To experience the key dishes, Diners can choose between two options for the tasting menu. The five-course tasting menu is priced at Dhs440 or an indulgent seven course experience priced at Dhs640. The seven-course menu is inclusive of a delectable amuse bouche and palate cleanser, heightening the dining experience and allowing each signature plate to create a harmony of flavours with each bite. It’s available from 6pm to 12am and is located in the prestigious Jumeirah Al Qasr Hotel.
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    Celebrate International Coffee Day

    It’s time to celebrate one of the most globally beloved beverage! With International Coffee Day soon approaching on October 1, 2023, the UAE has a host of exciting offers brewing to celebrate the occasion. As one of the most widely consumed beverages internationally, it’s time to raise awareness of its global impact. From complimentary coffees to exclusive barista-inspired workshops, there are plenty of opportunities for coffee connoisseurs to make the most of this day in the emirate. If you’re in need of ideas on where to visit, swipe through our guide of all the best coffee deals to relish in Dubai.
    Savour a royal breakfast spread

    For a lavish spread of carefully curated dishes, Gastronomy at Atlantis The Royal has set a new standard in culinary excellence. Officially launched on September 28, 2023, guests can embark on an unrivalled journey through global cuisine with its daily breakfast and new dinner service with 17 live cooking stations, four bars and an enticing array of over 100 delectable dishes, Gastronomy, Dubai’s newest gourmet dining hall, will take diners on a culinary journey like no other. From beloved Western classics to exotic Southeast Asian delicacies and mouthwatering Arabic fare, this extraordinary dining destination caters to diverse palates. Guests will be able to enjoy breakfast at Dhs235 per person.
    For more information visit
    Unleash your creative juices

    Want to test your artistic skills or simply try an exciting, we’re here to help. From stimulating discussions on though-provoking subjects to art galleries showcasing the world of notable artists, Dubai is never short of venues to feel rejuvenated. Whether you’re an art fanatic or enjoy taking part in various workshops, there’s enough and more to ensure, your skills are used and you can learn from the experts to simply take a break from your phone. So, to revamp your daily routine, here are the editor-approved creative spots to visit with exclusive programmes this month.
    Pamper yourself

    Caesars Palace Dubai is running the ultimate relaxing daycation offer until this Saturday. Book a 60-minute full body massage or facial treatment at Que Spa and get complimentary access to the resort’s stunning Neptune Pool and beach, which features unobstructed views of the Arabian Gulf. The treatments include the Nourishing, Brightening, Purifying or Gentleman’s Facials, alternatively choose to indulge in a Qua Spa Swedish, Aromatherapy, Deep Tissue or Hot Stone Massage. Priced at Dhs620, it’s located at Palace Tower, Caesars Palace, Bluewaters.
    For more information visit
    Try this new Italian tasting menu

    Priced at Dhs345, Fi’lia’s tasting menu consists of an exquisite compilation of Italian delights, evoking a special memory, allowing guests to immerse themselves in an unforgettable dining experience in a single sitting, savouring new taste combinations, and discovering Chef Célia’s creativity and artistry. Guests can savour a host of dishes such as Zuppa Fredda, a cold Italian soup, truffle-infused beef carpaccio, Agnolotti, filled with tender confit duck legs, the Olive oil sorbet offers a refreshing and unique twist on a classic treat and more to enjoy and exceptional dining experience. It takes place from 6:30pm to 10:30pm and available throughout the week, it’s located SLS Hotel & Residences.
    Indulge in this new beauty haven in Abu Dhabi

    Located at Bloomingdale’s in the newly opened Reem Mall on Reem Island, Abu Dhabi this first-ever global beauty store is a one-stop shop offering an unparalleled luxury experience. From international to niche, the luxury department store brand boasts an array of products, technology and bespoke services from brands such as CHANEL, Dior, Estee Lauder, Ex Nihilo and more. There are two lavish beauty rooms which includes a dedicated La Prairie haven for indulgent treatments. The tech-led beauty destination features a cutting-edge in-store product displays and experience including Magic Mirrors which brings to life the latest shades and styles, without lifting a finger.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @Zozoewitherspoon More

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    Dr Rolando Zubiran of MESMR on leveraging technology to create an immersive experience

    We discuss the Experience Internet and distinguishing the hype from reality with Dr Rolando Zubiran, Founder and CEO of MESMR, an Experience Economy solutions companythat leverages technologies used in filmmaking, blockchain and AI to create immersive data driven experiences.
    What do your first 30 mins of the day look like, your morning routine?
    Never past 5:30am waking up, I’ve been fortunate to have been given the gift of being a morning person, so it’s the time I feel the most connected to myself. Cold shower, coffee, small Twitter (now X) content binge and I begin checking all the activity that transpired overnight. Having multiple teams across multiple time zones is a double edgesword. Streamlined execution, always on.
    How did you know it was the right time to launch your business and what made you finally take the leap of faith?
    I believe the ‘why’ overpowers the ‘when’. Timing is incredibly important don’t get me wrong, but the true variable thatdetermines meaningful change is when its deeply rooted in a specific purpose. I think many people look at the ‘what’ and ‘when’ rather than actually searching for what truly drivesthem. It is simple to get lost in the comfort provided by certainty and complacency. Borrowing from Nassim Nicolas Taleb, there are many addictions in life, the worst being a monthly salary. When purpose aligns with the right product at the right time, wonderful things happen. Nevertheless, it is hard until it gets easy. As with any leap of faith, great things happens when you share. I am a true believer that finding the right partner both in life and in business is extremely important. I was very fortunate to find a business partner that shared the same vision of how execution should always be beneficial for both engaging parties, but as an exponential means of creating value. In any business decision we make 1+1 always has to equal 11. MESMR is now part of Beacon Media, a Global Film and Entertainment Company, Co-Founded by Deepak Chopra which is disrupting the industry by leveraging the power of IP, through technology.
    What were the key pillars or the DNA of the platform since you launched and have these evolved since then?
    Stories constitute the foundational layer of knowledge. It’s a fundamental part of being human. We learn, live and love through the stories that are passed on by those before us. But perhaps more important is that EMOTION is universal. It knows no race, gender nor has geographical constraints. Emotion is the true universal language of stories. When you anchor a value proposition on such a powerful constant, you can connect on a very deep level with your stakeholders. When launching MESMR it was clear that technology had allowed for people to express themselves through multiple channels, but perhaps most importantly it fundamentally taught us that people learn and process information differently. Some are more visual, some prefer it summarised, while others might prefer it narrated. What is undeniable is that all of us, regardless of how we process the information we are given, we all want to “feel” it. That is why the film and entertainment industry has been able to ‘mesmerize’ audiences by leveraging our most primitive senses. Everything we do in MESMR has three fundamental aspects: (1) It is IMMERSIVE, which breaks the barrier of the traditional notional barrier between interest and depth we often see lacking in younger generations. (2) It is EMOTIONAL, as every project we deliver leverages sensorial activation. (3) Its DATA & TECHNOLOGY driven. Every aspect of the solution must be grounded on research, backed by data, and efficiently executed by technology. Our value chain is dependent on the appropriate articulation of these variables. We are professional thinkers and occupational dreamers.
    What is The Experience Economy and how is it changing the way new generations interact with brands?
    As an economist, trying to avoid the pitfall of being an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today, it is quite complex to affix a unique definition to this evolving economic construct. It involves a shift in how human beings value material assets in relation to consumable experiences. Placing a higher utility value in experiences, is paving the way for entire new markets, from travel, to leisure, to finance and investing. Personalised, memorable, technology enabled which at the same time carries values of generational relevance, such as sustainability, legacy, uniqueness, inclusivity. This is drastically changing how new generations are interacting with brands. If as per a recent article of Fast Company, humanity is experiencing an evolution in consciousness, and we are starting to process differently how we envision the concept of ownership, then there is bound to be a fundamental change in the patterns of consumption. This change is transforming the way new generations interact with brands. Instead of being solely focused on the functional aspects of a product, these consumers seek out brands that provide immersive and engaging experiences. They want to connect emotionally, be part of a story, and engage in experiences that resonate with their values. Brands that create memorable experiences, whether through innovative marketing campaigns, personalised interactions, or unique events, are more likely to capture the attention and loyalty of these newer generations. In essence, the Experience Economy has raised the bar for brands to deliver not just products, but also captivating and meaningful experiences that build long-lasting connections with their target audience.
    When advising brands, what behaviour do you notice in how new generations of consumers are responding and does brand loyalty still exist?
    Brand loyalty is changing, and every CMO knows it. It is even more profound than that. The entire discipline of marketing is bound to change. There is a phenomenon I’ve seen these past few years in working with multiple C-Suite teams from Fortune 500 companies, and it is that the role of the CMO has become the most volatile position within the C-Suite. It’s become a position that’s struggling to defend its current relevance as new emergent positions challenge its niche of competence. And the fault (so could think a CMO) is not isolated to the consumer. There is a new generation of CEOs which are replacing legacy leadership, for data-driven execution. This new generation of CEOs, most of them former CFOs, are not afraid of the Excel, and are demanding actions anchored on data. The CMO is effectively competing now with the Chief Revenue Officer, the Chief Innovation Officer, the Chief Technology officer to drive business growth. Relegated to a comfort zone for many ‘golden’ years of marketing, SEO driven advertising had been the primary mechanism for Costumer Acquisition, then to be tracked across the lifetime value of that interaction. The problem is that new generations of consumers are not responding to brand loyalty and consumer repeat mechanics. The coveted KPI of CAC/LTV (ratio of how much it costs me to onboard a consumer to the lifetime value of it within my value chain) is not yielding results, forcing CMOs to reinvent themselves. This calls for a new way on envisioning how you treat and engage with your consumers, starting by not calling them as such. Brand loyalty will only exist when its reciprocated, aligned in values, but flexible in how it communicates with its stakeholder. It’s a partnership, which evolves into a community. Buyer beware… you can betray a consumer and he will stop buying from you. But betray your community In a new setting where experience and stakeholder engagement is key companies need to adapt, by leveraging existing services as their base platforms to curate experiences, having the goods they offer as the props used within the story. Its making a movie, where the viewers actually interact and define the outcome.
    How is IP changing the game as it relates to the Ownership Economy?
    It is here where the magic happens. A concept so challenging for the discipline of marketing, given it challenges many of the foundational covenants that dictated decades of communicational and brand theory. Just as there is a shift from material possessions to experience driven consumption, there is a shift from brand value towards IP augmentation. At first it might seem as unrelated concepts, as brands communicate values, emotions, traits and characteristics, and as human beings, it enables us to establish relative hierarchies amongst social-economic structures, while IP relates to the ownership behind a specific construct of the latter. For younger generations, there is a different appreciation regarding the concept of ownership, which spillovers into multiple verticals, from data privacy all the way to how our financial system is currently structured. In the age of experience internet, ownership takes a preponderant role, given it empowers individuals to be self-governed and empowered. It would almost seem counterintuitive, talking about newer generations valuing experiences over ownership of material possessions, then to talk about the rise of the ownership economy across that same demographic. Nevertheless, ownership can take many interpretations.
    How do you distinguish between the hype versus transformational changes in how we interact in the digital space and how do you advise clients, such as with the future of the Metaverse?
    As with all technological trends, we must be able to distinguish the hype, from truly disruptive technologies which are transformational to society. Additionally, hype carries this negative externality of ascribing subjective interpretations to specific concepts rather than whole technological constructs. I believe the Metaverse as we were introduced to it, and how the narrative was framed around it was the genesis of a true technological revolution, despite it lacking the ability to deliver on its early promise. When we stop thinking of the Metaverse as a platform (META), dressed in a Neil Stephenson novel and begin conceptualizing it as THE Internet of Experiences, things begin to drastically change. Any revolution or truly transformational disruption must achieve three things at its core. It must disrupt the way social-economic actors exchange information and value. Secondly, it must gradually replace old markets but create new markets for value to be created. But most importantly, it has to fundamentally change the way human beings experience life. Most transformations from the industrial revolution to the information revolution, have in some way or another managed to achieve this thing. I believe that the experience Internet allows for exactly that. In this journey towards a semantic and ubiquitous web, the Internet has just been given a new dimension for us to interact. It is as relevant to the use of the Internet as gravity is to physics. It’s a new space that exists with us being in it or not. Thinking of a SPATIAL Internet requires a new mental architecture to process its potential. Once we define this new dimension, we can begin envisioning how multiple technologies integrate to provide a seamless user experience. How blockchain fundamentally changes the way people exchange information and value, how AI begins enabling us to semantically interact with the Internet, how IoT can help us bridge that which is digital to what is physical. I believe the Spatial/Experience Internet will be transformational, yet there is much ‘Spatial Computing’ yet to come.

    How is technology changing how we experience our relationship with brands and what should brands be doing to drive success in this market?
    The rise of digital platforms, social media, and mobile apps has brought brands closer to consumers, enabling real-time interactions and personalised experiences. Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are transforming how consumers interact with products and services, making experiences more immersive and tailored. To thrive in this evolving landscape, brands must prioritize several key strategies. Firstly, they should embrace technology to create seamless and personalised experiences. Utilizing data-driven insights, brands can tailor their offerings and messages to individual preferences. Furthermore, brands need to emphasize authenticityand transparency. In the digital age, consumers value genuine connections and ethical practices. Brands that demonstrate their values, engage in purpose-driven initiatives, and communicate openly build trust with their audience. Lastly, continuous innovation is vital. The technology landscape is ever-changing, and brands that stay at the forefront of emerging trends and technologies will stand out. By blending technology with creativity, brands can craft experiences that captivate and resonate with their audience, fostering long-term loyalty and success in the market.
    How do you scale without compromising on quality?
    We live in a highly complex interconnected world. Scalability at the expense of quality is at the heart of every potential scale up. When businesses shift from focusing on the ‘fun’ stuff, to getting the ‘boring’ stuff right, it is imperative to assess your organization’s execution capabilities, but it’s even more important to look deep into the executive profiles who are running your company. This includes you. When you scale globally, the rules of arithmetic are defied. Today, one must be able to source talent and resources from multiple location in an articulate and well-coordinated, cost-efficient manner. Having worked closely with RR Donnelley, one of the largest Fortune 500 Business Communications companies, which is specialized in sourcing complex supply chain, technology and creative solutions across the globe provided me with great scope on how to scale and execute highly complex projects. Today BEACON/MESMR has a well-established global presence with high value locations across strategic geographic locations, which allows for the implementation and execution in a 24/7 follow the sun model which makes us extremely reliable in our scalability, but yet remaining agile and being able to pivot according to fast paced, volatile environments.
    What advice would you give to your younger self starting out?
    Learn to say no earlier. It’s at the heart of leadership. Being aggressive and exploring your boundaries and pushing limits is a wonderful test to help any young entrepreneur dive into the deep. Saying yes to every opportunity and possibility opens your vision to multiple and exciting paths. However, it is very important as you earn more experience to become much more selective in the projects you chose to involve yourself in. Learning to say no is one of the most important actions that powers the few selected yes. Oh, and buy a thing called Bitcoin.
    Have you had any mentors to date and if so, what advice did they impart?
    Multiple. Mentors & inspiring figures from the most unpredicted places. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I think many of us begin by emulatingcertain leadership or organizational styles when we are starting up. As with poets and great writers, finding one’s voice is perhaps one of the most challenging endeavours any aspiring leader can achieve. Sometimes you have to replicate, before you can innovate. I’ve always been passionate of Karate, since very young, I understood early that more than a sport, it was a discipline of character formation. It is repetition that cannot be perfected ever. Even now as a blackbelt with many years of experience, we do the same basic exercises I did when I was 10 years old. Its Malcom Gladwell’s rule of 10,000 hours, expressed as an infinite loop. Finally, I would say that the biggest advice I’ve ever been imparted has to do with never conforming with what you are not. To inspire, first we need to be inspired. We need to instill confidence and security to our children to make them grow into confident, independent human beings. As Nietzsche said, ‘Be careful, lest in casting out your demons, you exorcise the best past of yourself’.
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