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    The top places to purchase your Christmas tree in Dubai this year


    by Team Emirates Woman
    3 hours ago

    The most wonderful time of the year is fast approaching (this weekend…).
    With that, now is the time to start thinking about decorations and the most important of them all… your tree.
    Luckily, there’s plenty of places in the UAE where you can buy the perfect tree to celebrate the festive season with your loved ones.
    Real Trees
    Ferns N Petals

    If you’re looking to decorate a real Christmas tree before Santa’s arrival Ferns N Petals has the ideal option – a five-foot tree coming complete with decorations. Priced at Dhs999, this option just made Christmas time a whole lot easier.
    To purchase visit

    Grown in Billund Denmark, this Danish Nordman tree from Bloombox is approximately six to seven feet and priced at Dhs740.
    To purchase visit
    ACE Hardware

    One of the most affordable options for a real Christmas tree is from Ace Hardware. Currently, the UAE-based store has ‘Fraser Fir Fresh’ Christmas trees available with prices starting at Dhs399.
    To purchase visit

    The Nordmann Fir Christmas Trees are sourced from sustainable farms in Denmark. While being pet-friendly this 5ft tree has a classic shape with dark green glossy needles making it much more resilient to heat while giving off a fresh, clean, citrus smell too and is priced at Dhs245.
    Pre-order on
    Fake/Faux Trees
    Zara Home
    Crate & Barrel ME

    Want a real tree but don’t want the hassle of the upkeep? This artificial tree from Crate & Barrel offers some of the most real-looking trees. With this 6ft Abies Nordmann Deluxe Xmas Tree you won’t be able to tell the difference.

    This artificial Christmas tree comes with exotic branches and luxe LED lights for the ultimate seasonal décor and is priced at Dhs2,200. All the ornaments to complement the tree can be availed at this popular e-commerce platform too.
    To purchase visit
    Irony Home

    Looking to celebrate Christmas in style and go all out? Well, Irony Home should be your go-to place for all things festive in Dubai. Priced at Dhs10,450, this 9.5ft pre-lit white tree with 1250 LED lights will make for a truly luxe Christmas.
    To purchase visit 
    West Elm

    Designed for a realistic feel, this simple tree can be spruced by adding your favourite lights and pieces to ring in the festive season. Priced at Dhs2,650, the faux unlit tree is 9ft and is generously created with all its branches.
    To purchase visit
    Dragon Mart

    If you’re on more of a budget, opt for this artificial Christmas tree from Dragon Mart. Priced at Dhs135, this 6ft Christmas tree adds to the vibrancy in any home with its clever design.
    To purchase visit
    Home Centre

    This faux Christmas tree from Home Centre is decorated with berries and cones to ensure a classic finish to be reused every year. Priced at Dhs499, this tree is 6ft in height.
    Available for purchase on
    Home Box

    This Alaska Christmas Pine Hook Tree is designed for easy maintenance and utmost convenience to add to the festive season in any home. Made with good durability, it’s priced at Dhs299.
    To purchase visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @kendalljenner More

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    7 Christmas scented candles to bring in the holiday season


    by Sarah Joseph
    17 mins ago

    It’s time to fill your home with the comforting scent of holiday delights.
    With festive candles, you can effortlessly bring the charm of winter mornings to your interiors.
    Whether you’re cuddling up on the couch in front of your favourite movie or simple having an intimate gathering with a Turkey Roast, these irresistible holiday scents can always make the holiday season even more warm and cosy.
    To ease the *add to cart* process, we’re here to help out.

    For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @beautylookbook More

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    Riyadh secures victory: Selected as host city for World Expo 2030


    by Ruman Baig
    1 hour ago

    In a resounding triumph, Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, has emerged victorious in the bid to host the prestigious World Expo in 2030.
    The decision was announced in Paris, where over 160 nations participated in the selection process, ultimately favoring Riyadh over strong contenders Busan in South Korea and Rome in Italy.

    World Expo 2030: 1st round of voting
    Republic of Korea – 29Italy – 17Saudi Arabia – 119Abstentions – 0
    BIE Member States elect Saudi Arabia as host country of World Expo 2030! Congratulations Riyadh!
    — BIE (@bieparis) November 28, 2023

    The bustling metropolis of Riyadh clinched the bid during a decisive general assembly session of the organizing committee for the world’s fair.
    The city secured an impressive 119 votes from the member states of the Bureau International des Expositions, signaling a clear global mandate for the event to take place in the heart of Saudi Arabia.
    This historic win marks a significant milestone for Riyadh, as it prepares to become the first-ever host of the Expo within the Kingdom. The Middle East and North Africa region witnessed a previous Expo in Dubai in 2020, and now, Riyadh is poised to carry the torch forward, showcasing the region’s advancements on a global stage.
    The extensive two-year campaign leading up to this victory saw Saudi Arabia, Italy, and South Korea rallying international support. Athletes, pop stars, and actors joined forces to amplify the message, underlining the importance of this Expo in fostering global collaboration and innovation.

    As Riyadh prepares to take center stage in 2030, the anticipation builds for a showcase of technological innovations and cultural achievements. The Expo is not merely an event but a convergence of nations, offering a glimpse into the future while celebrating the shared progress of humanity.
    Riyadh’s successful bid signifies a new chapter for the Kingdom, ready to host a world eager to explore the next wave of advancements and cultural wonders.
    For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Feature Image: Instagram @visitsaudi More

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    10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Career Move

    In my 10 years of professional experience, at least five moments come to mind when I think of making big career moves. If I factor in minor, less large-scale changes, that number continues to grow. In those 10 years, I’ve worked at five different companies in six different roles across varying industries and skill sets, all while changing careers from an aspiring certified public accountant to a communications professional, freelance writer, and podcast host. All that to say, I have a lot of experience making career moves.
    Throughout those years, I’ve honed in on a list of go-to questions I ask myself when considering a career move, whether because I’m feeling stuck workwise or because I’ve found myself at a career crossroads. Making changes in your life can be both exhilarating and terrifying, and career moves are no exception. The key is to assess where you’ve been, where you currently are, and where you want to go so you can be strategic about your next move. Ellen Taaffe, leadership coach, Kellogg Professor, former Fortune 500 executive, and TEDx speaker, agrees. She shares, “When thinking about a career move, consider what matters most in your career and life currently and in the next few years. Start with where you are and where you want to go.”
    If you’re facing uncertainty in your career and trying to determine what’s next, ask yourself these 10 questions.
    1. How am I feeling?
    Before making any decisions, take a moment to check in with yourself. Taking a pulse check of where you currently are will help you determine your next best move. Sometimes, it’s necessary to slow down so we can move forward. Consider things like your satisfaction with your current role. Ask yourself questions like: Are you burned out by your workload or unsatisfied with your job? Are you being challenged by your work? Feeling underutilized or overutilized? Are you overwhelmed, happy, or content with your current situation? Pausing to get a clear picture of where you stand will help you decide where to go.
    2. What am I really good at?
    While we’re reflecting, take a moment to identify your strengths. These are the tasks and responsibilities you excel at in your current role and any previous positions. We’re not considering whether you like the task just yet (we’ll do that soon). Write down everything people turn to you to do because you’re the best of the best, whether it’s in your job description or not.
    3. What work brings me joy?
    Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you like it. I’m exceptional at doing the dishes, but does that bring me joy? Not exactly. Take inventory of the work and responsibilities that fulfill you and give you purpose in the workplace. What are you passionate about and absolutely love to do? Get clear on these items so you know which direction you should take in your career. And note, it’s okay if the things that once gave you joy don’t anymore. Our interests are sure to change throughout our careers.

    Sometimes, it’s necessary to slow down so we can move forward.

    4. Where do my strengths and fulfillment align?
    You know what you’re good at and what brings you joy. Now, figure out where the tasks cross paths. Do your strengths and passions align with your current role and responsibilities? If not, are there opportunities for improvement? Understanding where your strengths and purpose intersect helps you appreciate your sweet spot and know what superpower you bring to the table. This is key to determining your next career move and where you can add value at work.
    5. What are my non-negotiables?
    Gone are the days when work was just a paycheck. There are a lot of aspects that make up an ideal working situation. Determine your non-negotiables and how many your current company and role check. Then, do your research to see if some other roles or companies could meet your needs.
    Some non-negotiables to consider include:

    Work Location: Do you want to work in-person, hybrid, or remotely?
    Benefits and Perks: What benefits are an absolute must? (i.e., medical, dental, vision, 401(k), paid time off, gym reimbursement, mental health days, tuition assistance, parental leave, etc.)
    Work Environment: What’s your preferred industry (i.e., tech, financial services, retail), company size (i.e., small, medium, large), physical location (i.e., close to your current address, in a different state), company culture, etc.?
    Team Environment: Do you want to manage others or work as an individual contributor? Do you prefer a large team, a small team, collaborative work, or asynchronous work? Do you want coworkers you can relate to? Do you have preferred team dynamics?
    Finances: What’s your preferred salary, bonus potential, stock options, etc.? What financial situations (i.e., student loans, debt, saving for a down payment on a house) do you need to consider?
    Growth Opportunities: Are you looking for the potential to advance at a company, professional development opportunities, ability to grow a team, etc.?
    Responsibilities: What are the tasks that absolutely need to be included in your role or that you absolutely don’t want to do?
    Title: Is there a specific title you’ve set your sights on?
    Work-Life Balance: How do you want work to integrate into your life?
    Risk Tolerance: Are you a risky or risk-averse person? What risk level are you comfortable with? Taaffe recommends asking yourself, “In six to twelve months, would you regret staying or leaving more?” This helps identify the risk to our careers and mindset of staying in a questionable situation or leaving as we leap into the unknown.

    6. What are my values?
    We often hear about company mission statements and values, but what about your personal values? What do you value in your life and career? Maybe you’re passionate about helping others or the environment. Or perhaps you want to drive diversity and be a female leader in a male-dominated industry. There is no right or wrong answer. Values are personal to everyone. If it helps, take a moment to draft a personal mission statement that can serve as your guidepost when determining your next move.
    7. What are my career aspirations?
    Up to this point, we’ve gotten a good picture of where you’ve been and where you currently are. Now, it’s time to focus on where you want to go. Are you an individual contributor wanting to move into a management role? Do you want to change industries? Have you been thinking about starting your own business? Maybe you want to go back to school. Dream big here. There are no limits to what you want to achieve in your career. Aim high. You may not get there in your next role, but it’ll help you be strategic to figure out the next best career move for you.

    8. What do I need to support my career advancement?
    Once you know where you want your career to go, it’s time to assess what you need to get there. Do you need more exposure or opportunities in your current role to land a promotion? Would you benefit from having a mentor? What about joining a professional organization or volunteering? Or maybe you need to identify learning opportunities to upskill and further your career. “As technology continues to evolve, it’s essential that everyone develops skills to adapt,” shares Amanda Brophy, Director of Grow with Google. “Today, 92% of jobs require digital skills, and this percentage is only expected to grow. Proactively upskilling helps employees keep their skills current and makes them more marketable internally and externally.”
    Keep in mind you don’t need to solve the entirety of your career equation right now. You just need to identify what the next one or two steps might look like. So, while a big promotion might be your goal, your next move might look like asking to get on a new project to demonstrate your leadership skills. Or, if you’re looking to break into a new industry or sharpen your skills, obtaining a certificate or taking classes can be the differentiator between you and another candidate.
    9. What’s next?
    Up until this point, you’ve done a lot of reflection. You’ve taken inventory of where you are and where you want to go, and now it’s time to decide what’s next. “The decision to change companies or roles is an individual one,” Taafee shares. “I suggest you reflect on your progression, learning, and motivation to determine if it’s time to move on.” After assessing your current situation, desires, and other data points, it’s time to determine if your current situation and company align with where you want to go. You’ll likely be met with one of these four main paths:

    Growing in your current role at your current company,
    Finding a new role at your current company,
    Looking for a similar role at a new company, or
    Moving into a new role at a new company.

    That’s not to say there aren’t other options available to you but to help you simplify it, those four paths are a good place to start. Also, whatever path you choose, know that other opportunities are available to meet your needs. You can start a side hustle, take up a new hobby, go back to school to obtain a degree or learn new skills via a certificate program, among other things.
    10. What’s my gut telling me?
    We can aspire to make logical decisions based on data and pros and cons lists, and I wholeheartedly agree that data serves as a guiding light. But something else can also steer us on the right path: our guts. What direction is your gut telling you to take in your career? It may be completely different from what the data tells you and contradict everything you thought you wanted. But I’m here to tell you that’s okay.
    I believe we have gut reactions to choices because we’ve acquired a million data points from other situations in our lives. So, while a gut reaction might feel nonsensical, it’s our body’s way of steering us in the right direction for us. At the end of the day, you need to lay your head on your pillow at night and be happy with the choices you make. So, assess the data, listen to your gut, and be prepared for amazing things. More

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    Managing Director at Raffles The Palm on the ever-evolving hospitality industry in Dubai

    Nestled gracefully on the iconic Palm Jumeirah, Raffles The Palm Dubai emerges as a haven of luxury, seamlessly blending modern opulence with the timeless charm of Arabian hospitality.
    The resort’s architecture is a spectacle in itself, offering stunning views of both the Arabian Gulf and the dynamic Dubai skyline. Each meticulously designed room and suite is a testament to the fusion of contemporary aesthetics and traditional Arabian influences, providing guests with a truly immersive experience.
    In a deatiled conversation, Ayman Gharib, Managing Director at Raffles The Palm Dubai, Area General Manager at Raffles Seychelles and Raffles Bahrain, talks to Emirates Man about the luxury property’s rebranding in 2021, it’s position in the Dubai hospitality scene and what’s the plan for future when it comes to eco-friendly practices and responsible tourism.
    Can you share insights into your nearly three-decade journey in luxury hospitality, particularly your significant roles at Raffles?
    Throughout my career, I had the privilege of contributing to the dynamic and complex landscape of luxury hospitality in various prominent roles. I joined Raffles in 2009, initially leading Food & Beverage operations at Raffles Dubai. Here, I learned the intricacies of delivering memorable experiences to guests, allowing me to understand the essence of hospitality and setting the tone for my career growth. By 2011, I was given the chance to prove myself as Hotel Manager, a significant milestone in my career. As my career progressed, I took on roles of increasing responsibility, and the journey reached new heights with my appointment as General Manager at Raffles Dubai in 2014. Subsequently, in 2017, I undertook the challenge of the pre-opening phase of Sofitel Obelisk, earning the title of Managing Director. These experiences allowed me to navigate the complexity of the industry and enriched my expertise in delivering impeccable experiences to a discerning audience. I have been fortunate to witness the evolution of the hospitality industry, adapting to increasingly sophisticated and knowledgeable travellers and evolving global trends. Throughout my time at Raffles, I have endeavoured to embody leadership, adaptability, and a commitment to excellence, contributing to the success of every project I led. I aspire to create a legacy of excellence at Raffles and the luxury hospitality sector.
    How did your leadership style contribute to your rise from Food & Beverage operations to the position of Managing Director at Raffles The Palm Dubai?
    In the early stages of my career in Food and Beverage, I focused on cultivating collaboration, empowerment and commitment to excellence. A strong team is the backbone of a successful hospitality establishment, and leading with adaptability and a genuine focus on people, I attained positive outcomes during my tenure in Food and Beverage. As I transitioned into broader leadership roles, I maintained an inclusive and strategic leadership style, aligning departmental goals with business objectives. Upon becoming Managing Director at Raffles The Palm Dubai, my leadership style evolved to encompass a holistic view of hospitality operations. I implemented strategic initiatives to uphold the brand’s commitment to luxury and exceptional service. In this role, cultivating a collaborative and positive culture and making strategic financial decisions were key factors in contributing to the property’s success.

    As the Managing Director of Raffles The Palm Dubai, what strategies did you employ for the property’s rebranding and repositioning in 2021?
    As Managing Director at Raffles The Palm Dubai, I navigated this exciting journey focusing on enhancing guest experiences. We implemented strategies to elevate the property’s profile, ensuring alignment with evolving consumer trends. We expanded accommodations, introduced gourmet F&B outlets to elevate the culinary offering, enhanced the menu of our luxurious spa, and implemented a robust sales and marketing strategy to enhance visibility and drive business. The goal? To transform the property into an iconic destination, and trust me, the results speak for themselves.

    With added responsibilities in 2023, overseeing Raffles Seychelles and the upcoming Raffles Bahrain, how do you plan to leverage your experience for the growth of these properties?
    Drawing from my multi-property management experience, I plan to contribute to their success on an international scale, reflecting my passion for leading diverse teams to excellence. Throughout my career journey, I obtained invaluable insights into the luxury hospitality sector and a wealth of experience that I am eager to channel into the growth of the properties. I aim to streamline processes, fostering efficiency and collaboration. In tandem with operational refinement, my vision includes the implementation of strategic plans tailored to each property’s unique strengths and the demands of their respective markets.
    Can you highlight key achievements and unique features of Raffles The Palm Dubai under your leadership, including the growth in accommodations, F&B outlets, spa, and event spaces?
    Since the grand opening, Raffles The Palm Dubai has seen quite the success. We secured a top spot on Trip Advisor, witnessed substantial profit growth, and raised the stakes with 387 luxury accommodations, seven top-notch F&B spots, a Club Lounge, a luxurious spa, and vast event spaces. It’s all about upholding the utmost standards of quality and service, ensuring an experience that stands the test of time. The impeccable service provided at Raffles The Palm Dubai is widely recognized and appreciated by our discerning guests, and in 2023, we were voted as the 2nd Best Resort in the region according to Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards.
    What challenges did you face during the various phases of your career, and how did you overcome them to achieve your current leadership position?
    In the early stages of my career, navigating the dynamic hospitality landscape was a significant challenge. As travellers increasingly seek unique experiences, ensuring our offerings meet elevated expectations becomes crucial. This involved innovating services and amenities, crafting even more personalised experiences that resonate with individual preferences and create lasting memories. Managing multi-property operations presented unique complexities where balancing the diverse demands of different locations while maintaining consistent standards across properties required a nuanced and strategic approach. Hospitality is an ever-changing industry, so adopting a people-focused approach through building resilient teams, fostering adaptability, and maintaining clear communication was essential. With that in mind, staying attuned to industry trends and data, enables us to anticipate demand but also provides an insightful understanding of the contemporary consumer’s preferences. It’s a commitment to not only keeping pace with change but also being at the forefront, setting the standard for what discerning guests expect from an ultra-luxury hospitality experience. I believe that each challenge served as an opportunity for growth, contributing significantly to my journey and culminating in my current leadership position.

    In the ever-evolving hospitality industry, how do you stay updated on the latest trends and technologies to enhance guest satisfaction?
    Staying abreast of the latest trends and technologies is crucial for enhancing guest satisfaction. I prioritise continuous learning by actively reading industry publications, attending relevant business trips, and participating in city events. Additionally, I foster a culture of innovation within my teams, encouraging them to share insights and ideas. Collaborating with travel experts and staying connected with other industry leaders helps me remain informed about emerging trends and advancements. This proactive approach ensures that our properties at Raffles are equipped with the latest technologies and trends, ultimately enhancing the overall guest experience. Moreover, recognising the importance of guest feedback on platforms such as TripAdvisor, Google, and others is integral to understanding modern consumers’ preferences. Analysing and incorporating this feedback provides valuable insights into guest expectations, allowing us to tailor our offerings and services to align with contemporary preferences. We are proud to have a multicultural team, and knowing that it is the foundation of understanding consumer behaviours, adds depth to the beauty of hospitality. The diverse perspectives within our team contribute to a nuanced understanding of cultural preferences, enabling us to create a more inclusive and personalised experience for our guests. This cultural richness is not just a facet of our team; it’s a fundamental element that enhances the warmth and authenticity of hospitality.
    With sustainability gaining importance, how does your hotel implement eco-friendly practices and contribute to responsible tourism?
    Since the hotel’s opening, we have kept sustainability practices at the core of our operational decisions. We are proud to be the first ultra-luxury hotel in the UAE to receive the ISO 14001:2015 certification for our Environmental Management System in 2021. Our commitment extends to water conservation through efficient landscaping and recycling, along with the elimination of single-use plastics from guest room amenities and access cards. We have even launched an in-house water bottling project. In our food and beverage outlets, we prioritise sustainability by sourcing local, seasonal ingredients, and supporting the ecosystem and local businesses while minimising our carbon footprint. Partnering with Neutral Fuel LLC to recycle used cooking oil into biofuel further underscores our dedication to eco-friendly practices. To round off the efforts, we recently formed a Sustainability Committee comprising our most dedicated colleagues. This collaborative effort aims to identify and implement innovative ideas to ensure continuous improvement in our environmentally friendly practices. These practices solidify our position as leaders in sustainable hospitality and champions of responsible tourism.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied by @rafflespalmdubai More

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    Long weekend: 8 of the best hotels to book for a much-needed escape


    by Sarah Joseph
    3 hours ago

    If you’re looking to take a break over the long weekend or even extend your holiday to make a trip out of it, we’re here to help.
    There is a myriad of sophisticated properties around the globe, that will ensure you switch-off and feel rejuvenate before we’re back again for the last month of the year.
    From tailor-made butler services to overwater bungalows, it’s never too late to book a quick escape this weekend for utmost relaxation.
    With the UAE declaring a three-day public holiday for both public and private sectors this weekend, it’s time to start booking.

    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram & Feature Image: Instagram @rheaneelraheja More

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    King Charles III to Headline COP28 in Dubai this week


    by Ruman Baig
    35 mins ago

    In a momentous occasion, British King Charles III is set to grace Dubai with his first official visit as reigning monarch, adding regal significance to the 28th annual Conference of the Parties (COP28).
    The royal visit, at the invitation of UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, is slated to kick off on December 1, where King Charles will deliver a welcome address to global leaders assembled for COP28’s opening ceremony.
    The prestigious event, hosted at Expo City Dubai from November 30 to December 12, is a vital platform where heads of state unite to collaboratively address the world’s most critical climate change challenges. This year, the British monarch’s participation takes on special significance, given his longstanding commitment to environmental causes.

    King Charles III, known for his passionate advocacy for climate action, will extend his influence beyond the opening ceremony. A Buckingham Palace statement conveyed that he will also partake in a reception launching the COP28 Business and Philanthropy Climate Forum, an integral component running parallel to the main summit.
    This underscores his dedication to engaging with global leaders and influencers in the fight against climate change.
    As part of his diplomatic itinerary, King Charles III will seize the opportunity to engage in discussions with regional leaders, emphasizing the importance of collective action ahead of COP28.
    The COP28 summit marks a crucial juncture in the global pursuit of sustainable solutions. With King Charles III’s royal presence and impassioned commitment to climate causes, the event is poised to not only address immediate challenges but also foster a renewed spirit of international cooperation.
    As world leaders convene in Dubai, the monarch’s words are anticipated to resonate far beyond the regal corridors, inspiring meaningful climate action on a global scale.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Feature Image: @theroyalfamily, @clarencehouse  More

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    13 lavish hotels to book with private pools in the UAE


    by Sarah Joseph
    14 hours ago

    As the sweltering heat is here to stay for the next couple of months, there’s nothing like cooling off in the privacy of your own private pool.
    From temperature-controlled swimming pools to luxe views of the UAE’s skyline, these exotic properties offer their own private swimming facility to unwind with friends and family.
    Emirates Woman has curated a list of must-visit resorts located both in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah, that offer their own space to unwind as you book a premium villa or suite that best fits your needs.
    Abu Dhabi
    Anantara Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa

    If you’re looking for a city escape in the heart of Abu Dhabi, this urban waterfront retreat offers an expanse of mangroves with waterfront swimming and mangrove kayaking during your stay as you unwind at the Mangrove pool suite. It offers a host of privileges from an abundance of space to basking on your terrace or in the mini plunge pool, which elevates your stay in UAE’s capital.
    For more information visit
    Saadiyat Rotana Resort & Villas, Saadiyat Island

    Located on the pristine white beach of Abu Dhabi’s breathtaking Saadiyat Island, this one-of-a-kind five-star property features a striking modern Arabic architecture with uninterrupted views of the Arabian Gulf. Starting with the one-bedroom beach villa, guests can rejuvenate at their very own large private plunge pool with a fully furnished terrace, as they absorb unrivalled sea views that are reminiscent of an elegant beach house with a location that is hard to beat.
    For more information visit
    Al Wathba, A Luxury Collection Desert Resort & Spa

    Rooted deep within the desert landscape of Al Wathba, an intimate retreat with natural beauty lies at the hallmark of this hotel experience, with guests ready to embark on an individual wellness journey, immersed by privacy. With a secluded plunge pool, guests can take in serene views of the Arabian Desert from their villa with a generous amount of space as they lay back and absorb the beauty of the property.
    For more information visit
    One&Only The Palm

    This glittering sanctuary with lush gardens is secluded on Dubai’s Palm Jumeirah with opulent hotel rooms, while also featuring beachfront villas with their own private swimming pools as you witness breathtaking views of the Arabian Gulf. The premium villa allows you to step into the world of luxury with complete relaxation as you’re surrounded by lush private gardens and can cool off in your private temperature-controlled swimming pool with a majlis-style space shrouded by an oversized gazebo.
    For more information visit
    Anantara The Palm

    With a private sanctuary that overlooks the beach and Arabian Gulf beyond, you can enjoy luxurious sunny days by the poolside with private concierge services at the Villa with options for one or two bedrooms as you unwind in style with oversized daybeds featuring a lagoon that is made into something special.
    For more information visit
    Nikki Beach Resort & Spa

    With a relaxed yet effortless atmosphere, Nikki Beach Hotels & Resorts prides itself in providing guests with an unrivalled luxury lifestyle experience, while offering guests contemporary dining with an enhanced Nikki Beach experience. The Nikki beach pool villa is pleasant to the eye, with a uniquely designed space featuring an external shower pool and vast recreational areas that are perfectly conceived down to the smallest detail. With a perfect combination of white, light blue and beige colours in the interiors, the outdoor area is fitted with high-quality furniture offering a unique area for private dining or relaxing.
    For more information visit
    Melia Desert Palm

    This urban oasis offers lush green surroundings with an elegant oasis in the one-bedroom hideaway villas with ground floor living and dining spaces that extends to the spacious outdoor as guests enjoy a home away from home for the ultimate privacy with an alfresco dining area, complemented with a stone-walled courtyard for utmost serenity. With fascinating views of Dubai’s skyline and your own space to unwind at, there’s enough of room in this superlatively designed area to relax with friends and family.
    For more information visit
    Bulgari Resort Dubai

    Bringing the Mediterranean style to the Middle East, while being surrounded by ocean views with a nautical spirit imbibed at the property, guests can unwind at the luxurious beach view villas with stunning landscaped gardens and a temperature-controlled pool, as the villas offer the perfect amount of space to have the ultimate luxury gathering with the feeling and privacy of being at home, while enjoying the details of a sunken marble bathtub in the layout.
    For more information visit
    Mandarin Oriental Jumeirah, Dubai
    Mandarin Oriental Jumeirah Dubai’s newly renovated Royal Penthouse boasts a panoramic rooftop terrace with a private 7-metre outdoor swimming pool and a sleek firepit and lounge area for ala fresco dining with epic, unobstructed views of the Arabian Gulf that only you and your guests can exclusively enjoy.
    For reservations, call +971 4 777 2222
    Al Maha, a Luxury Collection Desert Resort & Spa

    Just under an hours drive from the city of Dubai is Al Maha, a Luxury Collection Desert Resort and Spa. This luxury hotel, which resembles a luxurious Bedouin encampment, is the perfect escape for a weekend recharge. While the resort’s location already ensures maximum privacy for guests, Al Maha’s 42 suites take luxury and privacy to the next level. Each suite boasts a private temperature-controlled pool overlooking the infinite desert views, alongside opulent interiors which pay tribute to Arabian heritage with handcrafted furnishings, antiques and artefacts.
    Ras Al Khaimah
    The Ritz-Carlton, Ras Al Khaimah, Al Hamra Beach

    Escape to the shores of Ras Al Khaimah at The Ritz-Carlton Al Hamra Beach resort which has 32 luxurious villas that each have their very own private pool, as well as direct beach access.
    The Ritz-Carlton Ras Al Khaimah, Al Wadi Desert

    For those seeking a desert escape in Ras Al Khaimah, The Ritz-Carlton Al Wadi Desert resort is ideal. Similar to its sister resort, there are 100 villas available each with its own private pool.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @oothepalm More