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    8 Small Changes I’m Making to My Routine

    I am typically not a big resolution gal, but at the start of 2021, I decided to make a list of some basic changes I wanted to make to my routine. They are not really goals, but instead just some simple habits that I want to incorporate into my everyday life. This way of looking at it helps me to remove the pressure of “New Year’s resolutions” and the inevitable disappointment when I don’t achieve them. As everyone knows, the last year or so has presented us with not only more challenges than we could’ve ever expected, but an entirely new way of living. So what better time than now to reevaluate our routines and make some changes? Personally, I’m working toward an overall more wholesome and fulfilling life, and I feel like these small things have helped me nail down just how to go about that. 
    Here are the eight small changes I’m making to my daily routine in 2021:

    1. Come up with a real plan to drink more water
    I have been telling myself to drink more water for what feels like a lifetime now, and it’s something that I always struggle with. However, I purchased a half-gallon “motivational” water bottle at the beginning of January, and I have never been so hydrated. I am trying to drink at least 64 oz. per day, and I am also aiming to drink at least about 20 oz. before my first cup of coffee to be sure to start my day hydrated.

    2. Make time for the things I care about and genuinely enjoy
    As we go into another year while we are staying at home and needing to find more ways to entertain ourselves, I really want to make more time for the things and creative outlets that I enjoy. I feel as though when I was younger, I was always reading, learning, and making art in my free time, but now I tend to just feel exhausted and want to watch Netflix during that time. I am making a conscious effort to take time to express myself through these creative outlets I love and work on learning and refining some skills like cooking and illustration. 

    3. Eat more well-balanced meals
    Rather than making a New Year’s goal like “eat healthier” or “lose weight”—which just never works for me and often ends up making me feel negatively about myself—I decided that I wanted to make more nutritious and well-balanced meals for myself at home. I am doing this by incorporating more fruits and veggies (trying to get in at least one serving with every meal), making simple swaps like regular pasta for chickpea pasta or regular tortillas for low-carb ones, and trying to not rely so much on processed foods. I also have been on a mission to cook at home for a majority of meals—and I have to say, I have been loving it and can’t wait to continue on this journey of becoming a *Top Chef*. 

    4. Wake up earlier
    This has, by far, been the hardest change on this list for me to make. I have never been a morning person, and I am a chronic snoozer, but whenever I do wake up early, I genuinely enjoy it. I like having extra time before work to really just start my day slowly and allow myself to wake up, so I’m trying to get to the point of doing that regularly. The problem comes from the physical process of opening my eyes and getting out of bed (LOL). I have been slowly but surely setting my alarm earlier and working on getting out of bed with more and more time before I log on for work for the day. Maybe eventually I can add a morning workout in?! I’m dreaming big here. 

    Sunrise Alarm Clock

    I have also switched to this sunrise alarm clock versus my phone alarm. It provides a gentler way to wake up (light and nature sounds) and prevents me from grabbing my phone first thing in the morning.

    5. Read before bed instead of being on my phone
    I have a bad habit of getting in bed at night and then scrolling on my phone for far too long. I have decided that instead of just saying “I’m not going on my phone before bed anymore!” (because that would never work for me), I am working on replacing that time with reading, even if it’s just a few pages. My Kindle has been key in achieving this because of the ease of holding it in bed and the fact that it’s backlit (no reading light required).

    6. Incorporate more movement into my routine
    This is another modified version of a classic New Year’s resolution that tends not to work for me (in this case, “workout more”). I am working toward adding more movement into my daily routine, in the simplest way possible. This could come in the form of a full-blown workout, but I am just trying to get outside and walk more, do a quick yoga flow in the morning or before bed, or even do a few minutes of floor exercises whenever I can fit them in.

    7. Upgrade my WFH space
    At the beginning of the year, with no back-to-the-office date in sight, I decided it was finally time to upgrade my work-from-home space. I invested in a couple items—a laptop stand, keyboard, and mouse—that have really made my experience a lot better. Not only has the new setup made me feel more productive, it now feels like I have somewhere to be, rather than just opening my laptop wherever I am and calling it a day.

    8. Do something every day for the mind
    When a new year comes around, we often make goals that have to do with our physical health without really considering what changes we can make in regard to our mental health. After the year that 2020 was and the things we are still going through, I felt like there was no better time than now to take inventory and decide what I needed for my mind this year. I’m keeping it simple: trying to read more, incorporating yoga and meditation into my routine, napping when I need it, and even coloring and journaling to relax. More

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    It’s Hard to Watch the Growing Interest in Asian Food After Being Shamed for My Culture as a Kid

    Everyone has a handful of memories that are painful to remember. I have a fistful of memories that are shrouded in guilt and shame. These memories lie deep within my belly, and among these darker memories, there are several of them that are connected to being Asian American. In between the shrouds, I remember being ridiculed for my eyes and being told to “go back to where I came from.” To be frank, growing up Asian American was difficult for me. I grew up in the early 2000s; in a past world where I often felt marginalized by my classmates. While not all Asian-Americans or BIPOC share my experience, based on my candid conversations with my peers, there seems to be a feeling some of us share; this is a feeling of shame. Whether it’s shame over our bodily features or over our heritage, this feeling, I’ve felt many times, lies within the recesses of our bellies. My shame is often surrounding my Korean heritage and the “pungent” foods we eat.
    In the early 2000s, Asian food was not as popular as it is today. Anglo-cized Asian staples, such as Orange Chicken and California Rolls, were around and accepted, but Asians and their authentic food were not. I’m talking about Asian Barbeque, Hot Pot, Xiao Long Bao, Dduk Gook. I was taught by my family that if I ate Korean food in public, that people would shun me. The shame I felt started at a young age. 
    I remember the night I learned that my Korean food was not accepted. It was a cool September “school night.” I was in first grade and would be experiencing my first lunch period since graduating from kindergarten. 

    Source: Shutterstock

    My family had just finished a giant pot of Kimchi Jigaae (a spicy, tangy stew made out of sour fermented kimchi and beef). After scarfing down my bowl, I declared: “I’m bringing this to lunch tomorrow.”
    In response, my mom quickly stated that, in fact, I would not be bringing this to lunch tomorrow… or ever. Her reasoning was that my mostly white, non-immigrant classmates would make fun of me for a number of reasons. She broke it down for me pretty quickly:

    “It smells too strong”
    “It has a weird taste compared to a typical peanut butter sandwich”
    “Your schoolmates simply can’t handle it”

    In Korean culture and in many cultures, food is celebrated, and family time can mean cooking and eating together. In Korean culture, food is our culture. After all, making kimchi with your whole family in the fall is a ritual called Kimjang. 
    I had known that food was a big deal to my family for as long as I remembered, but after hearing my mother explain that our food wouldn’t be accepted, I understood something else. At the tender age of 5, I learned that society didn’t accept who I was because of my heritage and race. After all, if my food and my culture weren’t accepted, how could I be accepted? 
    As years passed, I would remain quiet as my non-POC peers laughed at the thought of Korean people making “BBQ” and would turn their noses up to homemade mahndoo (otherwise known as Korean dumplings). I would even occasionally be the butt of the joke as people asked whether I ate dogs or not.

    At the tender age of 5, I learned that society didn’t accept who I was because of my heritage and race.

    Source: Alejandra Cifre González | Unsplash

    It took until my senior year of high school for something strange to happen. One of my friends said she tried Korean food for the first time and loved it. Since then, my friends have asked me to go to Korean BBQ with them, or have asked how to use chopsticks properly. 
    Over the years it has been hard watching my friends embrace Asian culture with open arms. There lies an underlying frustration that stems from the pain of having to hide my identity for so long. More importantly, my frustration also lies in the way Asian Americans have been treated in the United States over the last 150 years.

    It has been hard watching my friends embrace Asian culture with open arms. There lies an underlying frustration that stems from the pain of having to hide my identity for so long.

    In the past, the rise in awareness of Asian cuisine has come from historic immigration waves. President Lyndon Johnson’s Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 allowed for more Asians to finally migrate to the United States, including the immigration of my family. The migrants then exposed non-Asian Americans to new cuisines. 
    The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 is something that has always made me cringe. While it’s lauded for ending a quota-based immigration system, I always felt that it’s a remembrance of wrongdoing towards the Asian community. After all it was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 that did not allow Chinese immigrants to the U.S. (Later, in 1924, other East, Southeast, and Southern Asians were barred from immigrating also). The Exclusion Act, the first federal law to restrict immigration by nationality, later turned into a restriction by race. It took until 1943 for the Exclusion Act to be repealed, and during the 19th century, there was even a persisting stereotype that the Chinese ate rats. 
    Fast forward to present day, when the Pew Research Center noted in 2017 that there are 20 million Asian-Americans in the U.S., and Asian fast-food restaurant sales in the United States have increased by 135 percent since 1999. 

    Source: Matthieu Joannon | Unsplash

    This growth in Asian food over the last several years has been astounding to see. But after years of Asians being ridiculed, how can I not feel frustration towards this growing interest in Asian food? Why show interest now? What’s the point? 
    After being shunned for my Asian food and heritage my entire life, now the current exoticism and wonder towards Asian cuisine is something that makes me wince. When my friends mention that they want to try more authentic Asian food, I can’t help but feel like they are rubbing salt in an old wound. Where was this acceptance and love for this food when I was a kid.
    Given my uneasiness, I asked my Asian peers what they thought about the current rise in popularity of Asian food. Kevin Chen, a Tawainese-American, said, “People are being more aware of cultures now. It’s just hard because it’s not something that’s going to happen overnight. It’s more about bringing up the message [about Asian food] and having people be more aware of these cultures and the depth of them.”
    Chen continued, “It’s not easy. I had a coworker that said a certain type of Asian Cuisine, Sichuwan, is superior to all Asian food, and you can’t just write off a whole culture like that. You can’t just pigeonhole cultures. Each culture’s cuisine is different.”
    Chen’s cautious optimism towards the growing interest in Asian food is one that mirrors my own. It’s hard to envision a place where people are becoming more accepting towards the Asian community. Their curiosity is often one that I look at with weariness. This weariness comes from a fear of snide comments and a wall of shame. All it really boils down to is a wish to be respected for your culture and identity.

    After being shunned for my Asian food and heritage my entire life, now the current exoticism and wonder towards Asian cuisine is something that makes me wince. When my friends mention that they want to try more authentic Asian food, I can’t help but feel like they are rubbing salt in an old wound. Where was this acceptance and love for this food when I was a kid.

    Source: Filippo Faruffini | Unsplash

    Harinder Kaur, an Indian American, had different thoughts as she reflected on her childhood. Kaur said, “Growing up, I wanted to be more white and accepted. When we came to America, we didn’t even have ‘American’ clothes. I saw more racism through the way I looked, not over food. I think I’ve gotten more comfortable accepting my culture, but there’s more to it than food and racism.” 
    Kaur’s story is one that holds true for many Asian families today including my own. The attempt to assimilate to white culture shows the amount of shame we harbor towards our own Asian cultures. 
    While Kaur and Chen may not be reflective of the whole Asian American community, they share a sentiment that needs to be heard louder during these trying times. This sentiment is that Asian stories need to be heard more and accepted more into society, but more importantly, we as Asians need to be prouder of who we are. I truly believe this is the only way forward. After years of hiding and feeling shame within our bellies I believe it’s time we finally stand proud together.
    Perhaps this can be a new step towards more equality and understanding. Instead of focusing solely on our past, it’s time to discuss and reflect on what our future as a nation can be, Asian or otherwise. More

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    What Is Your Attachment Style and How Is It Affecting Your Relationships?

    Picture this: after the 1,000th swipe on Tinder, you meet someone who seems to have some potential. They’re a good conversationalist, consider themselves a dog person, and want to go on a real date in a well-lit public spot (so you know they’re not a serial killer). After getting to know them more, they mention future plans like traveling together or meeting their sister when she comes into town. The romantic montage is basically forming itself! But then they stop responding and before you know it, it’s been weeks without even a text.Or perhaps you’ve been the one making future plans and do feel genuinely interested, but then realize it’s moving too fast and ghost before you get in any deeper. Maybe the situation that rings a bell for you is more like being in relationship after relationship, each with jealousy issues or a lack of intimacy. Whatever your dating life looks like and whichever rom-com it resembles least, there is probably one root cause of your problems.
    “Love,” or even “relationship,” does not look the same to all of us. We each have a specific type of attachment that determines how we love and how we accept love. Sounds nice, right? But the problem is that all the different types end up swimming (or drowning) in the dating pool together, and somehow, we still wonder why relationships don’t work out. Knowing your attachment style (and dating accordingly) can not only change your relationships, but can change your life.

    What is an attachment style?
    The Attachment Theory is an area of psychology that describes emotional attachment in relationships (not just romantic relationships, but connection between all people). While there are categories and lots of online quizzes, it’s different than Enneagram or Myers-Briggs because it takes into account childhood and past experiences, which determine how we interact with others in the present. The theory comes from two researchers, John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, who found that the way infants get their needs met by their parents significantly contributes to their nature of attachment in relationships for the rest of their lives (crazy, right!?). 
    If you’re currently racking your brain to remember what infancy was like, don’t stress. There are quizzes for that (I like this one). While its origins are focused on the parent-child relationship, I also think that any relationship can affect your attachment style, whether it was a sibling relationship, friendship, or a romantic relationship. Your attachment style doesn’t explain everything about your relationships, but it may explain why you gravitate toward certain people and which problems consistently come up in your love life.

    The Four Styles of Attachment


    So you have a secure attachment type? Lucky you. You’re comfortable displaying affection to loved ones, and you feel confident in both your romantic relationships and friendships. You have probably been able to accept rejection and move on, labeling it as a matter of incompatibility instead of a fault. You easily depending on people, whether it’s a romantic partner, a best friend, or your sister, and find it easy to get emotionally close to others. When conflict does come up (because it always does), you don’t shut down or react with anxiety. FYI, being the secure type doesn’t mean you haven’t faced hardships or trauma in your life, but it does mean that your emotions were validated and needs were met in your past, which made a strong, lasting impression.

    Anxious Attachment 

    If you can imagine from the name, the anxious attachment type means you feel anxiety in your relationships (self-explanatory, right?). You’re probably living in fear that your relationship will end, or your partner doesn’t care about you anymore, or maybe you don’t like being alone. Anxious types also have trouble trusting people (even people they’re close to), but rely on exterior validation. Think of Gigi from He’s Just Not That Into You: she calls 10 times in a row, focuses more on what the guy thinks of her than what she thinks of him, and feels devastated by every breakup and rejection (side note: no shame in Gigi’s game. We’ve all been Gigi, TBH). But traits of the anxious attachment can also be controlling or manipulative too, like regularly snooping through your partner’s phone or putting your friends down so you feel better about yourself. 

    Avoidant Attachment

    The avoidant attachment type can be represented in another rom-com cliché: the heroine who is completely closed off to love (until the right person comes along, of course: Amanda Woods from The Holiday, Sara from Hitch, Julianne from My Best Friend’s Wedding… need I say more?). Avoidant types are independent, not very emotional, and typically commitment-phobic. You get cold feet often or might be a serial ghoster. You want to be alone when you’re feeling down, and prefer not to talk about your emotions with others (even those close to you). In romantic relationships, you might feel like your partner is trying to control you, or want to leave when you feel yourself getting too attached. Even in heated situations, you’re able to turn off your emotions and not react. Your go-to response during tough conversations might be “I don’t care,” “fine,” or “whatever.” 

    Anxious-Avoidant Attachment

    Anxious-avoidant attachment types are a combination of the previous two types (again, self-explanatory). You might be afraid of commitment, but can also lash out and feel anxious about anyone who gets close to you. You probably suppress emotions (or choose not to share with loved ones), but can have emotional outbursts when under stress or if emotions build up. You probably want to be close to someone, but don’t believe that the other person wants to be close to you. In other words, it’s not that you avoid intimacy because you don’t want it (like avoidant attachment types); you avoid intimacy because you think whoever gets close will hurt you.

    How your attachment style affects your relationships
    Opposites don’t always attract; we’re more likely drawn to people that are the same type. A relationship that’s avoidant or anxious on both sides replicates the patterns you’re used to, or maybe you think those behaviors are normal in relationships. You might even define love with anxious attachment tendencies, or feel less safe if someone isn’t as emotionally avoidant as you are (vulnerability is hard!).
    Not only does your attachment style affect your relationships, but your relationships can affect your attachment style. If you were in a toxic relationship, it might have made you untrusting, overly cautious, or insecure. Likewise, a bad friendship may have left you unable to be vulnerable in future ones. So while it’s possible to change your attachment style by being in relationships with people that help you feel safe and secure, work must be done on your own to change your adjustment style and attract secure relationships to you.

    How to change your attachment style
    If you’re feeling both seen and doomed to a life of less-than-great relationships, don’t stress. Even if you’ve had the same attachment style for as long as you can remember, it does not mean you’re destined to keep it. The mind adapts when new ways of thinking are acknowledged and practiced. If you’re an anxious type, prioritize self-love and surround yourself with people who lift you up. If you’re more of an avoidant type, challenge yourself to open up more. Call your mom to vent after a tough day at work, tell a personal story on a first date, ask friends for advice, and become curious instead of judgmental about everyone you meet. Also, seek out secure friendships, coworkers, and partners; they’ll help you learn trust, vulnerability, or even love. For any attachment style, therapy can also be helpful.
    In the end, unlearning attachment styles must start with self-compassion. Even if your attachment style isn’t serving you now, you only adapted it because it served you at some point in your life. When you were younger, your attachment style kept you safe, prevented you from getting hurt, and helped you prioritize your emotional wellbeing. But as an adult, your attachment style might not be serving you and could even be preventing you from forming healthy, meaningful, and fulfilling relationships. Appreciate what your attachment style has done for you, feel empathy for the little girl it was trying to protect, and then choose to change.

    What’s your attachment style and how has it affected your relationships? More

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    8 Ways to Fit in Movement When You Don’t Have Time to Work Out

    When it comes to exercise, we focus on how to get fit. Our New Year’s resolutions are about working out more often, and we set goals to challenge ourselves in miles, reps, or weights. But then real life kicks in, and we realize we don’t have 60 minutes to spare during busy days. Going on a run feels impossible, much less adding in the commute time to get to the gym. The truth is that getting fit isn’t the problem; it’s staying fit. Can you keep up your health goals and find time for yourself, even when your to-do list is overflowing and your schedule is overbooked? The answer: absolutely. Be your own #fitspo with these eight easy hacks to fit in movement, even when you have no time to work out. 
    1. Maximize daily activities
    You don’t have to fit in extra time to work out. Instead, you could move more during the activities you already do. For example, take your dog for a walk or play fetch instead of just letting them out, and take out the recycling in multiple trips to get your step count up. You can also make use of downtime by stretching while watching TV and doing squats or jumping jacks on every commercial break. And if you don’t even have time for walks or watching TV (but what’s life without Bridgerton!?)? Do some calf raises while brushing your teeth, try push-ups before you get in the shower, and dance around the kitchen while cooking. 

    Source: @crystalinmarie

    2. Fit in multiple movement sessions of five minutes or less
    Blocking out an entire 60-minute session might seem impossible when glancing at your daily schedule, but five minutes (or even three)? Now that’s doable. Try to scatter a few different five-minute breaks into your day to get some movement in. For example, fit in five minutes of yoga while your coffee is brewing, try some of these short workout videos in between meetings, and get another 10 minutes in when you wrap up your workday. Without even knowing it, you could easily fit in 45-60 minutes of movement in easier-to-manage increments throughout the day.

    3. Wake up (and go to bed) 20 minutes earlier
    So you swear you don’t have time to work out during the day? Then make more time. Since time is an illusion (no, really), get in control of it by giving yourself more. Even waking up 20 minutes earlier will help you feel like you have a lot more time in your morning and throughout your entire day. But because sleep is just as important for your health, that also means getting to bed 20 minutes earlier too. Turn off Netflix, put away your laptop, and prioritize an earlier bedtime so you’ll feel well-rested and motivated getting up earlier in the morning.

    4. Turn chores into a workout
    Oh, you didn’t think laundry or doing the dishes could also give you envy-worthy biceps or strong glutes? Think again. Some of the most common household chores require some built-in physical activity that can work every part of the body. For example, washing heavy dishes in the sink will work your arms, squatting to pick up the laundry basket of dirty clothes will work your legs, and sweeping can work your obliques. Don’t even get me started on scrubbing the tub, vacuuming the floor, or gardening. And if you do a bunch of chores in a row, it will get your heart rate up to count as cardio. Bonus tip: turn on your favorite playlist and dance around while doing chores for a little extra movement and motivation. Your home has never been cleaner!

    Source: @sassyredlipstick

    5. Get creative with your work setup 
    It’s 2021: of course, you don’t even need to leave your desk to get a good workout in. If you can, consider switching to a standing desk, and if you’re stuck with your old seated desk (boring!), try out a mini exercise bike or treadmill that goes underneath. You could walk or bike miles while you’re scoring promotions, acing presentations, and making $$$. Now that’s multitasking. And if exercise equipment isn’t your thing, switch out your chair for a yoga ball or sit on a wobble cushion to work your core.
    Use technology to your advantage too. Set alarms on your phone or computer every 30-60 minutes to remind you to get up, stretch, and do some jumping jacks. Even 30 seconds of light movement every hour can make a major difference.

    6. Forego conveniences 
    Say goodbye to your front-row parking spot, elevators or escalators, and the shortcut to get home. We’re so used to making everything more comfortable and convenient that we don’t even realize our lifestyle could be so much more active. Many “inconveniences” feel like a hassle because they require physical effort, but physical effort is just a less intentional way to exercise. If your goal is to move more, inconveniences are a good thing. Park in the furthest row, always take the stairs, stand up more during the day, and opt for the furthest bathroom instead of the closest. You’ll get your step count in and will be working muscles you wouldn’t be using otherwise.

    Source: @missenocha

    7. Multitask
    If time is your biggest challenge and exercise doesn’t feel productive enough to prioritize (but what’s more productive than giving your body the tools to feel its best and get more energy?), then accomplish something on your to-do list at the same time. For example, do bicep curls while on conference calls or go on a power walk while talking to your mom or a friend. You can also listen to an online class or audiobook for your book club while working out to accomplish two things at once.

    8. Focus on posture
    If all else fails and you’re sitting at a desk 24/7, you can still be working your muscles and healing your body by simply being mindful of your posture. Proper posture not only prevents injuries later down the road, but sitting up tall with your shoulders back relies on your abs, back, and leg muscles when done correctly. Even Salma Hayek swears by good posture for her physique and, while I call bluff on the fact that she gets that toned without exercise, being mindful of how you sit, stand, and even lay down is can be incredibly effective for the body. 

    How do you fit in movement when you don’t have time for a workout? More

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    10 Insanely Easy Vegetarian Meals I Rely on During the Week

    One of my goals for 2021 was to make myself more well-balanced and nutritious meals at home. I want to add more fruits and veggies to my everyday diet, rely less on processed and packaged foods, and make simple swaps for healthier versions of some of my favorites (such as pasta and tortillas).Although I already enjoyed cooking for myself, I knew that I just did not do it enough. I also have been a vegetarian for over 10 years, so I wanted to challenge myself to try some new recipes. I am very proud to report that all 10 meals I’m about to talk about were made within a week—so far, so good on that goal!
    I also want to take this time to thank the four most important things in my life right now, especially when it comes to achieving this goal: my air fryer, Trader Joe’s carb-savvy tortillas, my new Always Pan, and chickpeas. 
    Whether you are a vegetarian yourself or just need some inspo for the new year, check out these 10 incredibly easy (and delicious, if I do say so myself) vegetarian meals that I rely on during the week:

    1. Buffalo Chickpea Salad Wraps

    This is a new favorite of mine! Chickpeas are a super easy way for vegetarians to include protein in their diet, and they are also incredibly versatile—making them a non-meat-eater’s best friend.
    To make these salad wraps, mash up clean and dried chickpeas in a bowl and mix in plant-based mayo, buffalo or hot sauce, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Spread on the tortilla of your choice (I love the carb-savvy ones from Trader Joe’s), and top with lettuce, avocado, onion, and feta cheese for the perfect WFH lunch.

    2. Burrito Bowl

    Looking at this photo makes my mouth water. Start by cooking onion, frozen corn, and peppers in a skillet with your favorite seasonings. When that’s finished, add the mixture to a base of brown rice and black beans (if you’re like me you’ll just get the microwave options), then add the toppings of your choice. I usually go with avocado, plain greek yogurt (as a sour cream substitute), chihuahua cheese, and a couple crushed tortilla chips. 

    3. Oatmeal with Peanut Butter and Banana

    This is a simple one! I make plain microwave old-fashioned oats with unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and then mix in agave syrup and cinnamon once they are cooked. I top it off with natural peanut butter and a banana for extra protein and deliciousness. 

    4. Cauliflower Gnocchi with Pesto, Goat Cheese, and Balsamic

    A true classic and a lazy girl’s best friend: Trader Joe’s cauliflower gnocchi. I make mine in my air fryer (if you’re not doing this yet, it will change your life) with a dash of olive oil, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning, and then simply mix it up with pesto, balsamic glaze, and goat cheese crumbles. YUM. 

    5. Tofu Lettuce Wraps

    My mom and I have been making this recipe for years, and it just continues to evolve. I’m very excited to share that I recently cracked the code on how to get your tofu as crispy as possible, and the answer is two simple words: air. fryer. Seriously, this tiny little appliance made my life 1000x better, and if you don’t have one yet, WYD?!
    To make these lettuce wraps, air fry your drained and cubed tofu with your teriyaki sauce of choice and prepare some plain brown rice. You could also make some veggies to add if you’d like. Then add everything to a butter lettuce cup, and top with a bit of sriracha mayo and crispy chow mein noodles—or don’t, if you’re feeling extra healthy. 

    6. Spicy Potato Tacos

    As if 2020 wasn’t bad enough, it was also the year that Taco Bell decided to take potatoes off the menu and break my little vegetarian heart. So if you’re in the same boat as me and still mourning that loss, this is a special treat for you: at-home spicy potato tacos.
    I make these by air frying (yes, I’m using it again) cubed baby potatoes seasoned with salt, pepper, olive oil, garlic powder, chili powder, and red pepper flakes. The potatoes by themselves are delicious, but I like to put them on a low-carb tortilla and add a sprinkle of cheese, avocado, plain greek yogurt, and hot sauce to pretend I am at Taco Bell. I also like to tell myself these are a healthier version—so, you know, if they’re not, please don’t tell me that. 

    7. Lunch Snack Plate

    This is what I like to call lazy lunch. Basically, it consists of anything in my fridge that needs to be eaten. For example: on the day I took this photo, I had some leftover buffalo chickpea salad mixture on a lettuce wrap as well as a side of veggies and crackers with plant-based cauliflower tzatziki dip. 

    8. Breakfast Tacos

    I would seriously eat these tacos every day if I could. They are super simple: scrambled eggs, veggie sausage (I prefer MorningStar), goat cheese crumbles, cherry tomatoes, avocado, and hot sauce on low-carb tortillas. 

    9. Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

    Ah, chickpeas, we meet again. This very easy mediterranean salad is just a mixture of washed and drained chickpeas, avocado, red onion, cherry tomatoes, and feta cheese. For dressing, I drizzle the mixture with olive oil and red wine vinegar and season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. You could also add cucumber and kalamata olives—I was just out on this day!

    10. Veggie Fried Brown Rice with Tofu

    I’m a huge fan of using leftovers, and this dish is perfect for that. I had some leftover tofu and brown rice from my lettuce wraps, so I fried up some veggies—in this case, peppers, carrots, corn, and red onion—then added the rice, tofu, a fried egg, and some more teriyaki sauce all in the same pan.  More

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    My Secrets for Eating Plant-Based, Even When I’m Too Busy to Grocery Shop

    Eating more fruits and veggies doesn’t sound revolutionary, but the only “diet” I’d universally recommend is plant-based, because it isn’t about limiting or labeling foods as “good” and “bad.” Eating plant-based is not a secret weight-loss diet or an unsustainable eating plan. Instead, it’s the simple decision to eat more of the natural foods from the earth that our bodies are meant to eat. But if eating healthy were that easy, everyone would be doing it, right? With overloaded work schedules and a stay-at-home order that took away our normalcy, toilet paper, and portion control, healthy eating has gone out the window for many of us. If a busy lifestyle leaves you ordering pizza most nights of the week since there’s nothing in the fridge, or staying at home has made you go through chocolate chip cookies quicker than you go through a new Netflix series, don’t worry. I’m often too busy to get to the grocery store, can get lazy with cooking or prepping, and love food way too much to give up my favorite meals and snacks. So if I can eat plant-based, so can you. Here are five secrets I live by for getting in all my fruits and veggies, no matter how busy my schedule is or the last time I went to the grocery store.

    Source: Blue Apron

    1. Get plant-based meals delivered
    Some weeks are just so busy that you don’t have time to plan, prepare, or shop for meals, which makes eating plant-based pretty difficult (Chinese takeout or frozen chicken nuggets are much more tempting). Luckily for the other busy women and health nuts out there, Blue Apron offers health-conscious options like vegetarian, 600 calories or less, etc., so not only can you select meals that you’ll look forward to all day, but you’ll be eating meals that keep you on track with your unique goals. 
    Plus, Blue Apron now offers customizations. What does that mean for your plant-based diet? You can now swap, add, or upgrade proteins on select meals to make them more plant-friendly. So if your roommate or significant other prefers meat, you won’t have to sacrifice your health-focused preferences since you both can get the protein you want (insider tip: look for the “see options” box under the meal’s image after signing up to see if it is customizable).
    New customers: click here to save over $60 on your first 3 boxes!

    Source: Kate Davidson | Colin Price Photography for The Everygirl

    2. Equip your kitchen
    If you’re newly plant-based, you might need some different equipment to make your cooking (and life) a little easier. Having the right tools on hand means a lot more variety in your meals, using the same food and ingredients. For example, try a spiralizer to turn zucchini into noodles, invest in a Nutribullet to quickly DIY a creamy soup out of cauliflower or butternut squash, and a pressure cooker to make dishes out of dried beans and grains (more on that below). 

    Source: Danielle Moss for The Everygirl

    3. Stock up on frozen produce
    Fresh is always best, but for times when you can’t get to the grocery store, stock up on frozen produce. Use frozen produce like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, or butternut squash for stews, stir-fries, and smoothies. Not only is frozen produce often cheaper, but it lasts much longer than the fresher versions, so you can keep it on hand for emergencies (AKA when you’re craving stir fry at 11 p.m.). It’s also frozen at peak freshness, which means it’s packed with as many nutrients as possible. Try frozen fruit for smoothies, riced cauliflower or broccoli florets for side dishes, and pre-made meals for the nights you don’t even have time to cook. If you prefer non-packaged produce, you can also chop up fresh veggies and freeze them yourself (produce like sweet potatoes and broccoli can last a long time in the freezer).

    Source: FOODISM360 | Unsplash

    4. Make dry food your best friend
    Just like stocking up on frozen food can prepare you for busy days, dried whole foods are the secret ingredient to satisfying plant-based meals, without the work of grocery shopping every week. Try stocking up on dried beans (like lentils, black beans, or pinto beans) and whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, or millet). They’ll last forever in your pantry, are cheaper than buying prepared (especially when bought in bulk), and can be made in a pressure cooker to save time.

    Source: Leigh Skomal | Unsplash

    5. Think of adding plants instead of taking away other food groups
    I love plant-based eating because it’s just about what you should add; you don’t have to cut out whole food groups or deprive yourself of foods you love. So when life gets busy (because it will) and you don’t have time to cook, prep, grocery shop, or plan ahead (because you won’t), you don’t need to stress and panic-order Papa John’s. Instead, make yourself some pasta (yes, even if it’s not “plant-based”) and think of what you can add to include more plant-powered nutrients. Maybe it’s blending lentils into the pasta sauce or heating frozen broccoli to eat with it.
    When I do order out (which has been more often than not this year, TBH), I get a pizza with all the veggie toppings and order a side salad to go with it, or load up on avocado rolls and shishito peppers. No matter how busy life gets, what ingredients you have in your kitchen, or even which restaurant you order from, don’t worry about how to stick to one diet or limit certain foods. Instead, get creative with how you can add more plants to any meal.

    What tips and tricks help you eat plant-based?

    This post includes a sponsored mention of Blue Apron, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More