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    How to Set Resolutions You’ll Actually Keep

    Even though I know I don’t have to wait for the new year to start a new habit, new beginnings leave me wanting to feel like a new(er) version of myself and make resolutions to get there. But whatever resolutions I decide to make, I know that I’m going to do it out of self-love, not self-hate. For example, if your resolution is to work out more, do it because exercise helps you manage stress or because exercise makes your body feel good and your body deserves it, not because you want to change your body as it is or punish your body for the food you ate over the holidays. When you make resolutions rooted in fear or self-hate, you’re more likely to abandon the goal altogether by March (trust me). Because you deserve to feel accomplished, confident, and happier by 2023, here’s how to set resolutions you’ll actually keep.

    1. Get clear on what you want and why
    Stop and reflect on the last year and how you want to feel in the new year. What does that look like for you? Think about what it would look and feel like when you meet your resolution, and get specific (and I mean really specific). One of my resolutions is to hit the treadmill for at least 30 minutes whenever the day has me stressed because I feel less stressed when I am able to move. Maybe for you, it’s leaving for work 20 minutes early because you want to feel more relaxed and not rushing in the morning helps (or you feel your most productive when you have time to pick up an oat milk brown sugar shaken espresso from Starbucks). Tune out other expectations and visualize all the details around how you want to feel, and then set action goals around that feeling.

    2. Make the resolution realistic and manageable 
    We often set resolutions that we think are manageable but are actually impossible, and it’s the unrealistic resolutions that’ll have you tripping. For starters, try not to make too many changes at once. I want you to dream big sis, but I also want you to understand the assignment. Break down larger goals into smaller ones to position yourself to celebrate and be motivated by small wins. If your resolution is to get a certification in your career field, break that resolution into tasks, like getting the study materials or registering for the exam, to figure out your targeted completion date. Proclaiming that you’ll study six hours every day when you can realistically only study two hours a day might leave you feeling discouraged or overwhelmed and eventually ghosting your resolution. 

    3. Plan ahead
    Give your resolutions a fighting chance by setting yourself up for success. Try attaching your resolutions to any established habits you already have that you do regularly without thinking about it. If your resolution is to read eight books this year, and you’ve made more it manageable by breaking it down to read for at least 10 minutes everyday, make getting into bed your “trigger habit” to get cozy with a good book. Check if any of your resolutions pair well together. For example, your resolution to level up your skincare routine would go great with your bedtime reading resolution. Plan ahead by having your skincare items within reach and pick out a book ahead of time for your nightstand. The key is to find maintainable steps you can proactively take that support your resolution and work for you and your lifestyle.

    4. Switch up your routine
    One of my favorite quotes is “The definition of insanity is to do the same things and expect different results.” If your resolution is to change jobs, what do you intend to do differently this year to get to that resolution? More specifically, what habits do you have now that are holding you back from that resolution? Maybe you tend to lose two to three hours each night watching TV or scrolling on social media that could be spent fluffing up your resume or making connections on LinkedIn. Reassess your current routines and how you’re spending your time to block out time that would be better used to learn a professional skill, check job listings, or network with professionals in your industry. What we water grows, so realistically update your routine to reflect your new priorities.
    5. Schedule checkpoints
    Stay on track throughout the year by scheduling checkpoints. Depending on the length of your resolution, these dates can be weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Because you’ve thought about what it looks and feels like to meet your resolution, you’ll have the metrics needed to be able to tell how it’s going. For example, if your resolution is to save $5,000 for a vacation at the end of 2022, try checking your progress monthly. Have you been depositing $417 each month into your savings? Do you need to make any changes to your budget to help you stay on track? The pre-scheduled checkpoints give you a chance to reward yourself if you’ve met your smaller goals or adjust as necessary if you’ve been struggling. Having a schedule in place will increase the likelihood that you’ll hit your resolution by Dec. 31. 

    6. Get an accountability buddy
    I love checking in with my sister on the progress we’re both making with our goals. We encourage each other to stay focused on the big picture. Even though our resolutions aren’t exactly the same, our check-ins with each other are reminders not only to keep going but also that we’re not alone in successes or challenges. Your accountability buddy can also be someone in your virtual Weight Watchers group or book club. Having someone to bounce ideas off of, vent to, or be encouraged by makes a huge difference. It’s not about someone holding you accountable because you don’t have the ability to hold yourself accountable (hint: you should enjoy and feel motivated by your goals so much that it’s not hard to hold yourself accountable). Instead, having a “buddy” is about built-in support (it takes a village to reach a resolution!). 
    7. Stay inspired
    In order to stay motivated to reach your resolution, immerse yourself in foods, activities, content, and music that inspire you. If you’ve decided to learn French this year, make a French cuisine dinner with your friends to eat while you watch a French film and see how many words you were able to recognize. If your resolution is to run a marathon in the fall, listen to training techniques via YouTube or listen to podcasts with trainers and marathon winners that will keep you inspired and excited. There’s so much content out there to motivate you as you go after your resolution, so immerse yourself in whatever way will keep you inspired. 

    8. Remember your “why”
    Whenever I get distracted from my resolutions, I go back to why I started in the first place and remember that initial intention and how I want to feel. When you’re clear on what you want and why you want it, it’s easier to stay focused—especially when your “why” is rooted in something that matters to you like confidence, happiness, or a longer life. The pride that you feel from learning how to create a healthy and nutritious dish that gives you energy without sacrificing flavor or the idea of spending a longer life with the people you love will motivate you more than the desire to have a six-pack ever could. 

    9. Be kind to yourself
    Show yourself compassion if (and when) you fall short of your expectations. Talk to yourself as you would a friend (and we both know that friends don’t let friends trash talk themselves!). Journal or document your progress and also how you’ve been feeling while taking steps toward your resolution. Making progress toward your resolution is more important than being “perfect” or hitting your exact goals because you’re still getting closer to how you want to feel and the intention that matters to you. If you put yourself down or feel bad for not hitting certain expectations, your chances of ghosting said resolution will go up, so be kind to yourself, talk to yourself like you would a friend, and know that sometimes, resolutions are meant to be a starting point to become our best selves, not a final destination.

    The 15 Best Books for Your New Year’s Resolutions


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    A Therapist Answers 7 of Your Questions Around Feeling Lonely at Christmas

    Whatever your typical set up around December the 25th – perhaps a chunky get together with the extended family, a little celebration with a few key friends and fizz or a firmly ‘non-traditional’ takeaway from your local Chinese restaurant – between high Omicron rates and the desire to be ‘cautious’, things might look different, this year. (Again!)
    READ MORE: 12 Life-Changing Wellness Quotes By Bonnie Mbuli
    One possible ramification of this is a sensation of loneliness. The festive period is a core cause of the feeling – notwithstanding a global pandemic that has severed our physical ties like a piece of silverware through brandy butter. This especially goes for those who have tested positive for the virus and now must isolate over the day itself.
    79% of you feel lonelier now, than you did before the pandemic, according to WH research. To help you through, WH asked leading psychotherapist and author of This Too Shall Pass, Julia Samuel, to respond to some of your questions, musings and comments on feeling alone, this Christmas.
    How should I deal with Christmas loneliness?
    But first, there is some universal advice to root yourself in. Regardless of your situation, the below is likely to be a tonic, to some degree, in this bizarre time.
    Keep a routine
    ‘It helps to have regular routines that you can rely on that give you some certainty, so it might be structural routine of exercise before breakfast, or meditate after work,’ says Samuel.
    Just breathe
    ‘Both exercise and any breathing technique also reduce the anxiety caused by uncertainty, so you get double benefit. Intentionally choosing to do things that give you joy also helps manage uncertainty, so it might be listening to wonderful music as you cook.’
    READ MORE: Yoga Moves That Bonnie Mbuli Swears By
    Know what you can control
    ‘Recognising and jotting down the things you can change and influence and those you can’t is worth sticking on your fridge door,’ Samuel details.
    Remember that, even amid wild uncertainty, you are in control of some aspects of your life. ‘It is important to be proactive, make times for online connection and if possible real connection through walks together, even taking hot drinks that you can stop and drink together,’ she adds.
    ‘We need connection to others more than anything else. People need people and love in every form is vital medicine right now, we have to commit and work to have it, not wait for someone else to connect with us.’
    Scroll on for her response to WH readers who are feeling a little stuck, sad or solitary, at this time.
    7 of your Christmas loneliness questions, answered
    1. ‘I feel sick about Christmas! I am alone and dreading seeing people with their families on Instagram. What should I do?’
    ‘I can understand that living alone is heightened over Christmas when you both imagine and see on Instagram families being together,’ says Samuel. ‘I wonder if you might contact an organisation that connects people in communities, young and old online and in person.
    ‘Another thing to note is that using our skill and agency to make something through painting or any kind of craft gives us both purpose and satisfaction, there are also many online craft meet-ups that you can join to discuss your area of interest.’
    READ MORE: If The Festive Season Stresses You Out, Try These Psychologist-Backed Coping Strategies
    2. ‘I am struggling with uncertainty. It looks as if Christmas will be very miserable this year and there’s a shortage of money through no work…’
    ‘The uncertainty and shortage of money make celebrating anything worrying. I wonder if you can schedule virtual meet-up with, say, four good friends to wish each other a happy Christmas.
    ‘I have been pleasantly surprised how meeting with a small number of close friends can feel intimate and enriching.’
    3. ‘My main concern is my 94-year-old mom, who lives alone, abroad. My sister is nearby and sees her a couple of times a day, but if there’s a bad snowstorm or Covid regulations, she might not see anyone.’
    ‘I imagine not being with your mom on Christmas day is particularly hard, when the number of Christmases you are likely to have together in the future is uncertain.
    ‘Could you perhaps create a Plan B for your mother if there is a snowstorm – does she have a next door neighbour who she could ring and would agree to drop in, and could you agree a time you will telephone each other on Christmas day whatever the weather?
    ‘I would write and send her a card with a message of all that you feel about her, and memories of your happy Christmases of the past that she could open on Christmas Day.’
    4. ‘I lost my mom four years ago and she made Christmas magical. It’s not ever been the same again.’
    ‘Having memories of those very Happy Christmases with your beloved mom must be bittersweet.
    ‘I would create an annual Christmas ritual which reflects your mom and your love of her, maybe light a candle with flowers and a photograph of her that you can turn to at particular times or do something that connects you to her over Christmas.
    ‘Touchstones to memory are a way of expressing the love of the person who has died, for our love for them never dies.’
    5. ‘I think I will get depressed as I alone am expected to carry out all household chores. I used to have my friends as support, but, because I’ve not been in touch with them regularly through lockdown, they have left me.’
    ‘I can hear how hurt you are not being in touch with your friends, but I would suggest you draw on your courage and contact them and agree to reconnect. I am sure they would welcome hearing from you as they might well be feeling left and lonely too.
    ‘Partly it is about just daring, taking the leap to text or call and it is also cognitively recognising that the feeling of fear doesn’t in anyway match the reality of fear – feelings are not facts.
    ‘The worst that can happen is the status quo, they don’t respond, so you have lost nothing and may gain a friend so it is definitely worth the jump.’
    READ MORE: 7 Busy Women Share Their Best Self Care Tips for the Holidays
    6. ‘I can’t visit my family as my mom is very high risk, which means feeling very disconnected and alone. Help?’
    ‘That’s tough for you and your mom. I wonder if you could record a voice message for her from you and others that know and care about her, saying Happy Christmas but also why she is special to you, that she could receive on Christmas Day.’
    7. ‘I have no family anyway and I think Christmas is over-amped as a time of togetherness – and that itself is the key cause of the seasonal loneliness.’
    ‘I wonder if you would find some sense of enrichment over a time that feels over-amped by volunteering on Christmas Day or around it? Helping others is both good for those that receive but also the giver.’
    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health UK

    READ MORE ON: Mental Health mental health advice Mental Wellness More

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    4 Ways to Support Healthy Ageing

    Want to support you body through its healthy ageing? Try these four simple steps and you’ll never look back (or if you do, at least your neck won’t hurt).
    1. Load it up
    To optimise your bone health through perimenopause and beyond, resistance train twice weekly. Studies show it helps kick bone-forming cells into action, while slowing down age-related bone mass decline.
    Any form is great, but compound lifts such as squats and deadlifts deliver the heaviest skeleton benefits*.
    READ MORE: Millennials Are Turning 40, But How Healthy are They, Really?
    2. Wear SPF, rain or shine
    You heard: even when the cloud cover is more dense than your grade 9 bully, it pays to slap it on.
    In a 2016 study, people who applied an SPF straight after washing their face each morning showed reduced symptoms of skin ageing – such as wrinkles and uneven skintone – after an 18-month period.
    READ MORE: 10 Mineral Sunscreens That Won’t Damage Your Skin Or The Environment
    3. Eat for your hormones
    With oestrogen stores declining as you head towards menopause, including phytoestrogens (naturally occurring plant substances that imitate the OG) in your diet can have a balancing effect.
    According to an Iranian study*, help reduce the frequency of hot flushes in menopausal women. Find them in soya beans, legumes and whole grains.
    4. Take it to paper
    If life right now feels like you’re juggling an impossible amount, whack out your journal.
    Journalling had been shown to boost cognitive function and memory, relieve stress, improve mindfulness and even help support your immune system, per a US study*. Research suggests 20 minutes, three or four days a week, is plenty.
    READ MORE: Struggle to Get to Sleep? Try These 5 Breathing Techniques
    This article was originally published in the September issue of Women’s Health UK.

    READ MORE ON: Health Advice Hormones Mental Wellness Periods More

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    Subscriptions to Gift the Wellness Lover in Your Life This Holiday

    If you’re looking for a gift they’ll actually use or need something last minute that still looks like you put a lot of thought into it, I have the solution for you: wellness subscriptions. If you’re anything like me, you spend most of the holiday season searching for the perfect gift that will make your loved one’s eyes light up when they open it. I love gifting items that my friends and family wouldn’t have thought to buy themselves, and I take great pride in finding unique pieces I know they’ll cherish or use every day. But there are times when someone on my list already has everything they need, so a trinket doesn’t seem like the right answer (looking at you, Dad). That’s when I resort to giving the gift of a membership or subscription. 
    And we’re not talking about the sample size boxes of the past. Subscriptions have come a long way and offer everything from meals to activities to products. Plus, a subscription that will help them eat healthier, exercise more, practice their spiritual health, or boost their mental health will not only be a favorite present during the holidays but will also help them reach their healthiest self in 2022—it’s quite literally the gift that keeps on giving. Read on for wellness boxes and memberships they’ll be sure to enjoy for months to come.


    Healthy Surprise
    Snack Boxes
    Have a friend who’s recently gone vegan or has food sensitivities? By gifting a subscription to Healthy Surprise’s snack box, you can help keep their pantry stocked with dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, corn-free, wheat-free, and non-GMO goodies. Whether you select the Classic Box with 15 snacks, the Paleo box with 17 snacks, or the Big Box with 21 snacks, each box will feature a mix of bars, fruits and veggies, drinks, chips, candy, and nuts. Healthy Surprise offers 30, 60, or 90-day delivery frequencies and one, three, six, or 12-month subscription plans.

    Healthy Snack Boxes
    This subscription box is perfect for the health-conscious fitness lovers in your life. Each month, they’ll receive a mix of chips, jerky, drinks, snack bars, and granola, all of which are GMO-free, high in protein, low in sugar, gluten-free, organic, raw, vegan, and all natural. As a nice bonus, Fit Snack also includes nutritional tips, workouts, recipes, and mindfulness exercises with their subscriptions. Share this box with your fit friends for one, three, six or 12 months.

    Blue Apron
    Meal Subscription
    Give your loved one the gift of never having to decide what’s for dinner with a subscription to Blue Apron’s meal kits. The meals are also a great option for the person on your list who hates meal prepping or finding recipes (it’s me, I’m that person). Menu options span from vegetarian to WW-approved options, making this a foolproof gift to share with any friend, regardless of dietary preferences or health goals.

    Daily Harvest
    Meal Delivery Service
    For the loved one who loves to eat healthy but hates to cook, Daily Harvest has dozens of plant-based options, ranging from nutrient-rich smoothies to delicious bowls to vegan and gluten-free flatbreads that arrive freshly frozen for you to heat up whenever you need a meal on demand. Don’t sleep on their lattes, plant-based milks, and ice cream.


    Studio Bloom
    Online Pregnancy/Postpartum Studio Classes
    If you have a new mom on your Christmas list this year, a Studio Bloom membership is a great option if you know they’re working on their pregnancy or postpartum fitness journey. Studio Bloom by The Bloom Method is an on-demand fitness studio with over 300 exercise videos for every stage of pregnancy and motherhood. A subscription also gives access to an online community of like-minded mamas, free consultations with pelvic floor specialists, meditations, and recipes. Memberships are available monthly for $29 or annually for $240.

    Intensity Interval Training Subscription
    For the cardio lover in your life, Treadthrill is the ideal gift to keep them running through winter months. Think of it like your personal coach or trainer, with workouts designed for maximum results using choreographed high intensity interval training.

    American Ballet Theatre Zoom Classes
    Does your bestie dream of being on Dancing With The Stars or loves ballet? Look no further for the perfect gift than classes from the American Ballet Theatre. You can take classes from professional ballerinas and choreographers from the comfort of your own home so your loved one can live out their ballet dreams, whether they’re a seasoned dancer or newbie.

    obé Fitness
    Fitness Subscription
    Obé Fitness is basically a boutique fitness studio in your pocket. Filled with dozens of different kinds of workouts from barre to HIIT cardio to kickboxing to yoga, there’s something for everyone. They have an entire library of “express” workouts for 10 minutes and under as well as classes ranging from 30 to 60 minutes. (Trust us, the express classes are legit—you’ll be done with your workout in less time than it takes to make breakfast, but you’ll feel sore for days). Use code “TEG50” for 50% off your first month of Obé in addition to the seven-day free trial. 

    Spiritual Health

    Chakra Balance Shop
    Chakra Box Subscription
    Send good vibes to your spiritual Secret Santa with a Chakra Box Subscription by Chakra Balance Shop. They’ll receive a total of nine boxes with vegan and cruelty-free products, hand selected to assist in aligning a different chakra every month. Subscribers can expect to see a mix of nine to 12 items in each box, including essential oils, teas, crystals, affirmations, and meditations. Each box is $28.50.

    Mindfulness Membership
    We’ve tried the Headspace app before at The Everygirl and recommend anyone with anxiety to give it a try. If you have a friend who’s always stressed, has a hard time sleeping, or is just interested in practicing more general mindfulness, a Headspace membership may be just the thing for them. For $69.99/year or $12.99/month, your loved ones can use Headspace to meditate, exercise, and improve sleep and focus.

    To Be Magnetic
    Manifestation Program
    For the friend who is always working on their vision board, the Pathway Membership by Lacy Phillips is a thoughtful gift that will change their lives. Members will learn to unblock subconscious limiting beliefs and begin manifesting their best lives. The program offers a few pricing options: 12 monthly payments of $27, one annual payment of $324, or $1,500 for a lifetime membership.

    Mental Health

    Self-Care Subscription Box
    Give the gift of self-love and happiness this holiday season. TheraBox is touted as the #1 self-care subscription box with six to eight full-sized products curated by therapists every month. Subscribers will receive mindful activities and journals to process their thoughts and emotions as well as beauty and wellness products to #TreatYoSelf. There are a variety of subscription options, such as monthly for $34.99, three months for $99.99, six months for $191.94, or 12 months for $371.88.

    Personal Development Subscription Box
    If someone on your gifting list loves all things personal development and growth, they’ll love a CoachCrate subscription this year (trust me, I’d know. It’s on my wish list). Not one but two boxes are mailed out quarterly and include goodies like personal growth books, coaching plans, custom journals, and two to four self-care or wellness products. Because CoachCrate is so committed to the development of their subscribers, they also offer live Zoom workshops, quarterly challenges, and an online community. Payment options start at $94 for the year or $99 per quarter.

    Silk + Sonder
    Wellness Subscription Box
    For the wellness lover in your life whose favorite section of Target is the stationery aisle, give the gift of a Silk + Sonder subscription. Each month, members will receive a themed planner with writing prompts and exercises for self-reflection. These specially curated planners provide reflection, guidance, planning tools, and accountability. Access to daily audio rituals, a members-only community, and thoughtfully curated content are also included in a Silk + Sonder membership. Subscriptions are available monthly for $19.95, quarterly for $18/month, and annually for $14.90/month.

    25 Edible Gifts To Send to Your Friends This Holiday Season More

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    19 Gifts To Ask For To Kickstart Your New Year’s Resolutions

    As the holidays roll around, your parents, in-laws, siblings, significant others, and friends might be bugging you about what gifts you’re hoping to find under the tree this year. And somehow, the age-old proverb exists: When someone asks what you want, every single thing you’ve ever seen or heard of flies out of your head like magic. Instead of worrying about how you’ll reach all of those health and fitness goals the second the clock strikes midnight on Jan. 1, ask for gifts that will help you become your best self. No matter what your resolutions are this year, we’ve rounded up the best items to add to your wishlist that will not only bring you joy on Dec. 25 but will also help you become your best self in 2022.

    Charge 5 Advanced Fitness and Health Tracker
    The ultimate one-stop-shop to achieve any resolution, a Fitbit is our go-to gift (and item on our wish lists!) because it can track stress, sleep, and physical activity, so whether you are looking to monitor heart health, move more often, get better sleep, decrease stress, or all of the above, this smart band will help you get there.
    3 colors available

    CBD Daily Drops
    If you’re looking to tackle the new year as your best self, look no further than these CBD Daily Drops from Equilibria. Our editors love adding these CBD drops to their morning lattes to help them start the day with a better mood, improved inflammation, and increased focus.
    Use code theeverygirl for 20% off of your first order! 

    Elements of Balance
    Blueberry Lemon Focus Drink
    Looking to kick your coffee (or Diet Coke) addiction, once and for all? These plant-based, zero-sugar elixirs not only replace bad habits, but are powered by adaptogens for any health goal. This one is meant to help you crush that work project or get through an afternoon slump, but don’t miss out on the Energy, Calm, and Sleep flavors as well.

    Blue Apron
    Meal Subscription
    If your goal is to cook at home more often (because whose isn’t?), we have the perfect gift idea for you. Blue Apron is an Everygirl favorite because of their wide range of delicious meals. You select whichever meals sound best to you, and it’s delivered to your doorstep with exact proportions of ingredients (no grocery shopping or food waste) and easy instructions. Blue Apron also offers more weekly Wellness meals than ever before (like WW-approved, 600 calories or less, or vegetarian) and trust me, these meals do not sacrifice flavor. You won’t be tempted to get takeout when you have a homemade meal this good—and easy to make!

    Sunrise Alarm Clock
    This is more than an alarm clock—it’s a personalized sleep and wakeup routine, including meditations and a sunrise light. This time of year is especially hard because the sun rises later, so it’s pretty dark and gloomy in the morning. This alarm clock will mimic the sunrise to bring you optimal energy whenever you wake up to get that workout or morning meditation in and then give you energy to achieve your goals all day.

    Acupressure Mat Set
    If you’re looking for something to add to a morning or nighttime routine, are working on reducing chronic pain, or just want to step up your wellness game, look no further. This acupressure mat offers a wide range of benefits like headache relief, less tension, and improved chronic pain for your healthiest body in 2022.

    Sport Duffle
    Gym bags are an essential piece to maintaining health goals because they make it easier for you to get to the gym (or to your yoga mat, to barre class, or on a run). Packing a gym bag the night before will keep you motivated and make exercise a “must” instead of a “maybe.” This one is our favorite for the most organized, roomy, and chic option.
    2 colors available

    Therapy Notebooks
    The Anti-Anxiety Notebook
    If your goal is to ease stress and anxiety, of course you know the basic steps (get a therapist, try meditation, gratitude journal, etc.), but also try adding this notebook into your routine. Designed by therapists to help ease anxiety (in between actual sessions), the notebook offers tips, exercises, journal entries, and more.

    WB-1 Bottle
    It can be easy to forget to stay hydrated, so drinking more is always a resolution. This bottle with time stamps will help you keep track of your water intake and also keep you accountable to drink more. Need more motivation? The body needs optimal hydration to stay energized, so if you achieve the hydration goal, you can get more motivation to achieve other goals too. This water bottle will help you get there.

    Authors: Danielle Duboise and Whitney Tingle
    Eat Clean, Play Dirty Cookbook
    If your goal is to dabble with plant-based eating (or just to eat more plants), this cookbook is perfect, whether you’re just starting out with eating more produce or you’re an expert vegan. Filled with recipes for everything from dessert to pastas to tacos, this is plant-based eating like you’ve never tried it before. It won’t feel like you’re working on a resolution at all!

    Therma-FIT Leggings
    Yes, the beginning of a new year is crucial to start off that year on the right foot, but the beginning of a new year is always freezing cold. If you want to train for a marathon in 2022 but can’t even go for a jog on Jan. 2 because it’s cold, I got you. This breathable fleece fabric will keep you warm until spring.

    Reusable Snack Bags
    The key to any healthy eating goal is preparation—when you have healthy options already chopped, prepped, and stocked up in your fridge, it’s way easier to throw together meals and you’ll be less tempted to order UberEats (even after long work days).

    Make Your Matcha Kit
    If your goal is to kick your coffee addiction once and for all, matcha is the wellness world’s favorite alternative. This kit from one of our go-to supplement brands have everything you need to DIY a frothy, delicious, quality cup of matcha.

    Grove Collaborative
    Reusable Produce Bags
    Because one of the best resolutions we all could have is to be more sustainable, these produce bags will not only encourage you to buy more fresh produce but also to be more eco-friendly with your grocery shopping (Bonus: They’ll also keep your produce fresher and more organized in the fridge).

    Express Tasti-Crisp Air Fryer
    Because everything tastes better when it’s fried, an air-fryer will transform your cooking, recipes, and meals. It makes any veggie or protein more delicious without the hassle of an oven or the unhealthy coating and processed oils of a regular fryer.

    Swift Run Sneaker
    Insider tip: If you’re struggling to find motivation to work out or are lacking confidence to try a different exercise class, new athleisurewear is the solution. Invest in sneakers that not only are good for your fitness goals but are also a style that you love—you’ll be much more motivated to keep up your fitness routine when you’re actually excited to get use out of these shoes.
    2 colors available

    Rolling Spinner Suitcase
    After the past couple of years, we all probably have the resolution to travel more and make the most out of 2022. This suitcase is our favorite option for fitting in more while still keeping everything organized for easier packing and more stress-free traveling (because we could all use more of that!).

    Obé x Bala Bangles
    1-lb Weighted Bangles
    These weighted bangles are going to be your secret weapon to staying fit. They strap on to your wrists or ankles for full-body toning, are easy to throw in your carry-on for travel, and can be worn during any exercise like walking or jogging for an added boost. And most importantly, look how cute they are!

    Sweaty Betty
    Bouclé Athletic Jacket
    If you like to stay in pajamas all day but still want to go for a run and crush your Zoom meetings, I’ve found the perfect gift for you. The bouclé fabric is so soft, you’ll never want to take it off, but it’s structured like an athletic jacket so you can wear it at the gym or on a jog, and the mock neck detail makes it look more sophisticated and elegant than a regular sporty bomber. Basically, it’s your go-to jacket for any resolution.

    12 Hacks to Hold Yourself Accountable with Your Resolutions

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Fitbit, Elements, Equilibria, and Blue Apron, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board More

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    5 Easy Meditations You Can Do Anywhere To Help Deal With Holiday Stress

    Navigating holiday stress can seem nearly impossible, but I have a fix for you: meditation. Between family dinners with in-laws who like to argue, waiting in long lines while holiday shopping, or dealing with inevitable delays while traveling, the holidays can feel like the most stressful time of year. In a perfect world, we would all love to maintain our regular healthy routines through these months, but sometimes, it’s just not possible. So instead of putting pressure on yourself to do it all, stop, take a breath, and find little moments throughout the day to give yourself some self-love with an easy and quick meditation. 
    Meditation is an amazing tool for keeping calm during stressful moments of the season because it can be done almost anywhere and for any length of time. You also don’t need to have any previous knowledge or experience to start. As a breathwork facilitator and diehard meditation fan, here are five meditations I use consistently to help conquer the holidays with ease and joy. 

    1. The Starbucks Line Meditation
    If there’s one place where it is easy to succumb to anger and stress, it’s a Starbucks line: You’ve been waiting for a while, your to-do list is nowhere near ending, and the clock is just ticking by. Instead, turn the dreaded wait into a quick meditation by Suze Yalof Schwartz from her book Unplug.
    Length: However long it takes to get your coffee order
    Practice: As you are in line, begin by placing your gaze on your feet and noticing how they feel on the ground. Allow them to really connect to the floor beneath you. Then, very slowly, as the line moves, lift up one foot and place it, heel first, onto the ground in front of you. Continue with the other foot as well in the same slow motion. As you do this, notice how your body moves, how your ankle allows your foot to turn, how your legs work with your feet. Continue in slow motion, taking your time until you reach the barista. Once there, look your barista in the eyes and smile at them, then place your order. Nine out of 10 times, they will smile back; a smile always goes a long way. After you have ordered, continue the slow and careful movements to wait for your coffee. Once it arrives, pick up your coffee and feel the warmth of the cup, bringing it to your face and breathing in the smell before taking a slow sip and allowing the taste to absorb in your mouth. Just like that, your coffee line has turned into an easy reset. 

    Do you feel like you never have time for mediation? You don’t actually need 20 minutes, 10 minutes, or even one. Instead, try this 16-second meditation any time you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or worried. This meditation by renown spiritual teacher Davidji is perfect for escaping a high-stress situation and giving yourself a moment of rest.
    Length: 16 seconds
    Practice: To start, think about something that has bothered you this week. Maybe you missed your flight, lost your wallet, or spilled coffee on your favorite shirt (whatever the first thing is that comes to mind!). Once you have it, close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose. Notice how the breath travels all the way down to your belly. Let it sit there for a moment before exhaling back up through your body and out your nose again. Once more, notice the breath as it escapes, pausing as it is released. Now you can return to your normal breathing. That was 16 seconds! If you were following along during those 16 seconds, you were not thinking about the past or the future, you were simply living in the moment. You most likely weren’t even thinking about whatever had been bothering you this week. You were fully present. In just 16 seconds, you can push the stress away. 

    3. The Traffic Meditation
    While some of us get road rage, others just feel triggered by any extra inconvenience during a busy time of year. Suze Yalof Schwartz created this genius meditation for those moments where you feel restless sitting in traffic. Pro tip: While this meditation was initially designed for trips in the car, it’s also great for a delayed flight. Think of this meditation as the perfect de-stressor for things that are out of your control.
    Length: 1-3 minutes
    Practice: The first step is awareness. Start by looking at the road and cars in front of you. Register your surroundings and how you are feeling. Maybe there is no movement, or you are late, stressed, annoyed, or want to scream. No matter how you feel, become aware of everything. The next step is to do a body scan. Start at your feet and notice how they feel, then your ankles, legs, and stomach. Continue until you have registered every part of your body all the way up to the top of your head. The final step is to connect with your breath. Start by breathing in through your nose for four counts, allowing the breath to go down into your belly, holding there for four counts and then letting out for four counts, and finally holding for four again. Repeat this breath a couple of times until you start to feel your body relax. Now, open your eyes and repeat the phrase “it is what it is” three times. Even if the traffic is still there, hopefully, your agitation is gone. 

    Practicing gratitude is always important, but it’s especially important during the holiday season when it can become easy to lose perspective and let holiday triggers or a busy schedule take over. This gratitude meditation by Deepak Chopra will bring you back around to awareness. 
    Length: 5 minutes
    Practice: Start by finding a quiet place where you can be alone (even your car or a bathroom will work). To begin, close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath in through your nose all the way down to your stomach. Hold it there for a moment before letting it out through your mouth. Pause and then continue the breath a couple more times until you feel more connected and centered. Now focus on your heart, feel it beating, and maybe even place your hands over it if you like. Ask yourself the question, “What are you grateful for?” Allow whatever comes into your mind, and then let the question go. “What are you grateful for?” Let your mind fill with images, words, or people that capture this. Now say to yourself in your mind, “Whatever happens today, I will not judge.” Repeat the phrase a few times. To end, slowly wiggle your hands and feet, open your eyes, and come back into your body. 

    It’s a long season of delicious desserts, tasty wine, and turkey dinners. Sometimes, it’s hard to say no to it all, which leads us to overeat and not feel great, or other times, we feel guilty when we do want to indulge and enjoy the food that the season has to offer. This meditation by Amanda Gilbert is here to help you eat mindfully, all season long. 
    Length: 5 minutes
    Practice: Begin by taking a few breaths to help center and connect to your body before starting. This meditation is meant to be done with food, so once you’re ready, take a moment to look at the meal in front of you. Take in the colors, the smells, and the shapes. Now you can pick up the food, and before you take a bite, ask yourself how you are feeling right now. Are you really hungry? Moderately hungry? Once you know, take your first bite and allow the flavors to burst in your mouth, chew slowly, and take your time before swallowing. How do you feel now? Are you less hungry? Did you enjoy the first bite? Continue to repeat this practice as you take your next bite and so on. Really register each piece of food and remember to eat slowly and mindfully. Once you have taken your last bite, sit for a moment and appreciate the food that filled you. Not too full, but fully satisfied. 

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    Tips for Cold-Weather Running, According to a Personal Trainer

    Welcome to the off-season! With fall races behind us and spring races on the distant horizon, for most of us, cold-weather running can be easygoing, unstructured, and fun. However, there’s no way around it: Winter can be a challenge for doing anything outdoors, and if you don’t have your routine locked down, the cold weather can easily turn a fun run into a nightmare. Whether you struggle with ditching the weighted blanket for your running shoes, fighting the burning in your lungs, or simply don’t have the time to lace up in the limited daylight, this guide will help you get out the door safely and happily, no matter the temperature.

    Stay motivated
    There are so many compelling reasons to skip your run when it’s cold and dark, so finding motivation to lace up is key. Things like challenges (such as completing a set number of miles per week, committing to at least one mile per day, or competing in a competition with your friends), scheduling runs with a training partner, following a spring race training plan, or even treating yourself to something special once you hit a mileage goal for the season can really keep you on track. When the winter blues hit, remind yourself of how good you feel when the post-run endorphins kick in, and let those euphoric feelings be your motivation to hit the pavement. Finally, when you’re really having a hard time getting up and out, commit to something short, like 10 minutes or a trip around the block. Chances are, once you get out the door, you’ll likely keep going beyond the bare minimum (but even if you don’t, those 10 minutes still make a difference!). 

    Dress for success
    In most cases, when the temperatures drop, the solution is to bundle up. However, exercise raises your core body temperature and therefore can easily cause you to overheat when dressed too warmly. As a general rule of thumb, dress as if it’s 10 degrees warmer than it actually is to compensate for rising body temperature. For example, if it’s 30 degrees outside, dress as if it’s 40 degrees. This might mean ditching your thick sweatshirt for a sweat-wicking pullover or switching from fleece-lined leggings to your normal spandex. Once you get moving, you’ll be sweating in no time, so dress for how you’ll feel mid-run, not when you first step outside.

    Stay dry
    Speaking of sweating, you’ve got to be mindful in the winter of the moisture that builds up under your clothes and be sure to wear sweat-wicking fabric that pulls moisture away from the body. These fabrics (such as nylon, spandex, and polyester) keep you dry and ensure that you won’t be at risk for hypothermia. Dress in layers that can easily be removed and added back as necessary so you can adjust your wardrobe on the fly based on how you feel. Factors such as exercise intensity, sunlight, wind, and precipitation can change how you feel on a run without warning, so being able to add or remove layers is crucial. A waterproof shell jacket that can be tied around your waist can easily make all the difference in unpredictable winter weather.

    Avoid the dreaded lung burn
    Winter runners who experience burning lungs are usually suffering from discomfort due to how dry the air is. This sensation is more likely to occur when breathing in through the mouth instead of through the nose because the nasal passages and windpipe work together to warm and humidify the air before it reaches the lungs, so be sure to stay in control of the breath and inhale through the nose. Additionally, utilizing a muff, scarf, bandana or running mask can help warm the air before it’s inhaled to help keep the face warm and dry. For a bonus, add a drop of your favorite essential oil to the inside of the fabric to soothe the senses and create a more pleasant breathing experience. 

    Warm all the way up
    It’s not a stretch to suggest that most runners cheat their warmups by simply easing into their runs before sinking into their desired pace. While this might be an OK practice in the warmer weather, cold-weather running demands a much more thorough warmup process. By giving the lungs, muscles, and joints more time to adapt to the temperature, the body will perform better and be far less shocked by the cold.  
    Warming up inside before going outside can be an easy way to transition into the cold. Start your warmup with some core exercises, then increase the heart rate and body temperature with movements such as jumping jacks, jump rope, high knees, and mountain climbers. These exercises not only get blood pumping and the temperature up but also target the main muscles used while running. Once you feel warm, step outside and ease into those miles.

    Stay lit
    Winter months mean far less daylight, and that can put a real damper on your run schedule. No matter the season, safety should always be top priority for runners and joggers, so when winter running brings a whole lot more darkness, be sure to have plenty of lights, reflectors, and bright colors on at all times. Headlamps, reflective vests, neon apparel, and shoe lights are great for ensuring that cars can see you in the darkness, especially when running in areas that are poorly lit.  

    Double down on traction
    Ice, snow, and slush can all present issues for runners, so when the ground gets slippery, it’s time to invest in some shoes with extra grip and traction. You’re more likely to slip if your current running shoes have soles that are a little worn out, so ensure that your shoes are fresh and grippy by looking at the bottoms and checking for signs of smoothness. If your outsoles are smooth and worn out, it might be time for new, winter-specific traction-based running shoes, such as ones with bottoms that have pronounced spike-like features. The winter models of your favorite running shoes are also less likely to be made of thin mesh, and the thicker fabrics will keep moisture from snow and slush out. Staying warm and off your butt are two very important things to focus on in the snowy months!

    Take it to the treadmill
    Despite all the ways there are to outsmart the winter weather, sometimes snow, wind, darkness, or plain old inconvenience can easily derail even your best laid running plans. When something gets in the way of your outdoor run, pivot to the treadmill. While treadmill running isn’t quite the same as hitting the pavement, indoor miles are better than no miles at all, and staying safe is far more important than risking dangerous conditions. When in doubt, err on the side of caution by staying indoors and consider the treadmill a tool for motivation to get outside when you can. Winter running can be tricky, but with the right mindset, gear, and plans in place, there’s no season you can’t enjoy getting a few miles in.

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    10 Ways To Feel Healthier by Tomorrow

    I am no stranger to forming a few healthy habits, getting in a solid routine, and then falling off of the boat after a few weeks due to a plethora of reasons (past offenders being seasonal depression, falling in love with a new Netflix show that monopolizes far too much of my time, entering into busy season at work—the list goes on). When I first started prioritizing health and wellness tips and would find myself off track after a few days, weeks, or months of staying on top of things, I’d often find myself discouraged AF, which made returning to healthier patterns feel out of reach.
    I’ve fallen out of a routine and gotten back into the swing of things enough times to know that, while it can feel impossible or intimidating, health and wellness are always there for the taking if you just give her the old college try and start small. Instead of focusing on big changes right out of the gate, I like to focus on what I can do today to make myself healthier for tomorrow. One day becomes two days, two days becomes a week, and before I know it, I’m back and better than ever. Whether you’re looking to get back on track or simply set yourself up for a better week, these are 10 foolproof ways to feel healthier by tomorrow:

    1. Move your body
    If there’s one tried-and-true way to get you out of a slump, get those endorphins pumping, and launch yourself back into a routine, it’s most definitely taking some time to move your body. I’m not talking about sprinting a marathon or squatting your way to a PR. Start small and slow, see how you feel, and take it from there. 
    When it comes to getting back on track and staying in my routine, I love using obé Fitness. On the days where I’m getting back in the swing of things, I like to take things light with a Detox Yoga Flow class to help me reconnect my mind and my body or a Pilates class that, I can say from experience, will literally make me feel more toned by tomorrow. On my best days when I’m trying to keep momentum, I love harder-hitting classes like an hour-long Power Hour that’s guaranteed to make me sweat or Cardio Boxing when I’m really trying to get my heart rate up. And because obé offers a variety of class lengths, I can truly tailor my activity to my schedule and can even find 10 minutes to move on my busiest days.
    Use code TEG2FOR2 to get two months of obé Fitness for just $2! Offer ends 12/25.

    2. Go grocery shopping and stock your fridge full of healthier options that you love 
    It’s a lot harder to make healthy nutritional choices when you wander on over to your fridge and find that it’s quite sparse with the exception of a few half-empty hot sauce bottles, expired yogurt that you need to toss STAT, and a singular packet of shredded cheese that doesn’t serve as a nutrient-dense snack or meal on its own. But when your fridge is packed with healthier options that you love, mindful snacking and creating meals packed with protein, micronutrients, fiber, and all of the good stuff will help you have more energy, feel fuller for longer, and make reaching for non-nutritious options a little less tempting.
    And while we’re on the topic, if you’re like me, probably stray away from the toxic trait of getting into a health kick and adding a bunch of wellness-guru-glorified foods that I have high hopes I’ll like but realistically won’t (I’m looking at you, arugula). If you hate kale, don’t add kale to your grocery cart. Instead, opt for healthier options that you already know and love to set yourself up for success and to make healthy eating something that you actually look forward to.

    3. Practice meditation
    Listen, I’m no meditation expert. Cut to scenes of me sitting cross-legged, eyes closed on my living room floor, mind wandering to the time that I said “shake a tower” instead of “take a shower” in a meeting with my colleagues. But as your resident non-expert meditation-dabbler, I can confidently say that even attempting to meditate helps me clear my mind of my ruminating negative thoughts, calms me, and makes me feel like I can tackle just about anything.
    I find that my meditation practices are most successful when I opt for guided meditations as opposed to winging it and doing it on my own (I’ll get there one day!). My coworker swears by obé’s P.M. Breathwork class, and for me, it was honestly a gateway course into their entire meditation section. I love how they take the guesswork out of something that feels totally out of my league, and I know that the time I’m spending will be more intentional and less of a self-guided journey that’ll inevitably lead to me daydreaming of what I’m eating for dinner tonight.

    4. Get back on your hydration game
    When I’m trying to feel healthier by tomorrow, one of the easiest and most immediate things that I do first is pour myself a hefty glass of water in an effort to get back on my hydration game. Staying hydrated is definitely a challenge for me (my toxic trait is thinking that drinking any liquid—including coffee and tea—suffices when, in reality, my choices in beverages quite literally dehydrate me). 
    Up to 60 percent of the human body is made of water, so we can help over half of our body to function by simply staying hydrated. It’s simple, it’s effective, and getting back on track with one of the most basic of nutrients can help to set you up for success for a better tomorrow.

    5. Prepare a nutrient-dense meal
    Listen: I love pizza, pasta, and chicken nuggets as much as the next person. And while I never shame myself for eating foods that bring me joy, I can’t deny that after I eat them, I don’t always feel the greatest. Time and time again, I prioritize immediate gratification of high-sodium, carb-heavy, mouth-watering meals, feel good when I’m eating them, and within a few minutes, sink into the woes of feeling sluggish, bloated, and ready to slip into a food coma.
    The key for me is to prioritize meals that are healthy and also taste delicious. For so long, I heard “nutrient-dense meals” and thought “green, leafy salad.” That’s great for people who love salad. But I can say with 100% honesty that I have never craved a salad. I’ve definitely tolerated salad, but craved? Mmm, not so much. And that’s OK! Instead, I’ve realigned my mindset to hear “nutrient-dense meal” and let my mind wander to soups, power bowls, chicken and veggies, chickpea noodles, salmon, and a bunch of other nutrient-dense foods that aren’t super bitter. Finding healthy recipes that I love has made making healthier food choices a lot more enticing.

    6. Set goals for tomorrow and for the rest of your week
    For me, setting goals is easy. Sticking to them is another story. And part of the reason that I find myself falling short of my long-term goals is that, in all honesty, I don’t prioritize the smaller-scale goals that are crucial to staying accountable and making the long-term goals stick, especially when I’m talking about goals in the realm of health and wellness.
    It’s the short-term, manageable goals that help us achieve consistency and gain confidence, and in the spirit of feeling better by tomorrow, putting pen to paper and jotting down goals that I can achieve right now are absolutely key. Whether it’s meal prepping veggies for the week, drinking more water, or meditating, tackling smaller and more attainable goals is the secret to developing and maintaining better routines and will set you up for success when it comes to crushing your long-term goals.

    7. Meal prep a healthy breakfast for tomorrow
    Part of being better tomorrow is setting yourself up for a better tomorrow, and meal prepping is one of the best ways to get a head start on making healthy choices more mindless. A lot of times, I find myself feeling great and wanting to make healthy choices, but other factors like lack of time, lack of motivation to cook, and cravings get in the way. Whenever I have healthy meals meal prepped and ready to roll, the barriers to eating healthy are lessened and I’m less likely to fall into the last minute “get fast food delivered” trap.
    When it comes to meal prepping, pre-planning your breakfasts can be a great place to start. Prepping breakfast ahead of time is such a great hack for starting off your day with a bang, even if you prioritize the snooze button tomorrow.

    8. Take time for yourself to reset and recharge
    Unplugging and taking time for yourself are crucial when it comes to setting yourself up for a better tomorrow. In a busy world of competing demands and maintaining relationships, taking those peaceful moments to rest and recharge can feel few and far in between. Finding an activity that relaxes you isn’t indulgent—it’s necessary, especially when it comes to managing stress levels and, in turn, lowering blood pressure, improving digestion, improving concentration and mood, and having a positive effect on energy levels. 
    So find something that fills up your cup and do it. In the name of having a healthier tomorrow, intentionally relax with an episode of RHONY, a snuggle sesh with your pup, a chat with a friend, a warm bath, or a dance party to your favorite song. The world is your oyster.

    9. Stretch before bed
    We all know the importance of stretching before and after our workouts, and whether or not knowing is enough of a motivator to actually do it doesn’t minimize the fact that stretching is an important component of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Even on the days when working out isn’t an option or if sweating doesn’t align with your shower schedule (truly the ultimate activity deterrent), this is your sign to not skip the stretch.
    In the interest of relieving tension, counteracting the effects of sitting all day, and improving the overall health of the body, take 10 minutes of your evening to stretch. And doing a specific before-sleep stretch like this Bedtime Stretch from obé Fitness is a perfect way to move your body in a way that’ll help you relieve tension and wind down.

    10. Get a full night of rest
    If there’s one tried-and-true way to set yourself up for a healthy tomorrow, it’s to hit the sheets early and to avoid any and all temptation to scroll on TikTok into the late hours of the night (we’ve all been there and paid the price the next day). If you want to take your sleep hygiene to the next level, consider downloading an app that’ll help you wind down, fall asleep, or track your sleep activity (our editors love SleepCycle!). If you’re looking to take on tomorrow with higher energy levels, a better mood, and improved concentration levels, go to bed early and aim for seven to nine hours per night. 

    The Crucial Thing Missing From Your Workout Routine

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