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    How To Heal Your Period Problems Once and for All, According to This Viral Holistic Expert

    If I could wave a magic wand and give one gift to all women everywhere, it would be period relief (well, and equal pay, reproductive rights, and ending all sexual harassment to name a few big ones, but that’s another article for another day). Most people who have periods have dealt with issues that take over their lives: debilitating cramps, depressing mood swings, hormonal breakouts, nonexistent sex drive, uncomfortable bloat, or diagnoses like endometriosis or PCOS. According to the Office on Women’s Health, over 90% of women have premenstrual symptoms. Even worse, we’ve been told that it’s totally normal, we’re being dramatic, or to just shut up and take a “magic” pill that will put a Band-Aid on the problem. *Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by your cycle.*
    Enter: Alisa Vitti. Vitti is a women’s hormone expert, bestselling author, and creator of an empire centered on helping women heal period symptoms and improve issues like fertility, sex drive, and more. In other words, she’s the hormone queen and your new best friend. She teaches the approach that while period symptoms are common, they are not normal—you can (and should!) heal your body so you’re not suffering every month. “You can take charge of your hormonal health and reduce symptoms naturally so they are not ruining your life anymore,” she said.
    For someone like me who stayed home from junior high and high school every month due to unbearable cramps, has been told for over a decade by health care professionals that I just had to “deal with it,” and has tried various prescriptions from every type of birth control to prescription pain killers that just made me disconnected from my body, finding Vitti’s work felt like divine intervention. To learn more about cycle syncing and healing your own period symptoms, read her bestselling book WomanCode, download the MyFlo app, watch her TED Talk, and read on for all the tips I got from Vitti when I grilled her about how to heal your period problems once and for all. 

    Meet the expert
    Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP
    Hormone Expert and Founder of FLO Living
    Alisa Vitti is a functional nutritionist and womens hormone expert, the founder of modern hormone health care company FLO Living, bestselling author of WomanCode, and creator of MyFLO, the #1 paid period app on iTunes. She has made expert appearances on The Dr. Oz Show, Women’s Health, MindBodyGreen, and The Huffington Post.

    What causes period symptoms?
    So you already know that any cycle-related symptoms are not normal, even if they are common. But why do we experience bloat, cramps, and PMS in the first place? Vitti explained that all symptoms—including hormonal acne, breast tenderness, food cravings, mood swings, fatigue, irregular periods, low libido, PCOS, and infertility—are all signs of a hormonal imbalance, which is caused by diet and lifestyle factors. “Period symptoms are caused by diet choices, micronutrient deficiencies, eating bad fats, restricting calories, and/or doing the same workout every day,” Vitti said. In other words, we can look to our cycles for insight on what’s going on with our bodies.
    In fact, Vitti considers the menstrual cycle as the fifth vital sign. “It’s just as important as taking your temperature or blood pressure and just as serious when you have abnormal readings,” she said. Therefore, the point of paying attention to cycle-related symptoms is not just to feel better on your period but also because your cycle is communicating important information about the health of your body. I used to detest my period, but now I see my cycle as my greatest superpower: I get critical insight and information that can help me keep my body as healthy as possible when I know how to listen to it. Read on for how Vitti recommends healing your body (once and for all!) and improving cycle symptoms.

    5 ways to heal period symptoms:
    1. Get your hormones checked
    Of course, the first step is to know what you’re working with and gain insight. Vitti recommended asking your doctor for blood work to evaluate hormones, thyroid levels, and vitamin D3 levels, which can all give important insights into hormonal imbalances and can help guide a specific plan moving forward. For example, heavy periods, bloating, and decreased sex drive might be coming from estrogen dominance, or excess testosterone can cause hormonal acne and symptoms of PCOS. When you balance the hormones, you are solving the symptom at the root cause instead of trying to mask it. Start with knowing what needs to be balanced in the first place. 

    2. Pay attention to your sex drive
    If the menstrual cycle is your fifth vital sign, your sex drive is like your fifth vital sign 2.0. While there’s no “perfect” libido or ideal level of sex drive for everyone, feeling “in the mood” is an important tool we can look at to keep the body healthy. In other words, it’s time we stop thinking about sex as something we do for a relationship—it’s a crucial part of our wellness and overall physical health. Vitti explained that your sex drive is cyclical, meaning it varies based on which phase of the cycle you’re in; it’s normal to go through weeks where your sex drive is high and weeks where your sex drive is low. But if you’re experiencing low libido most of the time, it’s probably a hormonal imbalance due to stress, micronutrient depletion, or being on birth control. 

    3. Sync your lifestyle to your cycle
    For women with a period, your hormones may be imbalanced simply because your diet, exercise, and lifestyle are not in sync with your natural infradian rhythm (AKA most of us—there’s a widespread cultural norm that we are supposed to repeat the same rituals every 24 hours, like the same workday schedule or the same workout). But good news: This means you can also balance your hormones by syncing to your cycle.
    “Your infradian rhythm, which we experience over our monthly cycle, causes changes in our metabolism, brain, stress, and other systems. If you are not supporting it properly, you’ll be disrupting your period, and it will also increase stress levels, disrupt blood sugar, and make weight management extremely difficult,” Vitti explained. The Cycle Syncing Method acknowledges that the body is not the same through every four phases of our menstrual cycle; we have different caloric, nutrient, and fitness needs, depending on which phase we’re in. 
    For example, if you’re trying to force your body into an extreme HIIT workout while in the menstrual or luteal phase, the body may respond with hormonal imbalance because it needs gentle movement like light yoga, walks, and stretching. Likewise, if you’re not getting enough calories because the body needs more than in the previous phase (according to Vitti, we need approximately 279 more calories per day in the luteal phase), the body can respond with hormonal imbalance as well. As for more of what the body needs differently during each phase, check out the Cycle Syncing Method. As for a key takeaway, start rethinking your workout routine, diet, and even daily schedule. We should be syncing our routines to our bodies, not the other way around.

    4. Work on gut health
    Your gut health is intrinsically linked to the reproductive system. As Vitti explained, bowel movements are how the body gets rid of the estrogen it doesn’t need to keep the hormones of the body balanced. If you’re not having consistent bowel movements or you have certain microbiome imbalances that are affecting gut health, the body may have a difficult time getting rid of excess estrogen, causing an estrogen dominance and hormonal imbalance in the body. “Microbiome imbalances can lead to excess estrogen that can make heavy bleeding and other symptoms worse,” Vitti explained. Consistently work on gut health by getting enough high-fiber foods (fruits, veggies, legumes, etc.), taking a probiotic or eating probiotic-rich foods, and talking to your doctor if you have gut-related symptoms like chronic constipation, IBS, or chronic bloat.

    5. Talk to your doctor about your birth control plan
    Only you know what’s best for your body, but picking the birth control that’s right for you can be confusing, isolating, and frustrating. If you’re like me and wondering how to sync your cycle while you’re on a method that gives you an artificial or non-existent period (like the pill), bad news: You can’t. “You cannot sync with your cycle if you are on a birth control pill, as it shuts off your ability to have a cycle,” Vitti explained.
    If you’re on the pill to manage cramps, irregularity, or acne, just know it’s like putting a Band-Aid over the problem and might even be preventing you from fixing the problem since it’s stopping your natural cycle. “Birth control does not fix your period problems, so it’s important to learn about all of your options before committing to a course of treatment,” Vitti recommended. Between NuvaRing, shots, IUDs, the patch, and pills, the method that’s best for you is extremely personal—what’s right for your best friend, or even your gynecologist, may not be right for you. Talk to your doctor about a birth control plan and symptom-management plan that fit with your lifestyle, health goals, and reproductive planning.

    How Hormone Health Affects Your Weight, and What To Do About It More

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    11 Expert-Backed Tips To Improve Constipation and Be More Regular

    Stool, bowel movements, poop—it’s the topic that has made us all giggle since our parents first read us Everybody Poops. But it’s true: everybody does, and no matter how much the topic might make you squirm, our bowel movements can give a lot of insight into our bodies. “Your digestive system is responsible for influencing total body health,” explained Heather Hanks, MS, a nutritionist with Instapot Life. “It encompasses most of your immune system, produces neurotransmitters that influence brain health, and houses your microbiome. Regularity is a sign of a properly functioning digestive system.” And if the eyes are the window to the soul, poops are the window to your digestive system. 
    Now that you know why you should be regular, let’s talk about how to be more regular. If you’re not going at least once every 24 hours consistently, you could probably use a little bowel movement makeover (yeah, same). I asked nutritionists, doctors, and gut health experts how we can all get a little bit more regular. Here are 11 things to try for healthier bowel movements and better digestion: 

    1. Drink more water
    Drinking good ol’ H2O is basically a cliché at this point. Hydration seems to be the cure-all for any health woe or wellness boost, so it’s no surprise that it’s also crucial for keeping bowels moving. “When we’re dehydrated, our bodies will pull hydration from the colon to support the body’s processes,” explained Erica Zellner, a certified nutrition specialist and health coach at Parsley Health. “This makes stool harder and more difficult to pass.” In other words, think of water as your body’s flushing system. Without enough water, the digestive system can’t move as efficiently, and stool is harder to pass (AKA that dreaded constipation). Zellner recommended aiming for half of your body weight in ounces per day to make sure you’re drinking enough. 
    2. Eat your fruits and veggies
    “Eat your veggies” is not just the annoying reminder your mom used to repeat at each meal; it’s also the secret to a healthy digestive system and regular stools. “Eating whole foods that contain natural sources of fiber such as fresh fruits and vegetables is key to staying regular and supporting digestive health,” Hanks suggested. Fiber (which is also found in whole grains, legumes, and other plant foods besides fruits and vegetables) is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest, so it passes through the intestine and helps push waste out of the body. If protein is the key nutrient for healthy muscles, fiber is the key nutrient for a healthy gut. Try high-fiber produce like pears, avocados, berries, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, and chickpeas.
    In addition to fiber, fruits and veggies are powerful foods for the digestive system because they contain many other beneficial ingredients as well. “In addition to being high in fiber, fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants and a high water content that reduce inflammation, flush toxins, and promote digestive health,” Hank said. 

    4. Take (or eat) probiotics
    Cara Harbstreet, MS, RD, LD, swears probiotics are the secret to better regularity and overall gut health, and since they’re literally good bacteria for the gut, it makes perfect sense that they affect bowel movements. “By incorporating probiotics into your daily routine, your gut will be happier,” she said. “Consuming products rich in probiotics can support the recolonization of friendly bacteria and may limit the growth of other bacteria in your large intestine.” The gut needs to be in tip-top shape to have healthy bowel movements, and having a good amount of good bacteria in the gut is key to keeping it healthy. Talk to your doctor about taking a probiotic supplement or try foods that naturally have probiotics like sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and fermented veggies.

    5. Manage stress
    Now that you know there’s a relationship between the nervous system and regular bowel movements, it’s probably no surprise that stress can be a major factor in any constipation. “When you’re highly stressed, your body will not feel safe enough to have a bowel movement,” Zellner explained. While it may sound silly to think of how safe the body feels when trying to poop, it makes a lot of sense biologically. If we were being chased by a tiger, the digestive system would slow down so that we wouldn’t have to go to the bathroom (or a bush?) while running. These days, the threat of tigers is relatively low, and stress looks more like work deadlines and busy to-do lists, but the body doesn’t know the difference.
    To get curious about how stress is affecting your digestive system, start noticing if your regularity changes, i.e. if you’re more regular on weekends and less on weekdays, or if you go less often during busier times. “Meditation and quality downtime are important to keep the body in the rest-and-digest mode instead of stress mode,” agreed Dr. Alicia Armitstead, BS, DC, of Healing Arts NYC.

    6. Try magnesium citrate
    If you have chronic constipation or consistently struggle with irregular bowel movements, your doctor might recommend taking magnesium citrate. Dr. Alexandra Trevisan, a functional medicine physician and chiropractor based in Los Angeles, recommended a daily magnesium citrate supplement for ongoing constipation. “It works to relax the nervous system and bowels to get things moving,” she explained. “You can only go to the bathroom in a relaxed state (we call this a parasympathetic state), which magnesium citrate helps to facilitate.” As with any supplement or dietary change, talk to your doctor to find out if magnesium citrate would be beneficial for you and what dose is best for your body.

    7. Create a routine
    If your schedule looks different every day, meals are all over the place, and your bedtime or wake-up time is inconsistent, your digestive system might be confused. The truth is that to have regularity with our bowel movements, we need to have regularity in our lives. “Wake up, go to bed, and eat at the same time every day—including the weekend,” suggested Varsha Khatri, MA, SYT, MCMA, FNTP, a nutritionist and gut health specialist. “Having a consistent routine establishes healthier circadian rhythms, which will help to establish a regular time to have a daily bowel movement.” 
    Besides just regular sleeping and eating schedules, you should also have a poop schedule to ensure that your regularity is, well, regular. Zellner suggested finding the same time daily to set aside for a relaxed bowel movement. For example, take some time in the mornings to sit on the toilet and take some deep breaths (even if you don’t feel the need to) so your body starts to understand that it has the time to go.

    8. Incorporate healthy fats
    If you haven’t gotten the gist by now, what you eat is crucial to how regular you are. Unfortunately, it’s not a coincidence if you get a little backed up on vacations while eating unlimited pasta, alcohol, and desserts (guilty). Besides a high-fiber diet with fruits and vegetables, eating enough healthy fats can also help increase regularity. As Laura Zea, MS, explained, healthy fats help your large intestine’s motility. “If you are feeling constipated, a diet too low in fats may be responsible,” she said. Eat healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds with every meal to avoid getting backed up and help promote regular bowel movements. 

    9. Switch to room-temperature water 
    So we’ve already covered that the amount of water you drink is crucial for regularity, but the temperature of the water you drink can also make a difference. “One of the best ways to stay regular is switching to room temperature or hot water instead of ice water,” said Dr. Ellie Heintze, ND, LAc, a naturopathic doctor and licensed acupuncturist. “Ice water can be like a shock to the system and might slow digestion, while the body uses warm or room-temp water more efficiently.” The most important tip is that your body is staying hydrated, so if ice water feels refreshing and room temperature water just isn’t satisfying, drink whatever water feels best for you. But if you enjoy warm lemon water or don’t mind drinking room-temp, try experimenting to see if it makes any difference for your body.

    10. Move your body
    Turns out, digestion is not just about what you put in your body but also about the way you move your body. “Exercise helps constipation by lowering the time it takes food to move through the large intestine,” explained Jennifer Robinson, MD, to WebMD. “This limits the amount of water your body absorbs from the stool.” In other words, bowel movements are more likely to be passed easily when exercising consistently. They will also move through the body more quickly. “A sedentary lifestyle can cause digestion disruption,” agreed Lauren Twigge, MCN, RDN, LD. “An easy way to support healthy digestion (and stay regular) is by staying active.” Remember this: A sedentary life means sedentary stool. 

    11. Don’t forget to breathe
    Yes, your bowel movements might even be affected by the way you breathe. Of course, our bodies know to consistently breathe without having to think about it (thank you, body!). But most of the time, mindless breathing is shallow and doesn’t get into the deep belly breathing that helps relieve tension. “Deep breathing helps relax the body and increase blood flow, making it easier to have a bowel movement,” Zellner advised. This is why diaphragmatic breathing is often prescribed to GI patients, and the 4-7-8 technique has been suggested to help ease constipation. Deep breathing is another way to give your digestive system a little extra love and relieve any stress (even if it’s subconscious stress or tension) that might be contributing to constipation. 

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    7 Products I Use That Have Actually Helped Ease My Anxiety

    I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t have anxiety. It has manifested itself in many different ways over the years, from terrible panic attacks that would leave me crying on the floor, during social events where I would feel out of place, or just in general day-to-day life where I would worry about the past and future. It reached a point where it felt debilitating, so I decided to do some research and learn more about how I could cope. As it turns out, anxiety affects 18% of the population every year, yet so many of us live without the tools to help. Anxiety is unfortunately very common, but letting it disrupt our daily lives should not be.
    Aside from lifestyle adjustments, going to therapy, and talking to my doctor (which I also highly recommend), I discovered certain products that were aids in keeping those anxious feelings at bay. Did my anxiety go away overnight? No, but now I can approach it differently. I feel more in control of the anxiety and prepared to deal with the feelings. No matter what type of anxiety you deal with, there are many different tools to help with anxiety relief. These are the products I use in my day-to-day life that help.

    Set of 2 Dynamic Roller Duo
    Life is full of high-stress moments, from big meetings to first dates and social events. When I am constantly on the go and feel the anxiety creeping in (usually during the most inconvenient times), the Equilibria CBD rollers are a lifesaver. They’re easy, effective, and work quickly to help regulate my mood.
    Use code theeverygirl to get 33% off during Equilibria’s 3rd Birthday Sale, happening now! Open to new and existing customers. + Subscribe to get an additional 20% off!!

    Weighted Blanket
    A gravity blanket has been one of the best tools for my anxiety. At night when I am trying to sleep and the anxious thoughts begin to creep in, instead of tossing and turning, I lay my gravity blanket on top of me and immediately feel my heart rate go down. A weighted blanket gives the effect of being hugged, which releases the hormones serotonin and melatonin, the best aids for relaxation.

    Essential Oils
    Certain studies have shown that smells can be associated with positive emotions. For this reason, I use essential oils in a diffuser to help ease anxiety. The oils lavender, Ylang Ylang, and vetiver in particular can have calming effects.

    Parsley Health
    Magnesium Glycinate
    Stress can actually deplete the magnesium stores in the body, so taking a supplement right before bed always helps me sleep better. There are different types of magnesium available, and a magnesium glycinate supplement is a great one for sleep. It is known to have calming properties, but as always, talk to your doctor before taking any new supplements.

    Therapy Notebooks
    The Anti-Anxiety Notebook
    When the overwhelming thoughts become too much, sometimes the best thing is to let it all out. I find that journaling is not only a great practice for self-reflection but also a good way to get rid of any anxious thoughts that are consuming you. Taking some time each day to write everything out always leaves me feeling lighter and more relaxed.

    Adult Coloring Book
    Remember a couple of years ago when adult coloring books had a huge wave of popularity? Well, there’s a reason for it. Coloring is an easy way to distract the brain from all the other stressors, plus they are low-pressure and fun!

    Meditation App
    A meditation app is perhaps my favorite tool for dealing with anxiety. The Unplug App has made it so I can meditate almost anywhere at any time. Whether it’s for five minutes in the morning, two minutes before a big meeting, or at night to fall asleep, there’s a meditation for every type of situation.

    Making These 5 Changes Totally Transformed My Mental Health

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    A Dietician’s Guide to Mindful Eating

    You may think that you’re practicing mindful eating, but most of us are not. In today’s modern world, distractions are everywhere. Many of us frequently finish a meal without even remembering eating it because we were watching TV, scrolling on our phones, or responding to an email. And while enjoying a show with a meal isn’t inherently bad, constant distractions can turn eating into a mindless act, which can lead to overeating instead of eating for physical hunger and enjoyment. 
    As a dietitian, my goal is to help individuals feel empowered by their food choices. Food is meant to be enjoyed, after all! One of the best (and research-backed) ways to slow down and enjoy food is through mindful eating. Mindful eating is a popular term in wellness, but I often hear confusion over what exactly it means and how it differs from intuitive eating. Consider this article a crash course in mindful eating and how you can incorporate it into your lifestyle—starting today!

    In this article

    What is mindful eating?
    Mindful eating is a component of the practice of mindfulness, which is rooted in Buddhist and Hindu beliefs. Jon Kabat-Zinn, a pioneer in the field of mindfulness, is largely to thank for popularizing the term that is trendy in secular Western culture today. Kabat-Zinn defines mindfulness as “paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” 
    Mindful eating is the art of intentionally paying attention to your food without judgement and utilizing all of your senses during a meal. Tuning in (in a non-judgmental way!) allows you to get curious about your eating behaviors and better understand your thoughts and cues that guide food choices. The intent of mindful eating is to focus on how you feel during a meal and to fully savor food in the present moment.  

    What’s the difference between mindful eating and intuitive eating?
    Mindful eating and intuitive eating are two phrases that often get used interchangeably, but they are not entirely the same. Intuitive eating is an approach to eating created by two registered dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995, which utilizes your body’s inner wisdom to make food choices instead of external food “rules.” There are 10 principles to intuitive eating, which are aimed at helping individuals become more in tune with their bodies. We are all born as intuitive eaters, but this skill often gets lost as we age due to various external factors such as socioeconomic status, chronic disease, and largely in part diet culture. 
    While mindful eating is certainly an important component of intuitive eating, it is a different approach to food and nutrition. The main difference between intuitive eating and mindful eating is that mindful eating is focused on being present during a meal by utilizing the senses before, during, and after eating. Intuitive eating, on the other hand, is about reconnecting with your body by rejecting diet culture mentality, honoring your hunger and fullness, and respecting your body. For the TL;DR version, mindful eating is paying attention to your food in the present moment without judgment and intuitive eating is a framework with the goal of making peace with food. 

    What are the benefits?
    Mindful eating has many benefits, but it’s important to note that mindful eating is not meant to be used as a weight loss tool. Medically, mindful eating has been shown to reduce binge eating and emotional eating behaviors in individuals as well as reduce symptoms of irritable bowel sydrome (IBS) and help patients better manage Type 2 diabetes. But beyond that, mindful eating can also help with:
    Digestion, since slowing down during meals helps reduce stress, allowing your body to relax during the digestive process. 
    Learning or relearning how to enjoy your food by savoring each bite and utilizing your senses at each meal.
    Getting back in touch with hunger and fullness cues, as practicing mindful eating can help you become more in tune with your body’s needs.

    How to incorporate mindful eating:
    Eating mindfully is all about bringing awareness to each bite of food. While this may not always be possible (I get it—we’re all busy and stressed!), these are some tips to help you incorporate mindful eating into your daily routine. 

    Pick one meal to practice with
    For those new to mindful eating, it may be helpful to choose one meal to practice more in depth. It’s unrealistic to expect to eat mindfully every single time, but the more you intentionally make time to eat mindfully, the more innate it will become. For example, if you can set aside a short amount of time to practice mindful eating in the morning, use the five minutes it takes to eat your morning cereal or scrambled eggs to put away distractions and eat mindfully. If your days are a rush from the minute you wake up until the end of your work day, turn dinnertime into a mindfulness practice. 

    Take a pause
    I know how easy it can be to instinctively reach for your favorite comfort food after a long, stressful day. But before grabbing a snack from the pantry, pause and ask yourself what you’re really feeling. Is it stress? Sadness? Frustration? Boredom? Or are you physically hungry? Taking a moment to identify what you’re actually feeling can help you make a more mindful choice. If your feeling is not related to physical hunger, try a different activity such as calling a friend, going for a walk, or journaling to help process your thoughts and emotions instead. 

    Remove or minimize distractions while eating
    When sitting down for a meal, removing distractions is essential for mindful eating. This means shutting your work laptop, setting your phone aside, and not turning on the TV. This may not be feasible all the time, and that’s OK! But when you are able to remove distractions, try to focus on the food in front of you or the conversation if you are eating with others. 

    Slow down
    Whether you are eating quickly to move onto the next task, wolfing down breakfast on a morning commute, or you’re simply a fast eater, eating mindfully is all about slowing down. Taking time to pause during meals can look like setting your fork down between bites, stopping to take a sip of water, or taking a deep breath to check in with your body to see if you are still hungry or comfortably full.

    Engage your senses
    Take a moment to really look at your food. What about it is visually appealing? What does it smell like? Notice how it feels when you take your first bite. What descriptions come to mind? Is it crunchy? Chewy? Smooth? Paying attention to your senses really helps you savor your meal. After all, mindful eating is not about judging your food but rather about being curious and bringing full awareness to each bite. 

    How To Spring Clean Your Diet
    According to a registered dietician More

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    7 Easy Ways To Spring Clean Your Entire Wellness Routine

    Spring has officially sprung, making space for more daylight, warmer days, and—you guessed it—spring cleaning. If you’re like me, you’re revamping your closet and giving the bathroom a solid scrub-down. While our homes are top of mind and get all the TLC when it comes to cleaning, there is another area in our lives that could use a good sprucing up with the change in seasons: our wellness routines. Just like we organize and declutter our space with the transition from winter to spring, we should refresh our well-being rituals.    
    With some simple (yet effective!) tweaks to everything from how you move your body to how you manage money (yes, your finances are a part of your wellness routine because they affect your overall health), you’ll be well on your way to Marie Kondo status. Keep reading for tips on how to spring clean different aspects of your wellness routine for a fresh start in the new season and beyond. 

    To spring clean your fitness routine… 
    The first thing to upgrade is how you’re working out. Whether your workout space is your living room or an actual gym, spring is the time to switch things up. Sweating it out at home? Take it up a notch and add a new piece of equipment to make your workouts more versatile (think: a set of bands with varying resistance or a TRX). Craving the energy of working out among other people? Boxing sessions or a gym membership may be in your near future. Also, warmer weather means bringing your workout outdoors. Whether you pound the pavement or channel your inner Naomi Osaka, exercising alfresco can do wonders for your body and mental well-being. However you choose to move your body, use the onset of spring to try something new.
    Lastly, I’m here to tell you it’s time to bid adieu to that overstretched sports bra you’ve been holding on to for way too long. The outfit you wear to work out can make the difference between a great and not-so-hot workout, so toss or donate any exercise gear that has lost its shape or color and invest in activewear that’s equal parts supportive and stylish. Then, store your go-tos strategically so you can easily grab them when you’re packing your gym bag or in a hurry.

    To spring clean your diet… 
    When we’re in hibernation mode during winter, our bodies crave comfort food (AKA heartier meals), but now, you’re probably craving something fresher and lighter. But tune out the voices that tell you to go on a cleanse and eat only foods deemed “clean” and instead, eat intuitively and seasonally. The best place to start? Your fridge, freezer, and pantry. Purge any expired goods and foods that don’t make you feel your best. Then, restock your kitchen with lighter fare that your body has an appetite for during this change of seasons. Ready to start meal planning? Head to the farmers market and reach for vegetables like leafy greens or asparagus and fruits in the form of strawberries and kiwis. When you plan your meals around local, in-season produce, you’ll not only get more nutritional value out of them but also a few extra dollars in your pocket.

    To spring clean your skincare regimen…
    A new season calls for a reset in how we care for our skin. The first order of business is clearing out any out-of-date products. Not sure how long you’ve had your moisturizer? If it has a strange smell or color or the oils have separated, it’s a safe bet that it’s past its prime. As for the products we keep, going lighter for spring doesn’t only apply to our eating habits. Switch up your heavy cream or oil cleanser that got you through dry winter nights with a gel-based alternative or lighter lotion. 
    But good news: Just because we’re in a new season doesn’t mean you have to completely overhaul your skincare regimen. Keep your serums and sunscreen within reach because they should be a constant in your rotation. But don’t overthink it and feel like you have to add a certain mask just because it’s the newest “it” product on the market. Sometimes, taking the less-is-more approach and sticking with what you know works well for you is best for your skin (and wallet). 

    To spring clean your self-care… 
    Don’t forget the “self” in self-care: reflect on your self-care practices and ask yourself if they serve you or if you’re doing them because you saw them on TikTok or your BFF swears by them. If every practice is not truly caring for yourself, streamline your routine. Start journaling, try a new morning ritual, or talk to a therapist. Self-care is personal and doesn’t have to be extravagant, and it can be a daily practice or just something you do occasionally, like bringing a plant into your space, lighting a candle, taking a day off of work, or having a night in and Postmates-ing pizza. My form of self-care? Some days, it’s escaping to Stars Hollow (watching Gilmore Girls, ICYMI) and every now and then, it’s indulging in a facial. 
    Whatever self-care looks like for you, know that it will fluctuate every day. Let’s say working out or meditating is your non-negotiable mode of self-care and you carve out time each morning for it. You may wake up some mornings and not feel it, and that’s OK. Falling into the guilt-trip trap only compromises your wellness. Do what you can in the season you’re in—literally and figuratively.  
    To spring clean your tech…
    Every time I see my weekly screen time pop up on my iPhone, it feels as if I’m getting the proverbial tsk-tsk from it. Between Zoom-ing and Instagram scrolling, it’s no surprise that we spend more time on our phones than ever, but it’s time to unplug. First things first, delete any unused apps (you’ll be surprised by how many you didn’t realize you had) or those that tempt you into minutes or hours of unproductive distraction. Next, give the social media accounts you’re following a once-over and hit “unfollow” if they don’t lift you up. In the same token, unsubscribe from emails and newsletters that just eat up your time. Free up some digital (and head) space by fine-tuning the companies you share your email with. 
    To take it a step further, take some space from your phone and commit to a mini digital detox. Ditch the phone overnight and replace it with a good ol’ alarm clock. Trust me, your body will thank you for the quality sleep you’ll be getting without your phone. Lastly, limit the amount of news you take in, whether it be from your phone, computer, or TV. To balance staying informed with being mindful of your mental health, set boundaries around the amount of time you allow yourself to consume the news, like a half hour a day. In general, focus on what’s IRL: the fresh air, the company you’re with, the work you’re passionate about.

    To spring clean your schedule…
    Spoiler alert: For those of you who have FOMO, this one is especially for you. With warmer days on the horizon, it may be tempting to pack your calendar with social events, but think about whether you’re spreading yourself too thin with too many commitments. Are you saying “yes” to engagements when you really want to decline? In lieu of said engagements, perhaps you could be doing more of what brings you joy, like taking time for some self-care or volunteering at your local dog rescue. 
    I’ll admit, I sometimes have trouble shutting off work and not checking emails over the weekend. One easy work-life balance hack that has helped me be present when I’m off the clock is setting my phone on airplane mode (distractions be gone!). I’m also guilty of getting into multitasking mode, but I find that when I set a block of time to focus on checking off one task at a time, I end up saving time. Bottom line: Use this new season to take a step back and look at your time-sucks versus valuable to-dos. That goes for both your personal life and work. 

    To spring clean your finances… 
    Now’s as good a time as any to review your financial goals and reevaluate any expenses that may be keeping you from staying on budget. For example, come up with an updated plan to pay off debt, check your credit card statements for unnecessary costs (remember that one-week free trial to HBO Max that you got to catch up on Euphoria but forgot to cancel?), and check in with your budget. If you have a few extra dollars lying around (way to go!), think about putting it toward your retirement, like contributing more to your 401(k) or opening an IRA. You can also start that emergency fund you’ve been putting off or save up for an upcoming large expense, like an overdue girls’ trip. 

    I Made These 5 Changes for Spring and I’m Already Feeling 10x Better More

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    I Just Had the Best Sleep of My Entire Life—I Credit These 5 Products

    Sleep and I are a lot like cereal and orange juice. Historically speaking, we just don’t mix. No matter how many times I’ve made attempts to be an “early to bed, early to rise” human, I tend to be the type who tosses, turns, and ends up succumbing to blue light at 2 a.m. in an attempt to distract myself from the fact that morning will soon be approaching. Because I’m not a quitter and because I’ve truly been feeling the woes of lack of sleep, I loaded up on sleep products over the past month, and dare I say it: I just woke up from the best sleep of my entire life.
    I’ve dabbled with a sleep mask here and there in the past, but this time around, I really committed and went all out in the name of creating a nighttime ritual that worked for me. From a sleep supplement to a humidifier to a sound machine and beyond, my bedroom is an oasis, and I can finally say: I have my sleep routine on lock. Here are my five holy-grail products that have helped me fall asleep, stay asleep, and be annoyingly chipper over the past few weeks:

    1. A sleep supplement with melatonin and vitamin B6
    Source: @humnutrition

    The perfect nightcap exists, and the Beauty zzZz formula from HUM is it. I’m not sure why I’ve never gone out of my way to try a sleep supplement (looking back, it definitely feels like a facepalm situation, but I digress), but this stuff seriously works. There’s something about the combination of melatonin and vitamin B6 that helps me fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling well-rested, which is truly something I don’t think I’ve been able to say since I was in the womb.

    HUM Nutrition
    Beauty zzZz
    Contains melatonin to promote a more restful sleep, vitamin B6 to help normalize circadian rhythm, and calcium to improve sleep quality.
    Use code TEG20 to get 20% off of your first HUM order over $39!

    I like to take one tablet of the Beauty zzZz formula one hour before bed, set my alarm for the next day, and then lull myself to sleep with an intriguing but not-too-intense read. After about a half hour, I start to find myself feeling zen AF, and then at the 45-minute mark, I’m nodding off mid-sentence and into a seriously good slumber that I can’t stop talking about. Falling asleep was definitely my main concern, but I’d be remiss not to mention that once I’m asleep, this supplement helps me stay asleep. You heard me: no tossing, turning, or staring at the clock as it quickly approaches wake-up time. If there’s one sleep product worth investing in, it’s this stuff.

    2. A white noise machine
    Source: @homedics
    When I was younger, my family used to be neurotic about having fans on to help block out noise during sleep. It was definitely a comfort thing that I weaned myself off of with age—mostly because traveling back and forth from college with a huge box fan was annoying as hell. I never really thought I needed anything like it until I moved into a new apartment in January that sits adjacent to Chicago’s Brown Line.
    Every 15 minutes, the train comes through, and if I’m not in a super deep sleep, it definitely wakes me up. While a bit annoying, it was definitely a push to get a more legit, small-space-friendly white noise machine, and I can’t get enough of this one from Amazon. It does an incredible job drowning out outside noise and helps keep those pesky little middle-of-the-night noises from waking me up.

    White Noise Machine
    This white noise machine is truly such a game changer and I love how tiny but mighty it is. It fits perfectly on my nightstand and is ideal for bringing with me when I’m traveling.

    3. A cooling duvet cover
    Source: @buffy
    I don’t know if it’s hormones or what, but in the last few years of my life as a 20-something, I am always sweating. I started setting my bedroom temperature to 65 degrees overnight, which definitely helped a bit, but I’d still often find myself having to peek out my feet and hang them over the side of my bed to help cool off. If there is one thing that I can count on to wake me up from a deep slumber overnight, it’s the uncomfortably annoying feeling that my body is engulfed in flames. Not a fan.
    I came across this cooling comforter from Buffy, which is a lot cooler and more lightweight than the previous one my boyfriend and I had, and now that I’m able to enjoy a night of sleep without waking up drenched in sweat, I’m never, ever turning back.

    Cooling Comforter
    This cooling comforter is an absolute dream for hot sleepers everywhere (i.e., ME). I need to be completely covered when I sleep but I also don’t want to be sweating so this comforter truly allows me to have the best of both worlds.

    4. A Kindle
    Source: Shayna Douglas | Unsplash
    OK, so as sleep experts would likely tell you, a Kindle still emits some light. But in comparison to my iPhone drowning me in blue light late at night as I scroll for hours on TikTok, trust me: Reading from my Kindle instead of scrolling on my phone is a major sleep routine upgrade. I started reading from a Kindle a few months ago, and over the past few weeks, I’ve been a lot more consistent about reading it before bed as I wait for my Beauty zzZz sleep supplement to kick in. I turn the brightness down pretty much all the way, turn on a dim lamp in the background, and opt for reads that are rather light and free of cliffhangers so that I can easily slip into sleep if it comes my way. 
    In addition to reducing blue light before bed, this also serves as a welcome distraction that helps me keep my mind off of the ruminating thoughts and anxiety that I tend to fall victim to right before sleep time. The combination of my melatonin + B6 and reading really sets my mind and body up for success when it comes to winding down, and I am loving every minute of it.

    Kindle Paperwhite
    If you don’t already have a Kindle, seriously, what are you waiting for? I absolutely love how lightweight and simple this eReader is—it’s totally replaced my late night TikTok scroll and, since using it, I feel like I’m able to cut my wind-down time in half before bed.

    5. A cool-mist humidifier
    Source: @vitruvi
    Next to feeling like my skin is literally on fire in the middle of the night, there’s one other ailment that’s sure to wake me up from a dead sleep against my will: a good ole tickle in the throat courtesy of my dry AF apartment. Over this past winter, I’ve definitely been noticing that my hair, skin, humor, etc. are drier than usual, but truly, the one thing that made me pull out the humidifier was the fact that I kept waking up with a dry cough that required me to thrust myself into a panic-driven alertness, drink water like my life depended on it, recover from the drama, and attempt to lull myself back to sleep. The added moisture in the air is much appreciated and has made my routine middle-of-the-night coughing fits a thing of the past.

    Cool Mist Humidifier
    It’s not the most glamorous humidifier but this one absolutely gets the job done. This reservoir is big enough that it lasts all night long but it’s also small enough that I can conceal it underneath my sink during the day. Since using it, I’ve definitely noticed that my nose and throat aren’t as dry overnight which is absolutely necessary if I’m trying to sleep through the night.

    Sleep Is the New Self-Care: Here’s How You Should Upgrade Your Routine

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Hum Nutrition but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    8 Easy Daily Habits That Will Help You Manifest Your Goals

    Manifestation is a buzzword you can’t ignore. From TikTok to Ariana Grande bops, it seems like everyone is talking about manifestation these days. Perhaps you’ve even tried viral techniques or daily habits to turn your dreams into reality. But manifesting is more complicated than just making a wish and expecting it to come true. The practice of manifestation takes an understanding of both yourself and the law of attraction, which suggests that the energy you put into the world is what you get back. It’s not just about wanting; it’s intentionally spending your energy, time, and habits to get what you want.
    However, we tend to get in our own way with negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, or bad habits. But with the right mindset and intentionally building new habits, you can achieve your goals through manifestation, whether it be for love, career, health, or personal expansion.
    I talked to two manifestation coaches about easy, daily habits you can build into your daily routine to access your power and potential, and this is what they had to say:

    1. Replace negative thoughts
    You likely have an inner critic that loves to tell you all the reasons why you can’t do something. After all, the mind is programmed to help you stay in your comfort zone to keep you safe, but that inner critic can make you act in victim mode—where you let life happen to you and not for you. “We all know what we don’t want, and we spend a lot of mental energy thinking about potential negative outcomes,” explained Alex Freitas, a mindset and manifestation coach and the creator of The Mirror Series. “But what you focus on magnifies, and therefore, a great habit to build is awareness of your thoughts that you’re giving energy to, so that you’re magnetizing what you truly want, as opposed to what you don’t.” 
    Have daily check-ins with yourself: notice how you’re feeling, what you need, and how you can choose differently when negative thoughts take over. Identify a thought that would better serve you, be more positive, or be more in line with what you want to happen, and then “replace” the negative thought with that one. It may help to jot these down in a journal or note on your phone so you can see recurring patterns and work through any blockages. “Eventually, you re-wire your subconscious mind to the elevated thought pattern, and you start thinking the positive reframe on autopilot because it’s your new way of being,” Freitas said.

    2. Meditate
    Meditation (in whatever form you choose) can be a great way to get out of your head and into your body where your gut feelings live. “Meditation is an integral part of successful manifesting because it helps you quiet the thinking mind and tune into the guidance of your heart and intuition,” suggested Juliette Kristine, a manifestation coach and intuitive healer. “With the law of attraction, you need to meet the universe halfway and take some action towards your goals. Meditation makes it easy to determine what actions you need to take and when.”
    From guided meditations on apps to walking meditations, it’s easier than ever to find something that feels good to you, and with that, you can start to bring your truest desires into your consciousness by connecting your mind and body.

    3. Pick (and repeat) an affirmation
    By challenging limiting beliefs or blockages, affirmations can help you make the necessary mindset shifts you need for successful manifesting. “Your subconscious mind and beliefs play a big part in what is showing up in your reality,” Kristine explained. “If you believe that you aren’t successful, your subconscious mind will naturally look for more evidence to support this belief, so it makes it difficult for you to manifest success. Affirmations can help you transform your beliefs and skyrocket your manifesting.”
    There are all kinds of ways to work with affirmations and cement these positive beliefs about yourself. You can write them down in a journal, say them aloud or in your head, or hang them up in a place where you can see them frequently. If you need an idea of where to start, check out our list of 50 positive affirmations, or start repeating what you want as if you already have it (“I have a fulfilling career,” “I am worthy and deserving of love,” “I am energized and happy every day,” etc.). 

    4. Use visualization
    Visualizing yourself achieving a goal can help you get clear on what you want, connect to your purpose, and embody your highest state. For example, if you want to quit your 9-5 and run your own business, visualize making your first sale or helping clients solve a problem. Or if you have a fitness goal, imagine how you feel after working out for a specific number of days. “When you imagine the scenario you’re manifesting, you start to feel the way you would feel if you’d already manifested it,” Kristine said. “This helps you to vibrate at the correct frequency to attract what you want.”
    Freitas warned that a common objection to this daily habit is not wanting to set up for disappointment, but by expecting next-level results in the future, you’re able to show up in a higher way in the present, ensuring that your action will lead to a greater opportunity. “If one specific goal doesn’t work out, another exactly like it, if not better, is on its way to you because you’re holding yourself to a higher standard and showing up more confidently,” Freitas explained. “It’s about knowing what you want, but being flexible with how it comes to you so that your dreams manifest how they were meant to.”

    5. Start a journaling practice
    Having a clear sense of self is a golden ticket for manifestation—understanding how your current habits and beliefs are manifesting can help you attract what you identify with and identify how you might be sabotaging opportunities that you want to stop. Journaling is a great tool for exploring who you are, and there are many ways to use it as a manifestation tool. For example, if you want to manifest more friends, make a list of all the qualities you’re looking for in ideal friendships. Then make another list of how you can meet people like the ones you described, so you pair your energy with action. 
    Kristine recommended journaling practices like scripting, where you write your desires in great detail as if they’ve already happened, or the 3-6-9 technique, where you write your desires three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night. Not into writing? Try vision boarding, where you gather pictures, quotes, or affirmations of everything you want to embody. “Vision boards help anchor your goals on a daily basis and are a great option for people who find it difficult to visualize their desires as they can simply look at them instead,” Kristine suggested.

    6. Take one small action step every day
    While it’s great to think big picture about your goals, it’s just as important to think about the little steps you can take each day to bring you closer to what you want. In fact, developing this habit can help you visualize your goals more clearly. “The best way to move through any blockages such as anxiety, doubt, and lack of self-worth, is by asking yourself every day ‘what can I do today that will move the needle towards my goals?’” Freitas recommended. “Taking the action might feel uncomfortable at first because it’s outside of your comfort zone, but taking higher-level actions is key to getting higher-level results.” In other words, come up with daily habits that are specific to your goals. If you want a healthier body, a more successful career, or a happier relationship, what daily habits will get you there?

    7. Practice gratitude
    The daily habits that get you closer to your future goals are important, but you also need to focus on what reasons you have to be happy now. “Practicing gratitude helps shift your focus from a lack mentality to one of appreciation, which naturally leads to you attracting better circumstances in your life,” Kristine said. Take a pause to notice the little things around you that fill you with joy, such as warm sunshine on your skin or the people in your life who love you. Also, try gratitude journaling, or make it a habit to think of what you’re grateful for first thing in the morning or right before bed. 

    8. Remind yourself to let go
    By getting too attached to an outcome, you can end up hindering yourself from new possibilities or limiting yourself from what you are meant to have. “One of the practices I teach my students is to think about the end goal, or what your desire will give you when you have it,” Kristine said. “For example, if you desire to manifest love, perhaps the end goal is a feeling of connection. If you start looking for ways to bring more connection into your life now, you will naturally start to let go of any attachment you have around manifesting love, and this will help you to manifest it quicker (because you are surrendered).” Surrendering can be tricky when you desire something dearly, but think of it this way: when you surrender, you are letting go of the fear that you will not get what you want, and instead, believe that what’s meant for you will find you.

    5 Manifestation Hacks I Learned From Gabby Bernstein More

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    I’m a Registered Dietician–Here Are 15 Recipes I’m Making This Spring

    One thing I love about the season changing is the new, fresh produce it brings with it and spring recipes we can make. We know that eating in-season produce is great for our budget and health, but it can be hard to know exactly what to cook this time of year. With some days bringing chilly weather, you may find yourself still craving those comforting, cozy meals reminiscent of the winter season. And with warmer days on the horizon, a quick and easy salad may be the way to go. Regardless of what meal you make, making sure to include plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables will give your body energy, vitamins, and minerals. So, if you are looking for recipe inspiration, look no further. Here are 15 flavorful recipes I’m planning on making this spring. 

    Source: The Worktop

    Source: Gathered Nutrition

    Source: Love & Lemons

    Source: Eating Bird Food

    Source: Love & Lemons

    Source: Ambitious Kitchen

    Source: Ambitious Kitchen

    Source: Love & Lemons

    Source: Marisa Moore

    Source: Lively Table

    Source: Gimme Delicious

    Source: Two Peas & Their Pod

    Source: Recipe Runner

    Source: Eating Well

    Source: Half Baked Harvest

    How To Spring Clean Your Diet, According to a Registered Dietician More