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    How You Need to Recharge, According to Your Enneagram

    I first found my Enneagram type with my husband during an at-home date night while our son slept, and it immediately made us understand each other better. Suddenly, all those little quirks and pet peeves had us going, ah, I get it now. Not only did it leave us with more compassion (and patience!) with each other but with ourselves too. The Enneagram gives insight into understanding who you are by shedding light on your needs, what drives you, what frightens you, and how you experience or perceive life, which means it also helps you care for yourself.
    How we care for ourselves can also mean how we provide our mind, body, and spirit with rest. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, a board-certified internal medicine physician and work-life integration researcher, defines “rest” in seven different types, ranging from mental rest to sensory rest. While each individual often needs every kind of rest during a lifetime, they can also be applied to the nine enneagram types to identify what you truly need and the type of rest you may need to focus on more.
    A brief disclosure: Regardless of your Enneagram, what’s most important is to listen to what you need and take time for yourself, so discover and create a routine that works for and feels good to you. But if you need a little help identifying why you’re feeling so drained or how to best care for yourself, the Enneagram is an amazing tool to gain insight. Read on for what type of rest you need and how to best care for yourself, based on your Enneagram type.

    For Ones who place a lot of emphasis on getting everything “just right,” the pressure to continuously perform at such high internal standards can be a lot. Ones need to care for themselves by implementing Dr. Dalton-Smith’s creative rest. You don’t have to identify as “creative” or work in a creative field to benefit from creative rest. Creative rest involves taking a moment to appreciate beauty in all forms, from music and art to nature’s beauty like trees and beaches. Taking a break for creativity is good for Ones because it’s no-pressure, carefree fun where there really is no such thing as “failing” or making a mistake. They can get lost in an activity that doesn’t have an objective or something that has to be checked off a list, which is good balance to recharge.

    Twos are the empathetic caregivers who don’t think twice about putting others’ needs above their own. This Enneagram can care for themselves by implementing Dr. Dalton-Smith’s social rest. Social rest encourages taking a moment for yourself and being alone, which is a way for Twos to set a dedicated “me time” to combat their selflessness and refill their cup before pouring into others. Avoid overextending and start saying “yes” to yourself and prioritizing your own needs. This can look like designated alone time once a week or setting boundaries and asking for help when you need it.

    Threes are often workaholics whose identities are wrapped in their success, and any failure can leave them thinking that they’re a failure. Dr. Dalton-Smith’s mental rest is perfect for the energetic Threes. Mental rest involves quieting their busy brains and staying present and in the moment. Threes can care for themselves by setting scheduled breaks during their workday and eating their meals away from screens. A mindfulness practice—anything from yoga, meditation, or adult coloring—can be beneficial to keep Threes in the present moment. Also, setting boundaries on your availability outside of working hours can give you the space to understand who you are outside of the identity you’ve created for yourself. Indulge your curiosity and try something that you’re not the best at (you’ll find that your self-worth is not tied up to others’ perceptions of you—promise!). 

    Fours would greatly benefit from Dr. Dalton-Smith’s physical (passive) rest because of their tendency to over-identify their flaws and worry that something is missing in their lives compared to others. The passive component of physical rest involves getting high-quality sleep and naps, so focus all your attention on physically recharging. Create a bedroom oasis that you can retreat to, have a go-to evening routine to calm you down, prioritize getting to bed at a decent hour, and move your body during the day to help improve your sleep at night.

    Often found enjoying their independence and seeking knowledge, Fives are energized in their alone time. To cope with their fear of being overwhelmed by the needs of others and the dull aspects of life, introverted Fives protect themselves by setting clear boundaries and retreating into the internal worlds they’ve created. As a result, they can benefit from Dr. Dalton-Smith’s physical (active) rest. This type of physical rest is more focused on using movement and exercise to recharge the body and get you out of your head. A HIIT session or spin class not your thing? Incorporate any activities that get you moving, like yoga or even stretching, to help you unwind and reconnect with your body.

    Sixes use their logic and vigilance to anticipate worst-case scenarios to cope with their fear of being unprepared. To prevent feeling anxious and overwhelmed by always staying a few steps ahead, Sixes can implement Dr. Dalton-Smith’s sensory rest. This can look like reducing the sensory inputs in your day-to-day, like pausing notifications and dimming lights. Dedicate time to unplug and close your eyes to visualize places that evoke feelings of peace. Try a soothing daily affirmation like, “I take it one day at a time” or “I let go of what I can’t change.” The important thing is that you own your power by honoring and naming your fears but create space in your life to not sweat the small stuff. 

    Because Sevens often fear and repress negative emotions, Dr. Dalton-Smith’s emotional rest is perfect for Sevens. While finding the positive in any situation is a good skill, habitual escapism prevents individuals from being their authentic selves and sharing how they’re really feeling beyond the automatic “I’m fine” response. Allow yourself the opportunity to spend some time alone and address your feelings. Create a daily routine to journal your thoughts and be genuine about how you actually feel, or find a therapist to help you do the work if it feels particularly difficult. Sometimes, the glass will actually feel half empty, and it’s important for you to resist the urge to push that down.

    Dr. Dalton-Smith’s spiritual rest is perfect for Eights because they can feel disconnected from others due to their competitive and intimidating nature. Remind yourself that you are a part of humanity and consider channeling your desire to take action by volunteering for a cause that’s important to you (even if you’re not in charge!). Try writing thank-you notes to your colleagues and loved ones or set days to catch up with friends to allow yourself to give and receive love from others. Remember that vulnerability isn’t a weakness; it’s a strength to be nurtured—especially in leadership. 

    Nines are willing to go the extra mile to avoid rocking the boat, but don’t get it twisted—Nines resist control, which might show up as passive aggression. Like Twos, Nines can benefit from Dr. Dalton-Smith’s social rest to establish boundaries that allow them to put their needs at the top of their list. Say how you feel and declare what you want, take up space, set boundaries, “decline” calls or invites when you’re not feeling it, and resist the urge to stick to the auto-pilot routine and plan a spontaneous trip with your friends or partner. 

    The Type of Journaling You Should Do
    Based on Your Enneagram More

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    7 Tips To Change Your Mindset so You Can Manifest Your Dream Life

    Manifestation is a buzzword you hear everywhere right now. Whether it’s journaling, vision boards, or meditation, there are so many things that go into manifesting a life you want, but the most important aspect is a healthy mindset. Our mindset can drastically affect the way we view the world and ourselves. If we are spending our days in an unhealthy and negative mindset, we can’t manifest that dream job or a happy relationship. Taking the time to focus on ourselves and working to create a positive and healthy mindset only lead us down the path of manifesting even greater things into our lives.
    Manifesting a healthy mindset may seem daunting, but there are small steps you can take to start looking at things in a more positive light. Just by taking the time to read this article, you have already taken one more step forward. So if you are ready to manifest a healthy mindset, here are some ways you can get started.

    1. Set boundaries
    You know that person who drains your energy every time you’re with them, but you continue saying yes to plans with them? Maybe you feel bad letting them down or don’t know how to say no. Or maybe this person is your boss or a family member, and you feel like you have to be around them. No matter who this person is, it’s time to set some boundaries. The longest relationship you will have in this life is the one you have with yourself—you owe it to yourself to understand when someone is not making you feel good and then do something about it.
    Boundaries can look like saying no to plans (even just saying “I’m super busy right now and need some down time—thanks for understanding!”). But if it’s your boss, this may be more difficult, and boundaries might look like having a conversation with them about your availability (for example, “I am happy to answer your calls during work hours, but after, it will have to wait until the next workday”). Boundaries are different for every situation, but the first step is realizing which relationships need them and then creating a plan to set them.

    2. Practice affirmations
    I love an affirmation. I love reading affirmations in books, finding them when scrolling through TikTok, and writing down the ones I resonate with (something I also highly suggest doing). Affirmations can be used while meditating, but they can also be said aloud to yourself every day. Having an affirmation to help you put into clear and concise words what you want to manifest is a great way to tell the universe (and yourself) your intentions. As you repeat the affirmation over and over, you are signaling to the brain to believe it (bonus points if you say it to yourself in front of a mirror). Some easy ones are the “I Am” affirmations, like “I am enough,” “I am capable,” “I am strong,” and “I am loved.” You can also practice more detailed affirmations. My favorites are “Healing doesn’t happen in a straight line” and “I surrender to the flow.” 

    3. Reframe the narrative
    How often have we all found ourselves in a negative thought spiral? It could be something as simple as forgetting to go grocery shopping on Sunday—now you have nothing to eat for lunch tomorrow, and you’ll have to buy take-out, which isn’t as healthy, and spend money when you are trying to save. When any situation arises that isn’t what we desired, we have two options. One is to go down the anxiety-provoking thought spiral and the other is to choose to reframe the narrative. The narrative above is telling us we are unhealthy, lacking in money, and unproductive, AKA not a very healthy mindset.
    To reframe that narrative, you can instead tell yourself that you forgot to go to the grocery store, but you can go tomorrow after work, and you will get take-out from that new healthy place and treat yourself before you save for the rest of the week. This narrative is saying that you value yourself enough to treat your body because you deserve it, and there is a solution to forgetting groceries. Reframing the narrative is a difficult practice, but the more you do it, the more it becomes part of your healthy mindset.

    4. Spend time alone
    Manifestation is the act of using thoughts or emotions to create a certain reality for yourself. But to know what you want to manifest, you have to spend time with yourself. Spending time alone can include something as simple as going for a walk without any distractions, meditating, journaling, taking yourself out on a date, etc. These practices allow you to feel comfortable spending time alone. They also bring up thoughts or feelings you might not experience in your day-to-day life. Having a healthy mindset means being clear on who you are and what you want out of life; you’re not easily influenced by what someone else is doing in their life because you feel confident in your path. Taking the time to be alone and understand your intentions is a great practice to incorporate into your routine.   

    5. Adopt an abundance mindset
    Fear is the biggest issue with a scarcity mindset, so to have an abundance mindset, we have to get to the root of those fears and conquer them. Some of the top fears I hear women talk about is the fear of not finding a loving relationship and fear around lack of money or succeeding in a career. There are many other fears we face in our lifetime, and no matter what is stopping you from having an abundance mindset, know that it is possible to change it.
    Some ways to adopt an abundance mindset can be gratitude journaling. If you are fearful of finding a loving relationship, writing down all the different positive and loving relationships you currently have in your life can put things into perspective. The next step is to write down the loving relationship you want to manifest (and be as detailed as possible). Creating a practice around being thankful for the abundance of what you currently have in your life makes it easier for you to be open to whatever love/money/career journey you’ll take next. 

    6. Pay attention to your choice of words
    Not only does the universe listen to the words you say, but your body and mind do too. If we tell ourselves we are not smart or pretty, our bodies will hear that and feel it. We’ll express it in the way we converse with others or the way we walk down the street. Adversely, if we say, “I look beautiful today, and I am going to have a great day,” the mind and body listen to that and react more confidently. Language is such a powerful tool. Studies have shown the influence of positive self-talk, so taking the time to reconsider the words you use to speak about yourself daily can have drastic effects. Try viewing yourself the way your best friend would. After all, she would only ever say how beautiful and smart you are. Start a self-monologue in the same way your best friend would and see the changes it makes to your mindset.

    7. Stop comparing
    Whether it’s the influencers you see on Instagram or your friend who seems to be living her best life, comparing yourself to someone else will only leave you feeling empty and lost. You are your own person who has a journey unique to only you. We will all face highs and lows at different times in our lives, and chasing after someone else’s happiness is never the answer to your own. The easiest way to stop the comparison game is to go inward. Ask yourself what you admire in these people’s lives and make a list. Then, go back through that list and see what truly aligns with you. Some of the things on that list won’t. Once you have a final list, see what actionable steps you can take in your life right now to manifest these things. Don’t go back and compare with friends or strangers. What worked for them probably won’t be the same for you. Choose the things you know will truly fulfill you, and then start by taking one actionable step toward them. It will lead you away from comparison and toward an authentic you.

    8 Easy Daily Habits That Will Help You Manifest Your Goals More

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    The Everygirl’s Guide to Building a Morning and Nighttime Routine That Works Best for You

    I know I’m not the only one who scrolls through countless TikToks of perfect morning and nighttime routines—these people seem to do a million things before the sun even comes up or have never accidentally binged Netflix until way past their bedtime. The aspirational morning and nighttime routine content can get overwhelming, and I often find myself wondering if I’m really supposed to do all of that to care for myself at the beginning or end of my day. The simple answer is no. A morning and night routine should cater to what makes you feel good and ready to start or end your day. Finding a routine that works for you is all about experimenting—that’s what’s so great about your routine; it’s yours. If you’re not sure how to craft a morning or night routine for you, don’t worry. We’ve got some ideas to get you started.

    Must-haves for your morning routine:
    Your morning routine should be all about starting fresh. We all know how important it is to start your day off on a good note, but how do you do that exactly? Below are six basic ideas, but the important part is to tailor them to whatever feels best for you.

    Prep your skin for the day
    As simple as it is, splashing water on your face really does help wake you up and improves your focus. If you have more time to go through a longer skincare routine in the morning, it’s a great way to follow a set routine every day. And whether you’ve just splashed cold water or you have a 10-step routine, don’t forget to top it all off with SPF before you head out the door. 

    Indulge in a morning beverage (and hydrate)
    Coffee, tea, water, kombucha—oh my! The options are really endless, and whether or not you’re the type of person who relies on caffeine to get going, find a set drink you really love and focus on perfecting that perfect cup. No matter your drink of choice, don’t forget to hydrate! 

    Give yourself some buffer time
    Take some extra time in the morning to really wake up. Whether you have an extra 60 seconds or 30 minutes, allow yourself the time so you’re not rushing to work. Write out your tasks for the day, read a couple of pages from a book, unload the dishwasher, or take a few breaths to calm yourself down.

    Plan out a nutrient-dense breakfast
    We know it’s hard to make time for breakfast, but skipping a meal in the AM can lead to low energy levels later in the day. Try planning and prepping your breakfast the night before if you have a tough morning (overnight oats?) or schedule time into your morning to DIY some avocado toast or a breakfast sandwich you can take on the go if you need.

    Get moving
    Moving the body helps you fully wake up and get energized for your day. If you can’t fit in a full workout, a 10-minute walk or going through a few yoga poses is guaranteed to start your day off right. Even stretching for 30 seconds can help the body wake up and feel refreshed.

    Pick a morning affirmation
    Often overlooked, this one might be the easiest to incorporate. When you’re brushing your teeth or putting on your makeup, don’t forget to affirm some positive energy into your day. Pick an intention for the day or think of how you want to feel, and then remind yourself of that intention throughout the day.

    Must-haves for your nighttime routine:
    No surprise, your night routine should be the opposite of your morning routine. The goal here is to wind down, but know what you want to get out of it specifically. PS: Extra pinched for time in the evenings or feeling exhausted? Try out one suggestion each night instead of all in one day.

    Prep your skin for the night
    Your nighttime skincare routine should be a little different from your morning one. Ditch the daytime gels for thicker creams or overnight serums and focus on areas you’d like to pay attention to more. If you’ve got dry skin, opt for a moisture mask, or use an exfoliant like retinol if your goal is anti-aging or a brighter complexion.

    Prep for the next morning
    Set out your outfit for the next day the night before, wash your favorite mug, or tidy up your workspace. Also, try to take care of an easy task you’d otherwise have to do the next day: Wash the pot you set in the sink to “soak” or craft an email you’ve been meaning to send to someone. It allows you to cross something off your to-do list you may have been avoiding. Trust us, your future self will thank you.

    Have a wind-down routine that helps you sleep
    No matter what helps you relax, unwind, and fall asleep, find a go-to routine and stick to it. For me, nothing screams “it’s time to relax” more than diffusing oil or turning on a humidifier—something about the hum of the gentle eucalyptus- or lavender-scented steam really creates a relaxing environment to get a great night’s sleep. You can also try reading a book, doing a meditation, or taking a bath—whatever helps you get sleepy. 

    Put away the screens
    PSA: The blue light from screens could be disrupting your sleep (not to mention how much stress you feel right before bed if you’re finishing work or the FOMO you feel if you’re scrolling through Instagram). Try reading before bed instead of using your screens until your eyes start to droop.

    Practices to add to either routine:
    There’s bound to be some overlap between your night routine and morning routine. Play with your scheduling a little bit and find what works for you: Does this activity work best for you at the beginning of your day, the end of your day, or maybe even both? 

    Take a shower
    I know what you may be thinking: Well, duh, I’m going to shower! But when you shower, you have no other responsibilities except for literally showering—it more than just cleans your body; it can also help clean your mind. Whether you’re someone who takes a morning or a night shower, carry that idea with you in your mind as you focus on nothing else but yourself.

    In the long run, one of the best takeaways from journaling is being able to look back at different points of your life and see what kind of space you’re in. Journaling is a great practice to incorporate into your daily routine and works at any time of day. 

    Need to calm down for a relaxing sleep or get motivated for a busy day? Try a quick meditation. Just like journaling, it works at any time of the day. If you have more time, try a longer, self-focused meditation before bed or an early-morning flow to get you in the right mindset.

    Stretching in both the morning and night is my personal favorite part of my day. It allows me to take some time with not only my body but my mind as well. In the morning, stretching is good for waking up the body, but in the evenings, stretching can help the body release tension from the day. Try it at any point to find out what works best for you.

    12 Morning Routine Hacks for a Calmer Day More

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    Hate Veggies? Here Are 5 Hacks To Sneak Them Into Your Meals

    If there’s one thing that almost everyone can agree on, it’s that vegetables are good for you. We all know that vegetables can help prevent disease, boost gut health, and protect vital organs. But despite their many benefits, most of us don’t know how to eat more vegetables. Even as a dietitian, it can be challenging at times to add enough color to my plate. But luckily, I’ve been able to find hacks and tips to incorporate more veggies in delicious and easy ways (even for those who don’t like vegetables). 
    Not too long ago, I loathed Brussels sprouts—no matter how many times I ate them, they still tasted too bitter to me. One day, I tried them prepared in a delicious shaved salad, and my relationship with Brussels sprouts was forever changed. All this to say, before you dismiss vegetables that have burned you in the past, it may be time to give them a second chance. And in the end, if you only find a few you enjoy, stick to them! Eating vegetables you love is better than eating no vegetables at all. But if you’re looking to sneak more vegetables into your meals for all the amazing health benefits (without sacrificing taste), these hacks are for you. 

    1. Think plant-forward
    Having a plant-forward mindset can help you be more intentional with adding veggies to your plate. Plant-forward isn’t about taking away food groups or eating completely plant-based; rather, it focuses on adding in plants to make meals more well-rounded. The easiest way to do this is to think about how to add vegetables to some of your favorite meals. Love tacos? Make your filling with half ground meat and half beans. If pasta is a weeknight go-to, try zucchini noodles mixed with whole wheat pasta or combine leafy greens, broccoli, onions, or tomatoes with the pasta itself. And if you’re opting for a complete plant-based meal (read: sans meat or dairy), there are plenty of delicious options here!

    2. Toss veggies into smoothies 
    Perhaps the oldest hack in the book is adding vegetables to smoothies—and for good reason! Blended together with fruit and other delicious add-ins such as nut butter, yogurt, and protein powder, vegetables are easily disguised and taste great while you still reap all of the nutritional benefits. Although tossing a handful of leafy greens into your morning smoothie mix may be an easy go-to, variety is the spice of life. So next time you’re DIYing a delicious a smoothie, consider adding frozen cauliflower, zucchini, or avocado (which is technically a fruit, but you get the idea). You might just discover your new favorite combination and sneak in some veggie nutrients without the veggie taste. 

    3. Try plant-based dips
    Why eat vegetables with dip when vegetables can be the dip? I mean, I’m all for dipping vegetables into vegetables too (carrots and hummus anyone?), but when it comes to adding more veggies in your diet, having great, plant-based dips on hand makes them an accessible snack or side. And in my humble opinion, dipping food makes it more fun. For convenience, store-bought hummus, salsa, and guacamole are great options (yes, they’re all full of veggies!). You can also make your own white bean dip, corn salsa, roasted red pepper dip, or pesto with minimal ingredients at home.

    4. Add to baked goods
    While a cupcake or cookie doesn’t necessarily scream “vegetables,” hear me out. Similar to blending in a smoothie, baking vegetables into timeless desserts helps pack in a nutrient-dense punch without compromising flavor. Beans are often the easiest to add to baked goods since they can be used as a fat replacement (like instead of butter or oil). A pro tip for adding beans is to opt for one lighter in color such as chickpeas, cannellini, or Great Northern beans. These beans have a more neutral flavor, making them a great base for baked goods such as cookies or muffins. And if you’re not sold on baking with beans, pumpkin muffins, carrot-apple cookies, and zucchini oatmeal bake make for delicious snacks or breakfast alternatives. 

    5. Opt for frozen vegetables
    I am a huge fan of frozen vegetables. Not only are they convenient, but they can be cheaper too (especially in winter months when some produce is out of season). Plus, they’re just as nutrient dense because they are frozen at peak ripeness. Since frozen vegetables have an unfortunate tendency of becoming mushy when prepared, it can be helpful to use them in dishes that lean into that texture. Examples could be casseroles, chili, pasta dishes, or soups. To make frozen vegetables taste better, try roasting or sautéing them and adding them into some of your favorite dishes like pasta or stir-fries. 

    8 Delicious Ways to Eat More Greens
    No Salads Required More

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    The Everygirl’s 30-Day “Spring-Clean Your Life” Challenge

    April means spring cleaning: when you change the pillows, flip the mattress, and deep clean your bathtub. It’s that magical time of year to reassess what needs to go and reorganize what’s staying. But this challenge is not just about cleaning your home; it’s about cleaning your life. “Detox” and “cleanse” are buzzwords that have become associated with diets, but I’d like to reclaim those terms to be less about juicing and more about what they’re supposed to mean: removing anything that isn’t serving you and replacing it with alternatives that support your well-being.
    Cleansing your life isn’t just about detoxing the habits, practices, and clutter that don’t make you feel like your best self; it’s just as much about replenishing with whatever makes you happy, healthy, and whole. The purpose of this cleanse is to gain awareness about how your daily habits and environment are affecting you, so that you can make room for your best possible life. For every day in April, you’ll be challenged to simplify, cleanse, de-stress, and clean out your home, bank account, mind, body, and spirit, so that you’ll be that much closer to your best, happiest self come May. Happy spring cleaning!

    Week 1
    1. Simplify your diet by opting for whole foods2. Reevaluate finances: Eliminate the expenses that don’t bring you joy and budget for expenses that do3. Replace any exercise you don’t enjoy with workouts that you’ll look forward to4. Reorganize your pantry: Toss out what’s old and get storage containers for easier access (and more sustainable living)5. Notice emotions and record the ones that aren’t serving you (without judgment)6. Clean your shower while you’re in it7. Don’t complain all day (not once!)

    Week 2
    8. Evaluate recurring charges on your bank statements and cancel what you don’t use on a regular basis9. Detox your social media by unfollowing every account that does not inspire you or make you happy10. Clean out your closet and donate clothes that no longer spark joy11. Stick to a sleep schedule by waking up and going to bed around the same time every night12. Make an action plan when negative emotions like stress, loneliness, or anger come up13. Organize your junk drawer (finally!)14. Meal prep all of your lunches for the next week

    Week 3 
    15. Practice journaling to help the mind let go of whatever it’s holding onto16. Clean out contacts, documents on your computer, and pictures on your phone by deleting what you no longer need17. Make your bed first thing in the morning18. Overhaul your relationships: Make a list of the people you come in contact with the most, and then make sure they’re all people you would want to be like and people who make you feel good19. Limit light in the evenings for better sleep20. Get sweaty, whether it’s in a cardio class or a steam shower21. Deep clean one room in your home

    Week 4
    22. Reassess your schedule to replace wasted time with activities that will make you happier or calmer23. Clean out your skincare and makeup by tossing anything that’s expired. Replace with non-toxic alternatives24. Designate a tech-free space in your home25. Buy some indoor plants that purify the air26. Come up with a go-to outfit formula to limit decision making in the mornings27. Track your water intake to make sure you’re hydrated enough28. Forgive the people you haven’t forgiven yet (including yourself)

    Week 5
    29. Make a list of your 10 most common stressors and come up with solutions to solve each one30. Detox your habits: Evaluate the ones that are not serving you and replace with habits that will 

    7 Easy Ways To Spring Clean Your Entire Wellness Routine More

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    4 Ways To Get Better Quality Sleep. Plus, WIN With Sloom

    Struggling to get those precious ZZZ’s? You’re not alone. 1 in 14 South Africans suffer from insomnia according to a Human Sciences Research Council study. But, to become your healthiest self, sleep has to be at the forefront of your wellness routine. This is why it’s so important to improve sleep quality.
    And although it might feel like there is nothing to be done when you’re counting sheep, there are actually a few things you can do to get better quality sleep.
    But first, what causes insomnia?
    The answer isn’t always simple. But, all that tossing and turning can often be linked to underlying problems with your lifestyle, environment, or overall health. When it comes to your environment, there are a few things you can do to make a positive difference.
    Here are 4 things you can do to improve sleep quality right now
    1. Cool it!
    Are you one of those people who loves feeling the heat and getting cozy when you get into bed? That might be part of the reason you’re struggling to get quality sleep. In fact, A National Sleep Foundation poll found that a cool room temp was one of the most important factors in getting a good night’s sleep.
    According to doctors, the best temperature to sleep is approximately 18.3°C. So it might be time to send your heaters and electric blankets on vacay for a bit. Sorry!

    2. Stay In The Dark
    Think that crack beneath your door or semi-sheer curtains aren’t doing too much damage? Think again! Being exposed to light at night may be linked to depression, anxiety, and obesity. And of course, it impacts the quality of your sleep. Exposure to light actually blocks the production of melatonin, which then interrupts your sleep cycle.
    So when you turn off the lights, look for any spots where light is creeping in. Buy black-out curtains, and cover any other spaces where light creeps through. That includes putting stickers over that flashing WiFi router light and if you live with other people roll up a towel and place it at the bottom of the door.
    3. Get Moving
    Yip, that’s right. Exercising really can help improve sleep quality. Recent research has found that exercise decreases sleep complaints as well as insomnia. Plus, it was found that moderate-to-vigorous exercise could improve sleep quality by reducing the time it takes to fall asleep. Say cheers to counting sheep!
    Not sure where to start? Try this 25 minute Total-Body HIIT workout.

    4. Make Your Bed, And Lie In It!
    It might seem like a lie that you tell yourself when you’re buying cute bedding or a new mattress, but what you’re sleeping on actually does impact your sleep. Research has shown that sleeping on a good mattress with adjustable firmness, promotes comfort, proper spinal alignment, and quality sleep.
    That’s why we love Sloom. They’re a South African brand that aims to give you the best night’s sleep without any of the confusion or frustration that often comes with buying a new mattress or pillows. They are really well known for their customisable and adjustable mattress that you can change on the fly. And now, they’ve upped the ante with a new product (spoiler alert: you can win it!)
    Ever heard of a height adjustable memory foam pillow? Sloom will soon be launching this first-of-its-kind in SA to help you get quality sleep. The good news is that you could win 2 of these pillows, valued at R1 200, before the official launch.
    How do you enter?
    It’s so easy!
    1. Make sure that you are following us on instagram @womenshealthmagsa and Then fill in your details here.3. The winner will be chosen randomly.4. To be eligible for the prize, you must be over 18 and a South African resident.5. The winner will be randomly selected and notified.

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    I Asked a Confidence Coach How To Be More Confident in Any Situation, and Her Tips Will Change Your Life

    A lot of women don’t think they know how to be confident. In fact, 70% of girls believe they are not good enough (according to a study done by the Dove Self-Esteem Fund) and there’s a measurable Confidence Gap between men and women (when will there be an end to all these gaps?). Call it imposter syndrome, negative body image, or lack of self-worth, but we all feel a lack of confidence at least sometimes, and for many of us, it’s all the time. But confidence is not a personality trait or something we automatically get when we hit a certain weight or income bracket; it’s a skill and practice that requires daily attention, and it’s something we all are entitled to. 
    And if anyone knows how to be confident and love ourselves, it’s Regina Bonds. Not only is she genuinely the most confident person you may ever meet, but she has also dedicated her life to helping other women find their confidence too (because she knows that true confidence means building other people up as well!). Bonds has worked with women around the world to help them recognize their value, find their voice, and clarify their path through the power of confidence. Read on for Bonds’ definition of what real confidence is and the tips you can start doing today in order to achieve it.

    Meet the expert
    Regina Bonds
    Confidence Coach
    Regina Bonds is one of the world’s most trusted voices for women, challenging them to use their confidence to improve, enhance, and ultimately elevate their lives. She is a sought-after speaker, mentor, and confidence expert.

    What is confidence really?
    Most people think confidence is synonymous with arrogance (which is totally wrong!), and others believe it’s about the way you act. Many of us were taught confidence is a gift you’re either born with or not. Most of us—if not all of us—have an on-again, off-again relationship with confidence. While changed actions come as a benefit of gaining self-confidence, it’s much more than that. Confidence is the state of feeling certain about who you are and being certain of your value and worth. When you live in the realm of confidence, you become truly unstoppable. You won’t settle for just anything. Suddenly, all aspects of your life will align with your worth and purpose. 
    Self-confidence is the key to constant success. I like to think of it as a gas tank: If you find yourself feeling drained, depressed, or as though you’re empty inside, it’s possible your confidence tank is on “empty.” Many people try filling their confidence tanks with the wrong type of gasoline: money, relationships, or material things. But unstoppable confidence doesn’t come from external sources; it’s an inside job. You can’t expect people, places, or things to elevate your sense of self-worth. You’ve got to do the inner work,  endure the painful process of self-reflection, and ask yourself some tough questions to get honest with yourself. Confidence is ready, available, and eager to embrace you with loving arms if you want it.

    Tips to take your confidence to the next level:
    Get clarity
    First, you need to know what you want in order to be confident that you deserve what you want; what can’t be explained can never be obtained. There’s power in nurturing the vision of what you want for yourself, and life just makes a little more sense when you have a clear vision. Clarity also gives us a sense of direction and understanding. Write down what you want (even if you don’t know it all!) with specific details, and also make a list of the feelings you want to feel.

    Tap into your courage
    Begin to exercise the ability to go after what you want, even when it scares you. Don’t be afraid to bet on yourself. In order to level up in life and achieve unstoppable confidence, you have to get out there in the game of life and dream, explore, and discover. Don’t limit yourself if you’re afraid; do it because you’re afraid. Doing things that scare you will build confidence all on its own. 

    When it comes to building self-confidence, you have to stay committed to yourself and trust the process. Just like we make commitments to another person in a romantic relationship, make a vow to yourself to love you first. Self-love is just like any other great love; it’s a commitment to put yourself first before anyone else. When you use this confidence formula, you will marry yourself to true confidence because confidence isn’t something some of us are born with; it’s something we’re all entitled to. 

    Create your own confidence toolbox
    To nurture your confidence, create a “toolbox” to help you get back on track when you feel yourself going through a confidence slump, you get scared of a new challenge, or you’re questioning your worth. Combining a positive mindset with specific habits leads to successful confidence. Here are a few of my recommendations to add to your own confidence toolbox:

    Create a gratitude journal: Start and end your day writing five things you’re grateful for.
    Meditate: Quiet your mind for five to 10 minutes each day (it may feel hard, but I promise you will rediscover yourself and your bliss).
    Affirm yourself daily in the mirror: Create five “I am” statements to use daily (“I am intelligent,” “I am worthy,” etc.). Then, add to the list as you go.
    Create an encouragement box: Keep a list of the compliments that mean a lot to you (whether it’s a pat on the back from your boss or a compliment from a friend) or ask close friends and family to share what they love about you. Write these down or keep a note in your phone to look at when life gets tough or your confidence takes a hit. You’ll be surprised by how good it can make you feel.
    Find a go-to book: Since books make us feel understood and less alone, create a list of your favorite books—the ones that set your soul on fire, inspire you, or just make you feel good. Highlight your favorite chapter so you can reference it as needed. And if it’s podcasts you prefer, keep a list of the ones that give you those “feel good” vibes to tune in to when you need it.

    10 Things to Do If Your Confidence Needs a Major Boost More

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    I Tried Blake Lively’s 8 Healthy Habits To Live By—Here’s What Happened

    I think it’s safe to say we’ve probably all had a crush on Blake Lively at some point. From her Gossip Girl days to Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (my personal favorite) or slaying red carpet looks and being adorably funny with husband Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively seems to epitomize a happy and healthy life. Blake looks like the confident and cool girl we all want to be. So how does she do it? Upon further research (AKA looking through all of her interviews I could find online), it turns out, Blake has eight healthy habits she always sticks to, and since I aspire to be just as happy and healthy as her, I tried them all. This is what happened.

    1. Limit alcohol
    Blake likes a party just as much as the rest of us, but she chooses to enjoy them without alcohol. “I don’t like the effects of alcohol, but I like being a part of it,” she said in a recent interview with People Magazine. “I like being social. I like people coming together.” This is perhaps what led her to create her new line of non-alcoholic mixers, Betty Buzz. I usually like to end my Fridays with a glass of wine and dinner with friends, but I also spend some Fridays in bed with Netflix and tea, so I get where she’s coming from.
    My takeaway from Blake’s rule was that no matter the activity, you can still have fun whether alcohol is a part of it or not. I spent this Friday at a friend’s birthday drinking kombucha. I had so much fun and woke up feeling refreshed and great (which wouldn’t have happened had I opted for a glass of wine instead). Let’s be real: Alcohol can lead to some not-so-great mornings (hangxiety anyone?). Blake’s way of life has made me rethink alcohol and consider opting for a Betty Buzz once in a while. If you’re interested in limiting alcohol or just more mindful drinking, click here.

    2. Never skip breakfast
    They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and Blake agrees. Her trainer Don Saladino told Cosmo that her usual breakfast is a couple of eggs cooked in coconut oil with maybe some vegetables. He also emphasized the importance of starting the day with protein and balancing sugar levels. I have always loved breakfast and can’t start my day without it (Blake and I are so similar!), but I am also guilty of opting for sugary cereal or a bagel instead of healthy protein. This week, I tried to incorporate some protein into every breakfast, whether it was eggs, a protein shake, or almond butter on my toast. I found that just by adding some form of protein, I felt fuller for longer and didn’t have the crash that usually comes with a sugary morning start. Safe to say, I’ll be sticking to this rule for a while. 

    3. Always start the day with hydration
    In an interview with Cosmo, Saladino revealed that Blake starts every day with a large glass of water. It may seem like an easy habit, but most of us don’t drink enough water throughout the day. After dehydrating our bodies while sleeping, a glass of water is a great way to get things moving. Staying hydrated has always been something I struggled with, especially first thing in the morning; adding another thing to my morning to-do list just seemed overwhelming. But while channeling my inner Blake, I added a few hacks to make it easier: I filled up my water bottle the night before and left it on my bedside table (to make it as easy as possible in the morning) and opted for a water bottle instead of a glass (so I could take it with me if I was running out the door). Starting the day with hydration was a struggle for me, but by the end of the week, I did see the difference. The occasional caffeine headaches were gone, and I was also less tired. 

    4. Prioritize exercise
    There’s a reason Blake is such good friends with her trainer instead of just a client: She spends four to five days a week in the gym! While her workout regimen has changed over the years, she has always kept it consistent. Saladino told E! News that some days, Blake trains for an hour, and other days, just for 20 to 30 minutes (celebrities—their schedules are all over the place!). But my biggest takeaway was that Blake maintained consistency: No matter how much time she had, she always fit in movement.
    I value incorporating some movement into my daily routine, but unfortunately, hitting the gym four to five times a week was unrealistic for me. Instead, I developed a consistent schedule that worked for my life, which meant a spin class every Tuesday, an at-home workout twice a week, and maybe another spin class on the weekend. But being Blake for a week taught me that it didn’t matter if I had an hour for a spin class or 15 minutes for a walk: The goal is just to move consistently. 

    5. Eat a balanced diet (and never count calories!)
    According to Saladino, Blake’s diet is a healthy balance of proteins, vegetables, fruits, slow-burning starches like sweet potato, and healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter. And the best part: She’s not tracking her calories or in a strict calorie deficit like you might hear from other celebs. “I don’t think putting someone into a caloric deficit is the right thing to do,” Saladino told Cosmo. “This is why a lot of coaches and people are unsuccessful.” A well-balanced diet is also something I try to incorporate into my weekly routine, so this rule was already practiced. While not every day is the same, planning out my Sunday grocery shopping in advance is always helpful. Trying out new recipes and incorporating the same ingredients into multiple meals also adds variety and reduces the cost I’m spending on food too. This is one healthy habit I will be sticking to.

    6. Make room for fun
    If you browse through Blake’s Instagram, it’s a combination of gorgeous fashion looks, her family and friends, and, of course, delicious baked goods. Blake has a passion for baking and a strong sweet tooth (I can relate), and so while she sticks to a healthy routine, she still makes time for “fun.” Blake follows an 80/20 rule. This means she eats clean 80% of the time, leaving 20% for indulgences. While it seems tangible, keeping my indulgences to 20% was tough for me. While I try to save indulgences for the weekend, I’m a big snacker (and love a mid-week ice cream here and there because sometimes, you need to!).
    Instead of sticking to a strict 80/20 rule for the sake of becoming Blake Lively, I decided to look into each time I was craving sweets during the week and assess why. Was I bored, stressed, or needing comfort? Or does my body need this right now? If the answer was yes to the latter question, then I indulged. But I noticed that most of the time, I was just bored, and it wouldn’t actually satisfy me. By the end of the week, I discovered it was easier to limit the indulgences because I was more conscious about why I craved them in the first place. But maybe it was more 75/25 than 80/20—I am only human, after all. 

    7. Keep skincare simple
    Long before it became a TikTok sensation, Blake was using the affordable skincare brand CeraVe because she also understands the value of good drugstore buys, just like the rest of us. In an interview with People magazine, the star shared a list of her makeup and skincare go-tos, which included many affordable options, including a Burt’s Bees chapstick. While she may choose to splurge on a serum, Blake also realizes that not every item in your bathroom cabinet has to be expensive to be effective.
    As someone who has extremely oily skin and rosacea, it took a while to find the right products for my skin. I was definitely guilty of splurging on expensive creams and toners, only to realize less is always more. Now, I opt for an all-natural cleanser, a prescription cream for my rosacea, and a lightweight sunscreen. Blake’s skincare mindset is one I already live by, and while it took many years of experimentation before I got there, I realized everyone’s skin is different, and what works for you may not work for someone else.

    8. There’s no such thing as “perfection” in your exercise routine
    As a mom of three who travels often and always seems to be on the go, it’s impressive how Blake fits in a sweat almost every day. But sometimes, she isn’t able to stick to her schedule, and she knows that’s OK. “This isn’t about coming in and stepping on the gas and going as hard as you can every workout. That’s the biggest mistake that people make,” Saladino told E! News. “The reality is, it’s never gonna be a perfect scenario, right? There’s always going to be things getting in your way. That’s just life. Just get in there and move.”
    This rule was one of my favorites. Sometimes, there can be a lot of pressure on working out—like you need to be doing an hour, burning a certain number of calories, or going at a certain intensity for it to be effective, but that’s not true. This “rule” took all the pressure off of me on the days when I didn’t have a workout planned. One time, I walked to the grocery store instead of driving. At work, my team and I decided to start doing 30 squats every day. On my lunch breaks, I would opt for a 10-minute yoga stretch. Simply adding a little bit of movement into the days when I wasn’t feeling up to a 60-minute workout gave me more energy and took all the pressure and guilt away. 

    I Tried J.Lo’s Self-Care Routine for a Week
    Here’s What Happened More