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    10 No-Hassle Steps I’m Taking Today for a Better Tomorrow

    When it comes to self-love, I’ve always been an all or nothing kind of gal. I’m either on top of my routines doing the absolute most (6 a.m. wakeup, 7 a.m. hot yoga, 9 a.m. saying positive affirmations to myself in the mirror) or I’m feeling anxious and low on motivation while simultaneously avoiding human contact and responsibilities because I just can’t—there’s no in between. So if there are any sort of wellness tips I gravitate to in life, they’re the ones that are realistic, no-hassle, and attainable which proves to be especially important on those days where I’m feeling like I’m in a little bit of a slump.
    In an effort to find balance and consistency between who I am when I’m super high energy and who I am on days where I’m simply not feeling it, I’ve built up quite the repertoire of go-to wellness tips that I turn to to stay loving myself, even if I’m not up to moving mountains. Tried and true, here are 10 no-hassle steps I’m taking today to feel better by tomorrow:

    1. Going grocery shopping and filling my fridge with plenty of nutrient-dense foods
    If there’s one sure way that I know I can get myself out of a funk, it’s doing a grocery run to fill my fridge with plenty of nutrient-dense foods. Time and time again, I’ve fallen into the “I’ll just get fast food delivered” pit which, while initially indulgent, nine times out of 10 leaves me feeling sluggish and super guilty about the fact that I just dropped $30 instead of making something that would make me feel better. When I want to set myself up for a better tomorrow, I love filling my fridge with a lot of fruits, veggies, and foods with good fats and fiber to make feel-good options within reach.
    And when it comes to making sure I’m showing myself love by fueling myself with nutrient-dense foods I love having fresh avocados on hand. It’s virtually the only fresh fruit with good fats and plays a dual role in helping me meet both my fruit and good fat recommendations. Prioritizing nutrient-dense foods helps me to honor my body in a small way that makes a huge impact. From snack time to dinner and beyond, fresh avocados are one of my go-to grabs when I hit the grocery store and they help me to satisfy my hunger while nourishing my body and mind. Also, they taste incredible. Click below for a FREE handout featuring delicious avocado-based snacks inspired by a Mediterranean-style of eating!

    2. Listening to a mood-boosting playlist
    If I’m having an “off” day, one of my favorite tried and true ways to get back on track is to have a one-woman dance party to one of my favorite playlists. Listen—don’t knock it til you try it. I pop on my favorite playlist and start dancing and singing like nobody’s watching. And TBH, it’s super therapeutic. There’s something about scream-singing along to my favorite song that makes me want to run through a wall and definitely boosts my mood. 10/10 recommend.

    Source: Social Squares

    3. Tidying up my workspace 
    When I’m feeling overwhelmed, one of the first things to go and one of the areas that I pay attention to least is the cleanliness of my apartment. And in turn, having my physical environment cluttered makes me feel, well, not so great. I’m not super type A, but I’ll admit: I feel so much better when I tidy up even a small area, especially if I’m spending a decent amount of time there (cough, cough: my workspace).
    If my place is a mess, I’ll set a five-minute timer to clean up as much as I can beginning with one small area at a time. Starting with just five minutes is usually enough to get me to keep going beyond that amount of time. I’m definitely motivated by progress, so once I get going, I’m usually inspired enough to keep going. And if for some reason I just can’t go on after those five minutes, it’s still five minutes of tidying that I wouldn’t have done otherwise. It’s truly a win-win situation where I’m investing a small amount of time in something that I know will make me feel better. 

    4. Connecting with others
    When I’m not feeling the greatest, there’s one task above all that I simultaneously dread the most and know will likely cure me. And that, my friends, is phoning someone I love. Working up the courage and energy to ask for help or just put myself out there isn’t always the easiest task, but I’ve never left a phone conversation with my bestie or my mom feeling worse or the same as before. Connecting with people I love, even if it’s for just a few minutes over video chat, gives me a sense of belonging, reminds me I’m not alone, and usually results in a good, unexpected laugh that boosts my mood exponentially.

    5. Doing some light exercise 
    One area that I’ve made progress by leaps and bounds over the course of the last few years is my relationship with moving my body. In accordance with how I typically tackle things (all or nothing), I used to truly believe that if I wasn’t dripping sweat, burning an upwards of 500 calories, or crushing a new fitness goal every day, it simply didn’t count. For me, this would result in a ton of dread when I was heading to the gym and was detrimental to my motivation to move my body at all. Especially on those low-energy days, I couldn’t muster up what it took to hit those high-intensity workouts, so—*spoiler alert*—I’d do nothing at all.
    Since I’ve healed my relationship with fitness, I know just how much a lower-intensity, quick workout can do for my body and my mind. Gone are the days of absolutely wrecking myself at the gym. Don’t get me wrong: When the stars are aligned, I’ll do a high-impact workout here and there. But my 15- to 30-minute walks, 12-3-30 treadmill days, and stretching have proven to improve my mood tenfold (no pre-movement dread or anxiety required).

    Source: Colorjoy Stock

    6. Writing in my journal
    If there’s one therapy takeaway that I turn to above all others, it’s journaling. When I’m feeling anxious or low, one of my most tried-and-true ways to get my ruminating thoughts and feelings into the physical world are to brain-dump them onto paper through journaling. I’ve tried some more structured prompts in the past, but I’ve found that they work better for me when I’m feeling a little more inspired and high-energy. On those in-between days or if I’m in a bit of a mental slump, brain dumping has been my saving grace. After a good journaling session, my mind feels clear and new thoughts and challenges that enter my brain feel a lot more manageable. 

    7. Doing a five-minute meditation
    OK, I can’t lie. I might be the worst meditator that I know. But the way I see it, that also makes me someone who has a ton of potential (my “most improved” award will be here any minute now). I’ve found that doing guided meditations works a lot better for me and, like my brain dumping via journaling, helps me most when I have a far-too-full brain and not a lot of energy to spare.
    Sometimes, I’ll meditate in the middle of my workday to clear my mind before a meeting or when I find myself getting overwhelmed by tasks (especially when every single one is labeled as high-priority). Taking that step back has been so good for my anxiety and has helped me tackle my day with more focus and calmness. Other times, I’ll meditate at the end of my workday to help get me out of “work mode,” which has been a game changer for my end-of-day shutdown routine.

    8. Moving my nighttime routine up by 30 minutes to get a head start on sleep
    I’ve gotten a lot better at prioritizing my nighttime routine, but the reality is that even with a curated system for sleep, I don’t always get to sleep as early as I’d like. And the older I get, the more I realize how much sleep affects my mood, alertness, and efficiency the next day.
    I’ve found that cutting down my evening TV binge sessions by just 30 minutes has helped me start my nighttime routine earlier and has helped me get to bed at or before my intended sleep time. I’m definitely not cutting out my TV time altogether, but three-hour-long episodes are a bit excessive. As long as I tell myself “it’ll be there for me tomorrow,” I can usually peel myself away from the screen and get a good head start on my sleep game.

    Source: Amanda Vick | Unsplash

    9. Swapping scrolling on social media with a light read to wind down and relax
    For years, one of my worst habits has been scrolling social media (TikTok, Instagram, Facebook—you name it) as a way to “wind down” when I’ve time and time again learned that it does the exact opposite. Between being blinded by blue light, seeing something that can make me anxious and get my adrenaline pumping, or falling down a TikTok rabbit hole until 2 a.m., I’ve learned my lesson when it comes to scrolling. I’ve started reading lighter novels before bed which has done wonders for my wind-down routine. After a few pages of focused relaxation, I’m able to let sleep catch up to me and take me into the night.

    10. Setting tomorrow’s alarm for 20 minutes earlier than normal 
    If there’s one “I-hate-to-admit-it” way that I can ensure that I start tomorrow off on the right foot, it’s setting my alarm for a mere 20 minutes earlier than I normally do. Starting my day off with an additional 20 minutes to prioritize myself—journaling, meditation, doing my skincare routine at my leisure, romanticizing my morning cup of coffee, or reading (the world truly is my oyster)—is probably my favorite way to kick off a day. Even if the day ends up being hectic, knowing that I carved out a few minutes to show myself  some love is such a good feeling that surprises me every single time.

    8 Easy Daily Habits That Will Help You Manifest Your Goals

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Fresh Avocados — Love One Today, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    What You Should Manifest This Year, Based on Your Enneagram

    Manifestation isn’t anything new (nor is it magic!). In a very practical sense, manifesting is about living a life of intention because the more energy and intention you direct toward your desires, the more results you see. I keep a manifestation journal where I envision the specific changes I want to see in my life in great detail that I often revisit and use to intentionally make those outcomes a reality. And to help with manifestation, you can turn to your Enneagram, which can tell you about your deepest desires, fears, and core motivations. As a Four, it’s how I realized that creativity was important to me in my career. To make this your best year yet, read on to find out what you should manifest and where to focus your manifestation powers, according to your Enneagram.

    For the ambitious and hardworking Ones, this year’s manifestation is all about self-acceptance. Envision the version of yourself outside of what you think others expect of you and give yourself your own stamp of approval. Ones are loved and worthy, regardless of whether or not they fall short of their goals. Choose to be happy now, not just when the next goal is met. Repeat an affirmation like “my value goes beyond my achievements” and be intentional about infusing joy into your life wherever and whenever you can.

    As selfless caregivers, Twos are ready to manifest a caring relationship because they are always giving. Intentionally seek out relationships that are about a balanced give and take, like a partner who will always check on you or ask about how you feel. Think about what relationships with people who support, encourage, and inspire you would feel and look like, and define what the boundaries around your time and energy mean to you. Manifesting balanced relationships will help you create the connections that leave you feeling appreciated.

    For Threes who put a lot of pressure on themselves, this is the year to manifest peace. Focus on the things in your life that prioritize relaxation and soothe you. Recall a memory or visualize a place that makes you feel the calmest. For me, it’s the sounds of rain falling outside my window or waves crashing on the beach. Close your eyes and take yourself to the place that lets you relax any tension in your body.

    As a Type Four, you are always finding new creative outlets and are only fulfilled if you’re truly imaginative. Manifest greater inspiration and a career opportunity that will allow you to be more creative. Picture exactly what it would feel like to get up every day and do work that excites you and allows you to express yourself creatively, learn a new skill that gets you closer to that goal, and look up your dream company that encourages individual creativity and see if there are any opportunities available. Feel a little underqualified? Fight the career FOMO and apply anyway.

    If you’re a Type Five, 2022 is your year to manifest abundance. This can be an abundance of new information to learn in a career that challenges your critical thinking or more income to feel more freedom and indulge in the things that make you happy. As the minimalist of the Enneagrams, Fives often believe that they have more than enough. Picture life without the feeling of scarcity and the steps you can take, like practicing gratitude. Start a gratitude journal and pick one to three things every day that you’re grateful for in your life. This will help you have a more positive outlook and manifest more abundance in your life.

    Sixes are acutely aware of all the things that might go wrong. This Enneagram type would benefit from manifesting all good things because Type Sixes are motivated by their need for security. Try drowning out the worst-case scenarios that can play out in your head and replace them with positive ones. Believe that good things are coming and picture what the feeling of safety feels like. Be intentional about not creating self-fulfilling prophecies and make decisions based on the feeling of safety, not fear. Focus on trusting that you’ve done all that you could to create safety and that you can handle anything that comes your way. 

    For the Enneagram that loves fun and exploration, manifesting the trip of their dreams is what this year is all about. Take little steps to bring you closer to ziplining in the Caribbean or dinner overlooking Santorini, Greece: research how much flights would cost, look up where you would stay, or just make a vision board of the destination you want to visit most. Even the tiniest acts can help you move toward your goal and manifest an exciting new place to discover. Even if your dream destination isn’t a reality for 2022, you’ll be manifesting more adventure, whether it’s a weekend trip every month or spending your Saturdays exploring places in your own city you’ve never been.

    Eights are natural-born leaders who love making an impact. Since Eights can sometimes feel disconnected from others, try manifesting community this year. You’re already passionate, so why not find a group of people who also care about the causes that matter, and use your assertiveness and influence more intentionally. Envision what it would feel like to be a part of something bigger and what a supportive, collaborative community looks like for you. Search for local opportunities to volunteer or take the lead by organizing a food drive.

    Nines use their communication skills to bring peace amongst their loved ones, often at the cost of their own. Nines can step into their power when they not only think of others but also think of themselves. Manifest main-character energy to make yourself a priority, and shift your perspective to consider that it’s OK (and necessary) to sometimes be the center of attention or romanticize your life. What would it look and feel like if you said how you felt, regardless of any potential conflict? Journal about situations where future you put yourself first.

    How You Need to Recharge, According to Your Enneagram More

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    7 Secrets To Getting More From Your Workouts, According to a Personal Trainer

    I’m pretty good at fitting a workout into my routine. Whether it’s 10 minutes of pilates on my lunch break or a 35-minute strength-training class after work, I can find time on even the busiest of days. But is finding time enough? Whether you find random pockets of time to squeeze it in like me or rely on 60-minute training sessions six days a week, we can all agree that if we’re going to spend the time to work out, we better get the most from it. 
    So what does it take to turn any exercise into an effective workout that will help us reach health goals? Just ask Danyele Wilson, a NASM-certified trainer, HIIT master trainer, Tone & Sculpt coach, and all-around badass. After obsessing over her at-home workouts (and envy-worthy abs) on Instagram, I knew I had to pick her brain. Here are her secrets to get the most out of every single workout and reach your fitness goals (hint: work smarter, not longer).

    Meet the expert
    Danyele Wilson
    NASM-certified trainer
    Danyele is a HIIT master trainer, Tone & Sculpt coach, and an EvolveYou Trainer. She has designed home and gym workouts with programs to suit all fitness levels.

    1. Define your “why”
    As with any health or wellness goal, find a reason to achieve that goal that will motivate you. No matter how much you think you want to work out every day and eat a clean diet, if the reason is that you’re “supposed to” or because it will help you look a certain way, you probably won’t stay motivated through the toughest workouts and busiest days. Instead, think about why you really want to exercise. Is it to feel more confident, be more connected to your body, or to live a longer life? Now that’s what will get you through the tough times. “It’s important to set the tone and intention for your workout, so when it gets hard, you have a clearly defined reason to carry you through,” Wilson explained. 

    2. Never skip a dynamic warmup
    It goes for new relationships, and it goes for exercise: When you go from 0 to 100 way too quickly, it can cause some serious damage. As Wilson said, “a warm body is ready to perform; a cold body will put you at risk for injury.” Next time you’re thinking of going straight into a sprint or HITT circuit, stop and take a few minutes to make sure your body is ready so that it can perform its best and to decrease your risk for injuries. You want to warm up the body to ensure the muscles have enough oxygen and increase flexibility to reduce injuries. Wilson recommended fitting in at least five minutes for a warmup. Try active stretching and low-heart rate cardio like walking on the treadmill.

    3. When weight training, start with compound lifts
    Compound lifts are any strengthening exercise where you’re using more than one muscle group at a time (like squats or deadlifts rather than bicep curls). Wilson said that knowing this is key to getting the most from your workouts. “Compound lifts demand the most energy, so it’s important to get those big lifts out of the way before you start to fatigue,” she explained. If a phrase like “compound lifts” sounds a little too out of your league or weight training is not your thing, Wilson’s tip works as a framework to make the most of any workout. Start with whatever exercise, movement, or part of the body feels the most challenging for you and will require the most energy (instead of putting off the hard stuff until the end). At the beginning of the workout, you’ll have more endurance for tougher movements.

    4. Focus on mind-muscle connection
    If you’re like me and move through workout classes thinking about what you’re going to have for dinner later, new’s flash: We’re missing out on a key piece of the exercise. “Focusing on the mind-muscle connection is important to ensure you are never just going through the motions and are working out as efficiently as possible,” Wilson said. In other words, focusing on the targeted muscle can engage it more, making it work harder and more efficiently. When you’re more mindful of each movement, you’ll be better with your form (more on that below), and you’ll focus on the working muscle, making it work more effectively.

    5. When you feel tired, focus on form
    If you haven’t already perfected your form, you need to. Proper form helps you maximize a workout by using your energy for the extra push, meaning that no movement goes to waste. If you have improper form, you might be targeting unintended muscles and setting yourself up for injury. Plus, good form means you can run faster, jump higher, and push harder (yes, you will feel like Superman). Wilson especially recommended focusing on form when you get tired during a workout. It’s so much easier to slack on form when your body feels exhausted, so being extra conscious can not only help you push through the rest of the workout, but Wilson also relies on this trick to prevent injuries.

    6. At the end of the workout, try something that will empty the tank
    Whether you’re looking to maximize a 10-minute, 30-minute, or 60-minute workout, you should end feeling like you gave it your all. Not only is this good for your confidence, but it’s also good for your body and ensures that you’re challenging yourself. Wilson recommended ending each workout with a burst of movement that will empty the tank. “This will allow you to surprise yourself with how far you’re able to go,” she said. “Tie meaning to those final movements, dig deep, and finish strong.” Try a rep with a heavier weight or a cardio burst of jumping jacks, and don’t forget to crank up the workout playlist.

    7. Remember that how you do one thing is how you do everything
    Exercise is not only beneficial because you know it’s good for your health. Exercise is also an opportunity to boost your confidence, challenge yourself, and learn what you’re capable of. Wilson sees exercise as an opportunity to practice the skills she wants to incorporate in her entire life, believing that the way she does one thing is the way she’ll do everything. “If you’re willing to take shortcuts during a workout, you’ll be willing to take shortcuts in other areas of your life,” she explained. “Decide not to settle, so the power you feel after finishing a tough workout will spill into other areas of your life.” BRB, going to go crush a HITT circuit after that motivation.

    I Asked Shay Mitchell’s Trainer How to Get More Toned
    Here’s what she said More

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    Want To Be As Confident as Rihanna? Here Are Her Best Tips

    She’s broken down barriers in beauty, fashion, music, and now maternity style—Rihanna isn’t afraid to make a name for herself in everything she does, with a confidence that is hard to match. But confidence isn’t something that happens overnight, and everyone, even Rihanna, has bad self-esteem days, especially as a woman in industries that aren’t historically welcoming. Confidence is not something you’re born with; it’s a muscle that needs to be continually worked.
    If you feel like a lack of confidence gets in the way of opportunities, you are not alone. But as women such as Rihanna continue to break down these barriers, we get closer and closer to breaking the confidence gap. If you still need a little help reaching Rihanna-level confidence, Riri’s got you covered. She’s shared some game-changing confidence secrets over the years, and we’re breaking it all down below. 

    Do everything for you, not for others.
    It may sound cliché to say “love yourself” and you may have seen it in every self-help book or cheesy wooden sign from Home Goods, but Rihanna knows that loving yourself isn’t as simple as a book or quote. In an article with Emirates Woman, she explained that loving yourself is actually about doing everything for yourself, not for others. For example, she said that makeup and fashion can be big influences in helping you feel confident, but you have to “make sure you are doing it to make you feel good and aren’t trying to impress anybody else.” 
    Start living your life for you and not for others. Repeat an affirmation every morning so you wake up for yourself instead of for that morning meeting or even to let your dog out. When you pick out the clothes you wear or decide to post that picture on Instagram, don’t do it for anyone other than you: Maybe those boots make you feel sexy or that photo was taken during a moment when you were having fun. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of trying to impress someone with what you think they’ll like or following a trend you don’t fully love (been there), but those things never end up making you feel better in the long run. We’re all uniquely beautiful, and the sooner we realize it, the faster we can become more confident versions of ourselves. 

    Fake it ’til you make it.
    Rihanna has some pretty iconic red carpet moments, but one of my personal favorites is not her outfit but an interview (although the outfit is fierce too). When asked what she does on days where she doesn’t feel as confident, she responded, “I pretend. It’s either that or cry myself to sleep, and I mean, who wants to do that? You wake up with puffy eyes the next day—it’s a waste of tears.” It’s so true. As the founder of multiple successful companies and a huge public figure, Rihanna probably has had to pretend once or twice. While sometimes it is nice to have a good cry session, other times, we have to pretend we know what we’re doing and power through.
    As women, we often feel we have to be fully qualified to apply for the dream job or know all the answers to be successful, but we’ll never reach our dreams or achieve new things if we’re not putting ourselves out there. Maybe it’s easier to be confident when we know we’re 100% qualified, but the truth is, we rarely will feel totally ready for anything new (especially when we’re challenging ourselves). Perhaps pretending to be confident is the stepping stone we all need to embrace confidence fully. 

    Choose your role models.
    Rihanna might be one of the best role models, but she has great role models of her own. In an interview with Emirates Woman, she opened up about the women in her life who taught her about the power of self-love. “Both my grandmother and my mum were strong independent women—they had to be,” she said. “They were both independent women who made things happen for themselves, and I am so thankful I grew up around women like that.”
    They say the people you spend the most time with are reflections of you. Spending time with confident people who can help guide you can help you become more confident too. Rihanna was able to identify her role models early on and look to them for guidance to become the confident person she is today. Maybe for you, it’s a coworker or your boss. Maybe it’s a mentor or your best friend, or perhaps you have yet to meet your confidence clan, but you can work to do so. Having someone you look up to and to help guide you is a great step to embodying confidence. 

    Stop comparing yourself to others.
    In the age of the internet, it’s no wonder comparison is a major confidence buster. As a woman who grew up in the spotlight, Rihanna was constantly compared to other women. Whether it was her body, music, or opinions, she was unfairly pitted against others when she should have been admired for being uniquely herself. Today, she is shining a light on the importance of not comparing yourself to other women. “The biggest mistake you can make is to compare yourself with someone else,” she told InStyle.
    Social media can sometimes feel so overwhelming that it’s hard not to compare yourself with an influencer, celebrity, or even a friend. But behind the photoshopped images are real people who have good and bad days too. Rihanna knows that the most confident women stay true to themselves and don’t fall down the hole of comparison (it’s the thief of joy, after all). She said that she wants to “encourage girls and women to respect their uniqueness.” Well, if Rihanna says so.

    A Confidence Coach’s Tips To Be More Confident
    these tips will change your life More

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    I’ve Tried Everything Under the Sun—These 3 Products Actually Make That Time of the Month 10x Better

    Let me introduce you to the most toxic relationship in my life: the one between me and my period. I had my first period at 12 years old (also the longest relationship of my life), and one month later, I felt my first series of intense, painful cramps so bad that I stayed home from school. Over the next few years, they only got worse. My gynecologist prescribed me prescription painkillers and eventually birth control pills, but neither totally worked and it felt more like I was putting a Band-Aid on the problem by adding more to my body instead of healing my body at the root.
    During this long, toxic relationship, you can bet I tried every supplement, prescription, tea, patch, app, and period relief product under the sun (you name it—I promise I’ve tried it). But there are three MVP products that have stood the test of time (and bad PMS) and worked so well that I keep a regular stock to use every month to make my period so much more bearable. Read on for my must-haves for that time of the month and which to try based on your period symptoms.

    Relief Balm
    Best for: cramps or back pain
    I had to try this period hack for myself to believe it. It all started when The Everygirl team was talking about our universal obsession (AKA Equilibria CBD products), and some people mentioned they use the Relief Balm to ease period cramps. A cream for cramps? Yes, please! TBH, I didn’t think anything topical could make a difference in my intense, painful, long-lasting cramps, but the ingredients sounded alluring. With 500 mg of CBD, coconut oil, shea butter, lavender, and rosemary, the Relief Balm is aptly named for its promise to absorb into the skin for relief of achy joints, soreness, and—you guessed it—period cramps.
    I was an immediate convert after my first time trying. It’s hard to explain how your ovaries feel (I never thought I would type that sentence), but there was a calming, cooling sensation that eased my cramps for about an hour, thanks to fast-acting formula. Even when the cooling sensation went away, my cramps came back a lot less painful, so it seemed to genuinely soothe instead of temporarily mask the problem.

    Relief Balm
    Use code THEEVERYGIRL for 20% off your first order!

    Dynamic Roller Duo
    Best for: fatigue, insomnia, stress
    The genius CBD-infused rollers from Equilibria have been my go-to for everything from de-stressing before bed to energizing before a meeting or presentation (they come in both an energizing and calming formula). But my menstrual game changed as soon as I started adding them into my period symptom arsenal. When that mid-cycle fatigue hits (you know what I’m talking about), I use the Energizing Roller (with essential oils like peppermint, spearmint, and sweet orange in addition to CBD) to wake me up and help me feel inspired before a workout or meeting that my period very much does not want me to do.
    Likewise, the Calming Roller (with essential oils like lavender, rosewood, and chamomile flower infusion in addition to CBD) is my saving grace when I’m having trouble sleeping (anyone else get period insomnia?) or the PMS mood swings start kicking in. I love having a more natural, relaxing, good-for-you solution instead of another cup of caffeine or suffering through mood swings. Simply massage the roller onto your temples, wrists, or any other pulse points for instant and refreshing relief. 

    Daily Drops
    Best for: PMS-related stress and anxiety
    I’ve been adding the mint Daily Drops from Equilibria to my morning coffee for almost two years now (time flies when you’re de-stressing with CBD!) and I’ve noticed a huge difference in how I respond to stress throughout the day and how much better my focus is, but I’ve also noticed less tension and stress that often come with my period. These drops are different from the Rollers or Relief Balm because they’re intended for daily use to build up an increased sense of calm and balance in the face of day-to-day stress (instead of immediate relief), so I love that I’m actually providing lasting change in my body over time to help with the moodiness, stress, or occasional sadness and anxiety I feel around my cycle.
    Hot tip: Take the Daily Drops at the same time or after eating a healthy fat (like nut butter, avocados, etc.) for increased efficacy. I love this ritual because healthy fats are also really good for hormonal health, so I feel like I have a daily habit that helps my body heal in multiple ways and eases period symptoms, no matter what time of the month it is.

    Daily Drops
    Use code THEEVERYGIRL for 20% off your first order!

    How To Heal Your Period Problems Once and for All
    According to a holistic expert

    This post is sponsored by Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    I’m a Health Coach and These Are the 5 Things I Can’t Live Without

    When it comes to my wardrobe, I’m a sucker for budget finds, and I keep my beauty routine somewhat minimal. But wellness essentials are my kryptonite. I have tried just about every supplement, technology, and must-have that pops up on the internet or is recommended by doctors. I have a budget specifically for all of my health and wellness necessities, and have been known to spend over that on one too many occasions. And while I love a good sauna blanket or red-light therapy device as much as the next girl (sure, call me extra), there are only a few things that I literally use every single day. And the best part? They’re all worth the investment, easy, and convenient. Read on for the five wellness essentials I can’t live without:

    1. Nutrient-dense fruits like avocados
    We all know that avocado toast had its moment, but this Instagram-favorite fruit has always been a can’t-live-without item for helping me live my best life. Whether it’s in a salad, smoothie, or mashed into a delicious guacamole, avocados are extremely delicious and versatile. Fresh avocados are a good source of fiber, have naturally beneficial fats, and provide other nutrients that help me feel my best. My trick to making healthy decisions is to always have nutrient-dense snacks on hand so I’m not just reaching for the closest bag of junk food when hunger strikes. I love avocados sliced with salt and pepper, mashed into a dip for veggies and crackers, or blended with cacao into a chocolate pudding. If you’re looking for avocado-centered recipe inspo, look no further… check out this FREE handout featuring delicious avocado-based recipes inspired by a Mediterranean-style of eating!

    2. Oversized water bottle
    Not to brag, but I’m really good at drinking water. It’s taken years, but I have trained my body to constantly crave hydration—I really feel it if I haven’t had enough water during the day or if it’s been greater than 20 minutes since I’ve taken a sip. No matter if your most toxic trait is bragging about how hydrated you are like me or if you can never remember to drink enough, my best hack is using an oversized water bottle. Think about it: The biggest struggle with drinking water is getting up to refill when you’re sitting at your desk all day or not getting enough water in while you’re on the go. When I upgraded my basic, wimpy bottle to a 64oz tumbler, my hydration levels transformed. Now, I drink enough water because I don’t have to keep getting up from my desk to refill, and can bring enough with me on the go to stay hydrated throughout the day. Trust me: Your hydration goals have never been easier to reach.

    Source: Social Squares

    3. Dedicated journals
    Full transparency: Yes, I am a health coach/wellness editor, and have therefore been telling women to journal ever since I can remember, but it’s taken me a while to actually get into a journaling habit myself. I write all day every day, so the last thing I was tempted to do on my off time was–you guessed it–write. In the name of health, I’ve tried making lists of what I’m grateful for or following guided prompts, but it never really stuck because it felt more like a mindless routine or item on my to-do list than a genuine self-care practice.
    But at the end of 2021, I learned about manifest journaling and something clicked. Now, I have a dedicated journal just for manifestation practices, which encourages me to keep up the practice much more than when I used the same notebook for all my brain dumps, notes, and attempted journaling. Additionally, I’ve been using journaling as a way to connect with and document specific nutrition and wellness goals which has been such a game-changer for me. I started looking at journaling as a rehearsal for how I wanted to live my day and a way to shift my energy instead of looking at it as something I was supposed to do.

    4. Ice roller
    Another confession: I run puffy. I will wake up after even a full eight hours of sleep and not even recognize my reflection because my eyes are overpowered by severe under eye bags and my jaw and cheekbones have gotten lost in all the puffiness. Enter: my go-to ice roller. I’ve tried a lot of different techniques, but ice rolling is the one practice that I can’t live without. You might have seen this affordable and popular tool on social media and it’s well worth the hype. Massaging with an ice roller proved to be an instant de-puffer, plus it takes very little time or effort (which is an automatic win for me). Ice-rolling can reduce puffiness and redness in the skin and can help boost circulation. I also use it on my neck and temples when a headache is coming on for immediate relief. Try a roller, put your favorite facial massage tools in the fridge, or just use an ice cube if you’re in a pinch.

    Source: ColorJoy Stock

    5. Ankle weights
    Historically, I’m a trendy-workout-studio-only kind of girl. My best motivation comes from mood lighting and loud music, and I’m a sucker for any entrance or studio that has an Instagram-worthy neon sign or floral display. But I had to drastically shift my idea of exercise when the pandemic hit and all my beloved studios shut down (taking their neon signs with them). One of the best purchases I bought during the first week of lockdown was a pair of ankle weights. I used them as you would expect (around my ankles for a workout), but I also put them on my wrists to work arms and started wearing them on walks just for an added challenge. Cut to two years later and they are my go-to wellness accessory, whether I’m cooking dinner or taking my dog outside. A light pair of ankle weights is one of the easiest hacks to work on strength without even trying.

    I Made These 5 Wellness Changes for Spring and I’m Already Feeling 10x Better

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Fresh Avocados — Love One Today, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    5 Manifestation Journal Prompts for Your Best Life Ever

    As someone who writes for a living, you’d think I’d be a journaling pro, but until recently, the combination of journal prompts and manifestation never crossed my mind. Sure, I had years where I would take to my diary to express my elation any time Tommy (my crush) paid any attention to me when I was in elementary school, but as an adult, the extent I put pen to paper is my to-do list. 
    But recently, that’s all changed. As of late, no matter where I’m reading or scrolling, I come across manifestation and journaling and their touted benefits, like improved well-being and mood (just to name a couple). So why not combine the two and get the best of both worlds? Read on for five prompts I’ve been loving lately that got me into journaling and can work as a manifestation practice to achieve your dream life.

    1. What is your best life?
    Whether or not you realize it, when you fantasize about your dream life, you’re taking the first step in manifestation: identifying what you desire. And when you take note of it on paper, you’re setting your intentions and, in essence, writing your best story: your life. What does a day in your dream life look like? Write in the present tense as if you’re already living it: “I start my morning with…,” “I am an interior designer…,” “I live in X with X.” 
    How do you spend your waking hours? Who do you interact with? How do you feel throughout the day? Put all your senses to work: what do you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch? Be specific and remove any judgments or doubts from your practice. Writing about your dream life will create a clear picture of it and help invoke the feelings that are connected to it, bringing you one step closer to experiencing it IRL. 

    2. Who is your highest self?
    Let’s be real: You can’t live your best life without being your best self. So when you picture your highest and truest version of yourself, what are they like? How do they feel, speak, and dress? What does their typical day entail? Visualize, feel, and put these thoughts down on a page. Tapping into all the senses as your highest self will help you gain clarity on who you strive to be. The result? Aligning with that person and showing up as them—starting today. Also, when you have to make a tough decision or are faced with an issue with a friend or coworker, you can ask yourself, “How would my highest self handle the situation?” Bottom line: Be clear about who you want to be and live as if you’re already that person, and the rest will follow. 

    3. What is your purpose?
    Each of us has innate gifts and passions that we bring to the table and are uniquely ours. Some of us discover them at a young age while others find their path to self-discovery later in life, and that’s OK. If you’re seeking guidance in realizing your true purpose, journaling can be an effective tool. Consider what piques your interest and lights you up. In other words, what are you passionate about? It can be a belief, activity, cause, or line of work. What are you good at? What would you do if fear and judgment didn’t come into play? Think about a time when you were at your happiest. What were you doing? 
    By recording your reflections in your journal, you’re uncovering your “why,” or the purpose that gets you excited to get out of bed every morning; think of it as your inner guide to manifesting a fulfilling career and life. The best part? You can return to it any time you need inspiration or feel compelled to go in a new direction. And there are no right or wrong answers—it’s your own personal discovery. 

    4. What do you appreciate about your body?
    We often take for granted what our bodies do for us on a daily basis (like the simple acts of breathing, walking, and enjoying foods). Expressing gratitude for what our bodies are capable of doing instead of focusing on what we’d like to change makes room for manifesting what we want (whether or not it has to do with our bodies). For example, when I look in the mirror, I often think, “I wish my arms were more toned.” Replacing a critical thought with body-positive affirmations, like “I release self-criticism and choose self-love” or “My arms give me the ability to embrace my loved ones and carry my pup,” shifts my perspective from a place of lack to one of appreciation. Some other uplifting statements to consider journaling are: “I am grateful for my body today because…” and “I take care of my body by…” 
    Jotting down your affirmations will not only foster love for your body but also make your manifestations come to fruition faster (talk about a win-win). Don’t get me wrong: Accepting and loving your body just as it is today is no easy feat. But the more we write out self-talk that lifts us up, the less we pick apart our bodies and the more we celebrate them for what they are and provide. 

    5. What is no longer serving you?
    We all have a past and, inevitably, people or circumstances from it that we have outgrown but still hold onto. The limiting thoughts and feelings associated with them could be holding you back from getting what you desire. To avoid any ghosts from the past, first identify what’s no longer serving you. Write down any individuals, jobs, relationships, beliefs, habits, routines, or other areas of your life that could be blocking what you want to manifest and why. Then, outline three things you can do at this moment to feel better and remove that thing that’s holding you back. My go-to prompt is “I choose to put my energy into what serves me. This includes…” By releasing burdens from your past, you create space for new possibilities, opportunities, experiences, and connections to come into your life. 

    The Type of Journaling You Should Do
    Based on Your Enneagram More

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    7 Daily Rituals a Dietician Says Will Help You Eat Healthier—That Have Nothing To Do With Food

    When it comes to how to eat healthier, achieving your nutrition goals is rarely just about modifying your food and eating habits; there are many moving parts to becoming your healthiest self. Yes, choosing nourishing foods, engaging in regular physical activity, and making time for self-care are all important, but there is one component of health that is often overlooked: rituals. Unlike habits (which are performed for the sake of doing the action itself—think: brushing your teeth every day), rituals are a series of intentional actions that can lead to behavior changes. By incorporating rituals into your daily routine, you are creating a positive domino effect to allow other healthy habits to follow. The best part is that rituals don’t have to be difficult to make a difference. Read on for seven rituals that you can start doing today. 

    1. Set daily intentions
    Creating a ritual to write down a daily intention is an automatic way to set the tone for how you want to think, feel, or act each day—including what you want to eat and how to fuel your body. Intentions can align with your values or goals, but they can also help you get more clear on what you want out of your life and how food can help you get there (more energy to work on your business or go out with friends, etc.). And on days where you feel like everything is going wrong, you have your intention to fall back on. 
    To get started with setting intentions, think about what you want to get out of the day and what energy you want to attract. You could ask yourself questions such as “What attitude do I want to have today?” or “What do I need to focus on to reach my goals?” Examples of intentions could be “Today, I intend to open myself up to new possibilities” or “I am stepping into confidence today.” Connecting your nutrition goals to a greater purpose or desire helps to engrain them in your mind, which can set you on the path to becoming your best self. 

    2. Stretch
    I used to think that stretching was something you only did to become more flexible or improve your sit and reach test score in gym class (*cue the flashbacks*). Turns out, stretching has many benefits, including keeping your muscles flexible, reducing stress, preventing injuries, and counteracting the effects we feel from sitting. But most importantly, stretching gives you a chance to reconnect with your body by tuning in to what’s happening inside and out. The more in-tune you are, the more likely you are to live as your healthiest self. Luckily, you don’t need to dedicate an extensive amount of time to stretching to reap the benefits. All you need is a 5-10 minute stretching ritual first thing in the morning or at night before bed as an easy way to anchor your day, connect to your body, and remind yourself what you’re eating healthy for.

    3. Meditate
    Meditation can be great for improving your health, as some research has shown it helps reduce stress and boost immunity. But meditating can feel totally daunting and overwhelming for many people. I mean, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone says meditation and why is it sitting in complete silence focusing on deep breathing? However, creating a meditation ritual doesn’t have to mean sitting in silence for long stretches of time. Meditation can be practiced in many different ways, and it may take some trial and error to find what works best for you. One way to start a meditation ritual is through practicing visualization meditation. This can look like visualizing yourself completing a health goal, making a nourishing meal, or just generally feeling like your healthiest, most energized self. Picture what your ideal situation would look like and imagine it becoming a reality. 

    4. Gratitude journal
    When we express gratitude for what we have, it can make our life feel that much more fulfilling. Although thinking about what you’re grateful for is helpful, writing it down has been shown to reduce stress, lead to better sleep, and even improve interpersonal relationships. Keeping a gratitude journal doesn’t have to be long or extensive. Start by jotting down three things you’re grateful for each day, anything from the weather outside to a big life event. While shifting your perspective to a grateful one can help increase confidence and intentionality that helps you stay motivated to eat healthy, you can also express gratitude for things related to your nutrition goals, like how you have access to nourishing food that makes your body feel energized, or gratitude for how your body can move. No matter how big or small, starting each day with a dose of gratitude can help create positive effects on your mental and physical health. 

    5. Limit phone usage
    We all spend way too much time on our phones. I often find myself down an Instagram rabbit hole, which sucks up a lot of time and energy I could be spending elsewhere. Setting an app time limit on my phone has been a game changer, especially in the morning. I personally have scheduled “downtime” on my phone so that I don’t wake up with notifications. This allows me to be fully present in my morning routine and helps set a positive tone for the day. While you can tailor your phone preferences to whatever best suits your needs, being intentional about how much time you are spending on your phone—especially on social media—can ensure that your energy is being spent where you intend for it to be and limits you from making those unintentional choices (looking at you, mindless snacking) when you’re distracted. 

    6. Use affirmations
    Affirmations are positive statements or phrases you can say to yourself as encouragement, and they’re different from intentions because they are a sentence to repeat to yourself when you need it rather than a goal or desired outcome. When we recite affirmations, we can improve our coping abilities and overall sense of well-being. You may be familiar with “I Am” affirmations like “I am strong” or “I am healthy,” but affirmations can take many forms, so choose one that works best for you. Start by saying affirmations out loud or even in front of a mirror as a part of your daily affirmation ritual. Some examples include “My actions are meaningful,” “I am healthy, I am happy, I am loved,” and “My body deserves optimal nourishment.”

    7. Connect with nature
    Spending time in the great outdoors has been shown to have many positive benefits for overall health including reducing stress and boosting your mood, which means less stress eating and more intentional food choices when we’re feeling inspired, happy, and less stressed. Nature also lets us connect to our bodies and helps us feel more in tune to its needs. Despite this, many of us are simply not getting outside enough. Finding ways to connect with nature as a daily ritual can be as easy as taking a break during the workday to bask in some sunlight, going on a post-work walk in your neighborhood, or even taking your work (or workouts) outside. 

    A Dietician’s Guide to Mindful Eating More