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    9 Affirmations To Tell Yourself if You Are Stuck in a Rut

    You probably have tried-and-true affirmations for gratitude or confidence, but what about when you’re feeling unmotivated, bored, or just plain blah? Maybe it’s the changing of the seasons, watching the news on repeat, or not feeling motivated like you used to. We’ve all had the “meh” feeling linger for too long and we’ve all struggled to get out of it. Feeling stuck in a rut is when you’re no longer eager to do your work, fill your social calendar, or do anything extra to stimulate your life. But the good news is that it’s a completely normal phase to go through. 
    Let’s be real: Feeling stuck in a rut is not exactly enjoyable. When we look back on our best moments in life, they often involve accomplishing a goal, being surrounded by loved ones, or maybe laying on a tropical beach (my personal favorite). But sometimes, our next great idea comes to us when we feel stuck, and maybe we occasionally need those lackluster days in order to have new and exciting ones. So if you are stuck in a rut right now, you’re not alone. Below are nine affirmations to repeat to yourself to help you get through it. 

    1. “I am not alone.”  
    When you’re feeling stuck, it’s easy to spiral into what I like to call the “what if” thoughts. What if my friends don’t like me? What if I’m not doing a good enough job at work? What if there’s something wrong with me? While these thoughts are often irrational and leave us feeling worse than before, it’s common to have them. To work through them, talk to someone about it: a close friend, family member, or your therapist. You are your own worst critic, and talking to someone can help you gain perspective and realize that you’re not alone in your fears, even if it may feel like it.

    2. “Emotions are temporary.” 
    I have a 24-hour rule: If I am upset about something, I wait 24 hours before making any decisions about the situation. About 75% of the time, my mindset changes. In other words, while emotions can help us understand what’s right for us in our relationships, jobs, and many other aspects of our lives, if you’re feeling upset, irritated, bored, or annoyed, also know that these feelings don’t last forever, which is why we shouldn’t quit our jobs just because we had one bad day at work and why we won’t feel stuck in a rut forever. Listen and honor the emotions that come up during this time, but remember all emotions are likely to change. 

    3. “What is my body telling me?” 
    If you feel overly exhausted or unmotivated and aren’t able to stick to your routine, that’s OK. While some days, we push through and are grateful we went to a workout, other days, our bodies are telling us to stay home, binge some Netflix, and unplug. Both cues are equally important. Just like your body tells you when it’s hungry, the body also tells you what it needs to feel unstuck, more joyful, or motivated. Maybe pushing through to that workout class will make you feel great or maybe taking a few days off to rest and recharge will make you feel restored. Bottom line: When we tune in to our bodies, we can give them the support they need to be resilient.

    4. “It’s OK to rest.” 
    Society tells us that unless we’re waking up at 6 a.m. every day and squeezing in a five-step skincare routine and hour-long workout before heading to the office, we’re not being productive or accomplished. And while I am all for a morning routine, not every day will be the same. Some days, we need to rest and, most importantly, not feel guilty about it when we do. Rest days are just as necessary as the days we pack our schedules with work, exercise, and happy hours. Our bodies and brains can’t function properly unless we allow them to recharge. 

    5. “This too shall pass.”
    Now for my favorite affirmation on this list and one that I repeat to myself often. When you are going through a difficult time, it may feel like it’ll never end. It’s important to remind yourself that whatever you are currently facing is temporary and you’ll get through it. This affirmation reminds us that whatever you’re going through will not last forever. Seasons change, people change, and careers change—you won’t be stuck in a rut forever. After every low, there’s always a high.

    6. “I am enough.” 
    Every now and then, we could all use a reminder to appreciate who we are, just as we are today. It’s easy to fall into the comparison game or think about how you’re not where you thought you’d be in your career, relationships, or financial situation—so much so that you may even be at risk of putting yourself into a rut because you feel like a failure compared to influencers on Instagram or even the goals you set for yourself years ago. Instead, celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Be true to yourself and the version of yourself you aspire to be. And while you’re at it, throw out any old timelines and expectations you’ve held yourself to. You won’t be needing them anymore. 

    7. “I let go of what no longer serves me.” 
    Going through a meh phase may feel unproductive, but it can be a great time for self-reflection. Take some time to journal or think about all the different areas of your life. What is making you the happiest? What is dragging you down? If something or someone is draining your energy, it’s time to let it go. It may not be easy, but you will feel lighter and create space for renewed energy. Feeling unmotivated or stuck in a rut is never a sign there’s something wrong with you but something wrong with what’s going on around you—maybe you’re feeling burned out because of inner pressure or maybe your friendships are toxic instead of fulfilling. Use this time as a way to better understand what to let go of in order to naturally allow yourself to come out of a rut.

    8. “I am the narrator of my own life story.”
    Every day you wake up, you choose whether or not to snooze, what to wear, and how you’ll move your body. While these decisions may seem small, they make up your whole life. You are in charge of your life and you have the power to decide your daily outlook. That means you can also choose to stop feeling stuck in a rut or at least adopt a different mindset. Look at the positive side of things and set goals, and before you know it, you’ll start feeling better.

    9. “I choose progress over perfection.”
    Some would say I’m a perfectionist—I’m a Capricorn and a Type Three enneagram after all. Although I struggle to let go of perfectionism, I have learned that when I do, life becomes a lot easier. Not every day will be as productive or positive as the next, and that is OK. Choosing progress over perfection can be as easy as showing up to the workout class even though you fear not getting all the movements down. As long as we are trying to better ourselves, we can move forward despite the meh days.

    50 Positive Affirmations That Will Change Your Life More

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    Elevate Your Morning Routine With This Celebrity-Favorite Breakfast

    From cold-pressed juices to chia seed pudding to gluten-free almond butter toast, I’ve tried every breakfast under the sun. An hour after eating, I would find myself hungry again and counting the minutes until lunch or the meal wasn’t delicious enough to feel satisfying. That all changed when I discovered holistic nutritionist Kelly LeVeque while scrolling through Jennifer Garner’s Instagram account, and my morning routine never tasted or felt better. 
    Kelly works with celebrities like Jessica Alba, Jennifer Garner, and Emmy Rossum. She’s also the author of the best-selling book Body Love Every Day and the creator of the hunger-crushing Fab 4 Smoothie. In a 2018 Instagram post, Jennifer Garner swore by this morning concoction, writing that she’d had it every day since working with Kelly. Watching Jennifer’s superhuman athleticism in her recent TikTok video was enough to make me think, “I’ll have what she’s having.” So I decided to swap out my typical breakfast for the Fab 4 Smoothie. Read on to learn about how to make the nourishing drink and why it’s a healthier breakfast than a typical juice bar beverage.

    What is the Fab 4 Smoothie, and why is it so good for you?
    The Fab 4 Smoothie is as simple as it sounds. It’s made up of a formula of four key ingredients: fat, fiber, protein, and greens. What started as a breakfast experiment quickly became my go-to morning meal. On the days I had a Fab 4 Smoothie, I stayed full for hours and didn’t feel my stomach grumble until afternoon—a huge accomplishment for a girl who had a snack every day at 10 a.m. and lunch at 11 a.m. But what is the secret to the smoothie that keeps me full and gives Jennifer Garner the energy to crush a box jump workout? 
    It turns out, the Fab 4 ingredients that create the base of the smoothie help keep you satiated and stabilize blood sugar. Unlike extreme and calorie-restricted diets, Kelly LeVeque wants women to feel full and energized. Let’s dive into each of the four ingredients to explore why they are key to a balanced meal. 

    People have been demonizing fats since the ‘90s, but over the past couple of years, the health community has recognized this macronutrient as one of the essential components to a healthy diet. Research shows that healthy fats (think: olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, fatty fish) may help reduce insulin resistance, making you less hungry. Fats also take longer to digest than protein or carbs, keeping you fuller for longer. A few fat sources Kelly suggested for the Fab 4 Smoothie are nut butters, avocado, and coconut oil. As a nut butter fanatic, I opt for unsweetened almond butter or peanut butter in my smoothies. 

    When it comes to superfoods, I don’t think fiber gets enough love. Not only does it provide bulk to help you stay full, but it also slows down carbohydrate digestion and sugar absorption. This prevents your blood sugar from spiking and crashing after you eat, staving off the dreaded afternoon slump. A few fiber sources Kelly suggested include flaxseeds, chia seeds, and psyllium husk, and she recommended aiming for at least 10 grams of fiber. My personal favorite is chia seeds because they add a nice texture to your drink.

    If you’ve ever worked out at a commercial gym, you’ve probably seen jacked gym bros slamming post-workout protein shakes. While their weightlifting etiquette is subpar, they’re not totally wrong when it comes to protein. Along with helping you build strong muscles, protein assists in keeping midday sugar cravings at bay, making it easier to make healthy food choices. When it comes to getting protein in your smoothies, the key is to start with a protein powder you love.

    Leafy greens are all the rage and for good reason. Veggies like kale and spinach are an amazing source of vitamins and minerals. For example, one cup of raw kale contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamins, like vitamins A, K, and C. These nutrients are essential to ensuring your body is functioning optimally. When it comes to the Fab 4 Smoothie, you can use any leafy green, but I typically go with spinach since it doesn’t impact the flavor of the smoothie.

    Optional additions:
    While the four key ingredients are the main components of the Fab 4 Smoothie, Kelly also recommended adding a one-fourth cup of fruit for a dash of sweetness and more fiber and antioxidants. I’ve also found that adding flavor boosters like cinnamon or lemon instantly makes your smoothie taste like a dessert without the added sugar. 

    Recipes to try the Fab 4 Smoothie for yourself
    There are an infinite number of combinations you can make using the Fab 4 formula. If you’re unsure where to start, give my favorite recipes below a try: 

    I Tried Jennifer Aniston’s Favorite Salad—Here Are My Thoughts More

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    I Grilled Top Sleep Experts, and Their Hacks Gave Me the Best Sleep of My Life

    Looking back at my childhood, I can’t understand why I fought my mom on taking naps or going to bed at 8 p.m. Now, naps and getting solid Zzzs are luxuries I would do anything for (anyone else think naps should be implemented into the workday?). With a laundry list of “what-ifs” and to-dos circling my mind, counting sheep doesn’t stand a chance. Then there’s the having-to-pee-every-couple-of-hours scenario that disrupts my beauty sleep. If that sounds familiar, we’re not alone. According to the Casper-Gallup State of Sleep in America 2022 Report, about 84 million adults struggle to get quality shut-eye. 
    So how do we ensure a sound slumber for a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed morning? I consulted four sleep specialists to get to the bottom of it and they let me in on their tried-and-true sleep hacks. Here’s to the best sleep of our lives. 

    In this article

    What does the body need to fall asleep?
    When it comes to catching Zzzs, we may think there’s not much to it other than whether or not we get a good night’s rest. But what goes on internally when we sleep? “Sleep is a complex process of multiple pathways and neurotransmitters in the brain,” explained Dr. Valerie Cacho, MD, a board-certified internal medicine and sleep medicine physician, co-editor of Integrative Sleep Medicine, and founder of Sleephoria. “Simply put, we fall asleep when our brain waves slow down, our muscles relax, and we lose consciousness.” Sounds easy enough, right? It turns out, there are a lot of other factors at play to hit the sleep jackpot (I’m all in). 
    You’ve probably heard of the term “circadian rhythm” but don’t know exactly what it is. Otherwise known as our internal clock and the body’s 24-hour sleep and wake cycle, it plays a vital role in reaching deep sleep. “Not only does it signal us to let our bodies rest, but it also plays a role in our body temperature, heart rate, and hormone regulation,” said Tara Youngblood, CEO and cofounder of Sleepme and sleep coach for the Cincinnati Reds. “We want our circadian rhythm to stay consistent every day,” affirmed Dr. Whitney Roban, PhD, a sleep specialist and founder of Solve Our Sleep. “In doing so, we will have an easier time falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up.”
    Bottom line: “When our circadian rhythm is working well, we’re likely to get restorative sleep and have energy during the day,” explained Morgan Adams, a holistic sleep coach for women and an accredited health coach with advanced certifications in sleep science. “When it’s not working well, you’re at more risk of developing insomnia and being extremely sleepy during the day.”

    What does “quality sleep” mean?
    I think it’s fair to say we all strive for optimal sleep and waking up on the right side of the bed in the morning, but what does that really look like? Sure, the National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep for adults, but the key to restful sleep isn’t one-size-fits-all. “While seven to nine hours is the highly prescribed amount of time to sleep each night, think of it as a ‘quality over quantity’ situation,” Youngblood said. “You could be in bed for eight hours but never fully hit your deep sleep stage, which will leave you feeling tired.”
    “Not everybody needs eight hours of sleep,” Adams agreed. In addition to getting the recommended number of hours for your age group, Adams listed other indicators of  quality rest: falling asleep within 30 minutes of getting into bed, having minimal nighttime awakenings, and falling asleep within 20 minutes if you do wake up. “A more subjective way to assess your sleep quality is to check in with how you feel in the morning and during the day,” Adams said. “Is your mood stable? Is your energy level high enough for you to perform at your job? Do you feel well physically? If so, chances are, you’re getting your own personal sleep requirement.”

    Why does getting enough sleep matter?
    There’s no denying that sleep is an essential part of the wellness equation and bears a lot of weight on our mental and physical health. “So many different processes happen while we sleep that keep us healthy (rest, recovery, repair, rejuvenation),” Roban said. “Your brain and body release toxins—which leads to stronger brain health and overall physical health—your body restores energy, the muscles and cells in your body repair and grow, and the information you learned from the day gets processed and stored from short-term memory to long-term memory.” Whether it’s a big presentation for work or running a marathon, getting adequate sleep the night before can make or break the outcome. And—as I can attest—the irritability, anxiety, and difficulty focusing after a night of tossing and turning is enough to make anyone want to cry.
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but lack of sleep can have long-term effects. “Our bodies need to rest, and when we are sleep deprived, we can have problems with our cognition, mental and cardiovascular health, ability to control our metabolism and weight, and even have a higher risk for cancer,” Cacho warned. On the other hand, when we have consistent nights of blissful sleep, Adams cited better brain function, improved emotional regulation, a healthy immune system and weight, and decreased risk of developing chronic diseases. 

    Expert hacks to get the best sleep of your life

    1. Establish a wind-down routine
    Whether you’re part of the WFH club or someone who tends to bring work home, it can be difficult to set boundaries and unplug, leaving your body to wonder when it’s time to start winding down for the night. “A consistent bedtime routine will signal to the brain and body that it is time for sleep,” Roban said. Adams agreed and advised carving out at least 30 minutes for your daily regimen. “During this time, choose activities that aren’t stimulating or involve bright light,” Adams stated. “Some ideas are reading, journaling, meditation, crafts, or chatting about your day with your partner.” Youngblood’s pre-bedtime go-tos are practicing yoga or listening to soft music, like jazz or classical, to relax, relieve stress, and unwind.

    2. Follow a consistent sleep schedule
    Just like any routine, our bodies get used to following a certain sleep pattern. “Our bodies thrive on consistency, and a consistent sleep schedule promotes healthy sleep,” Roban explained. Adams recommended waking up at the same time every morning, even on the weekends. “This helps keep your circadian rhythm strong, and you’re more likely to get sleepy around the same time each night,” she said. Yes, that means going to bed and waking up at approximately the same time every day (even when you have a long-overdue, epic GNO).

    3. Set a food and drink curfew 
    I hate to break it to you, but what you eat affects your sleep. Adams suggested curbing your intake of food and alcohol three to four hours before bed. “Alcohol can disrupt your sleep, especially that critical REM phase where emotional regulation happens,” she said. “Food too close to bedtime can signal wakefulness in the brain, which can interfere with your ability to fall asleep.” If your goal is to be in bed by 10 p.m., try having dinner ready no later than 6:30 p.m. to ensure you have enough time in between your meal and bedtime (meal prep FTW). 

    Roban’s rule of thumb is no caffeine after lunch and no heavy meals and alcohol close to bedtime. That’s right: Bidding adieu to your afternoon pick-me-up and favorite nightcap is the sacrifice we have to make for a good snooze. According to Roban, fatty and spicy foods are also a no-no before bed. We’ve all learned that the hard way. 

    4. Incorporate movement in your day  
    If you’re anything like me, you need to work out to relieve stress, feel balanced, and get a solid night’s rest. Aside from boosting your self-esteem and mental and physical health, Cacho explained that getting your body physically tired promotes quality sleep. According to the Sleep Foundation, moderate-to-vigorous exercise can increase sleep quality for adults by reducing the time it takes to fall asleep and decrease the amount of time they lie awake in bed during the night. 
    As for whether working out within hours before going to sleep is detrimental to your quality of sleep is up for debate. Like I said, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to sleep. So exercise at the time of day (or night) and intensity that works best for you. Only you know what feels best for your body and sleep. 

    5. Keep your sleeping environment cool
    As someone who runs hot, this sleep hack is preaching to the choir (sorry to my boyfriend—I win). “Your core body temperate needs to cool down by a couple of degrees to fall and stay asleep,” Adams said. The optimal room temperature for healthy sleep? Youngblood suggested keeping your sleeping quarters between 65°F and 72°F. If the temperature is too hot or cold, it may affect the natural drop in your body’s internal temperature at night and cause you to have disrupted sleep. 
    To stay cool during the night, you might consider sleeping in breathable sheets, keeping a cool glass of water on your nightstand, and wearing lightweight cotton pajamas (if sleeping in your birthday suit feels the most comfortable, by all means!). 

    6. Get sunlight first thing in the morning 
    Vitamin D not only gives you that just-came-back-from-Hawaii glow, but it also does your sleep good. Cacho suggested soaking it in up to 30 minutes within an hour of waking up. “This is the signal our brains need to tell us to be awake and start the day,” she said. Getting morning sun exposure can be as simple as taking your coffee out on your balcony or your dog out for a walk around the neighborhood. “A 15-minute burst of natural light helps regulate key hormones, melatonin and cortisol, for the rest of the day into the evening,” Adams said. She suggested getting direct sunlight sans sunglasses, as it loses its effect when filtered. What’s more, exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the calming and mood-boosting hormone serotonin. I rest my case. 

    Please consult a doctor or a mental health professional before beginning any treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

    I Just Had the Best Sleep of My Entire Life—I Credit These 5 Products More

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    What Is Queefing — And How To Handle It Like A Pro

    Picture this: You’re in the middle of having super hot sex, totally lost in the moment, when your vagina lets out a noise that sounds suspiciously like you had too many beans for lunch.
    You just queefed, nbd. While you’ve probs experienced this kind of “vagina fart” before (and btw, probs will again), you might not know what queefing actually is. Since this definitely wasn’t covered in your sex-ed class, it’s time to set the record straight.
    What exactly is queefing?
    “We don’t devote any education to this in residency, but I tell patients it’s a very normal thing,” says Dr Mary Jane Minkin, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Yale Medical School. “It’s different from expelling gas from your rectum, which happens because of bacterial activity in the gut.”
    Instead, queefing is the result of a trapped pocket of air getting pushed out of your vagina. FYI: The vagina isn’t a straight tube, says Dr Minkin. It has wrinkle-like folds called “rugae,” so air could easily get trapped in there.
    READ MORE: 4 Crazy (But Totally Doable) Sex Positions To Keep Things Interesting
    Should you be worried?
    Not at all. “Queefing is of zero health consequence,” explains Dr Minkin. Slightly related, she does caution against blowing into a pregnant woman’s vagina because the air can get into her pelvic veins and create the risk of an air embolism. “You know how people get nervous when there’s an air bubble in an IV?” she explains. “It’s the same concern: What if the air gets into the vein and travels to the heart or lungs or fetus?” That sounds pretty scary, but Dr Minkin says the worry is more theoretical than practical. (Still, good to know—just in case.)
    When does queefing happen?
    It often occurs during sex, because a penis (or another penetrating object) is going in and out of the vagina, which can displace the air inside of it. “It can happen during any position and is usually fairly quick,” says Dr Minkin.
    Of course, that’s also just so happens to be the last time you’d want to rip one. A queef can also slip out during exercise, like when you’re getting into downward dog or knocking out the last set of crunches.
    READ MORE: Here’s What Could Be Causing That Pain You Feel During Sex
    Can you queef while you’re masturbating?
    Queefing is so not limited to sexual intercourse—anything that causes air to get caught in your vaginal canal, including a vibrator or other sex toy, can be a culprit, says Dr Stephanie Ros, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynaecology and maternal-fetal medicine at the University of South Florida. “This is all about a tunnel that has no other opening,” she says. “If air gets trapped because of movement [no matter what causes it], it has to get out.”
    Do some people just queef more?
    Just like some gals seem to get all the UTIs (ugh), some women’s vaginas are just graced with a greater queef-ability (add that to your vocab). That can change with time and experiences, too. For instance, you can become more queef-inclined after childbirth or massive weight loss, says Dr Ros. “When people lose a ton of weight, and they have a lot of sagging skin, the same thing can happen in the tissues of the vagina.”
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    Are you more likely to queef in certain sex positions?
    Doggy-style fans, you’ve been warned: You’re more likely to queef in positions where your pelvis is tilted upward, says Dr Ros. But the same goes for many, many other positions. If you’re in missionary but your butt is lifted off the bed (or floor, or couch, or beach…), for example, “that would be more likely to cause air entry and, with further movement, the air comes back out and, sometimes, it makes a noise,” she says.
    In other words: Don’t even bother trying to avoid queefing. “Sex is weird, noisy, and messy,” says Dr Ros. “Just laugh and go with the moment. Don’t try to fight it.”
    How should you handle it during sex?
    And that’s exactly what you should do when—not if—it happens to you. Since there’s no mysterious secret to avoiding queefs, you might as well embrace ’em. “Just joke about it and keep going. These things happen!” concurs Dr Minkin. Remember, it’s a natural bodily function—laugh it off and get back to business.
    This article was originally published on

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    Struggle With Vacation Bloat? A Dietician Swears By These Tips To Prevent It

    You’re finally using your well-deserved PTO and getting out of town for a few glorious days of R&R. Your bags are packed, your travel outfit is on fleek (is anyone still saying this?), and your OOO message is set. After the necessary hours of travel, you’ve made it to your destination ready to explore or chill by the pool. Nothing could possibly go wrong—that is, until you encounter an unsettling discomfort in your stomach. Enter: the dreaded travel bloat. 
    Bloating while traveling is common. From dry air on the plane to long hours of staying seated and perhaps taking the phrase “Rosé All Day” a little too seriously, it’s easy for our digestive systems to feel a little off. If you suffer from bloat while traveling, know you’re not alone and there are plenty of ways to beat it. As a dietician, these are my tried-and-true tips to make your next vacation bloat-free. 

    1. Move daily
    One of the biggest culprits of bloat (and other digestive woes) while traveling is staying sedentary. Whether it’s a long plane ride, multiple hours in a car, or lounging on the beach, all of that sitting slows down your digestive tract. It sounds simple, but the easiest way to prevent this is by being intentional about daily movement. During travel, try getting up to stretch and walk around every one to two hours, especially on longer trips. Depending on the type of vacation, you may have movement such as hiking, walking around a new city, or swimming built into your itinerary. But if your vacation is more of a lounge-by-the-water situation, try to find ways to be active, like walking along the beach or doing daily stretches. 

    2. Stay hydrated
    When it comes to beating bloat on vacation, water is your best friend. Travel—especially flying—can cause dehydration, which is why your skin often feels dry or dull after a plane ride or long car trip. To get things moving, sip on water during travel and throughout the day once you’ve reached your destination. Traveling with a water bottle makes it easy to meet your hydration goals, and as an added bonus, it saves money you’d otherwise spend on expensive airport water bottles and is better for the planet.
    If drinking alcohol is part of your vacation plans, wait until you get to your destination to avoid uncomfortable bloat during travel. When you do start drinking your favorite cocktails, try alternating with water between drinks. While drinking alcohol is not a replacement for a good old-fashioned glass of water, you can stay on top of your hydration by adding water to your drinks, ordering spritzers with sparkling water instead of soda, or asking for ice cubes in your wine.

    3. Avoid gum while flying
    Growing up, I was always told to chew gum on a plane to help my ears pop. Although gum- chewing may be helpful for your ears, it isn’t so great for your digestion. When you chew gum, you swallow excess air. This can lead to a buildup of gas in the stomach, causing discomfort. Depending on the type of gum, it also may contain artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols (particularly sugar-free varieties), which have been reported to have negative effects on digestion. 

    4. Consider a probiotic 
    Probiotics are supplements that contain bacteria to help maintain a healthy gut microbiome. As a dietitian, I always recommend nutrients from food first, but taking a daily probiotic while you’re away can help fill in any nutritional gaps you’re missing from eating differently than you normally do on vacation. When looking for a probiotic, be sure to pick one that is slow-releasing. Otherwise, probiotics can get broken down in the stomach’s acid, meaning the good-for-you bacteria never reaches the large intestine like it’s supposed to. Probiotics labeled “time-release” or “slow-acting” are your best bet.
    If taking a supplement isn’t really your thing, opt for foods that inherently contain good bacteria for your gut. Fermented foods, such as plain yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, miso, kimchi, and tempeh, are sources of probiotics. On the flip side, prebiotic foods provide food for the gut bacteria itself, which also plays a role in a healthy and happy GI tract. Sources of prebiotic foods include onions, garlic, asparagus, oats, flaxseeds, and apples. 

    5. Eat mindfully 
    I firmly believe that each individual knows what their body needs. While on vacation, tune in to that inner knowledge by eating mindfully. If there’s ever a good time to practice mindful eating, it’s on vacation. Not only are you relaxed (here’s hoping), but you’re also free from work distractions, so you can really focus on your meal and the present moment. Staying relaxed during meals sets your body up for optimal digestion and tuning in to your body gives you a clue of when you’re actually full—a win-win for preventing bloat! 

    6. Plan your food ahead of time when possible
    While on vacation, I love to try new foods and meals that I wouldn’t normally cook at home. Although it’s fun and delicious, I know that certain foods and larger meals can wreak havoc on my digestion. During vacation, be mindful of the foods you are consuming and avoid certain ingredients that you know will cause bloat, gas, or general discomfort. Common culprits of GI distress are cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, legumes, and dairy (if lactose intolerant). 
    It may be helpful to pack healthy snacks you enjoy to give your body a sense of normalcy while traveling. Snacks such as nuts, popcorn, dried fruit (look for ones with no added sugar!), and pre-cut veggies that won’t go bad (i.e. carrots) are all nutrient-dense options filled with fiber to also keep your digestion regular.

    5 Exercises That Help Beat Bloat More

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    6 Hacks Dua Lipa Does Every Day to Boost Her Mental Health

    Levitating from the stage in a custom black bodysuit adorned with 120,000 crystals (see Future Nostalgia tour), Dua Lipa certainly knows how to command a room. Sure, she has the help of stage lights, special effects, and her voice, of course, but let’s be real: She could be wearing jeans and a T-shirt and still turn heads.
    Thanks to Vogue’s The Real Dua Lipa story, I got an in-depth, BTS look into the two-time-Grammy-winning, 26-year-old pop star’s life. Behind all the glitz and glamour and fame, Dua (meaning “love” in Albanian) is a staunch advocate for refugee groups, LGBTQ rights, and racial justice. She’s also a yogi, good cook, hugger, fan of star signs, and overall boss (AKA my new girl crush).
    As if we needed more reasons to adore her, she’s been open about her own struggles with mental health. On an episode of The Gurls Talk Podcast with host Adwoa Aboah, Dua shared how she prioritized her well-being during the pandemic. Of course, I took notes. Drawing inspiration from another Vogue piece, I gathered Dua’s six tips on how to care for your mental health from her guest appearance on the podcast. Be warned, you’ll want to be her BFF.  

    1. Stay connected with loved ones
    If there’s one takeaway from the past couple of years, it’s the importance of connection. We’re all guilty of putting off calling our moms or reconnecting with our high school besties. But Dua encouraged The Gurls Talk Podcast‘s listeners to make time to connect with their network to foster the feeling of togetherness. She credited group chats and FaceTime workouts with friends to keeping her sane when quarantined (if only I could’ve been a fly on the wall). Now that we’re back to some normalcy, IRL interactions have never felt better or been more valuable for maintaining our mental health (but you still can’t go wrong with picking up the phone, whether we’re in the middle of a pandemic or not). 

    2. Have a journaling routine (that works best for you)
    It’s no secret we’re journaling stans at The Everygirl, and Dua would give us major props for making the practice part of our routines (that practically makes us BFFs, right?).  While writing songs is Dua’s main form of journaling, she suggested writing about your feelings and not being afraid of your thoughts and putting them down on paper (whatever way feels best for you). Whether it’s a diary entry, poem, short essay, or just a few bullet points about how you’re feeling, Dua said journaling really helps bring your mental health A-game. To make it even simpler, she recommended grabbing a piece of paper and scribbling out whatever you’re thinking—it doesn’t have to make sense and you can rip it up after all is said and done. Leave it to Dua Lipa to make journaling even cooler. 

    3. Try positive escapism
    Wanting to take a break from challenging emotions (think: a breakup, work pressures, a health scare) is normal. Although temporary, it gives us the chance to disconnect and take our minds off our circumstances so that we can reset and be in a better headspace to handle obstacles. Dua’s form of escapism? You guessed it: music. Sometimes, all we need is a good cry or a solo dance party to our go-to songs to shake things off. But other times, it takes more effort.
    If you could use an actual physical escape to, say, a private island but it isn’t in the budget (if only), plan a weekend getaway or staycation to look forward to. And when future plans just won’t cut it, settle in to a good book, pick up a new hobby, or get lost in a movie or show. While imagining yourself as a Real Housewife (you pick the location) won’t solve your problems, it can provide the space you need to gain perspective and reframe your mindset.

    4. Take a social media hiatus
    We’ve all been down the IG rabbit hole of incessantly scrolling through the filtered and edited lives of friends and influencers—the next thing you know, you’re comparing yourself and your life to theirs. Dua Lipa told Adwoa that there was a point when online criticism kept her from feeling proud of her achievements. “I don’t think I could have done my second record if I hadn’t taken a step back from social media,” she said. “You should always remove yourself from things that have a negative impact on your mental health. Leave any good things that inspire you, excite you, and make it fun.” 
    Taking Dua’s advice, set boundaries around your social media usage. Limit the amount of time you spend on TikTok each day, schedule social media-free days, or take a month-long breather from certain apps. If you need more convincing, consider this: A 2021 study revealed that most participants reported a positive change in mood, reduced anxiety, and improved sleep during and immediately after a break from social media. 

    5. Regularly practice kindness
    Dua’s MO in a nutshell? “Work hard and be nice,” she shared with Adwoa (changing my status to #1 fan). The power of kindness goes beyond making the person on the receiving end feel good (even though that’s good enough!). According to the American Psychological Association, acts of kindness boost happiness and well-being and is even linked to physical health benefits. Even observing or looking back on kind acts have been shown to increase well-being. So smile at every stranger, treat a friend to coffee, or pay others a compliment because you just might start a domino effect. Also, you deserve to show yourself kindness. “Think about what you’re saying to yourself because you talk to yourself the most … Be kind to yourself,” Dua stated. I couldn’t have said it better. 

    6. Give back
    If you’ve ever volunteered for an organization, donated money to a cause you believe in, or used your voice to help others, you’re also doing your mental health good. Beyond contributing to charities (she works closely with UNICEF and UNHCR), Dua swears that supporting your friends and family is not only an important thing to do but is also a wellness hack. Whether it’s as small as sending a positive text message to your gal pal or making dinner for your parents, showing altruism does more than just produce feel-good moments. Research shows that giving back is the closest thing to a magic pill, filling our brains with dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin. In other words, bring on the happiness!

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    6 Reasons Why You’re Pooping A Whole Lot More Than Usual

    Everybody poops — it’s a simple fact of life. Maybe you usually go right when you get up or an hour after you have coffee in the morning, or you regularly take a mid-afternoon poo. Whatever it is, you probably have some kind of routine. So it’s completely understandable that you’d get a bit freaked out when you suddenly start going more.
    While going number two more than usual can be a sign that something is off, it’s not usually a reason for an otherwise healthy young woman to freak out, says Dr Kyle Staller, a gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. So if you’re going more than once or twice a day, it’s not always an indication that something is terribly wrong. Sometimes, your body can communicate with you without sounding the alarm.
    “Probably one of the most common things would be dietary intolerances — you ate something that doesn’t agree with you,” says Dr Staller. This is especially true if you have a change for a few days and then it goes back to normal. Beyond that, these are the biggest reasons why you’re suddenly pooping a lot in one day.
    1. You started eating healthier
    One of the most common reasons why young women start pooping a lot in one day is because they increased their fibre intake, says Dr Rudy Bedford, a gastroenterologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. So, if you suddenly started pooping more around the time you switched your Friday night pizza for a veggie curry, that’s probably it.
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    2. You’ve caught an infection
    Viral and bacterial infections (think: everything from the flu to E. coli) can cause excessive pooping and diarrhoea, says Dr Staller. While this is normal, if you have bloody poop or a fever with it, you should get it checked out.
    3. You increased your workouts
    Stepping up your exercise routine can make you go more than usual, says Dr Bedford. Here’s why: Exercise increases muscle contractions in your colon, working number two out of your body faster than it did before. That’s why doctors may encourage you to work out more if you’re constipated.
    4. You have IBS
    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is no joke, and Dr Staller says it’s common among young women. The condition, an intestinal disorder that causes pain in your stomach, gas, and cramping, can also make you poop a lot. “The classic patient gets sudden abdominal pain and cramping associated with constipation or diarrhoea,” says Dr Staller.
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    5. You’re stressed out
    For people who already have gastro issues like IBS, stress can be a poop trigger. “Many people have more loose bowel movements when they’re under stress,” says Dr Staller.
    6. You’re on your period
    Many women who are just about to get their periods or already have their periods will have looser or more frequent BMs. It’s likely due to a shift in hormones around your cycle (specifically progesterone), and is “very normal,” says Dr Staller.
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    How can you tell your poop issues aren’t something more serious?
    Dr Bedford says abdominal pain, bloody stool, and mucus in your poop are clues that something isn’t right, and you should see a doctor.
    Dr Staller says the way it impacts your life is also a big tip-off. If you really don’t give it another thought, you’re probably fine. But if you find that you’re changing your routine or avoiding some social situations because you’re worried about pooping, you need to see a doctor. “I see plenty of young women who are worried about being on dates,” says Dr Staller. “If it’s a common thing where you’re always on the lookout for a bathroom, you should go and get evaluated.”
    Originally published by

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    The Wellness Habit That Could Help You Level Up Your Finances

    If you often feel like you have money on your mind, you’re not the only one. After all, finances are a major part of life, and the subject of money can be dizzying, stressful, and emotionally charged for even the most grounded and zen of us, which is why the idea of staying mindful when dealing with finances may seem like nothing more than a pipe dream. The truth is, though, mindfulness and money go hand in hand.
    The term mindfulness refers to the ability to be fully present in the moment. If you approach handling money in a mindful state, you’ll make better financial decisions because you’re more aware of your financial situation and what you’re saving and spending rather than mindlessly going through the motions. When it comes down to it, connecting mindfulness and money is key to leveling up your finances. Keep on reading to learn how.

    Do daily mindfulness practices
    The old saying “don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk” applies here. In order to connect mindfulness and money, you need to implement daily mindfulness practices into your life. These practices can include things such as meditation, deep breathing, journaling, or reading a spiritual wellness book like The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo or You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay. Practicing mindfulness daily will allow you to open yourself up to all it has to offer—like insight into yourself, behavioral patterns, clarity on situations and your beliefs surrounding them, and a whole lot of self-growth—and make applying the principles of mindfulness to finances much easier.
    If you’re a beginner, try starting with deep breathing exercises and journaling, then eventually work your way up to meditation and journaling. Journaling is a great way to gain insight into yourself, so don’t be afraid to dig deep while you’re writing. If you want to learn about mindfulness from another perspective, consider reading a spiritual wellness book. A lot of these books tend to give the readers exercises at the end of each chapter, which is a great way to challenge yourself and your thinking. Additionally, you can also consider turning to a wellness app, like Headspace or BetterSleep, or a guided meditation by a guru like Tara Brach to help you get started. Remember that mindfulness practices and routines aren’t a one-size-fits-all, so give yourself time to test each one out and be willing to mix and match different things in order to find what works best for you.

    Source: Karolina Grabowska | Pexels

    Sit down and have an honest conversation with money
    “The Guest House” is a poem by ancient Persian poet Rumi that uses the metaphor of your body, mind, and spirit as the guest house for feelings to come in. Instead of getting frustrated, shoving our feelings down, or pushing them away, Rumi challenges us to invite in these feelings—whatever they may be—and take the time to sit and talk with them the same way you would a friend, neighbor, or relative. After a while, you can then bid them adieu and go your separate ways.
    We can take this same idea and apply it to approaching the topic of finances. Sit down and have an honest conversation with yourself about money: Invite it in for a cup of coffee or glass of wine, and try to discover your feelings or beliefs surrounding it. This may be difficult, but facing it head-on will help you recognize the ways in which you may or may not be holding yourself back from manifesting financial success. Work through and reconcile with your feelings; journal about them if you need to. Gaining this self-awareness is a key part of connecting mindfulness and money and also part of creating a healthier relationship with it, which will lead to financial prosperity.

    Be real about your financial situation and how you want to improve it
    Mindfulness doesn’t mean seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. It means sitting with yourself and all of your emotions—comfortable and uncomfortable—and dealing with them in a way that doesn’t pass judgment on or shame yourself. It’s about finding the truth in things rather than living in denial, which means that it’s time to get real about your current financial situation and how you want to improve it.
    So maybe your financial situation doesn’t look the way you pictured it would at your age—but does life ever really go as planned for anyone? Don’t let yourself get caught up in the past or create a laundry list of things you would’ve done differently if given the chance. Instead, think about the lessons you’ve learned along the way and how you can apply them to your current situation and improve it going forward. This is a very mindful way to examine your money and money mindset. Break away from old habits that are no longer serving you—repeating behavior that isn’t working is only going to block you from attaining success—and replace them with ones that put you on the path toward your money goals.

    Source: Taryn Elliott | Pexels

    Promise yourself to be more conscious of spending
    Although mindfulness naturally increases self-awareness, it’s still important to make a promise to yourself to be more conscious of your spending. Holding yourself accountable and taking note of when and how much you’re spending will increase your financial awareness and help you make smarter money moves. In addition, it’s also a great way to gain control of those unnecessary impulse purchases we’ve all been guilty of at some point or another.
    Two great ways to become more conscious of your spending is by tracking your finances or creating a budgeting plan to follow. Tracking your finances will show you where your money goes and how much goes with it and give you more insight into your behavioral patterns with money and areas you can cut back and save. For those who struggle with saving or are prone to impulse purchases, having a set budgeting plan to follow may be the right move. Another thing you could try is focusing on spending your “fun” money on meaningful things that will create memories forever (think: nice dinner, vacation, etc.).

    Stop stressing
    The tighter you hold on to and try to control things, the more it tends to backfire—all you’re doing is blocking the space for newer and better things to enter. When it comes to money, choose to let go and stop stressing about it. Of course, you need to make sure you have enough to live, but don’t allow it to consume you. Like the poem “The Guest House” tells us, there comes a time when we have to say goodbye to certain things. Although it may be hard, it is incredibly freeing and empowering to let go and create the space for something bigger and better to come into your life.
    Trust in yourself and your money skills, and implement everything mentioned above into your daily life. Everything in life takes time, and the right riches will flow to you when you’re ready. Remember: What’s meant for you will always find its way. Until then, make sure you’re aligning yourself on a path toward financial success that is mindful, meaningful, and a whole lot of fun.

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