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    Why (And How) You Should Plan Your Workouts Around Your Cycle

    Do you crush intense HIIT sessions one week only to slog through burpees the next? If so, cycle syncing your workouts can help you create a routine that honors your energy levels and improves your exercise results. Understanding how your hormones impact your training empowers you to choose the best form of movement for your body no matter where you’re at in your menstrual cycle. 
    Medical professionals and wellness experts have recently begun highlighting the importance of altering your exercise routine throughout the month to match your hormone levels. Functional nutritionist Alisa Vitti first introduced women to this concept in her book WomenCode. She’s since trademarked her hormone balancing protocol called the Cycle Syncing® Method. The Cycle Syncing® Method helps menstruating people move, eat, and work in a way that respects their hormones through each phase of their cycle. People who practice cycle syncing workouts often experience mental and physical benefits, including better sleep, reduced PMS, and increased energy. 

    Meet the expert
    Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP
    Alisa Vitti is a functional nutritionist and womens hormone expert, the founder of modern hormone health care company FLO Living, bestselling author of WomanCode, and creator of MyFLO, the #1 paid period app on iTunes. She has made expert appearances on The Dr. Oz Show, Women’s Health, MindBodyGreen, and The Huffington Post.

    What are the benefits of cycle syncing your workouts? 
    According to Vitti, planning your workouts around your cycle can help you bio-hack your metabolism, increasing your workout’s effectiveness. “Your metabolism changes speed and your resting cortisol levels change in a cyclical pattern,” she said. “Since they are not the same every day, it makes no sense to eat the same amount of calories or do the same workout types or intensity each day. You want to match your caloric intake, workout type, and intensity with each phase of your cycle so you can optimize the use of stored fat as fuel and build lean muscle more efficiently.”
    Not only does cycle syncing help you burn more fat and build more muscle, but it also encourages you to reconnect with your body. Once I removed the pressure to exercise at peak intensity all month, I could listen to what my body needed. Some days I had the energy for an outdoor run, on other days I just wanted to stretch on my yoga mat. No matter the day, I knew I was moving in a way that aligned with my hormones and my energy level. 

    What to keep in mind before you start cycle syncing your workouts:
    If you’re a type-A gal like myself, you’ve likely already pulled out your calendar and begun meticulously scheduling next month’s workouts. While the Cycle Syncing® Method is a great tool to help guide your exercise plan, Vitti recommends letting go of perfectionism.  “Drop the perfectionism and instead embrace becoming dynamic and responsive. Listen to your body, track your cycle, track your symptoms, notice how you feel in each phase, notice how doing certain activities makes you feel in each phase, and reclaim the healthy relationship with yourself and your body you are supposed to have.”

    How to exercise during each phase: 
    Menstrual phase
    During your menstrual phase (AKA when you’re bleeding), your estrogen and progesterone tank. This causes you to have low energy and feel generally less social. If you’re feeling a little sluggish, don’t push it. Swap your high-intensity workouts for something more restorative, like walking or gentle yoga. Research shows that an hour of strenuous activity during your period can increase your chances of exercise-induced inflammation. You don’t want to add aching muscles on top of an aching uterus, so skip your intense workout class during this time.

    Follicular phase
    Your follicular phase starts on the first day of menstruation and ends at ovulation. During the middle of your follicular phase, your estrogen and progesterone begin to rise. You’ll likely notice increased energy and begin to feel more social. Now is a great time to check out a fast-paced group fitness class or see if a buddy wants to join you for a run. 

    Ovulatory phase
    During ovulation, your estrogen and testosterone peak, and your body is at its most fertile. You’ll likely feel full of energy, so this is a great time to hit fitness PRs (AKA personal records), like your max squat or fastest 5k. Thanks to your high hormones, you’re also your most aroused and confident. So go ahead and talk to that cutie you’ve been eyeing in spin class. Your spike in confidence might just lead to a hot date. 

    Luteal phase
    After ovulation, you enter the luteal phase of your cycle. Elevated progesterone levels will cause your energy to decline and you may feel more withdrawn. When you notice your energy taking a dip, scale your workouts down a notch. Replace high-intensity workouts with lightweight circuit training, walks, and yoga. It’s also a good idea to take your workouts indoors if you live in a warmer climate. Since your basal body temperature is higher in the luteal phase of your cycle, you may notice a decrease in your athletic performance when working out in the heat. 

    On Your Period? Here’s a Self-Care Guide for That Time of the Month More

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    Forget #HotGirlSummer–Here Are Lizzo’s Best Tips for Self-Love Summer

    If there’s one thing I know to be true, it’s that you simply cannot feel anything but empowered when listening to Lizzo’s music. A confident queen herself, Lizzo is known for many talents: singing, songwriting, rapping, dancing, and even playing the flute. To top it off, she absolutely exudes self-love (on and off the stage). Needless to say, I think we could all learn a thing or two from her. 
    After scouring the internet for Lizzo’s top tips, I learned that her journey towards self-love and body positivity hasn’t been an easy one. In an interview with People, Lizzo explained that after being “body negative” for a long time, she needed to find ways to love herself in order to survive. Lizzo explained that she shows up and chooses to love herself every day. Over the years, her advice and quotes on body positivity, confidence, and self-love have been the subject of many interviews. Here, I’ve rounded up six of Lizzo’s best tips that will have you feeling good as hell this summer. 

    Accept yourself
    According to Lizzo’s op-ed with NBC, the first step to self-love is acceptance. “Acceptance is hard. I’m still accepting myself every day; I’m still working on it.” Self-acceptance can be a challenge when we are bombarded with images and products we are told we need in order to be our best selves or look a certain way. Accepting yourself doesn’t have to be anything extreme. It can simply mean accepting yourself where you are at while knowing that there is always room to heal and grow. 

    Be honest (with yourself and others)
    Sometimes the truth hurts. In her op-ed, Lizzo explained that self-love is rooted in honesty. “We have to start being more honest with what we need, what we deserve, and start serving that to ourselves.” If you find yourself putting your own needs on the back burner to fulfill the standards or needs of others, it may be time to take a step back and reflect on what you deserve. Try journaling to tap into your highest self and start putting it into practice. Learning to be honest with yourself not only strengthens your relationship with yourself but also with others.  

    Practice positive self-talk
    As Lizzo told People, “Most people are taught that body negativity is normal, right? Then I became body positive, which is the opposite of that. It’s disruptive.” How often do you find yourself making a negative comment about yourself in your head? Probably often, right? According to Lizzo, the narrative around negative self-talk needs to change. Although you don’t have to love your body every single day, you can still be kind and grateful for all that it does for you. And if you need a little reminder, the opening lyrics of Lizzo’s Juice have got you covered. 

    Follow people who represent you
    I remember the days when #fitspo abound. And although I’ve seen a positive shift on social media, there are still countless ways to edit and enhance photos at our fingertips that our insecurities pay the price for. Lizzo credits a shift in her mindset toward body positivity to following people that look like her. Take Lizzo’s lead and do a quick check of who you’re following. Are they representative of you, do they bring positivity, and do they align with your values? If not, it might be time to hit that unfollow button. 

    Work out for yourself, not for beauty standards
    Like most celebs in the limelight, Lizzo has faced criticism for her body–but she isn’t afraid to clap back. In a TikTok video from 2020 (which now has 17.6 million views, I might add) her voiceover states, “So I’ve been working out consistently for the last five years, and it may come as a surprise to some of y’all that I’m not working out to have your ideal body type. I’m working out to have my ideal body type.” We love an unapologetic queen. Although we’ve been taught to exercise for aesthetic purposes, exercise has many other benefits, such as reducing the risk of disease, boosting your mood (endorphins make you happy, duh), and improving sleep. Find workouts that you enjoy and think about why you want to work out, whether it’s to feel strong and confident or for your long-term health.

    Re-define beauty
    While it’s unrealistic to love every part of your body all of the time, you can reframe your thinking. Lizzo told CBS Sunday Morning, “I had to address every layer of insecurity because I can’t just be like, ‘Alright, my arm’s not jiggly and lumpy anymore.’ That’s delusional. You have to be like, ‘That’s not ugly to me anymore and it’s not wrong to me. It’s beautiful to me.’” We all have body parts we’ve picked apart, but it doesn’t mean we have to feel shame moving forward. Reframing how we think about our bodies and focusing on what they do for us rather than how they look brings us one step closer to self-love and acceptance.

    Sydney Sweeney Swears By These 5 Wellness Habits More

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    10 Things to Add to Your Cart if You Want to Enter Your Zen-Girl Era

    I’m not going to sugarcoat it: I’ve been stressed lately. I recently moved across the country, am adjusting to life back in my hometown where there are a million friends and family members to see constantly, am in the home buying process with my partner, and I work two jobs. Sounds like a lot, right? My body thinks so too. I feel like it’s nudging me from the inside and saying, “Hey sis, I know you feel like you have to do everything right now, but why don’t we take a few deep breaths because otherwise, this whole long-term stress thing isn’t going to be pretty.” 
    Stress inevitably comes in waves throughout stages of our lives, but it’s how we choose to move through it that determines how we show up for ourselves, our relationships, and our work. For me, I am choosing to intentionally add more zen into my life—even on the not-so-zen days. There are 10 stress-relief products that have helped me calm the chaos and enter my zen-girl era, and I’m sharing them here. No matter what you’re experiencing in life right now, you can incorporate them to help you become the most rested and relaxed version of yourself.

    Equilibria Women
    CBD Drops
    If you ask our team what they have in their toolbox to increase a sense of calm and balance in the face of day-to-day stress, you would hear Equilibria Women CBD products on repeat. These Daily Drops from Equilibria are perfect for fast-acting relief and quickly channeling your inner zen-girl. Our best advice is to add your Daily Drops to your morning latte or smoothie to help improve stress, mood, relaxation, and energy levels, even on the busiest of days.
    Use code THEEVERYGIRL for 20% off of your first order at Equilibria!

    Essential Oil Diffuser
    There are essential oils for literally everything (stress, sleep, productivity, you name it), but they all have one thing in common: They have the ability to enhance our mood and overall well-being. The Vitruvi diffusers are not only beautiful and can act as sleek home decor, but they will help you create an environment that will is grounding (and that smells good too).

    Staring at a screen for work and then following it up by scrolling the internet to “unwind” is not the road to your zen-girl era (at least not every night). Instead, pick up a book! Many of our editors file their Kindle under “Can’t Live Without” because they are convenient as heck and honestly, encourage us to read even more. Leave it on your bedside table and/or take it with you on your commute to encourage you to read instead of scrolling when you have a few spare minutes. This small switch can do wonders for your anxiety.

    Intelligent Change
    Gratitude Journal
    According to Harvard Health Journal, “gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships,” so it’s no wonder why everyone on TikTok and Instagram is sharing their gratitude journaling practice in their morning routines. If you’re new to journaling or you’re not as dedicated as you’d like to be, The Five-Minute Journal is the perfect way to incorporate a quick, effective, and consistent journaling routine.

    Yoga Mat
    Yogi or not, this mat is perfect for your zen-girl era. Whether you use it for your daily practice or you roll it out in your living room to do some deep stretching in the morning or before bed, it doesn’t matter how you show up on the mat—it just matters that you do. This offers you a chance to turn inward, notice what you need, and ultimately, improve your mental and physical health.

    Moon Juice
    Moon Juice calls this magnesium blend “meditation you can sip” because it helps restore cellular balance for relaxation, sleep, brain health, and regularity. Whenever you need an extra dose of calm, all you have to do is dissolve a little bit of this magnesium powder into water. I love it because it dissolves instantly and tastes like berries. Plus, it is 100% traceable, unadulterated, and sustainably sourced which is a total win in my book.

    Girlfriend Collective
    Matching Set
    Matching sets have a way of making us feel like we have our lives together. With little to no thought and a quick outfit change, you can go from feeling “meh” about life to feeling prepared and confident. Wear a matching set to a yoga or pilates class, on your “hot girl” walk, or to meet a girlfriend for coffee. Forget worrying about what to wear, and say hello to an easier, more relaxed way of life.

    Primally Pure
    Spa Kit
    Now, this is the way to the relaxation station. Plan at-home date night(s) for yourself with this spa kit. Start by dry brushing to stimulate your lymphatic system. Next, add in one of the bath soaks—both help to soothe sore muscles, add minerals back into the skin, relax the mind, and detoxify the body. And finally, finish off by applying the body oil to nourish and hydrate your skin. Even writing that process made me relaxed. *Adds to cart*

    Sleep Mask
    We could go on and on about the side effects of bad sleep, but heightened anxiety is at the top of that list. Think about it: It’s hard to show up as the best, most prepared, and composed version of yourself without being well-rested. This high-quality sleep mask is one small thing you can incorporate into your sleep routine to help your sleep hygiene and ultimately, your mood.

    Restore Alarm Clock
    I don’t know about you, but the sound of my phone alarm would jolt me awake, spike my cortisol, and send me into a total spiral all before I even opened my eyes. Thankfully, there is a new way to wake up (and wind down). The Hatch Restore gently wakes you up to a custom sunrise alarm clock that supports healthy cortisol levels. It also has soothing sounds, white noise, and a soft-glow reading light.

    Sleep Is the New Self-Care: Here’s How You Should Upgrade Your Routine

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    8 Things Healthy Women Do After a Long Weekend to Set Themselves up for a Successful Week

    Picture this: It’s Monday afternoon, the tail end of a glorious long weekend, and you’re reflecting on a three-day holiday well spent. Laid out poolside while reading and sipping on rosé? Check. Had an epic GNO? Yep. Made the most of an extra weekend day in the summer? You bet. Whether you have a major case of the Monday Scaries or are ready to take on the week like a boss, what you do at the end of a long weekend can make or break the rest of your week. While a magic pill or the snap of a finger can’t promise a happy, healthy, and productive week, there are a few things you can do now to hit the “refresh” button and get ahead. Read on for eight healthy habits to adopt now to set yourself up for your best week, without sacrificing your social life and sanity. You can thank me later. 

    1. Prep your mornings for the week
    We’ve all been there: You hit snooze one too many times your first day back after a holiday weekend, and now you’re rushing to log in to work, forgoing your entire morning routine. The frenetic energy from said morning throws off the rest of your day. To avoid that nightmare, set your alarm for the week and get up when it goes off (no snooze!), program your coffee maker, pack your lunch (or set it aside in your fridge if you’re part of the WFH club), and choose your ‘fits. While you’re on a roll, prep some make-ahead breakfasts, like overnight oats or hard-boiled eggs. Sure, doing those tasks will take up some of your weekend, but you’ll be glad come Tuesday morning when you have extra time to journal, work out, or enjoy your coffee. You’ll likely notice an increase in your productivity and happiness too. How’s that for a win-win? 

    2. Hit the grocery store
    I dislike grocery shopping as much as the next girl, but there’s something satisfying about having a fully stocked, organized fridge. It means you have ready-to-go snacks and ingredients to whip up dinner within reach, taking the guesswork out of meals and saving money you’d otherwise spend on Postmates. When you’ve already navigated the aisles of Trader Joe’s and loaded up on cauliflower gnocchi and GoneBananas! (IYKYK) for the week, check out your local farmers’ market. Seeing (and sampling) the fresh seasonal produce just might spark some new meal inspo, whether you’re the next Julia Child or an amateur cook. And, if all else fails, Instacart or Amazon Fresh to the rescue. 

    3. Have something to look forward to
    When we get stuck in the mindset of living for the weekends, it should come as no surprise that we dread the week ahead. You may feel overwhelmed by your long list of to-dos for the week or bummed that your weekend self-care plans fell by the wayside. But who says you can’t get that lymphatic massage on a Tuesday or set up a matcha date with your BFF mid-week? Instead of viewing the upcoming week as a drag, try romanticizing it by sprinkling in activities or things that fill your cup: sign up for a cooking class with your SO, work from a co-working space or a coffee shop you haven’t tried, or get your nails done.  

    4. Plan out your week 
    I’m not just talking about work meetings and doctor’s appointments. Those are important but so is taking the time to prioritize whatever motivates you, excites you, and helps you live your best life. Add your workouts to your calendar, pencil in loved ones, and reserve time for self-reflection. Oh, and don’t forget to squeeze in some downtime and sexual pleasure (whether you go solo or with a partner). Because let’s be real: I’m all for spontaneity, but things get in the way (read: life). Remember that aforementioned dread? Mapping out your week will also help you bid farewell to it and its annoying friend, anxiety. 

    5. Set financial boundaries
    Before you roll your eyes and mutter “ugh” under your breath, hear me out. Knowing where you stand financially and planning your goals accordingly will not only set you up for success in the coming week but also months and years down the line. Look over your expenses with a fine-tooth comb (especially if this holiday weekend got you out of your fun budget for the week or month) and see what you can eliminate or cut down—those little charges add up quickly. The light at the end of the tunnel? Bringing home the shoes you’ve been eyeing, booking the trip to Paris, paying the down payment to your first home. And if you find that you have some extra cash in your pocket after stashing some away, consider outsourcing tasks so you can free up time for something more enjoyable like an impromptu wine tasting to spice up your week.

    6. Take a social media break
    You probably guessed this was coming. Between work, the news, and show binges, we’re on information overload. Then, there’s the comparison trap we fall into going down the IG rabbit hole. So why not give yourself (and your self-confidence) a break and go on a social media hiatus? Delete the apps for the weekend or keep them off your phone all week long. It’ll do your mental health wonders, but don’t just take my word for it. According to a 2022 study, taking a one-week break from social media improves well-being, depression, and anxiety. Once you’ve reset and you’re ready to re-enter the digital world, FOMO will be a thing of the past.

    7. Prioritize sleep
    When I think of waking up on the right side of the bed, I equate it to the scene in Cinderella where she dances and sings “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes” as she gets out of bed and ready for her day (while birds and mice make her bed and lay out her clothes, of course). Well, getting quality shut-eye isn’t only for fairytales. Substitute fitting all of Season 1 of The Summer I Turned Pretty into one night for a wind-down routine that doesn’t involve a lot of stimulation, like stretching or reading. And as tempting as it may be to sleep in during your three-day weekend, wake up around the same time you normally would during the week. You’ll be more likely to soak up sunlight first thing in the morning which will not only help you sleep more easily at night but also enhance your mood. Plus, you’ll be up and at ’em when that 6 a.m. alarm goes off Tuesday morning. Follow these simple sleeping hacks and Cinderella will have nothing on you (except maybe for her fairy godmother). 

    8. Put pen to paper 
    In our fast-paced culture, we constantly have countless tabs open in our heads, making it difficult to focus on or remember any given thought, idea, or to-do. Call it journaling, a brain dump, or reflection, writing down the barrage of contents in your mind will help you declutter it, just like you would tidy up and organize your home. Take a few minutes to record anything weighing on you: concerns, problems, unfinished projects, or limiting thoughts. This exercise can help you release anxiety, create space for new ideas and creativity, and establish a jumping-off point for setting goals so you’re refreshed for your week ahead instead of dreading coming back after a long weekend. And if you want to take it a step further, jot down three things you’re grateful for, because it never hurts to practice gratitude. 

    How To Get Back on Track When Feeling ‘Meh’ About Life More

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    A Health Expert’s Guide to the Healthiest Ways to Drink Alcohol

    If there was a cardinal rule in wellness next to “Do what works best for you,” it would be “Everything in moderation.” If you’ve been following The Everygirl, you know we’re not about restricting any foods or labeling them as “good” or “bad.” And alcohol is no exception. We’re not ones to pass up happy hour or popping champagne, but there is one caveat (sorry to be the bearer of bad news): You can have too much of a good thing. Having one too many margaritas poolside or mimosas at brunch can leave you with more than just a bad hangover—your long-term health can pay the price. But wait, there’s good news: I tapped into the expertise of health pros to get their healthy ways to drink alcohol, so we can imbibe sans guilt.  

    What is considered drinking in moderation?
    Finding a happy medium is not as hard as you may think. Jordan Dorn, a holistic nutritionist and cofounder of Zuma Nutrition, broke it down simply: “Keep track of howmuch you are drinking, know your limit, and know when to stop.” Reiterating Dorn’s sentiment, we each have our own cut-off number, which varies depending on our biological sex, age, health, and body composition. While doctors typically recommend one drink per day for us ladies, tune in to your body. Is it giving you cues that you’ve had enough after knocking back two cocktails? You know your body best and a healthy relationship to alcohol looks different for everyone after all. So instead of limiting or shaming yourself for what you do drink, practice a mindfulness-based approach to drinking. The next time you pour yourself a nightcap, try savoring it and the experience. 

    How to drink smarter:

    Eat before you start sipping
    Do yourself (and your body) a favor and build a plate of nutritious fare prior to saying “Cheers!” “Alcohol enters the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine,” explained Dorn. “If your stomach is empty when you are drinking, the alcohol will enter into your bloodstream more quickly. So, by eating before you have your first drink, and even while you are drinking, you can reduce the amount of alcohol that absorbs into your system.” I know, nothing sounds better than washing down french fries and wings with your drink of choice, but most bar eats are laden with sodium, driving you to drink more. Instead, nourish the body with healthy fats (think: guac or hummus with veggies) while you drink, helping you stay full and satisfied. 
    Other good-for-you pairings for your go-to cocktail? “Choose healthy food options such as whole grains, protein, and fiber prior to consuming alcohol,” suggested Rebecca Reilly, DNP, FNP-C, a family medicine nurse practitioner at Tia. Dr. Lana Butner, a board-certified naturopathic doctor and licensed acupuncturist, encouraged noshing on water-rich foods, like watermelon, pineapple, peaches, citrus fruits, celery, and cucumbers. The best part? Preventing the all-too-familiar hangover the next morning. 
    Pace yourself with water 
    I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume drinking a healthy dose of H20 is already part of your daily routine (you’re welcome). So when you’re enjoying your mojito, keep up your water intake by ensuring a tall glass of it is within reach, and keep ’em coming. “As a diuretic, alcohol causes the body to lose water much quicker than other fluids do,” warned Dr. Butner. “Drink lots of water or eat water-rich foods before, during, and after drinking to prevent dehydration.” It doesn’t hurt to have your Hydro Flask nearby, which can help slow your roll. “To combat dehydration and limit your alcohol intake, start happy hour with a big glass of water and continue to drink plain or sparkling water in between drinks,” agreed Reilly. 
    After diving into a drink or two, you may want to stock up on some coconut water to restore lost electrolytes. “Coconut water is great for rehydration after drinking as it has alkalizing properties, meaning it helps bring your body’s pH from acidic to neutral (our body prefers a neutral pH as this is closer to homeostasis, which is what we are constantly striving for),” said Dr. Butner. If that means getting ahead of the dreaded morning after, I’m all for it. 

    Opt for healthier drinks 
    PSA: Not all alcohol is created equal. There are not-so-great-for-you bevvies, and then there are the notoriously mixed drinks high in sugar that might make you feel worse than alcohol alone (looking at you, Piña Colada). But don’t worry, our experts have dished out a few drinks with their stamp of approval. “Choose mixers that aren’t high in sugar, such as club soda or sparkling water,” Reilly recommended. “Red or white wine is another good option because wine has the health benefit of antioxidants and takes longer to drink.” To top it off, Reilly green-lit some ingredients for a healthy libation: fresh lime juice, fresh lemon juice, club soda, agave, jalapeno, and ice.
    Dorn pointed out that drinking an organic red wine or beer (free of preservatives, added sugars, and pesticides) makes a big difference from drinking a sugary cocktail. “When drinking, try to go for the highest quality alcoholic beverages you can get, as they will be less damaging to your health.” Another simple hack to keep in your back pocket: Stick with clear alcohol. “Dark liquor has a higher sugar content and contains byproducts that create impurities once fermentation occurs in the GI tract,” Dr. Butner explained. “That being said, vodka and tequila are going to be better choices than rum, whiskey, and rye. These clearer alcohols may result in less severe hangover symptoms as well.” Sold. 

    Switch it up with non-alcoholic drinks 
    Don’t knock it before you try it. One quick Google search of “non-alcoholic drink,” and you’ll see that booze-free refreshments are not only all the rage, but also diverse and flavorful in their own right. “Mocktails are more popular than ever and provide an opportunity to avoid alcohol while still enjoying a healthy, interesting beverage in a social setting,” said Reilly. “Ghia, for example, has created products that do not contain alcohol, caffeine, added sugars, and artificial flavors that can be used to make delicious mocktails.”
    Whether you’re in the middle of Dry July or the forever D.D. (designated driver, ICYMI), going dry doesn’t stop at mocktails. From bubbly and spirits to non-alcoholic beer and wine, take your pick. And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the so-called “functional beverage” category that includes brands infusing their alcohol alternatives with ingredients like adaptogens, amino acids, plants, and CBD.  The main takeaway? Saying “Bottoms up!” with booze-less varieties has never tasted better. 

    Don’t forget supplements 
    Strengthening your body with the help of some supplements when drinking is akin to loading up on Vitamin C and zinc when you feel like you’re coming down with something. “Take an activated methylated vitamin-B complex prior to drinking,” Dr. Butner suggested. “Methylated forms of vitamins are highly preferred as they are more easily absorbed and processed by the body than non-methylated forms. B vitamins are helpful to the liver’s detoxification process, so taking them before drinking can help your body better metabolize alcohol, thereby preventing any dreaded hangover symptoms. Taking B vitamins can also help prevent hang-xiety as B vitamins play a huge role in regulating the nervous system.” In the same vein, Dr. Butner also recommended adding N-acetyl cysteine, or NAC, and milk thistle to your supplement line-up before drinking, before bed, and the day after to boost the liver’s function in metabolizing alcohol.
    Another go-to to have in your pre-drinks arsenal? Activated charcoal. “Activated charcoal has been shown to help bind toxins in the stomach that have not yet entered the bloodstream and, therefore, can help flush alcohol out of the system more quickly,” said Dr. Butner. As always, before adding any new supplement to your routine, first check with your doctor or nutritionist. While there’s no cure-all or magic pill to prevent a hangover, the naturally-sourced remedy comes pretty darn close.

    Non-Alcoholic Spirits Ranked From Worst to Best More

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    9 Disturbing Signs You’re Actually Not Eating Enough Salt

    Ah salt… The crack-cocaine of dinner parties. These health-conscious days, a raised eyebrow as you reach for the shaker is par for the “course”, given that too much salt can be detrimental to otherwise healthy bodies.
    But what if we told you that too little salt can also be bad for you? Yup: Sodium is actually a mineral that’s fairly critical for a number of your bodily functions, including fluid balance, blood pressure management and the nervous system.
    A condition called hyponatraemia results from a low level of sodium in the blood, and it’s caused by… you guessed it: Too little of this maligned condiment. In fact, head’s up Fit Fam: Hyponatraemia may be caused by drinking too much water, for example during strenuous exercise, without proper replacement of sodium, which could lead to a salt deficiency. Electrolyte drinks, on the other hand, replenish sodium stores.
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    What Causes Low Sodium Levels?
    A string of medical conditions can lead to low sodium levels in the body: kidney failure, congestive heart failure, adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism and cirrhosis of the liver. Anorexia and certain meds can also cause a sodium imbalance. But it can also result when sodium is lost during prolonged sweating and severe vomiting or diarrhoea.
    For the majority of us, the only time this would be an issue is if you have a diet severely low on salt, or you’re doing some mega training accompanied by mega sweating. Drinking too much water during exercise may dilute the sodium content in your blood, and dehydration also causes your body to lose fluids and electrolytes, which may cause your sodium level to dip. So you need to get that balance right.
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    So, What Should You Watch Out For?
    In long-term (chronic) hyponatraemia, where the blood sodium levels drop gradually over time, symptoms can be very non-specific and can include: headache, confusion or altered mental state, seizures and decreased consciousness.
    But the more subtle symptoms include: restlessness, muscle spasms or cramps, weakness, dizziness and tiredness – all of which can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
    How Is Salt Deficiency Diagnosed?
    The symptoms of hyponatraemia are not specific, so you’d need to pop in on your doc for a blood test to measure your sodium levels.
    READ MORE: Just How Worried Should You Be About Thyroid Disease?
    And How Is It Treated?
    Mild hyponatraemia may not require treatment other than adjustments in diet, lifestyle or meds. For severe cases, treatment often involves intravenous fluids and electrolytes.
    And If You’re Feeling Daring…
    Believe it or not, there are people out there who swear by downing pickle juice after a particularly heavy workout. This age-old remedy apparently works because pickle juice is made up mostly of water, vinegar and… salt. But, because there’s a bunch of conflicting evidence on its benefits out there, we suggest sticking to your regular electrolyte drink.

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    20 Workout Sets So Good, You’ll Actually Be Excited to Go to the Gym

    Whether you work out at home, in a gym, or head to classes to get your sweat in, you want to look and feel good going it—and don’t want to get caught realizing your leggings are see-through two minutes into your workout. (Or have them slipping and making you uncomfortable the whole time—been there, done that too many times to count). Feeling confident in your gym clothes is essential, and in 2022, matching workout sets officially reign supreme in the activewear department.
    Take it from us: Heading out in a workout set really does make you feel like that girl (like you have your life together even if you don’t in the slightest). It’s cliché, but it’s true: Your gym clothes can give you the workout motivation you’re lacking.
    Ready to sweat it out in style? We’ve rounded up 20 of the cutest workout sets you can get your hands on right now. 

    Feeling Bored With Your Workouts? How to Create (and Maintain) a Fitness Routine You’ll Love More

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    You Don’t Need a S.O. To Take You Out: 6 Solo Date Ideas to Add to Your Calendar ASAP

    Too many times we get caught up in scrolling for our next beau or babe on Bumble, spicing up our romantic relationships, or maintaining the platonic ones (especially over long distance). And since we’re always making space and time for our loved ones, sometimes we forget the most important person through it all: you. Ask yourself this: how many times this year have you actually thought about some solo date ideas? No, I’m not talking about a Trader Joe’s run (although it can be quite the self-care), but a real moment of dating yourself. 
    To some, this may sound absolutely outside of the box. How does a date work if it doesn’t have at least two people? This isn’t some ploy to force you to be anti-social, I promise. It’s a push to take better care of yourself, find your love language, and treat yourself accordingly. If that doesn’t convince you, remember this: If you spend your entire life waiting on other people, you’ll be waiting forever.
    You know that cute cafe you’ve been eying for months now? Grab your laptop and just go. That trip to the West Indies you’ve been pasting on your mood board for the past three years? Buy that ticket and make sure you get a window seat. Although the journey may be terrifying—introverts, I’m talking to you—there is something absolutely magical in doing things alone. All it takes is a little push and a long bucket list. 
    Here are 6 solo date ideas that’ll have you clearing your calendar for the rest of the year.

    1. Go to a Museum or Art Gallery
    Connecting with history and art is as therapeutic as it gets. Head to your local museum or art gallery and lose yourself in it all. When you’re alone, you can stare at a piece or dawdle in an exhibit for as long as you want. Nobody is there to rush or ask for your commentary.
    Use that time to think introspectively. How does the art relate to a similar experience you’ve had? Do you feel inclined to do more at-home research on a specific culture you came across? How do the brush strokes of a particular painting make you feel? Kudos if you head to a different city or state for this one.

    2. Book a Yoga or Fitness Class
    Working out with friends can be fun, but pushing yourself to do it alone can be extremely rewarding. Have you always wanted to try pilates? Maybe hot yoga? Head to your nearest studio and start sweating!
    Without being swayed by the commitment of others, you’ll be able to focus on your own goals and stay consistent, and you’ll be able to mold your regimen around your own schedule, too. Besides maximizing your flexibility, the intrinsic gratification you’ll experience will be much better than hearing a compliment from anyone else. And if you’re still wanting an accountability buddy, make friends at your gym or studio. 

    3. Have a Mini-Photoshoot
    Ready to start your trek to 1M followers? Even if you’re not eying being the next big-time influencer, grabbing your camera and taking pictures of yourself is sure to be a confidence booster. How many times did you find the perfect background on a girls’ trip, but the pictures just weren’t turning out how you wanted? Take this time to figure out new poses, your best angles, and some of the most unbelievable locations.

    4. Take a Cooking Class
    We can all admit that ordering out always beats cooking in, but it doesn’t hurt to sharpen your skills. If you’re exhausted with your current rotation of meals, find a local (or online) class that caters to the cuisine you’re obsessed with or want to know more about. Besides being a great way to connect with family and loved ones, it’s an amazing way to constantly treat yourself. There’s no better feeling than knowing your recipe tastes just as good (if not better) than it does at your favorite restaurant.
    If you’re out of luck with chefs that inspire you, Pinterest is always a faithful option. Here are some of my favorites I’m sure you’ll fall in love with: 

    5. Get Dinner and See a Movie
    Going back to the basics is always a great idea. Although there won’t be any moves by your date getting pulled on you (bummer?), it’s a great way to show yourself that these places aren’t only reserved for twos. For dinner, proudly request your table for one, and bring along your laptop or journal if you feel uncomfortable. It’ll become easier the more you go.
    If you’re an avid moviegoer or just an occasional one, challenge yourself to see a movie you haven’t heard of. The thrill just might be the beginning of your love for a new series, actor, or director. And who knows, you might even be pulling moves on yourself by the end of the night. 

    6. Be a Tourist in Your Own Town
    For many of us, home is our happy place. The idea of going outside might seem unappetizing, but I challenge you to throw on your favorite outfit, put your cellphone on DND, and treat your city like foreign territory. Check out all of the hidden gems, try new restaurants, and support some small businesses. You never know what you’ll find. 
    If you’re really feeling up for it, walk, roller skate, or bike ride throughout your city instead of driving. Too many times we use our cars as shields to not have to really be within the city we reside in. Take a new path and put yourself completely out there. It’ll be worth it. 

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