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    10 Products a Fitness Trainer Always Has in Her Gym Bag

    Whether you’re a trainer, an athlete, or a weekend warrior, your gym bag should contain everything you need to be out and about from sunrise to sunset. Besides multiple outfit changes, shower necessities, and healthy snacks, the best-prepped backpacks and gym duffels contain items you may not even know you need to help manage a busy schedule and an on-the-go lifestyle. So before you head to your favorite group fitness class, meet up with friends for a morning trail run before Sunday brunch, or hit the gym for an after-work sweat sesh, have these 10 gym bag essentials ready to go—they’ll vastly improve your Fit Girl game!

    The Laundress
    Sport Spray
    No time for a shower? No problem! Gone are the days of smelling like you just left the gym (even if you just left the gym). With The Laundress Sport Spray, you’ll always be smelling fresh and clean. Sport Spray, which comes in multiple scents (pro tip: go for the grapefruit!), adds a fresh and crisp smell while removing unpleasant odors from anything it’s sprayed on, such as bags, clothes, and shoes, or even directly on the body. 

    When it comes to the best shoes to have in your bag, NoBull really takes the cake. The NoBull trainers are flat enough to train in (side note: please stop squatting in running shoes!) and cute enough to wear out on the town, whether you’re into bright colors and designs or a solid pair of neutrals. The proper training shoes are as important as the workout itself, so investing in a good pair that you like to wear is paramount.

    Urban Sport
    There’s nothing more satisfying than a shower after a good workout. And when you’re showering in shared facilities, it’s important to equip yourself with the right accessories to prevent things like athlete’s foot. Whenever you are in the locker room, the shower, or the changing room, never go around barefoot. Instead, keep a pair of flip-flops or slides in your gym bag. These slides are fashionable, non-slip, and sturdy enough to keep you clean, safe, and looking great. 

    Vista Earbuds
    Whether you’ve got a curated playlist, a true crime podcast line-up, or Oprah’s new favorite audiobook, the gym calls for sweat-proof, nonslip, and noise-canceling earbuds. JayBird Vista earbuds check all of those boxes, with earbuds that are treadmill-, box jump-, and grunting-squat-rack-neighbor-friendly.  The bonus? With a self-charging carrying case, they’ll never leave you high and dry without battery life. Toss these bad boys right into your gym bag and make every workout that much more enjoyable.

    Salon One-Step Hair Dryer and Volumizer
    When it comes to making the gym-to-dinner turnaround, there’s nothing harder than turning a sweaty ponytail into an acceptable hairstyle. Thanks to the Revlon One-Step Volumizer, a two-in-one hair brush and dryer, going from Sweaty Betty to glam girl is a cinch. This barrel brush dryer is the only tool you need to create an easy blowout from the locker room. All it takes is a few minutes to brush your way to a “Did you just come from the salon?” look. Take it from a girl whose knowledge of barbells is way more extensive than her knowledge of hair products: The One-Step Volumizer is the easiest and most effective way to go from gym to date night.

    Plant-Based Protein Bars
    Filling up on protein is important for muscle repair after a tough workout, and when it comes to choosing a protein bar, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice taste for health. No Cow protein bars are dairy-free, whey-free, gluten-free, kosher, non-GMO, and contain 20+ grams of plant-based protein per bar. Whether you like your protein bars fruity or dessert-like, No Cow has a protein bar for you. Keeping snacks in your gym bag is a great way to ensure that you never face that post-workout ravenousness that can lead you straight to the nearest fast food joint. 

    Theragun Mini
    No matter your preferred style of training, keep a Theragun mini in your gym bag for when the soreness hits, and you’ll never have trouble going down the stairs again. Small enough to carry around, yet powerful enough to massage tight muscles, the Theragun mini is the perfect pre- and post-workout recovery tool. The portable percussive massager gets deep into muscle tissue and improves blood flow while loosening and relaxing those stubborn areas that are particularly susceptible to DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), like hamstrings, quads, glutes, and lats. 

    Tiger Balm
    Pain-Relieving Patch
    Sometimes sore muscles need some extra TLC. Enter: Tiger Balm. You probably know Tiger Balm as a herbal pain relief ointment that works on contact, but did you know it comes in the form of patches, sans the grease and mess of the OG balm? Simply unwrap the patch, stick it on the part of your body that aches, and let the pain relief begin. 

    Cryosphere Ice Cold Massage Roller
    If your fitness routine has you on your feet a lot (I’m looking at you, runners!), you’re going to want to keep a Recoup Fitness Cryosphere Cold Massage Roller in your bag at all times. Just two hours in the freezer provides six hours of cold massaging, which is a delight on tired arches, backs, glutes, and shoulders. The roller is lightweight, can be used by hand or placed on the floor, and has a built-in handle to keep hands warm while in use. Bonus points for its double-duty use as a facial roller to alleviate those pesky, dark under-eye circles or that post-workout rosy cheek situation! 

    Hustle Clean
    The Body Wipe
    Made by athletes to clean and refresh and large enough to use on your whole body, these wipes are perfect for tight turnarounds when a shower is simply not an option. Keeping these in your bag will ensure that you’re never subjected to a day of sweaty discomfort after a workout. They can also be used as a way to freshen up after a long flight, your walk to work, or an accidental spill.  

    Exercise and sweat can deplete electrolytes, so adding packet of electrolytes can be a game changer. LMNT Recharge is a paleo-, keto-, and vegan-friendly electrolyte drink mix that deliciously replenishes electrolytes lost in sweat. One packet (either before, during, or after your workout) will restore the sodium, potassium, and magnesium levels your body needs to function at its best. Not sure which flavor to try first? The Orange Salt is a fan favorite, giving delightful summertime margarita vibes. Toss a few packets into your gym bag and recharge those electrolytes! 

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    6 Ways To Stick With Your Health Goals While Still Enjoying Summer

    Ah, summer–the season where relaxation is embedded into our daily routines and indulging in an extra scoop of ice cream is always acceptable. It’s easy to let our health goals fall by the wayside when everywhere we look people are either jet-setting around Europe or lounging lakeside with a glass of rosé. It feels like a lifetime ago when we set the goal of working out three times a week or meditating every day for 10 minutes on January 1. If New Year’s Day is made for setting resolutions, then summer is the ultimate test of those goals.
    While it may be tempting to put a hold on your health goals this summer, there is a way to stick with them and still make the most of the warm weather. So whether you want to keep up with your workout routine, maintain a healthy diet, or improve your mental health, here are six hacks to keep your health goals in check (while still fully enjoying the season). 

    1. Adapt to the season and make a plan
    Back in January when you set your health goals, you were probably eager, motivated, and committed. Six months later, the initial enthusiasm you felt to see them through may have dwindled, and that’s OK. It just means it’s time to reevaluate and make a new plan, specifically for summer. Review your goals and see where you can make adjustments to make the most of this season. For example, if your goal was to work out more, but the idea of going to a gym while it’s sunny outside sounds awful, move your workout outdoors. Writing out your plan helps put it in motion and holds you accountable for your intentions. 

    2. Set aside dedicated time for your goals
    For most of us, summer is the busiest time of year. We’re traveling more, attending weddings, and have a busier social calendar, making it harder to find time to prioritize our health goals. But being able to enjoy all that summer has to offer is dependent on our health, so we have to make time for it. Carving out time to carry out your aforementioned plan should be prioritized the same way you would a work meeting or meeting up with friends. Schedule a time block in your calendar every day or every week for the duration of summer, and stick with it!

    3. Provide positive reinforcement
    Remember being rewarded for something good you did as a kid? Perhaps it was a cookie after lunch for completing your homework or a playdate with friends after doing your chores. Now I’m not saying you should reward yourself every time you get one step closer to reaching your goals, but sometimes a change in mindset can help. Try reframing how you approach your goals by planning fun events or trips as the “pat on your back” for your hard work. It’s the best way to ensure you stick with your goals without sacrificing your summer.

    4. Adjust for travel
    If you’re anything like me, you eagerly count down the days to your vacation, but also get anxious wondering how you’re going to maintain some semblance of a wellness routine while away. Over the years, I’ve learned to adjust my wellness routine for travel so I can still enjoy the time off and feel good about my health. This might mean fitting in a 15- or 30-minute workout in the morning before everyone else wakes up, packing supplements that can help support your system (I always bring digestive enzymes, a B-complex, probiotics, and a greens powder), or taking some time each day for yourself to meditate or journal. No matter what your health goals are, there is a way to adapt them for travel. Your routine may not be exactly the same as when you’re at home, but that’s part of living a well-balanced life.

    5. Find a buddy
    Having an accountability buddy not only makes you more likely to stick with your goals but also makes executing them a lot more fun. Find someone who shares similar health goals with you and make a plan together on how to maintain them. Sign up for the same workout classes, make grocery shopping dates, or check in via text with one another each day. Having someone you can share your health journey with allows for a more encouraging environment. 

    6. Reflect on your progress
    With any long-term goal, it’s necessary to take the time to reflect on your progress, assess everything you’ve learned, and make any adjustments as needed to continue. If you’re six months into your goal of meditating daily, and you’ve stuck with it, congrats! But if you’re someone who fell off the wagon a couple of times, that’s OK too. No matter where you are on your journey, be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Wellness is a lifelong journey, and reflecting on your progress is one of the many joys of it.

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    7 Habits of Women Who Always Have a Healthy Libido

    Just like exercising to stay in shape or maintaining a meditation practice for your mental health, establishing habits to get your libido in check doesn’t necessarily happen overnight. Sometimes it takes work. It’s important to keep in mind that every part of your body goes through phases over time—even our libidos. And while we would all love a healthy libido 24/7, sometimes our sex drives are going full speed ahead, and other times, they’re at a standstill. If you’re going through a phase where you just can’t get in the mood, know you are not alone and there are ways to get out of it. Everyone deserves to enjoy sex and look forward to it. Read on for seven habits women use to keep their libido healthy.

    1. Prioritize your alone time
    Self-care can apply to many different areas, including your libido. Spending time on your own allows you to reconnect with your body and check in on your mental well-being. Our bodies are interconnected organisms, and if we are stressed, it can often result in more than just symptoms of tiredness or irritability; it can manifest in physical pain (sore back, anyone?) or even low libido. Taking time for self-care—whether it be through exercise, meditation, journaling, a nice bath at the end of the day, or cooking a meal you love—is so important. It’s a mental break we all need to reset and feel more grounded and connected, especially when the outside world can feel overwhelming. 

    2. Try something new
    There’s no better way to stimulate libido than by trying something new. Maybe you and your partner have hit a rough patch and can’t connect like you used to, or maybe you’re single and your vibrator is starting to collect dust in your drawer. There’s no shame in either, but switching it up may be exactly what you need to break the spell. If you’re into solo sex, invest in a new sex toy, experiment with different porn, or set aside a night where you take a bath, light some candles, and indulge in pleasuring yourself. 
    If you are looking to boost sex with a partner, try choosing at least one night a week. Scheduling sex may sound uncomfortable, but it may be the thing to get you both out of a rut. You can also try bringing a sex toy into the bedroom, an aphrodisiac, or watching porn together. The best part? Whatever you choose, it can not only increase your libido but also build a stronger and healthier relationship. P.S. Don’t just stop at one—continue to try new things to keep your libido healthy.

    3. Figure out what you like and dislike
    Part of maintaining a healthy libido is knowing what you like and dislike (AKA what pleasures you or turns you on versus what doesn’t), but it’s OK if you’re still figuring that out—that’s part of the fun in experimentation. Perhaps you could try a new position and role-playing or lean into pleasure that may have felt shameful in the past. Try to vocalize what gets you going and what you could do without. Discovering what you like and dislike means throwing out the narrative you may have learned about what women should like and shouldn’t like about sex. You are allowed to enjoy whatever you like, and no one should tell you otherwise. It’s your body and your libido, so you get to call the shots. 

    4. Build strong trust and communication with your partner
    Whether you’re looking to improve intimacy in your relationship or you’re getting down and dirty with a FWB or casual hookup, you need to feel safe and secure in order to feel vulnerable enough to share your desires. If you feel like you’re lacking something, then it could be time to start an open dialogue with your partner about your needs. Start by planning a check-in or date night where you feel comfortable vocalizing your feelings and come to the table open and ready to share and listen. If you’re in a relationship, remember that your physical relationship can only be as strong as its emotional counterpart. And if you’re not in a LTR, you deserve to feel safe enough to communicate with anyone who’s lucky enough to be with you.

    5. Exercise regularly
    It should come as no surprise that those who exercise regularly are more likely to have a healthy libido. While working out has a plethora of benefits, the endorphins it releases and the effect it has on how we view our bodies directly impact our libidos. Studies have shown that there is “an association between body mass, a negative body image, and the avoidance of sexual situations.” In other words, if we want to feel confident in the bedroom and increase our libido, exercising on the regular and prioritizing our bodies is how we get there.

    6. Take the pressure off
    It goes without saying that women are under a lot of societal pressure. The pressure placed on women to fit into a certain box is prevalent, and I am here to tell you that it’s time to take the pressure off. We’re all wonderfully different, even when it comes to our libidos. Some people naturally have a higher sex drive than others, and that’s OK. Let go of any limiting beliefs surrounding your sexual well-being, and just listen to your body and enjoy sex on your own terms.

    7. Talk to your doctor
    The health of your libido deserves the same attention as any other medical concern you may have. And while your sex drive could improve with the aforementioned habits, there may be underlying factors that require further examination. Aside from mental blocks, including medications, physical changes, and hormonal changes, there are many other factors that can contribute to low libido. If you have a consistently low sex drive, it may be time to talk to your doctor. Maintain regular check-ups with your gynecologist, and prioritize your sexual health as you would any other part of your body.

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    The Journal Prompt You Should Try Tonight, Based on Your Enneagram Type

    The Enneagram test can be an enlightening tool for self-discovery. Knowing your type gives you insight into what motivates, challenges, and fulfills you, as well as how you experience life’s ups and downs. If you want to delve a little deeper, pairing journal prompts with your Enneagram type is one of the best ways to process and reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and experiences from the day. By exploring your unique personality traits through journaling, you can gain a better understanding of yourself and the world around you. Kick off your inner dialogue with one of these journal prompts recommended for each Enneagram type.

    Describe in detail an emotion you felt today.
    Type Ones strive for perfection in everything they do and often boast a strong sense of self-discipline. Although this type experiences the same range of messy human emotions as everyone else, they may not freely express their anger, sadness, nervousness, or even joy for fear of judgment. Tap into those feelings with a journal prompt that invites you to describe an emotion with as much detail as possible. What provoked this emotion? What did it physically feel like? How did you react in your words or actions?

    How did I take care of myself today?
    Empathetic, selfless Twos are all about taking care of others, but they have a tendency to brush off their own needs. Making time for self-care isn’t always high on their to-do lists, so this journal prompt encourages Twos to reflect on moments throughout the day when they prioritized their own well-being. It could be as simple as describing a nutritious meal or the feeling after a long, steamy shower. Make a list of the ways you put yourself first today, as a reminder that your nurturing nature should extend inward as well.

    What value did I contribute to the world today?
    The Achiever’s basic desire is to feel valuable and worthwhile, and they often seek this feeling through personal accomplishments. The challenge for this type is to separate their self-worth from the attention of others and other exterior signs of success. Instead of focusing on specific achievements or tasks on your to-do list, consider the value you brought to other people or your environment today. Perhaps you made someone’s day with a small act of kindness, or maybe you simply tended to your houseplants and contributed to the growth of new life. Practice finding the value in your daily doings, no matter how insignificant they may seem.

    Describe your day using as many sensory details as possible.
    Type Fours can be highly emotive and introspective, which means they tend to spend a lot of time in their heads. Rather than ruminating on your feelings, challenge yourself to focus instead on the concrete details of your day. Think through something you did that day in terms of what it looked, smelled, sounded, and physically felt like. Aim to describe things exactly as they are, without exaggerating or minimizing. The goal is to practice being fully present in whatever state you’re in.

    How did I step back and unplug today?
    With their intense focus and unquenchable curiosity, it’s easy for Type Fives to get preoccupied and distracted from daily life. If you’ve ever gotten lost in a book or fixated on learning a new skill, you know what I’m talking about. For this journal prompt, think about what you did today to unwind and give yourself a mental break. This could entail cooking a favorite meal, chatting with a friend, or simply going for a walk. Jot down both the feelings and physical sensations that came along with this activity.

    What is the best thing that happened to me today?
    A Type Six is prone to worst-case scenario thinking. Craving safety and security, they have a habit of running through all the “what ifs” in a situation, fixating on problems that haven’t appeared yet. If you feel that anxiety creeping in, flip your fear-based thinking and focus instead on the best thing that happened that day. Did something turn out better than you expected? Did you solve a problem that was stressing you out or find a moment of unexpected joy? Describe the good in each day as a reminder that your anxious thoughts aren’t always your reality.

    When did I feel most present and grounded today?
    Busy-body Enthusiasts thrive on adventure and excitement, but while they’re flying from one activity to the next, they may forget to pause and enjoy the moment. This journal prompt invites you to slow down and think about how you managed your attention that day. Tune into the times when you felt wholly present and grounded in the current moment. What were you doing? Who were you with? How can you bring that same mentality to your interactions tomorrow?

    How did I practice openness today?
    Self-reliant Type Eights prefer to take charge of themselves rather than yield to others. Always wanting to be in control of the situation, they often struggle with vulnerability. Instead of shying away from it, hone in on that feeling and consider how you opened yourself up to others today. Did you accept help when you needed it, share something that made you feel vulnerable, or simply choose to listen before speaking? Did it make you feel stronger or less so?

    How did I show up for myself today?
    The Peacemaker’s agreeable nature means they’re more likely to go along with others than stir the pot by standing up for themselves. They tend to tune out their own needs and wants as a way to keep the peace, which can end up creating more problems in the long run. For this journal prompt, turn your focus inward and consider how you participated in the world around you. Did you assert your own opinion, advocate for your needs, and lean in instead of zoning out? If you struggled with this today, how can you do better tomorrow?

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    People Swear This Viral Manifestation Method Changed Their Life

    And for another #TikTokMadeMeDoIt, manifestation edition. TikTokers have spoken: The 369 manifestation method (the latest iteration of the turn-your-dreams-into-reality practice), is taking social media by storm. It’s no secret we’re manifestation buffs here at The Everygirl and we love to try a new technique—journaling, gratitude, positive affirmations–you name it. So, naturally, I had to see if the 369 method checks out (I couldn’t just take TikTokers’ word for it). 
    With over 218 million views, videos with the hashtag #369method tout manifesting everything from a text from a love interest to more cash in the bank (sold), and the technique couldn’t be simpler. So if you’re ready to welcome your hopes, dreams, and goals before the end of the year (you won’t know unless you try!), keep reading. It’s time to clear some space.  
    What is the 369 manifestation method?
    First things first: Establish exactly what you want to manifest—be it a promotion, moving to a new city, your first home, a partner to share your life with, etc. Then, grab your pen and paper and journal about the experience as if you’re already living it three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times before you call it a night. Think: “I’m living in [enter desired location]” or “I’m seeing someone who values me and I enjoy my time with.” And as you’re writing your intention, try to tap into the vision and feeling of already having what you want. Like building any new habit, consistency is key, making it easier to keep your eye on the prize. 
    So why 3-6-9? Well, it’s not just a random sequence of numbers. Dubbed the “369 Theory” by inventor Nikola Tesla (yes, where Mr. Musk got the name from), he believed them to be the trifecta of energy, frequency, and vibration and the key to the universe. In the same way that the Enneagram or zodiac signs clue us into our personalities and why we behave the way we do, numerology can give us insight into future events. “The number three is a very auspicious number and represents our connection to all that is,” explained Alyse Bacine, a spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. “Six represents our true power as creator beings, and nine represents a completion or rebirth.”

    i manifested so many big things with this method!! #369method #manifestation #fyp #333 #spiritualtiktok #foryou
    ♬ Darling – Trees and Lucy

    How do I practice it?
    Now let me state the obvious: As nice as it would be if our desires appeared by just writing them out and sitting pretty (or with a snap of a finger, for that matter), you’ve got to put your back into it. Your actions (or lack thereof) can make or break realizing your best reality. So make the most of the 369 practice and map out actionable steps you can take to help nudge your goals in the right direction. Can you start stashing 5% more of your paycheck each month or put yourself out there by joining a local sports league or volunteer organization (perhaps an IRL meet-cute getting tangled up by pups is in your near future)?
    Once you’ve gotten into the groove, keep an open mind and look out for opportunities that may present themselves. They could come in the form of an invitation to a networking event or a work trip to a city you’ve never been. And remember one of the golden rules of manifestation: The energy you put out is what you get back. So show up as the person who already has what you’re manifesting. “When we feel like the version of ourselves that already has the desire, we attract it with ease,” Bacine said. “Essentially, we become an energetic magnet to our manifestations.”
    If you’ve been at it for weeks or months and have yet to see any hint of your intention come to fruition, check in with yourself, chill out, and be patient (I know, easier said than done). As to how long the 369 method takes to realize your desired outcome? There is no conclusive answer, but it just might be worth the wait.

    Is it worth the hype?
    Sure, the 369 manifestation method is TikTok-approved, but what does an expert have to say about it? “Each [manifestation] method will produce different results per person,” expressed Bacine. “It’s very important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to manifestation. A practice like this, done with intention and dedication to change, will absolutely yield results. Manifestation requires you to trust yourself on a deep level and move through self-doubt. If you can lean into that, then yes, I would say this practice could work well for you.” But she reminded us that having a powerful, effective manifestation practice also requires deeper personal growth work and energy healing.

    What happened when I tried it
    Because it was my first go-around using the 369 method, I decided to start small. I chose, “I find something to be grateful for every day” and put pen to paper three times a day for a week. Sure enough, it worked—I was able to grasp multiple things to find gratitude in on a daily basis. Whether it was the physical act of making note of my affirmation repeatedly or the fact that the process shifted my mindset to hone in on what I already have and seeing the good, even in the bad, I can’t say for sure. But what I do know is that it also helped flip the switch in my brain when negative thoughts reared their ugly heads or I came head-to-head with a tough-to-handle situation.   
    While the routine felt somewhat like a chore and mundane by the fourth day (almost like the punishment you’d get in elementary school for forgetting your homework), having to carry it out three different times of the day served as a reset each time. The practice put me in the right headspace to reflect on my day thus far and determine whether I needed to pivot so that I wasn’t bogged down by stress or fear. When I sensed the limiting beliefs or overwhelming feelings coming, I’d switch gears and head out for a walk, ask Alexa to play my favorite songs, or interrupt my wiener dog from his sunbathing for a trick-for-a-treat break. I saw the positives that I would have otherwise not thought twice about or deemed insignificant, like a butterfly fluttering by or my SO taking out the trash. The main takeaway? The 369 method is easy and simple enough to stick to, and it gives way to focusing on what you want to bring into your life, having the right energy to attract it, and taking aligned action to attain it. 

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    Mindy Kaling Has Really Good Wellness Advice–Here’s What She Swears by for a Healthy Life

    You probably know her best as the pop culture-obsessed Kelly Kapoor in The Office or the hopeless romantic Mindy in her eponymous hit show The Mindy Project, but what you might not know is that Mindy Kaling was born Vera Mindy Chokalingam and was the sole female writer for the first season of The Office. And ICYWW what she’s been up to since her days at Dunder Mifflin, she’s been hard at work building a media empire with her very own production company, shows Never Have I Ever and The Sex Lives of College Girls, three books, and co-writing Legally Blonde 3—all while maintaining her infectious smile, raising two kids as a single mom, and keeping up her wellness routine. So what’s her secret to juggling it all? After getting to know Mindy through countless interviews (seriously, ask me anything about her), I uncovered seven values she lives by. Hint: They only further prove the point that she’s the BFF everyone wants to have.

    Work out because it makes you feel good 
    If there was one takeaway I got from reading up on Mindy and her workout regimen, it’s that her MO is focusing on movement that brings her joy. Whether that’s Pilates or PLATEFIT (think: lunges, dips, planks on a vibrating device), she’s a self-proclaimed group fitness junkie who is first in line to try the latest “it” workout. But her tried-and-true forms of exercise? Running on the tread, stretching, and walking. “Surprising the body with lots of different things I think is really good, particularly for my body… I’ve really been mixing it up and knowing that if a workout doesn’t necessarily make me soak my clothes with sweat, that it still was a good workout… It does not have to be punishing,” Mindy told People. “The endorphins that I get from working out centers me. I’m kind of an anxious person and it makes me feel centered and makes me more focused. And I have some of my best creative ideas when I’m working out.” I think we can all agree on that. 
    It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows when it came to Mindy’s relationship with her body and exercise though. Because she didn’t fit the mold of what a “healthy” body should look like, she put herself through grueling workouts and hid her enthusiasm for being active. “I used to look at fitness as, like, It’s not successful unless you look a certain way at the end of it, and I’m never going to look a certain way,” she said in an interview with Byrdie. “I used to think there was no point if I wasn’t running for 45 minutes five times a week and then doing an hour of lifting. But, the point is that I feel so much better mentally if I’m in better cardiovascular health.” The moral of the story? Any sort of movement gets a gold star, and the best form of exercise is the one that you find the most fun and will stick with. 

    Drink up first thing in the morning 
    When it comes to hydration goals, Mindy is queen. In her interview with Byrdie, she said she drinks an “enormous amount of water with lemon” as soon as she gets up. She admittedly does it against her will but keeps up the ritual every morning as a pick-me-up (she doesn’t drink caffeine). And her H2O routine continues with 100 ounces of water throughout the day (if math isn’t your strong suit, like me, that’s equal to 12.5 cups). 
    Since coffee and matcha are off the table, Mindy also reaches for a green smoothie, created by celeb nutritionist Kimberly Snyder, in the AM. Mindy’s take on it, or her so-called “cheaty version,” calls for lemon, apple, romaine, celery, spinach, banana, frozen pineapples, and coconut water. Mindy told Marie Claire that regardless of what she eats the rest of the day, she knows she got in a healthy dose of fruits and veggies to start her day. 

    Keep your skin in check
    Sure, Mindy has her green concoction partly to thank for the glowing complexion she wears so well, but she also credits her beauty product line-up: Dr. Lara Devgan’s Vitamni C+B+E Ferulic Serum, Joanna Vargas’ Daily Hydrating Cream and Daily Green Hyaluronic Acid Serum, and Supergoop!’s Unseen Sunscreen.
    There’s no denying that we at The Everygirl dig a good drugstore find, and Mindy is no different. She keeps Cetaphil in her skincare arsenal to cleanse her oily and acne-prone skin (who would have thought?). Chalking her good skin up to not wearing makeup every day, Mindy shared that she feels the most confident with just foundation, strong liner, lots of mascara, and blush. Her favorite part of her whole low-key process? Washing off a day of makeup. “I find it very meditative to take it all off. It feels like self-care,” she told WhoWhatWear. As someone who takes her bra and “face” off as soon as I get home, I totally feel her. 

    Embrace self-care
    Her face-washing habit, walks, a solid bubble bath, and Selling Sunset are just a few things Mindy calls self-care. “I used to be very conscious of the term self-care because I was worried it seemed self-indulgent,” she says. “But in the last couple of years, I’ve started to really embrace it. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, and it’s really the simplest things that have such a unique power to elevate your mood,” she elaborated to Real Simple.
    With the little downtime Mindy has, you might also find her in the kitchen whipping up and sharing a meal of coconut curries with vegetables with her loved ones. And the long-time foodie in her will take her me-time in the form of having dinner out with friends any day. But the foundation of self-care for Mindy comes down to a few small and ordinary hacks she let us in on in her interview with Forbes: hitting the hay at 10 p.m., leaving her phone in another room when she goes to bed, preventing the endless scrolling on IG, getting quality shut-eye, and taking her probiotic. Because sometimes keeping it simple is best. 

    Don’t underestimate manifestation
    There’s no denying Mindy works hard to get what she wants, but even A-list celebs like her use manifestation to set goals. Mindy’s go-to practice? Vision boards. At first skeptical of their efficacy, she now considers them “a nice mix of creativity and reflection.” 
    In her one-on-one with Vogue, she explained her experience creating vision boards: “…in the last month of the year, three of the things I had put on there came true—and they were three big ones—and I remember thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, it was that damn vision board.’ I just had to be patient. And I thought that was a really good lesson because when you put up a vision board it’s not like asking Santa for things. So one of the things I have on the new one is patience, because last time, I took it down. This year, I’m going to try not to do that.” Excuse me while I go gather all of my magazines and make a trip to Office Depot. 
    In the same vein, Mindy swears by practicing gratitude to put her in the right headspace. On any given morning, you’ll find her sitting cross-legged, saying what she’s thankful for aloud. “There’s something about having to say it that makes it really real,” she expressed.

    Practice body acceptance
    Mindy doesn’t let not looking a certain way stand in the way of her love of style and getting dressed up. One quick scroll through Mindy’s IG and you’ll see it’s a collage of colorful, lust-worthy dresses and matching sets. Rather than being confined by societal pressures, she embraces self-awareness and body positivity (you go, girl!). “I’ve always steered away from light-colored jeans or white denim because I’ve never felt comfortable wearing light colors on the bottom half of my body, I think a lot of women feel this way. I’ve decided to make the commitment that when it gets to the dead of summer, I’m going to wear white jeans,” she told Forbes. 
    Like for most of us, body acceptance hasn’t come easily or naturally for Mindy. She confessed to Shape that she once held herself to restrictive eating habits the weeks before award shows and fashion events but has since bid them adieu. “I love to eat at restaurants, I love to eat home cooking, and I don’t like restricting my diet. And [now] I’m like, as long as I’m getting enough nutrients and feeling like my heart and my lungs are really getting exercise, I don’t really beat myself up about that.” Mic drop. 

    Be unapologetically you
    Mindy has made a name for herself as a multi-hyphenate and bringing fictional characters to life on screen. But off-screen, she stays true to herself and makes it a point to bring her most authentic self forward. Case in point: Her snapshots of being a mom and laugh-out-loud memes on IG. In her recent exclusive with People, she articulated how she keeps it real while still striving to grow: “There’s this Maya Angelou quote that’s like, ‘Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.’ So to me, that’s what I’ve just been doing.”
    When Mindy spoke to Byrdie, she recalled feeling repressed and uncomfortable in her own skin as a young adult, a far cry from the mindset of the actresses on her two shows Never Have I Ever and The Sex Lives of College Girls. “Every day, I am struck by how brave and authentic the young women I’m working with are… They are courageous activists and not ashamed of being that way. They love their bodies, and they’re still quirky.” Taking a cue from Mindy and her counterparts, why not be your unique, beautiful self? There’s no one else like you—flaws, insecurities, and all. When you find yourself lost or lacking self-confidence, remember the piece of advice Mindy’s late mother left her: “Always be your own best friend.” 

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    I Tried Red Light Therapy, and the Benefits are Insane

    If you’re a member of the skincare and wellness-obsessed club like me, you have go-to treatments that help you either achieve a glowing complexion or zen out. And while we should make time for all the self-care, let’s be honest: It doesn’t always happen. If only there was an all-encompassing remedy that checks off all the boxes…
    Behold: red light therapy (AKA RLT). The latest “it” method to hit dermatologists’ offices, spas, gyms, and even homes alike promises everything from skin-enhancing perks to anxiety-alleviating effects. The skeptic in you might be saying, “Is it legit?”, so I turned to experts to get the full scoop on red light therapy. And, of course, I had to see (and experience it) for myself. Ahead, a breakdown of RLT and what happened when I gave it a whirl. 

    What is red light therapy?
    Considering you’re a fellow wellness junkie, my guess is you’ve seen influencers and celebs donning light-emitting diodes (AKA LED) masks (some reminiscent of horror movies, IMO) flooding your TikTok and IG. Well, they’re treating their face to the magic of RLT. “Red light therapy is a novel light-driven treatment that applies low-level lasers or light-emitting diodes to deliver red, far-red, or near-infrared light targeting to modulate cellular metabolism and the functioning of a variety of tissues, including the central nervous system and the brain,” explained Dr. Julie Landry, a board-certified clinical psychologist. In other words, the non-invasive practice sends red wavelengths of light through the skin that our cells absorb and convert to energy, leading to a host of benefits (more to come on that). 
    But the regenerative goodness doesn’t stop at your face and masks at home. You can get your glow on in the form of full-body light panels and beds popping up at health-minded hotspots. So how do red light therapy DIY devices compare to treatments you’d find at, say, a health and fitness center? “At-home options cost less and can be used whenever it’s convenient,” said Eden Danaher, Manager of Upgrade Labs Human Upgrade TM Centers in Santa Monica and Beverly Hills, the world’s first biohacking (read: the practice of altering your biology for optimal performance) health and fitness facilities taking workouts and recovery to a whole new level. On the other hand, “Professional treatments are more powerful than the at-home varieties, so users can see results sooner and need fewer treatments.” 

    What are the benefits?
    According to a study from The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, RLT has been shown to augment tissue repair, promote regeneration and skin rejuvenation, and boost the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin. The result? Getting a leg up on fine lines, pore size, texture, and wrinkles.

    Stimulate healing and reduce inflammation
    Sounds too good to be true that light can reduce inflammation in the body? A study by Dr. Hamblin of Harvard Medical School may suggest otherwise. When cells absorb red and near-infrared light, ATP (an energy-carrying molecule found in cells), oxygen, and protein production increases, creating anti-inflammatory agents and speeding up healing. To sum it up, RLT can reduce inflammation in the brain, abdominal fat, wounds, lungs, and spinal cord.

    Muscle recovery
    Listen up, fitness fanatics: this one is especially for you. Based on a study determining the effectiveness of RLT on muscle recovery, subjects who received RLT immediately after exercise experienced significantly reduced muscle soreness, muscle strength loss, and range-of-motion impairments. What’s more, another study found that RLT used on college athletes with a wide range of injuries substantially (and safely) reduced their recovery time (nearly twice as quickly as those who did not receive the treatment). 

    Mental health 
    While Dr. Landry explained that further studies are needed to confirm efficacy, clinical guidelines, and dosing standards, she cited that red light therapy has recently shown promise as a treatment for depression, anxiety, PTSD, and traumatic brain injury. A study in Behavioral and Brain Functions also found that RLT may help improve depression as soon as two weeks after a single treatment. Talk with your doctor, therapist, or psychiatrist if you’re interested in adding red light therapy into your mental health routine. Know that more studies need to be done on RLT’s effect on mental health, but if you’re interested in trying it for the other benefits, boosted mood may just be a fringe benefit. 

    Are there any side effects or drawbacks to it? 
    As with any beauty or wellness program, it’s best to do your homework and check in with your doctor to make sure RLT is safe and effective for you. But generally speaking, there are little to no known risks tied to it. “Red light therapy is relatively safe to use, as it does not contain any UV rays,” said Vanessa Coppola, FNP-BC, a board-certified nurse practitioner, aesthetic specialist, and Owner of Bare Aesthetic Medical Spa. “Although many studies have indicated the potential for benefits of red light therapy, the current literature is lacking in conclusive evidence for its benefits. Bottom line, it appears relatively safe to use, it may help, but there is no current hard evidence that it actually does.”
    Danaher added that people on Accutane and other medications that can make the skin photosensitive (sensitive or reactive to sunlight) should avoid RLT. Additionally, RLT should not be used in the case of pregnancy, heart disease, melasma, or hyperpigmentation. 

    My experience
    Is red light therapy really the holy grail of skin and wellness treatments? I went to Upgrade Labs in Beverly Hills to find out. I stepped into my private room and settled onto the futuristic-looking bed of red LEDs in nothing but my Hanky Panky underwear and goggles (I was told it’s best to have direct contact). Almost immediately, the warmth of the lights put me in a relaxed state, and I fell fast asleep until the 20-minute mark to turn over. As an added bonus, there was a mobile RLT panel that hovered over my face—you better believe I was going to bathe every inch of my body in the light to get the most out of it. 
    My final verdict: I would give RLT an 8/10, mostly for its soothing and muscle recovery effects. I had a killer leg sesh before basking in the glow of RLT, and normally I’d be waddling the next day, but to my surprise, I didn’t wake up feeling like I couldn’t walk. While I didn’t notice a change in my complexion, I did get a solid, restorative night of Zzzs without any interruptions. It was a welcomed change since I usually wake up in the middle of the night thanks to all the water I drank taking my nighttime supplements or by my to-do list taunting me. And for the crème de la crème of benefits, I felt after RLT: a sense of being more grounded. It’s safe to say that I’m normally riddled with worry and anxiety, but during and immediately after the 40 minutes of bliss, I was able to tune out the excess noise and reconnect with my body. I was calm, yet simultaneously recharged the rest of the day, with my mind and body at ease. The fountain of youth, closest thing to a cure-all, an all-natural wellness experience—call it what you will. I’m all for it. 

    Get red light therapy at home

    Please consult a doctor or a mental health professional before beginning any treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

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    Apparently 35 Percent Of People Think It’s Totally Fine To Drink During Pregnancy

    Listen: It’s totally normal to want a glass of wine after a long day at work—yes, even (or, honestly, especially) when you’re pregnant.
    And many people—pregnant or not—still think it’s totally fine to have a drink during pregnancy.
    That’s according to a new survey from Cameron Hughes Wine, an online wine brand in the States. Of 1,032 people polled, 35 per cent said that it’s okay to drink wine on occasion when you’re pregnant. The other 65 per cent said you definitely shouldn’t do this.
    So…which group is correct? Some very preliminary research suggests that low levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy might not be linked to bad health for the baby—and many women get mixed messages from the media and even their doctors since it’s tough to say how much booze during pregnancy is too much (scientists haven’t come anywhere close to nailing this down yet and most current research suggests that recommendations should be on a case-by-case basis).
    But it’s important to keep in mind that Dr Christine Greves, a board-certified gynae at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies—along with most medical organisations — say you should totally skip the booze while expecting.
    “A safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy has not been determined,” confirms Greves. “That’s why we recommend complete abstinence.”
    And sorry, but the theory of drinking at the very end of your pregnancy (you know, because the baby is already “cooked”) hasn’t been proven legit. “Alcohol impacts foetal growth at all stages of pregnancy,” says Greves, who notes that it comes with some pretty scary potential consequences, including fetal alcohol syndrome (a condition that causes brain damage and growth problems due to alcohol exposure during pregnancy), structural issues with the baby’s body, and even issues with the baby’s heart, kidneys, or bones.
    Women’s health expert Dr Jennifer Wider, agrees. “The latest research tells us that the safest choice is not drinking anything during your pregnancy,” she says.
    So, uh, if you want to drink during your pregnancy, maybe just don’t. You’ll be able to kick back with a guilt-free glass of wine after the baby has left the premises.
    The bottom line: Drinking during pregnancy definitely hasn’t been proven to be safe for baby, so it’s best not to risk it.
    This article was originally published on

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