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    6 Easy Habits I Do Every Day That Have Made a Huge Difference in My Stress Levels

    In 2022, you don’t need to be a fortune 500 CEO or Olympic athlete to feel overwhelmed by stress; 55 percent of Americans say they experience stress daily. This means stress has become so ingrained into our lives that it is now the norm and a feeling most of us believe is normal instead of something that needs to be identified and fixed. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean it has to (or should) be accepted. Stress can take a serious toll on the body, and if we’re not careful and don’t take steps to monitor our stress levels, it can lead to some pretty scary health risks. 
    I’ve had my ups and downs dealing with stress, and when I was 26, I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, a condition known to be influenced by stress levels. Until this point, I had unknowingly let stress control my life, and now it was controlling my body. I wasn’t willing to continue living with that, so I decided changes had to be made. Today, I can gladly say that stress no longer controls my life, thanks to a few simple daily habits I’ve incorporated. Spoiler alert: They’ve helped heal my body and lower my stress levels. 

    1. Move your body
    There are a lot of reasons to move your body on a daily basis aside from just the physical benefits, and reducing stress is one of them. When we move our bodies, we release endorphins, help to regulate our emotions, provide oxygen to the brain, and show our bodies we value them. Moving your body doesn’t have to mean working out every day. It can mean going for a walk, doing some light stretching, or engaging in an activity you love, like paddle-boarding or dancing. Once you shift your mindset from “I have to work out today” to “I get to move my body today,” this habit can become something you look forward to instead of something you dread. 

    2. Regulate your emotions 
    If you’re anything like me, you didn’t grow up learning how to talk about your emotions and feelings. It wasn’t until I was in my mid-twenties that I actually leaned into the power of expressing my emotions in a safe environment. We deal with a lot as human beings, like the ups and downs that come with relationships, work, and personal development. That’s a lot to keep inside, which is why it’s important to express what we are feeling, whether it be through therapy, journaling, or talking to friends or family. Regulating emotions allows you to let go of people and situations that no longer serve you and the stress that comes with them. 

    3. Meditate
    Meditation has had the biggest impact on my stress levels (and I was a skeptic at first). After researching and learning more about the different types of meditation, I found a daily routine that works for me: I switch between breathwork, guided meditations, sound baths, and silent meditations. Everyone is different, so finding a meditation method that works for you can take some time, but the most important takeaways I have learned are that there is no wrong way to meditate, and sticking with it is key. Whether you meditate for five minutes or 20, your body will thank you.

    4. Limit caffeine intake
    I have always been sensitive to caffeine. I’m that person who gets jittery and can’t fall asleep at night when I have a cup of coffee. Yet, I still give in to my craving from time to time. Caffeine affects everyone differently, and if you’re like me, you’ve had to change your relationship with it. These days I switch between coffee, green tea, and matcha, which provides a better balance for me. I sometimes add coconut water to my coffee to help with its dehydrating effect, but I never drink coffee on an empty stomach or after 3 p.m. Now, coffee in the right amount and scenarios don’t make me jittery or fluctuate my stress levels. It just brings me joy (as all coffee should). 

    5. Get enough sleep 
    You’ve probably heard celebrities like J.Lo and Jennifer Aniston say the secret to their healthy skin is lots of water and a good night’s sleep, and who are we to argue with them? According to the Sleep Foundation, adults aged 18-64 should get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep affects every part of our bodies, from our brain and cognitive skills to our energy levels throughout the day. Personally, I am much more irritable on the days that I get under seven hours of sleep. If we are constantly not getting enough sleep, it puts a strain on our bodies, leading to higher stress levels.

    6. Talk to your doctor about a B-12 supplement
    Yes, stress and fatigue can also have to do with nutrient deficiencies. Supplements can be a great aid when you’re not getting enough natural vitamins from your diet. With that said, I always recommend talking to your doctor before taking any new supplements. As someone who sticks to a mostly vegetarian diet, which doesn’t often contain foods with a lot of B-12, it made sense that I was deficient in it and why I felt a significant reduction in my stress levels once I started taking it. Studies have shown that there is a link between vitamin B-12 deficiency and energy levels, so it’s no surprise that I had more energy after taking the supplement. The best part? My stress has become much more manageable. 

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    3 Manifestation Techniques Our Wellness Editor Swears Transformed Her Life

    Welcome to The Everygirl Podcast. Whether you’re looking for insider secrets from successful women that have your dream job, are interested in expert advice to transform your health and feel your best, or just want to be entertained and laugh along with us on your commute, we’ve got you covered.

    If you’ve been on the internet anytime in the past year, you’ve probably seen the word “manifestation” float across your feed a few times, and if you’re confused, you’re not alone. From TikToks with bizarre visualization techniques (no, I’m not going to picture my crush sleeping and whisper that they should marry me in their imaginary ear) to Instagram posts confusingly explaining the law of attraction, it’s hard to know what manifestation really means, and even harder to know what it can do for you.
    The Everygirl Wellness Editor, Josie Santi, has been studying and practicing manifestation techniques for nearly two years, and shares everything she’s learned on this week’s episode of The Everygirl Podcast. Recommended by wellness experts, thought leaders, and life coaches, manifestation can be boiled down to defining your dream life and then taking action in order to achieve that dream life. As Josie says, it’s about thinking of your current desires as insight into what’s meant for your future. In Episode 5 of The Everygirl Podcast, Josie shares a comprehensive explanation of what manifestation is (and what it is not), as well as tips to start practicing it and work toward your dream life today. Read on for three of Josie’s favorite journaling prompts for manifestation she shares, and tune in to the episode to hear more.

    1. “Future You” Journaling
    This method just may be the simplest form of manifestation journaling to incorporate into your everyday life. “Future You” journaling involves picturing how your life would go if you were to approach every situation as your highest self. Josie recommends treating “Future You” journaling like a diary entry for the best version of yourself, as if you were currently living that life in the present, even if your life RN looks totally different. Time to drown out the voices of anyone who has ever called you spacey, because this prompt really is daydreaming in diary entry format.
    As you journal, ask yourself how your highest self would show up in their day-to-day life. On the podcast, Josie explains that this practice is not only limited to one single day or week in your life: you can Future You journal before everything from a big presentation at work to sitting down to do your taxes to identify how your highest self would show up in specific situations (and then to actually show up that way!). On the other end of the spectrum, you can Future You journal about aspirational, exciting events that you are manifesting into your life; no scenario is too big or too small for this exercise.

    2. Gratitude Journaling
    One of the key points in the episode is that gratitude for your current situation is essential to manifesting a life that might be even more fulfilling in the future. Since the law of attraction is all about being grateful for things you want to manifest as if you already have them, practicing gratitude for the life you’re currently living can ensure that you are bringing in as much of that positive energy as possible.
    According to Josie, gratitude is one of the aspects of manifestation that can be the easiest to skip, but is arguably the most important. This is what separates manifestation from simply wanting or wishing: gratitude fuels the abundance mindset that is essential for manifestation. Josie suggests journaling about things you want more of in your life that you are already grateful to have in the first place. For example, if you’re manifesting a deeper connection with someone in your life, take time to journal about how thankful you are for your current relationship with that person, or if you’re manifesting greater wealth, feel gratitude for the ability to pay your rent or get coffee a couple times a week, etc.

    3. Highest Self Journaling
    Similar to Future You journaling, Highest Self journaling involves tapping into the everyday habits of your highest self, the version of you that you hope to manifest–instead of visualizing the situation as your highest self (like Future You journaling), you are identifying who your highest self is, which is why this exercise is especially helpful for beginners. Who does your highest self surround herself with? What does her career look like? What does she wear? What’s her morning routine like? These are the questions that will help you paint a mental picture of the person you know you are capable of becoming.
    Josie explains that highest self journaling can help you tap into a specific, easy-to-visualize version of yourself that you can carry throughout your life, showing up as that girl with each decision you make. It’s sort of like constantly asking WWBD (What Would Beyoncé Do) except instead of Beyoncé, it’s your own best possible version of yourself. As Josie says, this is one of the best ways to identify habits that will help you step into your highest self and dream life that you can implement as soon as you put down the pen. More

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    The 7-Minute Fat-Blasting Workout That’ll Tone All Over

    Toning every bit of your body in less than 10 minutes sounds like something you can only achieve with the help of Photoshop, right? Wrong! Turns out you can burn serious kilojoules and work every muscle from head to toe with this fat-blasting 7-minute workout circuit from certified trainer Craig Ballantyne.
    Use this total-body session to boost your metabolism and fat loss.
    Start with a three-minute warm-up of bodyweight squats, pushups, and jumping jacks (do each for 30 seconds, and repeat twice).
    Then complete the following exercises in order, performing as many reps as you can in the prescribed time frame. You’ll finish in seven minutes flat. Have more time? Repeat it up to four times for an ultimate 30-minute workout. Get ready to sweat!
    7-Minute Workout Move 1: Jump Rope

    Grab the handles of a jump rope with each hand and jump rope for 30 seconds; rest for 30 seconds then continue to the next exercise.
    READ MORE: These Heart-Pumping Cardio Circuit Workouts Are Perfect For When You’re Short On Time
    Move 2: Close-Stance Bodyweight Squats
    Stand as tall as you can with your feet spread shoulder-width apart. Lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Pause, then slowly push yourself back to the starting position. That’s one rep.Do as many as you can in 50 seconds; rest for 10 seconds, then continue to the next exercise.
    READ MORE: Have You Tried The Explosive Cardio Hopscotch Workout?
    Move 3: Bodyweight Row
    Grab a bar with an overhand, shoulder-width grip. Hang with your arms completely straight and your hands positioned directly above your shoulders. Initiate the movement by pulling your shoulder blades back, then continue the pull with your arms to lift your chest to the bar. Pause, then slowly lower your body back to the starting position. That’s one rep.Do as many as you can in 45 seconds; rest for 15 seconds, then continue to the next exercise.
    Move 4: Decline Pushups

    Get into plank position, with your hands underneath your shoulders and place your feet on a box or bench. This increases the amount of your body weight you have to lift, making the exercise harder. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor. Pause, then push back to the starting position as quickly as possible. That’s one rep.Do as many as you can in 60 seconds, and immediately continue to the next exercise.
    READ MORE: Everything You Need To Know About The Viral 12-3-30 Treadmill Workout On TikTok
    Move 5: Bulgarian Split Squats

    Place the instep of your back foot on a bench. Stand in a staggered stance, your left foot in front of your right. Slowly lower your body as far as you can. Pause, then push yourself back up to the starting position as quickly as you can. Complete the prescribed number of reps with your left leg forward, then do the same with your right foot in front of your left. That’s one rep.Do as many as you can in 30 seconds, then immediately continue to the next exercise.
    Move 6: Cross-Body Mountain Climbers
    Assume a pushup position with your arms completely straight. Lift your right foot off the floor and slowly raise right knee toward your left elbow, lower, and then raise your left knee to your right elbow. That’s one rep.Do as many as you can in 60 seconds, then immediately continue to the next exercise.
    Move 7: Run in Place

    Run in place at a moderate pace for 20 seconds, then rest for 20. More

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    Wellness Girlies Are Raging about Sea Moss Gel—I Asked Experts If It’s Worth the Hype

    Just when you thought you’ve seen and tried every wellness trend, a new one pops up. If your algorithm on Instagram or TikTok is anything like mine, then sea moss has probably graced your screen a handful of times. You may have seen it as an added ingredient in Hailey Bieber’s viral $17 Strawberry smoothie from Erewhon or from people stepping into their “wellness era” by having a spoonful a day and sharing their experience on TikTok, but if you’re still wondering “WTF is it?!,” keep reading as I share whether or not it’s worth the hype. Of course, I turned to the experts to share all of the health benefits that this viral superfood has to offer and to find out if we should really be adding it to our wellness routines.

    In this article

    WTF is sea moss?
    Sea moss, otherwise known as Irish moss, may be a new phenomenon for many, but its healing properties have actually been common knowledge for those living on the coasts of North America, the Caribbean, and Europe. In fact, the Irish have actually used its nutrient-dense qualities as medicine since the 1800s, and Jamaicans have used it to make a creamy and delicious drink that they consider to be a “love potion,” as it is believed to increase libido. This superfood is a species of red algae and has a gelatinous consistency, making it very easy to turn into powders or pastes, easily blendable for smoothies, and a great agent for thickening foods and formulas. 

    What are the health benefits?
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I’d like to think that we could all reach an agreement that sea moss doesn’t exactly scream this looks delicious. So the main motivator to incorporate this superfood is its nutrients and their benefits. “Sea moss may help support your immune system and your gut health, due to it being a good source of fiber and good bacteria,” explained Kylene Bogden, MS, RDN, a Sports Dietician and Nutrition Expert trained in functional medicine. As a strong source of fiber, sea moss is commonly used as a prebiotic. As an aid for creating more healthy bacterial growth, it can lead to better immunity.
    Jordan Dorn, a certified holistic nutritionist, agreed that the recommended daily intake (1-4 tablespoons, or 4-8 grams), contains essential amino acids, vitamin C, vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and 92 of the 102 minerals that our bodies need, including zinc, iodine, iron. And we can’t forget about the beauty benefits. The powerhouse ingredient is extremely rich in Taurine, a sulfur that contains amino acids, which, when ingested, can help the body to produce collagen.
    Of course, it is always important to consult with your healthcare provider first before adding any supplement or food to your diet, but the superfood may be more than just a TikTok fad, thanks to the extensive history of eating sea vegetables for health benefits in various parts of the world and how many nutrients sea moss packs in a small serving.

    What does it taste like?
    Unlike some superfoods that have a strong flavor that can sometimes overpower what you’re eating, like coconut or ginger, sea moss has a very mild taste. With that being said, the flavor is a little earthy and is very similar to seaweed or even oysters but is easily masked when added to smoothies, soups, or desserts. Whether you’re eating it raw, making a gel yourself, or purchasing a gel or paste at a store, the consistency is sticky and thick and can range from slightly crunchy to soft. 

    How do I add it into my wellness routine if I don’t want to eat it plain?
    1. Add it to smoothies or sauces
    When sea moss is in a gel or paste, it makes for a great addition to smoothies, sauces, or stews because it can also work as a thickener for a richer consistency. As delicious as Hailey Bieber’s Erewhon smoothie is (I had to see what the hype was all about), purchasing it for $17 is unjustifiable for many (and rightfully so). Here is a personal recipe I’ve used that’s easy, cost-effective, and delicious:
    3-4 dates, pitted
    1/2 banana
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
    2 tbsp sea moss gel
    1/4 cup nut butter (I usually go for almond or cashew butter)
    1 cup of milk of choice

    2. Topically
    Good news if ingesting the sea moss sounds awful to you. “When applied topically, the amino acids boost your skin’s production of collagen, revealing firmer, glowing skin,” explained Lesley Thorton, holistic esthetician and the founder of skincare brand KLUR. “In skincare, it works as both a humectant and emollient, making it highly beneficial for all skin, especially individuals that are dry and easily irritated.” Since sea moss is so high in vitamins and minerals, it makes for a super-ingredient on the skin too, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and glow-boosting properties (and might even help conditions like acne, eczema, or psoriasis).

    3. Supplements
    If you’re a “texture person” or not a fan of the flavor, taking it in capsules is a perfect way to still take advantage of all of the health benefits of sea moss. Juliana Tamayo MS, RDN, a clinical dietician based in Washington, D.C., recommends Oweli’s Organic Sea Moss Veggie Capsules for those who’d rather take a simple route of incorporating supplements into their daily routine. If you don’t want to take a pill, a powdered version is a great option to add to any recipes without the texture of sea moss gel.

    Why Are People Taking a Shot of Olive Oil in the Morning, and Should I? More

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    10 Hacks Healthy Women Always Use While Grocery Shopping

    Every Sunday afternoon, I look forward to my weekly grocery run. Forget walls filled with colorful shoes–give me a produce section overflowing with ripe vegetables, and I’ll be raving about it all week. There is something about a grocery haul that leaves you not only full and satisfied for the week but also feeling accomplished.
    Don’t get me wrong, I was not always this girl. I used to dread grocery shopping. The lines, the overwhelming selection, and don’t get me started on the price of fruit. I would leave the store feeling like I spent too much money and had no meal plan to show for it. The good news? We’re here to change that. Read on for the hacks healthy women always use while grocery shopping. 

    1. Write a grocery list
    This might be the biggest saving hack when it comes to grocery shopping, and it’s so easy! Not only will writing a list save you from overbuying food that ends up being thrown out, but it will also help you determine what items you can use for multiple meals, especially if you are buying for just yourself. Simply figure out what you want to cook for the week and then see where items can be used more than once. Once you have that down, you’ll be saving money and food.

    2. Never shop on an empty stomach
    When your blood sugar drops, your body wants immediate relief. If that happens when you’re grocery shopping, it can mean adding more sugary and salty snacks to your cart that you probably don’t need. While we’ve all been guilty of this at some point, try to schedule your grocery shopping after you have eaten to avoid spending more money than you need. 

    3. Shop in season
    Our bodies naturally crave fruits and vegetables that are in season, and it’s important to honor that. In-season produce tastes better and is usually cheaper. If it’s summer, stock up on peaches, cherries, and other stone fruits that are sweet and provide extra energy. Or opt for vegetables such as peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes that are great for a summer salad. In the winter, try citrus fruits, which are high in vitamin C and great for fighting colds and the flu, as well as vegetables you can add to soups, such as squash, sweet potato, and carrots. 

    4. Read the nutrition label
    The food industry is very good at hiding what they put into products, which is why it’s so important to read the nutrition label. When an item says “low sodium” or “sugar-free” on it, there could be other not-so-good-for-you ingredients lurking in them, like other forms of sugars or added toxins. If you are unsure about a product and can’t pronounce half its ingredients, see if there is a healthier alternative. The best part about the food industry today is that there are many alternatives. Stores such as Thrive Market or Whole Foods (while a little pricey) might have cleaner substitutes.

    5. Don’t underestimate frozen produce
    While I consider the frozen section one of the more indulgent aisles in the grocery store (frozen pizza and ice cream always call my name), it also contains some hidden gems, such as frozen produce. Of course, we love our produce fresh, but produce doesn’t always last through the week, so always having some frozen veggies and fruit on hand is a must (stir fry or smoothie, anyone?). Plus, they will keep for a long time, so you don’t have to worry about them spoiling anytime soon. 

    6. Opt for grass-fed and organic meat and dairy
    You know the saying, “You are what you eat?” Well, it couldn’t be any more relevant than when it comes to shopping for meat and dairy products. It may not shock you that not all animals are treated the same or fed just grass, which is why it’s important to select meat products thoroughly. Yes, it is more expensive to buy organic and grass-fed, but this is one of the areas most experts agree is worth splurging on. Read the labels and shop local if it’s available as well. 

    7. Know your splurges versus savings
    Like anything in life, there are areas where you splurge and areas where you save. When it comes to grocery shopping, this applies as well. Consider splurging on meat products, dairy, and the dirty dozen (the highest pesticide-sprayed crops, so you’ll ideally want to buy them organic). If you’re looking to save a little for the higher-priced organic options mentioned, buy seasonings as well as nuts and seeds in bulk. You can also save on canned goods and broths.

    8. Choose healthy and filling snacks
    I am a huge snacker. Mid-morning, later afternoon–you name it, I’m snacking. While you should always eat when you’re hungry instead of based on times of day (that’s called intuitive eating!), snacking can often mean packaged foods high in sugar, added toxins, and sodium. Plan ahead for snack time by buying healthy and filling snacks that will keep you satisfied. Some game-changers are hummus with crackers or vegetables, popcorn, mixed nuts, or greek yogurt with berries.

    9. Don’t overshop
    Figuring out portion sizes is never easy (I always struggle with pasta). And while we don’t want to have to make multiple trips to the grocery store because we didn’t buy enough, we don’t want to overshop either. Survey what you already have at home before heading to the store, and keep the mindset that less is more. While certain items can be kept in the freezer or last beyond their in-store expiration date, fresh produce has a shelf life, so make sure you are only buying what you need to reduce food waste and to only spend the money you need to.

    10. Shop for your body
    The world of health and wellness is full of many options, and when it comes to choosing items at the grocery store, it’s important to listen to your body above all other advice. Even foods that are considered “healthy” might make not make you feel good, or vice versa. Figure out what works and doesn’t work for your body and shop according to that information first and foremost.

    7 Healthy Eating Hacks Hilary Duff’s Nutrition Coach Swears By More

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    All the Cool Girls on TikTok Are Obsessed with This Workout Clothing Brand, so I Tried It

    If you’ve spent any time on the Internet over the last few months, you’ve likely heard of Halara, the trendy new activewear brand that all the cool girls are wearing. Everyone swears their pieces are Lululemon quality without the Lululemon price tag, so I obviously had to try them out. I was nervous about buying without trying on since it’s an online-only company and I’m picky about the fit of my workout clothes, but the website had glowing product reviews and the TikTok girlies assured me the clothes lived up to the hype. With that in mind, I placed my order and eagerly awaited the arrival of my package (for about two long weeks). So without further ado, here are the best-selling items I tried from TikTok’s favorite inexpensive athleisurewear brand and my honest thoughts. 

    1. Everyday Dress
    This is one of the pieces I see all the cool girls wearing, and now I understand why. It combines all the things I love about some of their other pieces: It has a similar fit to the cropped tank, the comfortable fabric of the high-waisted shorts, and the form and function of the biker shorts. I don’t know that this would be a go-to gym fit, but it’s a great option for a hot girl walk, casual brunch, or quick game of tennis (or an attempt to play tennis, if you’re like me). It’s also an easy piece to dress up or down. I love that you can easily throw on a jacket or tie a flannel around your waist and swap your tennis shoes for sandals to completely change the look.  

    2. High-Waisted Pocket Shorts
    As someone who carries her weight in her legs and booty (I’m coming for your brand, Kim K), I’ve struggled with the way shorts fit me for as long as I can remember. With that in mind, I didn’t have high hopes for these, but they had plenty of five-star reviews from girls saying the shorts were comfortable and cinched their waists. They also looked great on the model, so I was interested to see if they’d work for me too. 
    While they were super comfortable and probably could have been worn as lounge shorts, they didn’t quite live up to my expectations. I prefer my shorts a bit longer so I feel covered while working out and to help avoid the dreaded inner thigh chaffing. The fabric is so thin and soft which feels amazing, but they do ride up and bunch easily. Also, the leg openings aren’t nearly as roomy as they look on the model. 5/10, would wear again, but not my #1 pick for tough workouts. 

    3. Ruffle Hem Shorts
    Let’s just say my relationship with these shorts is complicated. I actually liked the way these shorts fit better than the High-Waisted Pocket Shorts because they had a looser fit in the legs. But, dare I say… too loose? The baggier fit of these combined with the ruffle hem (which was originally the main selling point for me) made them feel more like sleepwear than workout wear. Halara does refer to these as “casual” shorts, which makes sense considering their fit, but since they weren’t included in their loungewear section, I hoped they could still be worn outside the house. This pair could definitely work for some people, but I’d stay away from them if you want to feel more covered up and put together while jumping around in your workouts. For lounge shorts, however, they are perfection. 

    4. Padded Tank Top
    I’ve never been one for the crop top life—even during my peak party girl days. But I’ve been loving the look of long-line sports bras lately, so I thought I’d finally give the trend a try. Lo and behold, I’ve found my new favorite workout top. It’s a little tight (I followed the size chart), but that just means it works well for more high-impact workouts and is supportive, despite not having adjustable straps. I find that the tighter fit also helps the top stay in place so you don’t have to worry about the hem rolling up while you’re moving around. 
    And the quality? Top-notch. I was fully expecting the removable pads to shift and fold like some of my cheaper workout tops, but they have stayed in place even after a few cycles in the wash. I was also impressed that the white fabric wasn’t see-through at all. Now I’m thinking I need one in every color. 

    5. High-Waisted Biker Shorts
    Call me Princess Diana because these shorts have become part of my everyday wardrobe. They’re as soft as the High-Waisted Pocket Shorts but are a little thicker, so they feel more substantial and can pass the squat test. What they don’t pass, unfortunately, is the roll test. I find that I have to pull them down frequently, but that could be because they’re a little tight and would be resolved if I sized up. For me, they’re tough to wear as workout gear for intense workouts like running or HIIT, but I’ve been loving them for walks, stretching, and on-the-go outfits. 

    6. Side Pocket Biker Shorts
    There’s something about these biker shorts that didn’t do it for me the way the traditional Biker Shorts did (but don’t get me wrong, I still liked them enough that I’ll be pairing all my oversized tees and sweatshirts with them). Even though I ordered both pairs in the same size, this pair fits much tighter, and they roll up more than the regular Biker Shorts. I also may or may not have ripped a seam or two pulling them over my legs and butt. What I do love about them, though, is Halara’s signature pet hair-resistant fabric. I wasn’t sure that it would make much of a difference, but as a cat mom, I’ll take all the help I can get. Since I’ll mostly be wearing these at home and for running errands, it’s nice that I don’t have to reach for a lint roller between cuddling my fur babies and getting groceries. 

    @arianalee99 I can’t take it off 😍 @halara_official #halaragirls #halaradress #halaraeveryday ♬ original sound – Samantha Clement

    The verdict
    I have to give it to the TikTok girls on this one. Halara’s quality, styles, and affordable price point make it a great alternative to Lululemon and Alo. My hope is that as the brand continues to grow, they show more diversity in body shapes and sizes in their models so mid-size and plus-size girls get a sense of how the pieces will fit. After some trial and error though, I was able to find some pieces that I feel good in and look forward to wearing during my next gym session or Target run. 

    Items I’m buying next: 

    20 Workout Sets So Good, You’ll Actually Be Excited to Go to the Gym More

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    I Asked an OBGYN All the Questions You Feel Too Embarrassed to Ask—Here Are Her Answers

    Women often have a lot going on BTS that we don’t think about unless something feels off. Many of us come up with excuses to put off going to see the doctor, whether it’s because we’re uncomfortable laying everything out there (literally) or afraid of the answers we might get. Long story short, going to the gyno isn’t exactly a walk in the park (anyone else shudder at just the thought of the scary-looking—not to mention, cold—speculum?). But we’re here to normalize regularly seeing your OBGYN if you have a vagina, as well as creating dialogue around all the topics related to female wellness.
    Enter: Dr. Alyssa Dweck, a practicing gynecologist in Westchester County, NY and advisor to Tru Niagen. From vaginal odor to birth control and everything in between, I probed (pun intended) Dr. Dweck on the most important questions to ask your OBGYN, and we left nothing off the table. Read on for her answers to questions you may be embarrassed to ask your own doctor.

    Meet the expert
    Dr. Alyssa Dweck
    Dr. Dweck provides care to women of all ages and has delivered thousands of babies. Voted “Top Doctor” in New York Magazine and Westchester Magazine, she has a special interest and expertise in female sexual health and medical sex therapy. Dr. Dweck is co-author of three books, including the newest release “The Complete A to Z for Your V (Quarto Press 2017),” and has appeared on The Today Show and Good Day LA. 

    1. What is my vagina supposed to look like? 
    While every vagina is unique (just like the person who it is a part of), Dr. Dweck explained what you can generally expect: “A healthy vagina, the internal canal, is typically a shade of pink, lush, sometimes glistening with normal clear fluid and with many folds called ‘rugae.’ The vaginal opening might have darker pigment and variable skin folds depending on history of childbirth, previous surgery, and/or sexual activity, for example.” Take a cue from Charlotte in Sex and the City and grab your trusty handheld mirror to get up close and personal with your vulva. 

    2. Is it normal to have vaginal discharge and odor? What causes them?
    Before you go down the Google rabbit hole, slow your roll. Dr. Dweck assured us vaginal discharge and odor are typically not causes for concern: “Most vaginas have a natural physiologic discharge made up of mucus from the cervix, vaginal fluid and cells, and cells/fluid from the uterus.” However, there are instances in which vaginal discharge and odor can raise red flags. “Infection with viruses, bacteria, and other microbes, including STIs (sexual transmitted infections), hormone changes, and/or external irritants, can disrupt the normal vaginal pH and microbiome and cause infection. In these cases, an atypical vaginal discharge or foul odor can occur.” The main takeaway? If you’re not sure and can’t decipher what’s what, it’s best to consult your doctor.

    3. Why do I have urinary or fecal incontinence, and what can I do to resolve it?
    If you experience loss of bladder or bowel control (AKA leaking urine or poop), you’re not alone (it’s more common than you may think). “Both can occur due to weak or relaxed pelvic floor muscles,” said Dr. Dweck. “Genetics, prior childbirth (especially for big babies or instrumented deliveries), and obesity may play a role.” So how do you address urinary incontinence? Dr. Dweck encouraged taking into account treating any underlying UTI (urinary tract infection), minimizing or eliminating caffeine (which can create urgency and frequency), practicing Kegel floor exercises, engaging with a pelvic floor physical therapist, and consulting with a urologist/urogynecologist for more intensive testing. “Similarly, for fecal incontinence, one may consider increasing fiber intake to bulk up stool, Kegel exercises, pelvic floor physical therapy, or seeing a colorectal or gastrointestinal specialist.”

    4. How many yeast infections or UTIs are too many? When should I see a doctor?
    One yeast infection or UTI is enough to send anyone into a frenzy. So how do you know when an OTC remedy will do the trick or it’s time to pay your doc a visit? “Recurrent UTI typically refers to greater than or equal to two infections in six months or three infections in a year,” Dr. Dweck clarified. “Recurrent yeast infection implies more than four infections per year. Both scenarios are best addressed by a HCP [health care provider]. Severity of infection is also a reason to check in with a HCP.”

    5. Why is it painful to have sex?
    PSA: Sex should only be pleasurable. So if you’re experiencing any discomfort between the sheets, seek help from your gyno or a pelvic floor therapist. As for what’s the culprit behind painful sex? “Painful sex could occur for a variety of reasons, including vaginal dryness, infection, hormonal changes, and mechanical or anatomic issues, such as fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, scar tissue, vaginal muscle tightness, and/or traumatic sex,” Dr. Dweck elaborated. 
    6. Can I have sex while I’m on my period? And is it possible to get pregnant during my period?
    While you may not feel the sexiest during that time of the month (there are ways to flip the script, BTW), if the mood strikes, Dr. Dweck gave the green light: “One can engage sexually while menstruating if comfortable and, in fact, period sex may relieve cramps or enhance pleasure for some. Precaution should be taken since blood-borne infection, including HIV, can be transmitted. It is possible, although unlikely, to get pregnant from sex while bleeding since some have irregular menses and unpredictable ovulation.”
    7. How do I determine what type of birth control is best for me?
    It goes without saying that birth control is a personal choice. It can be overwhelming and confusing to choose a birth control method that checks all the boxes for your needs and lifestyle. When deciding the best method for you, talk it out with your physician “[Determining the right birth control] is a shared decision made between patient and HCP based on menstrual habits, desired permanence of contraception or future fertility, medical history, and medications, lifestyle, and insurance coverage,” stated Dr. Dweck. “Keep in mind, condoms prevent against STIs while most other forms of contraception do not.”

    8. If my state outlaws abortion, what are my options for unintended pregnancy?
    In light of the reversal of Roe v. Wade, it’s no surprise there’s a lot of confusion and fear around reproductive health and abortion (it’s OK to feel all the feels, BTW). Whether or not you’re pregnant, arming yourself with information and resources from a trusted source (read: your OBGYN) is never a bad idea. But if you find yourself at a loss as to what safe recourse you have in the case of an unplanned pregnancy, Dr. Dweck pointed us in the right direction: “There are several online sites that will provide services, though travel may be required. Hey Jane is one example of a virtual clinic.” 

    9. Why can’t I have an orgasm?
    According to the Cleveland Clinic, only 10 percent of women easily climax. So if you’re part of the other 90 percent, Dr. Dweck shed some light: “This can be complex, but some reasons include not enough direct clitoral stimulation, pain during sex, medications (most notably antidepressants), medical conditions, prior surgery, or psychological factors.” Whatever the root cause may be, you can rest assured your OBGYN can help you find the solution that works best for you. Because we all deserve orgasms. 

    10. How do I talk to my partner about STIs/STDs?
    Sure, we can list a hundred things we’d rather do than get tested for STIs/STDs—let alone talk about them—but think of it as a form of self-care. And as awkward as it may be, Dr. Dweck emphasized that having a direct conversation about STIs/STDs with your partner is necessary. After all, you can’t go wrong creating a safe space for open and honest dialogue surrounding sexual health. It may just bring you and your SO closer and make the sex even better (talk about a win-win). 

    11. I feel lumps in my breast. How do I know if it’s something more?
    If you’ve ever done a breast self-exam, pat yourself on the back. Familiarizing yourself with “your girls”—from their appearance to how they feel—is a healthy habit to add to your wellness regimen. While breast lumps are common and most often non-cancerous, it’s nonetheless unnerving to find one (or more). So knowing what to look out for can help calm a bout of the jitters: “Lumps that are approximately 1 centimeter or larger are palpable,” Dr. Dweck pointed out. “A clinical breast exam with a HCP and imaging, including mammogram, sonogram, or MRI, are potential next steps.” During your next check-up, don’t hesitate to get some pointers on at-home protocols to maintain from your doctor. 

    Please consult a doctor before beginning any treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

    I Tried Pelvic Floor Therapy, and You Should Too More

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    “I Tried A Vitamin IV Drip For A Health Boost — Here’s What Happened”

    I’m pretty into exploring new ways to boost my health, which is why getting a vitamin IV drip piqued my interest.
    I’ve had a vitamin B12 shot a few times and it was sore AF, so volunteering for a whole IV just didn’t seem worth it to me. Until I chatted to a friend, who had recently found a “cool new IV Bar in Camps Bay” and swore it did wonders for her skin. I’m guilty of chasing the glow as much as the next girl, so I decided to brave up and go for it…
    Here’s Exactly What Happened…
    Walking into the IV Bar I didn’t quite know what to expect, but much to my delight there were no hospital beds or scary IV trolleys. Instead, I was greeted by friendly faces and delightfully comfy armchairs. We discussed my needs and decided that the Signature IV Therapy aka the “Royal IV” was best for me – with a high dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
    READ MORE: Will Collagen Supplements Really Make You Any Healthier?
    The very gentle and caring Nurse administered my IV. It was slightly painful, but not what I’d built it up to be (very often the case). And then I sat back, relaxed and sucked on a few sweets (these counter the metallic taste you get from the drip), while the 45-minute vitamin boost entered my veins.
    Most people will know IV bars as the place that celebs go when they’ve got a mean hangover and need to get rid of it fast. And sure, you can get them done. But MobivIVe has a lot more to offer than a hangover treatment or as they call it the “Babelas Beater”. They also administer drips for pregnant women, people who want to boost their immune system and avoid or recover from COVID-19, anti-ageing, detoxifying, energy boosting, high performance athletes and more.
    As for me, once I left the beautiful IV bar, my energy levels immediately perked up. I met a friend for a meal afterwards and felt alert and excited to see her. I wasn’t all buzzed the way you get from a caffeine overdose though; instead, I felt a sense of calmness. A few weeks down the line, I noticed my skin was glowing and I was sleeping better. Although, typical to the season I’ve picked up a little cold. I know an “Immune Boost” IV with vitamin C is just what’s needed to sort me out… I think it’s safe to say I might be hooked.
    Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin IV Drips
    While these IVs are a mix of vitamins and minerals that are already found in your body, it’s important to do your research and make sure whoever is administering your drip really is clued up. Here’s everything we all want to know about this latest health trend…
    Before you visit and IV Bar, what credentials etc. should you check the establishment for?
    Safety is critical! You want to make sure the intravenous vitamin centre is associated with a doctor and a registered nurse is administering the drips. Even though it’s vitamins and minerals and is considered very safe, you want to make sure the vitamins you are receiving are compounded in a sterile facility, and that the nurse has extensive experience in dripping clients. Also, from a logistical point of view, you want to go somewhere that’s inviting, comfortable and has a good energy. This is not a grudge purchase – it’s by choice, and you want to enjoy your time there.
    Do the IV drips come with any side effects – during, immediately after or the next day?
    There are no negative side effects at all – only the upside! Very few people have reported a slight headache after the detox drip, but this is normal as the body is getting rid of toxins… it’s just incredibly rare. Some people get minor bruising at the needle site, which again is normal and usually not painful. Most people, however, don’t bruise and feel the positive effects of the energy boost and immune boost immediately.
    READ MORE: 4 Simple Healthy Coffee Hacks To Really Boost Your Blend
    What are the costs of the IV?
    The MobivIVe vitamin drips start at R750 and go up, depending on the drip. Their IV drips are well priced so that they can be available to everyone – not just the stars and singers and actors and athletes who can afford a lot more. The vitamin drips have effective and safe compounds at an affordable price.
    For more info, check out MobivIVe. More