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    Getting A Mammogram: What To Know, Even If You’re Young

    When thinking about getting a mammogram, you might sit on either side of the fence.
    You could be freaking out about your now-supple breast tissue and wondering if that firmness might be a lump (what does a bunch of grapes feel like, anyway?) or you could be completely blasé and assume that you’ll never have to worry about it until you’re frail as a raisin.
    In fact, new research now shows that you should get your first mammogram when you turn 40, a marked jump up from the earlier guidelines stating 50 is the age.
    There’s a caveat, says Dr Salomine Theron, branch manager at SCP Radiology’s new Tygervalley Mammography Centre. If there’s a family history of breast cancer, or you’re aware that the BRCA 1 or 2 genetic mutations run in your genetics, you should get tested earlier to rule it out.
    READ MORE: What General Health Checks You Should Be having, According to Your Age
    The good news is that innovations in the breast cancer space make this disease a little less scary. For one, we now have a “better understanding of the different types of breast cancer and women are now treated according to the type of breast cancer they have,” says Dr Lizanne Langenhoven, oncologist. “There are four different subtypes at the moment, but this is likely to change as our understanding of breast cancer improves.”
    In fact, if your breast cancer is caught early, you could avoid chemotherapy completely (Langehoven says chemotherapy use has declined as much as 50% over the last five years.). In some cases, says Langehoven, injections or withdrawal tablets can be used. There’s also a nifty machine called the Mammaprint, which tests the genes to determine whether or not chemotherapy will be necessary or if it would improve chances of recovery. “I think it is important to know that the cure rate for early breast cancer is more than 90%!” says Langehoven. “Breast cancer once might have been a death sentence, but it certainly no longer is.”
    READ MORE: 3 Random Things That Can Totally Mess With Your Mammogram Results
    That being said, early detection remains the Holy Grail. The sooner a tumour is found, the better the chances of it being nixed, experts agree. This means conducting self-examinations regularly. And, it’s not so much about knowing the “correct” firmness of a breast, so much as it is about keeping track of any changes in the tissue, says Theron. When you turn 40, make sure you have your breasts checked out – medical aids pay for mammograms every second year.
    Below, we’ve put a few myths and had Theron bust them.
    Is it true that taking a punch in the breast will give you breast cancer? 
    “FICTION. Breast trauma can sometimes alert you to an abnormality/lump that was there all along.”
    Using talcum powder is bad for you and will give you breast cancer. 
    “FICTION.  Talcum powder can however create artefacts on a mammogram, patients should refrain from using it the day of the mammogram.”
    If you sleep with a bra on, you’ll develop breast cancer and saggy boobs. 
    Do breast implants raise your risk of developing breast cancer? 
    READ MORE: This Is What It REALLY Feels Like To Have A Mammogram
    If you take The Pill or other hormonal contraception, your risk for breast cancer goes up.
    “FACT, any hormonal contraception does increase your risk of developing breast cancer.”
    How can you tell if your breast feels like a bowl of oats and not a firm bunch of grapes?
    When you examine your breasts you should look out for any changes or lumps.  Breast cancer often presents as a pea-sized, painless lump. More

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    Instagram Finally Got Me—Here’s What I Learned From a Week on Athletic Greens

    My grandfather always said a few words that have guided and haunted me throughout my life: “You have to try something 12 times before you can be sure you don’t like it.” Though the exact numbers vary, there’s some science to back up the adage. I expected this to apply to seafood, wine, and anything else considered an acquired taste. But, I was surprised to discover that it also described my experiment with the wellness supplement du jour: AG1, by Athletic Greens. 
    While I’m not one to fall prey to influencer marketing, I have to say Athletic Greens’ partnering with all my favorite social media personalities worked its strategic magic. If they were hooked, I’d have to imagine that I might also benefit from the stuff.
    So, with one too many aesthetically pleasing Reels of pretty people prepping the green stuff, a few five-star recommendations from friends, and a podcast promo code, Athletic Greens had broken me down. I, too, was curious whether this seemingly miraculous, science-backed blend of 75 vitamins and minerals could do my mind and body some much-needed good.
    I placed my order and dove in, prepared to be amazed—or potentially disappointed. This is my honest review.

    In this article

    What is Athletic Greens?
    To start, let’s break down Athletic Greens’ history. Founded in 2010, Athletic Greens is most known for its flagship product, AG1. The greens powder combines vitamins, minerals, and nutrients designed to promote gut health, support immunity, boost energy, and help you recover faster from workouts and physical activity.
    According to CEO Chris Ashenden, the brand’s focus is on “foundational nutrition.” I assume this speaks to the product’s role in supplementing a healthy lifestyle, helping to fill the nutritional needs our everyday diet might not satisfy. 
    Anecdotally, I began to take note of the brand a couple of years back, when it seemed like every health site and wellness influencer was taking AG1 daily. I can pinpoint the exact moment my interest was fully piqued, and I gave the brand a follow on social media. I was deep into one of my favorite podcasts, The Blonde Files, when host Arielle Lorre (whom I can thank for my promo code) called AG1 one of her “wellness non-negotiables.” And though I felt the power of influence at play, I held onto the memory of that minute-long ad. If all I had to do was buy, mix, and drink liquefied powder for enviable energy, then maybe I was being naive, but I wanted in.

    How is AG1 different from other greens powders?
    While I’m referring to the supplement as a greens powder throughout this article, Athletic Greens is adamant about being much more than simply a substitute for your dark leafy greens. The recommended daily serving—a single scoop—supplies: 
    vitamins and minerals to support immune health and strengthen your nervous system
    prebiotics and probiotics to provide digestive support
    superfood-derived phytonutrients that support the microbiome
    immune-supporting mushrooms 
    adaptogenic herbs and antioxidants to relieve stress and provide metabolic and energy support

    My AG1 ritual
    AG1 is pricey. I purchased the single, 30-day subscription for $79. With your order, you get a month’s supply of AG1, a storage jar and shaker, and five “free” travel packs. On top of that, my shipping cost was $9. While it might not seem like much, I had to grit my teeth in this heyday of free shipping. Thankfully, you can cancel your subscription anytime, so the commitment was relatively minimal.
    I set out to see how AG1 would fare with my already-established wellness routine. That meant working out on the same schedule as I always do, aiming for the same amount of sleep, and not making any major changes to my diet. While my week on AG1 was by no means a deeply scientific study, I wanted to know if I would feel any different by simply adding the supplement to my everyday habits.

    Day 1
    As suggested, AG1 was the first thing I consumed in the morning. Before my coffee and avocado toast, I mixed a scoop of AG1 with eight ounces of water. My package came with a branded wide-mouth water bottle exclusively designed for getting my greens in liquid form. After securing and shaking the bottle, I undid the lid to uncover a frothy, mossy green beverage. 
    Hesitant but curious to consume the vanilla flavor reviews claimed, I took a sip. My first thought? There’s no way I’m finishing this. IMO, the taste was far too sweet. Though it had a slightly fruity, tropical tang, the dominant taste was unmistakably artificial and, frankly, gave me a headache. All in all, it took me about two hours to finish the whole thing (baby sips, folks).
    I carried on with my workout as planned. Because this was my first day, I didn’t notice any shift in my energy or how I felt overall. My main takeaway from the kick-off of my experiment was: How the heck am I going to make it through this week?

    Day 2
    I woke up feeling a little more determined to discover the crave-worthy flavor of AG1 that everyone’s been touting. Adopting a different approach, I shook up my scoop with water and ice. That drop in temperature made a significant difference. When I drank the AG1 this time, it had a clearer, crisper flavor and mouthfeel. It was less sludgy than the day before. (Though I swear, I shook it as hard as I could.)
    Feeling like a wellness girly, I plopped my AG1 down next to my laptop as I started my day sifting through my inbox. Though the placebo effect was obviously at play, something about having that green bottle next to me made me feel a bit more productive. There are worse things.

    Day 3
    At the tail-end of my period today, I woke up and noticed that my skin was significantly clearer than it had been the day prior. It was brighter than it usually is at this point in my cycle. I went to the kitchen, shook up my AG1, and found that I was already beginning to get used to the flavor. My initial impression was that of a slightly thinner green juice. It felt like the flavor had been engineered to mask something particularly unsavory. But I was coming around to it. At this point, I may have even liked it.
    That morning, I texted a few friends who had tried Athletic Greens. They confirmed that the taste takes a little getting used to. For most, they began to look forward to their daily dose of AG1 between their third and seventh day—props to me for being on the early end.

    Day 4
    Athletic Greens’ Instagram is full of ideas for consuming their product beyond the ol’ H20 standby. So, I tried their ultimate summer smoothie bowl recipe to mix things up halfway through my trial. I found that the previously offending flavor was completely masked by adding almond butter, banana, apple, dates, and oat milk. I could see this becoming a go-to breakfast. And while the blood-sugar-balancing enthusiasts might protest this smoothie’s glucose overload, pairing your fruits with the almond butter’s healthy fats is a solid way to mitigate the spike.
    This was the first day I noticed a subtle physiological change. I had more energy during my afternoon barre workout and—day five spoiler—wasn’t at all sore when I woke up the next day. 

    Day 5
    The wake-up this morning was one of the best I can recount in recent history. With little effort, I got up immediately to my 6:30 a.m. alarm and went straight into a few morning stretches and a brief meditation. While I would consider myself a morning person, this level of alertness was out of the ordinary. Mentally, I felt sharp, aligned, and motivated to transition to my to-do list.
    I made the same AG1-infused smoothie as I did the day before and discovered an additional burst of energy after finishing my glass. I made it through my morning to-dos while staying on-task and focused. Thanks, AG1.

    Day 6
    While my wake-up call wasn’t as miraculous as yesterday’s, I did sleep soundly and awoke feeling rested. Craving my usual savory breakfast (a slice of avocado toast with a poached egg), I opted for AG1 and ice water. Interestingly, it took until today to notice that my craving for a second mid-morning coffee had disappeared entirely. Instead, my single cup sufficed in terms of both my energy levels and feeling satiated post-breakfast.
    I often fall victim to the dreaded 3 p.m. slump, but today, I managed to push through all my end-of-day tasks and even enjoyed a 45-minute workout. To say that my energy levels stayed steady throughout the day would be an understatement. I’m not an evangelist of wellness (meditation aside), but when something solves my dwindling energy, I have to shout it from the rooftops. I noticed an easy wind-down after dinner and was able to fall asleep quickly and soundly. That’s a lot to be said for someone who deals with occasional bouts of insomnia.

    Day 7
    I started this journey unsure of how I’d make it to this point. In hindsight, however, things turned out for the better on day three. By now, my daily rhythms came to expect the AG1 before all else, and I have to admit: There is something comforting and ritualistic about sipping on it first thing. 
    While I said I wouldn’t make any significant changes to my diet, I did notice that the supplement naturally inspired me to make nutrient-dense choices. I kept up a consistent pattern of greens throughout the day: a protein-packed salad for lunch, a green smoothie for a snack, and a tall pile of roasted broccoli to accompany that night’s meal. Something about doing good things for my body in the morning inspired me to keep up the momentum all day long. Can AG1 inspire a mindset shift? The correlation likely isn’t strong enough to call it fact, but after a week on the greens powder, I can confirm with confidence: The results I saw this week were enough to keep me going.

    The takeaway
    I still have about 20 servings left in my first shipment of AG1, and I will see it through to the end. Admittedly, a week isn’t enough time to feel the long-term benefits build up. Of course, the price point marks a steep barrier to entry, and as many nutritionists will confirm, you don’t need a fancy supplement to meet your daily requirements for vitamins and minerals. But with the positive results I experienced, I can confirm that it’s worth the hype. 
    Ultimately, this is a convenient product that played into my brain’s positive reward centers—and that’s not a bad thing! The routine of prepping AG1 each morning before breakfast (or as a part of my morning meal) signaled that I was doing something good for my body. It helped set the foundation for those habits to continue throughout the day. A transformed perspective and more energy? That’s what we like to call a win-win.

    How To Recreate the Viral Hailey Bieber Smoothie on a Budget More

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    5 Techniques for Sexual Healing, According to an Embodiment Coach

    There’s no denying Marvin Gaye knows a thing or two about making songs to get you in the mood. (If “Let’s Get It On” isn’t the ultimate sex song, I don’t know what is.) While we all know his thoughts on knocking boots thanks to his hit “Sexual Healing,” each individual’s experience surrounding the process is just that—individual. Whether you’re looking to reclaim and reconnect with your sexual well-being from past trauma, stress, or depression, you’re not alone. In fact, studies show that 40% of women will face some type of sexual problem over the course of their lifetimes. And we all unashamedly deserve to be our healthiest sexual selves. Enter: Alyssa Kuzins, an embodiment coach who guides women into their bodies to express, honor, and be who and how they are. Read on for her four tried-and-true practices for sexual healing. Spoiler alert: They’re as liberating as they are uplifting. 

    Meet the expert
    Alyssa Kuzins
    Embodiment Coach

    What is sexual healing?
    We’re all unique sexual beings, and our sex drives are often dictated by personal events, relationships, and beliefs. Therefore, sexual healing is not a one-size-fits-all approach and can look very different from one person to another. But at its core, the concept centers around reconnecting with your sensuality. “I look at sexual healing as the necessary re-wiring of our nervous system back to our natural state of pleasure, ecstasy, feeling, and intimacy after a traumatic experience or chronic levels of stress,” explained Kuzins. “It comes from an inside out approach which focuses on first addressing trauma held in the body with somatic [relating] practices and then allowing the mind to follow.” 
    To undergo true healing and regain control of your sexuality, you have to dig deeper than the physical body and tap into your inner self. “Our brains are amazing in that they protect us from that which is too horrific to bear as we do everything we can to survive on a physiological level, but the issue is that we stay frozen in a disembodied trauma response moment in time,” Kuzins described. “In this way, you have to reverse engineer the healing process. If trauma takes you out of the body, then embodied healing brings you back in the body.” Bottom line: Kuzins assured us that you could heal from the inside out and reawaken your sex drive with embodiment exercises.

    Practices to promote sexual healing
    1. Dance
    When in doubt, dance it out. Sure, it may feel silly or embarrassing busting a move by yourself in your apartment, but when you dance like nobody’s watching, that’s where the magic happens. (OK, I’m done with the clichés). “This isn’t about perfection. This is about releasing pent-up sexual energy and getting reacquainted with your body-mind and expression,” Kuzins said. “Trauma often makes us feel sluggish, but the body is built to move, so get moving! Try different styles of music depending on what is resonating with your emotions that day.”

    2. Practice breathwork
    Breathing is a natural, subconscious action, but when you bring your attention to it, you connect to the present moment and tune into your body and its sensations. “Breath is the human embodiment of life energy and a key way to a balanced nervous system in minutes!” affirmed Kuzins. She suggested trying box breathing. First, slowly exhale all the oxygen out of your lungs. Next, slowly and deeply inhale through your nose to the count of four. Then, hold your breath for another count of four. And finally, exhale through your mouth for the last slow count of four. No matter the type of breathing method you use, you not only activate the parasympathetic nervous system (read: the nerves that relax our bodies), but you also boost circulation, enhancing your sexual experiences. 

    3. Engage in self-pleasure
    What better way to get to know yourself than to spend some quality time pleasuring yourself? Take matters into your own hands (literally) and discover what your wants and needs are. Discover what turns you on. “I’m a big believer that getting reacquainted with your own body first with embodied self-pleasure is one of the most powerful practices you can do to heal from the inside out,” Kuzins said. Play music, relax, and take your time exploring different ways of stimulating yourself. If you’re considering bringing a toy or two into the mix, Kuzins recommended choosing a crystal wand over a battery-operated vibrator to have more control over your touch. “Go at your own pace,” advised Kuzins. “Truly feel your body from the inside, literally. This can be helpful for women who feel numbness or pain, but just make sure it is done with gentleness.”

    4. Be mindful of your environment
    Whether we realize it or not, our everyday surroundings have a direct impact on our mood and emotions. “Your environment is stronger than your willpower,” cited Kuzins. She emphasized romancing ourselves and our lives: “Clean up your space, light the candles, buy fresh flowers just because, put on music while you cook dinner, wear lingerie to bed for yourself, put on makeup if it makes you feel good even if you’re just working from home.” Especially when you find yourself in the midst of a lull, pay attention to what you wear, how much natural light you’re exposed to, what your desk looks like, and the quality of the air you’re breathing in. 

    5. Journal 
    We’re all guilty of getting in our own heads, and our internal dialogues can keep us stuck in the past. Journaling can flip the script by helping you uncover and process your feelings, notice any thought or behavioral patterns, and regain your sense of who you are. “Journaling helps get our feelings out of our body and onto the page,” Kuzins suggested. Putting pen to paper allows you to confront any traumas in a private, safe space. Not sure where to start? Set a timer for 1-2 minutes and write whatever comes to mind, unedited and free of any judgment. 

    This article is intended to inspire you to live your best life, not to serve as mental or sexual health treatment. If you’re experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, or chronic stress, it’s important to reach out and get help. See your doctor, get in contact with a therapist, and/or talk to a close friend or family member. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or actions, get help immediately. 

    I Used To Feel Lots of Shame About Sex—Here’s How I Unlearned It More

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    How To Make Time for Self-Care When Your Life Is a Hot Mess

    We know we’re supposed to make time for journaling, meal planning, shopping at the local farmer’s market, reading books, taking baths, or falling asleep to binaural beats. Whatever your choose-your-own-adventure form of self-care looks like, it contributes to your well-being, regulates your nervous system, and ultimately feeds your sense of “flow.”
    But the truth is that–despite what the internet might lead you to believe–most people do not live perfectly manicured, carefree lives laden with self-care rituals. If fitting in any amount of self-care feels more like a fantasy, it’s likely because life is always sprinkling in some less desirable variables (think: a health scare, the loss of a loved one, getting side-swiped on the way to work, a messy kitchen, feeling behind on a project). And sometimes, these moments overlap, sending you into a spiral of overwhelm so lovingly deemed “the hot mess.” 
    Seasons like these are part of life. It’s OK to feel their full weight, and it can be helpful to know that they, too, shall pass. No matter how hard we try to maintain order, sometimes we are swept away by life’s chaos. Unfortunately, this is when all forms of self-care tend to get tossed out the window, which is ironic because it’s also the key to our sanity. So how do you keep it together when everything is falling apart? How can you commit to self-care when it feels like you’re living in a literal dumpster fire? I’ve been writing about and practicing self-care for almost a decade, so I’ve managed to pick up a few strategies to keep my head above water. If you’re basking in a thousand little fires, I hope these tips can help to cool the temperature a few degrees.

    1. Embrace the mess
    Easier said than done, but sometimes our resistance to the chaos is part of the problem. Life isn’t supposed to be perfect, and it’s certainly not your fault when it isn’t. Allowing yourself to accept that things might feel a little messy for a while is an act of self-care in itself. When I give my life permission to be hard, my nervous system calms down because I’m no longer trying to activate fight-or-flight mode. When I allow challenges to appear in my life, I am more prepared to handle them. By the way, giving life permission to be hard is not the same as expecting the worst—that’s a recipe for anxiety. The nuance here is acceptance versus anticipation. Things are allowed to feel challenging, but that doesn’t mean they always are.

    2. Give yourself grace
    OK, so you’ve dropped every self-care routine you’ve ever known. Or maybe you’ve never been able to stick to the healthy habits you crave. First of all, welcome to the club. You are not alone. It might not seem like it because people don’t tend to wear their burnout on their sleeves, but I assure you, you are in very good company. Secondly, know that you are not failing at self-care. You’re surviving. That’s a feat in itself. When I start to feel the words “failure” form on my lips, I take a deep breath and remind myself that I am a sole person with a finite amount of resources. I forgive myself for feeling like I’m not doing enough. Forward momentum is forward momentum, even at a snail’s pace. And every day offers a new opportunity to try again.

    3. Reframe time as a commodity that you own
    A commodity is something you can own, barter, buy, and sell. I really want that to sink in. The reason why things feel extra hard sometimes and easier other times almost always comes down to time. A balanced life is all about having the time to do what you need to do as well as what you love to do. When time is limited, we tend to drop what we love for the sake of what’s necessary. But when we recognize that our time is ours—and that we have agency over how to use it—that can empower us to incorporate a little more self-care into the mix.

    4. Tally up the time you have
    Once you take ownership of your time, take inventory of how much of it you actually have. This will let you know what’s reasonable for incorporating self-care. For example, I am a mom to a tiny toddler. She has a knack for getting into trouble whenever my back is turned, so I can’t count on overextending myself while she’s around. This means I have one hour while she’s napping, two hours in the morning while my husband is on duty, and maybe two hours after she’s asleep at night to do anything of value. That’s five hours each day. When I look at it from a bird’s eye view, carving out 10-30 minutes a day for a self-care ritual doesn’t feel so absurd.

    5. Prioritize the mess
    Now that you know how many hours you own in a day consider prioritizing which fires to put out. Some of them might not be burning as brightly as you think. For example, in my house, I have a couple of smart ceiling fans that are desperate for tech support. The Bluetooth controls keep over-communicating with each other, so when I’m trying to turn the light on in my bedroom at night, the ceiling fan in my baby’s room lights up, too—while she’s sleeping! But you know what? This is a “next week” problem. Figure out what your next week’s problems are. This is important because if you don’t, every single minor issue that falls from the sky is going to take precedence over your mental health. If you’re going to make time for self-care, you need to send some of your fires to the future.

    6. Pick your most potent form of self-care
    When you are low on time, you obviously can’t dedicate a full day to all of the self-care rituals you love. So it’s time to take into account the practices that pack the biggest punch in the shortest amount of time. This will look different for everyone. For my husband, it’s a 30-minute power nap. For me, it’s a 15-minute meditation. For you, it might be a bath, facial, or walk around the block. It doesn’t matter what you choose, so long as you choose something. If you’re not sure which practices deliver results, try a few! Rotate through some of your favorites and notice whether they speak to you or not. You might surprise yourself with how good you feel after doing something as simple as a five-minute gua sha routine.

    7. Block time in your calendar for self-care
    I’m sure you saw this coming, but it’s cliché for a reason, folks. If it’s not on some kind of to-do list, it’s probably not going to get done. If you’d rather add your self-care practice to your actual to-do list, that’s not a bad idea either. But if you use a calendar regularly, seeing time blocked off for just you will remind you how important it is and ensure it happens. And if you have a shared calendar, it can remind others that this is a non-negotiable time for you.

    8. When you do self-care, feel it
    When life is operating in hot-mess mode, it’s so easy to rush through each day in survival mode. You might be checking boxes off the list as fast as you can just so you can get to the next problem that needs to be solved. This mad-dash mentality might be so automatic that it doesn’t slow down, even when you do make time for self-care. You might be doing the ritual just to get it done. You’re going to have to make it a point to stop that.
    As soon as you engage with whatever form of self-care you’ve chosen, take a moment to pause. Breathe. Notice how it feels. For example, if all you have time to incorporate is a shower, don’t spend it thinking about what you have to do next. Instead, notice how the water feels on your back. You are granting yourself this time, so be present with it. Soak it in and revel in it.

    9. Be kind to yourself when you skip self-care
    Look, sometimes the other stuff gets loud. You had every intention of meditating, but your stove just short-circuited, and your “you” time has turned into being on the phone with your landlord. That’s not your fault, so go easy on yourself. The same theory applies when you just don’t feel like doing it. You know it’s going to feel good to make yourself that smoothie, but you don’t have the energy to dump everything in the blender and hit the button. No judgment—I’ve been there. Look at it this way: If you’re making a choice to rest, guess what? That’s self-care too. Boom.

    10. Sprinkle gratitude into your day
    Speaking of quick-hitting practices with big impact, have you heard of gratitude? Of course, you have. But did you know that focusing on how thankful you are for just 30 seconds has the power to permanently rewire your brain? It does! Do you know what that means? If you’re going through a phase where you legit have zero energy for any self-care, gratitude can take its place. Gratitude as a feeling has a near instant effect on your nervous system. It centers, grounds, and connects you to what really matters: your values. 
    Allow yourself to feel grateful for the tiny moments in your day that light you up: the barista complimenting your bangs, a stranger holding open a door, or the simple beauty of a late-summer sunset. This can give you enough of a recharge to make it through the rest of your day unscathed.

    11. At the end of the day, trust in yourself 
    When you’re underwater, it’s hard to see the horizon. But I promise you: Nothing lasts forever. Life will get quiet again. You will get more time back. And in the meantime, you’ll get through this. Do you know what I tell myself at the end of every day? “You’re doing it.” Because while that mail has been sitting in its sad stack for days, I’ve been doing literally everything else to make sure the bills are paid, mouths are fed, work gets done, friendships are kept, and fires stay out. I’m doing it. You are too. With or without self-care, you’re doing it. Allow yourself to be proud of that, period. And when you’re ready to invite more feel-good practices into your life, trust that you will.

    How To Update Your Wellness Routine for Fall More

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    I Tried Ashley Tisdale’s Workout Routine–You’ll Be Shocked at the Benefits

    Over the years, I’ve tried many different workouts: spin, running, HIIT, yoga, Pilates, you name it. I’m always open to trying a new form of exercise. But after experimenting with so many different workouts, I started questioning which of them were actually the most beneficial for my body. The reality is that all movement is good, but each of our bodies is different. When you look deeper at your overall health, you can better understand the best type of exercise for you.
    Ashley Tisdale came to this realization when her doctor told her that she had borderline thyroid issues. The thyroid plays an important role in providing the body with energy by releasing hormones and balancing metabolism. Ashley used to swear by CrossFit, but it requires much more energy in short bursts as opposed to a lower-impact workout that may require the same amount of energy over a longer period of time. Short-burst workouts, such as CrossFit, can cause more stress on the thyroid gland. After learning about her health concerns and addressing them with her trainer, Harley Pasternak, they came up with a new workout routine to help balance her hormones. 

    The workout
    The workout is a combination of walking 14,000 steps a day and incorporating low-impact strength workouts three days a week. This workout may sound much easier than a HIIT class, but do not be deceived. Just because it’s low-impact, it doesn’t mean you won’t break a sweat. While there are a wide variety of low-impact workouts you can do at home with minimal equipment, the workouts Ashley does involve a cable machine, a seated abduction machine, and dumbbells. She starts by doing 10-15 reps of clamshells on either side. Then, she moves on to do 10-15 reps of supine cable triceps pushdowns. After that, she does 10-15 reps of seated abductions before moving onto a three-move circuit. This circuit involves 20 reps of resisted hip thrusts, lying dumbbell triceps extensions, and supine cable abductions. She repeats this circuit five times.

    My experience
    I’ve been told by my doctor that low-impact workouts such as yoga, Pilates, and walking are beneficial for me because of my body type. So, needless to say, I was all too eager to try out Ashley Tisdale’s routine. I started the week with a goal of hitting 14,000 steps. (I usually aim for 10,000, so I knew it was going to be a challenge.)
    If you’re like me and work an office job, you can relate to how little time there is in the day to get your steps in, let alone a workout. To make this happen, I decided to break it up. In the morning before work, I woke up a little earlier than usual and started my day with a half-hour walk, which equaled around 4,000 steps. Throughout my work day, I tried to incorporate walking whenever I could: taking a walking meeting, spending my lunch break going for a walk, or simply stepping away from my desk for ten minutes to walk around the office as a mental health break. By the end of the day, I had done another 3,000 steps. After work, I put on an audiobook and went for a long walk. That led me to end my day at just under 14,000 steps. 
    As someone who doesn’t usually enjoy going to the gym, Ashley Tisdale’s strength workouts were a little outside of my comfort zone. I took my time moving through each exercise and found that while the machines were new to me, the workouts were easy to understand. By the time I came around to repeating the circuit, I was definitely feeling the effects and confident about my movements. In the end, the workout took about 45 minutes to complete, and while I wasn’t walking out sweating like I would from a spin class, I still felt tired and sore.

    The verdict
    If I learned anything about getting your steps in, it’s the importance of breaking them up throughout the day. Fourteen thousand steps can feel overwhelming, but by breaking them up, accomplishing them becomes more attainable. I also thoroughly enjoyed starting my day with some fresh air and movement. I was able to go to work feeling energized and mentally clear. But the highlight of trying Ashley’s workout was taking as many chances as possible to move throughout the workday. Sitting at a desk for eight hours is quite hard on the body and brain. By opting for walking meetings and breaks, I accomplished more work and ended the day feeling even better than I had in the past. 
    Ashley Tisdale’s low-impact workout was a great combination of targeting different muscle groups. In addition, it made me feel like I was working my body without the hormonal effects I sometimes get from high-intensity workouts. I didn’t repeat her strength workout three times during the week because I like to switch it up. Instead, I did other low-impact workouts, including going to a yoga class and doing an at-home obé Fitness Pilates workout. In the end, I learned that just because a workout may seem less impactful, that doesn’t mean it is. And, if you’re looking for a way to stick with an exercise routine that doesn’t make your hormones spike, Ashley Tisdale’s workout is a winner.

    Here’s What Mindy Kaling Swears by for a Healthy Life More

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    This Might Be the Secret To Improving Gut Health–We Asked an Expert

    I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease seven years ago. As you can imagine, I’ve dealt with more than my fair share of plumbing issues: stomach pain, bloating, constipation, urgency, you name it. So it should come as no surprise that I’m the first in line to try any natural remedy that promises gut health. I’ve learned the hard way that listening to your gut is more than just tapping into your intuition. When my stomach balloons, I get an eczema flare-up, or I’m on an emotional rollercoaster, I go straight to the source—my gut. If your overall health and well-being were a movie, your gut would be the leading lady. 
    When I got word that consuming green tea extract is the new holy grail to keep your gut health in check, I had to get to the bottom of it. I asked Dr. Erin Hendriks, board-certified physician and functional medicine practitioner at Salvo Health, to weigh in on the latest gut health trend. She helped break down what it is, its benefits, and how we can get in on it. Whether you’re looking to heal symptoms or keep your gut happy, read on as we spill the tea (literally). 

    Meet the expert
    Dr. Erin Hendriks
    Physician and functional medicine practitioner at Salvo Health

    In this article

    Why take green tea extract as a supplement? 
    According to a new study by the Current Developments in Nutrition, consuming one gram of green tea extract daily is proven to reduce blood sugar levels and gut inflammation. Richard Bruno, the author of the study and Professor of Human Nutrition at The Ohio State University, explained the findings of the clinical trial. “What this tells us is that within one month, we’re able to lower blood glucose in both people with metabolic syndrome and healthy people, and the lowering of blood glucose appears to be related to decreasing leaky gut and decreasing gut inflammation–regardless of health status,” Bruno explained. 
    But why take green tea extract and not pour yourself a cup of green tea? “Green tea extract likely became popular due to the ease of ingesting higher doses of polyphenols without having to drink so much liquid,” answered Dr. Hendriks. “A typical green tea extract supplement contains about 200mg of the polyphenol EGCG whereas a cup of tea only contains about 50-100mg.”

    How does green tea extract improve gut health? 
    There are wellness trends, and then there’s green tea. Green tea dates back to 206 B.C., when it was used primarily as medicine. “Green tea has been hailed for its health-promoting properties for centuries,” Dr. Hendriks shared. “The compounds [polyphenols] in green tea can lower inflammation, improve cognition, and are potent antioxidants.” 
    While I’m a sucker for new gut health trends, I take them with a grain of salt until I do my homework. Call me a nerd, but I like to know what goes on behind the scenes. Green tea extract truly seems to live up to the hype. “Green tea polyphenols specifically promote the growth of butyrate-producing bacteria in the gut,” Dr. Hendriks explained. “Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid well known for its potent anti-inflammatory activity and key role in maintaining the intestinal barrier and mucosal immunity. Green tea also contains a specific type of polyphenol called epigallocatechin, or EGCG for short, which has been shown to offer protection against several cancers, including cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.”

    How can I incorporate green tea extract into my wellness routine?
    Determining what supplement form to take based on your individual needs can be overwhelming. To choose the best option for you, consult your doctor and know what your options are. “Green tea extract comes in a capsule that can be taken orally as a supplement,” stated Dr. Hendriks. “There are also beverages that contain green tea extract as an added ingredient. However, while it may seem easier to take a supplement, it is almost always better to get your nutrients from natural food sources. If you want to add green tea benefits to your wellness routine, I recommend drinking 2-3 cups of green tea a day rather than taking a pill.”
    Dr. Hendriks expressed that any foods high in polyphenols can provide similar benefits to green tea. So on your next grocery run, load up on foods like artichokes, blueberries, hazelnuts, dark chocolate, and star anise. However, Dr. Hendriks also warned, “Certain products containing green tea extract may come with a hefty dose of caffeine, which can leave you feeling jittery or trigger gastrointestinal symptoms.” In other words, talk to your doctor, find the right plan for you, and always go with your gut. 
    Please consult a doctor or a mental health professional before beginning any treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

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    Love your body

    We all have insecurities. In a world with so much pressure to be perfect, it’s no wonder so many of us are self-conscious about the way we look. I believe that when you accept and love your body, you have a greater tendency to nourish it more with healthier foods, proper rest and exercise. Thus, the celebration of your body becomes a celebration of healthy living and life.
    So how can you learn to appreciate your body and not always focus on what you need to change?  Here are some ways to do just that:
    Stop Picking Yourself Apart
    Let’s face it – even those with so-called perfect bodies would change some things about themselves if they could. Celebrities and models who have been stamped with the “perfect body” label have parts they dislike – their feet, their chin, their ears – and they don’t necessarily all have high self-esteem either! Rather than pick your body apart, repeat this to yourself daily: “Life is too short to waste my time hating my body this way.”
    Spend More Time Being Productive
    How much time are you spending each day worrying about your weight, your body shape, the size of your rear? What else could you be doing during that time? Think about all the things you could accomplish with the time and energy you currently spend worrying about your body and appearance. Create a list of people you admire – people who have contributed to your life, your community or the world. Then consider whether their appearance was important to their success and accomplishments. 
    Get Real
    Most of the images you see on television, movies and magazines are very made up. Models on magazine covers go through hours of professional hair and make-up, have professional stylists choosing their clothes, top photographers and professional lighting – not to mention retouching or other post-production elements to make them look how they appear in the finished product. Before comparing yourself to a woman in the media, be sure to educate yourself about what really goes on behind the scenes. And realize that no one naturally “glows” the way those models appear to all the time.
    Change Your Inner Dialogue

    Identify the negative ways that you speak to yourself and decide to replace that self-talk with more realistic, loving and positive statements. Think about this: if you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend?
    Exercise to be Strong and Healthy
    Find a method of exercise that you enjoy and do it regularly. Don’t exercise to lose weight or to fight your body shape. Do it to make your body healthy and strong and because it makes you feel good.
    Take Care of Your Body – It’s the Only One You’ll Get
    Diets, pills, quick fixes, binging, not exercising, over-exercising – all these things disrespect one of the greatest gifts you have been given – your body! You only get one per lifetime, so give it the respect it deserves. You will not only feel better, but you just might become someone else’s role model! More

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    Got 2 Minutes? Here’s Exactly How You Can Improve Your Health

    Virtually everything we do exposes us to respiratory viruses daily, if not hourly. And honestly, the thought of that can be super stressful!
    Luckily for us, there is a guaranteed way to protect ourselves from 99,9 % of viruses – a way to try and avoid colds and flu – whatever the season. Best part? It only takes two minutes!
    How To Improve Your Health In 2 Minutes
    Meet VirX! VirXTM Nasal Spray, with its unique dual mechanism spray bottle, creates a physical barrier so that viruses cannot penetrate respiratory cells and which also contains nitric oxide that acts by killing the viruses that may enter the nasal cavity, thus preventing infection. VirXTM is clinically proven to kill 99,9 % of viruses within just 2 minutes! (1,2)

    One solution, two sprays per nostril, three times a day. (1) It’s that simple!
    How Can You Use VirXTM?
    VirXTM should be administered before and after suspected exposure to viruses – at work, school, socialising, traveling, sports events, shopping centres and any other high-risk environments. (1)
    If you already have an infection, VirXTM reduces the severity of your infection and helps you recover sooner. VirxTM is also safe and effective in preventing you from transmitting viruses and spreading infection to others. (2)
    The great part is that VirxTM Nasal Spray is not a medicine and does not cause drowsiness (1) so you can get on with living your best life. Plus, it’s suitable for use in adults and children 12 years and older (1) and is available from leading pharmacies.
    For more information, head here.
    1. VirX Nasal Spray Package Leaflet. 2022.
    2. Technical product specifications.
    *In Partnership With VirX More