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    What This Viral Hormone Expert Eats in a Day to Balance Hormones

    I don’t have to tell you that hormones can be a bee-och: Whether we’re on our period or not, it can feel like we’re at their beck and call. They affect everything from our emotions and mood to sexual function and sleep, after all! The good news is we can keep our hormones in check naturally (music to my ears) and live our best lives PMS-free with some simple tweaks in the kitchen. Thanks to functional nutrition and women’s hormone expert and creator of The Cycle SyncingⓇ Method, Alisa Vitti, I’ve got the holy grail of balancing hormones down to each phase of our cycles, and I’m letting you in on it. Ahead, the foods to hack your way to hormonal bliss, proving once and for all that food is medicine.

    Meet the expert
    Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP
    Alisa Vitti is a functional nutritionist and womens hormone expert, the founder of modern hormone health care company FLO Living, bestselling author of WomanCode, and creator of MyFLO, the #1 paid period app on iTunes. She has made expert appearances on The Dr. Oz Show, Women’s Health, MindBodyGreen, and The Huffington Post.

    How does diet affect hormonal balance?
    Let’s face it: What we eat can make the difference between optimal health and not functioning at our best (and who doesn’t want to be their happiest and healthiest self?). When it comes to balancing those pesky hormones, your eating habits make the call. “Diet is one of the main drivers of hormonal balance—what you eat affects your insulin, cortisol, estrogen, and progesterone levels—and so any issues you are having with your hormones, skin, weight, moods, cycle are all tied to your diet and can all be improved dramatically by using food strategically to support and optimize endocrine function,” Vitti explained. 
    Vitti revealed that women have an unknown second biological clock called the Infradian Rhythm, which we experience over the course of our monthly cycles, and it affects everything from your metabolism, brain, and immune and stress response to your libido, fertility, and cycle. And, yes, your diet plays a major role in supporting the Infradian Rhythm. The moral of the story? “Change the foods you eat and caloric levels to match the four phases of your cycle to optimize blood sugar stability and hormonal balance.” Read on to learn how to do just that. 

    What to eat in each of the four phases of the cycle 

    Follicular phase
    During the follicular phase, the metabolism is slower, so focus on fresh, vibrant, and light foods that will make you feel more energized. Prioritize healthy fats that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and cruciferous vegetables that can help flush out excess estrogen. As for fresh produce, opt for artichokes, broccoli, carrots, parsley, green peas, string beans, and zucchini, which have a lot of the nutrients needed during this phase. Vitti recommends trying these easy, yet tasty, meals: 

    Overnight oats with cashews, goji berries, and cinnamon
    Lentil tomato quinoa pilaf
    Chicken veggie buddha bowl

    Ovulatory phase
    Fill up on raw veggies for fiber and fruit for high levels of glutathione to ensure your body easily metabolizes and eliminates any estrogen surplus. If you experience any cramping or acne during this time, you may have issues breaking down estrogen in your liver and gut. Eating fiber-rich and cruciferous vegetables during this time helps flush excess estrogen from the body. Load up on asparagus, brussels sprouts, chard, escarole, scallions, and spinach during this phase. Channel your inner Ina Garten and try out these recipes: 

    Sweet green protein smoothie
    Hearty greens salad with salmon toasts
    Zucchini noodles with pumpkin seed basil pesto and grilled chicken

    Luteal phase
    During the luteal phase, your metabolism speeds up, so you should eat more nutrient-rich calories daily to maintain stable blood sugar, which helps balance insulin (a critical hormone that greatly affects the degree of PMS). Emphasize foods rich in B vitamins to stave off sugar cravings, eat leafy greens to boost your calcium and magnesium, and add roasted or baked root vegetables to help your liver and large intestine flush out estrogen. Think: 

    Avocado sweet potato toast with eggs
    Turkey tacos with corn, cassava, or cauliflower tortillas
    Chickpea pasta with garlic kale

    Menstrual phase
    Your hormone levels are at their lowest, so it’s important to eat adequate calories and get plenty of protein and healthy fat during your bleed. Protein, fats, as well as low glycemic veggies and fruits, will keep your blood sugar steady while adding fiber and antioxidants. Add in foods high in iron, like red meat and kidney beans, and some seafood or mineral-rich seaweed that helps replenish mineral levels in your body. Whip up the following eats that are sure to get a chef’s kiss: 

    Cream of buckwheat with almond butter and raisins
    Salmon soba miso bento
    Bunless bison burgers with mushrooms, baby spinach, and avocado

    Alisa Vitti
    In The Flo
    For details on the aforementioned recipes and more of Vitti’s go-to meals

    Why (And How) You Should Plan Your Workouts Around Your Cycle More

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    I’m a Wellness Editor and These Are the 5 Things I Always Pack in My Carry-On

    Not to brag, but I’ve become an expert at packing my carry-on. Between my obsession with all things wellness (#itsmyjob) and regularly traveling at least every couple of months (my whole family is on the opposite side of the country), I have mastered the art of packing my bag for travel days: It contains everything for every ailment so that I can actually feel my best. While my carry-on can resemble Mary Poppin’s bottomless bag where things just keep coming out, there are five things I pack and take with me on airplanes, no matter what. Read on for the five items you will always see in my carry-on and why they are so essential for making any travel day better.

    1. Rapid calming CBD melts
    Over the past couple of years, I’ve developed a little bit of travel anxiety, like getting nervous on planes. Plus, traveling itself can be stressful, whether it’s sprinting across the airport on your (very brief) layover or your flight getting delayed (again). In addition to trying all the things (working with my therapist on airplane anxiety, meditating in the a.m. to calm stress levels, etc.), I love having these CBD Rapid Calming Melts on hand. While Equilibria’s Daily Drops have helped to relieve stress and anxiety over time, these melts work fast and help me feel a sense of peace whether I’m worried about missing my connecting flight or am feeling stressed about traveling alone. They take about 5-15 minutes to kick in and last 3-6 hours, so I’ll take one either when I’m boarding the plane or when I’m feeling extra stressed.

    Rapid Calming Melts
    Use code theeverygirl for 20% off your first order at Equilibria!

    2. Greens juice tablets
    I swear by a DIYed green juice to start my day with antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients that will make me feel good all day long. However, we (unfortunately) don’t have access to a full juicer and fresh veggies like celery, cucumber, or broccoli when traveling and need convenient options that we can take on the go or keep in our carry-ons. Enter: 8Greens. Each tablet is made from eight powerful greens: spinach, wheatgrass, kale, blue-green algae, spirulina, chlorella, barley grass, and aloe vera, and you just add it to your water bottle to make a green juice on the go. Plus, it naturally contains a high amount of vitamin C and minerals like zinc, making it a way healthier option than other vitamin C or hydration packets, so you can count on it to keep you hydrated and keep your immune system healthy as well. 

    3. Digestive supplements
    All my girls with gut issues get the struggle: You grabbed a bagel sandwich before hopping on the airplane (convenience is crucial!), and you’re 20,000 feet in the air when your stomach starts feeling uncomfortably full, bloated, or crampy. I’ve found myself in an uncomfortable situation with painful travel bloat way too many times, so now I make sure to always have Arrae Bloat on me (like, I even bring it to restaurants when I’m not traveling). With totally natural ingredients (including superpower herbs and digestive enzymes that come from fruit), these powerful little capsules are one of the only supplements that have ever actually worked to help my body digest food it doesn’t usually agree with (looking at you, bagel sandwich). I take it after eating any meal while traveling and it reduces heartburn, gas, bloating, etc., by helping with food breakdown. 

    4. Inspiring read
    Living on the West Coast while our office and my family live on the opposite side of the country means that I am traveling a lot. For a while, I felt annoyed by long plane rides and would pay the $10 Wi-Fi fee to work through them in order to feel productive so I could tell myself it wasn’t wasted time. But I’ve totally changed my perspective and now see plane rides, car rides, etc. as a time to fully dedicate to myself. I believe you can turn any travel experience into self-care (unless you’re traveling with kids–IDK what that’s like, but I imagine it’s not very peaceful!). I slather on my Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask, pull out a book that makes me feel inspired, and spend the extended period of time with no phone (very rare!) intentionally. 

    5. Protein bar
    I am one of those people who doesn’t go anywhere without a snack. I will pack some things to eat if I’m out running errands, even if just for a couple of hours, so you bet I have a snack handy when I’m traveling. Sometimes I like to indulge at the airport (read: the aforementioned bagel sandwich) as a way to make traveling feel a little more special, but you should never feel like you have to eat whatever is available (and pay the astronomical airport prices) just because you don’t have options. Sometimes I’ll make my own TSA-approved meals ahead of time, but when that feels like too much work, I’ll pack a few of these Sakara bars to have on hand. While any bar should not be used as a replacement for a meal, they’re a super convenient option to snack on when you get hungry during a long plane ride or you don’t have access to healthier options. These bars are my favorite because they’re cleaner and more nutritious than any option out there, IMO. Plus, they contain superfoods and high-powered ingredients that make you feel amazing (necessary during long travel days). 

    10 Items Our Wellness Editor Swears Have Made the Biggest Difference in Her Life

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    7 Health Tips Ayurveda Taught Me That Changed My Life

    I’ve always had the reputation around the office as the girl who would try anything: cycle syncing (did it), affirmation training (crushed it), face washing with honey (made it my personal revolution). It’s a well-earned reputation, as I very literally would try anything on the quest to become my best, healthiest, most energetic, and happiest self. I suppose I’m a bit of an over-achiever, or as friends and family might say, too extra.
    But Ayurveda is different. It’s not a trend I heard about on TikTok and will forget about in a few months. I actually first learned about Ayurveda, an ancient medicine system with roots in the Indian subcontinent (stemming from the ancient Vedic culture), years ago in my freshman year of college. A lightbulb immediately went off, and I spent the next few years researching Ayurveda, going to an Ayurvedic practitioner, and even writing my senior thesis on the relationship between Ayurveda and religion. It’s what got me started on my own healing journey and made me interested in health and wellbeing enough to turn it into a career. 
    Before we dive into rituals that you can start implementing into your life today, know that Ayurveda is incredibly complex; it’s an entire system of medicine with spiritual and emotional elements. It cannot be summarized in one article–especially not by me who is by no means an expert. I am sharing tips that I implement in my everyday life, but if you’re new to Ayurveda, I urge you to learn more about the history, culture, and complexities of the form of medicine that’s been practiced for the past 3,000 years—it just might change your life as it did mine. 

    What is Ayurveda?
    Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest systems of medicine that’s still widely practiced today. In Sanskrit, ayurveda translates to “the science of life.” To briefly summarize (but how do you fit 3,000 years into 1,500 words!?), Ayurveda identifies three principal energies of the body: vata (air), pitta (fire), and kapha (earth), known as doshas. “If one element is out of balance, they all have the potential to be affected,” explained Tracy Adkins, a NAMA-certified Ayurvedic practitioner. Just as everyone has a unique fingerprint, everyone has their own particular pattern and balance of doshas. The practice of Ayurveda is to create a balance of body, mind, and consciousness (according to each body’s individual constitution). 
    “Ayurveda teaches us to have as much respect for our external surroundings as we do for our inner milieu, empowering self-care, personal wisdom, and promoting lifelong health,” Adkins said. Finding your dosha and lifestyle recommendations tailored to your individual constitution is a detailed exploration and extremely complex that can be done with an Ayurvedic practitioner, but there are lots of quizzes online to get you started (I like this one from Sahara Rose).

    Ayurvedic rituals that have changed my life

    1. “Healthy” means something different for every body
    PSA: Every body needs different things, and healthy looks different to everybody. “Ayurveda is based on the premise of balance and individuality,” Adkins explained. “What is balanced for one individual will not be the same for the next person, and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.” If you’re working on eating healthy and creating a workout routine, don’t just follow diet and exercise trends because your favorite celebrity or influencer promises weight loss or glowing skin. Instead, Ayurveda tells you to eat and work out depending on your dosha balance.
    For example, “Most Kapha-dominate individuals should follow a lower carb diet, and exercise vigorously most days of the week to feel energized and optimal,” Adkins stated. “If a Vata-dominant person followed the same regimen, they would likely end up depleted and ill. A Pitta person would end up irritable, hungry, and with some skin breakouts.” Bottom line: Eat and exercise based on what is best for your body and dosha. I’ve spent my life eating salads thinking this was “healthy” for me but got consistent stomach cramps and nausea after eating them. Switching to warm, dense foods like stews or soups has relieved my digestion issues because it’s not just “healthy,” it’s healthy for me.

    2. East seasonally
    So you already know that eating foods in-season is better for nutrients and taste, but the Ayurvedic practice goes beyond foods grown at each specific time of year. “Our bodies change along with the weather,” explained Sahara Rose, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Best-Selling Author, and Host of The Higher Self Podcast. “When the temperature cools down and the air dries out, our bodies follow suit. We begin taking on more qualities of the Vata dosha, comprised of air and space energy. Our bodies require more grounding and warming foods to counterbalance Vata’s cold and dry energy. Root vegetables are grown under the ground, so they have the most warming qualities.” 
    Basically, indulge in whatever is opposite of the season to balance out the effects of the weather. For winter, that means eating warm foods with grounding vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, and turnips. In summer, you can have raw salads or cold sandwiches to cool you down. Besides just the temperature, also be mindful of the humidity in your area. If it’s wet (raining or snowing), eat more dry foods like roasted vegetables or nuts and seeds. If the weather feels very dry (leaves falling off of trees, low humidity, etc.), load up on soups and stews.

    3. Scrape your tongue
    Ayurveda teaches us that we can learn a lot from our tongues. Not only can your tongue help determine your dosha, but it can also tell you about your health. “The tongue gives away clues as to what’s going on within the body and where,” explained Adkins. “It reflects what’s happening inside our body, the level of ‘toxins’ or ama, and is a direct manifestation of our diet. Looking at your tongue day after day you will begin to notice changes in the quality and quantity of its coating.”
    Fuzz, film, or bumps on your tongue show up in the mornings if you have clogged organs or undigested food. To avoid re-ingesting the toxins on your tongue, you need to scrape them off. Before I even drink my morning cup of water with lemon–and for sure before any cup of coffee–I always brush my teeth and scrape my tongue to get rid of all the toxins to avoid swallowing them back into my body. I use a tongue scraper, but you can also use the tip of a metal spoon.

    4. Use the six tastes in every meal
    Ayurveda recognizes six different tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. “The six tastes are a guiding principle in Ayurveda, which states that like qualities increase each other, whereas opposites promote balance,” described Adkins. “Each of the six tastes are integral to our diet and physiologic needs. Knowing which dosha (or doshas) are prominent within you helps to determine the proper combination of tastes (or rasas) that you need.”
    Every fruit, vegetable, grain, nut, etc. have a particular taste or combination of a few, and ideally “each of the tastes are present at every meal–or at least every day–to ensure proper digestion,” Adkins said. “Your current doshic balance (vikruti), environment, lifestyle, age, and other qualities will guide you in choosing foods with particular properties to eat in larger or smaller quantities to promote or maintain balance, thereby reducing the chance of illness.” Besides, adding spices, herbs, and lemon juice makes meals so much more flavorful. For most meals I eat, I go through a checklist to make sure there’s a little bit of every taste—not only for the optimal nutrients but also for the optimal deliciousness.

    Sweet: carbohydrates and natural sugars
    Sour: organic acids and fermented foods (probiotics)
    Salty: salts (which contain crucial minerals)
    Pungent: spicy foods (ignites digestion)
    Bitter: dark, leafy greens and herbs (anti-septic and detoxifying qualities)
    Astringent: legumes; raw or dry produce

    5. Don’t just focus on what you eat but how
    Obviously, what we eat is a big part of the wellness equation: Eating a wide range of nutritious foods (specific for our doshas, of course) while avoiding the foods that upset our systems. But the way we eat is just as important as what we eat. The fix to digestive issues could be as simple as making sure your posture is upright and your stomach is relaxed or eating slower and without distractions (read: no TV, phone, or emails).  
    Ayurveda suggests that digestive problems occur because the digestive fire (or agni) is weak, so igniting it before meals is crucial to proper digestion. Adding spices like cumin or turmeric to meals will aid in digestion or taking a teaspoon of fresh ginger with a few drops of lime juice and a pinch of salt before meals can activate salivary glands to produce the proper amount of digestive enzymes. Ayurveda focuses so much on proper digestion as it recognizes that it’s the way our bodies absorb nutrients and feel best. I eat slower, better, and drink ginger tea most days to keep my digestive system on track (literally).

    6. Try self-massage
    Massage is not just a self-care activity or indulgence in Ayurveda; it’s an essential healing practice. Abyanga (or self-massage, also spelled Abhyanga) is a form of medicine that involves massaging the body with dosha-specific oil. “A daily Abyanga practice restores the balance of the doshas and enhances well-being and longevity,” Sandhiya Ramaswamy, an Ayurvedic practitioner, educator, and chef wrote for Chopra. For me, this practice is the most luxurious time of my day. After a shower, I rub oil between my hands to warm it up. Ramaswamy recommended applying oil first to the crown of your head and massaging down to your feet, but I skip the head because otherwise, I’d be walking around with oily hair, and nobody wants that. I start at the neck and make sure to take my time massaging in the oil. 

    7. Schedule your day based on your body’s needs
    Not only do the kapha, pitta, and vatta doshas make up our “selves” as a whole, but they also make up times in the day. Ayurveda essentially tells time through these different cycles of the doshas. “The Ayurvedic clock helps us to determine which activities might be the best for us as individuals throughout the day,” explained Ashley Katzakian, an Ayurvedic practitioner and founder of So Hum Collective. “The clock is split into six sections, each dosha appearing twice within a day. The times of any particular dosha are when those doshas have the strongest presence.” 
    While it’s nearly impossible to follow a strict schedule these days (because life happens), I have made a lot of shifts that have helped immensely. When I can, instead of squeezing in a workout first thing in the morning, I wake up slowly and peacefully. I also schedule checking off tasks and sending emails in the later morning/early afternoon and wait to write articles (like this one) until later in the day when I’m more creative. The slight adjustments have also helped me to understand what’s going on with my energy levels throughout the day and identify what my body really needs and when.
    Katzakian guides us through how best to schedule our days: 

    6-10 a.m. is the time when kapha is most active, meaning you should be peaceful and grounded. Start your day by meditating, eating a light, nourishing meal, and tending to self-care.
    10 a.m.-2 p.m. is pitta time, when you have the most drive or motivation of the day, so try getting your most difficult tasks accomplished during this time or squeezing in a workout. When the sun is at its highest peak (noon), your digestion is at its most powerful, so your lunch should be eaten around 12 p.m. and be your biggest meal of the day. 
    2-6 p.m. is when vatta is the most active, meaning your creativity and ability to think abstractly and problem solve is at its peak. If you can, schedule your most creative activities at work for the end of the day. Try to paint, write, or cook in the late afternoons and evenings.
    6-10 p.m. is the second cycle of kapha time, allowing us to feel more peaceful, grounded, and ready to wind down for a restful night’s sleep. Eat a lighter meal and keep stimulation low. 
    10 p.m.-2 a.m. is another cycle of pitta, the dosha of fire, digestion, and transformation, which resets your system for a new day. This is a crucial time to get in quality shut-eye to allow your body to properly detox and digest. 
    2 a.m.-6 a.m. is the second cycle of vatta, which controls our sensory experiences and begins to slowly wake us back up for another day (also why you might have more vivid dreams during this time). 

    10 Ways Yoga Drastically Changed My Life More

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    10 Viral TikTok Recipes That Are Healthy, Easy, and Actually Worth Trying

    I’m always on the lookout for fun new recipes to try, and while I used to scour different blogs and Pinterest for the best ones, I now find most of my favorite easy, satisfying, and healthy recipes on TikTok. It all started in 2020 with the discovery of whipped coffee. Now, a whole portion of TikTok is dedicated to food hacks, meal prep, five-ingredient recipes, and salads you never thought could taste so good. As someone who lives a busy life but loves to cook, I’ve tried everything from the “internal shower” to nature’s cereal. Read on for the viral TikTok recipes you’ll want to make over and over again.

    1. Chia seed water (aka the “internal shower”)
    I could rave about the benefits of chia seeds all day, so it’s no surprise this recipe made the list. Chia seed water, otherwise known as the “internal shower,” combines six ounces of water, two tablespoons of chia seeds, and a squeeze of lemon. It rose to viral TikTok fame for its help with digestive issues, and it certainly seems to do the trick. Chia seeds are a superfood filled with antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. Combining them with water and lemon helps make the gut-healing drink. After trying it multiple times, I’ve noticed a difference, but I advise you to start with a smaller portion and ease your way up.

    Also helps with 💩 #chiaseedwater #chiaseed #weightloss #healthtrends
    ♬ original sound – Happy&Healthy Olivia

    2. Green goddess salad
    Baked By Melissa has made the world fall in love with her green goddess salad, and I can see why. The base contains cabbage, cucumbers, chives, and green onion—all finely chopped. The dressing combines lemon, olive oil, rice vinegar, garlic, shallots, chives, walnuts, spinach, basil, nutritional yeast, and salt. It’s easy to make and so delicious. The fact that she recommends eating it as you would salsa—by scooping up the salad with chips—says it all.  

    She’s a green goddess #food #recipe #vegan #foodie #viral #asmr #fy #fypシ
    ♬ original sound – Baked by Melissa

    3. Salmon rice bowl
    As someone who eats a mostly-vegetarian diet—aside from fish—I usually make salmon once a week. But like all food, if we routinely cook it the same way, it can get a little boring. Enter: Emily Mariko’s salmon rice bowl. All you need is salmon, rice, avocado, seaweed, soy sauce, sriracha, kimchi, and mayonnaise. Heat up your salmon and rice, add soy sauce, sriracha, and mayo, and mix it all together. Top it off with sliced avocado, seaweed, and kimchi. You can then fold the seaweed around the other ingredients, and enjoy! 

    ♬ original sound – Emily Mariko

    4. Chinese cucumber salad
    If you’re looking for an easy side to any meal, look no further than the Chinese cucumber salad. This salad is made by slicing a cucumber or cutting it into spirals (tastes the same either way) and then pouring the dressing on top. Combine chopped garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar, sesame seeds, red pepper flakes, and brown sugar for the dressing. I’m not ashamed to admit I eat this one on repeat. 

    SPIRAL CUCUMBER SALAD 🥒 absolutely addictive! #easyrecipes #chinesefood #veganfood
    ♬ Beving: Ala – Joep Beving

    5. Nature’s cereal
    Finding healthy snacks I love is often a struggle, but nature’s cereal does the trick. Made by adding fresh fruit to ice and coconut water, it’s the ideal alternative to regular cereal. I usually stick to berries, peaches, or nectarines. Sometimes, I’ll add granola or substitute coconut water for coconut milk.

    Umm thanks @natures_food 😍 of course we had to try this 🥥 #naturescereal #naturesfruitcereal #asmr #foodtiktok #coconutwater #lizzo @lizzo
    ♬ original sound – 🥭 Student of Nature🍍

    6. The Jennifer Aniston salad
    I’m always on the hunt for a new salad recipe, and when The Jennifer Aniston Salad went viral, I knew I had to try it. I believe all great salads have a little bit of everything, and this one certainly checks all the boxes. The base of this salad is bulgur or quinoa with cucumbers, chickpeas, red onion, parsley, mint, feta, and pistachios. You simply chop up all the ingredients and add them to a large bowl. For the dressing, you combine the juice of two lemons with ¼ cup of olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste. It’s very filling, and you can easily substitute ingredients to cater to your dietary restrictions or taste preferences.

    Will this make my arms look like hers? #jenniferanistonsalad #quinoasalad #mediterraneansalad #saladrecipes #easylunchideas #ByeByeSundayBlues
    ♬ Just a Cloud Away – Pharrell Williams

    7. Baked feta pasta
    When it’s the middle of the week, and you don’t have time to cook, this baked feta pasta recipe comes to the rescue. It contains cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, pasta, garlic, olive oil, red pepper flakes, and salt and pepper. It’s the time-saving recipe you didn’t know you needed. To start, you bake the feta, tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and seasonings in the oven for 40 minutes at 400 degrees. While that’s baking, boil the pasta and save ¼ cup of the pasta water to add in after. Once everything is ready, mix it together for the perfect easy dish.

    @feelgoodfoodie Baked feta pasta with cherry tomatoes!! Recipe on blog • Inspired by @grilledcheesesocial 😘 #tiktokpartner #LearnOnTikTok #fetapasta #recipes ♬ original sound – Feel Good Foodie

    8. Ginger shot
    Taking a ginger shot seems to be all over #wellnesstok right now, and as a juice fan, I was all too eager to hop on this trend. The best part is you don’t even need to own a juicer to make it. All you need is a blender, ginger, coconut water, and a strainer. You start by cutting up the ginger and blending it with coconut water. Then, strain out the juice. Ginger is beneficial for your gut, loaded with antioxidants, and has anti-inflammatory properties. I can see what all the hype is about.

    Best ginger shot recipe and so good for your gut health!! #gingershot #ginger #healthy #recipe
    ♬ More Than Friends – Aidan Bissett

    9. Pesto eggs
    TikTok recipes seem to revolve around taking the basics and elevating the taste, which is precisely what the pesto eggs recipe does. You start by putting some pesto into a frying pan, and once it begins to sizzle, crack an egg on top. Add some salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes while the egg cooks. Then, toast your bread and spread it with goat cheese. Once the egg is done, place it on top of the toast. Brunching at home never tasted so good.

    #eggs #pestoeggs #homecook
    ♬ cooking video – cooking

    10. Bell pepper sandwich
    If I could eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would probably be a sandwich. But consistently eating bread has never sat well with my stomach. The difference between this sandwich and all others is that bell peppers are used in place of bread. The recipe calls for cream cheese, mustard, Everything But The Bagel seasoning, deli turkey, bacon, cheese, avocado, and cucumber. Still, I usually opt for whatever ingredients are in my fridge that day to make a bell pepper sandwich. Just don’t think about it as an authentic sandwich (it’s not going to taste the same!). Instead, think of it as a delicious, easy, plant-filled meal.

    How to make a low carb sandwich with Bell Peppers. Also known as the #idiotsandwich #gordonramsey #learnontiktok #tiktokpartner
    ♬ original sound – My Nguyen

    All the Cool Girls on TikTok Are Obsessed with This Workout Clothing Brand, so I Tried It More

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    Is the ‘What I Eat in a Day’ Trend Helpful or Harmful?

    By now, we’re all well aware that social media is far from reality, but when we’re in the depths of our feeds, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. This is true of one of the biggest trends currently crowding our feeds: “What I Eat in a Day.”
    When I first discovered the trend, I felt a palpable confusion. Getting a play-by-play of creators’ carefully-crafted meals left me questioning what a healthy diet looked like for me. As someone in recovery from a years-long eating disorder, I was susceptible to this one-size-fits-all approach to diets. Below, I’m breaking down the trend—what it is, why it can be damaging, and how I learned to make peace with the proliferation of diet diaries. And if you’re also feeling uneasy about this trend, know that you can always redefine your relationship with it.

    What is the “What I Eat in a Day” Trend?
    Watching a short video of someone detailing the meals and snacks they ate in the last 24 hours might sound dry and—truthfully—kind of boring. However, the personal content of “What I Eat in a Day” videos is a huge engagement driver for many online creators. Looking through the hashtag #WIEIAD, you’ll see short-form videos recapping everything that person ate in a day, from their morning cup of coffee to their after-dinner dessert (if there is one). Today, the tag #WhatIEatInADay has amassed over 12.8 billion views on TikTok.
    As with ample online video content, this trend started on YouTube. It can be traced back to the early 2010s, when users began tracking their meals (and often, calories). Fast forward a couple of years, and the videos started to shape a significant part of the wellness conversation, with vegan and fitness communities leading the charge. Daily diet diaries began surfacing on YouTube in abundance, and this content spread from fitness to more general lifestyle realms. With the rise of TikTok and the inception of reels, these quick videos set the stage for an even easier way to roll out “What I Eat in a Day” content. Because of social media, we can now track and recreate others’ diets for ourselves.

    Why the social media trend could be damaging: 
    Most of the foods and meal plans showcased in “What I Eat in a Day” videos aren’t inherently harmful, and many tout the benefits of nutrient-dense and satisfying picks. However, this content can drive obsession and keep us from choosing the foods we truly want and need. 
    “Many of these videos are promoting diet culture and disordered eating behaviors. When watching these videos, people may feel self-conscious and anxious about what they eat in a day, compared to these curated videos,” Chelsea Kronengold, Communications Manager for the National Eating Disorders Associated, shared with Healthline. For example, viewers may believe eating larger portions than what’s shown in a video is wrong and, therefore, plan to cut back. 
    These videos are often created with good intentions. Some videos even highlight the importance of flexible eating styles or how to eat more sustainably. But just because your favorite influencer eats a certain way—even if it’s a healthy way—that doesn’t mean you should too. While I appreciate the nod to inclusivity with disclaimers like “intuitive and non-restrictive,” it can still lead to people thinking there’s a right and a wrong way to eat. Remember: Our days and our diets differ, and one person’s nutritional needs don’t look exactly like another’s. What intuitive eating looks like for one person will look, by definition, entirely different for another.
    Registered nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert shared with Business Insider that what someone else eats—healthy, sustainable, realistic, or not—might be completely opposite of what another person needs. And just because the FDA uses the 2,000 calories per day mark as standard nutrition advice, your needs could fall above or below that threshold. So when calorie counts get involved, the experience of watching “What I Eat in a Day” videos can become all the more confusing—and potentially damaging—for viewers.

    How #WIEIAD can be used for good:
    Get curious about your intentions for watching.
    Even as I critique the trend, “What I Eat in a Day” content has helped me discover fun food brands, try out new recipes, and learn the aesthetic pleasure of matching Tupperware. By watching the videos for inspiration beyond nutrition and meal planning, I’ve come to enjoy them. And that’s what it comes down to—the intention you bring when you tap on a post or press play on a video.
    While we can still watch and feel inspired, we must stay grounded in our truth, knowing that whatever we eat is perfectly OK—so long as it supports our unique and personal needs. As with all social media, I ask you to get curious and be critical about the content you’re consuming. Some questions that might be helpful to ask yourself: 

    Does this video make me feel like I have to change how I eat?
    Do I feel bad about myself or my eating habits after watching?
    Do I feel inspired and excited to try new foods and make new recipes?
    Does the creator make me feel seen because their budget or body type is similar to mine?

    Watch to get inspired, not down on yourself.
    If you get a serotonin boost every time you watch a video with colorful fruits, veggies, snacks, and sweets, by all means—revel in it. And if you’re tired of your same old breakfast routine or are guilty of making the same thing for lunch every day, there’s no harm in letting a recipe or video be the catalyst for your own creations. Seeing how other people eat can be beneficial. If you see a meal that looks tasty and you want to try it in your own way, go for it! Just be sure to recognize that not every meal of the day needs to be exactly like theirs. If you start to feel bad about the way you eat, it may be time to stop watching.
    Online food content can allow you to learn more about yourself and develop a kinder relationship with your eating habits. As someone with a big appetite for novelty, I find immeasurable joy in discovering the best avocado-slicing hacks and diving deep into other cultures’ staple recipes. Just as food is fuel, it’s also a pleasure and an opportunity to connect with the people and world around you.
    So, search for inspiration, then put down your phone and eat, cook, and create in a way that feels truest to you. And if it’s really pretty and you’re proud of it, feel free to snap a pic or take a video. Just remember that the aforementioned rules apply: Your plate doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. 

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    I’m a Registered Dietitian and These Are 10 Wellness Products I Swear By

    Between TikTok trends and brands that promise their product will cure all your health woes, finding the best wellness products for you can be challenging. It’s no secret that we all want to be our happiest, healthiest, and best selves, but health and wellness is not a one-size-fits-all approach. A product that your favorite influencer swears by might not work well for you (I know I’m not the only one who’s fallen victim to good marketing). 
    As a registered dietitian, I often focus on what foods I eat, but I also believe in using products that make me feel my best inside and out. Ahead, I’ve rounded up 10 health and wellness products I use (almost) daily that keep me feeling my healthiest self, and I hope they will do the same for you. 

    Self-Cleaning Water Bottle
    If you are “Little Miss Never Leaves the House Without an Emotional Support Water Bottle” (me), then you need this water bottle in your life ASAP. The LARQ water bottle uses PureVis technology to self clean and purify, eliminating up to 99 percent of bio-contaminants (like E. coli) from the bottle and your water. I’ve used this bottle for over a year, and I love that, with the click of a button, I have clean, purified water, making this water bottle ideal for work and travel. Although it’s an investment, I can confidently say that having a self-cleaning water bottle makes meeting my hydration goals a breeze. 
    5 colors available

    Natural Deodorant
    Deodorant might not be the most glamorous wellness product out there, but after being on the hunt for an aluminum-free natural deodorant that actually offers long-lasting protection, I finally found the one. If you haven’t tried any of the products from Megababe, I suggest you run, don’t walk to your local Target. I love this deodorant because it’s not only free from parabens, aluminum, phthalates, and more, but it also keeps you smelling fresh all day long with its geranium and lemon scent.

    Yoga Mat
    I personally believe everyone needs a yoga mat, not only to practice yoga, but to roll out for all of your at-home workouts. I use my yoga mat almost everyday either for pilates workouts, yoga, or stretching after a long day of sitting. While there are a variety of yoga mats out there, I suggest investing in one that is both grippy and cushiony. This one fits both of those descriptions and comes at a great price point.
    20 colors/designs available

    Mineral SPF Powder
    If there’s one thing I never walk outside without, it’s SPF on my face. And even though applying SPF is locked into my morning routine, re-applying it throughout the day is not. Enter: Supergoop!’s Mineral SPF Powder. This powder is easy to throw into your work bag or purse and comes in four shades to wear over or under makeup. Did I mention it’s mattifying? Say goodbye to unwanted shine and protect your skin in one easy brush.
    4 shades available

    Bob’s Red Mill
    Chia Seeds
    A strange but true fact about me is that I sprinkle chia seeds onto at least one meal a day. I could go on and on about all the health benefits of these tiny seeds, but I’ll spare you the details and leave you with this: Packed with fiber, chia seeds help keep your gut moving. (See: the viral TikTok internal shower.) I’m here to tell you that if drinking them isn’t your jam, pairing them with your favorite yogurt or sprinkling them over avocado toast just might be. 

    Nathalia Westmacott-Brown
    A Little Book of Self Care: Breathwork
    Perhaps one of the most powerful changes in my wellness routine was becoming mindful of my breath. The breath is truly connected to everything we do and, for me, it’s the key to managing life’s daily stresses. For a deep dive into breathwork, I highly suggest this book. A Little Book of Self Care: Breathwork provides 50 step-by-step practices that you can use at home, each with expert advice on body position, visualization, duration, repetition, and more. I love that the author highlights traditions and different breathwork practices found around the world while also discussing the significant physical and mental benefits breathwork can have. From breathing to relieve stress to boosting your resilience, there’s a breathwork practice for everyone.

    I remember seeing these shoes advertised as walking on a cloud, which of course instantly piqued my interest. After trying them out for myself, I can confirm they are cloud-like. They offer more cushioning than the average running shoe and, quite literally, put a pep in my step. If you’re looking for a new pair of shoes for your next hot girl walk, these are it.
    17 colors available

    Organic Cotton Tampons
    Let’s talk about everyone’s favorite topic: period products. When it comes to feminine care, it’s important to know what’s in the products you use potentially 5-7 days every month. I switched to LOLA two years ago, and it has put me so much more at ease knowing my tampons and pads will arrive at my doorstep without any chemicals in sight. Founded by females, LOLA uses 100 percent organic cotton in their products, and their applicators are BPA-free. If tampons and pads aren’t your thing, they also have period underwear and menstrual cups.
    4 absorbencies available

    Youth to the People
    Purifying Face Mask
    My Sunday night ritual includes treating myself to an at-home facial, this face mask included. Recognized as a part of Sephora’s collection of clean beauty products, this clay mask absorbs excess oil while exfoliating and supporting your skin’s moisture barrier. I find this mask to be very gentle and helpful in soothing my skin when breakouts occur. I highly recommend this face mask for weekly use, but talk to your dermatologist before bringing new skin care products into your routine. 

    Wellness Journal
    I’m a big fan of journaling to clear my mind and work through hard emotions. But when I discovered gratitude journaling, it completely changed the journaling game for me. In fact, writing down what we are grateful for has been shown to have positive effects on our mental health. Coming in multiple colorways, this wellness journal offers space to write out what you’re grateful for each day and additional prompts to track your goals, daily habits, and more! If journaling hasn’t been your thing in the past, this might be the one to make the habit stick.
    8 colors available

    10 Products a Fitness Trainer Always Has in Her Gym Bag


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    I’m a Yoga Instructor and These Are the Only Poses You Need for a Strong Core

    As a yoga instructor and fitness fanatic, I know that a strong core is essential for both your exercise routine and daily life. However, most of my students don’t want to spend an entire yoga class working on abs, and I don’t blame them. The good news is you only need a few poses for a phenomenal abdominal workout. Below are my three go-to yoga positions to develop a strong core. 

    1. Plank

    On mornings when I don’t have time for sun salutations, I still squeeze in a minute of planking after a quick stretch. That’s because this popular pose works all four muscle groups in your core, making it my go-to move. These muscles include the rectus abdominis (your “six pack” muscles), transverse abdominals (your deep core muscles), and the external and internal obliques (the outermost muscles on each side of your core). In other words, adding this single pose to your exercise routine can seriously elevate your ab game. 
    You’re likely already familiar with this exercise, but implementing a few tweaks to it can make it more effective. First and foremost, make sure your hips aren’t sagging and your booty isn’t sticking out. Your body should be a straight line from your heels to your shoulders. To prevent a strained neck, don’t look up. Instead, gaze at a spot on the floor about a foot in front of you, keeping your neck neutral. Lastly, if you feel tension in your lower back, you’re probably not properly engaging your core. To fire up your abs, imagine pulling your belly button to your spine. 

    2. Cobra 

    When I have time to warm up my spine with some cat-cow stretching, I like to incorporate cobra pose into my practice. On the surface, cobra may look like any other stretch. However, it’s a great way to strengthen your core and spine when done correctly. If you’re anything like me, you spend too much time looking down at your phone or laptop. Over time, this can take a toll on your posture and cause back pain. Cobra pose helps counter the effects of poor posture by encouraging proper spinal alignment and relieving pressure from your lower back. This enables you to keep your spine erect throughout the day, relieving back pain and engaging your core even when you’re off the mat. 
    To practice cobra pose, start lying down on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders and your fingers spread wide. Your elbows should point straight back and remain close to your body. Press your pubic bone and tops of your feet into your mat, engaging your thighs and rotating them inward. On your next inhale, lift your chest off the floor, keeping your shoulders down and opening your chest. Look forward and pull your belly button to your spine to feel engagement through your core. 

    3. Boat Pose with a Twist 

    If I’m feeling a high-energy core workout, I like adding movement to traditionally still poses. My favorite sweat-inducing variation is boat pose with an oblique twist. While this move strengthens your entire core, it forces you to focus on your obliques. This helps improve your balance and protects your spine when twisting your torso doing everyday activities, like reaching across your body for a cup of coffee. 
    To try this pose, sit on your mat with your legs extended out in front of you. Lean back slightly, keep your back straight, and lift your legs off the floor. From there, you can either keep your knees bent with your shins parallel to the floor or extend your legs to a 45-degree angle for a more intense core burn. Keeping your chest lifted and your core engaged, bring your hands into a praying position. From here, twist side to side, gently tapping alternating elbows on the mat.

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    5 Ways to Make the Transition off Birth Control Easier, According to Experts

    When I talk to other women about their experiences going off birth control, I often hear different stories. Some women complain about irregular periods, painful cramps, or mood swings, and others say the transition was relatively easy. Studies have shown that 80 percent of women regain hormonal balance no less than three months after stopping the pill, but for some, it can take even longer. Our bodies are all unique, and birth control affects us differently. After experiencing my own side effects and speaking with other women about theirs, I realized that a lot of women are looking to stop hormonal birth control (for a variety of reasons) and want to make the transition off it easier. So I looked to the experts to share their best tips.
    I spoke with Dr. Trevor Cates, a naturopathic practitioner, as well as Jade Mesquita, a holistic nutrition practitioner and clinical herbalist. Before we get to the tips, both experts agreed that the first step should be remembering why you went on birth control in the first place. “When someone goes on birth control, it’s usually either for birth control or they’re trying to manage some symptoms,” shared Dr. Cates. If you originally started birth control for symptom management, there’s a good chance that “whatever was being suppressed hormonally is going to come back,” so work with your doctor to identify and heal the root cause of the symptoms. But no matter your reason for going on and going off birth control, read on for some expert tips to make the process easier.

    1. Eat nutritionally-dense meals
    The body is an interconnected organism, so it’s no surprise that what we eat can affect our hormones and help to balance them. Mesquita shared that the number one focus should be balancing blood sugar by making sure every meal or snack has a source of protein, fat, and nutrient-dense carbohydrates. “Instead of just eating a banana, pair it with greek yogurt for protein and almond butter for some healthy fats,” she suggested. She also explained the importance of never skipping meals (especially breakfast) and eating when you’re hungry. 
    Dr. Cates explained that B vitamins, such as B-12 and B-6, and certain minerals like magnesium, selenium, and zinc, are common vitamins and minerals that can get depleted by taking the Pill, so you may be low or deficient in them if you’ve been on hormonal birth control for a while. These deficiencies can cause symptoms to become worse, so Dr. Cates recommended boosting your intake of foods like dark leafy greens, healthy fats, and protein, and talking to your doctor about testing and/or supplementing these nutrients. 

    2. Boost your gut health
    The gut is the control center for the rest of the body. It affects so many areas, from detoxification to brain health, so it’s no wonder that ensuring good gut health during this transition is important for your hormonal health. “You want to start boosting your gut health by eating lots of fiber-rich foods, like chia seeds and cruciferous vegetables, or taking a probiotic,” Dr. Cates suggested. Jade agreed, recommending you get enough fiber to ensure you’re having at least one bowel movement a day so your body is able to properly detoxify. You should always listen to your gut (pun intended), and if you are having any gut issues such as bloating and constipation, talk to your doctor about ways to increase your gut health. 

    3. Reduce stress levels
    Stress can have a huge impact on the body, especially our hormones, which is why it’s helpful to prioritize practices that can manage stress levels. “If we’re really stressed out and we’re not getting a good night’s sleep, it can impact adrenal function, cortisol, and nervous system balance,” Dr. Cates said. She suggested getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep a night and going to bed at the same time every night so your body is able to get an optimal amount of high-quality shut-eye. Aside from sleep, practicing other methods of stress management, such as meditation, breathing exercises, journaling, or physical activity, is also a good idea.

    4. Opt for low-impact workouts
    While it’s fun to switch up the type of workouts you do every now and then, many experts recommend sticking with low-impact workouts during this period as your body is adjusting to a new hormonal balance. “High-intensity workouts can raise cortisol in the body, so during this period, reducing cortisol as much as possible can help to make the transition off birth control easier,” Jade explained. Luckily, there are so many low-impact workouts to choose from such as pilates, yoga, and—my personal favorite—walking. We want to make this process as easy for the body as possible, and if a low-impact workout helps, then a hot girl walk it is. 

    5. Have a reproductive health plan
    If you’ve decided to go off birth control, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place. If an unplanned pregnancy is a concern for you, Dr. Cates emphasized the importance of having an alternative form of birth control to put into practice immediately after (yes, you can get pregnant even soon after getting off the Pill). “Whether it be a non-hormonal IUD or fertility awareness methods, tracking your ovulation is a really powerful thing, and it’s something we don’t have access to when on birth control pills,” she shared. 
    While this transition can sometimes feel scary, it can also be an empowering time to better understand your body. And building a plan around your body’s natural cycle can make the process even smoother. If you’re going off birth control for the purpose of family planning, work with your doctor to balance hormones to improve fertility as much as possible. No matter your current goals, having a reproductive health plan is always important, and transitioning off hormonal birth control provides a good opportunity to rethink what’s best for your body, goals, and lifestyle.

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