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    A Manifestation Expert Shares 5 Life-Changing Hacks That You Haven’t Heard Yet

    It seems as though a new manifestation method pops up every other week (thanks, #ManifestationTok), making it hard to know where to even begin, not to mention decipher between what’s legit and just BS. And if you’re trying to get ahead of your goal-setting for 2023, it’s prime time to nail down the practice for some serious manifesting, because there are incorrect ways to attract what you want in life–it’s not as cut and dry as “ask, and you shall receive.” So I grilled Kathleen Cameron, manifestation expert, coach, and author of Becoming The One, to set the record straight and dish out her tried-and-true hacks to live our best lives. On tap: manifesting your dreams. 

    Meet the expert
    Kathleen Cameron
    Manifestation Expert and Author
    Kathleen Cameron is a success, life, and manifestation coach. Her innovative approach to manifestation led to the creation of Diamond Academy Coaching where she helps students grow in all areas of life through online coaching and in-person seminars. Kathleen helps others step into their true potential to become the best version of themselves and facilitates bringing their goals to reality.

    1. Transform your beliefs
    Manifestation is not a one-and-done situation. You’re always manifesting, whether you realize it or not, and it starts with your thoughts. “The first step in manifesting is becoming an observer of your own thoughts,” explained Cameron. “What thoughts and beliefs are limiting and how can you move them to be empowering? That’s how you manifest!” For example, Cameron broke down the thought process of manifesting your dream home: shift your beliefs from “I’ll never live in a house that big” to “I’d love to live in a house that big” to finally, “Wow, look at me living in a house this big!” 
    The same goes for any doubts you may have about the power of manifestation. “Really opening the veil of skepticism and opening your mind to a different possibility is what is going to help you change the course of your own life,” Cameron affirmed. “Your thoughts have created the day you lived today. If you want to change your experience, you need to change your thoughts. So, what if you change your thought about manifestation?”

    2. Find an approach that works for you
    From journaling and vision boards to positive affirmations and the 369 method, the world is your manifestation oyster. So how do you determine which manifestation technique is the crème de la crème for you? “It comes down to the type of person you are and the type of things you enjoy doing,” Cameron stated. “It’s important to find an approach that works for you and makes you feel joy, excitement, and alignment. Choose that one.” 
    Whether you’re new to manifesting or looking for a fresh start, Cameron recommended starting with journaling. By putting pen to paper, you get in tune with your thoughts and become aware of any judgments or limiting beliefs that are blocking you from your desires. Because you’re letting your thoughts flow, you can consciously identify any that are coming from a scarcity mindset versus an abundance mindset. Then, you can work on reframing those lack-based thoughts into abundant thoughts (read: focusing on what you do have).
    There’s one caveat to journaling: Cameron warned that writing down what you want over and over doesn’t actually create consistent sustainable manifestations. It may bring about the one thing you’re going after here and there, but in order to experience a true outer transformation, you have to start with your “inside world.”  

    3. Do the inner work
    No matter how you approach manifestation, you’ve got to do a deep-dive into self-reflection and self-discovery (AKA inner work), and peel back the layers. “It’s about how you see yourself that leads to the manifestation,” expressed Cameron. “Doing it ‘incorrectly’ is when you change nothing about yourself and try to manifest something different. It all starts with you!” Cameron suggested asking yourself, “Who am I?” to uncover what you want to change about yourself. 
    Trying to attract something into your life without working through your fears, negative emotions, and limiting patterns is the most common manifesting mistake Cameron sees. Bottom line: If you’re the same person you’ve always been with the same thoughts, actions, and feelings, you won’t get different results. “The different result comes from being a different version of yourself,” she said. “Manifestation is a transformation.”

    4. Be the dream version of yourself
    It goes without saying that we all have something we want to bring to fruition, whether it’s a soulmate, job, or home. Cameron’s #1 tip to attracting whatever you want? “You need to be the dream version of yourself,” she attested. “Everything is an attraction, you attract what you are, and you attract the energy that you’re in. The first step and the most important thing to do is to make sure you’re operating on a frequency of vibration that is a match to the thing you desire. If you want to feel and attract this big love into your life, you have to be loving now.”
    Reflect on and identify who you want to be (read: your highest self): Where are you living? What do you do for work? What are you wearing? Who are you with? Then, start showing up as if you are already that person. Approach every situation and decision—no matter how big or small—as the best version of yourself. The best part? Evoking the feeling of your future self will help you align with and become her.  
    5. Supplement with visualization
    PSA: Your manifestation method doesn’t have to be fancy or on-trend. Cameron said visualization is the most powerful thing you could do, recommending five minutes in the morning and five minutes at night. “Visualize yourself in a scene where the manifestation has happened, then apply the feeling of the wish fulfilled,” she said. In other words, picture what you’re seeking and your highest self who already has it, down to the micro-details. “The fastest way to manifest what you want has more to do with the vividness of the image you have,” said Cameron. The winning combination is visualizing what you want, the feeling of it being fulfilled, and the belief that you have the ability to obtain it. 
    Good news: If you’ve ever created a vision board, you’re ahead of the game. By gathering words, images, or objects that represent the future you want in a tangible form (physically or digitally) will not only help you focus on your dream life, but also activate the good vibes, connections, and resources needed to realize it. If vision boarding isn’t your cup of tea, you can try listening to a guided meditation, taking a few minutes to imagine your future (best) self first thing in the morning, or saying daily affirmations (think: “I am strong, I am confident, I am motivated. My life is full of abundance.”) 

    The Everygirl’s Guide to Manifestation and Achieving Your Best Life More

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    The Diet Culture Myths We Still Believe That Dietitians Say To Ditch ASAP

    Editor’s Note: This essay discusses disordered eating and diet culture. Please take care of yourself if those topics could be triggering.
    Many of us feel like we want to change our bodies instead of love them. We may want to be smaller, taller, leaner, or more toned—anything deemed worthy or acceptable in the eyes of a culture obsessed with appearance. And while changing your body is a personal decision (as it should be), there are often underlying factors at play. Enter: diet culture. But we can each work to actively step away from diet culture and embrace a kinder, gentler way to be in our bodies and take up space in the world.
    To pull away the curtain from some of the subtler ways diet culture shows up in our lives, I tapped a few dietitians with plenty of insights to share. Read on for the diet culture myths they say to drop ASAP and the healthier habits to pick up instead.

    What is diet culture?
    Diet culture promotes a world view where looking a certain way affords you a certain level of acceptance. It’s the social expectations that say we have to fit into the right boxes to deserve X, Y, and Z (and in a world where anti-fat bias runs rampant, that tends to mean healthcare, employment, and respect). More troubling news: In a recent article, The Cut cited evidence via renewed interest in celebrities’ smaller bodies and clothing brands’ inability to deliver on promises of inclusive sizing as concerning proof that thin could be, as the writer puts it, “in again.”
    Diet culture–and thinness as an ideal–has infiltrated much of our world, and it’s a challenge to step away from it completely. Even if you haven’t experienced disordered eating, you’re probably familiar with phrases like “clean eating” or doing a detox after the holidays. While on the surface, these might fall into the category of what we’ve been sold as wellness, these myths are meant to keep us focused on appearance. If that makes you angry and ready to take action, you’re in good company. So let’s separate the fact from fiction, and start ditching diet culture today.

    Myth #1: Food is either good or bad
    Vegetables, good. Sugar, bad. Smoothies, good. Ice cream, bad. Fruit, good or bad? We’ve learned to categorize food in this way—dividing what we eat into buckets of judgment. Erin Reeves, a registered dietitian at Equip, called this “an incredibly harmful mindset.” She explained that because this habit is so deeply ingrained, it can create a sense of shame, anxiety, and guilt around food, as well as lead to other eating disorder behaviors. 
    “What we need to understand is that our self-worth is not dependent on the food we eat,” said Reeves. She offered a key reminder that health is relative, and we all have different needs that make us feel our best. Rather than thinking of food as black or white, it’s important to understand that different foods nourish us in different ways, nutritional value aside. Reeves encouraged us to release the shame, and embrace the fuel, connection, and pleasure that food provides.

    Myth #2: Detox diets cause weight loss
    Alyssa Wilson, a registered and licensed dietitian and metabolic success coach for Signos Health, wants us to ditch the dangerous pattern of detox diets and cleanses. The reality? They may lead to weight loss, but only in the short term. In fact, “Detox diets can actually do more harm than good.” Instead of going all in on a detox or following a restrictive cleanse, Wilson suggested just filling your diet with whole grains, fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats (which will help support your body and its natural ability to detox, all on its own).

    Myth #3: Avoid or limit carbs
    I remember just about every rom-com from the mid-aughts contained a protagonist who swore off carbs. It was always with a desire to fit into a smaller dress or prep for a high school reunion—a belief driven by the myth that carbs lead to weight gain. Reeves explained that our bodies need at least 50% of daily calorie intake to come from carbs. “So if someone is cutting carbs from their diet, they might lose weight only since they are excluding their body’s basic needs,” she said. But that can be dangerous water to tread. Reeves noted that this may lead to weight “gain” as the body rehydrates and replenishes its carbohydrate stores.
    What’s more–and this applies to any food group we might cut out–this all-or-nothing behavior leads to a binge-restrict cycle where we may begin to fear some foods and feel out of control around them. Reeves’ short answer? “Carbs are awesome and every single person on this earth should be incorporating them daily.”

    Myth #4: Fast food is bad
    Though convenient, tasty, and capable of satisfying your late-night cravings, fast food has been demonized in our culture for years. Wendy Lord, a registered dietitian and medical content author at Health Reporter, admitted that while fast food doesn’t contain as much nutritional value as other foods, eating it on occasion won’t ruin your health or make you gain weight. Similar to the food-is-good-or-bad divide, if we try to restrict fast food, we can cause intense cravings. Instead, by learning to adopt a more accepting view of fast food (the All Foods Fit model is great inspiration), we can see fast food—and all its deliciousness—in an entirely different light.

    Myth #5: Intuitive eating is easy and everyone should practice it
    While I once believed intuitive eating was the solution to saying goodbye to diet culture once and for all, I’ve since learned that it’s not that simple. We may have been told plain and simple that we can learn to eat when we’re hungry and stop when we’re full, but Reeves cited many other factors, such as beliefs, culture, habits, and medical histories, that add complexity to the mix. Reeves noted that intuitive eating isn’t something we can develop overnight. In fact, it’s a process that can take years for people to develop. 
    Reeves encouraged getting to the truth of why you’re turning to intuitive eating. For example, if you want to try intuitive eating to move away from diet culture, reduce anxiety and shame around food, or improve your relationship with food, go ahead and practice eating intuitively. But Reeves cautioned that intuitive eating can be disguised as a weight loss plan. Even if you have the best intentions, intuitive eating can take years to achieve. You may need to work with a specialized nutritionist, therapist, or doctor to help you get back to a place of trusting your hunger cues, needs, and body. Bottom line: There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to diet.

    Is the ‘What I Eat in a Day’ Trend Helpful or Harmful? More

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    Is Sex the New “It” Workout? Here’s What Experts Have to Say

    Your heart is racing, you’re breathing hard, your quads are burning, and you can’t deny that familiar rush of endorphins. Steamy session between the sheets or killer sweat sesh at the gym? Let’s be real, how many times after you’ve worked for that big “O” has the thought, “That’s got to have burned at least 100 calories!” crossed your mind? If you’re wondering if you can kill two birds with one stone (sexercise is a thing, right?), you’re not alone. A recent survey from sexual wellness brand Lovehoney revealed that as many as 71% of Americans are classing their bedroom antics as a workout, and one in 10 are even going to the extent of tracking how many calories they burn.
    So can a big “O” really replace our gym membership? I tapped into the expertise of sex educators and coaches to get the lowdown. Ahead, the perks of getting horizontal, whether or not sex counts as exercise, and the best positions to get the most bang (see what I did there?) for your buck. 

    What are the health benefits of having sex?
    As if you needed more reason to beeline to the bedroom, having sex is an all-around winner for your well-being. Pippa Murphy, a sex and relationship expert at, revealed all: “A healthy sex life is a key component of a happy and healthy life,” she explained. “Sex releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that help us relax and unwind. It also burns calories and improves circulation, which can help prevent heart disease.” 
    But it doesn’t stop there. There’s no mistaking your increased heart rate and blood pressure during sexual activity. It turns out, it’s working for us in more ways than one. “Sex requires more oxygen than other forms of exercise, meaning you’re breathing harder for longer,” Murphy stated. “And because your heart rate increases during sex, it’s good for your cardiovascular system—keeping your heart strong and improving blood flow throughout your body.” And yes, that includes solo sex. Still not convinced? Having sex can also reduce stress and anxiety, boost immunity, and help you get better Zzzs. Samantha Jones was onto something…

    So does sex count as exercise?
    If you had the choice between running on the treadmill and getting it on, my guess would be you’d choose the latter (same). Well, I’ve got good and bad news for you: A 2013 study found that getting sexy had less caloric expenditure than jogging, but more than walking. In other words, you are likely getting mild-moderate exercise. So does it count as a full workout? After polling the experts, the answer is basically yes and no.
    “It depends on what benefits you’re looking for,” explained Dr. Catherine Dukes, a sex therapist and educator at The Center for Connection & Desire LLC. “If you are looking to build muscle or improve cardiovascular ability, then sex isn’t enough to replace a workout. But if you’re looking to make sure you’re physically active each day and take care of your body in ways that keep you active, connected, reduce overall stress in your life, help you stop and be mindful, then YES, sex can absolutely be the best workout.” Certified sex educator, Senna Miller, agreed that it’s not enough to replace your gym time. “You may get hot and sweaty, but sex doesn’t replace a solid workout,” she said. “It’s still good for you. Just…not as a full workout.” 
    Bottom line: Sex shouldn’t be your primary form of exercise, but if you’re looking for an excuse to have more sex, by all means. After all, “exercise” doesn’t have to mean a 60-minute class or sweat session at the gym; our bodies are just meant to live less sedentarily. If you mix it in with regular walking, working your muscles, and stretching, sex can absolutely be a beneficial part of an active lifestyle; it just shouldn’t be your only form of activity. 

    What sex positions are most like a workout?
    Let’s be clear: The most important reason to have sex is for your own pleasure. Period. But the fact that sex can make you feel good and give you health benefits should just give you more reason to get in the bedroom. So let’s get physical: What sex positions have been found to be the most physically demanding? According to Lovehoney, Doggy Style, Reverse Cowgirl, or Standing Up are some positions that could make you feel pleasure while boosting the fitness benefits. 
    To try these pleasure-inducing and health-boosting positions at home, certified sex educator Javay Frye-Nekrasova (MEd) recommends some prep work to maximize the benefits (and pleasure), like stretching out wrists for Doggy Style or adding leg workouts into your regimen to work up more strength and endurance for Reverse Cowgirl. To try standing up, add a pillow for comfort against a wall or use a table or chair for support. “For a more physical challenge, try a standing position where one person has their legs wrapped around the person standing,” Miller suggested. “It may cause some laughs, but it will also add some physical work to the session.”

    PSA: Tapping Into Your Cycle Can Help You Have Better Sex More

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    8 Ways To Treat Yourself During the Busiest (and Gloomiest) Time of Year

    You’re booked and busy, you’re freezing, and you don’t want to get out of your flare leggings? It must be the end of the year. Let me guess: You know exactly what you have to do and where you have to be for the next few months between end-of-year projects and holiday events, but you have hardly taken any time at all to think about what you are going to need to power through the season? We are right there with you. So before the year passes us by, we are thinking about how we can take time for ourselves among the chaos, and we are sharing them with you here. Ahead, 10 ways that you can treat yourself during the busiest (and gloomiest) time of year.

    1. Get a new pair of cozy slippers
    Our slippers get a lot more attention than any of our other shoes during this time of year, so buying a new pair of comfortable, high-quality slippers should be first on your treat-yourself list. SeaVees’ SeaChange Slippers are our go-to slippers because they are extra comfy due to their recycled fleece, and they have a long-lasting natural rubber outsole—meaning you can wear them inside your home and out without fear of ruining them. Plus you can feel good about buying them because every pair sold from this collection gives back $1 to SeaTrees, a non-profit that works to restore blue carbon coastal ecosystems and ocean health globally. Win-win!

    SeaChange Slippers
    These slippers are an editor-favorite for a reason. With an extra comfy, recycled fleece footbed for comfort and a long-lasting rubber outsole, these slippers are perfect for inside of your home and out.
    Use code EVERYGIRL for 20% off of your first purchase at SeaVees + enter our giveaway HERE to enter to win two pairs of SeaVees shoes of your choice, free!

    2. Book a spa treatment
    The business of the season distracts us from the self-care time we really need, but the best way to make sure you have it is by booking a treatment into your calendar. Block off your schedule for a few hours (or the whole day if you can manage it), and treat yourself to a massage, brow tint, facial, lash refill, you name it. You will come out of your appointment feeling relaxed and refreshed which is exactly what the doctor orders this time of year.

    3. Get a blowout
    Between Q4 deadlines and holiday events, who has the time to wash and blowout their own hair? Not us. Give your stylists a call and book a blowout for the busiest week on your calendar so you don’t have to worry about styling your hair yourself. This will serve as a time-saver for at least 4-5 days, and it will force you to sit in the salon chair and relax for an hour.

    4. Refresh your space
    We spend a lot of time in our homes this season—whether it’s because we are forced to stay in from a snowstorm or because we are so busy that we barely look up from our WFH space. If you’re going to be spending so much time at home, it’s a good time to refresh your space. Here are some ideas: rearrange your furniture, switch out your art prints, buy a new shower curtain, or pick out new cozy bedding.

    5. Use your PTO
    I know what you’re thinking, but yes, you DO have the time to take the day off even during the busiest time of the year. And you better use your PTO before you lose it come January 1! Look at your schedule and pick a day to either do absolutely nothing at all or spend it checking off the things that have been on your to-do list for weeks.

    6. Take a bubble bath
    In the summer, most of us don’t want to be bothered with a hot bath, but when it’s cold and grey outside, nothing sounds more relaxing than running a bath, lighting a seasonal candle, and most importantly, putting our phones on Do Not Disturb. Order a luxurious bath soak, put “Bubble Bath” into your calendar as a scheduled solo date, and take in the mind and body benefits. You will feel refreshed in no time.

    7. Try a new workout class
    Have you been eying up the new pilates studio on your block? Is there a class style at your gym that you’ve been wanting to try? Now is the time. Reserve a spot in class to switch up your routine. Not only will you benefit from the endorphins, but you might find your new favorite workout style or meet some new people. Pro tip: If going to a new class makes you nervous, treat yourself to a new matching set for motivation and a confidence boost.

    8. Take care of your skin
    I don’t know about you, but my skin takes an absolute beating in the winter months. Due to the lower level of moisture in the air, my hands crack and itch, and my face is under the impression that it needs to produce even more oil to hydrate itself, leading to breakouts. If you experience skincare woes in the winter too, set time aside to pay extra attention to your skin. This could mean researching new products, not rushing through your skincare routine, or checking in with your dermatologist.

    Sleep-Care Is the New Self-Care: Here’s How You Should Upgrade Your Routine

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of SeaVees, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    Wimpy Launches Multilingual African Folktale Collection Encouraging Diversity, Inclusion And Literacy

    As a proudly South African restaurant, Wimpy recognises Mzanzi’s richness and has partnered with Ethnikids, an online children’s bookstore started by five South African moms, for a second year to give children access to an African folktale collection in their home language.
     Passionate about kids and their education, Wimpy is committed to bringing its edu-tainment philosophy to life. “Children are close to our hearts and core to our offering. Our collaboration with Ethnikids enables us to bringing real South African stories to kids in a fun and engaging way,” says Jodi Law, Brand Manager, Wimpy.

     In a country with 11 official languages, mother tongue books are not readily available, and most children’s books lack cultural context. “It is critical that children are exposed to literature that includes diverse ethnicities, this positively impacts a child’s self-image and develops pride in who they are and where they come from” says Seago Maapola, Educational Psychologist. 
    Stories that speak about who we are play an important role in representation, guiding what we should be proud of. “When there is a lack of representation, children are exposed to a single narrative based on stereotypes, this leads to them experiencing negative psychological outcomes and often feeling like they’re not good enough,” adds Maapola.
    Wimpy commissioned Ethnikids to develop a multilingual, multicultural folktale collection giving children access to diverse characters and stories that they can relate to and identify with. The collection is based on five South African folktales, with some of SA’s most talented authors and illustrators collaborating to provide children tales that represent the rainbow nation’s melting pot of cultures.
    English versions of the books are available at Wimpy restaurants nationwide with every Kids’ Combo Meal. Online versions of the books are available in all SA’s official languages, as well as in Khoe/Nama the original Bantu language of the Khoisan people that is being advocated to become one of SA’s official languages on the Wimpy website.
    “This year’s campaign includes an interactive online and in-restaurant experience encouraging children to engage with the stories. Children can choose their own ending by scanning a QR code at the back of the books, using their own imagination to expand on the narratives” adds Law.

    A second phase of the campaign will enable to kids collect 3D cardboard puppets from each of the featured books. These fold-out scenes will include different characters and allow kids to make use of their imagination, acting out scenes and making up their own characters.
    Visit to find out more.

    *In Partnership With Wimpy More

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    8 Things That Are Sucking The Happiness Right Out Of Your Life

    You may not recognise it, but there are several biological imbalances and environmental factors that could create bad mood triggers, affecting your mood as an offshoot of something else that’s not quite right. Read on and check if any of these ring alarm bells.
    Bad mood trigger 1: Food Intolerance
    Food intolerances are responsible for a wide range of physical conditions including nausea and abdominal pain, but they can also affect your mood, causing irritability, mood swings, lack of focus, aggression, nervousness or hyperactivity. If you suffer from regular mood swings, try keeping a food diary – noting what you eat as well as any changes in mood – to see if you can identify a link.
    Bad mood trigger 2: Your Home Decor
    If you want to give your mood a boost, try changing your home decor as your surroundings can heavily influence your mood. While red can make some people feel irritable or hostile, yellow communicates happiness and blue aids relaxation, so try accessorising your home with colours that enhance your mood. Research has also suggested that hanging up soothing pictures – such as beautiful landscape paintings – can positively affect a person’s mood and reduce stress and anxiety.
    READ MORE: Mindful Drinking: How More And More People Are Becoming ‘Sober Curious’
    Bad mood trigger 3: Getting Promoted
    While many of us dream of getting a promotion in work, the reality may not be as rosy as you think. A study by researchers at the University of Warwick has found that rather than improving quality of life for workers, following job promotion employees suffered from increased mental strain and there was on average a 10 percent decrease in people’s mental health.
    Trigger 4: Your Bedside Lamp
    If you regularly fall asleep reading or watching TV, this can have repercussions on your mood the next day. Research has shown that night time light can suppress the production of melatonin; a mood-regulating hormone which is only produced during darkness. So, try investing in some heavy curtains and make sure you turn off all lights at night to give yourself a happiness boost.
    Trigger 5: Nutrient Deficiencies
    While depression can be caused by a number of things, symptoms can be worsened or improved by your diet. Deficiencies in vitamin D, the B vitamins (particularly B6, B12 and folate) and omega-3 fatty acids can all lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Try introducing more foods rich in these nutrients into your diet to see if symptoms improve.
    READ MORE: How To Support A Loved One If You Think They Are Suicidal
    Trigger 6: Your Friends
    You might think that spending time with your friends is a great mood booster; however, that could all depend on their mood. Research has found that emotions – both positive and negative – are contagious and easily passed from person to person, often without you being aware of it. Furthermore, you don’t even need to see your friends to catch their mood, as a study suggests that the emotions of Facebook users directly affect the emotions of their friends for up to three days.
    Trigger 7: Late Nights
    Many of us are aware that lack of sleep can contribute to a low mood; however, research suggests that when you go to sleep could be almost as important as how much sleep you get. According to a study published in Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, night owls are almost three times as likely as early birds to experience severe symptoms of depression, so try getting some early nights to boost your mood.
    READ MORE: 10 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Hit the Gym After Work
    Trigger 8: The Pill
    A study by researchers from Monash University has found that women who take birth control pills are twice as likely to be depressed as those who don’t. For some, certain birth control pills can also lead to mood swings, increased anger and loss of libido. If you think that your mood has changed for the worse since you began taking the pill, visit your GP to discuss the alternatives. More

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    Face Mapping: 9 Things Your Pimples Can Tell You About Your Health

    Face mapping pimples on your skin is a useful technique that can shed light on the different zones in your face, since each zone develops zits reacting to different health events.
    We’re not just talking beauty here – face mapping can provide a deeper view of your skin concerns. The state of your skin can reflect your whole being. If you’ve been indulging in too much rich food and wine, the face mapping technique will show you the error of your ways.
    So, what exactly is face mapping?
    Face mapping or Chinese face mapping is a great tool to determine where skin symptoms such as blemishes, redness and pimples, connect deeper in the body. It’s a technique that reaches back thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine.
    READ MORE: 8 Skin-Smoothing DIY Face Scrubs You Can Make In Your Kitchen
    This unique skin analysis divides the face into fourteen zones. Each zone is thoroughly examined centimetre-by-centimetre by analyzing conditions like congestion, breakouts, dehydration, pigmentation etc. Below, a breakdown of each zone.

    Zones 1 & 3
    The left and right side of forehead is regarded as the “sister” to the bladder and digestive system. If you breakout frequently in this area, it might mean that you need to improve your elimination by drinking more water and eating more “whole” foods.
    Zone 2
    The middle of the forehead, between the eyebrows, is related to the liver. Congestion in this zone can indicate over consumption of alcohol, rich foods, and possibly a food allergy (such as lactose intolerance).
    READ MORE: “I Tried My Mom’s Beauty Routine And Learnt 4 Important Lessons”
    Zones 4 & 10
    The ears are a highly sensitive area related to the kidneys. If you notice that your ears are very hot, you might be stressing them out – drink plenty of plain water and cut down on caffeine and alcohol.
    Zones 5 & 9
    The cheeks often give an accurate glimpse into any respiratory distress. Smokers or people suffering from allergies generally experience fine, broken capillaries or congestion in this area.
    Zones 6 & 8
    The eyes are truly a window to the body’s health because they’re related to the kidneys. Dark circles, while often hereditary, are made worse by dehydration and poor elimination of toxins.
    READ MORE: 7 Face Mists To Keep Your Skin Cool And Hydrated During The Hot Summer Days
    Zone 7
    A reddened nose can indicate heightened blood pressure, or the early stages of rosacea. Congestion around the upper lip can occur if you use comedogenic lipsticks or liners.
    Zones 11 & 13
    Look and feel for undersurface congestion and breakouts. Undersurface congestion can be due to insufficient cleansing all the way down to the jaw-line, leaving make-up and cleanser residue. If there are breakouts along the jawbone near the ear, check if you’re having problems with your back teeth (wisdom), or have had recent dental surgery or x-rays.
    Zone 12
    Breakouts or unusual hair growth can indicate hormonal imbalance, possibly caused by extreme stress. Premenstrual breakouts are also very common on the chin.
    Zone 14
    Don’t forget to include your neck in your treatment regimen – the skin on your neck is just as fragile as that on your face, so it definitely needs the benefits of moisturisation and sun protection. More

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    People Are Opting for a ‘Soft Life’–Will It Really Transform Your Wellbeing?

    The hustle culture. The nine-to-five. The daily grind. Whatever you call it, we’ve been conditioned to work, work, work, work, work (cue RiRi). It’s no wonder quiet quitting took off and made headlines. Another viral TikTok trend is taking it a step further by renouncing the stress and hamster wheel of the traditional job. Coined the “soft life,” the term refers to a lifestyle that embraces rest and ease, a notion that has gotten lost in today’s toxic productivity shuffle. So is living the soft life all that it’s cracked up to be? Read on to learn the ins and outs of the soft life’s MO and how to adapt it to your own life.  

    My vibe right now is just living life🌸 #fyp #minivlog #softlife #aesthetic #blackgirltiktok #miami #vacation #lifestyle #summer
    ♬ som original – crz

    What’s the soft life?
    Originating in the Nigerian influencer community, the term “soft life” or “soft era” describes living a life of enjoyment and comfort, while limiting stress. With 378.1 million views and counting on TikTok, there’s no shortage of content depicting the stress-free #softlife, popularized namely by Black women creators and influencers who are putting themselves first–and for good reason–in response to the hustle and “girlboss” culture of the 2010s. According to the Transparent Black Girl page, soft living is about Black women no longer accepting strength and work ethic as their sole identities.
    While some paint an extravagant picture of the viral trend with glimpses of fine dining, upscale vacations, and luxury everything (cars, clothes, workouts), others pass over the consumerism of it and focus on self-care (think: writing down affirmations, delegating tasks, setting firm boundaries). In other words, living the soft life is subjective, and anyone can experience it. The purpose of the soft life is to reject struggle, stress, and anxiety that comes with the rat race, and instead prioritize joy and experience.
    It’s not about scaling back on your career efforts like quiet quitting–it’s about prioritizing your joy first, which can mean quitting a toxic job or leaning into the aspects of your job you genuinely love. It’s not anti-work; it just means setting boundaries where you need (work, relationships, housework, etc.) so you feel less stress and more joy in your life overall. Soft living can look opulent, but at its core, it’s a mindset cultivating balance, self-awareness, intentionality, and joy. 

    soft life living only🥹
    ♬ original sound – Music table

    How do I live the soft life? 
    If the soft life movement blew up on TikTok, there’s got to be some truth behind or benefit to it, right? Much like self-care and wellness overall, no matter what the soft life means to an influencer or how it’s portrayed, you do you—do what brings you joy and what works for your mental, physical, and emotional health. Ahead, hacks to embrace the soft life in your own way. 

    Make time for rest
    PSA: Rest is productive. The laundry, work emails, and grocery shopping can wait. There will always be something demanding your attention or to check off your to-do list, but your mind and body aren’t built to run on empty. When you take the time to unplug, be still, and relax, not only will it pay off for your mental health, but also your creativity, productivity, and mood. To ensure you fit in your R&R, schedule your breaks and treat them as mandatory appointments, just as you would a health check-up or work meeting. 

    Manage stress
    A key component of leaning into the soft lifestyle is taking stress out of the equation (I know, that seems impossible). Because, as we can all attest, the “fight-or-flight” reaction of stress wreaks havoc on our well-being, often leading to migraines, digestive issues, and anxiety. We all handle stress differently, so it may take experimenting with different techniques to reduce it. Some tried-and-true methods? Therapy, meditation, breathwork, walking, and getting optimal sleep. 

    Establish boundaries
    Whether we’re talking work, relationships, or sex, setting boundaries is a non-negotiable for maintaining balance in your life and caring for your mental health. First things first: learn to get comfortable saying “no.” If you’re a people-pleaser (same) and the word doesn’t exist in your vocabulary, remember that by always saying “yes,” you’re also turning your back on things that are important to you—be it time off or respect. Instead, honor your needs and wants by being upfront and clearly communicating what is and what isn’t OK in your book, especially in regards to how you want to be treated. The result? You’ll create trust, foster healthy connections, and be more appreciated.

    Live intentionally 
    Sure, having a routine takes the guesswork out of your day-to-day, but when you’re running on autopilot, how much are you focusing on the present moment? The first step in practicing intentional living is clearly identifying your values and what the best, higher, happiest version of yourself and your life embodies. Then, actively work towards them. 
    One misconception of soft living is that you have to be swimming in money to enjoy life fully. Rather, it’s about being deliberate in how you spend your hard-earned cash and time (time is money after all). What experiences are important to you and make you feel good? Hone in on and go after those.  

    Don’t be afraid to enlist help 
    The common theme of the soft life manifested in yachts and skincare routines seen on TikTok alike? There’s no “hustle hard” narrative. That’s partly because the soft life way of life includes allowing yourself to be vulnerable and asking for and accepting help when you need it. Whether you have too much on your plate at home or you can’t keep up with work deadlines, we all have breaking points. And seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather an opportunity to build relationships and learn new skills from others. It’s an all-around win-win. 

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