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    7 Foods I’m Adding to My Diet To Combat Chronic Inflammation

    As someone with lactose intolerance and celiac disease, I am well-versed in the art of dealing with a sensitive stomach. But when I woke up with a pain in my back last May that wouldn’t go away, I knew it was more than my run-of-the-mill stomach problems and I went to the ER. Six hours and many tests later, the doctors told me the culprit of my pain was likely inflammation in my GI tract, and that I should change my diet and see a gastroenterologist. Let’s just say, between the months-long waiting list just to get seen and my aversion to “dieting,” the last eight months have been filled with stress, pain, and tears. Which is why I’ve decided to transform my diet and focus on eating foods that combat chronic inflammation. Spoiler: Thanks to these changes, my stomach has never felt better, and (bonus!) I’ve seen major improvement in my skin and eczema.
    A brief disclosure: The right anti-inflammatory diet will vary from person to person, and this list isn’t a substitute for medical or professional advice. If you think you’re struggling with inflammation, it’s vital that you consult a healthcare professional. Likewise, we can all benefit from properly nourishing ourselves, and the foods below are jam-packed with healthy, body-loving ingredients. Keep reading to learn the top seven anti-inflammatory foods that my doctor recommended I add to my diet to combat chronic inflammation, and how I’m incorporating them into my life.
    1. Salmon
    The Mediterranean Diet has long been regarded as the healthiest diet there is, and it’s also one of the best for reducing inflammation. “The Mediterranean Diet has been shown to be anti-inflammatory because of its focus on whole foods and omega-3 fatty acids,” Julia Zumpano, a registered and licensed dietitian, told the Cleveland Clinic. This claim is backed up by science: Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids dampen the reaction of macrophages, which are immune cells that live in the tissue of the organs and play a key role in triggering inflammation.
    A good source of omega-3 fatty acids is fatty fish, and salmon is one of the best sources out there. I love all seafood, but as far as fish is concerned, salmon is one of my faves and go-to foods these days. It pairs well with anything: in a BLT for lunch, tossed with a pasta, on top of a salad, with rice and avocado or oven roasted potatoes, and so on. Plus, eating salmon regularly—regardless of whether or not you’re struggling with chronic inflammation—can help boost heart and eye health, aid in digestion, and support your immune system and fertility. 
    2. Olive oil
    I’m swapping out my dairy-free and vegan buttery spreads in favor of olive oil because it is packed with anti-inflammatory properties. There’s a plethora of healthy monounsaturated fats found in olive oil, but the most notable one is oleic acid. Research has shown that oleic acid can suppress inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin (IL)-6. When these markers are triggered, they essentially tell your body to go into overdrive, and thus inflammation is created. Olive oil also contains oleocanthal, a powerful antioxidant that has been found to diminish or lessen inflammation.
    3. Nuts
    Nuts are one of the healthiest snacks out there, but I’m a sweets girl through and through, which is probably why I’ve been sleeping on everyone’s favorite salty snack. Of course, that’s all about to change: I’m filling my pantry with walnuts, macadamia nuts, almonds, and cashews. According to The Mayo Clinic, nuts are a great source of protein and are rich in substances that promote a healthy heart and battle inflammation. These substances include monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber—another ingredient proven to help lower inflammation. So while I will occasionally miss my sweet treats, my gut and digestive system will thank me for reaching for nuts when I get that pang of hunger in between meals.

    4. Avocados
    The internet’s favorite fruit can in fact also help lower inflammation. Avocados are loaded with nutrients as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds. These substances have been found to have major antioxidant, neuroprotective, and cardioprotective benefits. Additionally, an article published on Healthline speculates that regularly eating avocados may help improve the body’s natural antioxidant defenses and better combat inflammation. Whether you spread it on toast, DIY avocado pudding, or use it to enhance a meal, rest assured we can all enjoy avocados, knowing they taste good and are good for us too.

    5. Berries
    I tend to only reach for berries in the warm weather, but it’s time to break that habit and enjoy the health benefits of these fruits all year long. According to a study published on PubMed, berries are loaded with polyphenol compounds that have shown natural anti-inflammatory effects in humans. Additionally, berries that have distinctive colors of red, blue, and purple contain anthocyanins, a powerful polyphenol compound and natural antioxidant. There are tons of berries out there that can fight inflammation, but the ones I’m leaning on include strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and grapes. I’m keeping them stocked in my fridge so I can reach for them whenever I need a snack or am in the mood for a homemade smoothie.

    6. Spinach
    Incorporating greens into your diet is essential, but not all greens are created equal. When it comes to reducing inflammation, dark leafy greens like spinach are the right move. Spinach is rich in beta-carotene—a powerful antioxidant known for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to make skin glow. “Studies have linked higher amounts of beta-carotene in the blood with lower levels of a marker of inflammation called C-reactive protein (CRP),” Kim Yawitz, a registered dietician and gym owner, explained to Eat This Not That. The good news about spinach is that it pairs nicely with all kinds of food so it’s easy to incorporate into your diet. I love putting raw spinach in sandwiches or salads or sautéing it with banana peppers in olive oil and using it as a side dish for dinner or as an addition to pasta.

    7. Raw garlic
    Garlic is more than just a flavorful addition to your pasta dishes, it’s also a proven anti-inflammatory food. Research has shown that sulfur compounds in garlic have the ability to reduce inflammatory markers, better protect the immune system, and boost antioxidants. Furthermore, garlic also contains quercetin—a member of the flavonoid family and powerful antioxidant—that can naturally help the body battle inflammation.
    I’ll admit that learning all of this was music to my Italian ears—I already put garlic in everything! But this year, I’m focusing on eating more raw garlic to get it in its most natural form and absorb all the benefits it has to offer. I’m going to add raw garlic to salads, pair it with my favorite dairy-free cheese, put it in tuna or chicken salad, and so on. Don’t sleep on raw garlic, people—it’s actually quite delicious and the perfect complement to any meal.

    What This Viral Hormone Expert Eats in a Day to Balance Hormones More

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    If You Do One Type of Workout in 2023, Experts Say It Should Be This

    Ever noticed how babies and four-legged furry friends instinctually crawl, climb, and jump their way around? They don’t need a trainer, routine, or Youtube video to tell them how to move–they just do. It turns out we can learn a thing or two from the way they work their muscles, and fitness trends are taking notice. According to the Pinterest Predicts 2023 report, primal movement–or moving our bodies in the manner they were built to–is the fitness trend of the year. Known as primal movement or primal fitness, the back-to-basics approach to getting your heart pumping focuses on movement patterns we’ve naturally been doing for hundreds of thousands of years.
    The end goal? To feel your best and improve strength, cardiovascular health, and endurance in the way your body was actually meant to. With WFH life staying put (looking at you, tech neck) and diet culture (and the draining fitness fads that come with it) finally making its exit, it’s no wonder we’re following our instincts and going back to what naturally feels good, making the expert what it should’ve been all along: our own bodies. Read on to learn the ins and outs of primal movement and how to get in on the workout.

    In this article

    What is primal movement?
    Forget fancy workouts with complicated exercises that you’d never do in everyday life. Primal movement encourages moving away from the sedentary life we’ve become accustomed to by practicing fundamental movements the way our ancestors did to improve our physical function. “Primal movements are the foundation for any movement that occurs in the body and are essential to building and maintaining, a strong, resilient, and pain-free body,” explained Hollis Tuttle, a lululemon studio trainer, lululemon ambassador, and marathoner.
    “Primal movement is how we bend, rotate, push, pull, and walk in the most intuitive way,” conveyed Thea Hughes, a strength training coach and Founder of Max Effort Training. “They are the movements that we practice daily, subconsciously. When translated to exercise, primal movement patterns become a pull, push, squat, lunge, hinge, rotation, and walking. Each incorporating a need for stability, adequate mobility to move through the range of motion with ease, and strength.” 
    In other words, the workout method is no new concept. It’s the OG way we were designed to move. “The human body is wired to move in basic patterns,” said Dr. Richard Joseph, a certified personal trainer and Chief Medical Officer at Restore Hyper Wellness. “We’re born to do these movements naturally. We see kids do them with ease, but as we age they can become more difficult to do. These movement patterns can become restrictive in certain ways over time, and if they aren’t done properly, there’s a higher risk of injury.”
    What are the benefits?
    Don’t let the simplicity of primal movement fool you: It targets your full body, while helping your body run more smoothly, akin to your car after getting a tune-up. The workout directly translates to activities outside the gym, giving you a leg up in better and more easily performing everyday actions you don’t think twice about: sitting, walking up and down stairs, lifting an object off the floor, or pushing open a door. “Primal movements are particularly great at improving mobility, strength, coordination, and movement patterns,”described Louis Chandler, an Alo Moves instructor and Alo Wellness Club Head Trainer. “They’re able to do all these things simultaneously, creating a deep mind-body connection.” 
    But it doesn’t stop there. By mimicking how your body moves IRL and training muscles to efficiently work together in your workouts, you increase your awareness of how your body moves, teaching you how to move safely and purposefully. “There’s a decreased chance of injury with proper primal movement,” Dr. Joseph expressed. “You’ll also see an improvement in your exercises, workouts, and what your body can withstand when training. Therefore, increasing your strength overall.” 

    How do you practice it?

    As with starting any new wellness trend, talk with your doctor if you’re unsure primal movement is safe for you, and start slow. “The best way to start practicing primal movement is to improve the mechanics and ease of getting up and down from the floor or low positions,” Hughes spelled out. “Starting with squats. Squats turn into lunges, into walking lunges. Then, try inchworms that walk out into a long plank, push up, walk back in and roll up, or any exercises that move you through rotation, flexion, stabilization. Most importantly, have fun.” 

    The best part about working out the primal way? You don’t have to hit the pavement or go all-out in HIIT classes on the reg. There’s no shortage of modalities to carry primal movement out: Take your pick from a shorter, more intense strength training sesh to a 3-hour long hike. Tuttle provided examples of functional movement exercises based on the seven movement patterns the body is meant to do. Add a variety of exercises from each movement pattern into your routine to reap the benefits of primal movement.
    Squat: bodyweight squat, kettlebell goblet squat, dumbbell front squat, barbell back squat
    Lunge: forward lunge, reverse lunge, lateral lunge, step up (bodyweight or with load)
    Push (vertical and horizontal): dumbbell strict press (vertical), push-up (horizontal)
    Pull (vertical and horizontal): pull-up (vertical), kettlebell gorilla row (horizontal)
    Twist (rotational and anti-rotational): medicine ball throws (rotational when standing sideways to the wall), plank with alternating shoulder taps (anti-rotational)
    Hinge (also referred to as bending): barbell deadlift, kettlebell single-leg Romanian deadlift
    Gait (also referred to as locomotion): walking, hiking, or running More

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    New Research Shows Where Women Carry Fat Could Protect Them From Brain Disease

    When it comes to protecting from brain disease, we know a few rules that’ll help us age gracefully: exercise regularly and go easy on the sugar and fats. But a new study has linked the natural fat deposits in female bodies as a key protector against brain disease.

    Not all fat is bad

    Like avocados, not all fats are bad. We know this to be true when looking at our diets: high-fat diets that include pizza and excess animal fats tend to have higher negative outcomes than a diet high in olive oil, fatty seeds and nuts and other plant-based fats.

    But a new study shows that the propensity for women to collect fat in places like their hips, butt and backs of the arms (called subcutaneous fat), could protect against brain disease like dementia and stroke. Males, on the other hand, store fat around major organs in the abdominal region, called visceral adiposity, which promotes inflammation.

    Before, the differences in immune response to brain disease were thought to be down to hormonal discrepancies, but this study offers a new perspective. In ScienceDaily, Alexis M. Stranahan, PhD, neuroscientist in the Department of Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, said that “When people think about protection in women, their first thought is oestrogen. But we need to get beyond the kind of simplistic idea that every sex difference involves hormone differences and hormone exposure.”

    READ MORE: A New Study Shows That Nightmares Are A Good Predictor Of Future Dementia

    Where you store fat matters

    The study scientists started by inducing obesity in rats, then observing the differences in fat distribution around the body in the males and females. They then noticed that where female rats stored fat correlated with protection against inflammation. They also performed liposuction on the rats before inducing obesity, and were then studied after taking on a high-fat diet, which is known to cause inflammation in the body. The elimination of the fat meant that the rats had less protection against inflammation.

    “When we took subcutaneous fat (fat stored under the skin) out of the equation, all of a sudden the females’ brains start to exhibit inflammation the way that male brains do, and the females gained more visceral fat (fat around the abdominal area),” Stranahan says. “It kind of shunted everything toward that other storage location.” It turns out where the female rats stored fat correlated with a higher level of protection against inflammation, particularly where brain disease is concerned, author’s noted.

    READ MORE: 7 Reasons Your Period Might Be Late — Other Than Pregnancy

    So, what are the implications for your health?

    Without the liposuction surgery, female rats on a high-fat diet only displayed inflammation similar to the level of male rats after menopause, showing that the fat storage was protective in females before this period. It’s notable that even after liposuction, a high-fat diet still correlated with high levels of inflammation, so stick to a whole foods diet.  

    Stranahan notes that this likely has implications for using the BMI as a benchmark for overall health. “We can’t just say obesity. We have to start talking about where the fat is. That is the critical element here,” Stranahan says. A more accurate reading? Looking at the hip to waist ratio, she says.

    READ MORE: 7 Ways To Meditate For Anxiety Relief That Are *Actually* Easy To Do

    The bottom line: where fat is stored links to inflammation in the brain. Visceral fat promotes inflammation while subcutaneous fat acts as protection, and high-fat diets are not a good idea to take on (kinda, sorta duh), since they promote inflammation. More

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    The Incredibly Simple Swap That Can Optimize Your Overall Health

    Smack dab in the middle of last year, I was spending my evening as I normally do: ignoring the dishes in the kitchen sink, being berated by my cat for more pets, and scrolling TikTok for a bit longer than originally planned. All was as expected until I came across one singular TikTok about what is lurking in our water. My jaw was on the floor, I froze in my tracks, and I’ve never looked at tap water the same since. It’s an ongoing goal of mine to drink more water but if I’m ingesting boatloads of heavy metals, microplastics, and even parasites, what’s the point?
    Unlike most TikToks I come across, this one offered up a solution that I knew I needed to try STAT. Enter the LifeStraw Home Water Filter Pitcher which is shockingly… stunning? It’s rare to find a water filter pitcher that works well, let alone one that is so aesthetically pleasing, so I knew I had to get my paws on it. After using it enough times to get the hype, I’m here to spill the tea on whether it’s the one wellness item you’re missing out on.

    7-Cup Filter Pitcher
    Use code EVERYGIRL to get 20% off on any LifeStraw Home purchase today!
    7 colors available

    How it works:
    I used to operate on the theory that ignorance is bliss, when it came to my health. But after a year of dealing with some health issues (albeit minor in the grand scheme of things), I realized that ignoring my bad habits, stressors, and the environmental hazards around me was probably not the move when it came to setting myself up for optimal wellness. If I wanted to live a present life without brain fog, stomach issues, bladder problems, and general fatigue, I had to take action. And one of the earliest habits I adopted was to up my water intake.
    But with increased tap water intake comes an increased likelihood of coming across the 320 toxic substances that have been detected in U.S. drinking water (lead, arsenic, and “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, just to name a few). With this knowledge, I had two choices. Either A) return to a withered, constant state of dehydration or B) buckle up and find a solution. Introducing: the LifeStraw Home water filter pitcher that I won’t shut up about.
    Thanks to its dual filter technology, this pitcher removes 30+ contaminants. I’m talking bacteria, parasites, PFAS, pesticides, and microplastics—you know, all of those things you don’t want to consume if you can help it. And beyond filtering out contaminants, it also reduces chlorine and bad odors for improved taste which is music to my ears. Since I’ve owned one for myself, the verdict is in. Here’s why I’m recommending it to anyone who will listen:

    Why I love it:
    Top of the line technology without breaking the bank
    Considering this is the only water filter pitcher that removes bacteria and parasites in addition to microplastics and 30+ other contaminants, I closed one eye and braced myself when opening up my web browser. But to my surprise, my entire body relaxed when I saw that the price of the 7-Cup BPA-free Pitcher was just $44.95, with the glass version being $64.95. For what it does, how it looks, and the fact that it makes my water taste dramatically better, it feels like an absolute steal.

    A design that’s as sleek as it is functional
    I mean look at this thing. Despite the fact that I live with a man who insists on having a surplus of Star Wars-branded mugs in our cabinets, I really try to keep my home aesthetically pleasing which does more for my zen than I care to admit. With three new to-die-for colors between the BPA-free plastic and handblown glass options, this is a pitcher that doubles as decor and for that, I’m an automatic fan.
    I love that it fits seamlessly in my fridge without taking up too much space, is lightweight which makes filling it up a breeze, and that it has an easy-fill lid that’s about as hands-free as it gets.

    Sustainability that helps me do my part
    Removal of contaminants from my water is an obvious win for me, but I also love that this BPA-free plastic water filter pitcher is good for the planet. I’m always taking small steps towards becoming more Earth-friendly and with one pitcher saving over 2,000 single-use plastic water bottles per year, I feel like I’m doing my part to keep our parks, oceans, and communities clean.

    A brand mission that you can feel good about
    I first heard about LifeStraw a few years ago when I learned about their origin story. If you don’t already know, LifeStraw has a deep history of global humanitarian and sustainability work and their mission is a simple one: to provide equitable access to safe drinking water.
    LifeStraw has been a partner in the fight for the eradication of Guinea worm for 25 years and they actively respond to emergencies across the globe. Plus, for every product sold, a child in need receives access to safe water for an entire year. A brand that fights every single day for good is a rare find so when I lay eyes on one, I’m a forever fan.

    7-Cup Filter Pitcher
    Use code EVERYGIRL to get 20% off on any LifeStraw Home purchase today!
    7 colors available

    Other home products from LifeStraw:
    I have the 7-Cup BPA-free water filter pitcher and while I love it, this filter is truly jus the tip of the iceberg when it comes to LifeStraw products to fit your space and needs. Here are some others our team members our eyeing right now… use code EVERYGIRL to get 20% off of LifeStraw Home products now!

    Winter Wellness Upgrades Your Body Will Thank You For

    This post is sponsored by LifeStraw but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    Every Product Your Kitchen Needs To Make Healthy Eating Easy (and Delicious)

    The real secret to successfully eating healthier (while still staying sane) is truly cooking at home more often. And the secret to cooking healthy at home more often is stocking your kitchen with items that make healthy cooking easier, and stocking your pantry with more nutritious versions of all your favorite foods. When a craving hits, you won’t have to ignore it. Instead, you’ll be prepared to DIY a meal that tastes as good as it is good for you. Stock up on these kitchen essentials that make healthy eating a breeze, and get ready for a happier, healthier you.

    In this article


    Beast Health
    Compact, sleek, and functional, this blender serves up the smoothest smoothies, dressings, soups, nut milks—you name it—hands down. Did I mention you can conveniently take it to-go?
    Available in two colors.

    Always Pan
    Braise, sear, steam, strain, sauté, fry, boil, serve, store—there’s essentiallynothing this pan can’t do. Plus, it’s non-stick and non-toxic, so all you have to worry about is what you’re going to dish out.
    Available in nine colors.

    Automatic Nut Milk Maker
    If you’re a real health nut, you might be having oat milk with your coffee and almond milk in your smoothies. But many of the packaged kinds are processed and full of added chemicals. Make DIYing your own plant-based milk a piece of (dairy-free) cake with this easy-to-use nut milk maker.
    Available in two colors.

    Good Grips
    Salad Spinner
    Greens need to be washed at home (all the dirt, pesticides, touching… yuck!), but can get soggy after washing if you use a plain ol’ strainer. The salad spinner dries your greens quickly, leaving you with clean, crisp, and ready-to-use veggies.

    Indoor Grill
    If you haven’t jumped on the air fryer bandwagon yet or you’re in the market for a new one, look no further. This time-saver is not only an air fryer, but it also grills, roasts, bakes, and dehydrates. And it’s on sale!

    Menu Denmark
    Bottle Grinders
    Not your average salt and pepper shakers, these chic bottles grind more than just S + P. They also grind herbs, spices, grains, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits for more nutritious and tasty meals. Their pretty design is just icing on the cake.
    Available in two colors.

    Instant Pot
    Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker
    Say hello to your other must-have, all-purpose gadget to make your weeknight dinners a pinch. Throw ingredients in the pot and set a timer for an easy-to-use and easy-to-clean way to make everything from soups and steamed veggies to pasta and ribs and even cheesecake (yes, you read that right!).

    Crate & Barrel
    4-Piece Place Setting
    There’s no denying we also eat with our eyes, so why not romanticize and zhuzh up your meals with an aesthetically-pleasing dinner set? This find sets an impressive table for dinner—whether a casual supper for one (or two) or a more formal gathering.
    Available in two colors.


    Glass Lunch Bowl Container
    Get rid of those plastic containers that are as bad for your body as they are for the environment. Instead, try out these microwave and dishwasher-safe glass storage containers that will not only keep your fridge tidy (and pretty), but also won’t leak toxins into your food.
    Available in five colors.

    Bee’s Wrap
    Reusable Beeswax Food Wrap
    Wrap up leftovers or on-the-go meals or snacks with good-for-the-environment wrap instead of single-use plastic wrap. You probably get it by now: A healthy kitchen means healthy for you AND our planet.

    Reusable Sandwich Bag
    Make plastic storage bags a thing of the past with this reusable silicone and easy-to-store alternative. Whether you use it to pack up lunch, store leftovers, or steam veggies, you won’t miss your old Ziploc bags. Oh, and this gem is freezer, oven, microwave, and dishwasher-safe.
    Available in multiple sizes and colors.

    Onion, Garlic, Lemon, Tomato, Lemon, and Avocado Keepers
    No more half eaten avocado, tomato, lemon, garlic, or onion that ends up in the trash, thanks to these finds. The BPA-free keepers extend the shelf life of your favorite produce while keeping your fridge organized.

    Lazy Susan Organizer
    With this organizer, you can easily find and grab what you need—be it snacks, sauces, produce, or supplements—with a quick turn. The clear, BPA-free bins are removable, making refills and clean-up a cinch.

    5-Piece Container Set
    A healthy kitchen starts with always having good-for-you pantry staples on hand that you can use to easily and quickly whip up nutritious meals. Well, this dishwasher-safe, BPA-free, and stackable set will keep your dry foods fresh and your pantry in order.

    Cord Organizer for Kitchen Appliances
    Your kitchen countertops will be free of messy, annoying power cords with these cord keepers. Simply attach them to the back of your small kitchen appliances (think: blender, coffee machine, air fryer, toaster) for a well-kept kitchen.


    Kathryne Taylor
    Love Real Food
    Whether you’re a vegetarian, vegan, or meat-eater, this cookbook has something for everyone. Loaded with 100 approachable and delicious meatless recipes made with fresh, wholesome, sustainable food, it takes the guesswork out of weeknight dinners.

    Kristin Cavallari
    True Comfort
    Channel Kristin Cavallari in your own kitchen when you recreate her favorite healthy, gluten and refined sugar-free comfort food recipes. What’s more, she let us in on her tips and tricks to putting together a well-stocked pantry, fridge, and freezer.

    America’s Test Kitchen
    Bowls: Vibrant Recipes with Endless Possibilities
    There’s something about bowls that makes its contents that much more appetizing. With 75 bowl recipes and mix-and-match bases, toppings, and sauces, this cookbook ensures there will be no shortage of bowl nights. Seared Tuna Poke Bowl, anyone?

    Toby Amidor
    The Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook: Easy and Wholesome Meals to Cook, Prep, Grab, and Go
    There’s no denying that meal prep saves time and money, but let’s face it: When we do get around to it, we often stick with the same ol’, uninspired meals. Enter: The Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook. Packed with wholesome grab-n-go options for breakfast and lunch as well as quick dinners, consider your meals for the week ahead cooked and ready to serve.

    Jeanine Donofrio
    Love and Lemons Every Day: More than 100 Bright, Plant-Forward Recipes for Every Meal
    Known for her food blog featuring fresh recipes with seasonal fruits and vegetables as the main ingredients, Donofrio dishes out more than 100 new vegetarian recipes in Love & Lemons Every Day. Leave it to Donofrio to turn butternut squash into the tastiest creamy queso you’ve ever had and transform sweet potato into a smooth chocolate frosting. And ever wonder what to do with those unused vegetable parts (looking at you, broccoli stalks)? You better believe she’s got a clever solution or two for that.

    Ina Garten
    Modern Comfort Food: A Barefoot Contessa Cookbook
    No one does soul-satisfying dishes like Ms. Ina Garten. Sometimes you just need a hearty cheddar and chutney grilledcheese sandwich with a side of creamy tomato bisque to warm your insides. From whipping up special weekend breakfasts and quick weeknight dinners to cocktails and dessert, it’s the closest thing to having Ina cooking alongside you IRL.

    Pantry Staples

    Verve Coffee Roasters
    Fair Trade Organic Coffee
    If you’re drinking a cup (or three) of coffee a day, you should know where it comes from and that it’s full of all the good antioxidants sans pesticides, added chemicals, etc. This java is fair trade, organic, and made in California, so you know exactly what you’re getting.

    Noble Made
    Classic BBQ Sauce
    Don’t mistake this essential pantry staple for the standard sugar-laden version. The Noble Made rendition is made with all-natural, clean ingredients (think: water, apple cider vinegar, tomato paste, and spices) and gets its slightly sweet kick from pineapple juice. Taco Tuesday, Meatless Monday, and your BBQs just got a major upgrade.

    Simple Mills
    Farmhouse Cheddar Crackers
    When it comes to snacks, there’s nothing more classic than cheese crackers. But these cleaner Simple Mills cheddar crackers get an “A” for the nutrient boost they deliver on, thanks to their flour blend of almonds, sunflower seeds, and flaxseeds, not to mention organic cheese. A winning combo of carbs, protein, and fat, what’s not to love?

    Hearts of Palm Pasta
    Your pasta night just got a whole lot more nutritious and exciting. This low-carb, high-fiber linguine pasta made out of hearts of palm may be veggie-based, but it tastes and looks like the real deal.

    Sea Salt Tortilla Chips
    Got a serious guacamole addiction? Same. Try these non-GMO, grain-free tortilla chips that are made with avocado oil and contain more fiber and protein than your typical chips for guilt-free snacking.

    Base Culture
    Sourdough Bread
    The best thing since sliced bread is, well, this sliced bread, and for good reason. Made with zero artificial ingredients and a solid mix of carbs, protein, and fiber, you can’t go wrong making toasts and sandwiches with this bread.

    Marinara Sauce
    Slow-cooked sweet Italian tomatoes, olive oil, onions, salt, garlic, basil, black pepper, and oregano (read: fresh, whole ingredients) come together to create this no-sugar-added, classic marinara sauce. Top off the aforementioned linguine pasta, spaghetti squash lasagna, or pizza crust with it for a clean, authentic Italian meal (insert chef’s kiss).

    Navitas Organics
    Chia Seeds
    Instantly give your smoothie, oatmeal, stir fry, salad, and baked goods (I could go on and on) a protein and fiber boost with this organic, nutrient-dense superfood.

    Chosen Foods
    Avocado Oil Spray
    PSA: Many store-bought foods and restaurant dishes are cooked with genetically-modified vegetable oils (think: canola or sunflower oil). The good news? When you have this 100% pure Avocado Oil Spray that is free of chemicals, emulsifiers, and propellant as your kitchen sidekick, you can cook, sauté, bake, dress, or broil worry-free.

    14 Ways to Eat Healthier This Year Without Going on a Diet More

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    The 30 Greatest Life Hacks of All Time

    I live for some good hacks: my Pinterest boards and Instagram bookmarks are full of DIYs, cheats, and tips, ranging from home projects to health swaps to general advice. Because at the root of my wellness obsession is an inherent desire to make the most out of life–even in the minuscule, day-to-day changes that we call “hacks,” or anything that makes life a little healthier, happier, or better. So when I saw a New York Times opinion piece titled “The Greatest Life Hacks in the World (for Now)” go viral on TikTok, you know I was sliving for it (Paris Hilton is cool again, right?).
    Full transparency, I’ve been thinking a lot about what wellness content we truly want to cover on The Everygirl–what content actually makes people well? Maybe it’s less about the latest foods, trends, and supplements, and more about the everyday, totally free advice that changes the way you think or how you go through your daily routine, and ends up transforming your entire outlook on life. So I wanted to share with you the life hacks that I have found to be the most powerful, transformative, and profound (yes, even when they’re super simple). Consider this list to be your modern-day fairy godmother: it will help you completely change your life (glass slippers not included). Read on for what I believe to be the 30 greatest life hacks of all time.

    1. Have something to talk about that is not other people and your judgments of them (FYI, talking shit about other people makes you feel bad about yourself).
    2. Happiness is a skill, not a circumstance–practice it, don’t wait for it.
    3. Mute or unfollow any account on social media that doesn’t bring you joy or inspiration.
    4. Time is a commodity to invest, not spend.
    5. Unfollow your ex. No, but like seriously.
    6. If you’re unhappy about something, change the circumstance. If you can’t change the circumstance, change your mindset.
    7. When you start feeling insecure, get outside yourself: call up a friend to ask how they are, donate to an organization you care about, or read a book about someone else’s experience (I swear it diminishes the insecurity!). 
    8. Eat more whole foods from the earth (no really, that is the only nutrition hack or diet advice you’ll ever need). 
    9. Say “thank you for…” instead of “I’m sorry for…”
    10. Being with the wrong person is more lonely than being alone.
    11. Replace “I’m too busy for…” with “it is not my priority to…” It will make you question how you’re actually spending your time.
    12. “No” is a complete sentence.
    13. Keep a list on your phone of all the things that made you laugh out loud–you can read it anytime you need to laugh or be cheered up.
    14. Remember that the way you look is not an accomplishment (your best self has nothing to do with a breakout, a patch of cellulite, or gaining a few pounds).
    15. Make your bed every morning. Don’t think about it, just do it.
    16. When you feel a lack of something–whether it’s time, energy, love, or money–give more of it. You’ll realize how much you already have, and attract more of it to you.
    17. With any health goal, work on achieving balance rather than perfection.
    18. Know that what you love in others is what you love about yourself; what you hate in others is what hate in yourself.
    19. When feeling low energy, take a walk outside or get direct sunlight.
    20. Think of self-care as a mindset, not a to-do list.
    21. When feeling stressed, physically respond: release your shoulders, unclench your jaw, take deep breaths. 
    22. Make your password your favorite affirmation so you have to repeat it whenever you log in.
    23. The secret to being liked by anyone: ask other people questions more than you make statements about yourself. 
    24. Tape your mouth while you sleep. You will look weird, but you will never wake up so energized. 
    25. Eat the damn ice cream cone. Or the pastry, or the plate of pasta, or any other [insert favorite food here].  Enjoy every bite of your life, and eat with mindfulness instead of insecurity.
    26. Fall asleep thinking about all the things that went right that day.
    27. Come in contact with the earth more: walk along the beach with bare feet, swim in the ocean, literally hug a tree, or lay in the grass (it’s called earthing and it’s scientific AF, look it up). 
    28. Turn off all notifications on your phone. Getting notifications (from emails, iMessages, calls, DMs, etc.) means you’re constantly in a state of reaction; take your power back by only responding to messages or clicking on apps when you want to, not when your phone tells you to.  
    29. Feeling overwhelmed or overly busy? Taking control of how you spend the first 30 minutes of your day will make you feel in control of the rest of your day. 
    30. Learn how to be nice–really, truly nice. This is the most insanely powerful life hack, but the most overlooked.

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    Not Into Dry January? Try These Healthy Alternatives Instead of Giving Up Alcohol Completely

    So you knocked back one too many spiked eggnogs and mulled apple ciders during all the merrymaking (AKA holidays), and when January 1 rolled around, you committed to Dry January—a popular yearly tradition alongside the common resolutions to work out more or lose weight—and swore you wouldn’t touch alcohol for the next 31 days. Sure, going cold turkey may sound like a good idea in theory, but when those post-holiday blues set in, taking a whole month off from drinking alcohol can feel unrealistic. And, IMO, any restrictive, quick-fix trend—be it a diet, detox, or cleanse—raises a red flag and sets off the alarms in my head.
    If you’ve decided to say “no” to jumping on the Dry January train and holding the booze for the entire month, you’ve come to the right place. Give these healthy approaches to drinking a shot (pun intended) this January and beyond. Whether you’re sober curious, wanting to cut back on imbibing for good, or considering taking a mindful break, read on for simple and sustainable alternatives to Dry January. 
    1. Try Damp January
    Consider Damp January Dry January’s more moderate, laid-back cousin. Rather than nixing alcohol completely, the idea behind Damp January is to drink in moderation and find a healthy balance throughout the month. It takes away the pressure, not to mention the feeling of being deprived, and allows you to enjoy the occasional Taco Tuesday margarita while making you less likely to engage in mindless drinking. Instead, you’re able to take a step back, reflect on what role alcohol plays in your life, and reevaluate your relationship with it. Translation: If you want a glass of wine, have it because you’re making choices based on what makes you feel good now (and later), rather than out of habit. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
    If Damp January is much more up your alley, the best part is you set the ground rules. That may look like keeping your daily count to one, recruiting an accountability partner, finding resources to help you reduce your alcohol intake, like a podcast or app, or changing up the way you socialize (more to come on that). However you partake in Damp January, it can help you hit “reset” on your drinking habits. 
    2. Set boundaries before drinking 
    Sometimes we just need to create some boundaries around a habit we want to change in order to see it through, and drinking alcohol is no exception. Before the week begins, determine the days you’ll imbibe. Perhaps you’ve decided Winesday Wednesday and Saturday-night mocktails it is. Will you set a drinking limit? No more than two nightcaps per night? Like with setting any goal, start small and be realistic, and once you achieve it, you can reach higher. And whatever you decide, commit to drinking one glass of water per alcoholic bevvie to offset its dehydrating effects. 
    You may notice only having drinks on the designated days will bring more awareness to your drinking patterns. Do you look to that cocktail to help you get through uncomfortable social engagements or that glass of Pinot to unwind after a long, stressful work day? Are you ordering that next round of drinks or topping off your glass of wine out of enjoyment or simply because it’s the thing to do? Also take note of how you feel mentally and physically after the days you drink versus when you abstain from drinking. Do you find yourself tossing and turning after a night of drinking and more clear-headed and energetic the morning after skipping the wine? Bottom line: Being more mindful when you drink and recognizing your inclination to drink will give you the upper hand in making healthier choices for you. And when you have guidelines to follow, you’ll set yourself up for success. 

    3. Stick to certain types of alcohol
    It goes without saying that not all alcohol is created equal. There are less-than-healthy libations, and then there are the notoriously mixed drinks high in sugar that leave you with much to be desired (hello, sugar-induced coma, crappy sleep, and hangover). Instead, reach for a single, clear alcohol, like vodka and tequila, as opposed to dark liquor (think: rum, whiskey, and rye), which has a higher sugar content and will likely lead to more dehydration and worst hangover symptoms. Mix with kombucha for its probiotics perks or sparkling water upgraded with fruits and herbs in a nice glass (because everything seems to taste better and feel fancier in one). 
    Another tried-and-true alternative to sugar-laden cocktails? Opt for organic red wine that’s free of preservatives, added sugars, and pesticides. Not only does it promote moderate drinking because you’re more likely to take your time enjoying it, but it also contains heart-healthy antioxidants. You can also try DIYing wine spritzers (mixing wine with sparkling water) and mulled wines. Wine spritzers deliver a one-two punch by lowering the alcohol content while adding the hydration factor, and mulled wines serve up additional health benefits with its spices. 
    4. Occasionally switch to non-alcoholic alternatives 
    Thanks to a major shift in drinking culture in which booze-free refreshments reign supreme and can be found at practically any food or beverage establishment, there’s a non-alcoholic substitute for whatever your drink of choice may be. From bubbly and spirits to beer and wine, take your pick of alcohol-free drinks that pack in flavor sans the dreaded hangover, not to mention the other undesirable side effects of alcohol, added sugars, and artificial flavors (you know, sleep disruption, mood swings, hangxiety…). If you still want some alcohol, but only care to keep drinking for the taste or experience, try one alcoholic drink and then switch to a booze-free alternative.
    Mixed drinks meant to mimic the presentation and taste of craft cocktails without the alcohol are having a moment, and for good reason. They’re as sophisticated and tasty as the next adult bevvie with endless recipes that you can enjoy at home (time to restock the bar cart!) or in any social setting. Trust me—you won’t even miss the alcohol. Going dry doesn’t stop there. If you’re into superfoods and supplements, you might want to check out functional beverages that infuse non-alcoholic alternatives with ingredients like adaptogens, amino acids, plants, and CBD.  The main takeaway? Saying “Bottoms up!” with booze-less varieties has never felt or tasted better. 

    5. Plan more alcohol-free activities
    It goes without saying that there are certain pastimes that are centered around booze and where you’re more likely to let your hair down than others. Case in point: happy hour, sporting events, parties. So when your BFFs want to hit up The Tipsy Cow or have a GNO, try suggesting an alternative activity that doesn’t involve drinking alcohol, such as a spa day, going for a hike, or acting like tourists and checking out the local attractions.
    Additionally, remember that glass of wine you lean on to relax after a rough day? Find other ways to take a breather. Whether that looks like sweating it out in a Pilates class, picking up a new hobby, or finally diving into that book you’ve been meaning to get to, choose a form of recreation that’ll occupy your time and take your mind off of sipping on an alcoholic beverage. You’d be surprised how much easier it is to stick with your new healthy drinking habits when you swap out the vino for another activity you consider a treat. Bonus points? You may end up saving some cash while you’re at it. 
    While this article addresses emotional dependencies and behaviors related to alcohol, it is not meant to help treat addiction. If you are struggling with substance abuse, call the SAMHSA National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for assistance.

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    This Celebrity Nutritionist Shares Her Tips on How To Kickstart Healthy Eating Habits

    So it’s been a stressful week (or weeks–looking at you, holiday season) and your regular eating habits are thrown off-kilter. You’ve been making food choices that aren’t aligned with your bodies’ needs and cues. The result? Brain fog, low energy, painful bloat, weakened immune system, or just an overall feeling of blah. First of all, take a deep breath. It’s OK–we’re cyclical beings and our food habits are naturally cyclical too. But you don’t have to let a couple of takeout meals or a holiday season of eggnog and cookies spiral into an extended period of eating foods that don’t make your body feel its very best. 
    While there’s no one-size-fits-all definition of “healthy,” there are simple and sustainable ways to build a good-for-you diet (without actually going on a diet). I asked Kimberly Snyder, nutritionist, spiritual and meditation teacher, and author of You Are More Than You Think You Are, to let us in on her secrets on how to feel and look your best. With a clientele that reads like an A-list party invite (Reese Witherspoon, Drew Barrymore, and Channing Tatum, if we’re going to name-drop), consider her Hollywood’s go-to nutritionist—and now yours. Read on for the healthy eating tips she lives by.

    Meet the expert

    Celebrity Nutritionist
    Kimberly Snyder is a three-time New York Times bestselling author, spiritual and meditation teacher, nutritionist, and wellness expert. She is also the founder of Solluna®, a holistic lifestyle brand, and the host of the top-rated Feel Good Podcast. Snyder has been featured by many national media outlets, including Good Morning America, The Today Show, and The New York Times.

    1. Start the day with hot water with lemon
    The Ayurvedic practice of drinking hot water with lemon in the morning has long been touted for its health benefits (think: get things moving), and for good reason. “This simple practice helps to get you hydrated in the morning, supports great digestion, and can support your liver, your main detoxifying organ–it’s like drinking from the sun!” Snyder remarked. “Full of vitamin C, it’s a great way to support glowing skin as well.”  So before you reach for your morning cup of joe or bite into your breakfast, wake up and hydrate your body with the citrus-spiked beverage. Bonus points: You’ll get a leg up on hitting your hydration goal for the day and be more mindful of staying hydrated throughout the day by drinking the concoction first thing in the AM. It’s a simple addition to your morning routine that your digestive and immune systems will thank you for. You just might notice a glow-up in your skin too. 

    2. Stick with plant-forward eating
    We all know that a whole, nutritious diet includes piling on the greens. But rather than focusing on cutting out your favorite foods, Snyder encouraged setting your sights on munching on more plants. What would you find in Snyder’s fridge? Kale, spinach, microgreens, sprouts, apples, carrots, bananas, and nuts. “My mornings always include a Glowing Green Smoothie, made with three cups of leafy green vegetables, celery, banana, pear, apple, and lemon juice,” Snyder described. “This smoothie has 9-11 grams of fiber, which is key for stabilizing blood sugar and preventing the body from craving sugary foods later. This, along with giving ourselves incredible amounts of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, all work together and leads to being more in tune with nature and making better decisions all day.”
    Not a fan of a cold refreshment in the morning? Drink Snyder’s signature drink at room temperature or simply make sure you’re checking off produce at every meal. They’ll not only load you up with fiber and micronutrients, but also keep your body satiated and your blood sugar levels stable (read: a boost in energy and mood). 

    3. Meditate consistently
    Fueling our bodies physically through nutrition and movement is important, but the other piece of the wellness puzzle is giving our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being some much-needed TLC. Enter: meditation. “This is the most important practice of all, in my opinion, which has radically transformed my health, clarity, inner peace, intuition and abundance,” Snyder stated. “When we connect to our True Self, we stay more centered throughout the day and are able to be more clear and energized. You will know when you are truly hungry and will be better equipped to deal with emotions rather than give in to food cravings.” In other words, by connecting with yourself through meditation, you’ll bring awareness to the present, feel more calm, and be more in tune with your bodies’ signals.
    Let go of any perception that you have to meditate for an extended amount of time to reap the benefits. Even a one-minute meditation can flip on the well-being switch. Lean on Snyder’s guided meditations, download a meditation app that speaks to you, or take up focused breathing. 

    4. Take the right kind of probiotics
    If I were to pick the wellness buzzword as of late, it would be gut health. It’s the key to your physical and mental health after all. And that glow from the inside out we all crave? You can thank (or blame) your gut microbiome. Of course, the holy grail to keeping your gut health in check is eating a healthy diet, but adding high-quality probiotics to your regimen can also do wonders to heal your gut or keep it happy.
    According to Snyder, the word “probiotic” combines two Greek words: “pro,” which means promotion of, and “biotic,” which means life. The name says it all! “Probiotics have been shown to strengthen your immune system, improve digestion, promote weight loss, and even protect you from certain ailments and diseases,” Snyder emphasized. What’s more, according to Harvard Health Publishing, probiotics can help restore the balance when the gut becomes unbalanced with unhealthy levels of certain bacteria, thanks to unhealthy eating, stress, poor sleep, etc.
    When researching the best probiotic for you, consider the types of bacterial strains used, which strains and/or brand names have been studied for their effectiveness, and how the probiotics need to be stored. As a general rule of thumb, Snyder recommended looking for a formula containing soil-based organism (SBO) strains, such as her Solluna Feel Good SBO Probiotics+. “What does not make a formula effective or not is culture count,” Snyder conveyed. “Many brands can add billions of cultures into a formula for marketing, but they are destroyed before they get into your gut and they are not in proper ratios or the composition you need for a healthy, balanced microbiome. It’s not about numbers, it’s about efficacy.” When in doubt, pack on probiotic-rich foods like kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, tempeh, kimchi, and sourdough bread.

    5. Check in with your body’s response to dairy 
    According to Snyder, many people are intolerant or sensitive to dairy, but undiagnosed; a whopping 65% of the human population is lactose intolerant. “Even for those who aren’t entirely ‘intolerant’ to lactose, dairy can still be a major trigger for irritable bowel syndrome among other digestive conditions, such as chronic constipation,” she explained. If you’re part of the 65% and have a lactose intolerance, your body is unable to fully digest the lactose in milk, leading to symptoms ranging from gas and bloating to abdominal pain and diarrhea after consuming dairy products. 
    Snyder suggested reaching for plant-based sources of calcium such as green leafy vegetables, tahini, and sesame seeds and eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds to fill in the gaps in your diet where dairy played a role. Thanks to the many plant-based alternatives to milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, you name it, at our disposal, going dairy-free has never been easier (or tastier). 

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