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    Not Into Dry January? Try These Healthy Alternatives Instead of Giving Up Alcohol Completely

    So you knocked back one too many spiked eggnogs and mulled apple ciders during all the merrymaking (AKA holidays), and when January 1 rolled around, you committed to Dry January—a popular yearly tradition alongside the common resolutions to work out more or lose weight—and swore you wouldn’t touch alcohol for the next 31 days. Sure, going cold turkey may sound like a good idea in theory, but when those post-holiday blues set in, taking a whole month off from drinking alcohol can feel unrealistic. And, IMO, any restrictive, quick-fix trend—be it a diet, detox, or cleanse—raises a red flag and sets off the alarms in my head.
    If you’ve decided to say “no” to jumping on the Dry January train and holding the booze for the entire month, you’ve come to the right place. Give these healthy approaches to drinking a shot (pun intended) this January and beyond. Whether you’re sober curious, wanting to cut back on imbibing for good, or considering taking a mindful break, read on for simple and sustainable alternatives to Dry January. 
    1. Try Damp January
    Consider Damp January Dry January’s more moderate, laid-back cousin. Rather than nixing alcohol completely, the idea behind Damp January is to drink in moderation and find a healthy balance throughout the month. It takes away the pressure, not to mention the feeling of being deprived, and allows you to enjoy the occasional Taco Tuesday margarita while making you less likely to engage in mindless drinking. Instead, you’re able to take a step back, reflect on what role alcohol plays in your life, and reevaluate your relationship with it. Translation: If you want a glass of wine, have it because you’re making choices based on what makes you feel good now (and later), rather than out of habit. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
    If Damp January is much more up your alley, the best part is you set the ground rules. That may look like keeping your daily count to one, recruiting an accountability partner, finding resources to help you reduce your alcohol intake, like a podcast or app, or changing up the way you socialize (more to come on that). However you partake in Damp January, it can help you hit “reset” on your drinking habits. 
    2. Set boundaries before drinking 
    Sometimes we just need to create some boundaries around a habit we want to change in order to see it through, and drinking alcohol is no exception. Before the week begins, determine the days you’ll imbibe. Perhaps you’ve decided Winesday Wednesday and Saturday-night mocktails it is. Will you set a drinking limit? No more than two nightcaps per night? Like with setting any goal, start small and be realistic, and once you achieve it, you can reach higher. And whatever you decide, commit to drinking one glass of water per alcoholic bevvie to offset its dehydrating effects. 
    You may notice only having drinks on the designated days will bring more awareness to your drinking patterns. Do you look to that cocktail to help you get through uncomfortable social engagements or that glass of Pinot to unwind after a long, stressful work day? Are you ordering that next round of drinks or topping off your glass of wine out of enjoyment or simply because it’s the thing to do? Also take note of how you feel mentally and physically after the days you drink versus when you abstain from drinking. Do you find yourself tossing and turning after a night of drinking and more clear-headed and energetic the morning after skipping the wine? Bottom line: Being more mindful when you drink and recognizing your inclination to drink will give you the upper hand in making healthier choices for you. And when you have guidelines to follow, you’ll set yourself up for success. 

    3. Stick to certain types of alcohol
    It goes without saying that not all alcohol is created equal. There are less-than-healthy libations, and then there are the notoriously mixed drinks high in sugar that leave you with much to be desired (hello, sugar-induced coma, crappy sleep, and hangover). Instead, reach for a single, clear alcohol, like vodka and tequila, as opposed to dark liquor (think: rum, whiskey, and rye), which has a higher sugar content and will likely lead to more dehydration and worst hangover symptoms. Mix with kombucha for its probiotics perks or sparkling water upgraded with fruits and herbs in a nice glass (because everything seems to taste better and feel fancier in one). 
    Another tried-and-true alternative to sugar-laden cocktails? Opt for organic red wine that’s free of preservatives, added sugars, and pesticides. Not only does it promote moderate drinking because you’re more likely to take your time enjoying it, but it also contains heart-healthy antioxidants. You can also try DIYing wine spritzers (mixing wine with sparkling water) and mulled wines. Wine spritzers deliver a one-two punch by lowering the alcohol content while adding the hydration factor, and mulled wines serve up additional health benefits with its spices. 
    4. Occasionally switch to non-alcoholic alternatives 
    Thanks to a major shift in drinking culture in which booze-free refreshments reign supreme and can be found at practically any food or beverage establishment, there’s a non-alcoholic substitute for whatever your drink of choice may be. From bubbly and spirits to beer and wine, take your pick of alcohol-free drinks that pack in flavor sans the dreaded hangover, not to mention the other undesirable side effects of alcohol, added sugars, and artificial flavors (you know, sleep disruption, mood swings, hangxiety…). If you still want some alcohol, but only care to keep drinking for the taste or experience, try one alcoholic drink and then switch to a booze-free alternative.
    Mixed drinks meant to mimic the presentation and taste of craft cocktails without the alcohol are having a moment, and for good reason. They’re as sophisticated and tasty as the next adult bevvie with endless recipes that you can enjoy at home (time to restock the bar cart!) or in any social setting. Trust me—you won’t even miss the alcohol. Going dry doesn’t stop there. If you’re into superfoods and supplements, you might want to check out functional beverages that infuse non-alcoholic alternatives with ingredients like adaptogens, amino acids, plants, and CBD.  The main takeaway? Saying “Bottoms up!” with booze-less varieties has never felt or tasted better. 

    5. Plan more alcohol-free activities
    It goes without saying that there are certain pastimes that are centered around booze and where you’re more likely to let your hair down than others. Case in point: happy hour, sporting events, parties. So when your BFFs want to hit up The Tipsy Cow or have a GNO, try suggesting an alternative activity that doesn’t involve drinking alcohol, such as a spa day, going for a hike, or acting like tourists and checking out the local attractions.
    Additionally, remember that glass of wine you lean on to relax after a rough day? Find other ways to take a breather. Whether that looks like sweating it out in a Pilates class, picking up a new hobby, or finally diving into that book you’ve been meaning to get to, choose a form of recreation that’ll occupy your time and take your mind off of sipping on an alcoholic beverage. You’d be surprised how much easier it is to stick with your new healthy drinking habits when you swap out the vino for another activity you consider a treat. Bonus points? You may end up saving some cash while you’re at it. 
    While this article addresses emotional dependencies and behaviors related to alcohol, it is not meant to help treat addiction. If you are struggling with substance abuse, call the SAMHSA National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for assistance.

    A Health Expert’s Guide to the Healthiest Ways to Drink Alcohol More

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    This Celebrity Nutritionist Shares Her Tips on How To Kickstart Healthy Eating Habits

    So it’s been a stressful week (or weeks–looking at you, holiday season) and your regular eating habits are thrown off-kilter. You’ve been making food choices that aren’t aligned with your bodies’ needs and cues. The result? Brain fog, low energy, painful bloat, weakened immune system, or just an overall feeling of blah. First of all, take a deep breath. It’s OK–we’re cyclical beings and our food habits are naturally cyclical too. But you don’t have to let a couple of takeout meals or a holiday season of eggnog and cookies spiral into an extended period of eating foods that don’t make your body feel its very best. 
    While there’s no one-size-fits-all definition of “healthy,” there are simple and sustainable ways to build a good-for-you diet (without actually going on a diet). I asked Kimberly Snyder, nutritionist, spiritual and meditation teacher, and author of You Are More Than You Think You Are, to let us in on her secrets on how to feel and look your best. With a clientele that reads like an A-list party invite (Reese Witherspoon, Drew Barrymore, and Channing Tatum, if we’re going to name-drop), consider her Hollywood’s go-to nutritionist—and now yours. Read on for the healthy eating tips she lives by.

    Meet the expert

    Celebrity Nutritionist
    Kimberly Snyder is a three-time New York Times bestselling author, spiritual and meditation teacher, nutritionist, and wellness expert. She is also the founder of Solluna®, a holistic lifestyle brand, and the host of the top-rated Feel Good Podcast. Snyder has been featured by many national media outlets, including Good Morning America, The Today Show, and The New York Times.

    1. Start the day with hot water with lemon
    The Ayurvedic practice of drinking hot water with lemon in the morning has long been touted for its health benefits (think: get things moving), and for good reason. “This simple practice helps to get you hydrated in the morning, supports great digestion, and can support your liver, your main detoxifying organ–it’s like drinking from the sun!” Snyder remarked. “Full of vitamin C, it’s a great way to support glowing skin as well.”  So before you reach for your morning cup of joe or bite into your breakfast, wake up and hydrate your body with the citrus-spiked beverage. Bonus points: You’ll get a leg up on hitting your hydration goal for the day and be more mindful of staying hydrated throughout the day by drinking the concoction first thing in the AM. It’s a simple addition to your morning routine that your digestive and immune systems will thank you for. You just might notice a glow-up in your skin too. 

    2. Stick with plant-forward eating
    We all know that a whole, nutritious diet includes piling on the greens. But rather than focusing on cutting out your favorite foods, Snyder encouraged setting your sights on munching on more plants. What would you find in Snyder’s fridge? Kale, spinach, microgreens, sprouts, apples, carrots, bananas, and nuts. “My mornings always include a Glowing Green Smoothie, made with three cups of leafy green vegetables, celery, banana, pear, apple, and lemon juice,” Snyder described. “This smoothie has 9-11 grams of fiber, which is key for stabilizing blood sugar and preventing the body from craving sugary foods later. This, along with giving ourselves incredible amounts of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, all work together and leads to being more in tune with nature and making better decisions all day.”
    Not a fan of a cold refreshment in the morning? Drink Snyder’s signature drink at room temperature or simply make sure you’re checking off produce at every meal. They’ll not only load you up with fiber and micronutrients, but also keep your body satiated and your blood sugar levels stable (read: a boost in energy and mood). 

    3. Meditate consistently
    Fueling our bodies physically through nutrition and movement is important, but the other piece of the wellness puzzle is giving our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being some much-needed TLC. Enter: meditation. “This is the most important practice of all, in my opinion, which has radically transformed my health, clarity, inner peace, intuition and abundance,” Snyder stated. “When we connect to our True Self, we stay more centered throughout the day and are able to be more clear and energized. You will know when you are truly hungry and will be better equipped to deal with emotions rather than give in to food cravings.” In other words, by connecting with yourself through meditation, you’ll bring awareness to the present, feel more calm, and be more in tune with your bodies’ signals.
    Let go of any perception that you have to meditate for an extended amount of time to reap the benefits. Even a one-minute meditation can flip on the well-being switch. Lean on Snyder’s guided meditations, download a meditation app that speaks to you, or take up focused breathing. 

    4. Take the right kind of probiotics
    If I were to pick the wellness buzzword as of late, it would be gut health. It’s the key to your physical and mental health after all. And that glow from the inside out we all crave? You can thank (or blame) your gut microbiome. Of course, the holy grail to keeping your gut health in check is eating a healthy diet, but adding high-quality probiotics to your regimen can also do wonders to heal your gut or keep it happy.
    According to Snyder, the word “probiotic” combines two Greek words: “pro,” which means promotion of, and “biotic,” which means life. The name says it all! “Probiotics have been shown to strengthen your immune system, improve digestion, promote weight loss, and even protect you from certain ailments and diseases,” Snyder emphasized. What’s more, according to Harvard Health Publishing, probiotics can help restore the balance when the gut becomes unbalanced with unhealthy levels of certain bacteria, thanks to unhealthy eating, stress, poor sleep, etc.
    When researching the best probiotic for you, consider the types of bacterial strains used, which strains and/or brand names have been studied for their effectiveness, and how the probiotics need to be stored. As a general rule of thumb, Snyder recommended looking for a formula containing soil-based organism (SBO) strains, such as her Solluna Feel Good SBO Probiotics+. “What does not make a formula effective or not is culture count,” Snyder conveyed. “Many brands can add billions of cultures into a formula for marketing, but they are destroyed before they get into your gut and they are not in proper ratios or the composition you need for a healthy, balanced microbiome. It’s not about numbers, it’s about efficacy.” When in doubt, pack on probiotic-rich foods like kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, tempeh, kimchi, and sourdough bread.

    5. Check in with your body’s response to dairy 
    According to Snyder, many people are intolerant or sensitive to dairy, but undiagnosed; a whopping 65% of the human population is lactose intolerant. “Even for those who aren’t entirely ‘intolerant’ to lactose, dairy can still be a major trigger for irritable bowel syndrome among other digestive conditions, such as chronic constipation,” she explained. If you’re part of the 65% and have a lactose intolerance, your body is unable to fully digest the lactose in milk, leading to symptoms ranging from gas and bloating to abdominal pain and diarrhea after consuming dairy products. 
    Snyder suggested reaching for plant-based sources of calcium such as green leafy vegetables, tahini, and sesame seeds and eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds to fill in the gaps in your diet where dairy played a role. Thanks to the many plant-based alternatives to milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, you name it, at our disposal, going dairy-free has never been easier (or tastier). 

    Healthier Swaps for All Your Favorite Snacks (That Still Taste Amazing) More

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    Everything You Need To Know About “Lucky Girl Syndrome,” the Internet’s Favorite Manifestation Method

    “I’m so lucky; everything works out for me.” If you haven’t heard that viral affirmation yet, you must be living under a rock–or maybe you’re just doing something more productive than scrolling on your phone. Either way, you’re missing out on the latest manifestation trend that everyone on TikTok is using to achieve their dream life: Lucky Girl Syndrome. Content creators Laura Galebe (AKA the CEO of the “Memoir Technique”) and Sammy K (AKA the college girl with a flip phone) helped popularize the trend by sharing their personal experiences trying it out. Both share in their videos about how the manifestation technique completely changed their lives and helped them attract unbelievable outcomes and opportunities. If this sounds like the kind of energy you’re trying to manifest this year, read on to learn more about Lucky Girl Syndrome and how you can apply it to your everyday life. 

    What is Lucky Girl Syndrome? 
    Before we had Lucky Girl Syndrome, we had the Law of Assumption. In his book The Law of Assumption: An Essential Lesson, Neville Goddard explained the principle, saying that whatever we assume to be true will eventually become true, for better or worse. This is the same thinking as Lucky Girl Syndrome. Do you know someone who always seems to have things go wrong for them? Think: They get a parking ticket, are summoned for jury duty, and spill their coffee all in the same day. Maybe these bad things always happen to them because they assume bad things will always happen to them. The same can be said for lucky people who find money in their pockets or get an unexpected promotion. Things always seem to work out for them because they assume they will. 
    The Law of Assumption also places importance on the power of imagination, saying that everything that exists came from someone’s imagination and was then brought into reality. If we can imagine something and assume it will happen, it will become our truth. If you can visualize being lucky and assume everything will work out for you, you’re on your way to becoming a lucky girl.

    The secret is to assume and believe it before the concrete proof shows up. BE DELUSIONAL. #bedelusional #luckygirlsyndrome #affirmations #lawofassumption #manifestationtiktok #manifestingtok #lawofassumptiontok #manifestation
    ♬ original sound – Laura Galebe

    How to practice it 

    Listen to an affirmation playlist
    On a recent episode of The Everygirl Podcast, self-development coach, manifestation expert, and best-selling author Roxie Nafousi shared that listening to affirmation playlists helped kickstart her manifestation journey. She recommended listening to affirmations as you fall asleep because it’s one of the few times of the day the self-conscious is most susceptible to reprogramming beliefs. “A belief is just a thought that’s repeated so many times that it becomes so,” Nafousi said. Search for affirmation playlists on YouTube, listen to the meditations and positive affirmations Roxie offers on her website, or try recording your own with customized lucky girl statements, like “I am so lucky” or “I don’t chase, I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me.” 

    Say your affirmations out loud
    Nafousi and Galebe both believe that saying affirmations out loud is key to making practices like manifestation and Lucky Girl Syndrome work for you. Like Nafousi explained, “The sub-conscious can’t differentiate a truth from a lie, so it will believe whatever you tell it. So, if you say a mantra or an affirmation, even if you don’t consciously feel it’s true, it doesn’t matter. Your sub-conscious will take it as truth.” Say your affirmations out loud in the morning to set the tone for a positive mindset, and prepare to have a lucky day.  

    Lucky girl syndrome is something that science has proven. This is why setting morning I tensions is so important. #luckygirl #luckygirlsyndrome #manifesting #manifestingmethods #milennials #eldermillenial #boomer
    ♬ original sound – Life Coach

    Set reminders  
    No matter how hard we try, it can be tough for some of us (*raises hand*) to remember to say affirmations every day. The solution? Try leaving affirmation notes around your house (think: a Post-it Note on your bathroom mirror) or making your affirmations your lock screen on your phone as a reminder that you are lucky and everything goes your way. Then when you stumble upon them throughout the day, take time to read them to yourself and say them out loud. Even lazy girls can be lucky girls. 

    Look for proof
    If you find that affirmations alone aren’t doing the trick, try this tip from brain training specialist and hypnosis practitioner Emilie Leyes. According to Leyes, our brains learn better from experiences than from words. In other words, pairing affirmations with real life examples will help us believe them. “Set an intention to start noticing the moments when things do go your way even if it’s the smallest thing,” Leyes said. “All of a sudden your brain is learning from these experiences and you’re going to subconsciously believe by default that things do go your way.” 

    The Everygirl’s Guide to Manifestation and Achieving Your Best Life More

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    Astrologists Share the Journal Prompts That Can Transform Your 2023

    While a clean, blank slate (read: the new year) brings with it an air of excitement, it also comes with added pressure, leaving you wondering where to even begin (and–if you’re like me–anxiety-ridden that I’m already somehow behind). The good news: Journaling can be just what you need as a jumping-off point to make sh*t happen. If the 4.4 billion views #journaling has on TikTok or the benefits journaling has on your mental health and well-being haven’t already convinced you to put pen to paper (or fingertips to keyboard), consider this your sign to get writing.
    I tapped into the expertise of astrologists to kick us off, because writer’s block is real and 2023 is all about doing the most. We’re not talking the “Dear Diary” of the past or cliche prompts, but rather deep self-reflection to (actually) achieve your best life. Remember that there is no right or wrong answers when it comes to journaling, and you won’t get dinged for improper syntax, spelling, or grammatical errors. Translation: Your journal—whether notebook or app—is a safe, judgment-free zone. Ahead, astrologists share the practices they swear by to reach your goals in 2023. 

    Why 2023 is an important year to start a journaling practice
    So you set an intention to take up journaling this year, but your new notebook has been sitting pretty on your desk collecting dust since January 1. Sound familiar? Well, if there was ever a year to channel your inner Sylvia Plath, it’s 2023. “We have lucky Jupiter in Aries this year, so it’s all about being bold and brave, creating opportunities for yourself, and pushing the limits,” said Iva Naskova, a western astrologer at Nebula. “2023 gives all of us a chance to take control and adjust our life the way we see fit and think it’s best. So self-reflection and writing about your future can help you manifest happiness, abundance, good health, and success.”
    Whether we care to admit it or not, we are often our own worst enemies—you know, the harsh inner critic, the overanalyzing, not trusting your gut. All the more reason to jot down your thoughts and create the life you want. “This is a year of understanding what is really going to be there for you, and where you need to become more self-reliant and anti-fragile,” conveyed Jill Loftis, an astrologer and Founder of Nuit Astrology. “It’s time to take responsibility for who you are and where you are going. It is up to you to decide if you are successful; if you are happy. And typically, there is one person standing in your way—you. That should become abundantly clear this year, and instead of scattering your energies, take the momentum of the beginning of this year to get clear and take charge.”
    Journal prompts to start the year off

    What makes you thrive and excites you? How can you make your everyday experiences richer and more endearing? 
    What aspects of your life have always stayed the same and why? What can help you make a change and move forward? 
    How can your life experiences help you expand and grow, and in which direction?
    What one self-defeating habit or pattern do I need to eliminate and how can I focus all of my energy and resources to healing that destructive habit?

    Why you should journal with the phases of the moon
    If you’ve ever noticed yourself in your feels during a full moon, that was no coincidence. In astrology, the moon represents your emotions—your feelings, hopes, fears, moods, relationships. And your journaling practice should vary with it. “Consistent action through the ebbing cycles of life is so key for living your best and astrology echoes that with its monthly moon cycles,” affirmed Julien Elizabeth, astrologer and yoga teacher. “My best tip for staying aligned is reflection and journaling with the phases of the moon. Life is always shifting and so too can our perspective to it.” Elizabeth suggests beginning with the new moon (January 21) to initiate a new cycle, and then staying steady with these weekly (or daily!) prompts to witness your growth.
    Liz Simmons, an astrologer and tarot reader, agreed: “Astrological journal prompts are best used during new moons, full moons, and when a planet enters a new zodiac sign. Depending on the astrological period, we can use the journal prompt to plan, set goals, or reflect. For example, new moons can be the perfect time to journal about new opportunities, manifestations, resolutions, and more. Full moons are more of a reflective period, so this is the time to journal about what has unfolded during this past lunar cycle and what you have gone through.”

    Journal prompts for each moon cycle

    New Moon: great energy for setting intention and orienting yourself for the cycle ahead.

    What dream or vision do you want to stay aligned to this month?
    What negative or unhelpful habits are you ready to transform?
    What actions or practices can you commit to integrate your vision and build upon your intentions?
    Where do you see yourself in six months? What are your top three goals or resolutions that you want to pursue during these next six months? What will inspire you to move forward during these next six months?

    Waxing Crescent Moon: a phase of small actions and building confidence, great for getting organized.

    What do you need to feel confident, energized, and engaged with your life right now?
    What strengths are needed to work towards your intention?

    Quarter Moon: great energy to come back to your “why” and check in with yourself, your actions, and how you’re feeling.

    What hurdles are you experiencing in your vision? 
    Where do you feel yourself out of alignment?
    Where is their pressure or intensity building in your life? How can you lean into the pressure that feels productive and helpful? Where can you lean away from any intensity that feels limiting or distracting?

    Full Moon: a powerful time to release what isn’t working and celebrate progress made.

    What are you learning most about yourself and your circumstances this month?
    What behaviors or patterns can you identify as blocking my progress?
    How can you honor these unhelpful patterns and release them to create more space for growth? (Creating a ritual or ceremony is great!)
    What have you learned or experienced over the last six months? What are three high points and three low points that stand out to you from this lunar period? What can you take away from this lunar cycle?”

    Last Quarter Moon: This is a time to get grounded back into the self and reflect on how you’re showing up this month.

    What are you celebrating about yourself this lunar cycle?
    What routines or rituals ground you and help you feel well cared for?

    Waning Crescent Moon: The days leading up to the next new moon are for reflection.

    Free write on what you feel grateful for and how you feel about the month’s cycle.

    Here’s What Astrologists Say To Add to Your Wellness Routine RN More

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    A New Study Shows That Nightmares Are A Good Predictor Of Future Dementia

    We spend a third of our lives asleep. And a quarter of our time asleep is spent dreaming. So, for the average person alive in 2022, with a life expectancy of around 73, that clocks in at just over six years of dreaming.

    Yet, given the central role that dreaming plays in our lives, we still know so little about why we dream, how the brain creates dreams, and importantly, what the significance of our dreams might be for our health – especially the health of our brains.

    My latest study, published in The Lancet’s eClinicalMedicine journal, shows that our dreams can reveal a surprising amount of information about our brain health. More specifically, it shows that having frequent bad dreams and nightmares (bad dreams that make you wake up) during middle or older age, may be linked with an increased risk of developing dementia.

    In the study, I analysed data from three large US studies of health and ageing. These included over 600 people aged between 35 and 64, and 2,600 people aged 79 and older.

    All the participants were dementia-free at the start of the study and were followed for an average of nine years for the middle-aged group and five years for the older participants.

    At the beginning of the study (2002-12), the participants completed a range of questionnaires, including one which asked about how often they experienced bad dreams and nightmares.

    I analysed the data to find out whether participants with a higher frequency of nightmares at the beginning of the study were more likely to go on to experience cognitive decline (a fast decline in memory and thinking skills over time) and be diagnosed with dementia.

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    Weekly nightmares

    I found that middle-aged participants who experienced nightmares every week, were four times more likely to experience cognitive decline (a precursor to dementia) over the following decade, while the older participants were twice as likely to be diagnosed with dementia.

    Interestingly, the connection between nightmares and future dementia was much stronger for men than for women. For example, older men who had nightmares every week were five times more likely to develop dementia compared with older men reporting no bad dreams. In women, however, the increase in risk was only 41%. I found a very similar pattern in the middle-aged group.

    Overall, these results suggest frequent nightmares may be one of the earliest signs of dementia, which can precede the development of memory and thinking problems by several years or even decades – especially in men.

    Alternatively, it is also possible that having regular bad dreams and nightmares might even be a cause of dementia.

    Given the nature of this study, it is not possible to be certain which of these theories is correct (though I suspect it is the former). However, regardless of which theory turns out to be true – the major implication of the study remains the same, that is, that having regular bad dreams and nightmares during middle and older age may be linked to an increased risk of developing dementia later in life.

    READ MORE: Are Your Drinking Habits Ruining Your Brain Health?

    The good news is that recurring nightmares are treatable. And the first-line medical treatment for nightmares has already been shown to decrease the build-up of abnormal proteins linked to Alzheimer’s disease. There have also been case reports showing improvements in memory and thinking skills after treating nightmares.

    These findings suggest that treating nightmares might help to slow cognitive decline and to prevent dementia from developing in some people. This will be an important avenue to explore in future research.

    The next steps for my research will include investigating whether nightmares in young people might also be linked to increased dementia risk. This could help to determine whether nightmares cause dementia, or whether they are simply an early sign in some people. I also plan to investigate whether other dream characteristics, such as how often we remember our dreams and how vivid they are, might also help to determine how likely people are to develop dementia in the future.

    This research might not only help to shed light on the relationship between dementia and dreaming, and provide new opportunities for earlier diagnoses – and possibly earlier interventions – but it may also shed new light on the nature and function of the mysterious phenomenon that we call dreaming.

    This article is taken from The Conversation, where it’s been published under a Creative Commons license.

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    Abidemi Otaiku

    NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Neurology, University of Birmingham More

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    14 Ways to Eat Healthier This Year Without Going on a Diet

    From rotating diet fads to misconceptions about how to eat healthier to achieve impossible body goals, numerous factors make nutrition seem complicated (and maybe even impossible), but healthy eating shouldn’t be so confusing. Rest assured, there is no miracle diet. There is no one method or magical list of guidelines to automatically get us all to achieve health goals, feel more energy, clear up the skin, and lose weight. Because while one way of eating might cure one person, it could be limiting to another. Plus, dieting is never sustainable—when we’re eating from a place of restriction, we will never feel satisfied. Food is meant to be as enjoyable as it is nourishing. Ditch your diets and try these 15 ways to eat healthier this year that you can stick to for your whole life (and not one of them is to restrict an entire food group).

    1. Have leafy greens with two meals a day
    If you make one change to your diet in 2023, consider it be eating more leafy greens. From spinach to arugula to watercress to romaine, leafy greens are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Plus, they’re so easy to sneak into meals—there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be eating multiple cups of greens a day. Try adding spinach to your smoothie, putting kale in a pasta dish or sauce, or ordering a side salad when you’re eating out. If all else fails, try these delicious ways to eat more greens. 

    2. Find plant-based alternatives of your favorite foods
    Listen, if you don’t like salads, don’t eat salads! Forcing yourself to eat bland meals and boring dishes will lead to binges, excessive cravings, and, worst of all, an unsatisfying life. Instead of eating foods you don’t like, get creative with healthier versions of your favorite foods. Try adding in more veggies or making simple swaps like opting for cauliflower pizza crust or chickpea pasta. For recipe ideas, check out these healthy alternatives to your favorite comfort foods and plant-based recipes for every craving.

    3. Make mealtimes sacred
    Healthy eating is not just about what you eat but also how. In a world where meals are often on the go and fast food is on every corner, we forget that food is not just about surviving—or even about enjoying the taste. Mealtime serves as a reminder to pause, slow down, and enjoy. Consider taking a break from work, turning off the TV, putting your phone away, and making each meal an opportunity to relax and be mindful. Whether you enjoy meals with the people you love or use it as an act of meditation to take a break from the busyness of your day, every meal should be about slowing down and mindfully enjoying your food.

    4. Load up on good-for-you beverages
    You already know to drink water and avoid sugary beverages like soda or sweetened coffee drinks as much as possible, so now it’s time to hack your hydration and include even more good-for-you beverages (in addition to your reusable bottle of water). For example, tea (like green, white, or hibiscus) has lots of health benefits, thanks to health-boosting components like polyphenols. You can also try sipping on green juice or replacing your typical soda with sparkling water, mint, and lemon. Bottom line: In addition to drinking water throughout the day, get creative with nutrient-rich drinks to sip on to increase health benefits and hydration.

    5. Eat fruit with breakfast
    Your mom used to give you orange slices and bananas with your Cheerios when you were a kid, but do you still keep up with your fruit intake? Maybe you’re good at adding veggies to your diet but forget about fruit, maybe you grab a breakfast sandwich from a coffee shop in the a.m., or maybe you’ve heard the myth that fruit isn’t good for you. The truth is that fruits are full of antioxidants, minerals, and fiber. They come from the earth; our bodies are meant to eat them. Whether your breakfast of choice is an omelet, avocado toast, or a bowl of Cheerios (old habits die hard), consider eating some berries or grapefruit on the side. 

    6. Add herbs to every meal
    Another easy way to sneak in fresh produce (are you sensing a theme here?) is by adding herbs to every meal. While herbs are typically considered a garnish, they’re actually leafy greens packed with nutrients and a variety of health benefits. Plus, they make everything taste more delicious. Try putting basil leafs on homemade pizzas, adding cilantro to stir-fries and sushi rolls, or chopping parsley into salads. Bonus points for starting your own herb garden at home.

    7. Listen to hunger cues
    So long, intermittent fasting trends and outdated “three meals a day” rules! 2023 is about ditching rules about when we should or shouldn’t eat food (and how much we’re supposed to eat). Instead of forcing yourself to eat three meals a day or five small meals a day (or whatever the latest trend is), simply eat when you’re hungry. Give yourself nourishing meals and focus on feeding your body with enough energy to get through the day, whatever that looks like to you. Likewise, rather than eating a portion that someone else recommends (whether it’s your mom, a restaurant, or the recommendations on the box), eat until you’re satisfied and not overstuffed. Find the amount, time, and method of eating that works best for your body and lifestyle. 

    8. Sprinkle seeds on everything
    If you haven’t been utilizing the seed food group, you are seriously missing out. Seeds like chia, flaxseed, and pumpkin seeds are nutritional powerhouses, containing a wide variety of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals like calcium, zinc, and magnesium. I sprinkle ground flaxseed on basically anything (yes, even dishes like pasta and salads), but you can also try adding chia seeds to your smoothie, snacking on roasted pumpkin seeds, and sprinkling sesame seeds on stir-fries. 

    9. Include more water-rich foods in your diet
    Drinking water is so 2022 (but, like, also crucially important, so please keep that up); you can eat your water too. Eating foods that are high in water content is the secret to long-term, lasting hydration (and a lit-from-within glow). Call in some backup for your water bottle by loading up on plants like tomatoes, cucumbers, romaine lettuce, and berries, which are all high in water. Watermelon is one of the most hydrating foods you can eat (no surprise where it gets its name), with a water content of 92%. Water-rich foods will hydrate your body like good ol’ H2O but will also add in the extra nutrients that come from fruits and veggies. 

    10. Try one new vegetable every week
    You probably have the same grocery list that you know, love, and revert to every single week when you head to your local Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods. While having a go-to list is necessary for us busy girls (and my other lazy girls out there), it doesn’t always set you up for the most inventive meals or greatest variety of nutrients. Challenge yourself to try one different veggie that you’ve never tried before. Maybe you saw a delicious butternut squash recipe and have never cooked butternut squash, maybe you see beets at the grocery store and Google how to prepare them, or maybe you come across a new leafy green at the farmer’s market that you’ve never tried. Trying (or cooking) something new will not only make your meals more exciting, but a bigger variety of foods also means a bigger variety of nutrients. Plus, you might like something so much, it ends up on your go-to grocery list. 

    11. Fill the majority of your plate with foods from the earth
    Instead of the 80/20 rule or limiting yourself to a plant-only diet if it feels too restrictive to you, think about eating “plant-foward.” While that title definitely sounds a little hokey, the idea is that you can emphasize and celebrate nutritious foods, but you don’t have to be limited to them. Instead of measuring, tracking, or limiting, simply make sure that the majority of your plate comes from the earth (instead of a factory), whether that looks like fruits, vegetables, whole grains (like oats, rice, and quinoa), or nuts and seeds. You’ll load up on the foods that make you feel good without restricting yourself from the foods that you enjoy. 

    12. Add more fiber to your diet
    While fiber is not the sexiest nutrient (protein and fats get all the attention!), it is one of the most important. And yet, only about 5% of the country’s population meets daily fiber recommendations. Fiber is the part of foods that the body can’t break down, so it passes through your entire digestive system and helps keep it healthy. But fiber has benefits other than just gut health and regularity (though those would be good enough). You can find fiber in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and seeds.

    13. Eat the rainbow
    No, I’m not talking about Skittles. You learned in middle school science class that plants get their colors from antioxidants, so it only makes sense to eat all the colors to provide your body with all the antioxidants, right? Incorporating all the colors—reds (tomatoes, apples, red pepper), blues (blueberries, blackberries, blue potatoes), oranges (sweet potato, butternut squash, tangerines), greens (leafy greens, Brussels sprouts, zucchini), yellows (spaghetti squash, bananas, corn), and purples (purple cabbage, eggplant, grapes)—is the easiest (and prettiest) way to ensure you’re getting an abundance of phytonutrients and the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. As an easy hack, try to add at least three different colors to each meal or include each color of the rainbow while grocery shopping.

    14. Let yourself enjoy foods you love
    You may think that deprivation helps you avoid “bad” foods, but in reality, deprivation is causing a lack mentality, meaning you’re more likely to binge said food when you do eat it or, more importantly, not truly enjoy your life. This isn’t just a warm and fuzzy body positivity tip—it’s a physical health hack that will help your body feel its best. When we remove “good” and “bad” labels around foods, we can listen to what the body really wants. We start craving the foods that help us live while mindfully enjoying the foods we never want to live without.

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    12 Reasons Why You’re Suddenly Experiencing Painful Sex

    Painful sex, or dyspareunia, can cause problems in a couple’s sexual relationship. In addition to physically painful sex, there is also the possibility of negative emotional effects, so the problem should be addressed as soon as it becomes evident.
    In many cases, a woman can experience painful sex if there is not sufficient vaginal lubrication. When this occurs, the pain can be resolved if the female becomes more relaxed, if the amount of foreplay is increased, or if the couple uses a sexual lubricant.
    READ MORE: Everything You Need To Know About Having A Coregasm 
    In some cases, a woman can experience painful intercourse if one of the following conditions is present:
    1. Vaginismus
    This is a common condition in which there is a spasm in the vaginal muscles, mainly caused by the fear of being hurt.
    2. Vaginal Infections
    These conditions are common and include yeast infections.
    3. Problems with the cervix
    In this case, the penis can reach the cervix at maximum penetration, so problems with the cervix (such as infections) can cause pain during deep penetration.
    4. Problems with the uterus
    These problems may include fibroids that can cause deep intercourse pain.
    5. Endometriosis
    Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium (tissue lining the uterus) grows outside the uterus.
    6. Problems with the ovaries
    Such problems might include cysts on the ovaries.
    7. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
    The tissues deep inside become badly inflamed and the pressure of intercourse causes deep pain.
    8. Ectopic Pregnancy
    A pregnancy in which a fertilised egg develops outside of the uterus.
    9. Menopause
    The vaginal lining can lose its normal moisture and become dry.
    10. Childbirth
    Intercourse too soon after surgery or childbirth.
    11. Sexually Transmitted Infection
    These may include genital warts, herpes sores or other STIs.
    12. Injury to the vulva or vagina
    These injuries may include a tear from childbirth or from a cut (episiotomy) in the perineum (area of skin between the vagina and the anus) that is made during labour.
    READ MORE: 5 Sex Positions You Should Finish With For An Orgasmic Grand Finale
    How can painful sex in women be treated?
    Some treatments do not require medical intervention. For example, in the case of painful sex after pregnancy, wait at least six weeks after childbirth before attempting intercourse. Make sure to practice gentleness and patience. In cases in which there is vaginal dryness or a lack of lubrication, try water-based lubricants.
    Some treatments for female sexual pain do require a doctor’s care. If vaginal dryness is due to menopause, ask a healthcare professional about oestrogen creams or other prescription medications. Other causes of painful intercourse also may require prescription medications.
    For cases of sexual pain in which there is no underlying medical cause, sexual therapy might be helpful. Some individuals may need to resolve issues such as guilt, inner conflicts regarding sex, or feelings regarding past abuse.
    READ MORE: “I Tried Masturbating To Cure My Hangover — This Is What Happened”
    Call a doctor if there are symptoms such as bleeding, genital lesions, irregular periods, vaginal discharge, or involuntary vaginal muscle contractions and ask for a referral to an SSASSERT-certified sex counsellor if there are other concerns that need to be addressed. More

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    Healthier Swaps for All Your Favorite Snacks (That Still Taste Amazing)

    We’ve all been there: Hanger sets in and you raid your pantry for the first store-bought grub you can find (looking at you, box of cookies). But whether it’s the mid-afternoon work slump or a case of the late-night munchies, you don’t have to sacrifice healthy eating or feel lethargic and sick to get your tasty, satisfying snack fix. From cereal and chips to candy and pizza, there’s a healthier alternative that doesn’t disappoint or skimp on flavor. Ahead, a round-up of better-for-you snacks that are just as satisfying as their counterparts. So whether your goal is to eat healthier or feel better, look no further. We’ve got all the dupes for your OG go-to sweet or salty bites. 
    Before we dive into it, a brief disclaimer: There’s room for all foods in a healthy–foods that check off the nutritious box, and those that simply taste good and bring you joy. These suggestions are not meant to villainize any foods. Instead, we’re dishing out alternatives that are similar to your favorites but beef up the nutritional value so you can satisfy your cravings without the all-too-familiar sugar crash. But if nothing hits the spot like that Lucky Charms or Cheetos, intentionally indulge totally guilt-free. This list is not intended to encourage you to avoid any foods, but rather to provide you with options if you’re jonesing for something to munch on that’s crunchy, salty, or sweet but want to lean on the healthier side. Warning: If you’re not already hungry, you’re about to be.  


    Lovebird Foods
    While we may not be parking it in front of the TV for our Saturday morning cartoons anymore, there’s something about the breakfast staple (cereal, ICYMI) that still brings comfort in adulthood. Unlike its colorful neighbors that line the shelves of the cereal aisle, Lovebird Cereal is made with organic, nutrient-dense cassava and coconut, and sweetened with honey and coconut sugar. In other words, you won’t find any artificial filler ingredients here. Plus, their offerings are full of prebiotic fiber to help support gut health. Breakfast for dinner, anyone?
    Available in four flavors.

    Pizza Bites
    Your classic childhood fave (read: a slice of cheese ‘za) has been reimagined into ooey-gooey, bite-sized goodness. Loaded with organic veggies, grass-fed cheeses, and olive oil all wrapped in a grain-free golden crust, each satisfying, nutrient-dense (hello, protein and fiber) nibble lives up to the reminiscent cheesy bliss with no pesticides, fillers, or added sugars. With meat lovers and vegetarian varieties, consider the Snow Days Pizza Bites your conventional pizza stand-in. Your taste buds and body will thank you. 
    Available in four flavors.



    Unreal Snacks
    Dark Chocolate Peanut Gems
    Step aside, M&M’S. There’s another chocolate treat in town, except the Unreal Snacks assortment uses up to 51% less sugar than the leading brand. Sans corn syrup, sugar alcohols, artificial additives, and chemical dyes, these poppable morsels may taste unreal, but there’s nothing fake about them. Reach for their Dark Chocolate Peanut Gems, Milk Chocolate Gems, or Crispy Quinoa Gems to get that equal parts chocolatey and crunchy gratification.
    Available in multiple varieties.



    Siete Foods
    Kettle Cooked Potato Chips
    The expression “Often replicated, never duplicated” may apply in most cases, but not here. These Siete Potato Chips serve up the perfect crunchy-salty combo you’d expect from the traditional potato chip with one major difference: Instead of the typical refined and genetically-modified vegetable oil (think: canola or soybean oil) you’d find on the label, these gems are cooked with heart-healthy, antioxidant-packed avocado oil. What’s more, you can get your hands on all the usual suspects in their flavor line-up—salt and vinegar, BBQ, and cheese, just to name a few. Did I mention the brand also has a Doritos dupe that can’t be beat (come at me)?
    Available in six flavors.



    Lesser Evil
    Paleo Puffs
    Fellow lactose-intolerant peeps, rejoice! Trade in the artificially-flavored and dyed Cheetos for these almost too-good-to-be-true Paleo Puffs that give Chester Cheetah a run for his money and then some. Expect the cheese factor (literally), but without the dairy (yes, you read that correctly). Instead, they use organic, non-dairy seasoning to pack in the flavor. Oh, and they’re also gluten-free and made with organic, immune-boosting coconut oil. The only downside? Try stopping at just a handful. 
    Available in three flavors.



    Simple Mills
    Farmhouse Cheddar Crackers
    Why mess with a classic like Cheeze-Its? For starters, these cleaner crackers get an “A” for the nutrient boost they deliver on, thanks to their flour blend of almonds, sunflower seeds, and flaxseeds. And with organic cheese in their arsenal, you get a winning combo of carbs, protein, and fat. Nosh on them alone or with a black bean dip or hummus for an additional helping of protein and fiber. 
    Available in five flavors.



    Toto Foods
    Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookie
    This isn’t your run-of-the-mill packaged confection by a long shot. With 10 grams of protein, eights grams of fiber, and a healthy dose of carbs and fats, you won’t regret subbing in this plant-based, gluten-free cookie as a mid-day or post-workout snack. It doesn’t hurt that it checks all the boxes for a foolproof dessert either. And the wholesomeness doesn’t stop there—add adaptogens like lion’s mane that can reduce mild symptoms of anxiety and depression to its list of superfood ingredients. Talk about keeping it real. 
    Available in two flavors.



    Sacred Serve
    The crème de la crème of beloved snacks: ice cream. While it gets a bad rap for its usual sugar-laden contents, Sacred Serve’s pints prove otherwise. Here’s the inside scoop: Sure, it’s technically vegan, but the rich, creamy texture will leave you wanting more. Made with potent superfoods, adaptogenic herbs, and medicinal mushrooms, not to mention naturally sweetened with coconut sugar, you can rest assured that there won’t be digestive drama. Happy gut, happy life, am I right?  
    Available in five flavors.



    Real Food From The Ground Up
    Cauliflower Pretzel Twists
    Pretzels may take a backseat to some of the aforementioned eats, but don’t get it twisted (pun intended): These aren’t your typical pretzels. Packed with a vegetable blend of spinach, broccoli, carrot, tomato, beet, and mushrooms (that you can’t taste), you’ve got salty-crunchy deliciousness with a side of fiber.



    They look, smell, taste, and feel like donuts, but even better and without the added sugars and artificial flavor. With an ingredient list you don’t have to think twice about, you’re left with “the feeling of eating a donut without the feeling you get after eating a donut.” Now that’s what we call a major “glow”-up.
    Available in five flavors.


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