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    The Fitness Tech Evolution

    I’ve never liked exercising. There. I said it. One of the reasons why: I was bored. I wasn’t engaged enough, and even with a gym buddy it can be a task. It wasn’t until I got into my early 30s that I started liking exercise again— and why, you may ask? Tech. As an IT […] More

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    Small Habits That Make Big Changes

    Have you ever gotten a couple of weeks into a health goal and realized: “Hey, this is so much harder than I thought?” While we all want to see instant results, overwhelming ourselves with tons of ideas and choices will not keep us motivated. However, there are a few small habits that can equal immense […] More

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    Beating the Flu, Part 2

    Having a cold or flu during the winter can leave people feeling down and out, and off track nutritionally and physically. Here are my top tips to help minimize your risk of catching colds and flu. 1. Take a Vitamin D Supplement Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and we actually need to ingest […] More

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    Beating the Flu, Part 1

    It can happen almost instantly. First there’s a fever, accompanied by what appears to be pimples or an insect bite, then pain, and shortly after— you’re being whisked from an emergency room to intensive care— and the treatments can seem endless. Sometimes there’s surgery involved and the recovery can last months! That’s a sample of […] More

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    Health Benefits of Sauna

    Scientists from Finland recently published a study in the Journal of Human Hypertension that confirmed sauna bathing provides many health benefits. The new research comes as no surprise to me! I take a sauna every day after my cardio and resistance-training workout. I have been a big proponent of sauna for many years. I personally […] More

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    Is Your Cell Phone Damaging Your Health?

    Mobile phones have made our lives easier and more complex. Aside from the ease of use and the ability to collectively work abroad from the office, our mobile society has freed us from tethered wires and gluing our eyes to monitors. But as time has gone on, and our phones have changed with the need […] More

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    We’re Not Living Longer

    The opioid epidemic is one of the greatest crises that this country has ever faced. Every day, countless numbers of men and women die at a young age because of overdoses. This epidemic knows no age bracket, as people of all ages have fallen victim to this addiction. It is thought that 25 million United […] More