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    12 Ways To Boost Your Libido And Have A More Satisfying Sex Life, According To Experts

    POV: You’re reminiscing about your first few dates with your long-term partner. You know, the time when you used to bonk like bunnies? Back then, it was physically impossible to keep your hands off each other, but now the idea of engaging in spontaneous lovemaking with your S.O. sounds, well, meh.

    If you can relate, you may be going through a period of low sex drive, also known as low libido.

    Biological Factors

    Libido is affected by a combination of biological, psychological and social factors known as the biopsychosocial model, says gynaecologist Dr. Alyssa Dweck, MD. “Bio-” refers to medical conditions such as: diabetes, heart disease and some cancers—essentially anything that can cause hormonal or blood flow changes, all of which can influence sexual drive, Dweck explains. Vaginal pain associated with intercourse (i.e., vaginismus) as well as ageing can also influence libido, adds double-certified gynaecologist Dr. Monica Grover, DO.

    Psychological Factors

    Meanwhile, the “psycho” part of this model is in reference to your emotional well-being and any mental health issues that may impact your libido. For example, depression and anxiety as well as history of abuse or trauma—sexual or otherwise—can impact your sex drive, says Dweck.

    Meet the experts: Alyssa Dweck, MD, is a practising gynaecologist and co-author of three books, including The Complete A to Z for Your V: A Women’s Guide to Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Your Vagina. Monica Grover, DO, is a double-certified gynaecologist and the chief medical officer for VSPOT. Rachel Smith, LMFT, is a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist.

    Social Factors

    Finally, “-social” is all about your relationship with sex and others. Cultural upbringing, religion and value systems influence people’s general thoughts about sex and how they specifically engage with it, explains Dweck. And when it comes to romantic relationships, if there’s conflict or difficulty, a couple’s libido will certainly be affected, she adds.

    Despite these barriers to entry (get it?), there is a way out of this sexual rut.

    If you’ve recently been feeling unsatisfied with your libido, sex experts are here to help. Ahead, they break down some possible reasons for why your sex drive is low and offer some tried-and-true tips for boosting your libido, so you can access pleasure once again.

    What’s considered a “normal” sex drive?

    Before getting into the nitty-gritty of why your sex drive might not be as high as you’d like, first, let’s settle what a normal sex drive is. The short answer: There is no “normal.”

    “Libido naturally varies from person-to-person and changes throughout your life,” explains Grover. What’s “normal” to you might not be normal for someone else, because your sex drive depends on your lifestyle and preferences, she adds.

    For example, someone who grew up in a household where sex was “taboo” and considered shameful might have a different desire for sex compared to someone who was raised in a sex-positive environment. “The messages that you heard about sex and sexuality and what it is and what it means all greatly impact your desire and openness to sex,” says certified sex therapist Rachel Smith, LMFT. So there is no normal; instead, you have to allow the time and space to check in and define for yourself how you wish—and not wish—to engage with sex, she adds.

    “The most important thing when we talk about normalcy is whether somebody is distressed about their drive,” says Dweck. Some people have a fairly low sex drive as their baseline and don’t feel distressed by it, i.e. it’s not hindering their quality of life. Others, however, are very affected by the number of times they have sex or think about sex, she adds, and for those people, some sort of intervention may be helpful.

    While no “normal” sex drive exists, it’s not abnormal for yours to change due to life experiences. As women age, especially during the menopausal period, their sex drive may diminish, explains Dweck. And when it comes to social factors such as relationships, “it’s also not unusual if somebody’s in a very long-term, albeit very happy relationship, that they may have a lower [sex] drive, either as a result of boredom or being stuck in a routine,” Dweck adds.

    Why is my sex drive so low?

    You already know sex drive is determined by a combination of biological, psychological and social factors, but ahead, the experts outline some specific physical and mental health barriers that might have you feeling bleh about making your bedrock:

    Physical Causes of Low Sex Drive

    Sexual dysfunction

    “Sexual dysfunction is a problem that can happen during any phase of the sexual response cycle,” says Grover. Some intercourse-related issues that may decrease one’s libido include: a history of painful sex (i.e., dyspareunia or genital pain either before, during, or after sex), vaginal dryness, vaginismus and/or problems reaching orgasm, according to Grover. All of these conditions “can create anxiety surrounding sex and lead to a decrease in sexual desire,” she explains.

    Reproductive health conditions

    Conditions such as endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also negatively impact libido due to the hormonal changes and imbalances associated with them, says Grover.


    Certain prescription drugs, especially a specific class of antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are known to decrease sex drive, explains Grover. These drugs impact your ability to access the hormones and neurotransmitters important for experiencing sexual pleasure, says Smith. “[Certain] antipsychotics and even medications for ADHD” can also lower libido, Grover adds.


    Studies have shown that poor sleep can induce adrenal fatigue and increase cortisol levels, which can diminish sexual desire, says Grover.

    Ageing and hormonal changes

    “Changes in estrogen and testosterone levels greatly affect someone’s libido,” says Grover. Some hormonal changes associated with ageing include pregnancy and menopause, both of which can influence sex drive.

    Pregnancy and postpartum

    “Hormone changes during pregnancy, just after having a baby and nursing can put a damper on sex drive,” Grover says. Not to mention, fatigue, changes in body image and the pressures of caring for a child can also contribute to a decrease in sexual desire, she adds.


    During the transition into menopause, estrogen levels drop, explains Grover. This can cause vaginal dryness, resulting in painful and uncomfortable sex, making you less interested in intercourse, she adds.


    Both too much or too little physical activity can cause a decrease in sex drive, according to Grover and a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.


    “Stress tends to be one of the number one killers of libido,” explains Smith. And while stress is a mental health-related issue, it’s also a physical health issue as “when cortisol levels go up, sex hormone levels go down,” she says.

    Mental Health Causes of Low Sex Drive

    Anxiety and depression

    Apart from the SSRIs used to treat these mental health conditions, anxiety and depression themselves interfere with your hormone levels, resulting in a lower libido. “Anxiety can cause increased levels of cortisol, or the ‘stress hormone,’ and high levels of cortisol can suppress the sex hormones that impact your sex drive,” explains Grover. Depression, for its part, can cause an imbalance of the neurotransmitters that help regulate libido, Grover adds. And, in general, physical fatigue, low self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness—all symptoms of depression—can decrease sex drive, she says.

    History of trauma

    Experiencing trauma, especially of the sexual variety (i.e., sexual harassment, sexual abuse, or rape), can negatively impact one’s desire for sex, explains Grover.

    Relationship problems

    Issues in a romantic relationship play a major part in decreasing sex drive, says Grover. “Problems with communication, trust or intimacy, are among the most common causes of a low libido,” she explains. While sex is a physical act, there’s no denying the vital role having an emotional connection plays in forming one’s desire for sex. “If you don’t feel safe, secure, cared for, seen, heard, or supported, then you’re less likely to take next steps in terms of intimacy,” says Smith. On the flip side, if the emotional bond is there, but you’re not finding the sex you’re having with your partner particularly pleasurable or enjoyable, that can also negatively impact your libido, she adds.

    Low self-esteem

    How you feel in your body plays a significant role in your openness and ability to access sexual desire, says Smith. “If one’s not comfortable in their own skin, how can they invite someone else in to share in that experience [of sex]?” she asks. The answer: It’s quite difficult (but not impossible—more on that in a sec).

    How can I increase my sex drive?

    Now that you know why your engine isn’t revving the way it used to, what can you do to step on the gas, so to speak? Ahead, these 12 expert-approved tips can help your sex drive go from zero to 60 (vroom vroom!).

    1. Get checked up.

    “Number one, get a medical checkup,” says Dweck. You want to make sure there’s no medical issue or medication that’s screwing with your libido. So, check in with your gynae or a specialist in hormonal changes to either figure out if that’s the cause or cross it off the list.

    2. Implement healthier lifestyle choices.

    Perhaps this comes as no surprise, but the consumption of alcohol and tobacco can negatively impact your sex drive, according to previous studies and research. So while it’s easier said than done—especially in the case of addiction—try your hardest to cut back on these substances.

    And if you’re always tired when it’s time to wriggle in between the sheets, consider getting more sleep and/or levelling up your exercise routine—or the opposite, working out less. Switching up your schedule might help you find your sexy sweet spot.

    3. Manage your stress and anxiety.

    Stress and anxiety increase cortisol levels, which in turn lower your libido. So to improve your sex drive, try to manage your stress and anxiety levels, says Grover.

    You may even consider indulging in some self-care—both after a stressful day and before engaging in sex. Maybe you take a bubble bath after work to open yourself up and alleviate the stress from the day, says Smith.

    4. Prioritize your mental health.

    If a history of sexual trauma is getting in the way of your ability to access pleasure, consider getting assistance to help you treat that trauma, depression, or anxiety, says Glover.

    You may want to speak to a licensed psychotherapist who specialises in your specific type of trauma—or, better yet, a sex therapist that can walk you through releasing any feelings of shame or embarrassment regarding sex and self-pleasure.

    5. Discover your desire style.

    Smith explains that there are two desire types: spontaneous and responsive. Spontaneous desire is what’s typically shown in movies and media; it describes someone who feels a mental or emotional need for sex, first, to which their body quickly responds to thereafter, she says. People with this desire style operate like a “light switch,” Smith explains.

    “Sex is more on the forefront of their minds—they’re probably initiating sex more often because it’s more readily available to them.”

    Those with responsive desire, however, need the physical arousal, first, then the mental and emotional wanting of sex comes after, explains Smith. “This is like the dimmer switch.” These people need to be in sexual experiences for the desire for sex to click in their mind, she adds. They’re not often initiating sex, but when they’re in the thick of it, they’re thinking, “This is great.”

    Arousal—the physiological response to sexual stimuli—often follows desire—the wanting of sex—so it’s important to get acquainted with your desire style in order to figure out what it is that you—and your sexual partner—need to get it on.

    Of course, it’s true that if you don’t want sex, you shouldn’t have it, but this thinking can sometimes be a disservice to those with responsive desire, says Smith. “As long as sex is consensual, you don’t have to want sex to have sex, actually,” she says. For those with responsive desire, it’s quite the opposite as their desire starts from a place of willingness versus wanting.

    6. Figure out your turn-ons and turn-offs.

    You can’t communicate what your sexual needs are with a partner if you, yourself, don’t know your accelerators—turns ons—and brakes—turn offs.

    “And that’s really the only way—through being able to communicate with your partner—that you’re going to learn how to develop good sex or experience a positive, pleasurable sexual experience,” says Smith.

    Smith explains that, in this society, the responsibility to discover your turn-ons and turn-offs is put on partners, when really it’s your own responsibility to figure out what helps you achieve orgasm. One way to figure out what gets you to a big O is through self-pleasure, of course. But yet another way…

    7. Explore erotic content.

    Not only does engaging with X-rated videos and books help you see what might turn you on, but it also assists in getting love on the brain, á la Rihanna. “This is called bibliotherapy, which is just a fancy way of saying using tools like videos or texts to try to get sexual thoughts on the brain,” says Dweck. “The more this is done on a voluntary basis, the more [the desire for sex] will become spontaneous.”

    8. Work on your emotional connection.

    In order to have a strong sexual connection, you first need to develop a strong emotional bond. If you’re feeling uncared for by your S.O., then you’re most likely not going to want to get in between the sheets with them.

    Make sure you’re feeling safe and secure and you can trust your partner and then the rest will follow, says Smith.

    9. Schedule sex.

    Truthfully, when you’re always busy with work schedules, chores and childcare, it can be hard to, uh, get in the mood. One solution: Put “sex” on the Google Calendar.

    For long-term couples, especially, having a convenient, dedicated time to involve yourself in intimacy can help alleviate some of the stress and pressure of keeping the spark alive, says Dweck.

    10. Spend more time on foreplay.

    A huge influence to a low sex drive, especially for long-term couples, is boredom and being stuck in a rut or routine. To get out of that vicious cycle of just “hitting it and quitting it” and re-access pleasure, Grover recommends spending more time getting each other warmed up before heading into the main event.

    You might even consider trying out a new sex move you learned from an erotic video or bringing in sex toys like nipple clamps or a magic wand.

    11. Get rid of expectations.

    Many times folks are so focused on how they “should” be showing up sexually or how their body appears in the heat of the moment that they aren’t present enough to fully enjoy themselves and be in connection with their partner, explains Smith. Sex thus becomes something pressure-inducing, rather than something enjoyable.

    To increase your desire for sex and reach peak pleasure, Smith recommends “slowing down and smelling the roses.” In other words, alleviate the pressure to perform a certain way.

    Think of sex not as something you do, but as a place you go to be together and have a different experience, she says. Once you’re able to put all of that other stuff aside, then you’re truly able to experience the connection that’s available.

    12. Consider a medical intervention.

    If your low sex drive is really causing you distress and you’re discovering that none of these natural remedies are working for you, medical intervention is an option, says Dweck.

    In the end, if you’re not satisfied with where your libido is at right now, just know there’s hope. Through open communication, some self-exploration and self-care and a caring partner, you’re sure to find a frequency—plus, some new sex moves—that will make you both happy and (consensually) handsy.

    This story was written by Naydeline Mejia and was first published on More

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    Everything You Need To Know About Type 1 Diabetes

    Per the Diabetes Atlas, over 40,000 people in South Africa suffer from diabetes. And, according to the Type 1 Diabetes Index, 39 healthy South African lives are lost due to the condition. What’s more, an estimated 100,000 people are undiagnosed, according to the Diabetes Atlas. Here’s what to know about Type 1 diabetes specifically.

    What Is Type 1 Diabetes?

    Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune condition in which the pancreas produces little to no insulin. It is provoked by an autoimmune reaction, in which the body attacks the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Without insulin, glucose builds up in the bloodstream and cannot enter cells to produce energy, leading to elevated blood glucose levels and a range of symptoms and potential complications.

    This process may unfold for months or years before symptoms appear. While some individuals with type 1 diabetes have a genetic predisposition to the condition, others do not, and researchers are still working to pinpoint potential environmental factors—like viruses or other stressors—that may trigger the autoimmune attack. Diet and lifestyle habits do not cause type 1 diabetes.

    Type 1 diabetes has historically been referred to as “juvenile” or “insulin-dependent” diabetes. But Dr Joel Zonzsein, director of the Diabetes Center at the University Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, notes that although the condition is “mostly diagnosed in children and young adults, it can develop at any age and should be taken seriously as a possibility in adults—referred to in such cases as ‘latent autoimmune diabetes of the adult’ (LADA).”

    What Are The Causes Of Type 1 Diabetes?

    Type 1 diabetes is caused by an autoimmune reaction. Having a parent or sibling with the disease may increase your risk for developing type 1 diabetes. Environmental factors may also play a role in triggering the autoimmune reaction, but researchers are still working to better understand this possible pattern.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Type 1 Diabetes?

    Type 1 diabetes symptoms may occur suddenly, often in adolescence or early adulthood and can include:

    Talk to your healthcare provider if you notice any of the above symptoms in yourself or your child. In some cases, the first noticeable symptoms of type 1 diabetes may be signs of a life-threatening state called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Symptoms of DKA include:

    If you or your child have symptoms of DKA, contact your doctor or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.

    How Is It Diagnosed?

    Diagnosing type 1 diabetes requires only a few simple tests. Doctors most often use a random plasma glucose (RPG) test, which measures blood glucose at a single point in time, to diagnose. A random blood-glucose test higher than 200 mg/dL suggests a diabetes diagnosis, regardless of when you last ate a meal or snack. Often, a healthcare provider will use an A1C blood test, which provides an average of blood glucose levels over a period of three months, to determine the duration of a patient’s high blood glucose.

    While these tests can determine whether you have diabetes, they cannot differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Treatment plans differ significantly between the two conditions, so it is crucial to have a correct diagnosis.

    To determine if you have type 1, a doctor will test the blood for specific auto-antibodies that are a common marker of the autoimmune reaction that causes the condition. They may also test your urine for ketones, which are produced when the body burns fat for energy instead of glucose and indicate type 1 diabetes if present.

    How Is Type 1 Diabetes Treated?

    While treatment options have significantly advanced in the past few decades, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes. So living with it—and preventing later complications—requires close blood-glucose management, via a blood-glucose meter or a continuous glucose monitor.

    Type 1 diabetes is primarily managed via insulin therapy. Different types of insulin work at different speeds and last different lengths of time. You may need to use more than one type. Insulin can be taken in several different forms to best suit personal preferences and lifestyles:

    Syringes and pens: These are injected multiple times daily and often involve a combination of short- and long-acting insulin types. Different brands vary slightly in their effective onset, peak time and duration.

    Insulin pumps: Pumps are small devices that deliver a continuous supply of long-acting insulin throughout the day via a small tube inserted under the skin, mimicking a healthy pancreas. They can also be programmed by the user to release short-acting insulin during mealtimes.

    Artificial pancreas (AP) systems: These systems combine the functions of an insulin pump with a continuous glucose monitor to adjust insulin delivery based on glucose fluctuations. By responding to real-time glucose readings, AP systems can regulate blood sugar more effectively than traditional manual methods. As the name indicates, this form of closed-loop management most effectively imitates a healthy pancreas—but does require the use of two devices at all times.

    Inhaled insulin: Quick-acting inhaled insulin is one of the newer forms of FDA-approved treatment for type 1 diabetes management. It is used in combination with long-acting insulin (either via injection or pump) and inhaled shortly before meal times. However, according to Diabetes South Africa, this treatment is not yet available here.

    Living With The Condition

    Living a healthy life with type 1 diabetes also involves lifestyle adjustments, including:

    Regular blood-glucose monitoring: Checking blood-glucose levels throughout the day is essential to managing the condition and preventing future complications that can result from prolonged high blood sugar.

    Carbohydrate counting: In order to maintain stable blood-sugar levels, it’s often important to match your insulin dosage to your carbohydrate intake. An endocrinologist can help you determine your individual insulin-to-carb ratio and dose accordingly for each meal and snack. Managing this condition does not require you to give up your favourite foods—so long as you know how to dose for them!

    Movement: Regular exercise can help to regulate blood sugar levels and improve long-term health.

    Regular checkups: People living with type 1 diabetes should regularly meet with a team of medical specialists, including an endocrinologist, optometrist and in some cases a dietitian, to help monitor their blood-glucose management and prevent future complications.

    Complications Of Type 1 Diabetes

    Image by

    Although this is a chronic and lifelong condition, many people live long and healthy lives with it, with few or no associated complications. “Keeping blood sugar levels under control is the most important thing that people with type 1 diabetes can do to prevent complications,” Dr Zonszein says. He also emphasises the importance of regular check-ups and developing a good management plan with a team of medical specialists.

    Poorly managed type 1 diabetes—namely, continuous high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia—can damage several areas of the body. Complications can include:

    Nerve damage: Prolonged high blood glucose levels can cause nerve damage. This leads to diabetic neuropathy, which most often affects the hands and feet.

    Eye problems: Elevated or uncontrolled blood glucose levels can also cause diabetes-related retinopathy. This can lead to vision loss, blindness, macular oedema and glaucoma.

    Kidney damage: High levels of glucose in the blood can damage the blood vessels and filters in the kidneys (nephropathy).

    Foot issues: High blood glucose levels can reduce the blood supply to the feet, resulting in reduced sensation. This can increase the risk of wounds, cuts, infections and non-healing sores.

    Complications related to the heart and blood vessels: Extended high blood glucose levels can damage the blood vessels and nerves. It can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure.

    Gum disease: Excess glucose in the blood can move into the saliva, causing germs and plaque. These increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

    How To Prevent It

    Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent type 1 diabetes. Because it can be passed down genetically, your family can be preemptively tested for auto-antibodies. Their presence in the blood—even in the absence of symptoms—can help catch the early onset of the condition.

    This story was written by Zoë Brown and was first published on More

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    Enjoy Your Downtime (Without Feeling Guilty) In 3 Easy Steps

    If you’re one of those people who leave the office only to grind away when you arrive home, postponing even the simple act of eating — we’re talking to you! We all have permission to relax and do absolutely nothing from time to time, a concept the Italians refer to as il dolce far niente.

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    On a serious note though, believing that taking time out will only leave you more anxious and is therefore a waste of time was linked to less happiness and more depression, anxiety and stress, per a study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Our constant focus on achieving more and more, without ever pausing to smell the roses is actually counterproductive, says Johannesburg clinical psychologist Sandra Papoutsis. “It actually keeps us on a never-ending treadmill of expectations that prevents us from experiencing the present moment,” says Papoutsis.

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    Unwinding seems like too much? Remember that not everything needs to have a goal, a bit of a difficult mindset to adopt if you’re a recovering workaholic. You can start by unplugging from email and social media in favour of spending time with those you love, especially when nothing’s (urgent) on the agenda. Or schedule solo time to catch up on reading, TV or organising your closet.

    3 Steps To Help You Enjoy Your Downtime According To An Expert

    Clinical psychologist Sandra Papoutsis recommends following these simple steps

    1. Switch Off

    “Give yourself permission to turn off! It’s pointless taking time out if you allow your thoughts to leave you feeling guilty. Remember that you’re in charge of your thoughts and only you can turn them off.”

    How To: Repeat self-affirming mantras, focus on what you can do now (not the future), take deep breaths, inhale a calming essential oil such as chamomile, clary sage or lavender.

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    2. Embrace Your Senses

    “Mindfully bring yourself into the moment; what can you hear, see, smell, taste and feel? This practice will distract you from those intrusive thoughts that drain your energy.”

    How To: Get into the habit of engaging with various scents (freshly brewed coffee, fragrances, flowers etc), savour the flavours of food and drinks, go in for those long affirming hugs or treat yourself to a massage.

    3. Recharge Mindfully

    “Choose activities that fulfil you and feed your senses; indulging the senses facilitates recharge. In essence, dedicate more time to being in the moment!”

    How To: Sit in nature, take a scented bath, listen to music, or analyse the lyrics to your favourite song. More

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    12 Books To Help You Survive Year-End Fatigue

    Aaaaahhh, the much-dreaded year-end fatigue is finally here! And don’t worry, you’re not alone. Along with other self-care practises, may we suggest burying your head in a book that will boost your motivation and pep up your energy levels.

    You’re probably thinking: “Why would I want to read when all I want is to pass out at this time of the year?” Well, research has proven (more times than we care to remember) that reading helps slow down the brain, thereby helping us relax physically and mentally. Especially when done at night, reading can help send you off to la-la-land swiftly. FYI: 71 percent of adults who read weekly, and participated in a 2019 survey commissioned by Kindle, reported feeling happier and lighter than those who read seldomly, or not at all.

    Whether you’re emotionally or physically drained — or simply looking for a blow-by-blow guide on how to keep fatigue at bay year after year or to escape your current reality of back-to-back deadlines – the list below has you covered.

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    1. Your Life Matters: Why and How To Honour Your Existence Through Writing by Norma Young

    Writing is one surefire way to offload those niggly emotions that weigh heavily on us. The lessons embedded in every page of Your Life Matters will have you feeling like a Pulitzer-deserving writer in no time.

    The book, curated for journalling enthusiasts and authors-in-the-making, makes a solid case for writing as a necessary exercise for overall wellbeing. Young touts writing as a tool that can be used to stay sharp or record and review emotions. It also offers guidelines on how to navigate the writing process.

    2. I’m So Effing Tired: A Proven Plan to Beat Burnout, Boost Your Energy and Reclaim Your Life by Dr Amy Shah

    The secret to nipping burnout in the butt, says Dr Shah, lies in utilising the very complex energy trifecta — “the interconnected relationship between your gut, immune system and hormones.”

    Merging the latest scientific insights with her medical experience, she advocates for (a) Changing what you eat (b) Changing when you eat and (c) Discovering the why behind your stress. Be prepared to feel like a whole new person, promises Dr Shah.

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    3. Have A Little Faith by Mitch Albom

    A compilation of stories about faith, religion and the power of belief that tracks two real-life characters – an elderly Rabbi from Albom’s childhood and a reverend from a Detroit neighbourhood. Through conversations and interviews with both men, Albom discovers how their religious beliefs differ yet remain similar in many ways.

    He also learns how their faith influences their lives and how it affects those around them. The book explores what it means to have faith in a world that often appears to lack it. Ultimately, Albom finds that faith is not an abstract concept, but a powerful force that can bring light to the darkest of days.

    4. Before The Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

    Set in Tokyo, Japan café, this is a magical that explores the interconnectedness of lives (COVID-19 taught us this already!) and the choices we make. The novel explores themes such as regret, love and the importance of making the most of every moment through the experiences of four characters.

    Each character’s journey is intertwined with the others’ as they learn to let go of their regrets and embrace a life of hope and gratitude. The storyline ultimately reveals that although life can be fleeting, joy can still be found in the little moments that make up our lives.

    READ MORE: 11 Ways To Beat Year-End Fatigue

    5. The Art of Rest: How to Find Respite in the Modern World by Claudia Hammond

    The world is packed to the brim with stress and over-stimulation – that much we know! And often times when sh*t hits the fan, rest becomes the last thing on our minds. In these pages, expect to find different ways to improve your relaxation practices — from the types of holidays to go on, the under-utilised power of play, how to create restful environments wherever you are as well as how to be mindful of rest and more.

    The book also explores the science of rest and the different rest strategies we can enlist to recover from stress. Ready to be productive?

    6. Everyday Self-Care: The Little Book That Helps You Take Care of You by CICO Books

    Self-explanatory, expect to find various simple and creative ways to help take care of your mind, body and soul when life gets busy (which is always, it seems!).

    Very NB: This little book of self-care doesn’t promise results but preaches implementing small changes that will gradually improve your energy levels and quality of life leading you to sleep better, eat healthier, relax more, stop your overthinking in its tracks, declutter your mind and make progress in achieving the ever-elusive ‘balance’.

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    7. The Little Book of Happiness For When Life Gets Tough

    From incessant cellphone notifications that demand our attention to news cycles that deliver negative news around the clock, distractions and negative feelings are always lingering about and doing a number on our emotions.

    The Little Book of Happiness is a compilation of wise words from some of the world’s renowned personalities – from ancient philosophers and celebrated writers to modern-day figures. Expect to have your thinking patterns transformed, your mood boosted and to work at your inner joy.

    8. The Joy of Small Things by Hannah Jane Parkinson

    Uplifting in all the right places and an absolute joy to read, The Joy of Small Things is a reminder to take time out to appreciate the small things in life that can bring you contentment (Yep, you’ve heard that one before!).

    Parkinson encourages readers to take the time to appreciate the small things, such as the beauty of nature, a good cup of tea or a funny moment with a friend, sharing how such moments can act as a momentary escape from the struggles and anxieties of life. 

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    9. The Things You Can Only See When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim

    The Things You Can Only See When You Slow Down stresses the importance of living mindfully and in the present, explaining in great detail how slowing down helps us observe the beauty of life and to be aware of our own thoughts and emotions.

    It also offers practical nuggets on how to practice mindful living (think: meditation, self-compassion and gratitude). Some of the themes explored include topics such as dealing with stress, overcoming depression and cultivating meaningful relationships. 

    10. The Sun Will Rise and So Will We by Jennae Cecelia

    Using vivid imagery and carefully selected words, this poetry anthology illustrates the power of resilience and hope, encouraging readers to never give up, no matter how tough the going gets.

    Now, show us anything better than beautiful words to remind you that life is beautiful and that life means well!

    READ MORE: Radio Personality Gugu Mfuphi On The Lessons Learnt During Her Kilimanjaro Summit — And More

    11. The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

    In this moving account of how humans sign a spiritual bond the minute they land on earth, the author takes readers on a journey that nudges readers in the direction of evolving from understanding power as the ability to manipulate into acknowledging power as the alignment of the personality with the soul, also known as authentic power. Expect to walk away with a better understanding of how human interactions are formed at a far deeper level.

    12. A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons From The School of Life by Alain De Botton

    The importance of understanding your emotions, taking responsibility for your own well-being, practising self-care, the need for compassion, the power of forgiveness and the need for self-reflection are all themes covered by this book that will leave you self-aware and better equipped to deal with life’s never-ending challenges.

    Women’s Health participates in various affiliate marketing programmes, which means we may get commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. More

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    11 Ways To Get More Energy When You’re Feeling Tired

    We can all agree that it has been a loooong year! The best way to get through this time of the year, with decent energy levels, is to get enough sleep at night.

    Honestly: “Nothing replaces sleep to give you energy,” says Dr Alison Kole, director of sleep services at Summit Medical Group. “Most people require seven to nine hours of sleep per night to feel their best.”

    Still, that’s not always entirely possible (just one more episode of Manifest and a few minutes on TikTok can’t hurt, right?). But the good news is there are some quick energy-boosting tips you can try that work pretty well in the moment. Here’s how to get more energy, like, right now.

    1. Follow this super-specific hydration formula

    Admit it: You don’t drink as much water as you could – and dehydration is one of the main reasons why energy levels bottom out.

    “Most of us walk around in a state of dehydration on a daily basis and when your body is dehydrated it can make you feel tired and sluggish,” says registered dietician and nutritionist Dr Allison Childress.

    Fortunately, Dr Childress also says that pretty much any kind of beverage (except alcohol) counts toward your daily intake, so if you’re not a huge fan of plain water, mix it up with juice, tea, or even broth from soup.

    Not sure how much you need? Dr Kole says it depends largely on your body size and recommends multiplying your weight by 20 grams to calculate what your daily goal should be.

    2. Choose coffee over energy drinks

    Yes, a quick jolt of liquid caffeine can definitely perk you up – but here’s the thing, not all caffeine is created equal.

    “Stay away from energy drinks…they may give you a temporary boost, but these are stimulants and can set you up for a crash later on,” says Dr Childress, adding that energy drinks often contain caffeine as well as a mix of other stimulants like guarana and yerba mate.

    She says that 240 to 350 mils of coffee is a much better choice when you need some liquid energy (i.e., no crash). Just be mindful of the timing. Dr Kole warns that having caffeine too late in the day (say, after 4 pm) can interfere with sleep – and possibly force you to need even more caffeine the next day.

    READ MORE: How To Brew Coffee At Home: Plus, The Coffee Makers You Need RN!

    3. Snack on both carbs and protein

    Your body’s energy comes from the calories you consume, says Dr Childress, so if you’re feeling sluggish you might need to fuel up. But don’t head to the vending machine; there’s a simple formula for noshing on a perfectly energising (and healthy) snack.

    “Choose a carb and a protein for maximum punch,” she explains – the carbs will provide your body with fuel, while protein will help you stay fuller (and more satisfied) longer. “Try an apple with a piece of string cheese, a cracker with nut butter, or half of a protein bar,” says Dr Childress.

    4. Do a few laps at the office (or just get up for some water)

    If you find yourself nodding off at your desk, there’s a simple solution: Take a walk – it’s an automatic source of energy that boosts your circulation and keeps your muscles active, says Dr Kole.

    And before you complain that there’s no place to walk outside your office building, know that fresh air is not mandatory for this tip to work. Take regular trips to the water cooler, log some laps around the open-plan cubicles, or walk up and down the stairs a few times. Dr Childress suggests setting an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to get up from your desk every hour and move.

    “Do it regularly to keep fatigue at bay and keep your mind focused — a move break is just as good for your mind as it is for your body,” she explains.

    5. As soon as you wake up, make a plan to crush the day

    You know that feeling when you wake up and have so much to do that you kind of just want to go back to bed? This tip can help with that “I’m so overwhelmed” feeling.

    Dr Kole suggests starting every day with a positive thought or goal (like, “I’m going to spend 20 minutes mentally rehearsing for my presentation over coffee today”). This will help you manage your attitude toward the day’s activities – and conserve some of your precious energy, because freaking out about everything is super draining. “Personally, I try to focus on one thing I’m thankful for,” she says, “which creates a positive mindset moving forward.”

    READ MORE: Do This Cardio Workout At Home To Burn Cals And Boost Your Mood

    6. Take a whiff of something refreshing

    Whether you work in an office or at home, the air around you can get…stale – which definitely doesn’t bode well for staying alert.

    Perk up by diffusing essential oils (they’ll spice up your environment and boost your energy levels). Dr Childress says that eucalyptus and citrus oils can refresh a tired body and mind and that if simply smelling some zesty lemon doesn’t quite do the trick, you can also try putting a drop on some pressure points (like the insides of your wrists) for an extra kick. Just make sure to read the directions; some essential oils can irritate the skin.

    7. Go outside on your lunch break

    Sunny days aren’t just good for your mood — they can also be good for your mental and physical health.

    “The sun can be very invigorating [and it can also] stimulate vitamin D production, which has been shown to enhance mood,” says Dr Childress. Everyone needs vitamin D for bone health, but many don’t get enough of it from food—enter, supplements and good old-fashioned sunshine.

    FYI: a little bit of sunscreen-free sun exposure is okay, but make sure you don’t go overboard. You don’t need to tan or burn your skin in order to soak up those vitamin-rich rays; you only need about 10-15 minutes of exposure.

    8. Keep your curtains open and wake up by daylight.

    If you need one more reason to consider the sun your friend, pay attention: opening up your curtains and letting daylight into your bedroom as soon as you wake up in the morning can set you on an energised course for the whole day.

    Kole says that exposing yourself to bright light first thing in the a.m. helps regulate your internal sleep-wake body clock and may even improve your mood, especially if you suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

    READ MORE: 9 Mineral Sunscreens That Won’t Damage Your Skin – Or The Environment

    9. Go ahead, take a (power) nap.

    If you have a full-time job (or children), taking a nice, long restorative nap when you’re feeling sleepy is probably out of the question. But there’s good news: you don’t need a long nap to reap the benefits of some afternoon shut-eye.

    Pro tip: The ideal length for a power nap is about 20 minutes.

    “Longer naps tend to leave people sleepier, in part because the further you go into a sleep cycle the more likely you are to hit deep sleep and waking up during that stage often causes people to feel groggier.” Basically, consider this permission to take a quick midday snooze.

    10. Try to sweat a little bit before breakfast

    In addition to making you feel super-productive before even starting your day, working out in the morning can boost your energy, as well as control anxiety and reduce stress – two major energy-suckers, says Dr Kole.

    But there’s one other reason to make going for a daily run the first thing on your daily to-do list: According to Dr Kole, a morning workout sets a positive and energised tone for the rest of your day, while working out in the late afternoon or evening is more likely to interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night, she adds.

    READ MORE: 5 Morning Routines That Actually Work, According To Science

    11. Free up brain power by actually writing things down

    If I were to peek into your brain right now, I’d likely see a miles-long list of appointments, schedule changes and other things you definitely cannot forget about – and that’s a recipe for crushing fatigue, says Dr Kole.

    You actually expend a lot of energy trying to mentally keep track of everything you need to do, so Dr Kole recommends sitting down to actually get some of that stuff done – or at least organising yourself better by writing down all of those things. She says resolving these distracting loose ends can free up tons of brain power and make you feel more prepared to tackle the next thing on your list, whatever it is.

    This article written by Sarah Bradley was originally published on  More

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    The Thing About Self-Care Is…

    Self-care – most crave it; most want its much-discussed benefits yet in between the demands of everyday life, we find ourselves often striking it off our to-do lists.

    As aptly put by, “…self-care practices are intentional steps to take care of yourself. Self-care practices put deposits into your wellness ‘bank account’. Consistent deposits give you more internal resources to draw upon during stressful times.”

    Countless research has been published on how practising regular self-care leaves us energetic and emotionally sound, with some room to extend a helping hand to others. As the New Age hashtag goes, #SelfishIsTheNewSelfLove. Being busy should not stand in the way of you indulging in one or two self-care routines daily. Remember: There aren’t enough hours in a day as it is, and you may never have free “me-time” waiting for you to claim it.

    Below, three women share heartwarming anecdotes of how they learnt (the hard way) that pouring from an empty cup wasn’t sustainable — and that if anything, it leads to physical and mental exhaustion. 

    READ MORE: 21 Best Self-Care Gifts For Her That Go Way Beyond Face Masks

    Lally Dladla

    “It took a hysterectomy for me to realise that I was kind, giving and generous to everyone but myself!”

    In 2020 I started having dizzy spells, heavy monthly periods and recurring nosebleeds but paid them no heed. Over and above the pandemic-induced anxiety, I didn’t need the additional stress of a body desperately crying out for attention. A visit to my gynae in 2021 revealed that I had a rare condition that required an urgent hysterectomy. Postponing indefinitely would lead to my health being compromised. One thing anyone who knows me will vouch for is that I live for my sons, my miracle babies.

    Leading up to the op, I’d quell my anxiety by reminding myself that postponing wouldn’t only cut my life short, but also rob my sons of the opportunity to grow old with me. So, I forged ahead – fear in tow. Exhausted and drowning in my thoughts one morning post-op, it suddenly dawned on me that I either didn’t love myself or had no idea what self-love looked like. In hindsight, being diagnosed with anaemia, low blood pressure, the hysterectomy and getting Covid – all in one year – were a wake-up call. I started wondering what treating myself kindly, healthwise, would look like.

    A good place to start, I decided, would be to implement the lifestyle changes I’d been long meaning to make. I now follow a vegetarian diet, I’ve parted ways with booze and take long walks in the morning – I can’t run yet due to the hysterectomy. These changes, though small, have done wonders for my energy levels. I consider them a secret pact between my body and soul. Now six months into my Put-Lally-First journey, self-love is constantly reminding the nurturer in me to take a chill pill because I’m prioritising myself.

    READ MORE: What Is Cozy Cardio On TikTok? Trainers Weigh In On The Comfy Workout Trend

    Matata Diamonde

    “Scheduling play time has been really big for me; it makes me feel like I’m prioritising myself.”

    I come from a family that has always been big on self-development. My mother, a Fourth Way healer (a behavioural and spiritual type of well-being practice) introduced me to alternative forms of healing quite early on. Growing up in India, I did a lot of meditation and started transactional analysis at a young age. I vividly remember being ill as a child and starting to practice Reiki (an energy-correcting practice that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch) because meds were just not helping my condition.

    I also struggled a bit as a child so, I was in therapy by age 14. It was around this same age that I started attracting friends who needed the kind of support that was way beyond what my teenage brain could offer. And I stuck around because I’d made their well-being my responsibility. I’d assigned myself, though totally unintentionally, the role of “rescuer” in my relationships.

    As a result, being taken advantage of became a recurring theme in my life as I got older, one that started popping up in work, romantic and familial relationships. After my father’s passing, I spent a big part of my inheritance in a romantic relationship where I was treated really badly. I still feel a lot of shame for being in the situation, but this incident was the big wake-up call that made me closely examine my “rescuer” default. I’d started noticing that I had a lot of pent-up anger, resentment and that I almost didn’t wish people well in those situations where I felt taken advantage of. These new traits were totally out of character for me.

    Time and lots of reflection have taught me that I kept attracting situations where I felt “used and depleted” because, at my core, I wanted to be needed, validated and not feel abandoned. With a few adjustments to my beliefs, I’m slowly realising that I’m resourceful enough to meet these needs myself. For instance, my morning routine is sacred. I now give myself an hour of consistent quiet time. When I don’t, I find that everything gets heightened – I become cranky, my workload feels unmanageable and my interactions with people aren’t as fulfilling. At some point, I tried out pole dancing and signed up with a vocal coach. Seeking out new ways to better understand myself has been revolutionary on my self-care journey.

    READ MORE: Struggle Sleeping? Here’s How To Create A Bedtime Routine, Per Experts

    Marjorie Arnold

    “During the worst phase of my adult life, veganism served as my life raft. It made me realise that I was worthy of life despite a niggly voice whispering, ‘Your body failed you from a very young age.’” 

    I was raised by a single mother, in a small town. My mother was a teacher and our home a hive of activity. We always had learners come in and out of our house for all sorts of help. And I quickly internalised that being in service to others determined one’s worth. My, was I wrong! It was only later that I discovered that self-love was not a frivolous marketing concept aimed at persuading consumers to keep buying more stuff. When my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 breast and lymph cancer in 2010, she came to stay with me at the height of my freelance career in publishing, advertising and reality TV. I had just resigned from a toxic permanent job in magazines.

    In between full-time caregiving, I worked Monday right through to Sunday. It never occurred to me that my own well-being mattered, despite my slew of past and present chronic health issues. I had Perthes Disease as a child and was wheelchair-bound; I was always undergoing one op or another. I’ve had a limp, chronic body pain and anxiety disorder all my life. When my mother survived chemo and her cancer, I thought I’d have a moment to catch my breath. I’d been operating in survival mode for so long that trying to return to the groove of just living was impossible. However, losing myself in caregiving and my freelance gigs turned out to be my lifeline. Had I not, I wouldn’t have noticed the urgency of the lifestyle changes I owed myself. Going vegan was what ultimately flung open the doors of self-worth for me.

    As a nurturer and giver, traits I inherited from my mother, redirecting my compassion to learning about cruelty to animals and really caring for the environment made me feel good. My journey to better self-care (and it has been loooong!) has taught me that, sometimes, prioritising myself will come in the form of taking a step back – even if it means regressing. I’m grateful for the many bold steps that I took along the way because I’m currently in a career that aligns perfectly with my values and personality. I’ve also learnt that I can’t help others before helping myself (basic, I know!) During this journey, I also allowed myself to cry more, something I have come to understand is an essential part of healing.

    READ MORE: 18 Mental Health Books For Anxiety, People-Pleasing And More

    Easy Daily Self-Care Practises To Adopt

    Practise guided meditation

    Do some breathwork throughout the day

    Dress up (please do, even with nowhere to go)

    Incorporate one fun activity on your to-do list

    Declutter your space (even if it’s just one room per day)

    Read a book

    Eat a balanced diet

    Give yourself a break in between meetings (where you don’t feel guilty about doing absolutely nothing. Stare into space if you must!)

    Keep a gratitude journal

    Take a walk

    Listen to music that uplifts you

    Exercise regularly

    Take a social media break

    Plan a holiday (even though you can’t afford one at the moment)

    Do at least one thing that contributes to a bigger goal

    Treat yourself to an at-home spa day

    Work from a new spot or coffee shop

    Do a random act of kindness

    Switch off your phone an hour or two before bedtime

    Sleep earlier More

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    How Dyslexia Led Me To A Thriving Career In Art

    Lerato Motau’s art career is testament to the fact that life is never to be measured by what we lack or can’t do. This also happens to be a lesson that she has instilled in her two daughters – one of whom is dyslexic just like her. Things started unfolding when Lerato Motau; an artist who employs paint and embroidery in her work; was in Grade 8. Aged 16, she had just failed Grade 8 for the third time when her mother was called in by the school to inform her that: “Something is wrong with your daughter.” 

    READ MORE: Radio Personality Gugu Mfuphi On The Lessons Learnt During Her Kilimanjaro Summit — And More

    The school insisted that she consult an educational psychologist. The year was 1990 and such services were few and far in between.

    “My mother took me to Baragwanath Hospital (now Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital) where luckily, they’d soon be having an educational psychologist from the UK consulting for them. “Following a range of tests, the educational psychologist diagnosed me with dyslexia and explained that a remedial school wouldn’t work for my condition,” she recalls.

    Dyslexic as a teen, Lerato’s self-esteem took quite a knock while her anxiety peaked. Confused, she kept asking herself: “How will I navigate the world? What would my peers think of me? How am I going to explain myself?”

    But as the saying goes, nothing beats accepting a situation for what it is. 

    Enter Art

    Lerato’s mom enrolled her at the Johannesburg Art Foundation in Saxonworld, Johannesburg. Here, Lerato realised that while she couldn’t express herself using the written word, she did far better in oral exams and when creating things with her hands. “Art school taught me to speak up and boosted my confidence because I clearly had a talent and could finally do something right. The lecturers were really attentive to students’ needs which made me feel comfortable in class.

    “Making art made me feel talented. I majored in painting. I graduated with a Fine Arts and Teaching Diploma Enrolled in 1994 and later enrolled for a Craft Enterprise qualification at the Craft Council where we were taught how to run our art like a business. In 2005, I did another short course in basic embroidery. In the same year, I attended a handmade felt making workshop which included crocheting and knitting,” she explains.

    In fact, it was during this very workshop where she remembered just how much she loved needlework in primary school and years later, it was beneficial. “In that moment, I remembered that nothing ever happens by chance,” she muses. 

    READ MORE: These 3 Mental Exercises Can Help You Find Your Purpose In Life At Any Age

    Stitching Stories Together

    Lerato started making art in 1996 after being introduced to an art collector by a friend and mentor. With all the skills she had learned, Lerato experimented with textile art, choosing to fuse painting with embroidery. “Every stitch goes through a journey and every artwork tells a unique story,” she says. Lerato has since had two solo exhibitions since the start of her career in 2010 and 2022 respectively. She’s also been commissioned by many corporates to create her unique pieces for display at their offices – among them SAB, Nandos London, ABSA, FNB, Pikitup, BRT Maraisburg bus station, Exxara (previously Eyesizwe), FNB, The Leonardo in Sandton, DBSA (Botswana) and the North West University satellite campus located in the Vaal.

    She also teaches kids basic embroidery and art with the aim that they will grow up knowing that academia is not the only path to success. Her work has also been showcased at international exhibitions – her most recent being at the Affordable Art Fair in the UK, where her gallery Art in the Yard went on her behalf. 

    Overcoming Dyslexia

    “When my first daughter was born, I couldn’t spell nor write her name. When I was younger, my mom would write basic information for me in a diary. Dyslexia affects the most basic things, things that many take for granted,” explains Lerato, adding that she can’t read English, Setswana and Afrikaans but she’s sharp with numbers.

    Lerato still keeps a diary where she writes the basic info that she needs daily – and that makes life easier. For instance, when she has to fill out a form, she’ll write down all the info in her diary and then copy everything across. For work, she makes notes with every piece that she creates and has a friend who writes all her proposals. “When I knew that I’d overcome dyslexia was when she taught her daughters how to read using the sounding out method. When my eldest daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of four, I had long spotted the signs and was determined to help her overcome it early,” she enthuses.

    Her eldest daughter is currently in her second year at university. And unlike in her own case where dyslexia affected her self-esteem, Lerato always urges her daughter to explain dyslexia to those who don’t understand and share her story to inspire others. “I always encourage parents to take teachers’ feedback seriously –  thinking that your child is being victimised may be a waste of the child’s life/time. There are so many resources and professionals who are well equipped to help children co-exist well with dyslexia.”

    READ MORE: Here’s Why Burnout Among Women Is A Bigger Issue Than You’d Think

    Lessons Learnt

    Where dyslexia is concerned, there are still a lot of myths that need to be demystified. “There are many successful and famous people, such as Whoopi Goldberg, Richard Branson and Tom Cruise amongst others, who have overcome dyslexia. When I tell my story to people who don’t know me, they immediately assume that I’m disabled then turn around and ask how dyslexia works because I seem complete,” she says, adding that she’s learnt to not judge people based on their looks.

    Second to that, Lerato always remembers how far she’s come and has committed to laughing and smiling regularly.

    “I once saw a meme that said, ‘when we laugh, our bodies don’t recognise that there’s nothing funny happening’.” Lastly, she credits her healthy state of mind to therapy. “If it weren’t for therapy, I’d still be angry at the teachers and everyone else who used to make fun of me.” 

    Below is some of the art Lerato created from scratch for the Affordable Art Fair in the UK, which opened on 18 October 2023.

    To buy her art or to organise a private viewing, contact Lerato on Facebook (Lerato Motau) and Instagram (LeratoMotauStudios).  More

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    Radio Personality Gugu Mfuphi On The Lessons Learnt During Her Kilimanjaro Summit — And More

    Gugu Mfuphi, a financial journalist and host of the award-winning weekday evening show Kaya Biz on Kaya Fm, recently summited Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, with an all-female group, as part of the #Trek4Mandela and The Imbumba Foundation’s Caring4Girls initiative. The two organisations have partnered to raise funds that go towards addressing the period poverty still experienced by many girls in South Africa and the world over.

    Through #Trek4Mandela, adolescent girls are provided with sanitary towels, puberty education and menstrual hygiene support. Speaking on taking this leap of faith, Gugu says she had to constantly bargain with her fear of not making it back alive by remembering that this was all for a good cause.

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    The Kilimanjaro experience, she says, helped her with many lessons that she will be applying to her career and life in general.

    “So far, a large influence has been my career within financial journalism. The realm that I choose to operate in is within business finance and economics, but it also spreads across the breadth of women empowerment, how youth can get involved, technology and other ancillary sectors. I’d say, crafting a niche for myself, being deliberate about it, my skills competence, constant curiosity and great networks have stood me in good stead,” she reflects.

    A self-confessed fitness enthusiast, one whole swears by high-intensity workouts, Gugu says the organisers encouraged them to maintain a healthy lifestyle ahead of the trip. “Once you’re on the mountain, something as simple as a cold could turn into something more dire. I took lots of ginger shots, primarily to boost my immune system,” says Gugu, who’s always loved hiking and the outdoors.

    Below she shares some of the highlights of the trip, lessons learnt and how she survived it all.

    One Thing I Didn’t Do More Of…

    “…was upper strength training. From a fitness point of view, a lot of us actually admitted that we didn’t focus much on our core, shoulders and back. As a result, we sure felt the pressure of carrying the additional weight of our backpacks for that extended period. Typically when you train on the stairs, you’re there for a few hours with perhaps 8kg weights on your back. On the mountain, however, you’re walking for up to eight hours daily while carrying your luggage throughout. Hard lesson learnt here!”

    Respect The Basics

    “Listen, I’d never appreciated Vaseline as much as I did during the hike. I probably took three tubs of Vaseline with me [chuckles]. Around dusk and on summit night (specifically) there was an icy cold breeze that left a burning sensation on the skin feeling — especially on the the lips and nose. I used it on my hands and face at some point because your ordinary moisturiser just wasn’t cutting it. 

    Sunscreen came in handy on the days when the sun was scorching hot, ginger sweets helped ease the altitude-induced nausea. And how can I forget wet wipes? The dusty and windy conditions meant that we constantly had to wipe ourselves down. Wipes also came in handy during pee breaks in the bush, as well as wiping hands. There’s just no looking cute up there, something I had to quickly accept because I’m a such girly girl [chuckles].”

    Showing Up For Self

    The hike through the rain forest went well, followed by our move from Mandara Camp to Horongo Camp – a 13km distance that took us about eight to 9 hours. This was when altitude sickness started kicking in – we were moving 2100m above sea level to just above 3000m. In as much as we’d taken diamox to aid with the altitude sickness, I still got terribly sick. It started off with a headache. One of the guides said he’d noticed that I’d been a lot quieter than usual. I’d been drinking lots of water, taking ginger sweets and fighting the strong urge to throw up.

    Right after the guide had questioned my silence, I started throwing up and continued for the rest of the afternoon until we arrived at the next camp. I tried eating soup with a bit of rice in it, and it all came back at the lunch table. I basically threw up until my stomach was empty. The nausea pill that the doctor gave me also came back up. At this point, the doctor was worried about my sugar levels. I proceed to hike in my weak state, with the guides and the doctor monitoring me closely. The team was really amazing – they wiped my mouth each time I threw up, carried my bag and handed me my walking stick while urging me to forge ahead slowly.

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    Meal time was always best

    “The guides and porters really made a great effort of serving us cooked meals, which were surprisingly good. I must admit that I’d gone there with no expectations of having decent food but was always pleasantly surprised at dinner time — everything from pasta dishes to stews. I made a mental note to make a concerted effort to cook more back home and have a greater appreciation for food as well as to remember that what I put in my body ultimately nourishes both my body and soul.”

    Lessons Abound

    “While weak and throwing up, I remember one of the guides saying to me: ‘Time will pass but you need to keep moving’. That’s when I realised that people can help you with everything – they can carry your bags, give you meds, wipe your mouth etc, but unless you put in the effort yourself to do what needs to be done, you’re not going to get anywhere. Even though I wasn’t at my strongest physically, what helped psychologically was one of the guides saying I needed to walk in front. That forced me to recognise that I was leading people and that we needed to get somewhere.

    Pole, pole!

    One of the phrases the guides often repeated to us by the guides was ‘pole, pole‘, meaning take your time. I was reminded that slow progress is still progress and of the power of showing up. I also wasn’t prepared to go out like that, not on the second day. Thankfully, altitude sickness eventually eased its hold on me. Summit night was particularly draining, and in hindsight, I realised that it was due to the altitude. I remember blinking and feeling like it took me forever to blink – the brain was deprived of oxygen because it had been allocated to other parts of the body, mostly the lungs and the legs because they were doing the bulk of the work.

    The oxygen deprivation is what makes people delirious or have a minimised function of the brain. I remember telling one of the guides that I was fine and not out of breath, but just tired. At that point in the hike, the guides spoke to us a lot to ensure that our brains were still functional. Some people start hallucinating or develop pulmonary oedema (water in the lungs) due to oxygen deprivation. I kept thinking: ‘I need to get to the peak of Kilimanjaro’ but had completely forgotten about the descent [chuckles]. No matter how difficult it gets up there, mentally you need to want it for yourself. And the same lesson can be applied to life in general!”

    READ MORE: How One Woman Lost Half Her Bodyweight – And Kept It Off

    Nurturing My Body

    Back at home, Gugu admits to being the type of girl who can easily choose dessert over a meal. In her world, she shares, a slice of cake and a cup of tea make the world a better place. “Perhaps it’s some type of psychological security because that’s how my grandmother, mom, aunts and I used to connect on weekends,” she shares.

    To snack, she loves nuts, which work well as a hiking snack. “Pineapple, grapes and blueberries also top my list of favourite fruit on any day,” she says. Upon returning from Kili, Gugu took some time off before getting back into her wellness routine.

    “I generally work out three to four times a week and swear by high intensity workouts — I’m a burpee, jump squat with a dumbbell kind of girl. And I still do a lot of cardio and endurance training which is what we had to do in preparation for Kilimanjaro,” she says. More