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    The 15 Minute Bodyweight Home Workout You Can Do On Your Couch

    Forget raising the bar – put your feet up, woman! Seriously, we mean it when we say put.your.feet.up. “Lifting them onto a step or bench is the simplest way to build strength faster,” says strength and conditioning specialist Don Bahneman. Yup, you *can* sculpt a better body without lifting a dumbbell. All you need: this bodyweight home workout.

    READ MORE: 18 Feel-Good Workouts That’ll Boost Your Mood, Stat

    How Does Putting Your Feet Up Build Muscle?

    It boils down to basic physics: for upper-body exercises, this tweak changes the angle of the exercise and forces your muscles to work harder to support your body weight.

    For lower-body moves, raising your feet increases how far you have to move with every rep (aka your range of motion), which calls more muscle fibres into action. And for all moves, your core has to work harder to keep you stable and locked into position.

    The 15 Minute Bodyweight Home Workout

    Instructions: Complete the exercises in this bodyweight home workout in order. Move from one to the next without resting. Rest 45 to 60 seconds at the end of the circuit, then repeat for up to five rounds.

    Make it harder: Feeling extra fired up for your bodyweight home workout? Increase the cardio challenge by adding 30 seconds of star jumps or running in place between each move. Get the best out of your chill with this couch workout.

    READ MORE: A 4-Week Home Workout Plan To Get Fit And Strong AF

    1. Bulgarian Split Squat

    Stand about 60 centimetres in front of your couch and extend your left leg behind you, placing the top of your foot on the seat (A). Keeping your chest upright and core tight, bend both knees to lower your hips as much as you can (B). Push through your right heel to return to start. That’s one rep. Do eight to 12, then repeat on the other side.

    READ MORE: Try This 30-Minute HIIT Workout At Home For A Total-Body Burn

    2. Travelling Plank With Leg Raise

    Get into push-up position with your toes on the couch (A). Raise your right arm and rotate your torso to the right until your feet are stacked and your body forms a T. Without dropping your hips, lift your right leg (B). Hold for 20 seconds. Reverse the movement to return to start and hold for 20 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

    READ MORE: 9 Bodyweight Exercises That Will Improve Your Mobility

    3. Single-Leg Hip Thrust

    Lie on your back on the floor in front of your couch with your left heel on the edge, knee bent about 90 degrees and your right leg straight up, arms at your sides (A). Press through your left heel and raise your hips as high as possible, keeping your right foot in the air (B). Slowly lower your hips back down. That’s one rep. Do eight to 12, then repeat on the other side.

    READ MORE: 10 Best Kettlebell Core Exercises For Strong, Sculpted Abs, From A Trainer

    4. Reverse Inch Worm

    Get into push-up position with your toes on the couch (A). Bracing your core and glutes, slowly walk your hands towards the couch, lifting your hips into the air and keeping your legs as straight as possible (B). Pause, then walk your hands back out to start. Make it harder by adding a push-up here. That’s one rep. Do four to eight.

    Excerpted from the Women’s Health Little Book of 15-Minute Workouts. More

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    Hunch Over Your Desk? These Moves Will Sort Out Your Shoulders STAT

    Picture someone hunching over their keyboard for the majority of the day, shoulders creeping up towards their ears. Does that hypothetical person sound a lot like you? We’re all guilty of being that person at some point or another. And while we should be more vigilant about sitting up straight, it’s easy to forget when you’re rushing towards that 3pm deadline. That’s why we found four simple shoulder strength exercises that will help you get better posture in very little time.

    READ MORE: The 3 Stretches You Should Be Doing Daily

    Why You Should Strengthen Your Shoulders For Better Posture

    Building up your shoulder strength and mobility will help counteract that urge to hunch, even when you didn’t even realise you were doing it.

    “The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, which means there are a lot of things that can go wrong with it,” says physiotherapist Mike Riccardi. “If your shoulders hurt, it’s probably from a combination of a few things, because the shoulder joint is complex. But the one overarching cause is poor posture.” (Did we just see you straighten up?)

    The key to beating the hunch is to increase shoulder mobility and build shoulder strength. But you don’t just want to target your traps and anterior deltoids (the showy muscles that you obviously think of as ‘shoulders’). Remember how the shoulder is a complex joint? It also has a whole lot of muscles round back that help stabilise the joint and pull your shoulders back and down away from your ears.

    The Workout: 4 Shoulder Strength Exercises For Better Posture

    These four simple exercises from coach Lushwill Rossouw will help you get there.

    You need: Barbell, two medium to heavy dumbbells and a PVC pipe (don’t have one? A broom or mop will do too, as long as they’re not heavy).

    READ MORE: Try This Shy Girl Upper Body Workout If You Lack Confidence At Gym

    1. PVC Pipe Complex

    Good for: Mobility Do: 3 sets of 5 reps of each move

    This is a great warm-up to do before any upper-body workout that’s going to be using your shoulders because it targets different muscles around the joint. The first part hits the traps and anterior deltoids in the front and on top of your shoulders, while the next two hit the muscles at the back.

    2. PVC Pipe Shoulder Rotations

    Good for: Mobility Do: 10

    Another good warm-up, this move takes the joint through its full range of motion. The wider apart your hands, the easier it will feel. Your goal is to warm up, not become a contortionist!

    READ MORE: 18 Feel-Good Workouts That’ll Boost Your Mood ASAP

    3/ Push Press

    Good for: Strength Do: 3 sets of 6-8

    Lifting any weight above your head is an easy way to strengthen your shoulders. They difference here is that your stabiliser muscles have to work to control the clumsy barbell. Using your legs for a little boost helps you lift a heavier weight than you would with shoulder strength alone. The real work is controlling that barbell at the top and on the way down and that’s where those rear stabilisers come into their own. Bonus: It’ll also do wonders for your core and triceps.

    READ MORE: The Best Back Stretches To Tackle Upper And Lower Back Pain

    4/ Dumbbell Press With Isometric Hold

    Good for: Strength Do: 3 sets of 5

    Pushing the weights overhead will sculpt those showy muscles at the front and on top of your shoulders, making them look seriously toned and sexy. But here’s the catch: Once they’re overhead, hold them up there, with straight arms, for a count of three. This brings your stabilisers into play to keep the joint, well, stable. Bye-bye hunch, hello toned upper back! More

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    18 Feel-Good Workouts That’ll Boost Your Mood, Stat

    When it comes to exercise, one rule is paramount: you’ve got to enjoy what you do, whether that’s hitting balls playing padel, swimming or dancing. Whatever your movement, study after study confirms that the more you enjoy exercising, the more likely you are to continue. These six trainers champion feel-good workouts and will inspire you to move more in a way you truly enjoy.

    Kirsten Johnson

    Everything about Kirsten Johnson’s workouts screams joy. Her dance-inspired workouts are all about rejoicing in the way your body can move.

    An ex-dancer and founder of the Find Balance Kindly workout app, a series of dance-inspired functional workouts, she muses: “Growing up in the harsh dance industry, I was very aware of how words, comments or corrections could either encourage or deflate me as an artist. The classes on my app are all real-time, follow-along workouts so that I can encourage and motivate through positive affirmation.”

    Why Does Kirsten Love Feel-Good Workouts?

    “I believe that movement is medicine,” says Johnson. “Being able to move your body every day is such a huge blessing and showing up for yourself, even on the hard days, is an act of self-love and gratitude, which is something I think we should practise daily.”

    Try Kirsten’s Workouts

    READ MORE: 20 Fitness Apps To Kickstart Your Wellness Journey

    Teal Hogg

    Teal Hogg’s workouts are all centred around lifting heavy while treating your body kindly. That also means tailoring your workouts around your menstrual cycle to accommodate your body’s ups and downs. Find her workouts on her Hustle Fit app. How’s that for feeling good?

    “Learning to understand and work with, and not against, the natural hormonal fluctuations as a woman has been the most empowering thing I’ve ever done for myself – and for other women as well. Instead of shying away from the stigma of periods, we’re starting to honour the beauty of the female body.”

    Why Does Teal Love Feel-Good Workouts?

    “Not only is it nice to feel good from working out but it’s actually essential for women to train according to how they feel, because of our continuous hormonal fluctuations,” says Hogg.

    Try Teal’s Workout

    READ MORE: Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout

    Nomvula Khuzwayo

    Nomvula exploded on our Insta feeds some time ago with her always-happy dance moves. She also champions tough-as-nails workouts, while doing it with a smile. Who doesn’t love a challenge?

    “I dance – a lot! I don’t have to preach anything to my followers, they can see from the joy I exude in my videos that the lifestyle I live has a positive impact on my life. They love that and they too want to have that kind of energy.”

    Why Feel-Good Workouts Work For Nomvula

    “The more people feel good, the more motivated they are to live, work and be present members of society,” says Khuzwayo. “Most of the workouts I post are full body, which allows those with busy lives to get a workout in without having to focus on one muscle group at a time.”

    Try Nomvula’s Workouts

    READ MORE: The Best Back Stretches To Tackle Upper And Lower Back Pain, From A Yoga Instructor

    The Movement Lab

    Pilates is having a hot moment. But Pilates with upbeat music? Now that’s even hotter. The Movement Lab, with trainer Jessica Mandel at the helm, offers this in buckets: fun, feel-good Pilates set to thumping good tunes. We’re sold – and we’ve been for a while!

    “Feel good movement is at the heart of each of our classes. Our repertoires are designed around functional movement patterns – ensuring we can move through life confidently, pain-free and efficiently. We want people to find joy and fun in their workouts,” she explains.

    Why Jess Loves Feel-Good Workouts

    “For years, I didn’t consider myself sporty or fit because I hadn’t found an exercise routine that I loved,” reflects Mandel. “It wasn’t until I did my Pilates Instructor Training that I fell in love with movement. I leave every class feeling better than when I walked in and I look forward to moving my body.”

    A Peek At The Movement Lab’s Classes

    READ MORE: Step Into Your Best Shape With The WH Walking Challenge


    Cover star Takkies stole our hearts when she entered the WH Next Fitness Star competition back in 2016. Years on, her dance classes, centred on self-love and body positivity, continue encouraging women to love their bodies in all shapes and forms.

    Find her workouts at a Rockingnheels studio in Joburg, with a team holding down the fort while she runs the London classes. “I create a safe space where women can come, let go and just be. There’s so much power in being in a space where you feel comfortable enough to be yourself, accept yourself or even to be able to find out things you love about yourself,” she says.

    Why Does Takkies Love Feel-Good Workouts?

    “I feel that you have a more positive approach to life, people and all that you do when you feel good,” says Takkies. How you feel contributes so much to what you pour out into the world. I also believe that we can tackle anything that life throws at us a little better when we feel good.”

    Try Takkies’ Workouts

    READ MORE: Here’s How To Make Weight Loss Goals That Will Actually Stick in 2024

    Lisa Raleigh

    Lisa Raleigh literally bounces for joy. Her workouts, called bounti, which take place on the rebounder, will have you feeling like a kid again – while working all the major muscle groups on one tiny feel-good tramp.

    Find her classes in Joburg.“bounti rebounding takes you right from the absolute basics of, not just rebounding, but fitness as a whole. Rebounding is a low-impact, totally enjoyable way of becoming fitter, stronger and happier! We’re literally guiding our clients towards jumping for joy,” she enthuses.

    Why Lisa Loves Feel-Good Workouts

    “Movement that heals, not harms is our business mantra when it comes to downloadable workouts, programmes and classes,” Raleigh explains. “The goal is restorative exercise that gives you an effective workout, while also being kind to your body. Who said no pain means no gain?”

    See Lisa’s Workouts More

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    “How I Went From Being A Party Girl To A Fitness Fanatic – And Lost 31kg”

    When it comes to a weight loss journey, breaking bad habits is not easy. But sometimes, having a bit of grit and loads of consistency can yield amazing results. This is how Liz Dumagude found her freedom and lost over 30kg.

    Liz’s Weight Loss Journey:

    What Led To Liz’s Weight Gain

    Elizabeth Dumagude, a “reformed party girl, ” loved eating and drinking. “I would go out every weekend and drink excessively, which led to me eating any and everything in sight,” she explains. “I would have a Steers Wacky Wednesday meal every Wednesday, multiple McDonald’s meals or pizza from Friday through Sunday, whilst mindlessly snacking on chips, chocolates and so on.”

    Eventually, her lifestyle caught up with her when she spotted a holiday picture of herself. She weighed 85kg and was unhappy. “I could hardly recognise the person I was looking at,” she notes.

    Things had come to a head: she felt uncomfortable in her body and was exhausted. “My clothes had tripled in size, and I kept eating my feelings,” she says. “I joined a gym the very next day.” 

    READ MORE: Here’s How Better With Balance Influencer Michaela Mallett Healed Her Relationship With Food

    How Liz Changed Her Life And Lost 31kg

    She’d found a small gym in Sunninghill and started attending their group fitness classes three times a week. “I would rotate between 45-minute high-intensity cardio classes, spinning and boxing,” she says. The biggest change? Elizabeth had stopped going out partying as much – which meant far fewer junk food excursions. 

    After some time, she decided to hire a personal trainer to really fine-tune her new nutrition. She’d also set herself a new goal: to venture into the weights section at the gym. (If this is your goal too, check out our beginner’s guide to weightlifting here).

    For breakfast, Elizabeth opted for oats, snacked on rice cakes and swapped out the burgers for stir-fried veg with rice. Her lifestyle had done a complete 180, too. “I swapped out all my sodas for sugar-free options, added sugar-free jelly, puddings and, sweets for my sweet tooth and opted for red wine or a gin and sugar-free tonic when I went out with friends,” she explains.

    READ MORE: How To *Actually* Lose Belly Fat With Diet And Exercise

    How Liz’s Transformation Changed Her Life

    Six years on, Liz has not only lost the weight (she now weighs 54kg), but has carved out muscle that enabled her to compete in fitness competitions. This year, she placed first as the 2023 IFBB SA Regional, National & Overall Wellness Champion.

    Mostly, she just feels so much better for it. “I am so much stronger and fitter; taking the stairs doesn’t feel like a chore anymore,” she says.

    “Now, I focus on how I look and feel, how my clothes fit and how I am progressing in the gym.”

    READ MORE: TikTok’s Viral 30-30-30 Challenge: Does It Work For Weight Loss?

    Liz’s Weight Loss Tips For Someone Starting Their Weight Loss Journey

    1. Be Patient

    “This is a weight-loss JOURNEY, you will make mistakes along the way, but keep going!”

    2. Eat In Moderation

    “You do not need to cut out any food groups to reach your goals.”

    3. Get Moving!

    “Find an activity that you love. You don’t need to be in the gym if that is not what you enjoy.” More

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    Does The ‘Watermelon Diet’ Work For Weight Loss? How It Works And If It’s Safe, According To Experts

    When you’re on a weight loss journey, it’s understandable to want to eat healthy foods that help you achieve your goals. If you want results fast, trends like the watermelon diet may sound particularly appealing. Watermelon has many health benefits, like possibly boosting your heart health and immunity, per a recent study. But what is the watermelon diet, exactly?

    It appears that the diet started trending after cheerleader Gabi Butler spoke about it on season two of the Netflix docu-series Cheer. On the show, she claimed that she ate only watermelon for three days and that it helped her “flush out anything sitting in [her] stomach.” After the three-day “cleanse,” she resumed her normal routine.

    Whether you heard about the watermelon diet on the show or perhaps saw it trending elsewhere online, you probably have questions. What does the fad diet involve? Does it work for weight loss? And more importantly, is it safe?

    Ahead, nutrition experts share the benefits and risks of the watermelon diet and whether or not it’s recommended for weight loss.

    Meet the experts: Keri Gans, RD, is a New York-based registered dietician and author of The Small Change Diet, a book about incorporating small changes and healthy habits to ensure a lifetime of good health. Samantha Cassetty, RD, is a New York-based registered dietician and co-author of Sugar Shock, a guidebook to reduce sugar intake and live a healthier life.

    What is the watermelon diet, exactly?

    The watermelon diet is a phenomenon that seemed to gain popularity in 2022 on social media and is not an official diet plan, says Samantha Cassetty, RD, a dietician and co-author of Sugar Shock. The origins of the diet are somewhat unknown and it appears there is no official “plan” to follow.

    However, it is often framed as a cleanse or “detox” in which users eat only watermelon for a set amount of time. Duration varies—some TikTokers eat watermelon consecutively for three days in a row, while others claim to have followed the routine for 30 days or more.

    Based on social media, it seems there are many ways to approach the watermelon diet. One TikTok user blended watermelon with lemon and fresh mint and consumed six bottles a day for seven days. Another user drank watermelon as juice for three days before returning to their regular diet and said they lost 1 kilogram in the process (they also called out how the diet gave them leg cramps, supposedly due to lack of nutrients).

    People are drawn to the watermelon diet’s detox-like effect, however, the idea that it cleanses your system, so to speak, isn’t necessarily accurate.

    “The idea is to clear toxins and kickstart weight loss without feeling too hungry, [but] you don’t need to consume a type of food to detox the body,” says Cassetty. “Your body is designed to eliminate toxins on [its] own—that’s what your kidney and liver do for you every day naturally,” she points out.

    Benefits Of The Watermelon Diet

    There is no scientific evidence to support a watermelon cleanse. That said, watermelon itself is a nutritious food packed with vitamins and antioxidants, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It contains vitamin A, which can help your vision and immune system, per a study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine—along with vitamin C and vitamin B6, which have similar immune-boosting benefits. Watermelon also contains lycopene, which has been linked to decreases in heart disease and certain cancers, per the USDA. Additionally, the amino acids in watermelon may help reduce blood pressure and support exercise performance, according to a recent study.

    Watermelon is a low-calorie fruit that’s made of approximately 90 percent water, per the USDA—so if you’re trying to stay hydrated and achieve a calorie deficit, it might be a helpful snack for weight loss. Daily watermelon consumption may help reduce body weight and body mass index (BMI), per a study published in Nutrients, and eating it regularly may help you lose weight due to its low sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol, according to a recent study.

    Risks Of The Watermelon Diet

    Despite its benefits, the fruit-forward fad diet can come with harmful side effects. “Drastically reducing calorie intake may make you feel dizzy, lightheaded and nauseous,” Cassetty says. Eating tons of fruit can also overwhelm your GI system and potentially lead to gas, bloating and diarrhoea, she adds.

    “[The watermelon diet] is not suitable if you are pregnant, nursing, or if you have a health condition, eating disorder, or history of disordered eating,” Cassetty says. It’s also not recommended if you work out a lot since watermelon doesn’t contain enough fuel for activity and recovery, she adds. The diet also negatively impacts your ability to respond to hunger cues, enjoy nourishing meals and can hinder your ability to learn what a well-balanced meal actually is, Cassetty says.

    Ultimately, this is an extreme diet that experts recommend you avoid. “Any diet that aims to restrict sets the user up for ultimate failure,” says Keri Gans. The watermelon cleanse focuses on a “quick fix” rather than introducing sustainable healthy habits to kickstart weight loss, which in itself is problematic, she says.

    Does the watermelon diet work for weight loss?

    By only eating watermelon (which, again, is mostly water), you’ll likely see weight changes within a few days. However, the watermelon diet is a short-term solution and is not a sustainable weight loss practice. “You will [likely] lose water weight, but once you start eating other foods, all your weight will come back,” Gans says.

    The trend can seem appealing for folks on a weight loss journey since it feels attainable and lasts a short time compared to other diet plans, says Cassetty. “[It] seems more approachable than other fasting protocols because it is very clear cut,” she says. “When eating feels overwhelming, having a clear plan feels doable.” But by eliminating other foods and only focusing on one, you aren’t learning anything about healthy eating habits, Gans adds.

    The bottom line? Watermelon may work temporarily, but it shouldn’t be the only thing you’re consuming for weight loss. “Even though watermelon is a healthy food, it is not healthy to exist on watermelon alone—and that would be the same for any single food, whether it’s cake or kale,” Cassetty says. By only focusing on one item, you’re eliminating vital proteins and healthy fats, which are essential nutrients for the body, she says.

    How To Jumpstart A Weight Loss Journey Instead

    If weight loss is your main goal, there are healthier options out there than the watermelon diet, says Gans. Experts recommend shifting your mindset away from restricting foods and instead focusing on what you should include. “You can start by adding a fruit to your breakfast, then adding a vegetable to your lunch and dinner,” says Cassetty. This is especially helpful since most people don’t get enough fruits and veggies in general, she says.

    Although Cassetty and Gans do not recommend the watermelon diet, eating the popular fruit could help accelerate weight loss if combined with other balanced food groups. For example, eating watermelon as a snack may help you eliminate cravings in between meals or function as a dessert substitute to help you cut back on sugar, they say. Ultimately, integrating watermelon into your diet can help with weight loss, but shouldn’t be viewed as the end-all, be-all solution.

    This article by Lauren Dresner was originally published on More

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    9 Bodyweight Exercises That Will Improve Your Mobility

    Bodyweight training serves as your foundation and is the driver of all of your other strengths and skills. And the ability to move and control your bodyweight is very important for daily life. In fact, even if you don’t realise it, you are performing variations of bodyweight exercises every day.

    That’s why we turned to a pro to help create a wuick workout you can do any time, any place. Co-owner of Pride Fighting Academy, Jess Mouneimne takes us through nine bodyweight exercises that will improve your mobility.

    Meet The Expert: Jess Mouneimne is a pro fighter and the co-owner of Pride Fighting Academy.

    How To Do This Bodyweight Mobility Workout

    Each exercise done for 45 seconds with a 15-second rest. Repeat the circuit 3 times for a sweaty bodyweight HIIT session. If you have any injuries, please check with your medical practitioner to see if it safe for you to do the following bodyweight exercises. Remember to have fun!

    1. Rolling cobra

    Start in a hovering child’s pose and extend your legs up to a down dog (A) Shift your weight forward, round your back as you move through a plank, and then a hanging cobra style position (B). Continue for 45 seconds.

    READ MORE: Your 4-Week Home Workout Plan To Get Fit And Strong AF

    2. Beast reach to high plank

    From hovering child’s pose spring your knees forward to a high plank. Reach and repeat for 45 seconds (A).

    3. Beast reach, high plank, runners lunge

    Move from hovering child’s pose to high plank and then step your foot on the outside of the same side hand for runners lunge (A). Reach back to hovering child’s pose (B). Repeat alternating sides for 45 seconds.

    READ MORE: The Best Back Stretches To Tackle Upper And Lower Back Pain, From A Yoga Instructor

    4. Beast reach, high plank, runner lunge to sit through

    Once in runner lunge, lift your back foot up through the middle of the body (A). Lift the opposite hand off the floor too, balancing on one hand and foot (B). Come back to your starting position and repeat for 45 seconds.

    5. Crocodile push-ups

    Starting in a standard push up position (A). Bend your elbows as you bend one knee and bring the leg to your elbow (B). Repeat both sides for 45 seconds.

    READ MORE: Try This 30-Minute HIIT Workout At Home For A Total-Body Burn

    6. Broad jump and back crawl

    Start standing, bend your knees, and jump as far forward as you can. Come down to a tabletop with knees off the mat and shuffle backward in this position (A). Repeat 45 seconds.

    7. Shoulder taps to yoga squat

    Starting in a tabletop with knees off the mat (A). Tap each shoulder four times and then jump forward landing in a yoga squat (B). Jump back and repeat for 45 seconds.

    8. Hip ups

    Start lying on your back, legs off the floor, in line with your hips (A) Draw your knees into your chest and send your hips up high as you stack your legs over your hips (B). Repeat 45 seconds.

    9. 2 Point arm extensions

    Starting in tabletop with knees off that mat (A)  Extend opposite arm and opposite leg out (B). Draw the arm and leg while allows the elbow and knee to touch (C). Repeat both sides for 45 seconds.

    READ MORE: The 3 Stretches You Should Be Doing Daily

    Watch The Workout Video Below And Follow Along:

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    This 15-Minute Pregnancy Workout Does It All – Fast

    If you’re pregnant, making time for exercise can be rewarding but difficult to achieve. Waning energy and not feeling 100% can be powerful demotivators in your fitness journey. But this 15-minute pregnancy workout is made for a slow and steady approach, so you’re working at a level that feels comfortable for you.

    Meet the expert: Ash Iovino is the creator of the FitMom App and is a certified personal trainer and mother of three.

    Why this 15-minute pregnancy workout?

    Short and sweet is the name of the game here. “During pregnancy, motivation can be low,” explains Iovino. “Incorporating a 30-second-on, 30-second-off format, makes the time go by quicker and the workout more enjoyable, with enough rest in between to prevent quitting.”

    It’s also a scalable workout, meaning you can adjust to make it less intense if you need to. “This workout utilises a set of medium to heavy dumbbells, adapting to your fitness level during each stage of pregnancy,” says Iovino. “Tailored for expectant mothers, it focuses on promoting strength, flexibility and overall well-being, ensuring a safe and effective workout throughout your pregnancy journey.”

    READ MORE: “I’m Fit But Had A Rocky Pregnancy — Here’s How I Stayed In Shape”

    How to warm up for this workout

    There are a few moves to do to adequately warm up for this 15-minute pregnancy workout. This includes:

    Seated marching (Sit on a stability ball or chair, march in place, lifting your knees one at a time.)

    Cat-Cow pose (Inhale as you arch your back, tucking your chin for Cat Pose, then exhale, lifting your head and tailbone for Cow Pose, promoting spine flexibility.)

    Pigeon pose (Bend one knee and place the ankle across the opposite thigh, allowing the knee to open to the side. Gently lower toward the floor to stretch the hip and glutes.)

    Before attempting this workout, it’s important to check in with your healthcare provider. If you are looking for a PT, make sure they have a qualification in pre- and postnatal training. “Avoid randomly following workout videos on social media unless you’re certain they align with your specific stage of pregnancy,” says Iovino. If in doubt, try the many workouts in our FitMama section or try Ash’s FitMom app. “FitMom’s pre- and postnatal program spans 18 weeks, offering meticulously curated workouts designed for prenatal and postnatal stages, inclusive of mobility, stretches, and pelvic floor strengtheners,” says Iovino.

    Do this workout two to three times a week, says Iovino, along with regular low-impact exercises like walking and swimming, “provided they have received approval from their medical team and don’t have any complications in their pregnancy”. “If you were not accustomed to lifting heavy weights before pregnancy, maintain a moderate approach. Additionally, transitioning from high-impact, endurance, or strenuous training to a slower pace, ensures plenty of rest and attentiveness to your body’s cues. Regular, moderate exercise during pregnancy is beneficial, but it’s crucial to align it with your individual fitness history and current health status,” explains Iovino.

    READ MORE: Everything You Need To Know Before Doing Intermittent Fasting While Pregnant

    The 15-minute pregnancy workout

    You’ll need:

    A set of dumbbells

    An exercise mat

    Work for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. Then repeat for three rounds of each move.

    1/ Squat and knee-to-elbow

    Start in standing, squat down, then bring your left leg up so your knee taps your left elbow. Bring your leg down, squat, then crunch up your right knee. Continue for 30 seconds.

    2/ Alternating bird dogs

    Start on all fours, with your back in a straight, neutral position. Kick out your right leg and extend your left arm out in front of you simultaneously. Bring each limb in to crunch, then extend back and release down into all fours. Repeat on the other side, alternating for 30 seconds.

    3/ Glute bridge

    Lie on your back with bent knees and hands at your sides to support you. Arch your butt upwards to form a bridge. Squeeze at the top and slowly lower back down. Keep going for 30 seconds.

    READ MORE: Pregnancy Workout: 5 Easy Exercises For A Healthy Bod

    4/ Shoulder press

    Standing up straight, grab your dumbbells and hold them with palms facing forward. Press up with your arms and slowly lower them back down. That’s one rep – keep going for 30 seconds.

    5/ Triceps kickback

    Start in standing, with knees bent. Hinge forward at the hips so your chest forms a 45º angle with the floor and hold your dumbbells with elbows bent so that they’re in line with your chest. Extend both arms backwards to work the triceps and bring them into your chest. Repeat for 30 seconds.

    Iovino demonstrates all the moves here:

    [embedded content]

    Michelle October

    Michelle is the features editor at WH. She’s immensely curious about the world, passionate about health and wellness and enjoys a good surf when the waves are good. Find her on Instagram here. More

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    This No-Gym Workout Is Ideal For The Holidays

    Going away for the holidays? This travel-friendly no-gym workout routine by trainer Johno Meintjies can be done anywhere. And it does the job in just 15 minutes!

    Unlike weird carpet designs, gyms do not come standard with every hotel. So top trainer Johno Meintjies created these simple but effective workouts that you can do in any space – even small. They use only your body weight and the kind of props you would normally find in a hotel room or at home.

    The 15-minute no-gym workout

    This no-gym routine, by Meintjes, is a classic example of a travel-friendly workout. It uses only your body weight and a pair of light weights or cans to sculpt your body from top to bottom. “The most important thing about this workout is that it’s nothing new,” says Meintjes. “Everyone has done these moves, but it’s the intensity that’s the key and also getting the foundation right. If you can master the technique and then bring in the intensity with the recovery, your results will be fantastic.”

    READ MORE: Try This 30-Minute HIIT Workout At Home For A Total-Body Burn

    Do the workout

    The workout is designed into blocks, each consisting of 60 seconds’ strength work, 60 seconds’ dynamic strength work, 90 seconds’ flat-out cardio and then 30 seconds’ rest. “The recovery is important because you need to be working at maximum the whole time,” says Meintjes. The fourth and final block works differently. There are no strength moves; it’s just ninety seconds of flat-out, high-intensity cardio. “This last block is divided into divided into 30-second blasts of three different exercises,” says Meintjes. “You’ve done two of them before: squat jumps and high knees. Now we’re adding a burpee.”

    Watch a WH staff member perform the moves…

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    Your Moves

    BLOCK 1

    1/ Squat to Kick x 60 secondsAlternate sides each rep.2/ Running Man x 60 secondsFocus on your breathing, keep your bum down and core stable.3/ High Knees x 90 secondsGo as fast as you can.4/ Rest x 30 seconds

    BLOCK 2

    1/ Lunge Pulse x 60 secondsSo 30 seconds on one side, then switch.2/ Push-up to Fly x 60 secondsAlternate arms each rep.3/ Jump Squats x 90 secondsMaintain a wide stance. Jump as high as you can.4/ Rest x 30 seconds

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    BLOCK 3

    1/ Weighted Air Punch x 60 secondsHold light weights or identical cans in your hands.2/ Squat Pulse x 60 secondsKeep feet shoulder width and heels flat down.3/ Lateral, Wide, Deep Single-Leg Jump x 90 secondsIt’s a mouthful, but it’s really just jumping side to side. Make it as explosive as possible.4/ Rest x 30 seconds

    BLOCK 4

    1/ Squat Jumps x 30 seconds2/ High Knees x 30 seconds3/ Burpees x 30 seconds More