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    6 Tips That’ll Help You Get Over The Finish Line Of The Comrades Marathon

    International water activist Mina Guli recently did a whopping 200 marathons in one year around the globe to raise awareness of the global water crisis we’re facing. 200 marathons? Now that’s a woman with intel, we say. Naturally, we turned to her right before the formidable Comrades Marathon to get her tips on how to get over the finish line, blisters and chaffing be damned.

    “I am not a runner, by any stretch of the imagination,” says Guli. “In fact, when I was younger, I avoided doing any form of exercise. But I realised that to raise awareness for the dire global water crisis, I would have to do something very hard to make a real impact. I have found that these six tips are the only reason I am able to make it through my runs when things get really rotten, and it would be so much easier to give up!”

    Stay in the moment

    Wanna give up because there are still 20 whole kilometres of road left? Take it one kilometre at a time, says Guli. “It is really important to remember this is not a 90km race, it is 1km one step at a time,” she says. “Focus on the kilometre that you are doing and the step that you are taking, really focus on just being there in that moment!”

    Focus on your purpose

    Throughout the race, remind yourself why you signed up for this race. Is it to raise awareness around an issue? Did you want to prove to yourself that you can do difficult things? Focus on this. “It’s very important to think in advance why you are doing this race, what your purpose is! It often helps to write this purpose on your hand or your wrist so that you can easily see it and remind yourself on the route why you are there!”

    Think good things

    You’re tired and everything hurts and you just want to give up. This will happen. To help, channel positive thoughts. “There will always be something that hurts – be real it’s 90km – but equally, there is always something that feels good. Whether it’s your fingers, your hands or even the tip of your nose, focus on that and how good it feels! Remember how powerful your mind is and focus your attention away from the hurt to the parts that feel good!”

    Be grateful

    “Phrase thoughts differently in your mind. Instead of thinking, I have to do this race, rather think how awesome it is to be able to take part in this event,” says Guli. “Say hello and thank you to all of the volunteers along the route who make a race like Comrades Marathon possible. When you give positive energy out, it’s incredible the energy that you get back and the power that this gives to your spirit, your body, your mind and your soul.”

    Get the basics right

    Remember your snacks, hydrate regularly and fuel your body properly with loads of carbs before the race. “You need to ensure that you take on the right fuel to help your body get through an incredible feat like the Comrades Marathon,” says Guli.

    Pick a mantra

    “When things get really tough for me, I remind myself that we CAN do hard things, we are capable of so much for than we realise,” says Guli. “I like to bring in all of the points above into my mantra to keep my head in the right space. [Things like] I am able to do hard things, I stay in the moment, I focus on my purpose, I think about only good things, I am grateful and I fuel my body to the best of my ability throughout the run.” More

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    Um, Can You Drink Black Coffee While Intermittently Fasting Or No?

    There are a few agreed-upon pleasures in life: Food is definitely one of them, coffee’s a close second, followed by photos of Ryan Gosling doing literally anything. Intermittent fasting—while, yeah, can help with weight loss—takes away one of those pleasures for hours on end (if you’re doing the 16:8 diet, for example, you go 16 hours each day without food).

    So here’s my question: You can look at all the Ryan Gosling photos you want in that 16-hour fasting time frame…but that won’t satiate you (no offence, Ryan). So can you at least have coffee, or does the world continue to be a cruel and unusual place?

    What is intermittent fasting?

    Intermittent fasting is a type of eating that only allows eating in certain periods of time. The window in which you’d eat varies largely, depending on what’s best for your body and the kind of approach you’d like. This could mean having your first meal at 12pm, with your last meal at 8pm, or vice versa. There’s no evidence that intermittent fasting yields better results than any other diet, but hey, different strokes for different folks.

    Can you have coffee while fasting?

    Good news: You can have coffee in the morning—as long as your coffee doesn’t have calories, says Abbey Sharp, dietitian and blogger at Abbey’s Kitchen. That means you need to drink it black. “You cannot add sugar or dairy because that would add calories, fat, sugar, and therefore stop the fast,” she says. (FYI: Liquid calories count during fasting, too).

    If you can’t stomach black coffee (and tbh, not everyone can), no-calorie sweeteners like Stevia can help you out. They’re still allowed while fasting because they don’t impact insulin or blood-sugar levels, says Sharp.

    The caveat

    However, if you’re at risk for diabetes, steer clear of sweeteners, per the WHO, which advises against using them. That’s because there might be a mildly increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

    So, coffee lovers can officially breathe a sigh of relief. But there is something you should keep in mind: Coffee on an empty stomach can irritate your gut. It can also worsen symptoms of heartburn or irritable bowel syndrome, says Sharp. Even more: “Having coffee on an empty stomach may also amplify any feeling of jitteriness and anxiety because it’s absorbed much faster,” she says. But that’s only a possibility since coffee affects everyone differently.

    And even if you’re not a coffee drinker, you don’t have to solely stick to water while intermittent fasting. Any calorie-free drinks—like sparkling water, black tea, and even sparkling flavoured water is totally fair game, says Sharp.

    So it looks like you can resume your daily routine of checking Ryan Gosling’s social media accounts over coffee. Wait…is that just me?

    This article was originally published on  More

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    Introducing the TS-ACTV8 Performance Training Gear by Totalsports

    The TS-ACTV Performance gear is engineered with one goal in mind: To make sure you’re getting the most out of your training.

    Upgrade your training sessions with the new TS-ACTV8 range of next-level workout and running gear. Each piece taps into cutting-edge innovations to get you moving (and stay moving).

    Dri-Lite™: Revolutionising Moisture Management in Breathable Fabrics

    When it comes to training or engaging in physical activities, staying cool, dry, and comfortable is of utmost importance. Introducing Dri-Lite™, a cutting-edge fabric technology that combines quick-drying properties with breathability to enhance your performance and overall comfort.

    Dri-Lite™ fabric is specially designed with moisture-wicking capabilities, meaning it has the ability to draw moisture away from the body. Unlike traditional fabrics like cotton which can absorb a significant amount of water, Dri-Lite™, is predominantly made of high-tech polyester or nylon and absorbs very little moisture. Polyester only absorbs 0.4% of its weight in water, while cotton absorbs as much as 7%.

    Key Features

    One of the key features of Dri-Lite™ is its remarkable cross-section and large surface area. These attributes enable the fabric to efficiently pick up moisture from your body and transport it away, spreading it across the fabric’s surface. This action allows for rapid evaporation on the outside of the fabric, ensuring that you remain cool and dry throughout your workout or training session.

    Hyper Stride Bike Shorts

    Extreme Control Black Crop

    Hyper Glide Grey Run Jacket

    Power-Lite™: Unleashing Support and Freedom of Motion

    Comfort and support are essential factors when it comes to performance-enhancing apparel, Power-Lite™ is a fabric known for its exceptional “hold” and compression properties. It offers a combination of comfort and support that takes your activewear to the next level.

    Functional Fabric

    Power-Lite™ fabric is characterised by its tight-fitting and stretchy nature. It moulds to your body, providing a comfortable and supportive fit that allows for freedom of movement. The secret behind Power-Lite™ lies in its composition, primarily consisting of a blend of nylon and spandex.

    Nylon plays a crucial role in enhancing the functionality of the fabric. It improves durability, flexibility, and overall performance, ensuring that the fabric can withstand rigorous activities and maintain its shape over time. Meanwhile, spandex, also known as elastane, provides the fabric with its elasticity, allowing it to stretch and conform to your body without restricting your movements.

    While polyester can be part of the blend in Power-Lite™ fabric, it is a nylon that takes the spotlight due to its superior performance qualities. Nylon’s strength and resilience make it an ideal component in compression fabrics, ensuring that you experience optimal comfort and support during your activities.

    Revolutionising Performance Apparel

    Dri-Lite™ and POWER-LITE fabrics have revolutionised the world of performance apparel. Dri-Lite™’s moisture-wicking and quick-drying capabilities keep you cool and dry. While Power-Lite™’s compression and stretch properties offer unparalleled comfort and support. With these advanced fabric technologies, you can now train with confidence, knowing that your apparel is working as hard as you are to enhance your performance and overall comfort.

    Podium Black Zip-Thru Run Jacket

    Hyper Stride Black Tights

    Extreme Control White Crop

    Shop the TS-ACTV8 performance gear now at More

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    This Quick Workout Works Your Entire Body

    If you’re a beginner to working out and are not sure where to start, this quick all-over body burner is for you. Pressed for time? Try this. Got excuses? This is the workout! If you’re sensing a theme here, it’s one that Johannesburg-based personal trainer Sherneal Joseph wants you to pick out. No excuses – just get your workout done in 15 minutes, and you’ll be better for it. “I’ve chosen this workout because it invalidates the most common excuses I hear for people skipping a workout or not training at all,” says Sherneal.

    And you’ll work all your most important muscles, from the core to your quads and back. “Apart from challenging you, torching calories and getting those endorphins flowing,” says Sherneal, “This quick workout will promote strength and muscular endurance in all major muscle groups while elevating the heart rate for cardiovascular benefits.”

    Want in? Perform each exercise for 45 seconds with 15 seconds of rest. Rest for 1 minute at the end of each complete round. Repeat for 3 rounds. Try it again the following week and see how long it takes you. You’ll up your endurance the more you go.

    15-minute quick workout

    Lunge to overhead press

    Start in a standing position, with your weights held at shoulder length. Lunge backwards, then step forward, simultaneously lifting the weights overhead. That’s one rep.

    Gorilla renegade rows

    Get onto all fours, with weight evenly distributed throughout. Now raise your knees off the ground and feel your core engage. Grip your dumbbells and lift one into a row. Switch hands and lift the other weight. That’s one rep.

    Push-up to burpee

    With your weights in your hands, get into a push-up position, legs hip-width apart. Bend into a push-up, then straighten all the way up to standing, holding your weights as you do. That’s one rep.

    Dumbbell snatch

    Let your weights be at your feet and start in the standing position. Bend down and snatch and grab one weight, then, in one fluid motion, raise the weight overhead, being sure to brace your core and keeping feet on the ground. Lower the weight back to the floor. That’s one rep.

    Overhead Russian twist

    Start in a seated position, with your legs in front of you and knees slightly bent. Pick up one weight and lift it overhead to lower on your opposite side, like a rainbow. That’s one rep.

    Watch Sherneal perform the moves here:

    [embedded content] More

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    How To Lose Weight If You Don’t Know Where To Start, According To A Dietician

    Weight loss. Just two words that carry so much, from the many, many (seriously, so many) diets to the multitude of mind-hacking that comes with it. A lot of work needs to go into it to try and shift kilos. But how to even begin to lose weight, if you’re not sure where to even start? As is our style, we turn to experts first. “As a registered dietician, I’m here to help you navigate a sustainable approach to achieving overall health and wellness that goes beyond short-term weight loss goals,” says dietician Gabi Meltzer. “I would love to help you shift your perspective from quick fixes and temporary results to building healthy habits that prioritise your well-being, both physically and mentally.”

    That means giving up fad diets, or quick fixes that promote a huge amount of weight loss in a short space of time. Per a dietician, here’s how to really begin your weight loss journey – and not have it end in tears of frustration.

    Meet The Expert: Gabi Meltzer is a registered dietician in Cape Town

    To lose weight, prepare for a mindset change

    That means re-looking your ideas around weight loss and what that really means to you. Do you need to look hot for a date that’s right around the corner? Or do you want to feel better, move better? Either way, turn to sustainable approaches rather than quick fixes. “To break free from the vicious cycle of fad diets, a change in mindset is necessary,” says Meltzer. “Instead of fixating on the number on the scale, shifting the focus toward cultivating healthy habits that contribute to our overall well-being is the most sustainable.”

    Focus on your eating habits first

    Per one paper that evaluated different studies on weight loss, “Healthier eating, but not physical exercise accounted for goal-setting-induced weight loss.” To help, try writing down everything you eat. Is it a lot of pizza or late-night pies and fewer than the recommended five-a-day of veggies and fruits? Writing things down can give you that distance and perspective needed to alter your eating habits.

    See a dietician

    Professional guidance can help move the needle since they’re expertly trained to give you those tips and encouragement when trying to lose weight. It’s a big feat – and you don’t have to go it alone.

    Try intuitive eating

    Here’s a popular trend that could actually help. “This is a self-care and body kindness framework that can be helpful in reconnecting to our body’s innate cues,” says Meltzer. Eat when you’re hungry and not when you’re bored or overwhelmed. It’s also a way to rebuild trust in yourself, especially if you struggle with binges. “[It’s about] learning to trust our bodies to make choices that truly nourish us, both mentally and physically,” adds Meltzer.

    Find an exercise you actually like

    Moderate exercise goes hand in hand with slimming down. But the key to sustaining your regimen lies in finding something you like to do. “Engaging in activities we genuinely enjoy can transform exercise from a chore to a pleasurable experience,” explains Meltzer. “When you find the type of movement that makes you feel energised, less stressed, happier, and more connected to your body and what it is able to do, you are likely to want to make this form of movement a regular part of your life.”

    Be gentle with yourself

    Real, sustainable weight loss takes time, so allow yourself to go slowly. That means you’ll be in this for the long haul. One way to think about it? Instead of focusing on what you’re eliminating, focus on what you’re bringing to the table. “Rather than fixating on strict rules or demonising certain foods or food groups, focus on adding more opportunity for a wide range of nutrient-dense foods,” says Meltzer. Keen to try new veg? Explore new recipes! You’ll find yourself free from restriction and less bored.

    Learn to accept your body

    Hating yourself will get you nowhere, and any problems you think will be solved through weight loss will likely still be there when it’s all gone. “Learning to appreciate and respect your unique body is essential for mental well-being and sustainable healthy habits,” says Meltzer. More

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    Boost Your Mind And Movement With ASICS’ NAGINO™ Collection

    ASICS unveils a groundbreaking global campaign emphasizing the transformative power of exercise in empowering women to navigate everyday stresses. This momentous campaign coincides with the launch of ASICS’ revolutionary NAGINO™ Collection, spotlighting the profound impact that movement can have on our mental well-being.

    The campaign was developed in response to ASICS 2022 State of Mind Index, which revealed that globally, women tend to exercise less than men and, as a result, experience a lower state of mind.

    The power of movement on the mind

    In a world where stress and anxiety are at record levels, the campaign highlights the power of exercise to calm the mind. Contrasting the shortness of breath in stressed moments with the controlled, rhythmic breaths of a workout, the new campaign highlights the power of movement to offset the stresses and strains of everyday life.

    ASICS’ NAGINO™ Collection

    Designed by women for women. The new NAGINO™ Collection is created to support women to find their inner calm through movement. Each piece is purposefully crafted to inspire body confidence and support women to move undistracted and comfortably during their run and workout.

    “With the NAGINO™ Collection we wanted her to feel comfortable and confident before, during and after her training. We know that nothing frees the mind like exercise and so the new collection is designed to be 100% distraction-free, so the only thing she needs to focus on is herself and her workout.”
    Martina Jurcova, Product Manager for Apparel and Accessories

    The collection features pieces designed for running and training and is completed with colour-matching footwear. This includes the brand’s latest product innovation, the GEL-NIMBUS™ 25 running shoe. Each item is highly technical, providing storage and layering options for on-the-go adaptability. One of the apparel highlights is the NAGINO™ Run Unitard made from premium heathered knit fabric and designed in a body-hugging shape to help her feel supported.

    Shop The NAGINO™ Collection

    The NAGINO™ Collection is available online and in-store now. For more information, click here.

    Nimbus 25 Running Shoe

    Nagino Running Jacket

    Nagino Seamless Blue Tights

    Nagino Seamless Bra

    Nagino Blue Vest

    Nagino Blue Run Shorts

    READ MORE: Is This Really The World’s Most Comfortable Running Shoe?

    ASICS Commitment to Move Every Mind

    ASICS believes every mind deserves the right to be moved so we can all achieve a Sound Mind in a Sound Body. This is why ASICS is launching its mission to move every mind to help tackle exercise inequality and support everyone to feel the positive mental benefits of movement.

    This mission comes in response to ASICS State of Mind Index which uncovered a gender exercise gap, with women exercising significantly less than men, and potentially missing out on the mental benefits that exercise bring.

    As a first step to move every mind, ASICS is conducting a global live study. This is to better understand the environmental and societal barriers preventing women from exercising. Plus, what needs to be done to help them to move freely.

    Sign up here to learn more about move every mind. More

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    10 New Running Shoes To Help You Run Faster And Further In 2023

    The pair of running shoes you choose can make or break your run. You ever slipped on a pair only to feel that red-hot feeling of an incoming blister a few kms into your first run? Or you take your shoes off after a long run to find a blackening toenail? Whatever your woeful running horror story is, one thing is for sure, you need a solid pair of takkies to help you hit the tar, treadmill or trails. And we’re here to help.

    What To Consider When Looking For A New Pair Of Running Shoes

    There are a few questions you’re going to want to ask yourself before you head out to your nearest Sportsmans Warehouse one the next available Saturday morning.

    What will you mostly be using your shoes for?

    How far do you want to run?

    What kind of terrain are you going to be running on?

    Do you want to use them for other kinds of training (like HIIT or strength training)?

    READ MORE: The Top South African Road Running Events To Look Out For In 2023

    What To Look For In A Shoe

    Cushioning: This helps the ground feel softer and encourages ground-contact stability.

    Weight: Lighter shoes usually have less cushioning; they’re designed for your speedy runs. Heavier shoes tend to have more cushioning and are better for your longer runs.

    Drop: This is the difference in cushioning (or height) from the heel to the front of the foot. Basically, when you’re barefoot your heel and forefoot touch the ground so the drop is 0mm. Slip on a pair of particularly cushioned running shoes (or some serious heels) and the drop starts to increase. Drop tends to range from 0mm to 14mm, with 10mm being the most common heel drop.

    Pronation: Many shoes will state the type of pronation they are suitable for (but every person is different). Make sure you choose a shoe that’s suitable for you after doing a gait analysis with an expert (hint: they’re usually free). Not sure what these words mean? Keep on reading!

    Do You Need A Gait Analysis For Running?

    Many running coaches, trainers and running brands recommend getting a gait analysis. But what does that actually mean? In simple terms, your gait describes the way in which you walk. So a gait analysis is an exam that gives you information about your walking and running style.

    Everyone is different and knowing your gait is a huge part of knowing your running style. The more information you have, the more equipped you are to choose the right pair of shoes for you and ultimately prevent injury.

    “Knowing your gait can help you grow as a runner and help prevent injuries in the future. Each runner has a specific gait, and not knowing yours could result in an injury,” according to Asics.

    What Does Pronation Mean?

    A large part of gait analysis focuses on determining your pronation. When it comes to running, pronation refers to how your foot naturally rolls inward after your heel strikes the ground. Ideal pronation would result in this motion (the natural inward roll) absorbing the shock from the force of your heel coming into contact with the ground.

    Once your pronation has been determined, you want to try to match yourself to a running shoe that adjusts for your specific pronation. Wearing the correct running shoe will make you a more efficient runner and help you avoid those jog-ending injuries.

    3 Types Of Pronation:

    Neutral pronation: When your foot lands outside of your heel and then rolls naturally inward (about 15%), absorbing the shock and keeping your ankles aligned. If this is you, try the Under Armour FLOW Velociti Elite.

    Overpronation: When your feet roll inward too much. This requires a more sturdy running shoe so that your foot can be kept in place. Try the PUMA ​​ForeverRUN NITRO or Asics Gel-Nimbus™ 25 if you’re an overpronater.

    Supination or underpronation: When the feet don’t roll inward enough. This requires a shoe that has plenty of cushioning, like the Salomon Spectur.

    READ MORE: These Are The Stretches You Should Be Doing Before Race Day 

    5 Places To Get A Gait Analysis In South Africa?

    Sportsmans Warehouse

    Sportsmans Warehouse has RUN-id, an industry-leading advanced gait analysis technology developed by German engineer Jens Hellenbacher. It’s in selected stores around South Africa (Gauteng, Western Cape, Pretoria, KZN and Eastern Cape), is completely free and only takes a few minutes. Find out more here.

    ASICS Mall Of Africa

    If you’re a runner, you’ll be familiar with Asics. They have a huge range of shoes to suit any type of runner. So if you’ve got your heart set on your next pair being from the brand, why not head straight to the Asics store at Mall Of Africa for a gait analysis? The analysis is free of charge. Find out more here.

    Total Sports

    Total Sports is really changing the game when it comes to getting active (have you seen their new TS-ACTV8 workout range???). Their free gait analysis is available at Totalsports in Sandton, Mall of Africa, Canal Walk, Cavendish, Gateway and more.

    The Athlete’s Foot

    You can pre-order your running and gait analysis at the shop over here. They also give an in-depth breakdown of what they will be analysing and why it matters here.

    The Sweat Shop

    Head to The Sweat Shop Dunkeld in Johannesburg or The Sweat Shop Claremont in Cape Town for shoe fittings, gait analysis and premium advice.

    Now that you know a little bit more about what to look for in your next pair of running shoes, you’re ready to shop. Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced runner, hit the ground running with these newly-released running shoes.

    READ MORE: Beginners 5K Running Training Plan And How To Crush It In Just 6 Weeks

    PUMA ​​ForeverRUN NITRO

    We Love It For: Being A Solid All-Rounder

    Weight: 224g (women’s UK4.5)

    Drop: 10mm

    Good For: Overpronators

    Say hello to this fabulous addition to the Nitro family; the ForeverRUN Nitro. This stability shoe encourages an optimal running stride and runners have found it to be more stable, help reduce pronation velocity and reduce peak tibial shock/acceleration. It’s time to leave any niggling injuries in your dust.

    Asics Gel-Nimbus™ 25

    We Love It For: Its Marshmallowy Cushioning

    Weight: 255g

    Drop: 8mm

    Good For: Neutral pronators and overpronators

    This new iteration of Asics’ world-famous runner is ideal for long, slow, distance runs due to the max cushioning (you can thank the new PureGEL™ tech for that). But don’t take our word for it: a study of 100 runners testing 5 pairs of running shoes rated this the most comfortable shoe. Read our full review here.

    Reebok Floatride Energy 5 

    We Love It For: Affordable, Lightweight Training

    Weight: 210g (women’s UK4)

    Drop: 8mm

    Good For: Neutral pronators

    Designed to support women no matter their distance or pace (because running is for everybody and every body), the breathable, lightweight upper keeps your feet cool and comfy. It’s a shoe that punches well above its weight with Floatride Energy Foam for cushioning and a midfoot plate for torsional stability.

    Under Armour FLOW Velociti Elite

    We Love It For: Marathon PBs

    Weight: 213g

    Drop: 8mm

    Good For: Neutral pronators

    Meet UA’s first super/carbon race shoe. This highly-responsive and cushioned ride gives you everything you need to crush race day. And it packs some serious tech; a full-length thermoset carbon plate for snappy strides, a  WARP upper that  provides  lockout and lightweight containment and a Microperf tongue that’s breathable and lightweight for zero irritation.

    READ MORE: Long-Distance Trail Running: Here’s Exactly How To Prep And Push Through

    Salomon Spectur

    We Love It For: Speed Training

    Weight: 258g

    Drop: 6mm

    Good For: Neutral pronators and underpronators

    Wanna go faster, have fun and smash a new 5km PB? This snappy shoe is your best bet. With their signature rocker geometry, R.Camber, ensuring a quicker transition, you’ll spend less time on the ground and more time moving forward. You’ll be even speedier thanks to their lightweight and soft Energy Surge foam that evens out the impact and delivers a smoother foot strike.

    adidas Ultraboost Light

    We Love It For: Road Running

    Weight: 299g (UK8.5)

    Drop: 10mm

    Good For: Neutral pronators and light overpronators

    Made with 30% lighter BOOST material, this female-tailored shoe has a narrower heel fit and lower instep curve that’s designed to reduce blisters (eina!) and heel slip. It’s perfect for those runners who want to clock in kms a few times a week and need a reliable running buddy to do just that.

    PUMA Fast-Trac NITRO

    We Love It For: Doing It All, Literally

    Weight: 250g (women’s UK5)

    Drop: 8mm

    Good For: Neutral pronators

    Okay, so maybe you’re someone who likes to do a little bit of trail running, some road running and a social hike or two on the weekends. This is for you, girl! No matter the terrain, this shoe will tackle it with ease. We’re talking loose trails, gravel, you name it! You can thank the dual-foam midsole – combining full-length NITRO foam and a layer of ProFoamLite – and the durable PUMAGRIP ATR outsole, for that. Plus, the integrated eyestays allow for a snug fit and amazing lockdown. You’ll be wowed by how great it feels on the road.

    Skechers GO RUN Consistent – Energize

    We Love It For: Walking

    Weight: 213g (women’s UK7)

    You don’t have to be running marathons to enjoy the health benefits of increasing your step count. You can step up your cardio in these lightweight lace-up running style shoes. They’re crafted with 100% vegan materials and feature an engineered mesh upper, responsive ULTRA LIGHT cushioning and a Skechers Air-Cooled Goga Mat™ cushioned insole. Hot girl walks, incoming!

    Nike ZoomX Invincible Run 3 Flyknit

    We Love It For: Daily Training

    Weight: 258g

    Drop: 9mm

    Good For: Overpronators

    The ZoomX foam has a cult-like following from runners around the world and for good reason. The strobel lining underneath its insole gives it a firmer, more stable ride with less energy return – and there’s a longer heel clip to improve stability. Try before you buy though, some runners find the heel clip too intrusive for them.

    READ MORE: 5 Of The Best Post-Run Snacks, According To A Dietician

    New Balance FuelCell SuperComp Elite v3

    We Love It For: Race Day

    Weight: 179g

    Drop: 4mm

    Good For: Neutral pronators and underpronators

    New Balance promises big things, saying “It’s not just a running shoe. It’s a racing shoe.” So this is the perfect running buddy for marathon races and longer, high mileage runs. Comfortable, speedy and with a next-level carbon-fibre plate so you can run faster, for longer, new PBs are all but guaranteed!

    Women’s Health participates in various affiliate marketing programmes, which means we may get commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. More

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    One Dumbbell, Six Moves: The Ultimate Beginner-Friendly Full-Body Workout

    Load shedding putting your fitness goals on pause lately? Well, worry no more! We’ve got the perfect dumbbell workout to keep you in shape even when the lights go out. Best part: it’s also beginner-friendly.

    Designed by local Sport Scientist and personal trainer, Andile Peyi, this routine is guaranteed to get your heart pumping and your muscles working, no matter how dimly lit the room is. With just six moves, you’ll be targeting all major muscle groups while torching those stubborn calories.

    So, grab that trusty dumbbell, put on your gear and let’s make the most out of those load shedding hours. It’s time to turn darkness into an opportunity for a killer workout. Or at least give you something to do till the lights come back on!

    Meet The Expert: Andile Peyi is a qualified Sport Scientist and personal trainer at FitFreak Training.

    “My workout videos are mostly for beginners starting their fitness journey. There is no excuse not to get it done with the videos I make. You can do it anywhere!” says Andile. And as for her favourite fitness quote? It’s obviously this one: “You have to put the work in for it to work out”. Let’s get to it then!

    Equipment: Dumbbell | Good For: Total Body

    Try This Full-Body Dumbbell Workout

    Goblet Squat

    10 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and then hold a weight against your chest. Always keep your core engaged and pelvis tucked in, avoiding an arched back. Lower your body by bending your hips and knees while keeping your chest tall. Avoid rounding your back as you descend. Pause briefly at the bottom of the squat, then push through your heels to raise back up.

    Static Lunge

    10 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Begin in a split squat position with one foot forward and the other foot back. Hold a weight under your chin. Then raise your back knee up and squeeze your glutes as you come up. Ensure that your core is engaged and your body is in an upright position.

    Curl + Press

    10 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in both hands. Keep your core engaged and your back straight. Start by curling the weight towards your chest while keeping your body stationary. From the curl position, slightly dip your knees to generate momentum and press the dumbbell overhead, fully extending your arms and elbows. Slowly lower the dumbbell back to the curl position, then return to the starting position.

    READ MORE: Try This Tough-ish Workout To Really Build Your Strength

    Shoulder Taps

    12 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Begin in a push-up position with your core engaged and your back straight. Then tap your left hand to your right shoulder and your right hand to your left shoulder.

    In + Out

    12 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Place the weight in front of you. Start with your hands behind you, facing forward. Then slightly lean back. Bring your legs toward your chest and then push them out to each side of the weight.

    Plank Jack

    20 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Start in a low plank position with your elbows on the ground. Ensure your core is engaged. Then jump your legs in and out without allowing your lower back to drop.

    Work Out With Andile

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