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    DIY Your Own Butt Workout At Home With These 15 Moves From A Trainer

    Let me take a wild guess, building a stronger booty is on your agenda for your workouts. What you might not realise is that targeting the glutes does way more than perk up your peach. “It’s a major stabiliser and it’s also the biggest muscle in the body,” says Leigh Weissman, CPT, a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach and glute specialist. “The glutes control a lot of your pelvic function and the hips.”

    That means your glutes help you do everything from walk, sit and bend throughout your day. And you’ll start to notice a boost in your athletic performance, as well. “If you are a practising athlete, you’ll sprint faster and turn quicker,” says Weissman. “In yoga, it can help you balance in specific poses.” Plus, when your glutes are strong, you can better strengthen and protect your back, hips and core—all of which are huge for balance and stability. Truly everyone can benefit from a butt workout and do it right at home to boot.

    Meet the experts: Leigh Weissman, CPT, a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach and founder of Leigh Taylor Method for building strong glutes. Suki Clements, CPT, RYT, is a New York City-based yoga teacher and former professional dancer.

    The Muscle Science

    Understanding all the muscles that make up your booty can help you work your rear more effectively. The gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles along with a slew of other smaller muscles, like the piriformis (located about where the heel of your hand lands if you put it in the back pocket of your jeans), are all part of your behind.

    The key to getting in a good butt workout at home (and reaping all of these full-body benefits) is to move slowly and with control so that you work your glute muscles—and don’t stress out your lower back. To keep your focus on your butt, engage your core and exhale through the challenging part of every exercise. When you shorten the muscle in an exercise, you should start to feel a burning sensation. If you’re lengthening the muscle, look for a stretching feeling to know you’re activating the area, says Weissman.

    The Workout

    Use the 15 exercises below to create your own butt workout at home. All you need is a mini resistance band and a set of dumbbells!

    As long as you recover well (think plenty of stretching and foam rolling), you can work out your butt up to three times a week.

    Equipment: resistance band, dumbbells | Time: 20 minutes | Good for: glutes

    Instructions: Choose up to five of the exercises below. Complete the indicated number of reps for each, then rest for 15 seconds and continue on to the next. Once you’ve completed all five exercises, rest for one minute, then repeat the entire circuit twice more for a total of three sets.

    Standing Glute Kickback

    Why it rocks: This move isolates one side so you can really feel the burn. Working one side allows you to recognise and fix strength imbalances, says Weissman.

    How to:

    Stand with weight on left foot and right leg long behind body with toes pointed and resting on floor.

    Bend left knee slightly and hinge at hips to lower torso forward.

    Clasp hands in front of body. This is your starting position.

    From here, engage right glutes to kick straight right leg back and up until nearly parallel with floor. Slowly and with control, reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Perform 10 to 12 per side.

    Pro tip: Engage core throughout the movement to prevent lower-back strain and keep the emphasis on glutes. Use a looped resistance band just above your knees to level this one up.

    Supported Single-Leg Deadlift

    Why it rocks: The supported single-leg deadlift is an introduction for people who have a challenging time performing a full single-leg deadlift. It also helps you to understand how to do a hip hinge before just going into a full single-leg deadlift.

    How to:

    Start standing on left leg with a weight in right hand, palm facing toward thigh and left arm by side.

    Step right leg a few feet behind body, lift heel and press right toes into the floor for balance. Keep left leg slightly bent.

    Lean forward, hinging at the hips with a flat back while lowering the weight toward the floor.

    Drive into the left heel to return to the standing position. That’s 1 rep.

    Hip Thrust

    Why it rocks: Working the hips in this position gives you the biggest strength boost, says Weissman. Science is there to support it, too, according to a Journal of Sports Science & Medicine study.

    How to:

    Sit with feet flat on the floor in front of a couch or stable chair.

    Place forearms flat on surface so elbows point back and fingers point forward.

    Lift seat up off floor and walk feet out until planted slightly beyond knees. This is your starting position.

    Push through heels and engage glutes to extend hips up until body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees.

    Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Perform 10 to 12.

    Pro tip: To maximise glute engagement, press knees slightly outward throughout the movement. For an extra challenge, place a looped mini-band just above your knees or add a weight at the hips.

    READ MORE: This Quick 10-Minute Butt Workout From A Trainer Will Grow Your Glutes Fast

    Good Morning

    Why it rocks: This move is a great way to feel a stretch in the glute muscles, says Weissman. To take it up a notch, she suggests adding resistance with a band or dumbbell.

    How to:

    Start standing with feet hips-width distance apart (or slightly wider) and hands clasped behind your head.

    Bend knees slightly, engage core, draw shoulders back and keep neck long, then hinge at hips to push seat back while lowering chest forward until parallel to floor.

    Keeping weight in heels, slowly reverse the movement to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Perform 10 to 12 reps.

    Pro tip: Hold a dumbbell behind neck to increase the intensity.

    Romanian Deadlift

    Why it rocks: An RDL is a great way to level up from a Good Morning because it adds resistance and intensity with the dumbbells, says Weissman.

    How to:

    Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells in hands with palms facing thighs.

    Keeping back straight, hinge at the hips and focus on sending hips and butt back as you lower the dumbbells toward the ground.

    Engage glutes and rise back to standing, locking hips out at the top. That’s 1 rep. Perform 10 to 12 reps.

    Banded Glute Bridge

    Why it rocks: This has all the benefits of a bodyweight glute bridge, but you also engage the hips more with the band.

    How to:

    Wrap a resistance band around thighs and lie face up with knees bent and feet on the floor about a foot away from butt.

    Brace core, then press into heels and squeeze glutes to lift hips up toward ceiling while pushing upper back into floor.

    Pause in this position and expand the band by pressing knees apart.

    Reverse the movement and return to start. That’s 1 rep. Perform 10 to 12 reps.

    Pro tip: To make this more challenging, hold a dumbbell on top of hips.

    READ MORE: This Full-Body Bodyweight Workout Builds All The Muscle

    Banded Clam Shell

    How to:

    Start lying on right side on a mat with upper body propped up on right forearm, right elbow below right shoulder.

    Stack left foot over right with legs bent at 90 degrees and heels in line with glutes.

    Place left hand on top hip. This is your starting position. Without moving hips or disconnecting feet, engage outer left glutes to drive left knee straight up toward ceiling.

    Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Perform 10 to 12 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    Pro tip: Keep hips stacked and avoid rolling backwards when lifting top leg. You can also place a looped resistance band just above the knees to level this one up.

    Why the move is effective: “You’re isolating one side of the hip,” says Weissman. “So it’s a nice contraction where people tend to have that natural hip dip.”

    Bulgarian Split Squat

    Why it rocks: This is one of Weissman’s go-to exercises for all her clients. “This causes the glute medias to fire up to help stabilise the pelvis,” says Weissman.

    How to:

    Stand in front of a low bench or platform with feet hip-width apart.

    Place left foot onto the platform behind you, gently resting the top of the foot to stabilise. The distance between you and the elevated surface can vary depending on your experience and range of motion.

    Engage core and glutes and lower down with control. Stop when back knee hovers just off the ground, or as low as is comfortable for your range of motion.

    Drive through front foot and squeeze glutes as you stand back up. That’s 1 rep. Complete 10 to 12 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    Curtsy Lunge

    How to:

    Stand with feet hip-width apart.

    Take a step back with left leg, crossing it behind right. Bend knees and lower hips until right thigh is nearly parallel to the floor. Keep torso upright and your hips and shoulders as square as possible.

    Return to start. Repeat on the other side. That’s one rep.

    READ MORE: Boost Your Morning Routine With This Easy 15-Minute Yoga Flow

    Glute Kickback

    Why it rocks: This tabletop setup allows your upper body to help with stabilising your hips while you focus on working the glutes one side at a time.

    How to:

    Start on all fours with shoulders stacked over wrists and back flat, toes tucked, and knees under hips.

    Keep core tight, shoulders and hips square and foot flexed, then squeeze glute and kick the right knee back in line with the hip.

    Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s 1 rep. Perform 10 to 12 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    Pro tip: Imagine you’re trying to stamp the sole of your foot on the wall behind you and move from the hips, not the lower back.

    Isometric Banded Glute Bridge

    Why it rocks: “This is a good move if you just want to feel what it’s like to squeeze the glute and feel that contraction,” explains Weissman.

    How to:

    Lie on back with knees bent and feet on the floor 12 to 16 inches from butt.

    Brace core, then press into heels and squeeze glutes to lift hips towards ceiling. Maintain space between chin and chest and keep upper back pressed into floor.

    Hold the elevated position with glutes engaged for 5 seconds. That’s 1 rep. Perform 5 reps.

    Fire Hydrant

    How to:

    Start on all fours with wrists stacked directly under shoulders and knees over hips.

    Draw belly button to spine and, keeping back flat, lift the right knee so it is in line with the right hip.

    Return to start. That’s one rep. After 20 seconds, switch to the other side.

    READ MORE: This 15-Minute Full-Body Weighted Workout Tones Every Inch

    Lateral Lunge with Balance

    Why it rocks: “This is great for the overall health of your hips,” says Weissman. She adds that you can also use this move to measure your progress and see your strength improve over time.

    How to:

    Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands at sides.

    Take a big step to the left, then push hips back, bending left knee and lowering body until left knee is bent to 90 degrees.

    Push back to an upright position, lifting left knee up and into the chest. That’s 1 rep. Perform 10 to 12 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    Pro tip: Keep weight in heel of bending leg to fire up glutes.

    Split Squat

    Why it rocks: This move allows you to work the muscles that help you walk and how your body moves in everyday life, says Weissman.

    How to:

    Start standing with hands at sides or clasped in front of chest and legs staggered so left is forward and right is back with right heel raised.

    With torso upright, bend knees and lower until legs both form 90-degree angles.

    Press through left foot to return to standing position. That’s 1 rep. Perform 10 to 12 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    Pro tip: When in the lowest position, hover back knee off the floor to keep lower body under tension. Hold dumbbells to increase the intensity.

    Alternating Step Up

    Why it rocks: You can play with tempo and create multiple variations of this move, says Weissman. “If you’re doing it with bodyweight, slowing down that step down is how you get the most bang for your buck.”

    How to:

    Stand with feet hip-width apart in front of an elevated surface or step.

    Lift left foot and step onto the elevated surface.

    Press into left foot and lift right leg up to chest, lengthening the glute.

    Step the right foot back to start and bring the left to meet it.

    Then, switch sides and repeat. That’s 1 rep. Continue alternating for 10 to 12 reps.

    This article by Jennifer Nied and Sabrina Talbert was originally published on More

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    How To *Actually* Lose Belly Fat With Diet And Exercise

    How to lose belly fat remains one of the top searches on our site. Everyone seems to want to get rid of their pooches, for myriad reasons. And while that may not be you, the science warns that the more fat in the belly, the more health risks become apparent. You should never feel the need to lose weight unless you actually want to. But stomach fat in particular can be harmful.

    “Stomach fat is not a good idea,” says Dr Tracy Nelwamondo, a weight loss GP. “We advise to keep abdominal circumference less than 88cm. This is not only for cosmetic reasons, but we find this puts you less at risk of disease.”

    Meet The Experts: Dr Tracy Nelwamondo is a weight loss GP and Roystinn Davids is a personal trainer.

    What are the health risks of belly fat?

    Fat cells in your stomach are made of two main kinds. The one you can see when you squeeze your tummy is known as subcutaneous fat and sits on the outer edge of your organs. The more worrying fat is the kind that lies deep within the abdomen, known as visceral fat. They’re biologically active cells that are linked to a host of chemicals in your body, further linking to a wide variety of diseases.

    Subcutaneous fat is linked to a higher proportion of beneficial molecules, while visceral fat is less so. It’s made up of proteins called cytokines, which when triggered, set off low-level inflammation in the bod. The risk? Heart disease and other chronic conditions, like dementia, asthma and even breast cancer.

    Per Harvard University, a waist circumference of 88cm or higher is considered a sign of excess visceral fat – but it may not apply to you if your overall body size is large. A better indication is an expanding waistline.

    READ MORE: Here’s Why It’s Important To Lose That Belly Fat

    So it’s clear that this kind of fat in your bod is dangerous, losing your gut can be more easier spoken about than done. But we’ve rounded up the expert advice, coupled with research, to determine the exact steps to take to minimise belly fat and keep your body healthy. The good news, per research, visceral fat responds better to diet and exercise than the fat you collect on your butt and hips.

    Exercise for belly fat

    Studies show that in order to nix belly fat, you need to be training for at least 30 minutes on most days. That includes long walks or casual spins on the stationary bike. Added to that, Dr Nelwamondo recommends at least two days of resistance training. That’s because resistance training builds muscle, which in turn works to burn fat – and it’s metabolically more active than fat tissue is.

    READ MORE: The 3 Most Important Changes To Make If You’re Trying To Lose Belly Fat

    Ab workouts won’t melt belly fat

    Keep in mind that it’s simply not possible to train only your midsection if you’re looking to lose stomach fat. Spot-training doesn’t work, and in fact, fat is breathed out from the body when you’re working out and your heart rate is high. So look to workouts where your entire body is working hard and your heart rate is higher. “There is no magic, overnight solution for losing belly fat,” says Roystinn Davids, personal trainer. “The best way to shed excess weight is by making permanent lifestyle changes. This often involves a combination of diet, exercise, stress management and other strategies.”

    Examples of fat-burning exercises include:





    Group fitness classes

    Your belly fat nixing move

    Davids recommends 20 minutes of cardio, followed by strength training. He recommends the following strength training moves to help shift the needle:


    inverted rows



    power cleans

    “Do eight reps of each, for four sets. Rest for one minute in between sets,” says Davids. When training, don’t discount the power of planking. “A plank is Ideal for losing belly fat because it engages multiple muscles at the same time, increasing metabolic rate and benefiting core strength,” he says.  

    READ MORE: Try This 7-Minute Fat-Blasting Workout

    Eating for less belly fat

    “Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats,” says Davids. “Choosing healthy options like these can make it easier to ensure you get the proper amount of micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.”

    Eliminate processed food

    While that’s easy enough to do, indulging in processed foods like chips and sodas should be avoided when trying to eliminate stubborn belly fat. “Generally, better eating always consists of incorporating fibre and protein and reducing ultra-processed foods, keeping them as an indulgence in moderation instead of making them a daily habit,” warns Dr Nelwamondo. Also, look at your hydration levels and make sure you’re not dousing your system with sweetened drinks, which spike your glycaemic load and allow fat deposits to collect.

    Get specific with your intake

    Per the American Diabetes Association, there are also specific tweaks you could make to ensure you’re eating just enough to lower your risk of holding onto belly fat. That includes:

    Keeping the total fat to only 20 to 30 percent of your overall calorie intake (calorie tracking apps like My Fitness Pal help with this)

    Keeping saturated fat to less than seven percent of your overall calorie intake (watch the fries!)

    Limiting harmful trans fats, found in doughnuts and other fried foods.

    This means that if your daily caloric intake is at 2000, 700 calories should come from fat (about 77g) and only 140 from saturated fat (around 15g). Added to this, make sure to prioritise protein in your diet. Per observational studies, people who eat more protein have less abdominal fat than those with a low-protein diet.

    READ MORE: 5 Ways To Burn More Fat During Your Walking Workouts

    Lifestyle tips for excess belly fat

    Quit smoking

    Seriously! Even vaping moves the needle towards a larger waistline. Per studies, heavy smoking increases insulin resistance and is associated with increased fat deposits in the midsection. In another study published by PLOS One, authors note that among smokers, there appears to be “more metabolically adverse fat distributions”. Translation: the heavier the smoker you are, the more harmful your fat can be.

    Sleep well

    Never getting to sleep at a reasonable time? If you always find yourself in sleep debt, this could be one thing that is contributing towards your expanding waistline. Per one study, a lack of sleep majorly boosts the hunger hormone ghrelin and decreases the hormone leptin, which suppresses your appetite. The result? You’re constantly hungry, leading to overeating.

    Another 2022 study found that among people who slept only four hours a night had a nine percent increase in subcutaneous fat and an 11 percent increase in abdominal visceral fat, compared to people who got nine hours of shut-eye.

    READ MORE: Is Your Sleep Schedule Making You Fat?

    Boost your mood

    Per studies, people with larger bellies have an increased risk for both anxiety and depression. Plus, another study found that the older you get and the more body fat you accumulate, the less mental flexibility you’ll have. That mental flexibility refers to reasoning, thinking laterally and problem-solving.

    It goes the other way, too: long-term stress is linked to increased abdominal fat. There are tons of ways to find your way to a calmer – and hopefully slimmer – bod. Try meditation, journalling, exercise (it really does wonders) and delegating more tasks.

    The good news? It turns out that people who meditate are less likely to be obese and have less belly fat, per one study. That might be because getting zen lowers cortisol levels and regulates emotions, leading to less emotional eating. More

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    Is Psyllium Husk A Cheap Ozempic Alternative? Dieticians Explain The Fibre Supplement’s Benefits (And Limits)

    Ozempic has been a buzzy medication for more than a year. The prescription type 2 diabetes drug caught fire on social media after people said they lost significant amounts of weight on it. Then, a slew of speculation surfaced online that certain celebrities were using Ozempic off-label for weight loss.

    The medication has faced shortages for months. And because it’s designed to be used for people with type 2 diabetes, most health insurances won’t cover it off-label (i.e. weight loss).

    Plus, you need a prescription, which requires a trip to your doctor’s office, hanging in the waiting room for ages and more hassle. It’s no surprise, then, that plenty of people are looking for a less expensive and more easily accessible alternative to Ozempic.

    Enter psyllium husk.

    Dubbed “the poor man’s Ozempic,” this fibre supplement is suddenly getting a lot of attention. But what is psyllium husk and is it ~actually~ like Ozempic?

    Meet the experts: Jessica Cording, R.D., is the author of The Little Book of Game-Changers. Keri Gans, R.D., is the author of The Small Change Diet.

    Women’s Health went straight to registered dieticians to answer all your questions about the so-called “natural Ozempic.”

    What is psyllium husk?

    Psyllium husk is a type of fibre—specifically, soluble fibre, which means it attracts water and turns to gel when it’s being digested, explains Jessica Cording, R.D., author of The Little Book of Game-Changers.

    “It’s typically used as a fibre supplement,” she says.

    Psyllium husk is found in the seeds of a herb grown in India called Plantago ovata, says Keri Gans, R.D., author of The Small Change Diet.

    What are the psyllium husk health benefits?

    There are a few different perks of psyllium husk, Gans says, including:

    Constipation relief

    Blood sugar management

    Lowered cholesterol

    “Sometimes you’ll see it in the context of weight management products or supplements for weight loss because the fibre helps you to stay full,” Cording says.

    READ MORE: ‘Nature’s Ozempic’: What Are The Benefits Of Berberine?

    Can you lose weight by taking psyllium husk?

    If we’re looking for Ozempic-level weight loss, the answer is no.

    “If someone is making other changes to their nutritional intake or their exercise routine and they’re using psyllium husk as part of that, it can be supportive of weight management because of the impacts on fullness and blood sugar regulation,” Cording says. “But just introducing psyllium husk is not enough to cause weight loss.”

    Gans says you might lose a little weight while taking psyllium husk, simply because you’ll be more satisfied.

    “Fiber, overall, may help with satiety,” she says. “The more satisfied and full a person feels at mealtimes, the less likely they are to overeat.”

    Is psyllium husk safe?

    In general, yes.

    “For most individuals, psyllium husk is completely safe,” Gan says. “However, if on any medications or being treated for an illness, one should always check with their primary physician before adding any supplements to their diet.”

    You can also overdo it on psyllium husk or any type of fibre, Cording says.

    “As with anything, too much of a good thing is possible,” she says. “Some can be beneficial, but you don’t want to go above and beyond the recommended dosing.”

    READ MORE: How To Lose Weight If You Don’t Know Where To Start, According To A Dietician

    Can you take it every day?

    Yup, you can take psyllium husk every day if you want, Gans says. Be sure to follow the recommended dosing on the label.

    If you’re new to fibre supplements, it’s best to start with a small amount, like ½ teaspoon in a 250ml glass of water once a day, according to Mount Sinai. Then, you can gradually increase your dosing as needed.

    Does psyllium husk work like Ozempic?

    Not really. Ozempic mimics a protein present in your own body called glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and activates GLP-1 receptors in your body, Cording explains. The activation of these receptors causes an increase in insulin, which helps escort glucose to your cells, where it’s converted to energy.

    Ozempic also slows your digestion, making you feel fuller, longer, and therefore less likely to overeat. Psyllium husk works differently in your body.

    “Everything is being called the ‘new Ozempic,’” Cording says. “Psyllium husk can help with reducing blood sugar and it can help you to feel more full so you may not be as prone to snacking or eating quite as much. But it’s not the same as Ozempic.”

    What kind of side effects might you have when consuming psyllium husks?

    The biggest risk is the risk of developing gas.

    “If a person is not used to consuming fibre in their diet, it may cause gas and bloating at the start,” Gans says. “Therefore, I would recommend starting slowly, less than the recommended dose and also drinking plenty of water to help acclimate one’s body.”

    You can even end up constipated if you take too much psyllium husk and not enough water, Cording says—so make sure you’re having plenty of H2O if you use the supplement.

    Overall, experts say psyllium husk can be a supplement worth your time—just check in with your doctor first. And manage your expectations.

    “A supplement can be part of a comprehensive approach to weight management but it’s not the end all, be all, Cording says. “Most healthcare providers also recommend dietary and lifestyle changes.”

    This article was originally published by Korin Miller on Women’s Health. More

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    Do This Cardio Workout At Home To Burn Cals And Boost Your Mood

    You already know that cardio is good for you. Research has long shown that revving your heart rate regularly can keep your cells and blood sugar healthy, strengthen your ticker, boost your mood and so much more. Luckily, reaping the benefits is super simple; like, “don’t even have to leave the house” simple. Even without any equipment (or even all that much space), you can score a killer cardio workout at home with just a few moves.

    My go-to bodyweight exercises light up all of the major muscle groups and get my heart pumping. In addition to boosting cardiovascular endurance (meaning I can keep sweating for longer), they also develop agility (which is key for feeling quick and athletic) and core strength (a must-have for anyone who wants to be all-around fitter).

    Though these moves are totally beginner-friendly, make sure to keep your core engaged, back straight and to land from any jumps with bent knees, toes facing forward and ankles flexed.

    You can use these cardio moves to add a little extra intensity to any workout at the gym — or string them together to create your own home cardio workout. Depending on the rest of your workout routine, I recommend doing a DIY home cardio workout at least three times a week.

    Here’s how to turn my go-to moves into a quick (but sweaty) cardio session you can do from your living room with just a timer — and zero equipment.

    Time: 10–15 minutes

    Equipment: noneGood for: cardio, core, lower body, shouldersInstructions: Choose 3 to four exercises from the list below. Perform each for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue onto the next. Once you’ve finished all exercises, rest for 15 to 30 seconds, then repeat for 3 to 4 total rounds.

    1. Lateral High Knees

    How to: Start standing on left leg (knee slightly bent) at bottom of mat facing sideways, right leg bent with knee in line with hip, left arm straight and side and right arm bent, hand in front of chest. Step right foot out and down to the floor while picking left knee up to hip height and switching arm positions. Continue alternating feet while moving to the right for three high knees then reverse the movement to return to start. Continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: Slow this exercise down to nail proper form before speeding up your hop-steps.

    2. Skaters

    How to: From a standing position, shift weight into left foot and reach right hand down to the floor while bending right knee to hover bent right leg behind left leg. Torso should be parallel to the floor and right arm extended straight out at shoulder height. That’s your starting position. Push through left foot to jump laterally to the right, while switching arms to land with right foot planted, left leg bent and hovering behind right and left fingers touching the ground. Continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: To make this move easier on your balance, tap back toes to the floor instead of hovering foot.

    3. Fast Feet With Punches

    How to: Start standing with feet slightly wider than hips, knees softly bent and arms bent with fists up at chin height. Take small, quick, alternating steps with feet while at the same time, extending arms in an alternating pattern to perform quick punches. Continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: To nail the coordination required for this one, start with either just the fast feet or punches.

    READ MORE: This Cardio Abs Workout Takes Only 20 Minutes But Works All Your Major Muscles

    4. Tuck Jumps

    How to: Start standing with feet under hips and elbows bent so hands are straight in front of chest, palms facing down. Engage core, squat down slightly and push off the floor with both feet to jump upwards, lifting knees to tap hands at the top of the movement. Land softly with a slight bend in knees. Continue jumping until time runs out.

    5. 180 Squat Jumps

    How to: Start in a squat position with butt back, thighs about parallel to floor, back flat and arms bent with fists up at chin height. Push through feet and extend arms and legs to jump up off the ground while turning 180 degrees to land in a squat position facing the opposite direction. Continue moving back and forth until time runs out.

    Modifications: Can’t quite jump the full 180 degrees? Break this move down into two 90-degree squat jumps in order to turn completely around instead.

    6. Reverse Lunges with Knee Drives

    How to: Start in a low lunge position with right foot forward and left back, both bent at 90 degrees, torso parallel to floor, right hand on right thigh and left arm extended, fingertips on mat. Push through right leg to take small jump up into air, lifting left knee off the floor and driving it toward chest, while swinging bent right arm forward until elbow is in line with shoulder. Reverse the movement to return to start. Perform five, then switch sides and continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: Keep this one simple by skipping the jump at the top of the move and just coming up to stand and balance on right leg.

    READ MORE: Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout

    7. Plank Knee Tucks

    How to: Start in a plank position with hands below shoulders. Push down into hands to lift hips up and back while bending left leg and pulling left knee in toward chest. Reverse the movement to return to plank position, then repeat with the other leg. Continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: Scale this move down by skipping the knee drives and shifting just upper body and hips back.

    8. Cross Mountain Climbers

    How to: Start in a plank position with hands below shoulders. Keeping upper body stable, bend right leg and pull right knee towards left arm. Reverse the movement to return to plank position, then repeat with the other leg. Continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: Keep this one slow and controlled to nail your form before speeding up your cross-body knee drives.

    9. Roll-Up Jumps

    How to: Start seated, knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms extended at sides just behind butt with palms pressed into mat, fingertips facing forward. Then, roll back onto shoulders, lift hips off the mat and extend legs straight up in the air. Using momentum, roll forward, bending legs to return feet to the floor and pushing through soles to stand and jump straight up off floor, keeping arms extended at sides. Land with bent knees. That’s one rep

    READ MORE: Is It Better To Do Cardio Before Or After Weight Training?

    This article was originally published on  More

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    10 Reasons Why Upgrading Your Smartwatch Matters

    Feeling stuck with your trusty X2000 smartwatch from way back when? Well, hold onto your wristbands because we’ve got 10 irresistible reasons to upgrade! 

    I can practically hear your inner sceptic saying, “Another upgrade? Seriously?” But let me tell you, I recently got my hands (or should I say, my wrist) on the Garmin Epix Pro and it was like stepping into the future. Suddenly, my old watch felt as outdated as a Tamagotchi in a world of supernatural, super-smart lifeforms.

    This isn’t just about splurging on a shiny new gadget; it’s about making a savvy investment in your health and overall well-being.

    1. Body Battery 

    You might not know it, but your watch does. The new Garmin can tell you exactly when you need to slow down and rest and when you can go back at it. Proper rest and recovery is vital for your training and getting the most out of your sweat sessions. 

    2. Sleek and Stylish 

    Farewell to the era of chunky wrist bling! This watch is like the undercover style agent of smartwatches. It may look like it means business, but once it graces your wrist, you’ll feel its featherlight charm. With its sleek vibes and the power to don different fashion personas with its customisable watch faces, it’s the fashion-forward chameleon that effortlessly swings from gym mode to glam mode!

    3. Long Battery Life 

    The Epix Pro boasts an extended battery life, which is essential for outdoor adventures that might last several days. This reduces the need for frequent recharging, giving you more time to focus on your activities.

    READ MORE: The 8 Greatest Smartwatches And Trackers To Elevate Your Health and Fitness

    4. Multi-Sport Functionality

    The Epix Pro supports a wide range of activities, from running and cycling to swimming and skiing. It provides specific metrics and data tailored to each sport, helping you analyse your performance and progress.

    In Our Pilates Era

    If you’re into yoga or Pilates, this smartwatch offers enhanced metrics that cater specifically to these activities, helping you refine your techniques and achieve better results.

    5. Tailored Fitness Tracking 

    The Epix Pro offers specialised fitness tracking features that cater to women’s health, such as menstrual cycle tracking, which helps in understanding patterns and optimising your training around hormonal changes.

    6. Comprehensive Health Insights

    With features like stress tracking, sleep monitoring and hydration reminders, the watch provides holistic insights into your well-being, helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    READ MORE: The Garmin Fēnix® 7 Pro And Epix™ Pro Are Here

    7. Staying Connected

    Stay connected without being constantly glued to your phone. The watch offers smart notifications, allowing you to keep track of important messages, calls and appointments while on the go. Plus, you can listen to music and use your watch to pay!?

    8. Safety Features

    For added security during solo adventures, the Epix Pro includes safety features like incident detection and assistance alerts, ensuring that you’re always connected and safe, no matter where you are.

    9. Engaging Fitness Challenges

    The watch offers various fitness challenges and competitions via the app, providing an extra layer of motivation to stay active. You can connect with friends for friendly challenges, making fitness more fun and engaging.

    READ MORE: This Full-Body Bodyweight Workout Builds All The Muscle

    10. Customised Workouts

    The watch allows you to create and follow customised workouts. If you have specific fitness goals, it tailors exercises to suit individual preferences and needs. You can download the app, register your watch and get access to a massive library of workouts. 

    Smartwatches On Our Radar

    epix™ Pro (Gen 2) – Sapphire Edition | 42 mm

    Garmin epix Pro (Gen 2)

    The Garmin epix™ Pro (Gen 2) is a top-tier choice for those seeking an advanced GPS smartwatch. Its cutting-edge features and rugged design make it a standout option for outdoor enthusiasts.

    Multisport versatility

    Advanced health monitoring

    Connectivity and compatibility

    It has a built-in flashlight!

    Garmin fēnix® 7S – Solar Edition

    Garmin fēnix 7S

    The Garmin fēnix® 7S is an excellent choice for upgrading your current watch. Its sleek design, advanced features and robust performance are just a few reasons we love it.

    Multi-sport options

    Advanced health insights

    Long-lasting battery

    Women’s health tracking

    Detailed performance metrics

    Polar Grit X Pro Premium

    Polar Grit X Pro Premium

    Designed to conquer any environment, the Polar Grit X Pro combines military-grade durability with sapphire glass for exceptional toughness and scratch resistance. With its ultra-long battery life and precise optical heart rate tracking, it’s a reliable partner for your outdoor pursuits. Offering turn-by-turn guidance and powerful built-in GPS, it ensures you always know your way.

    Exceptional battery life

    Comprehensive health metrics

    Stylish designs

    Robust durability

    Suunto 9 Peak Pro – Pearl Gold

    Suunto 9 Peak Pro

    The Suunto 9 Peak Pro, priced affordably, offers exceptional value for those looking to upgrade their watch. Suunto’s reputation for crafting exceptional diving and water sport timepieces is reflected in this powerful multisport watch, boasting extended battery life and military-grade durability. Furthermore, its sleek, thin and timeless design adds an aesthetic allure to its impressive functionality

    Robust durability

    Exceptional battery life

    Advanced navigation

    Comprehensive health metrics

    Sports mode diversity (over 95 sports modes!)

    The Bottom Line

    The decision to upgrade ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences and budget, of course. Consider how these reasons align with your goals and activities to determine if you’re due for an upgrade. 

    P.S. If you’re still not convinced, I encourage you to try out the Epix Pro for yourself. You might just be surprised at how much you love it! More

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    6 Genius Fitness Hacks From TikTok Sensation Megan Shongwe

    We all know that taking care of our bodies is not just about looking good; it’s about feeling good, too. And who better to guide us on this journey to a healthier lifestyle than the TikTok sensation and fitness guru, Megan Shongwe? With over 5 million views on her videos and some groundbreaking fitness hacks, Megan is here to help us energise our bodies and minds.

    Did you know? Life hacks like #GymTok, which ranks third in South Africa, have an impressive 222 billion views.

    Life can be a whirlwind of work commitments and personal obligations, leaving us drained and with little motivation to hit the gym. But Megan’s unique approach to fitness is all about making it fun and enjoyable. She believes that a healthy lifestyle should be a joyful journey and we couldn’t agree more.

    READ MORE: 10 South African TikTok Fitness Accounts That’ll Give You ALL The Motivation You Need

    1. Schedule Your Workouts

    First up, Megan recommends treating your exercise sessions like essential appointments. We’re all busy, but if you want to make fitness a part of your life, you’ve got to plan for it. Block off specific time slots dedicated solely to exercise and stick to them religiously. This way, you’ll create a routine that’s hard to break.

    2. Consistency and Discipline

    Consistency is key when it comes to building those muscles and achieving your fitness goals. Megan suggests starting or ending your day with 45 minutes to an hour of exercise. Find a time slot that fits your schedule and make it non-negotiable. The results will speak for themselves!

    3. Office Stretches or Light Workouts

    If you’re stuck at the office all day, don’t fret. Megan has a solution for that too. Incorporate exercise into your workday by doing light stretches and going for short walks. These breaks not only improve your overall work functionality but also contribute to your overall health. A win-win, right?

    READ MORE: Here’s How To Make The Viral TikTok Green Goddess Salad

    4. Set Realistic Goals

    Megan swears by setting goals with specific timeframes. Having clear objectives keeps her motivated and on track. So, whether it’s running a certain distance or lifting a specific weight, setting achievable goals can help you stay focused and driven.

    5. Enhanced Mental Well-being

    Remember, a healthy lifestyle isn’t just about the physical gains. It’s also about your mental well-being. Exercise releases those fabulous “feel-good” hormones called endorphins. They’re like your body’s natural mood boosters, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and even depression. So, get moving and smile more!

    6. Improved Physical Fitness

    Embracing a healthy lifestyle has allowed Megan to discover her body’s incredible capabilities. She feels stronger, both physically and mentally, which has given her the confidence to tackle new challenges. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling unstoppable!

    READ MORE: Um, People On TikTok Are Eating The Peels Of Fruit & Veggies – And They’re So Good

    TikTok Made Us Do It

    TikTok has become a hub for educational content and users are actively seeking tips and tricks in various categories, from food and beauty to life hacks, DIY and education. It’s a platform where you can learn, grow and be inspired to live your best life.

    Follow Women’s Health to get expert health advice, the latest fitness gear unboxings, #WHToughTalks and so much more. We can also recommend the #TikTokThatsHau hashtag. It’s a gateway to a diverse world of content, a wellspring of invaluable information and a portal to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion. More

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    Here’s How Better With Balance Influencer Michaela Mallett Healed Her Relationship With Food

    Healing your relationship with food while trying to lose weight is no easy task. Just ask influencer Michaela Mallett, who’s known for her healthy eating hacks on Insta. She managed to heal her eating habits and shed 22kg in the process. Here’s how.

    The gain

    When Michaela Mallett, 28, signed up to study culinary arts, she didn’t expect it to worsen her existing binge-eating disorder. In high school, she’d begun a cycle of restrictive eating which eventually led to binge-eating. During her time studying, she was once placed in a restaurant where she was the only chef in the pastry department. It set her off on one of her biggest binges – eating 17 croissants in one sitting. In a YouTube video about her binge eating disorder, Michaela Mallett details how this became a pivotal moment for her. “It was one of the big binges that made me realise that something was wrong and I needed to get help,” she shares.

    READ MORE: The Healthiest Times To Eat If You Want To Lose Weight

    Despite this, Michaela continued her restrictive dieting, followed by periods of binge eating. “My bingeing kind of went up and down. I would have several reverse transformations a year. I would basically lose a good couple of kilograms and then I’d gain double, if not triple the amount of weight. It got to a point where I was like, 20kgs going up and down,” she explains. At her heaviest, Michaela weighed 80kgs. 

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    The change

    Things eventually came to a head and Michaela checked herself into rehab for a month. But she felt that the experience didn’t give her the tools to really heal her relationship with food. “Although it was very controlled and very structured, I still felt like it didn’t teach me how I would get better when I left rehab,” she explains. 

    After being discharged, Michaela decided to try something different. She opted to take in all the calories she would usually eat. But this time, eat them healthily. She opted for whole foods instead of junk food. She also incorporated structure into her mealtimes by eating at scheduled times, thus not allowing herself to become hungry and binge. “I would have loads of potatoes, butternut, vegetables, lean protein, obviously still incorporating whole grains, fruits and vegetables,” she says. 

    To feel like she was restricting herself, she also prioritised dessert. “Every single night before I went to bed, I would have ice cream or fruit and yoghurt with crushed biscuits, or a cupcake, or whatever it was that I felt like on the day. I just had to make sure that the dessert was incorporated.”

    Michaela Mallett, now at 58kg

    A healthier her

    It took her between 10 months and a year to finally feel like she was healing her relationship with food. While her goal was never to lose weight, she found herself in the sustainable, healthy weight of 58kgs and is now able to maintain that through healthy food. 

    Through her qualification from Precision Nutrition, Micheala has set up a coaching business where she’s a lifestyle and weight loss coach who helps others heal their relationship with food. And she swears by healthy eating habits. “It definitely comes back down to building the lifestyle and that’s also where a lot of people struggle. They want the weight to come off but they’re not willing to build the habits that come with a healthier lifestyle. And that’s exactly me as well, I kept going back to gaining and losing because the lifestyle wasn’t there.” Now, she helps others smash their #BodyGoals – dessert and all.

    READ MORE: “I’m Not Healed From My Binge Eating Disorder, But I See Food As Fuel Now”

    Michaela’s tips

    Get Support 

    “You need to have a good support team, be it coaches, family or your partner.”

    Develop A Routine

    “Focus on your habits and your day-to-day routine. Knowing what time you’re waking up, going to gym, having your meals and delegating tasks throughout the day is important.”

    Prep Your Meals

    “If, for instance, you have a crazy life in a corporate job, making sure that you’re prepared for the day really helps a lot.” More

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    How One Personal Trainer Lost 30kg – And Kept It Off

    Trying to lose weight is no easy feat. Almost everything you do comes into play, from working out, eating well and even sleep. But personal trainer Kelly Smith lost 30kg – and kept it off. Here’s exactly how.

    The gain

    At one point personal trainer Kelly Smith, 27, weighed 100kg. She felt uncomfortable in her body and out of place at work – where the super-fit roamed and reigned. “I was instructing people to do all these exercises: push-ups, burpees and thought to myself, ‘I can’t even do that myself’,” she recalls. “What kind of trainer am I when I can’t do anything physically myself? I chose this profession. I need to look the part.” These thoughts formed the impetus that pushed Kelly to pursue weight loss as a goal. To start, she already had access to a free gym membership as a trainer, so she followed the script she’d been handing out to countless clients. 

    But Kelly had a deep-seated penchant that she’d been cheekily avoiding – she loved junk food. She was convinced that she could out-train her diet of Coca-Cola and chips (a habit she’d honed since her tertiary days, where cheap chip rolls were easy to obtain and even easier to consume). During her studies, she’d tuck herself away and enjoy KFC away from prying eyes. Working in the health and fitness space made Kelly ashamed of her habit. “I thought, ‘If I train extra and don’t diet, it’ll be fine,’” she says.

    The change

    As a trainer, her eating habits hadn’t changed much and her fledgling efforts at the gym weren’t showing the results she’d hoped for. So, she enlisted the help of a trainer for extra motivation and found a nutritionist who could curate her diet. “I realised you kind of have to diet to get to where you want to be,” she says. 

    But it was a big change. The first to go? Sugary drinks. As a substitute, Kelly opted for sugar-free options and found healthier substitutes such as protein pumpkin doughnuts, instead of the refined kind. She also recorded everything she ate using a calorie tracking app and kept at it, through trial and error for two years. 

    Her training involved lots of weighted workouts and only 20 minutes of cardio. On top of that, she joined in on the daily HIIT classes she taught. “I think that’s what pushed me to get to my weight loss goal as fast as I did,” shares Kelly. 

    She would send her coach her data and, together, they built options into her menu. So, she could pick between a chicken salad for lunch or tuna and vegetables. They also built ‘fun foods’ into her diet: 200 calories that Kelly could play around with, so she didn’t feel too restricted. This often included chocolate protein bars, something she relished. “This made it enjoyable for me to not keep going back to my old habit of getting quick little takeaways,” she says.

    A new lease on life

    Now at her ideal weight of 70kg and having lost 30kg, Kelly feels fantastic. She also started competing in bikini fitness competitions and has gone on to become successful in her field – having won six gold medals, four overall trophies and even represented South Africa on the world stage. “It’s been a long journey with its fair share of downfalls and uprisings, but I feel it’s a story that a lot of women could be inspired by,” muses Kelly. 

    Kelly’s tips

    Find Substitutes

    “There are substitutes for everything that you like. Yes, it doesn’t taste the same, but spice it up a little and you’ll get there.” 

    Be Consistent

    “Anything is possible once your coach understands you, as well as your training and your eating habits.” 

    Be Accountable

    “I had someone that was checking my form for me, someone motivating me to get to all the things I needed and then in that, found a gym community.” More